Ontology for SEAM Service Models
Gorica Tapandjieva and Alain Wegmann
School of Computer and Communications Sciences (IC),
Ecole Polytechnique F
erale de Lausanne (EPFL),
SEAM, Service Modeling, Ontology, Meta-model, Alloy, Formalization.
A service system is a popular concept in academia and industry. At the same time, it is a challenging concept
to represent, due to its recursive nature and difficulty to relate it to entities in reality. In this paper we present an
ontology for modeling service systems with the SEAM systemic method. As part of the ontology, we provide
a meta-model, well-formedness rules and formalization in the Alloy language. The ontology we propose
represents an updated and minimalistic version of the existing SEAM modeling language ontology that puts
an emphasis on the behavior. We validated the ontology by modeling around 20 case studies. The running
example we use throughout this paper is one of these case studies.
Services are a powerful abstraction of the value ex-
change and value creation within and across systems.
The first foundational premise of S-D logic states
that a “service is the fundamental basis of exchange”
(Vargo and Lusch, 2008). Hence, the interaction be-
tween a company (service provider) and a customer
(service consumer) is conceptualized as a service ex-
change. But also within a company there exist ex-
changes of services between an internal service pro-
vider and an internal consumer.
The entities that exchange services are known as
service systems and they are defined as “a value-
coproduction configuration of people, technology, ot-
her internal and external service systems, and shared
information (such as language, processes, metrics,
prices, policies, and laws)” (Spohrer et al., 2007) (ita-
lics added). This definition reveals the recursive na-
ture of service systems, meaning that service systems
are part of both the internal structure and the external
environment of one service system.
In this paper, we explore what defines the structure
of service systems. We do that through a reflection on
how people conceptualize service systems. Such a re-
flection implies working on an ontology. We work
on the ontology of a specific service modeling met-
hod called SEAM (Wegmann, 2003; Wegmann et al.,
2008). The ontology we develop represents a gene-
ric, scalable, but yet rigorous basis for the SEAM mo-
deling language.
In the remaining of the paper, in Section 2 we
present the context and motivation of our work.
In Section 3 we present the related work and in
Section 4, we present the service modeling with
SEAM trough an example. The research method we
follow is described in Section 5. In Section 6, we
formalize the constructs used to build SEAM service
models. Finally, we conclude in Section 7.
The inspiration for our work came from our collabo-
ration with our university’s IT department, where we
were involved in modeling existing and new services.
Trough modeling real services in real projects we no-
ticed that service systems often do not relate to a pre-
defined entity in the reality, such as department or or-
ganizational unit. For example, what is the service
system that embodies an unofficial collaboration be-
tween two departments that provide services? What
if the collaboration is between two different compa-
nies? When the collaboration becomes official, how
will the service system be called? This brought us to
the research question:
RQ: What defines a service system?
(Pidd, 2003) explains that “a model is an external
and explicit representation of a part of reality as seen
by the people who wish to use that model to under-
stand, change, manage, and control that part of rea-
lity”. Before doing the model, people first concep-
Tapandjieva, G. and Wegmann, A.
Ontology for SEAM Service Models.
DOI: 10.5220/0006711502900298
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2018), pages 290-298
ISBN: 978-989-758-298-1
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
tualize the reality they perceive. A conceptualization
is formed of all objects, concepts, entities and relati-
onships among them that are assumed to exist in the
reality perceived. (Gruber, 1995, p. 908) defines on-
tology as “an explicit specification of a shared con-
ceptualization”. More concretely, the ontology is “a
set of representational primitives with which to model
a domain of knowledge or discourse” (Gruber, 2009),
so a modeling language conforms to an ontology.
