Analysis of Serious Games based Learning Requirements using
Feedback and Traces of Users
Afef Ghannem
, Karim Sehaba
, Raoudha Khcherif
and Henda Ben Ghezala
Ecole Nationale des Sciences de l’Informatique, Université de la Manouba, RIADI, Tunis, Tunisia
Université de Lyon, CNRS, Université Lyon 2, LIRIS UMR5205 F-69676, France
Keywords: Content-extraction, Educational Objectives, Evaluation, Serious Game.
Abstract: Identify the games that best meet the needs and expectations of teachers and objectives of their courses
remains a necessity about the integration of serious games among active teaching methods. Indeed, several
serious games have developed in recent years, and it is often difficult for a teacher, not a computer scientist
in particular, to find a game that meets these specific needs. Our aim is to develop models and tools enabling
the teacher to find serious games adapted to his needs, considering user feedback and their traces of interaction
with the game. To this end, we have explored the evaluation methods of serious games as well as methods of
extracting knowledge from traces and texts. In this paper, we present our method of knowledge extraction of
educational objectives. Thus, our proposal is assisting and supporting teachers/trainers to choose serious
games and easily integrate them into their learning processes and devices.
According to the definition of (Alvarez, 2007), a
Serious Game (SG) is “a software that combines a
serious intention, educational kind, informative,
communicative, marketing, and ideological or work-
out with fun spring”. This fun part of the game allows
motivating and maintaining the player in a dynamic
learning. Currently, thousands of students invest a
tremendous amount of time in playing computer and
the Internet. This generation of the game, strong in
technology, has difficulty in cognitive learning,
methodological and social. The serious game can
therefore make an important place and establish itself
as a complement to traditional training methods.
Moreover, its usability in most activity sectors
gives him a definite advantage for its future. Besides,
the use of serious game is growing exponentially and
dramatically to reach several fields such as education,
learning, continuing training, health care, military,
etc. The serious game has been the objective of
various research studies (Zyda, 2005). Indeed, there
has been increasing interest of using SG for promote
learning in carries serious objectives and learning
outcomes. In this respect, several research works have
been developed to highlight the specific place and the
original role of play in the learning process. This
research specifically aimed at enhancing the
effectiveness of the use of games in learning. The
teachers have been attracted by these games because
they facilitate the manner of receiving the information
by the learners. Therefore, the evaluation of their effi-
ciency and effectiveness according to the course
objectives becomes necessary. In fact, the increasing
use of SGs in teaching laying the problem of their use
by the objectives and content (Paraskeva et al, 2010).
The lack of reliable methods of evaluation and
characterization of SGs constitutes a research gap
linked to a real need for teachers. Indeed, selecting
the most appropriate game at a given learning
objective appears to be insufficiently treated in litera-
ture and the teachers/trainers whose specialties and
knowledge are far from serious games and computer
science in general have difficulty locating them-
selves. In a context of strong growth in the use of SGs,
it becomes necessary to help teachers to identify the
most suitable SG according to the defined educational
objective and their own pedagogical needs. Through
an evaluation and characterization approach of SGs
and based on the extraction and analysis of the
objectives treated by the game, we are trying to solve
the research question addressed by this paper. Indeed,
the extraction of information is a new discipline of
analyzing an automatic manner to extract text a set of
information considered relevant (Poibeau, 2003).
Ghannem, A., Sehaba, K., Khcherif, R. and Ben Ghezala, H.
Analysis of Serious Games based Learning Requirements using Feedback and Traces of Users.
DOI: 10.5220/0006713702800287
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2018), pages 280-287
ISBN: 978-989-758-291-2
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Our proposal is to collect all the descriptions, the
feedbacks, the possible traces of the players of a given
game in a bank of games. Then, analyze each one
according to the predefined ontology to extract the
criteria and the key concepts of the game from the
texts already stored in the corpus. After having had
the criteria in result of the extraction, we will have
ontologies relative to the games in quest of analysis
and characterization. We then align these ontologies
with the ontology of the needs of the teacher/ trainer
in order to obtain, through automatic calculations, the
precision rates of the information contained in the
first ontologies in relation to the last ontology
(ontology of the needs of the teachers).
