Using COSMIC FSM Method to Analyze the Impact of Functional
Changes in Business Process Models
Wiem Khlif
, Asma Sellami
, Mariem Haoues
and Hanêne Ben-Abdallah
Mir@cl Laboratory, University of Sfax, Sfax, Tunisia
King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, K.S.A.
Keywords: COSMIC Functional Size Measurement, Business Process, Functional Change, Impact Analysis,
Requirement Change.
Abstract: Today's dynamic, socioeconomic constraints often force enterprises to change their Business Processes (BP),
for instance, by deleting some activities or merging certain work units. These changes induce functional
changes on the business process whose performance might be affected. Consequently, there is need for a well-
defined change measure and a control process to ensure the success of the BP management projects. This
paper proposes to apply COSMIC Functional Size Measurement method to evaluate the BP functional
changes to help both business process developers and decision makers to accept/defer or deny a functional
change. The proposed evaluation identifies the real impact of a functional change on the project and provides
indicators for analyzing the functional change status. In addition, when there are multiple change requests, it
uses a heuristic algorithm to prioritize the changes while minimizing the required effort to answer them.
Today's dynamic, socioeconomic constraints often
force enterprises to change their Business Processes
(BP), by replacing some of their activities,
restructuring their business units (Khlif et al., 2017)
merging with partners (La Rosa et al., 2013), moving
to new IT platforms like the cloud (Ferme et al.,
2016), and so on. These changes induce functional
changes on the business process, whose impact on the
BP management must be carefully analyzed. Indeed,
a functional change may incur additional cost to be
implemented, and degrade the BP performance.
Several researchers addressed change impact
analysis in different phases of the BP lifecycle:
in the requirement phase to identify the
elements impacted by a change (e.g., (Khlif et
al., 2017));
in the design phase to analyze the effects of a
change (e.g., (Uronkarn and Senivongse,
2014)); or
in the implementation phase by mining BP
event logs to overview changes that have
happened (e.g., (Nezhad et al., 2011) and (Van
der Aalst, 2011)).
Independently of their application phase, the
proposed functional change analysis solutions are
designed to identify an adopted change. In other
words, they do not provide for a means to measure the
impact of a change request in order to assist in
deciding on its adoption or rejection. This is the main
contribution of the herein proposed method.
More specifically, in this paper, we propose to
build on our preliminary work (Khlif et al., 2017) on
Functional Change (FC) impact analysis in the early
requirement phase of a BP project. We reuse the top-
down approach to decompose BP modelled in the
standard BPMN notation (ISO/IEC 19510, 2013) into
fragments that specify requirements at different levels
of abstraction. This decomposition helps in assessing
the impact of a FC, and henceforth deciding whether
to adopt it or refuse it. In addition, we propose here to
measure the impact of a FC by applying the COSMIC
method (COSMIC, 2017) which can be used for
sizing functional changes. Compared to other FSM
methods, COSMIC can be used for sizing FC and it
can be applied to various functional domains
(business application, real time, infrastructure
software, etc.) at any phase of the software life-cycle.
Toward this end, we first propose to expand the
Task Descriptions (TD) (Lauesen, 2002) proposed to
textually document the Functional User
Khlif, W., Sellami, A., Haoues, M. and Ben-Abdallah, H.
Using COSMIC FSM Method to Analyze the Impact of Functional Changes in Business Process Models.
DOI: 10.5220/0006707301240136
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineer ing (ENASE 2018), pages 124-136
ISBN: 978-989-758-300-1
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Requirements (FUR) (COSMIC, 2017). The
expanded TD template describes behavioural
elements of the BP, including the relationships among
tasks and their types. It helps BP developers to
establish a concrete way of quantifying a FC in terms
of COSMIC Function Point (CFP) units. It also helps
decision makers in accepting or refusing a FC based
on their analysis of its impact on the BP project.
Furthermore, to provide for this decision-making,
we present two contributions: First, we propose a
method for the assessment of the FC status. This later
can be used as indicator to monitor FC requests, and
it can also be used to identify the FC risks on the
project scope. Second, we propose an algorithm for
assigning priorities for multiple change requests
based on two factors: the preference of the change
requester and the FC status.
The remainder of this paper is organized as
follows: Section 2 overviews the COSMIC
Functional Size Measurement (FSM) method,
discusses related work and presents an expanded
textual description of a business concept for
measurement purposes. In section 3, we measure the
Functional Size of a FC and identify its impact on the
functional size of the affected business concept and
its impact on the related business concepts. Then, we
proposes an algorithm for prioritizing functional
changes. Section 4 first illustrates our change impact
analysis approach through the business application
"Airline Company"; secondly, it identifies threats to
the validity of our study. Section 5 summarizes the
presented work and outlines some of its extensions.
2.1 COSMIC FSM Method
COSMIC FSM method proposes a standardized
measurement process to measure the functional size
of any software. The software functional size is
derived by quantifying the FURs (COSMIC, 2017).
FURs represent the “user practices and procedures
that the software must perform” (ISO 14143, 2012).
A FUR involves a number of functional processes.
