totype design based upon this model utilizes accepted
taxonomies and security standards to support out-of-
the-box organization-level gameplay for simulating
cyber-attacks on various types of local or networked
assets. Our data mapping mechanisms enable domain
experts to easily extend the system with new actors,
actions, and (mitigating) equipment. We also exem-
plified how real-world data such as OS kernel events
can be linked to the model.
The development of the first educational game
prototype based on the introduced model has been
completed. Ultimately, it is planned to evaluate both
the physical release candidate as well as a simula-
tion app that will allow us to automatically compute
new attack stories and identify systemic weaknesses
in only slightly abstracted infrastructures.
Next to simulation, the APT RPG offers a solid
foundation for the development of an ontology
for targeted attacks, which can be populated by
both threat information sources as well as host and
network monitoring data. The synergies between
the data-centric and model-based game system will
significantly aid in understanding and closing the
semantic gap.
The financial support by the Austrian Federal Mini-
stry of Science, Research and Economy and the Nati-
onal Foundation for Research, Technology and Deve-
lopment is gratefully acknowledged.
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