Finally, and through the values of adequacy
obtained during the previous stage, it is automatically
recommended to the teacher/trainer the game best
suited to his pedagogical needs. In order to meet our
objective, we first carried out a state of the art on the
methods of evaluation and analysis existing in the
literature to identify the common characteristics cited
and to consider and judge their usefulness according
to our approach analysis of SGs. We also explore the
techniques and tools used in related work to decide
which analytical techniques to adopt.
In this paper, we proceed as follows: Firstly, we
will present in section 2 the back-ground of our
research work. In section 3, we will present our
method of research. Section 4, describes in detail our
methodology and used techniques. In section 5, we
present the field application of our research. In
section 6, we expose a part of preliminary results.
Finally, we conclude by summarizing our work and
the proposed perspectives.
Serious games’ users still have difficulty with the
choice of the most appropriate game for their needs.
In this section, we present attempts to establish
evaluation systems existing in the literature as well as
the terminology associated with the characterization
and modelling of Sgs.
2.1 Serious Games Evaluation:
Methods and Used Tools
Several studies are currently devoted to evaluating the
contribution of games in learning. The evaluation and
analysis of serious games has affected several
aspects. Some of these works evaluated the design
component of the games such as the evaluation of the
playability of the gameplay experience (Nacke et al,
2010), the user-friendliness of the interface of the
game which tends to keep the attention of the player
(Pinelle et al, 2008), the verification of the
compatibility of the objective of the game with the
content. For example, (Mitgutsch and Alvarado, 2012)
proposed an evaluation of the content of the game
through a questionnaire which offers a potential for a
critical discourse on the strengths and weaknesses of
a serious game and Emphasize cohesion between the
essential elements of design and consistency in
relation to the objective of the games (Calderón and
Ruiz, 2015) (Lameras et al, 2016). Others have evaluated
the amount of information acquired by the
learner/player (Oulhaci et al, 2013), and follow his
actions during playing the game and therefore assess
the assimilation's degree of the knowledge provided
by the game.
On his part, (Molnar and Kostkova, 2013) suggests
an evaluation of the gain offered by a serious game.
Nevertheless, these works are most dedicated to game
designers and applies during the creating and
developing games process. Numerous research
advocates the use of methodologies and theoretical
approaches such as grids, questionnaires, logs,
interviews, monitoring, etc. to help teachers/trainers
to analyze an educational game and evaluate its
pedagogical profitability (Boughzala, 2014).
In relation to our research question, few studies
have tried to associate Natural Language Processing
techniques (NLP) with serious games (Picca et al,
2015) and has talked about the importance of such
association. They admit that with the use of NLP, they
can collect information without destroying the game
and more accurately interpret the users' behaviour.
2.2 Serious Game Criteria
Works related to ours, tried to evaluate various
aspects of the game. The frequently evaluated criteria
are the usefulness of the game, the domain, the
understandability, the motivation, the kind of the
game, the feedback and the objective of the game
(Bellotti et al, 2013). The learning outcomes in turn
are a very selective criterion of SG (Mayer, 2012) (Ra
et al, 2016) (Arnab et al, 2015). Other studies have
proposed tools and databases of games where we find
an educational games collected and analyzed by
certain number of criteria.
In fact, our approach differs from above works
and our objective is to extract the content of the SG,
especially the educational goals through the
descriptions accompanying SGs, feedbacks, to beable
to compare and evaluate the course objectives, in
order to make the right choice of the game to
Analysis of Serious Games based Learning Requirements using Feedback and Traces of Users
Table 1: Serious Game Criteria.
Evaluate the
gameplay and the
pleasure it offers to
the player.
Evaluate the user-
friendlness of the
interface and the
learning of the game
by the players.
Measure the interest
of the serious game
in relation to the
Thefield and
discipline of the
Degree of difficulty
The ability of
serious game to be
Game type
Competitive or
Game genre
Role game, strategy,
action, reflection,
simulation, etc.
The duration oft he
Clear information
on how the partici-
pants are doing.
Define and describe
the skill to be
acquired via the
Learning outcomes
Describe the desired
learning that
students should have
acquired at the end
of a game: skills and
Learning style
Informations and
indicators that how
students learn and
interact with the
The age range of
learners whose
game is dedicated.
Determine basic
knowledge levels.
A generic indicator
of involvement in
the game.
incorporate it into the learning process by any
instructional designer, we propose our terminology
associated to characterizing and modelling SGs.
Table 1 define and describe these criteria.