Each Functional Process (FP) consists of a set of
functional sub-processes that move data or
manipulate data. A data movement moves a single
data group from/to a user (respectively Entry and eXit
data movement) or from/to a persistent storage
(respectively Read and Write data movement). The
unit of measurement is one data movement for one
data group, referred to as one CFP. The size of a FP
is equal to the number of its data movements.
Consequently, the software size is equal to the sum of
the sizes of all its functional processes.
Furthermore, COSMIC defines a FC as "any
combination of additions of data movements or of
modifications or deletions of existing data
movements" (COSMIC, 2017). To measure the
Functional Size of a FC, referred to as FS(FC),
COSMIC recommends to attribute one CFP for each
changed data movement regardless of the change type
(addition, deletion, or modification). Thus, the
functional size of the software after a FC is given as
the sum of all added data movements minus the
functional size of all removed data movements
(COSMIC, 2017).
2.2 Related Work on FC Analysis in
BP Models
This section overviews studies focusing on change
impact analysis in different phases of the BP
In the requirement specification phase, (khlif et
al., 2017), presented a top-down decomposition
method of BPM into fragments. It used a Lauesen’s
Task & Support Descriptions template (Lauesen,
2002) to derive from the fragment descriptions, the
scenarios' descriptions of the functional requirements
associated with the whole BPMN model. Besides, the
presented method provides for measuring and
analysing change impact of BP models at different
levels of abstraction.
In the design phase, (Uronkarn and Senivongse,
2014) proposed a structural change pattern-driven
traceability in BP. Given an initial BP model and its
modified version, they compared both models to
instantiate the change patterns, and, therefore
determine the affected BP model elements. This
approach can be used when the change has already
been adopted and the aim is to go-back and analyzed
its effects.
In addition, (Wang et al., 2012) proposed a
pattern-based approach to facilitate the change impact
analysis for service-oriented BP models. They
focused on a typical scenario where multiple services
are supported by a single BP. Their change impact
analysis approach can be used to enable the analysis
of the BP change propagation and associated services.
They proposed algorithms for analyzing change
impact and scopes.
In the implementation phase, (Nezhad et al., 2011)
(Van der Aalst, 2011) proposed an analysis of “Event
logs” through process mining approaches to provide
support for changing processes. The proposed change
Using COSMIC FSM Method to Analyze the Impact of Functional Changes in Business Process Models
processes provide an aggregated overview of all
changes that happened so far.
In summary, many researchers studied change
impact analysis in BP models either at the design or
implementation phases. However, it is not reflected in
the requirement phase since it lacks a detailed textual
description. In addition, change impact analysis
(CIA) before starting the changes is important to
decide on the change acceptance. The CIA provides a
useful information that lead to better solution for
continuous improvement, for predictions in
subsequent execution phases, and the avoidance of
project failure.
2.3 Business Concept Description
In our previous work (Khlif et al., 2017), we
presented a hierarchical approach to describe a
business process by dividing a BPMN model into
fragments. Each one depicts how the organizational
process fits into the business concept. It can serve
both as a check on sequential tasks in each lane, and
as a description of the whole business process.
The fragment-based decomposition provides the
information needed to apply COSMIC FSM method
at both the functional level (fragments) and the
dynamic level (business activities). The dynamic
level of a fragment is modelled through the textual
description of its business activities (BA). Because
there is no standard for BA documentation, we use the
Task and Task & Support Descriptions (Lauesen,
2002) for the requirements specification as a means
to document the BA concept.
That is, as illustrated in Figure 1, we propose to
document each business activity with: the
Trigger/precondition for execution, the detailed tasks
of the Main scenario, the detailed tasks of the
Alternative scenario and Error scenario. This business
concept description contains three blocks. The first
block is used to identify the activity, it includes
information such as name, purpose of the activity.
The second block describes the activity, and it
provides information such as Trigger/precondition
for execution, main scenario expressed by sub tasks
and their sequence, alternative and error scenarios are
indicated by the variant during the execution of the
tasks and problems, etc. Finally, the third block
includes special requirements (such as non-functional
requirement & project requirements and constraint).
The Main Scenario (MS) expresses an unconditional
set of steps that describe how the fragment can be
achieved and all related actors’ interests can be
satisfied. Each step is essential to achieve the
fragment and each step must succeed. Variations of
the Main Scenario (VMS) meets the post conditions
of a business fragment. The conditions are expressed,
after a split gateway (exclusive, inclusive complex),
by the conditional sequence flow. Exception Scenario
(EMS) indicates the exception scenario does not
realize the post conditions of an activity. It can be
generated by different types of intermediate events.
Figure 1: Detailed description of a business concept.
In a business activity, a task is typically detailed
by the <Task description>, <Task Type><Int-data
group><out-datagroup>. The task type can be
"ActiveREQ", "ActiveREP", "ActiveRET",
"ActivePER" or "Passive" representing respectively
"Entry", "eXit", "Read", "Write" or "data
manipulation" in COSMIC concepts. "ActiveREQ"
corresponds to a task representing the act of asking
for something. "ActiveREP" corresponds to a reply
sent after asking for something. "ActiveRET"
corresponds to a task allowing data retrieval.