The modeling language we use is called SEAM
(Wegmann, 2003)
. Being developed in our labora-
tory (LAMS, nd) and a result of over 15 years of re-
search, SEAM has always been our first choice for
modeling service systems. As suggested by S-D lo-
gic and service science, SEAM (1) considers services
as the fundamental basis of exchange and (2) models
the observed reality as a recursive hierarchy of service
systems. As system thinkers, when using SEAM, the
entities we choose to perceive are systems, where a
service is the behavior of a system, observed from the
system’s environment, that brings value to another sy-
stem in the same environment. We find all perceived
systems to be service systems, so we use these two
terms interchangeably.
We seek an answer to our research question by de-
signing a minimalistic ontology of the SEAM service
modeling language. In this process we found that in
service systems the emphasis is on the behavior. The
contribution of our ontology is that service modelers
are encouraged to consider the system structure as
being emergent from the perceived or desired beha-
vior of the service system. Note that our goal was not
to develop a universal ontology of what exists, but to
develop an ontology that can be used to design and
describe services in a model.
Many different perspectives can be adopted for the
management of services (Bardhan et al., 2010). A
service modeling language is adapted not only to the
perspective, but to the motivation and the needs for
representing the information around services. In this
section we give an overview of the modeling langua-
ges in two of the ve proposed perspectives by (Bard-
han et al., 2010): computer science and marketing.
Computer Science Perspective
The computer science perspective of services is wi-
dely known as service-oriented architecture (SOA)
SEAM is a family of methods used for consulting and
teaching strategic thinking, business/IT alignment, and re-
quirements engineering.
and mostly applies to the usage of software soluti-
ons to facilitate the interaction of value co-creation
between providers and consumers. SOA research and
application focuses on technical architecture that or-
chestrates software services, such as WS-* web ser-
vices, APIs and RESTful services, in heterogeneous
and distributed environments. As a service appro-
ach, SOA tries to separate the concern between the
service description and implementation (Arsanjani,
2004). In an SOA context, services are loosely cou-
pled, platform-independent, abstract the implementa-
tion and enable interoperability among systems.
Service Oriented Architecture Modeling Lan-
guage (SoaML) (SoaML v1.0.1, 2012) is specifi-
cation project from the Object Management Group
(OMG) (OMG, na) that provides a standard way to
design, architect and model services within an SOA.
The SoaML specification describes (1) a metamodel
and (2) a set of extensions to the basic UML model
elements, called a UML profile.
The Service Modeling Language (SML) (Popescu
et al., 2009) and the Web Service Description Lan-
guage (WSDL) (Christensen et al., 2001), are XML
based modeling languages. The XML files descri-
bing the service contain information about the service
configuration, deployment, monitoring, etc. XML is
not graphical, so it is not used in people’s commu-
nication, but it is suitable for task automation, im-
plementing interoperability, communication and ex-
change between applications, etc. The Unified Ser-
vice Description Language (USDL) (Cardoso et al.,
2010) is also based on XML that aims at unifying the
technical and the business perspectives of a given ser-
vice. The Web Services Business Process Execution
Language (WS-BPEL, only BPEL for short) (Rosen
et al., 2008) is another XML-based language used to
define the coordination and integration of Web Servi-
ces within higher-level business processes of a com-
pany. BPEL is platform independent and provides in-
dependence and flexibility by allowing the separation
of the business process interaction from the web ser-
vices (Rosen et al., 2008).
The visual representation of the company’s pro-
cesses that are exposed as business services is done
with Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN)
diagrams (Rosen et al., 2008). BPMN has a nota-
tion that is understandable by business analysts, ma-
nagers and technical developers. There is a possibility
to compile BPMN diagrams into executable BPEL,
and (White, 2005) has demonstrated how. This ma-
kes BPMN and BPEL the bridge between the compu-
ter science and marketing/management perspectives.
