source of measurements for the DER, which could be
a Smart Meter if the effects of the unit can be isolated.
6.4 Topology Detection
The idea is to provide information about the power
system topology to controlling entities, enabling them
to better solve local power system issues like voltage
or frequency control.
The topology detection could be part of the
controlling entities by comparing measurements of
multiple DERs to determine their power system
Alternatively, a more active approach could be
used by having a DER perform slight changes to the
power system, like changing the frequency a little bit
and having other DERs attempt to detect the signal,
showing which DERs are closely connected, like
echolocation. This approach would use the same
technology as Power Line Communication and would
have to be part of the DERs.
An ICT architecture with the components described
in the paper, along with the plug ‘n’ play extensions,
would enable controlling entities to automatically
control DERs, with little to no work done to scale to
a potentially unlimited number DER with different
unit hardware, also requiring little to no maintenance
because software problems and hardware calibration
Future work should be done on network discovery
that works over the internet and is tailored for Smart
Grid applications, by taking unit location and
characteristics into account.
Current communication standards should be
extended to describe unit capabilities, and predefined
data models for service descriptions, as oppose to the
current version of OpenADR.
In addition to the many cyber security challenges
that need to be solved for the Internet of Things, a
mechanism for managing trust between computers in
a distributed system is essential for the future Smart
Sponsored by the project, PROActive INtegration of
sustainable energy resources enabling active
distribution networks (PROAIN).
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