"ActivePER" corresponds to a task allowing the data
record. "Passive" task does not lead to an exchange of
For example, in the Figure 6, we present the
detailed description of the fragment F2 of the "Airline
company" model (See Figure 7). The "recover
devices list" type in BA23 represents "ActiveREQ"
and "ActiveRET". The "maintain devices" expresses
an "ActiveREQ" and "ActivePER".
Note that the business concept description of
Figure 1 can be used at different levels of
abstractions: in the high level, the business concept
represents a fragment or a business activity, whereas
in the low level, it represents an atomic task.
ENASE 2018 - 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
The FUR affected by a change expresses a FC, such
as adding a task, modifying a data object, deleting a
relation between tasks, etc. Aligning the FUR with
COSMIC is crucial for the traceability of a FC and
eventually the BP project success. In this section, we
use this alignment to assess the Functional Size of a
FC (noted by FS(FC)) in terms of CFP units, and to
determine its impact on the size of the changed
business concept and the whole BPMN model.
Our change impact analysis operates in the four
steps illustrated in Figure 2: A FC can be submitted
by a requester (Step 1). Each FC is translated into a
description that annotates the BPMN model (Step 2)
before proceeding with its impact analysis (Step 3).
The functional change impact analysis generates the
FC status report that will be used to evaluate the risk
on the project scope (Step 4). The provided
measurement results can be used as an indicator to
make the appropriate decision regarding the change
purpose. Responses to risk can be classified as
accepting, deferring or denying (Fairley, 2009).
In this Change Impact Analysis (CIA), we
distinguish between inter FC and intra FC. An inter
FC affects a business activity (BAa) in relation with
other BAs or a fragment F or the related fragments in
the BPMN model. An intra FC affects only the BA
(or the fragment) that does not have any impact on
other BAs (or other fragments) in the BPMN model.
Thus, an intra FC may affect directly the size of the
BPMN and that of the BAa (or the fragment) without
changing any of its other BAs (or fragments). In
contrast, an inter FC may impact the size of the
affected BA (BAa), its fragment (BAa in Fa: Figure
2), the sizes of the related fragments (F1,..., Fn), and
consequently the size of the whole BPMN model. An
inter FC will incur a substantial impact if it affects
information such as trigger/precondition for
execution, variants during execution of the task and
problems, and sub-tasks and their sequence.
In the case of an inter FC, we identify:
the affected BA (BAa in Fa),
the various business activities (BA1, ..., BAn)
in relation with BAa. According to the type of
the relationships and also its direction (see
section 3.1), we identify whether these business
activities are affected by the FC or not. Once
we determine all the BAa and the Number of
their Relationships (NRBA) with BAa, we
identify the sensitivity of BAa, ("High",
"Medium", or "Small"). This latter depends on
the FS(BAa) and NRBA.
the FC Status. The status of an inter FC
depends on the FS(FC), and the BAa
On the other hand, we identify all changed
fragments related to the affected one (Fa). The same
interpretation given to the affected BA (BAa in Fa) is
applied to Fa. Once we determine all the affected
fragments and the Number of their Relationships
(NRF) with Fa, we identify the sensitivity of Fa. This
latter depends on the FS(Fa) and the NRF. Then, the
FC status is identified in the same manner as BA. In
both cases, the status of an intra FC depends only on
the FS(FC) itself.
Figure 2: Phases for the FC impact analysis in BPMN models.
Using COSMIC FSM Method to Analyze the Impact of Functional Changes in Business Process Models
3.1 Sensitivity of the Changed Business
Activities in a Fragment
3.1.1 Identification of the Affected BA
The identification of the BAa with its relations (BAa,
BA1a,..., BAna) affected by an inter FC depends on
the relationships types between BAa and (BA1, ...,
BAn). In fact, we propose two types of dependency
relationship: "contains" and "can_be_realized". The
"contains" relationship is expressed by the default
branch after a decision gateway. The
"can_be_realized" relationship is considered as an
alternative or exception flow (See Table 1). If two
BAs (i.e. BAi and BAa) are related by a relationship
(contains or can-be-realized), this does not mean that
the FC will certainly lead to a change in BAi. In the
example shown in Figure 3, if A3 is affected by a
change, then this does not lead to a change in A1
despite of the relationship can-be-realized between
A1 and A3. On the other hand, a BA can be affected
by a FC even if it is indirectly in relation with BAa.
For instance, as illustrated in Figure 3, if
A1_contains_A0, and A0 is affected by the FC, then
A1 is affected by this change. In addition, A2 will be
affected by this change despite the absence of a direct
relation between A0 and A2. This is explained by the
fact that A1_contains_A0 which is connected to A2
by the "contains" relationship across A1. To handle
these indirect relationships, we determine the
changed business activities using Algorithm 1.
Figure 3: Identification of the affected business activities.
In Algorithm 1, the list of the BAs in the BPM are
grouped in listeBA. For each BA in listeBA (BAi),
we verify if it has a relationship (contains or
can_be_realized) with the BAa. The
listaffectedChBA includes all the BAs directly
affected by the change. Then, for each BAi in
listaffectedChBA, we determine the BAs in listeBA
that have a relationship with BAi. Hence, the list of
the indirectly affected BAs is identified.