Enterprise Architecture (EA) is another discipline
where services are modeled. ArchiMate
is a wi-
Ontology for SEAM Service Models
dely adopted EA modeling language that aids the
technology-integration efforts by creating models that
within and between different domains. ArchiMate ex-
presses service-orientation with the so-called service
layers and service implementation layers that realize
the services. Services from a higher layer are lin-
ked with and typically use services from the lower
layers. ArchiMate identifies three main layers: bu-
siness, application and technology (Lankhorst, 2009),
but the most recent specification includes a strategy
and a physical layer (Josey et al., 2016).
Marketing Perspective
Even before the introduction of SOA, services existed
in the marketing discipline (Hill, 1977) with the focus
on the service consumers, such as customers, users
and clients. We find that the marketing perspective of
services always takes into consideration the value that
might arise from using information systems (IS) and
IT in the service customization, and uses modeling
languages that express service offerings, without sho-
wing the technical implementation.
The e3service is an approach for generating ser-
vice bundles, by using the notion of functional con-
sequence to match the customer perspective and the
supplier perspective (Razo-Zapata et al., 2015). The
approach includes an ontology of constructs for ser-
vice marketing and belongs to the e3family of ontolo-
gies for building service networks (Razo-Zapata et al.,
The service blueprint (Shostack, 1984) is a flow-
chart of all interactions belonging to the service deli-
very. It represents a precise definition allowing to ex-
plicitly depict roles of consumers, service providers,
and supporting services.
Business models are used for the analysis and de-
sign of the business logic of a company (Osterwalder,
2004). There are several service approaches that have
been inspired by the widely cited and broadly app-
lied Business Model Canvas (BMC) (Osterwalder and
Pigneur, 2010). The Service Logic Business Model
Canvas (SLBMC) (Ojasalo and Ojasalo, 2015) inclu-
des the original nine blocks from the BMC and consi-
ders a provider viewpoint (“From our point of view”)
and a customer viewpoint (“From customer point of
view”) in each of the blocks. Another approach is the
Service Business Model Canvas (SBMC) (Zolnowski
et al., 2014) that modifies the BMC to represent co-
creation in the model. Finally, there is another can-
vas visualization approach, the Service Model Canvas
(SMC) (Turner, 2015a; Turner, 2015b), designed by a
user-experience professional.
SEAM is a modeling method, with its own lan-
guage, that is used for services modeling. It enables
modelers to explicitly show different viewpoints of
an organization. It embeds modeling principles, heu-
ristics and constructs for representing and analyzing
different abstraction levels of systems and behavior.
SEAM can be used both in the computer science and
in the marketing perspective. In the next section we
present details of the SEAM modeling technique on a
concrete example.
In a nutshell, SEAM represents an organization as a
hierarchy of systems (from business down to IT) that
provide services, where a system refers to entities in
the reality perceived: a department, an employee, an
IT system, or an application (Wegmann et al., 2008).
In the mentioned hierarchy, a system can have two
views: abstract and concrete. To show the abstract
view, a system is modeled as a whole, in which the sy-
stems components are ignored and the focus is on the
behavior provided as a service. In the concrete view,
a system is modeled as a composite in which other sy-
stems as a whole are displayed with the relationships
among these systems’ services. A brief overview of
the SEAM modeling constructs used in this paper is
presented in Table 1.
In the next part, we present the Infoscience ex-
ample where we apply SEAM concepts for creating a
two-level service model. The purpose of this model
is to illustrate the SEAM modeling process on a real
scenario. Note that to keep the model simple, we omit
many details.
Example: A University’s Infoscience Tool
Imagine reading a university’s annual report in which
there is a section about the research performance in
terms of scientific publications. How does the univer-
sity’s management measure such performance? The
answer lies in Infoscience, a tool that enables the ma-
nagement and access to scientific outputs. This tool is
the result of a partnership between the librarians and
the IT department. The main users of Infoscience are
the university’s researchers, who use it in the process
of archiving their scientific production, organizing it,
and afterwards, if needed, reclaiming the content. Be-
sides researchers, Infoscience is used by the univer-
sity’s management and deans offices in the analysis
of publications and citations.
