modules on the body did not mechanically coincide
because of the curves on the body.
In this study, a camera-based system was
simultaneously used with the IMU-based system.
The differences between the RMSE values of the
two systems determined through kinematic
parameters with a tolerance close to 1%. Therefore,
the comparison results of two systems indicate that
IMU-based systems can replace camera-based
systems. The errors in joint angles during gait
analysis are within the tolerance range and the errors
could be reduced by replacing the gyroscope,
accelerometer, and magnetometer sensors with an
integrated sensor.
Further, the RMSE values of the kinematic
parameters measured with the IMU-based systems in
the three different experimental settings with a
tolerance close to 1%. Therefore, it can be inferred
that IMU-based systems are reliable for gait
analysis. Compared to the 2% error rate reported by
previous studies that used relatively more expensive
sensors, this study showed similar performance with
those studies that used high-cost sensors.
The limitations of this study include the fact that the
study was conducted on one participant and the
measurement session was extended over a long
period. Although the healthy participant tried to
maintain his health and physical activities for three
months during the experimental trials, the
measurements in different hospitals were taken over
an extended period.
Further studies on IMU-based gait analysis will
attract increased attention and demand. Therefore, a
system that provides feedback for gait correction and
evaluation will be developed in future work..
Gait analysis is currently conducted very rarely
owing to high equipment cost, complex procedure,
and space restriction. Therefore, an IMU-based
system was inspected to verify its validity and its
potential to replace camera-based systems. The
results indicate that IMU-based systems can be
effectively used in clinical settings and could be
applied to other fields that require gait analysis.
Furthermore, it is expected to be widely distributed
in related fields. Because IMU-based systems
provide accurate gait data in real time, they could
contribute to faster diagnosis and evaluation by
This study verified the validity and the reliability of
IMU-based systems. The results indicate that IMU-
based systems can be widely used for rehabilitation
and gait analysis in clinical settings. It will be
necessary to develop interaction-coaching systems to
improve the accessibility of such systems. In
addition, a new type of gait analysis system that
portrays gait data as graphs, 3D avatars, and
webcams should be developed. The development of
IMU-based systems is expected to improve the
quality of patients’ lives as the cost for gait analysis
will consequently decrease.
This work was supported by Institute for
Information & communications Technology
Promotion(IITP) grant funded by the Korea
government(MSIP) (2017-0-01800).
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