Algorithm 1: Affected business activities identification,
BAa in Fa, BPMN.
listAffectedChBA [], I :=0
listeBA := getBA list
for BAi in listeBA do
if BAi_contains_BAa then
Set listAffectedChBA [I++] := BAi
Else if BAi_can_be_realized_BAa then
Set listAffectedChBA [I++] := BAi
end if; end for
for BAi in listAffectedChBA do
listeBA := getBA list
for BA in listeBA do
if BA_contains_BAi then
Set listAffectedChBA [I++] := BA
Else if BA_can_be_realized_BAi then
Set listAffectedChBA [I++] := BA
end if; end for; end for
Let BAi (BA1, ...,BAn), according to the
following measurement formulas:
can be realized
FS condition FS BA if BA BA
cond i i a
i a i a
FS(BAi)i: the initial functional size of BAi;
FS(BAi)f: the final functional size of BA;
FS(BAa): the FS of the affected BAa;
FScond (condition): the FS of the condition. It
is equal to 1 CFP if it exists and if it has
variables, otherwise it is equal to 0 CFP.
Equation (1) measure the FS(BAi) after a FC that
affects BAa. For instance, if there is a
"can_be_realized" relationship between BAi and
BAa, then the FS(BAi)f is equal to the FS(BAi)i plus
the FS(BAa) and the FScond(condition).
To derive the relationships "contains" and
"can_be_realized" between business activities, we
propose the patterns listed in Table 1.
3.1.2 Identifying the Sensitivity of BAa in Fa
Business designers/developers assess the sensitivity
of a BA to help managers in determining how much
attention they should devote to assess the FC request.
Informally, the sensitivity of a BA expresses the
degree of risk encountered on a project. In our
context, we determine the sensitivity of the changed
BA based on the FS(BAa) and the number of its
relationships (NRBA) with other business activities.
The identification of BAa sensitivity is required in
the case of inter FC that affect a BA. For this purpose,
we need to determine the mean value of data
ENASE 2018 - 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Table 1: Patterns for deriving relations between BAs.
movements in Fa (noted by AV
). NRBA and the
comparison of AV
with FS(BAa) will be used as
indicators of the BAa sensitivity.
FS(Fa): the functional size of the affected
fragment Fa;
n: the total number of BAs in Fa (n > = 1, since
there is at least one BA in F).
FS (BAi): the functional size of the BAi
Similarly, the sensitivity of Fa in a BPMN is
determined in the case of an inter FC that affect a F.
It depends on the FS(Fa) and the number of relations
with other fragments (NRF) in BPM. In fact, we
determine the average value of data movements in
) as follows:
FS(BPM): functional size of the BPM;
m: the total number of fragments in the BPM.
FS(Fi): functional size of the Fi
On the other hand, to facilitate the interpretation
of BA or Fa sensitivity, we propose the following
classification: "High", "Medium", and "Small" (see
Algorithm 2 and Algorithm 3). In this classification,
we assume that if FS(BAa) is relatively greater than
and NRBA is relatively important, then the
change impact is risky, i.e., it represents a "High"
sensitivity in comparison to a BA with "Medium" or
"Small" sensitivity.
Algorithm 2: BAa sensitivity identification, FS(BAa),
: = FS(Fa) / n
If FS(BAa) = 1 and NRBA = 0 then Set sensitivity := Small
else if FS(BAa) > AV
and NRBA > 1 then
Set sensitivity : = High
Else Set sensitivity := Medium; Endif
Algorithm 3: Fa sensitivity identification, FS(Fa), NRF.
:= FS(BPM) / m
If FS(Fa) = 1 and NRF= 0 then Set sensitivity := Small
else if FS(Fa) > AV
and NRF > 1 then Set sensitivity := High
Else Set sensitivity := Medium; endif
3.2 Classification of FC Status
The FC status is classified into an ordinal scale
including "in scope" FC and "out of scope" FC
(Fairley, 2009). If the FS(FC) = 1 CFP then the FC is
classified as an "in scope" change. An "in scope" FC
can be accomplished with few or no changes in the
BPM life cycle progress. It indicates that the FC
status is classified as "Moderate" or "Low". A FC that
can be handled without any impact on the BP project
is considered as "Low". The "Moderate" status
indicating a few changes of the affected scope can be
manifested when the FS(FC) > AV
FS(FC) < = FS(BPM). It expresses minor changes in
the project scope.
(a) If there are several activities connected by an exclusive or inclusive gateway, the
task/sub process preceding the gateway A1 is related to a task/sub process A2
covering the default branch by a "contains" relationship. Also, the task/sub
process preceding the gateway is related to the task/sub process A3 in the
alternative flow by a "can_be_realized".