In SEAM, such a scenario is conceptualized as
following. Every actor in the case description cor-
responds to a service system. We do not know the
details of the partnership around Infoscience, so it is
a black box (system as a whole), that we name Infos-
cience value network. In this case, the name is the
choice of the modeler because no such department or
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
organization (Infoscience value network) exists. The
behavior of this partnership is the service that we call
Manage and facilitate access to scientific outputs. Si-
milarly, we conceptualize University’s direction and
deans offices, existing entities, as a black box, with
the behavior Measure the university’s research per-
formance. These two systems combine their behavior
in a the process we conceptualize as Perform publica-
tions and citations analysis. They are also the com-
ponents of the composite system (the white box) that
we name Value network of open access scientific li-
terature at a university. Again, this value network is
not recognized as an official entity. This is depicted
on the right-hand side in Figure 1.
We further refine the Infoscience value network to
include other service systems that contribute to the
implementation of Manage and facilitate access to
scientific outputs.
A steering committee consists of high level sta-
keholders and experts like the dean of research,
the head of the library, the head of an IT unit, the
IT systems coordinator, etc. This committee is re-
sponsible for making strategic decisions.
Table 1: SEAM Modeling language visual vocabulary.
System an entity in the perceived
reality, such as a company, a depart-
ment, an organization. A system
has two views, whole, marked with
‘[w]’, and composite, marked with
System behavior (Wegmann et al., 2008)
Service the behavior of a system as
a whole representing a service offe-
red by a system.
Process the behavior of a system
as a composite defining a service
Use (invoke) link between services
and processes, in a system as a com-
posite. This link means that the pro-
cess uses (invokes) the connected
Refinement (decomposition) link,
connecting the abstract and concrete
view of a system, [w] and [c] re-
spectively. The services from the
system as a whole have correspon-
ding processes in the system as a
composite. These processes show
the implementation of services.
Representative librarians for the university
sections and faculties, responsible for providing
support to researchers.
The Infoscience technical coordinator, responsi-
ble for the day to day operations, third level user
support and development of new features.
The Infoscience developer, responsible for the
web development and implementation of new In-
foscience features.
The Infoscience web application, serving as a
web interface to the digital document repository.
A bundle of IT infrastructure resources and pe-
ople providing the execution environment for the
Infoscience application.
In the second level we show this Infoscience va-
lue network system as a composite with the process
that implements the mentioned Manage and facilitate
access to scientific resources. This process uses all
the services from all of the composing systems seen as
a whole that are part of the Infoscience value network
system. There is one person, the Developer, and one
application, the Infoscience web application, among
these systems. In Figure 1 on the left, we illustrate the
SEAM service model showing the interactions and
the service exchange between the systems collabora-
ting in the implementation of the Manage and facili-
tate access to scientific outputs.
In a service-oriented environment, there is no de-
finite number of levels between two systems. We can
systematically continue the modeling in the lower le-
vels. For example, the Infoscience IT infrastructure
system can be expanded to show the service imple-
mentation and the composing systems, most of them
IT systems. In some modeling approaches, like Ar-
chiMate (Josey et al., 2016), there is only one appli-
cation layer where all applications must be modeled,
so our example with IT systems at the second (Infos-
cience value network) and third level (Infoscience IT
infrastructure) would not be supported. As a conse-
quence, we need a meta-model that allows for scala-
bility in terms of levels. Hence, a taxonomy for the
levels is not present in SEAM service models, so mo-
delers are free to embed a taxonomy in their diagrams
and say that there is an end user level and several ap-
plication levels.
The research method we used in the development of
the SEAM service modeling ontology conforms to the
design science in information systems research fra-
mework and guidelines proposed by (Hevner et al.,
Ontology for SEAM Service Models
Figure 1: SEAM model with two organizational levels for the Infoscience project.
2004). Next, we elaborate how we fulfilled the re-
commendations in each guideline.
Guideline 1: Design as an Artifact
Our research resulted with an artifact, the SEAM ser-
vice modeling ontology. It is an updated, flexible, ab-
stract, but yet easy to use in constructing service mo-
dels. The ontology releases the existing constraint of
not having a cycle between hierarchical levels and it
emphasizes the behavior in service models.
Guideline 2: Problem Relevance
The business needs we address with our research
come from people that belong to two broad catego-
ries: academics and practitioners.
Academics The simplified SEAM service mo-
deling ontology helps LAMS researchers to apply
the SEAM method with ease in projects that span
across multiple domains. It also helps them to de-
fine the service system as an existing one or as
a collaboration between actors that strive towards
the same behavior.
Practitioners Our research is based on a colla-
boration with practitioners from our university’s
IT department. They care about how services are
provided to the external customers and which en-
tities are involved in the service implementation.
SEAM service models facilitate the discussions
through the focus on the behavior of the system.
Guideline 3: Design Evaluation
We used two techniques:
1. Case studies: Through the course of our research,
we have interviewed and collected information on
around 20 case studies. Each of the cases involved
solving a different problem that included service
systems where our ontology was used in concep-
tualizing and modeling the problem situation and
solution. In Section 4 we show only one of them.
2. Formal model simulation: We formalized our on-
tology in a first-order logic language (Alloy) and
simulated it with the Alloy analyzer to analyze
and derive modeling rules.
Guideline 4: Research Contributions
The main contribution of our ontology is the shift
from focusing on systems structure towards focusing
on the system behavior while modeling in SEAM. In
the knowledge base, service science and SEAM be-
nefit from a simplistic ontology applicable in all or-
ganizational levels. Both domains benefit from the
reflection about the behavior of service systems.
Guideline 5: Research Rigor
Our ontology is based on and conforms to the SEAM
systemic paradigm (Wegmann, 2003). Consequently,
we applied theories and concepts coming from sys-
tems thinking and service science. To be able to de-
sign and evaluate the ontology artifact, we used meta-
modeling and the Alloy constraint solver tool.
Guideline 6: Design as a Search Process
Our search for an effective artifact had a main con-
straint of being capable to create “standard” SEAM
models. To have such an artifact, we were building
and evaluating our meta-model with the LAMS rese-
archers and we included modeling rules coming from
the previous developments of SEAM.
Guideline 7: Communication of Research
The initial ontology has been communicated to the
academic community via a publication and a poster
presentation at a conference, (Tapandjieva and Weg-
mann, 2014), as a meta-model for automatic model
generation. Technology-oriented audiences, namely
IS architects, have read informal documentation and
description of the artifact. We have not communica-
ted the artifact to the management-oriented audiences
in the form in which it is presented in this paper. Ac-
cording to our understanding, management-oriented
audiences benefit from the visual model that repre-
sents an abstraction of their universe of discourse, so
they do not need an additional abstraction in the form
of an ontology or meta-model.
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
hasBehavior_w 1..*
uses 1..*
implementedBy 0..1
hasBehavior_c 1..*
1 isBehaviorOf_w
implements 1
usedBy 1..*
Figure 2: Meta-model of SEAM service modeling concepts
used in this paper.
In this section, we present our artifact, the SEAM
modeling language ontology, in a more formal way.
We first present the meta-model with the constructs
that comprise the ontology for SEAM service models
(Subsection 6.1). Then, we list the well-formedness
rules that are not captured in the meta-model (Sub-
section 6.2). Afterwards, we formalize both the meta-
model and the rules in a declarative language called
Alloy (Jackson, 2002) (Subsection 6.3) with which
we verify the correctness of the meta-model and the
modeling rules.
6.1 SEAM Meta-model
Since 2008, researchers have been developing meta-
that cover a bigger set of SEAM mo-
deling constructs (Rychkova, 2008; L
e and Weg-
mann, 2013). In this paper we use SEAM models that
focus on collaboration among services from different
systems, namely people, IT systems, organizations,
companies. Our interest is the value creation through
such collaboration, from which new services emerge.
Then, we study the surrounding context (upper level)
where the new service is used, again in collaboration
with other systems. And then again, understand the
upper context, until we have interest in doing so. The
example in Section 4 illustrates how we model col-
laborations with SEAM. In this paper we do not use
all concepts defined in the existing meta-models, but
we use only systems (whole and composite), beha-
vior (service and process) and connections (decompo-
sition and usage). We have built an ontology with the
entities: System, Service and Process. Our proposed
meta-model for this ontology is depicted in Figure 2.
Every relationship between entities has a symmetric
In this paper we use the term meta-model and informa-
tion model interchangeably.
pair. We consider the cardinality of the starting entity
to be always one. For example, the hasBehaviorOf w
one-to-many relationship between System Service
means that a system perceived as a whole can have
one or more services, and the one-to-one isBehavi-
orOf w relationship between Service – System means
that one service can belong to only one system.
The concept of a system as a whole is captured
in the hasBehaviorOf w relationship, with services
being the behavior of systems as a whole. Similarly
the hasBehaviorOf c means that the behavior of sys-
tems as a composite are processes.
The two kinds of links from Table 1 are captu-
red in the relationships between Process Service.
The implementedBy and implements stands for the
refinement and implementation concept. The usage
(invoke) link is captured with the uses relationship,
telling that a process can use multiple services. The
usedBy relationship means that the same service can
collaborate in different processes.
In the meta-model, we omit entities for the con-
cepts of a system as a whole and system as a compo-
site. As mentioned before, these concepts are repre-
sented with the relationships behaviorOf
w and beha-
viorOf c. We also do not include a System System
relationship to denote that a system as a composite
contains processes and systems as a whole. In short,
the systems as a whole that belong to the system as a
composite must participate with their services in the
process; they are not free-floating in the composite.
Consequently, the following query System behavi-
orOf c Process uses Service behaviorOf w
System gives all systems as a whole belonging to
the starting system as a composite. Additional details
are presented in the next Subsection 6.2, with the mo-
deling rules.
From a systems thinking perspective, the dis-
tinction between the concepts of a system as a whole
and a composite is based in epistemology; these con-
cepts depend on the observer’s (the modeler’s) know-
ledge and relation to the reality while describing the
systems. It is the observer who decides the viewpoint
he takes when modeling the reality: the context that
he knows (system as a composite) where many sys-
tems as a whole interact (services connected to a pro-
cess). In addition, for newly created services, often
based on collaboration, there is no formal entity that
hosts the process execution. In such cases, the ob-
server derives the system name from the process (be-
havior). To conclude, we have two reasons for omit-
ting the concepts of a whole and a composite from
the meta-model, the first one being pragmatic (they
can be computed), and the second philosophical.
Ontology for SEAM Service Models
6.2 Well-formedness Rules
The well-formedness rules of a modeling language
complement the meta-model to ensure the consis-
tency of models. They are also created to avoid the
semantic ambiguities that might arise in the instances
of the meta-model. We summarize the SEAM well-
formedness rules in the following list:
R1. A service is unique to one system as a whole, so
no two systems have one same service.
R2. A process is unique to one system as a compo-
site, so no two systems have one same process.
R3. A process can implement only one service.
R4. A process must be connected to at least one ser-
vice. Otherwise, there is no relationship among
systems as a whole, and the overall observation
of the system as a composite is put in question.
R5. The decomposition relationship, shows the refi-
nement from the abstract view of a system (the
whole) to the concrete view of a system (the
composite). The service present in the whole,
becomes a process in the composite view. As a
consequence, the process, and the service it im-
plements, must belong to the same system, so a
process cannot implement a service from another
system as a whole, different from the process’
system as a composite.
R6. Recursion between levels is allowed. A process
can be connected with the service it implements.
Such recursion does not have to be immediate,
it can happen at any level in the organizational
6.3 Formalization in Alloy
We use Alloy to formalize the SEAM meta-model
concepts and the well-formedness rules. Then, we
use the Alloy Analyzer to generate instance models
or counter-examples in a domain we have specified.
Getting meaningful instances would indicate that our
formalization is consistent in the domain we have set.
Alloy (Alloy, nd; Jackson, 2002) is a declarative
structural modeling language based on first-order lo-
gic. It comes with a constraint solver, the Alloy Ana-
lyzer, that automatically finds models that satisfy the
formulas written with the Alloy language. The Alloy
code usually describes basic structures, called signa-
tures, and has detailed constraints applied to the struc-
tures. Constraints are expressed in terms of facts, pre-
dicates, assertions or quantifiers.
The following code shows the complete forma-
lization of the SEAM meta-model and the well-
formedness rules. There is a signature (sig keyword)
for each concept from the meta-model: System, Ser-
vice and Process. The cardinalities are coded with the
corresponding keywords: 1..* is mapped to some, 0..1
is mapped to lone and 1 is mapped to one.
sig S ys te m {
ha s B e ha vi or _ w : some Se rvi ce ,
ha s B e ha vi or _ c : set P r o c es s
sig S er vi ce {
is B e h av io rO f _w : one S yst em ,
im p l e me nt ed B y : lone Pr oce ss ,
us ed By : set P r o ce ss
sig P ro ce ss {
is B e h av io rO f _c : one S yst em ,
im pl e m e n t s : one Se rvi ce , //R3
us es : some S er vi ce //R4
fact un i qu eS e rv ic e I n Sy s t e m { //R1
no s e r : Se rv i ce , s1 : Sy ste m , s2 : Sy st e m |
ser in s 1 . ha sB e h a vi or _w and
ser in s 2 . ha sB e h a vi or _w and s1 !=s 2
fact un i qu eP r oc es s I n Sy s t e m { //R2
no p : P roc ess , s 1 : S yst e m , s2 : Sy st em |
p in s1 . h a sB eh av i o r _c and
p in s2 . h a sB eh av i o r _c and s 1 !=s2
fact r e f i ne me nt { //R5
all s : S erv ice , p : Pr o ce ss | p . i m p le me nt s=s =>
s . is B e h av io rO f _ w=p. i sB e h a vi or Of _ c and
s . im p l e me nt ed By=p
all p : P roc ess , s : Se r vi ce | s . i mp le me n t e dB y=p =>
s . is B e h av io rO f _ w=p. i sB e h a vi or Of _ c and
p . im pl em e n t s=s
fact s ym me tr y {
all s : S erv ice , p : Pr o ce ss | s in p . us es => p in s . u se d By
all s : S erv ice , p : Pr o ce ss |
p . im pl em e n t s=s<=> s. im pl em en t e d By=p
all s ys : Sy ste m , s e r : Ser vi ce |
ser . is Be h av io rO f _ w = s ys <=> ser in s y s . h as Be h a v io r_ w
all s ys : Sy ste m , p : P r oc es s |
p . is B e h av io rO f _ c = s ys <=> p in sy s . ha s B e ha vi or _ c
run {} fo r exactly 4 S er v ic e , exactly 2 Pr o ce s s ,
exactly 3 S ys te m
Listing 1: Meta-model formalization in Alloy.
The well-formedness rules R3 and R4 are already
captured with the cardinalities. The remaining rules
are written as facts. We finally specify the domain
for which we want the Alloy Analyzer to generate an
instance model (the run command).
Having an instance means that the Alloy code is
correct and not over-constrained for the domain we
have set. The instance in Figure 3 is one of the
many that satisfies the constraints written for the well-
formedness rules for the domain exactly 4 Service, ex-
actly 2 Process, exactly 3 System. Note the immedi-
ate cycle that exists between Service3 and Process0.
Such cycles are allowed to capture situations found in
reality. We demonstrate this with an example.
Imagine the hosting service offered by a data cen-
ter. Such a service is implemented by using a server
room, racks, power supply and other technical resour-
ces. In addition, the data center uses a web site to
display information about the status of the resources,
for monitoring purposes. This website is hosted on a
machine in the data center.
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 3: One Alloy-generated instance where all well-
formedness rules are respected.
6.4 Evaluation
The Alloy checking is a formal evaluation of the on-
tology. It proves that correct SEAM models can be
generated with our meta-model. Around 20 case stu-
dies that we modeled with our ontology during our
collaboration with the IT department is another form
of evaluation. The difficulties we encountered with
the case studies in conceptualizing systems were ea-
sily overcome by focusing on the behavior, i.e. the
process and the emerging service. In addition, one
practitioner from the IT department used our meta-
model and developed tools upon it. We still plan to
conduct additional evaluation in the form of user stu-
dies, interviews with more practitioners and survey.
6.5 Limitations
Several other aspects of SEAM are not presented and
discussed in this paper. One is the functional hierar-
chy, more precisely the decomposition of the behavior
into sub-services and sub-processes. In addition, the
meta-model does not capture temporal and sequential
elements, like change of state over time or after an
action. This can be done by enriching the meta-model
with entities that show properties of systems, services
and processes. Previous SEAM meta-models inclu-
ded these concepts (L
e and Wegmann, 2013).
SEAM modeling focuses not only to the user percep-
tion of the value that the service brings, but it also
gives details on the perception of the systems in the
multiple organizational levels of the service provider.
The service exchange and value co-creation among
systems are present across the whole organization, not
only at the end-user level. Every system, namely or-
ganization, person, IT application, provides a service,
so with the proposed ontology we leverage on the ge-
neral SEAM contribution of services being explicitly
modeled at any organizational level of interest. Such
conceptualization uses the first foundational premise
of service-dominant logic: “service is the fundamen-
tal basis of exchange” (Vargo and Lusch, 2008).
SEAM had already been used in such contexts, but
it provides a set of models and tools, that combined
are difficult to use in a large scale projects. Their ex-
isting meta-models encompass entirely SEAM. In this
paper we suggested to use a stripped down version of
SEAM. For this version we propose an ontology that
offers a new perspective, the focus on the behavior
of the system, not the system itself. All the relations-
hips among the Service and the Process concept in the
meta-model shift the modeling focus around the beha-
vior, i.e. what systems do together. In such a version,
cycles are allowed and even external actors, such as
regulators and suppliers, are considered in a service
Service science literature discusses mainly one le-
vel of value co-creation, the one with the customer or
end user. Here, we propose to reuse the same princi-
ple inside an organization, by only focusing on what
systems do together. With our ontology we do not in-
troduce a classification of service providers and con-
sumers. We focus on the interaction, collaboration
and co-creation among systems, regardless of their
position in the organizational hierarchy, or in the com-
pany. The analysis of the dynamics between a ser-
vice provider and consumer are systematically appli-
cable on the systems in the service provider, inter-
nally, across the whole organization.
During the course of our research, we have reali-
zed that the existence of systems (we choose to ob-
serve) is strongly dependent on our perception of the
behavior of these systems, i.e. services. In SEAM,
processes show collaboration and value co-creation,
so when we try do define the system with its bounda-
ries where this collaboration happens, the choice for
the system name (1) expresses the function of the col-
laboration, or (2) relates to an organization, depart-
ment, or an entity from the observed reality. Overall,
systems thinking is an epistemology (Mingers, 2006,
p. 87). The concepts of a system as a whole and a sy-
stems as a composite only describe how we choose to
perceive the reality, so they are not strictly represen-
ted in the meta-model of the ontology.
Ontology for SEAM Service Models
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