In this paper, we propose a new version of MIDAS,
describing a formal model to provide interoperability
among cloud layers. We performed some experiments
to validate our results and to show the effectivene ss of
our proposal.
Our middleware requires a minimu m adaptation
from SaaS applications despite the complexity of de-
aling with interoper ability problem between applica-
tion services and heterogeneous data in cloud envi-
ronments. As contributions, unlike the previous ver-
sion (1.6) o ur solution (i) even promotes the joining
of data from different DaaS and DBaaS, enabling gat-
hering data from various data sources; (ii) automati-
cally populates and maintains updated the DIS; and
(iii) considers other SaaS return formats in addition
to JSON.
As a future work, we intend to continue improving
MIDAS by adding new characteristics, such as (i) re-
cognizatio n of SPA RQL queries and other types of
NoSQL; (ii) au tomate the Crawler for searching no-
vel DaaS and disambiguate data from heterog eneous
data sources, and (iii) improve algorithms for be tter
The author s would like to thank FAPESB (Founda-
tion for Research Su pport of the State of Bahia) for
financial support.
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