(b) When two or more control flows are merged into one by an exclusive gateway,
the activity A3 identified after the merge has to be related to the activities of each
branch by means of a contain relationship. Thus, it reflects that whenever an
activity A of a branch is completed the activity A following the merge has to be
(c) If there is a sub-process in which the exceptions are handled, and the sub process's
flows are covered by several activities A1 and A2, then a new Activity A3 must
be created to control the exception flow. This has to be related by can be realized
relationships to the activities covering sub process's flows. The exception is thus
encapsulated in an activity A that extends to the others.
Using COSMIC FSM Method to Analyze the Impact of Functional Changes in Business Process Models
The "out of scope" shows that the proposed FC
affects a big number of data movements. It indicates
that the FC status is "High". It expresses a potential
change, such as the development of a new business
project. It can be manifested when the FS(FC) >
FS(BPM). The identification of an intra FC status, as
given in Figure 4, is based only on the FS(FC). While
the identification of an inter FC status, as given in
Figure 5, is based on both the sensitivity of the
affected business concept and the FS(FC).
Figure 4: FC status evaluation in the case of an intra FC.
Figure 5: FC status evaluation in the case of inter FC.
In Figure 5, each element in the matrix represents
a different value of FS(FC) and BAa/Fa sensitivity. It
is divided into "Red", "Yellow" and "Green" zones
which represent respectively High, Moderate and
Low status. The red zones are centred on the right
corner of the matrix (FS(FC)> FS(BPM)). While, the
green zones are centred on the left corner (when
FS(FC) =1 CFP) except when the sensitivity of the
affected business concept is high and the FS(FC) =1
CFP. The yellow zones extend specially the middle of
the matrix.
In summary, the effort required to fulfill a FC with
a status represented by a red zone in the above
matrices is more important than the effort required to
answer a FC with a status represented by green zones.
3.3 Sizing the Business Concept after a
FC Request
To measure the FS of a business concept, the mapping
between the business model concepts and those of the
COSMIC method is required. Therefore, we can
determine not only the size of the added data
movements in a business concept but also their types
based on the task type (see Table 2).
Table 2: Alignment of COSMIC data movement types with
BA elements.
Data Movement
BA Elements
Task: Type = "ActiveREQ",
Precondition, Event
Task: Type = "ActiveREP"
Task: Type = "ActiveRET"
Task: Type = "ActivePER"
3.3.1 FS(BAa) in FA after an Inter/Intra FC
Table 3 presents the FS(BAa) after an intra FC. It is
expressed when it affects one of the BAa elements.
The impact of an intra FC on the FS(BAa), is given in
Table 3, where:
FS(BAi): is the FS of the affected business
activity before the FC.
FS(BAf): is the FS of the affected business
activity after the FC.
Table 3: FS(BAa) after an intra FC-FC in BAa elements.
Functional Change Concerning Elements in BAa
(SP: Pre-
condition) | (Task:
Pre-condition) | (SP:
FS(BAf) =
(SP: Pre-
condition) | (Task:
Pre-condition) | (SP:
FS(BAf) =
(SP: Pre-condition)
| (Task: Pre-
condition) | (SP:
FS(BAf) = FS(BAi)
(Task: Type =
FS(BAf) =
(Action: Type =
FS(BAf) =
(Task: Type =
NewType! = Passive
FS(BAf) = FS(BAi)
(Task: Type! =
FS(BAf) =
(Task: Type! =
FS(BAf) =
(Task: Type! =
if NewType =
FS(BAf) = FS(BAi)
else FS(BAf) =
(Task: Int-
datagroup |Task:
are in the same
object of interest)
and (Task: Type
(Task: Int-
datagroup |Task:
are in the same
object of interest)
and (Task: Type!
FS(BAf) =
Task: Int-
datagroup |Task:
and (Task: Type!
FS(BAf) = FS(BAi)
ENASE 2018 - 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
We kept only the elements that may affect the
FS(BAa) such as: SP: Pre-condition, Task: Pre-
condition, SP: event, Task: Type, Task: Int-
datagroup, Task: Out- datagroup. For example, in the
case where BAa is in a fragment, the addition or
deletion of a task or SP having a pre-condition will
lead to a change in the FS(BAa). However, the
modification of a task or SP having a pre-condition
does not lead to a change in the FS(BAa).
Moreover, the addition or the deletion of a task
with Type = Passive does not lead to a change in the
FS(BAa). In this case, the modification of a task with
Type = Passive by a Task with NewType != Passive
increase the FS(BAa) by 1CFP. Whereas, the addition
or the deletion of a Task with Type != Passive leads
to a change in the FS(BAa). In this case, the
modification of a Task with Type != Passive by a
Task with NewType = Passive will decrease the
FS(BAa) by 1 CFP.
The deletion or the modification of input or output
data group related to the same business object with
task Type !=Passive, does not lead to a change in the
Table 4 presents an inter FC applied on the
business activity. It is expressed when the affected
BAa is related to other business activities in the same
fragment. For example, the addition, deletion or
modification of a relationship outgoing from the
affected business activities (BAa) has an impact on
the related (BAn) in the same fragment.
Table 4: FS(BAa) after an inter FC.