2.3 Serious Game Knowledge Modeling
In spite of the hopeful results of the use of SGs in
teaching and learning presented in the literature, their
analysis and evaluation still require metrics to
characterize games in an educational context. In our
context, ontologies allows to model a knowledge
formally. Thus, they make it possible to represent the
learner/player profile, the context of the game and the
learning offered and integrated into the SG.
This section identify ontologies and meta-models
of SG available in the literature. We proceeded as
follows :
Search for available ontologies of serious
Analyze and compare the concepts used in
each of them in relation to our needs.
In (Tang and Hanneghan, 2011), authors
introduce a SG ontology that aims to develop a high-
level creation environment to facilitate the
development of SGs for teachers. We see that this
ontology defines technical concepts and aspects of the
game more than the pedagogical concepts. It is an
ontology dedicated to the development of SGs. Other
searchers define ontology of SG (Prayaga and
Rasmussen, 2008), it is an ontology that describe and
define the essential elements of games, the essential
elements of the learning environment and the
essential elements of SGs.
Moreover, a meta-model for SGss in higher
education (Longstreet and Cooper, 2012), consists of
three basic parts namely external entities, educational
game elements and traditional game components.
This model focuses mainly on the educational
elements of the game. The knowledge of the domain
is defined in an ambiguous way which requires an
imprecise communication of the domain knowledge.
A new ontology has appeared in the work of (Rocha
and Faron-Zucker, 2015). It aims to enable the
modelling and creation of SGs that use Linked Data
datasets as a knowledge base to represent resources in
the game and considering the profile and context of
the player.
To help and support teachers in choosing the right
SG, we are trying to invent and create an evaluation
model of SG content. Design methods, development
of SGs and how they integrate pedagogy unwittingly
are diverse. These differences should be taken into
consideration when designing our automatic
evaluation model (see Figure 1).
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
The goal is to extract the objectives and the
description content that accompanies SGs, feedbacks
and interaction of users of such SG. This research
implements the technologies of semantic web and
information retrieval. It fits in the field of Natural
Language Processing (NLP) and specifically in that
of the information extraction. It accepts input in plain
text with domain ontology. The extraction process
used to identify entities and aims to extract and
generate annotations for each text feature.
Figure 1: Architecture of our proposed.
To this end, we are trying to implement a
systematic approach for teachers and trainers. The
information extraction is a technology that aims to
meet a user needs, it seeks to gain knowledge from
text. Discover information of interest that we help us
to take decision to adopt or not such SG in such
learning process, is often our approach in this work.
We use ontologies for the description and
formalization of game knowledge and the needs of
the teachers/trainers. After extracting the SG content
and save it, we obtain in result ontologies of
characterization of the SGs. These latter’s instantiate
the categories of the criteria of a given game already
mentioned above in the previous section. On the
other hand, we have a teacher/ trainer who is looking
for a game that matches his or her educational needs.
After having formulated the needs of the
teachers/trainers in an ontology, we make the
matching between the two (or more) ontologies
corresponding to obtain a list of the most suitable
games in percentage in relation to the needs of the
end user.
4.1 Serious Game Ontology
As we stated above, ontologies represent and deal
with information at the semantic level effectively.
Their use continues to cover various areas such as
technical knowledge, research and indexing of
information. They promote sharing, knowledge
organization, interoperability between systems and
facilitate communication between experts in software
development as they establish a common vocabulary
and semantic interpretation of terms.
The SGs evaluation process for teaching is very
important for their adoption in the learning process. It
is directly related to the pedagogical needs of
teachers/trainers. Each serious game is specific in
terms of design, modelling, how pedagogy has been
integrated, and so on. It is for this reason that we
propose an ontology to model the knowledge offered
by such game. It is generic and has a reasonable size.
We have developed our top-down ontology starting
from the most general to the most specific concepts.
In order to model all the information of interest to
extract from the SG, we will update and exploit a
domain SG ontology already proposed in (Ghannem
and Khemaja, 2011). The main purposes of our SG
ontology are: (i) a formal modelling to provide an
automatic interpretation of the SG to solve problems
related to standardization and interoperability. (ii)
Promote the sharing of knowledge associated with SG
in the educational field. (iii) Favour reuse of
knowledge related to SG analysis and
The purpose of our SG ontology is to facilitate
characterizing and the extraction of the contents of
such game through the criteria mentioned in the
previous sections. Indeed, a SG is characterized by
one or more objectives, actions that compose it, the
skills to develop among players, etc. A pedagogical
objective can be affective, cognitive or psychomotor
type. Pedagogical Objective accomplishes many
skills such as knowledge, know-how and know-be.
Actions that can accomplish the objectives, also used
to describe and develop the skills covered by the
game. The ontology will guide us to our knowledge
extraction approach and to our evaluation system.
Effectively, our ontology should answer the
following questions:
What are the different criteria of the serious
How can they be characterized?
In order to answer to these two competency
questions, we referred to the related works which
tried to characterize the SGs and we then classify
them by category (previously mentioned in section 2).
The Figure 2, presents the SG ontology formalized
under the Protégé ontology editor.
Analysis of Serious Games based Learning Requirements using Feedback and Traces of Users
Figure 2: Partial view of our serious game ontology.
To validate our ontology, we create several
instances of serious games belonging to different
fields of education. The instantiated concepts are used
for characterization and extracting the main
knowledge of SGs.
4.2 Definition and Modeling of
Teacher’s Needs
We booked more time for modelling the needs of
teachers/trainers in terms of the criteria and
functionality offered by such a game and more
particularly the objective class given the importance
of these entities for the adoption of such game in
learning. Considered as essential element in the
context of teaching and learning, the Oxford
Advanced Learner’s Dictionary defines an objective
as an act of kicking or hitting. Moreover, (Guilbert,
1984) defines an objective as the result sought by the
learner at the end of the educational program, i.e what
the students should be able to do at the end of a
learning period that they could not to do beforehand.
These are the statements which express specifically
and in measurable terms, an attitude that will be
developed cognitive or psychomotor skills that the
students would be able to do because of prescribed
treatment method or mode of instruction.
From these two definitions, we can shoot a
statement of a learning objective contains a verb (an
action) and an object (usually a noun). The verb
generally refers to the intended cognitive process.
The object generally describes the knowledge
students are expected to acquire or construct
(Anderson and Krathwohl, 2001). Thus, to represent
an objective formally, we rely on the definition and
Bloom's taxonomy. Bloom's taxonomy is a research
tool in education and evaluation. It represents an
objective classification system of the educational
process. It is used to categorize the level of
abstraction skills to be acquired during the learning
process. The taxonomy consists of three domains
cognitive (about knowing), affective (about attitudes,
feelings) and psychomotor (about doing).
Defining the way whose users will express their
pedagogical needs regarding the SG will allow us to
exploit the information collected from
teachers/trainers. Then, we align them with the
knowledge extracted during the previous section to
decide one or more adequacy between users’ needs
and our annotated games corpus.
It is essential when we want to practice active
learning to set goals to determine what the participant
will get of training. But, the most common tasks in
information extraction are the extraction of named
entities (Nadeau and Sekine, 2007), and relationships.
Therefore, extraction of objectives can be conceived
as a form of relationship extraction where an action
(verb) is related to other entities such that a player can
perform in game. The development of such system
first requires defining the nature of that in-formation
to share with other information processing services.
Ontology is the mode of representation most used for
this purpose. Comes then the central phase of textual
analysis to extract these types of information.
Our method of automatic identification of
objectives and criteria is based on the description
accompanying each game, the user's feedback and the
user's interactions with the game such as logs, player's
traces, etc. These descriptions can then be exploited
to extract the concepts, relations and rules of the game
ontology. Through the semantic annotation, we
provide To users the useful knowledges to
characterize the serious game. This extraction process
follows the following steps: (1) The first concerns the
definition and construction of the two ontologies. (2)
The second is related to the identification of
concepts/relationships in ontology, locating the
corresponding terms and synonyms in the corpus. (3)
The third concerns the export of the obtained result in
RDF format, (4) in the fourth step, we align the
obtained ontologies through the exploration of the
corpus previously stored in our serious gaming bank
with that of the users’ needs and calculate the
performance evaluation. To begin with, we define a
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
set of criteria considered as advertiser’s criteria and
objectives likely to realize it in the text. These
advertisers are divided into different lists that each of
which is associated with a specific class. For
example, a type of objective can be cognitive,
affective, or psychomotor. In other words, identify
the different types of objectives defined in our
domain ontology. Thereafter, it is specified the class
of the ontology associated to advertiser’s verbs
present in the text to be analyzed.
Then, we need to associate their circumnutates
involved to achieve the objective. For that, we must
identify the relationship between the advertiser and
other entities of the sentence. It is useful to use a
parser defining dependencies between the different
elements of the sentence. For each game analyzed, we
could extract if they are present, the different types of
objectives of the game, the type of the game, its
domain, the level of difficulty, etc.
The tool presented here, uses semantic extractors
suitable for text engineering platform named General
Architecture of Text Engineering (GATE)
(Cunningham et al, 2003) and aims to extract the goals,
relationships, etc. The recognition component is
based on the Gate Transducer component that uses
JAPE to manually define the models. JAPE provides
a layer between the user and regular expressions that
are used internally. A JAPE rule consists of a pattern
that must be identified LHS (regular expression for
annotation pattern), followed by the code to be
executed RHS (manipulation of the annotation patter
from LHS) when this model is compared. The result
of JAPE rule is stored in an annotation property. In
GATE, each goal (verb) to be with his entry in the
ontology. We opted for an automatic extraction of
criteria from the descriptive text accompanying the
SGs as a first filter in our overall evaluation approach.
To get there, we developed a new resource type JAPE
Transducer which adds to the Gate processing
resources. We defined a JAPE rule to identify
objectives. To avoid having false results and for the
extraction engine does not consider any verb as an
educational objective, we developed heuristics that
eliminate noise that can be generated.
The verb should be an infinitive.
The verb must be followed by an object.
The verb must belong to a predefined area.
These three heuristics are translated into rules to
filter the results.
To conclude, we did not find any research work to
automatically extract knowledge from serious games,
and to characterize this knowledge through a concrete
and semantic model. Moreover, to our knowledge
there are no works based on semantic web
technologies, specifically NLPs to automatically
extract the content of serious games from texts and
therefore give a formal and structured
characterization to this knowledge and
understandable by machine.
With the aim of helping and supporting future SGs
users for learning, and more specifically teachers /
trainers, to adopt new teaching methods, ie teaching
and training through games, We try to propose a
generic and formal referential. Integrating SGs in a
meaningful way into learning processes requires a
well defined and precise protocol.
We adopted an approach based on the collection
of data through the descriptions contained on the net,
user feedback from the forums, collection of
formalized and non-formalized traces of users and
exploit them as input of our system of extraction and
characterization of SGs. The output and the result of
our system will be an ontology of criteria followed by
statistics of the correspondence rates of one or several
games with the criteria sought by the teacher / trainer.
Next, our SGs evaluation protocol provides useful
recommendations for the game user to adopt and
favour one game over another based on the suitability
values derived from the previous step.
The implementation of our content extraction
method and the objectives of serious games are
currently underway. But, we can expose some
preliminary results. To test the effectiveness of our
system and to validate our proposal, we have built our
own repository through a range of serious games
collected from the web, based on that they are open
source and having educational objectives. The
advantage of using NLPs to solve the problem of
finding and characterizing SGs in favour of learning
lies in its potential to develop a semantic network of
knowledge related to the description of the game. Be
exploited to find the adequacy between the learning
objectives of a learning process and the learning
outcomes that such a game can offer. Unlike existing
work, we try to provide a complete solution while
defining a generic tool for evaluating and analyzing
SGs. We provide teachers/trainers especially non-
computer scientists and non-connoisseurs of
advanced technologies help and support to find the
most appropriate game in relation to their pedagogical
needs and therefore adopt it in their learning
Analysis of Serious Games based Learning Requirements using Feedback and Traces of Users
Figure 3: Annotation of ontology concepts.
Figure 4: Objectives extraction.
Figure 3 and Figure 4, show the output from the
extraction of some objectives present in the
description of the Colobot and the stanrbank game.
Through this extraction, w can get information on:
What do we teach to the learner/player?
What type of knowledge to be acquired?
The abstraction level of educational
In fact, this is the first filter of the first lines of
extraction results in our approach adopted for
evaluation of serious games through their educational
The principal aim of the work presented in this paper
is to provide a method and model for extracting
(semi-) automatically the serious game content. This
model extracts automatically the objectives and
content of the game through the description that
accompanies it as first filter. This responds to the
serious game users’ needs to help and support
teachers in their choice of the SG and to facilitate its
Our future research consists of fully automating
the content-extraction and evaluation process of
serious games.
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