Fredholm Integral Equation for Finite Fresnel Transform
Tomohiro Aoyagi, Kouichi Ohtsubo and Nobuo Aoyagi
Faculty of Information Sciences and Arts, Toyo University, 2100 Kujirai, Saitama, 350-8585, Japan
Keywords: Fresnel Transform, Integral Equation, Eigenvalue Problem, Jacobi Method.
Abstract: The fundamental formula in an optical system is Rayleigh diffraction integral. In practice, we deal with
Fresnel diffraction integral as approximate diffraction formula. We seek the function that its total power is
maximized in finite Fresnel transform plane, on condition that an input signal is zero outside the bounded
region. This problem is a variational one with an accessory condition. This leads to the eigenvalue problems
of Fredholm integral equation of the first kind. The kernel of the integral equation is Hermitian conjugate and
positive definite. Therefore, eigenvalues are nonnegative and real number. By discretizing the kernel, the
problem depends on the eigenvalue problem of Hermitian conjugate matrix in finite dimensional vector space.
By using the Jacobi method, we compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the matrix. We applied it to the
problem of approximating a function and evaluated the error.
The integral theorem of Helmholts and Kirchhoff
plays an important role in the development of the
scalar theory of diffraction (Goodman, 2005).
Although scalar wave propagation is fully described
by a single scalar wave equation, fundamental
formula in an optical system is Rayleigh diffraction
integral. In practice, we deal with Fresnel diffraction
integral as approximate diffraction formula. The
Fresnel transform has been studied mathematically
and revealed the topological properties in Hilbert
space (Aoyagi, 1973). In recently, it is also used in
image processing, optical information processing,
optical waveguides and computer-generated
holograms. The extension of optical fields through on
optical instrument is practically limited to some finite
area. This leads to the spatially band-limited problem.
The effect of band limitation has been studied for an
optical Fourier transform, namely in the region of the
Fraunhofer diffraction. Up to now, sampling theorem
have been derived from band-limited effect in Fourier
transform plane and applied to application areas.
Moreover, sampling function system are orthonormal
system in Hilbert space. An orthonormal function
system may be considered as coordinate system in
some functional space.
In sampling theorem, it is important to develop the
orthogonal functional systems (Ogawa, 2009). It has
been also revealed the function to minimize the norm
of error on condition that
-norm of a function in
finite Fourier plane is not exceeding a constant (Kida,
1994). In the literature, there are many examples of
band-limited function in the Fourier transform, its
applications and reference therein (Jerri, 1977).
However, the band-limited effect in Fresnel transform
plane is not revealed sufficiently.
In this paper, we seek the function that its total
power is maximized in finite Fresnel transform plane,
on condition that an input signal is zero outside the
bounded region. This problem is a variational one
with an accessory condition. This leads to the
eigenvalue problems of Fredholm integral equation of
the first kind. The kernel of the integral equation is
Hermitian conjugate and positive definite. Therefore,
eigenvalues are real non-negative numbers. By
discretizing the kernel and using the value of the
representative points, the problem depends on the
eigenvalue problem of Hermitian conjugate matrix in
finite dimensional vector space. By using the Jacobi
method, we compute the eigenvalues and
eigenvectors of the matrix. In general finite
dimensional vector spaces (
), the eigenvalues of
Hermitian matrix are real numbers and then
eigenvectors from different eigenspaces are
orthogonal. We consider the application of the
eigenvectors to the problem of approximating a
function and evaluate the error between original test
functions and approximating functions.
Aoyagi, T., Ohtsubo, K. and Aoyagi, N.
Fredholm Integral Equation for Finite Fresnel Transform.
DOI: 10.5220/0006709202860291
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology (PHOTOPTICS 2018), pages 286-291
ISBN: 978-989-758-286-8
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