FC Concerning Direct Relationship with BAa
(BAa_can be
realized_ BAn)
FS(BAf ) =
FS(BAi ) +
FS(BAn) +
(BAa_can be
realized_ BAn)
FS(BAf ) =
FS(BAi )
-FS(cond) -
(BAa _can_be
_realized_ BAn)
if NewR= contains (BA,
FS(BAf) = FS(BAi) +
FS(BAn) - FS(cond)
FS(BAf) =
FS(BAi) +
FS(BAf) =
− FS(BAn)
if NewR=
FS(BAf) =FS(BAi) +
FS(BAn) + FS(cond)
FC Concerning Indirect Relations with BAa
FS(BAf) = FS(BAi) +
(BAa_ can_be_realized
FS(BAf) = FS(BAi) +
FS(BAnf) + FS(cond)
The impact of an inter FC on the FS(BAa), is
given in Table 4, where:
FS(BAi): FS of BAa before the FC.
FS(BAf): FS of BAa after the FC.
FS(BAnf): FS of BAn after the FC.
FS(BAn): FS of of BAn before the FC.
According to formula 1, the addition or the
deletion of the relation "can_be_realized" between
BAa and BAn modify respectively the FS(BAf) by
adding/deleting the FS(BAn) and the FS of the
condition to/from the initial FS(BAi). The
modification of the "can_be_realized" between BAa
and BAn by "contains" leads to a change in the
FS(BAa). Hence, the FS(BAf) is equal to FS(BAi)
plus the FS(BAn) minus the FS of the condition
In the case of "contains" relationship, this later is
expressed by a default flow, which does not specify
any condition. For data-based exclusive or inclusive
gateways, one type of flow is the default condition
flow. This flow will be used only if all other outgoing
conditional flow are not true at runtime. The addition
or the deletion of this relationship between BAa and
BAn modify respectively the size of BAa by
adding/deleting the FS(BAn) to/from FS(BAi). The
modification of the "contains" relationship between
BAa and BAn by a "can be realized" relationship will
lead to a change in the FS(BAa). Hence, the FS(BAf)
is equal to its FS(BAi) plus the FS(BAn) and
On the other hand, if a change affects a BAn
which has a relationship with BAa, then the FS(BAa)
is changed as given in Table 4. For instance, if
BAa_contains_BAn, and the FS(BAn) is changed,
then the FS(BAa) is changed. The FS(BAf) is equal
to the FS(BAi) plus the FS(BAnf). The same thing is
applied to the "can_be_realized" relationship. Thus,
if BAa_can_be_realized_BAn, and the FS(BAn) is
changed, the FS(BAf) is equal to the FS(BAi) plus the
FS(BAnf) and FS(cond).
3.3.2 FS(Fa) in BPM After an intra/inter FC
A intra FC in a Fragment can be expressed in two
cases: on the one hand, it is applied on the addition,
deletion or the modification of a BA in the affected
fragment Fa, and this BA has no impact on the other
business activities in Fa. On the other hand, the intra
FC is applied on fragment's elements. In fact, if a
change request proposes the addition, or the deletion
of a data object, a message flow with data group, or
sequence flow with condition, then the FS of the
associated fragment F will be changed as given in
Using COSMIC FSM Method to Analyze the Impact of Functional Changes in Business Process Models
Table 5. For example, the addition of a data object
will increase the FS(F) by 1 CFP. However, the
modification of a data object, a message flow with
data group, or sequence flow with condition, does not
lead to a change in the FS(F).
Table 5 summarizes the impact of a FC where:
FS(Fi): the FS of the Fa before the change.
FS(Ff): the FS of the Fa after the change.
FS(BA): the FS of the BA.
Table 5: FS(F) after an intra FC.
Functional Change Concerning BA in Fa
(BA in Fa)
(BA in Fa)
(BA in Fa)
FS(Fi) + FS(BA)
FSf(Ff) =
FSf(Fi) FS(BA)
See Table 3
Functional Change Concerning Elements in Fa
(data Object)
FS(Ff) = FS(Fi) +
(data Object)
FS(Ff) = FS(Fi)
- 1CFP
(data Object)
FS(Ff) = FS(Fi)
(Message flow
with data group)
FS(Ff ) = FS(Fi) +
(Message flow
with data
FS(Ff ) = FS(Fi)
- 1CFP
(Message flow
with data group)
FS(Ff) = FS(Fi)
(Sequence flow
with condition)
FS(Ff ) = FS(Fi) +
(Sequence flow
with condition)
FS(Ff ) = FS(Fi)
- 1CFP
(Sequence flow
with condition)
FS(Ff) = FS(Fi)
The inter FC is expressed when a change in a
fragment Fa affects another fragment. It is possible to
apply Table 4 in this case by replacing: BAa with Fa,
BAi with Fi, BAnf with Fnf, BAf with Ff and BAn
with Fn.
3.3.3 FS(BPM) after an Inter/Intra FC in
The FS of a BPM is measured as the sum of the FS of
all the fragments it includes. Thus, each inter/intra FC
affecting either a fragment Fa or a BAa in Fa, will
certainly lead to a change in the FS of the BPM.
3.4 Prioritizing FC Requests
If more than one FC is proposed simultaneously, we
identify which FC should be realized before the other
one. In order to define how the change can be
implemented sequentially or in parallel, we propose a
heuristic algorithm for assigning priorities to
functional changes based on their status identified
H 1: If there is a "contains" relationship between two
BA/F (BA1/F1 contains the behavior of BA2 /F2)
and two functional changes are proposed where
FC1 affects BA 1/F2 and FC2 affects BA 2/F2, then
FC2 must be implemented before FC1.
H2: If there is a "can_be_realized" relationship
between two BAs/Fs (BA 1/F1 can be realized after
BA 2/F2) and two functional changes are proposed
where FC1 affects BA 1/F1 and FC2 affects
BA2/F2, then implement FC2 before FC1.
H3: If the inter change proposes the addition or the
deletion of a "contains" relationship, an intra FC
change is implemented before the inter change.
H4: If the inter change proposes the addition or the
deletion of a "can_be_realized" relationship,
implement inter change before the intra change.
Algorithm 4: Prioritization of changes G(V, E).
input: G =(V, E); V set of nodes each representing a FC, E is
the edges representing the FC inter-dependency.
1: if PR-Req are given then
2: allChanges := getChangeOrder (V, PR-Req)
3: else allChanges := getChangeOrder (V, FC status)
4: endif
5: while allChanges !=null do
6: forFCi in allChanges do
7: for FCi+1 in allChanges do
8: if dependRel (FCi, FCi+1) then
9: dependRel := true
10: break; endif
11: end for
12: if dependRel = true then
13: SubChange := least cost path (G
14: for FCj in SubChange do perform (FCj)
15: remove (FCj from allChanges)
16: endfor
17: else perform (FCi); endif;
18: endfor; end while
Based on the above heuristics, we build a directed
graph G = (V, E), where V represents nodes
expressing the changes and E represents directed
edges expressing the dependency between the
changes. For each node (i.e. FC), we can identify its
status as explained in section 3.2. In addition, to
prioritize a set of FCs, we propose algorithm 4 which
takes as input the list of the change requests. For each
FC, we identify the preference of the change requester
(PR_Req) and the FC status. The algorithm generates
the scheduling of the changes based on the above
heuristics. As proposed in (Fairley, 2009), user
requirements are classified into Essential, Desirable,
or Optional. By referring to this classification, we
identify three categories of PR_Req (Desirable,
Essential, Optional). A desirable FC is a change that
adds value to the business process. It is implemented
ENASE 2018 - 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Figure 6: Detailed description of F2.
after satisfying all the essential changes and if there is
no or few changes in the initially estimated time and
budget. An essential FC is an obligatory FC that must
be implemented even if it will lead to an extra-effort
and a "big" impact on the business process project;
otherwise, the final product will not satisfy the user
needs. An optional FC is a change that might be
implemented if there is sufficient time and resources
after satisfying the essential and desirable changes.
In Algorithm 4, all changes are first grouped in the
allChanges based on the PR_Req order. In the case
where the change requester does not specify any
preference, then the changes are ordered according to
their FC status (lines 14, Algorithm 4).
Consequently, the change with the lowest FC status is
the first to be implemented. Changes are then
implemented with respect to the order provided in the
list of allChanges. However, if there are inter-
dependencies between changes, then we determine
the sub-graph including the minimum cost start from
the first FC in the list of allChanges (lines 513). We
execute all the changes identified in the sub-graph
(line 14). Then, we remove these changes from the
list of allChanges (line 15). We repeat these steps
until the end of the list of allChanges.
In this section, we illustrate the applicability of our
proposed approach through the “Airline Company”
BPMN as described in Figure 7 and the documented
FC2 in Figure 6. Afterward, we discuss threats to
validity of our study.
4.1 Measurement Illustration
Based on the BPMN decomposition approach (Khlif
et al., 2017), the "Airline Company" BPMN is
presented as a series of fragments (F1, F2, F3, F4, F5,
F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11 and F12). Each fragment
may contain one or more business activities
documented using our expanded description. For
example, Figure 6 presents the F2 description.
The FS of the “Airline Company” BPMN model
is determined by aggregating the FS of all fragments
which are described by the proposed extended textual
description. The total FS(BPM) is equal to 22 CFP.
For instance, Table 6 presents the functional size
of the affected fragments (F2, F8 and F9) before and
after the change. In order to illustrate the proposed
change impact analysis in the business concept, we
an inter FC in F2 referred to FC1 "adding
BA23" (Figure 7) including the "contains" and
"can_be_realized" relationships. FC1 has an
impact not only on the FS of the affected
fragment F2, but also on the FS of fragment F5
as shown in Table 1.b.
FC2 expresses an intra FC by adding two
sequential tasks with Type = ActivePER.
These added tasks have no impact on any other
Using COSMIC FSM Method to Analyze the Impact of Functional Changes in Business Process Models
FC3 is an intra FC that proposes to add two
tasks in F9 with Type = ActiveRET or Type =
FC4 is an inter FC since there is a
"can_be_realized" relationship expressing that
an exception is related to the activities covering
the sub-process "Request reservation" (See
Table 1)
As presented in Table 6, all the requested changes
(FC1, FC2, FC3 and FC4) are "in-scope". For
example, regarding FC1, AV
= 1 CFP and the
FS(FC1) = 4 CFP. Thus, as presented in Figure 5, this
FC is considered as "in-scope" since AV
< FS(FC1)
<= FS(BPM). It is considered as a "Moderate" FC.
The measurement results in Table 6 show that all
the proposed changes are "in-scope". The acceptance
of an "in-scope" FC can be accomplished with no
disruption to the planned work activities. Thus, no
modifications are needed in the schedule, budget and
resources to handle the proposed changes. However,
in the case of "out-of-scope" changes, major
modifications are required in the schedule, budget
and resources. Hence, to take the appropriate
decisions regarding an "out-of-scope" change, it is
required to estimate the effort and resources to
implement the change. Consequently, in the
illustrative example, the decision-makers will
approve all the FC requests since they are "in-scope"
When prioritizing the change requests, the
preference of the change requester is taken into
account since all the changes have the same FC status
"in-scope". By applying the Algorithm 4, the
approved change requests are classified according to
Figure 7: "Airline company" model after the change.
ENASE 2018 - 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Table 6: Measurement results for the "Airline company" model.
the PR_Req. Hence, the designers/developers will
take these changes starting by the "Essential" FC,
then the "Desirable" FC, and finally the "Optional".
4.2 Threats to Validity
In our study, threats to validity are relevant to internal
validity, external validity and construct validity
(Wohlin et al., 2000).
Internal validity threats stem from the
determination of change status which can be
expressed in two cases. The first one is based on
the on the FS(FC) in the case of intra FC. The
second one is based on the FS(FC) and the
BAa/Fa sensitivity in the case of inter FC.
However, the determination of the change status
neglects other factors such as change type, the
required effort to handle the change request, etc.
And the deletion of a business concept should be
analyzed if it is developed or not yet developed.
In the first case, the deletion saves development
time. In the second case, it causes more effort.
Furthermore, many situations do not require the
same level of details of the proposed ordinal
scale about FC status. In fact, for an approximate
identification of FC status, three categories will
be enough. However, a more detailed
identification of FC status will requiremore
detailed scale.
Besides, the request for functional changes must
be determined, otherwise the classification induce an
analysis that does not express the real importance of
the change.
The second issue related to internal validity is the
use of a high-level business activity that does not
address the architectural aspects in the code. Thus,
some detailed activities may appear in the
implementation phase without being identified in the
requirement phase.
External validity: The main threats to the
external validity expresses the insufficiency of
data that makes difficult the generalization of
this study results. As it is not possible to collect
data from companies, our research study is
exploratory. Our work can be generalized to
take into account the development and the
requirement phases. Furthermore, the
COSMIC method can be used in all the
business process life cycle phases. In our study,
COSMIC is used in the requirements phase.
Functional Sub-process
Before the
After the
FC Type
FC status
Device operating control
3CFP/2 =
FC1 status =
Cancel rental device contract
Use rental device for flight
Recover device lists
Inter FC1:
BA23 in
Maintain device
Use rented device for flight
Check team availability
Intra FC2:
tasks in
1 CFP/ 1 =
FC2 status =
Constitute technical team
Assign the number of stuff
Receive flight information
= 3 CFP
Intra FC3:
tasks in
1 CFP / 1 =
FC3 status =
Determine the available hotel
Search flight based on customer
Register reservation
Send flight information
Change reservation
= 1 CFP
Inter FC4:
adding an
1 CFP / 1 =
FC4 status =
Using COSMIC FSM Method to Analyze the Impact of Functional Changes in Business Process Models
Moreover, the required level to apply COSMIC
was a detailed level of a business concept.
Whereas, in practice, we do not always have a
detailed description of a business concept.
Further studies will be needed to address FC
status in a high level of abstraction.
The threats of construct validity investigate the
potential of applying this study in practice. One
predicament to our study stems from the lack
of feedback about the FC status it determines.
Indeed, the judgment of how important is a FC
depends on the specific expertise of the people
participating in the change impact analysis, etc.
This judgment will improve the change status
classification and the ratio AV
The presented work proposed measuring the
functional changes in BPMN models using COSMIC
method (COSMIC 2017). The proposed FC measure
provides a firmer basis for analyzing the impact of
change on the functional size of business concepts in
terms of CFP units. Based on the functional size of
the FC and the sensitivity of the affected business
concepts, we determine the status of the FC. FC status
can be used to identify the degree of risk on the
project scope. It helps both business process
developers and manager in making decisions to
accept, deny or defer a change request.
While the illustrative example showed the
feasibility of the approach, it also confirmed our need
to conduct empirical studies to improve the thresholds
used to determine the mean value of data movements.
To prepare for such empirical studies, we are in the
process of implementing CASE tools to get
automatically indicators about how to manage the risk
of a FC during the BP project development.
Other factors may interfere in identifying the
importance of a FC such as the preference of the
change requestor, the effort required to answer the
change. Moreover, when the functional size is the
input for the effort estimation models, it is possible to
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ENASE 2018 - 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering