Modular Automation Design for Equipment Management
Fabiano Santos, Bruno Prado, Daniel Dantas and Kalil Bispo
Department of Computing, Federal University of Sergipe, Marechal Rondon Avenue, S
ao Crist
ao, Brazil
Residential Automation, Internet of Things, Wireless Sensor Network, Modular Design.
This paper presents a modular and low cost residential automation solution, using the Internet of Things
(IoT) concept, for control and monitoring electronic equipment. The development of this work is divided in
two parts: the configuration of electronic devices and use of Home Assistant platform. The Home Assistant
platform allows the control and monitoring of electronic equipment over the Internet. It uses the MQTT
communication protocol for integration with the devices. An auxiliary configuration application has been
developed to configure dynamically the pins of the sensors and actuators. An electronic device was developed
which is responsible for reading and controlling a set of sensors and actuators. The results of the proposed
project were positive. It supports a larger number of sensors and has the lowest cost, of US$1.78.
Through personal computers, the Internet, mobile te-
lephony and other technologies that have emerged in
the world of personal computing, the acceptance of
residential technologies has come to have a strong ap-
peal (Muratori and B, 2017). With the creation of the
Internet and in conjunction with residential automa-
tion, it was possible to connect the automated devices
used daily to the Internet. This set of Internet ena-
bled devices is what we call the Internet of Things
(IoT) (Braga, 2017a).
The Internet of Things is considered a technolo-
gical revolution and more and more new products, of
the most varied types such as computers and smartp-
hones, that can be connected to the Internet and other
devices, are to be found (Zambarda, 2014). However,
its application in people’s daily lives, or even access
to it, seems to belong more to the future than to the
present (Freitas, 2016). There are some factors that
are responsible for this, such as: incompatibility of
technologies for the operation of a single system, high
cost of investment, mobile Internet infra-structure be-
low expected and complexity of use and installation
of systems.
There are several home automation solutions, but
many are not standardized. When a solution provides
some sort of standard, it has a high cost and is not
compatible with other market solutions. Another im-
portant factor is the complexity of using and maintai-
ning the systems. It is necessary to create standards
that facilitate the connection between devices from
different manufacturers. Users generally want to con-
trol their devices from a single platform and not have
one for each device, as it currently occurs (Takahashi,
This article aims to develop a modular and low-
cost residential automation system using the Internet
of Things (Kelly et al., 2013) concept for the control
of electronic equipment, such as light bulbs and hou-
sehold appliances, through the Internet.
The work developed by (Mikhaylov and Huttunen,
2014) (Work 1) presents a system of modular elec-
tronic devices, using the concept of Wireless Sen-
sor and Actor Network (WSAN), with connectivity
between plug & play modules. Because it is scala-
ble, it enables the customization of the modules for
the desired application, and together with the plug
& play connection, makes it easy to use. The pro-
posal of this approach allows the system to be sca-
lable through an IMP-bus bus, which made the har-
dware relatively large and with custom components
that make design expensive. The purpose of the work
of (Mikhaylov and Paatelma, 2015) (Work 2) was
to develop the software architecture for the modular
hardware platform introduced in the (Mikhaylov and
Huttunen, 2014) project. With the proposed architec-
ture, it was possible to support the dynamism of the
Santos, F., Prado, B., Dantas, D. and Bispo, K.
Modular Automation Design for Equipment Management.
DOI: 10.5220/0006701506010606
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2018), pages 601-606
ISBN: 978-989-758-298-1
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
hardware platform. For each available peripheral in
the module, a driver is required, which increases the
computational load for the devices. With the use of
a FreeRTOS operating system, the need for a micro-
controller with greater processing power and memory
has increased, since only the RTOS kernel requires
about 5 to 10 KB of space in ROM (FreeRTOS, 2017)
memory, cost of the project.
In the work of (Chi et al., 2014) (Work 3) a de-
vice was designed with a reconfigurable interface of
intelligent sensors for industrial Wireless Sensor Net-
works (WSN) in the IoT environment. The system
uses the IEEE 1451 (Song and Lee, 2008) interface
standard, which allows the system to collect sensor
data intelligently. The interface is plug & play, com-
patible with various types of sensors. As this system
is geared towards the industrial environment, it requi-
res more robust components, making the system rela-
tively large, and the use of the ZigBee standard, ma-
kes the project more expensive.
The work of (Suh and Ko, 2008) (Work 4) ad-
dresses an intelligent home control system, based
on WSN. The system has hardware modularity and
through several additional modules built, allows cus-
tomization of the platform for the desired application.
Through a single module, we could allow the con-
nection of a set of predefined sensors and there would
be no need for additional modules, which would sim-
plify the maintenance of the hardware if any sensors
are defective or need to be updated.
The (Kruger et al., 2013) project (Work 5) pro-
poses a new platform related to WSN. The platform
uses a modular design approach, supporting two ope-
rating systems: TinyOS and ContikiOS. In addition, it
is composed of two modular units, one of processing
and communication, another of storage and energy
harvesting. The inclusion of the solar energy harves-
ting module facilitated the use of the platform in harsh
environments where there is no electricity. The sen-
sors were not mentioned and their modules were not
designed, which limits the use of the platform.
The project of (Kelly et al., 2013) (Work 6) pre-
sents a residential automation system for the moni-
toring of environmental conditions, energy manage-
ment and control of household devices, such as lamps
and water heater, using the IoT concept. The har-
dware for data acquisition was built in a modular way,
where each type of detection unit has a specific pur-
pose. In addition, the system controls the applian-
ces automatically, based on some parameters such as:
sensors, use of the inhabitants and the value of the
energy tariff. Using the ZigBee standard, it was pos-
sible to create a wireless sensor network and make the
system scalable, but made the project more expensive.
Supported modules and sensors are limited, allowing
no further customization of the sensors.
The purpose of (Higuera et al., 2015) work
(Work 7) is to build an intelligent interoperable
lighting solution, combining different technologies.
Through human-focused lighting studies, the system
can change the intensity of light to increase visual
comfort. In addition, this system follows the guideli-
nes defined by ISO/IEC/IEEE 21451 (formerly IEEE
1451) and ZigBee Light Link (Wang, 2013) stan-
dards. The use of the IEEE 21451 standard, which re-
quired additional components, and the ZigBee, made
the project more expensive.
In the work of (Magno et al., 2015) (Work 8) a
new system was proposed to control LED lighting
with a wireless sensor network. The use of light and
motion sensors in combination with user preferences
allowed distributed intelligence to save energy by re-
ducing the intensity of light. Using the ZigBee stan-
dard, the system has become flexible and scalable, but
has become more expensive. In addition, the system
only supports two types of sensors, which limits its
The development of this work is divided into two
parts: the Home Assistant platform configuration and
usage and the proposed electronic device develop-
Figure 1 shows the project architecture, which
consists of the server (Mosquitto broker + Home As-
sistant) and the electronic device (Arduino Nano +
ESP8266). The data communication between server
and electronic device is done over WiFi, using the
MQTT protocol. The server can control actuators and
monitor sensors.
3.1 Home Assistant Platform
Home Assistant is an open source home automation
platform developed in Python 3 (Assistant, 2017b).
This platform provides control, monitoring and auto-
mation of devices, in addition to being able to run
on the most used operating systems, such as Win-
dows, Linux and MacOS, it supports more than 750
components, including MQTT, ZigBee and Z-Wave.
Home Assistant has, as frontend, a web application
with a single interface for mobile devices where you
can control all the equipment. When you start the
application for the first time, a default configuration
file named configuration.yaml is created. This is the
main application file, which enables the web interface
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: Project architecture.
and device discovery. All components (sensors, actu-
ators, etc.) and their settings, basic settings and com-
munication are contained in this file.
3.1.1 Communication using the MQTT Protocol
For communication between the devices and the
Home Assistant, the MQTT protocol version 3.1
with the broker Mosquitto (Eclipse, 2017) was used.
MQTT uses the publish/subscriber paradigm, where
an element of the network subscribes when it wants
to receive data and publishes when wants to send
data(Barros, 2015). Message identification is done
through topics, with levels separated by bars. For
this project, topics were created for each sensor and
actuator, where data sent by the devices is stored.
The default name convention for creating these to-
pics is [IP]/assistant.residential/[sensor or actuator].
The IP corresponds to that of the device where
the sensor or actuator is connected. This makes
it easy to control the components that will be as-
sociated with the device. The actuator is control-
led by the ON and OFF commands, sent to the
[IP]/assistant.residential/control topic. For the sen-
sors, four types of topics were created:
[IP]/assistant.residential/luminosity: stores the
brightness value provided by the LDR sensor;
[IP]/assistant.residential/temperature: stores
the temperature provided by the DHT11 sensor;
[IP]/assistant.residential/humidity: stores the
humidity of the air supplied by the DHT11 sen-
[IP]/assistant.residential/movement: stores a
flag that shows if there is movement, according
to the PIR sensor DYP-ME003.
The Home Assistant accesses these information
through its configuration file, where all the topics are,
each related to its component, as discussed in the
3.1.2 Device Configuration
Home Assistant has a platform configuration file,
configuration.yaml, where all components are confi-
gured. For each new component that will be used, you
need to edit this file with your settings for the platform
to recognize it. In order to facilitate user configuration
and use, a web application was developed in Python
with CGI (Common Gateway Interface) (Foundation,
2017) that will automatically generate this file. In ad-
dition, this application will allow the customization
of the devices and their components, configuring the
pins of the sensors and actuators. Several devices can
be added, which will be displayed in a table in the
main screen of that application, with the option to edit
3.2 Proposed Electronic Device
The developed electronic device is responsible for re-
ading and controlling a set of certain sensors and ac-
tuators. For this device were chosen components that
met the objectives of the project: low cost and easy
availability, such as the Arduino Nano and the module
ESP8266. These components, plus the set of sensors
and actuators supported, form the electronic device of
this project.
3.2.1 Hardware Development
The Arduino Nano is a free hardware electronic pro-
totyping platform that uses an ATmega328 microcon-
troller (Braga, 2017b). It was chosen for having a
cost of US$1.78 (AliExpress, 2017f) and providing
support for a wide range of sensors, being responsi-
ble for reading these sensors and driving the devices
through the actuators. The ESP8266 module was used
because it provides the Arduino Nano wireless com-
munication (Thomsen, 2015). This module commu-
nicates with the Arduino via serial interface. With it,
the Arduino can connect in 802.11 b/g/n wireless net-
works, operating in AP (Access Point) or STA (Sta-
tion) modes. There are several models, but the one
Modular Automation Design for Equipment Management
chosen was the ESP-01 because it is compact, 25 mm
high and 15 mm wide (Thomsen, 2017), and has a
cost of US$2.21 (AliExpress, 2017d). Three types
of sensors and one actuator were used, all of which
are easily available and supported by Arduino Nano.
The three types of sensors used are: brightness sensor
LDR (FilipeFlop, 2017c), temperature and humidity
sensor DHT11 (e Cia, 2013) and the PIR motion sen-
sor (e Cia, 2014). The relay module of a channel was
used as actuator (Thomsen, 2013).
3.2.2 Firmware Development
The firmware of the electronic device, that is, the Ar-
duino Nano and the ESP8266, was developed. The
Arduino Nano has the function of reading the sensor
data and actuating the actuators, as well as communi-
cating with the ESP8266 module. This communica-
tion was made through the serial interface. In the dia-
gram of Figure 2 you can observe the execution flow
of your firmware. The Arduino sends to the ESP8266
sensor data and actuator status, previously configu-
red when adding the device to the application. In this
communication, we observed that the exchange of se-
veral messages in a short time caused losses of cha-
racters, thus, we created a message pattern. This pat-
tern consists of several concatenated messages, that
is, the values of each sensor and actuator are conca-
tenated and sent at one time. A function has been
implemented that associates the sensor/actuator to the
pin configured in the developed application and stores
the pin value in the EEPROM memory of the Arduino
Nano. This pin is stored in the memory address of the
sensor type. The ESP8266 receives from the configu-
ration application the pins of the sensors and the ac-
tuator used in the device and sends it to the Arduino
Nano. After the pins are configured, Arduino starts
reading the connected components and sends its data
to the ESP8266.
The ESP8266 module is responsible for providing
wireless communication to the Arduino Nano. In the
diagram of Figure 3 is shown the execution flow of
its firmware. It connects to the Wi-Fi network and
also to the Mosquitto broker, establishing communi-
cation between the device and the Home Assistant.
The WiFiManager library, which implements all the
configuration features of the (Tzapu, 2017) network,
was used. These settings are made through a web ap-
plication, included in the library itself. In addition to
the Wi-Fi network configuration, the library provides
configuration of the connection to the Mosquitto bro-
Figure 2: Arduino Nano firmware execution flow.
Figure 3: ESP8266 firmware execution flow.
All the analyzed works are scalable, allowing the ex-
pansion to control more equipment. In the Table 1,
one can observe a comparative analysis of all the
works and their quantitative parameters. For the plat-
form was estimated the cost of the component used
as the main processor of the device. Cost estimates
were made through prices researched at virtual stores,
giving preference to the website AliExpress (AliEx-
press, 2017c). Some components were not found on
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
this website and had their prices searched on the page
of Mouser (Electronics, 2017) and Amazon (Amazon,
2017). The types of sensors supported refer to the
number of sensor types that can be used in the device,
that is, how many sensors with different purposes are
supported, allowing a wider range of applications for
the device.
Table 1: Comparative analysis of related works.
Platform Cost
# Supported
Work 1/2
US$3.85 4
Work 3 US$10.26 7
Work 4 - 7
Work 5 US$6.21 -
Work 6 US$49.55 4
Work 7 US$2.50 3
Work 8 US$2.50 2
Proposed US$1.78 8
The project developed in this work has as one
of its objectives to be low cost. The proposed plat-
form has a cost of US$1.78 (AliExpress, 2017f) and
in addition to the ESP8266 Wi-Fi module, at a cost
of US$2.21 (AliExpress, 2017d), the total cost of the
device is US$3.99, without considering the sensors
and actuators that could be used. The sensors used
in the experiments were: luminosity (LDR), which
costs US$0.40 (AliExpress, 2017g); temperature and
humidity (DHT11) at a cost of US$0.78 (AliExpress,
2017b); and movement (PIR), which has a cost of
US$0.78 (AliExpress, 2017e). For the actuator, a one-
channel relay module was used that costs US$0.53
(AliExpress, 2017a). In addition to these three sen-
sors used, the device can provide support for five
different sensors, which are: infrared (E18-D80NK)
(UsinaInfo, 2017), sound intensity (KY-038) (Filipe-
Flop, 2017d), rainfall detection (YL-83) (FilipeFlop,
2017a), soil moisture (YL-69) (Makers, 2017) and gas
detection (MQ-2) (FilipeFlop, 2017b). Considering
sensors/actuators that use 1 data pin, such as those
supported by the device, up to 20 components could
be used in a single device (Arduino, 2017).
Most of the existing residential automation solutions
are complex and they have high cost (Freitas, 2016).
The purpose of this work is the development of a low-
cost, modular residential automation solution that can
be easily adopted.
The use of Home Assistant application provides
the control and monitoring of the equipment through
the Internet. This application, together with the use of
WiFi communication, has increased the scalability of
the project. For communication between devices with
the Home Assistant, the MQTT protocol was used,
which reduced the hardware requirements and faci-
litated its implementation due to its low complexity.
When compared to the related works, the proposed
project has the lowest cost platform and supports a
greater variety of sensors. Its installation, configura-
tion and maintenance is straightforward, which faci-
litates its use. In addition, this platform allows the
expansion to control more equipment.
Future work includes the implementation of new
sensors and actuators for the device, since only three
types of sensors have been tested. Automation
can also be made in the Home Assistant (Assistant,
2017a) application, creating automatic rules for con-
trolling electronic equipment, such as turning on lig-
hts when it is dark and detecting presence. Another
future work would be to use the device data for big
data applications. This data can be stored and used by
some software with artificial intelligence, such as pat-
tern recognition, making the devices predict actions
that users would perform.
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ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems