Integration between Agents and Remote Ontologies for the Use of
Content on the Semantic Web
Felipe Demarchi, Elder Rizzon Santos and Ricardo Azambuja Silveira
Department of Informatics and Statistics, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil
Keywords: Intelligent Agents, Semantic Web, Jason Interpreter.
Abstract: The Semantic Web proposes a structure of significant content for Web pages that is used in knowledge
bases and developed from ontologies, that have recently come to coexist on the Web. There are studies to
allow agents to navigate through these knowledge bases in search of answers to queries. This work proposes
the adaptation of a well-known agent structure, named Jason, in order to allow the agent access to
ontologies available on the Web. In this context, efforts have been made to perform the integration of agents
with ontologies, most of which allow the knowledge of the agent to be based on a local ontology. However,
applying the ability to use semantic data available on the Web to a consolidated belief-desire-intention
(BDI) agent structure is a subject that still needs to be explored. Therefore, this work proposes changes in
the implementation of the Jason interpreter that would allow agents to access ontologies available on the
Web to perform the update of their belief base based on significant content. As validation, a case study of an
educational quiz is presented that uses this information to formulate the questions and validate the answers
The emergence of the Semantic Web has aroused
interest in research involving computational
According to Berners-Lee, Hendler and Lassila
(2001), the Semantic Web aims to bring a
meaningful content structure to Web pages, allowing
virtual agents to move between these pages
performing specific tasks for users. In order to do
this, it is necessary to use knowledge representation
from the various ontologies that are available on the
Web. The great power offered by the Semantic Web
will be accessible when agents can collect the
information available in the various bases of
knowledge representation, process this information
and share the results with other agents.
For the definition of agents, we consider the
notation presented by Wooldridge and Jennings
(1995), according to which an agent consists of a
system that is situated in some environment and is
capable of performing autonomous actions in this
environment to reach its objectives. It has the
properties of autonomy, social ability, reactivity and
BDI is based on a human behavior model
developed by philosophers, having its origin in the
theory of human practical reasoning, with a focus
mainly on intentions in the reasoning practice
developed by Bratman (1987). Wooldridge (2002)
explained that the BDI system consists of the
process of deciding, moment by moment, which
action to take to reach a certain goal. Therefore,
Bordini et al. (2007) defined that these computer
programs have a computation analogous to beliefs,
desires and intentions.
Another concept necessary for the context of the
Semantic Web refers to ontologies. Gruber (1995)
defined an ontology as an explicit specification of a
conceptualization, understood as a simplified and
abstract vision of the world that is meant to represent
it for some purpose. Antoniou and Van Harmelen
(2008) pointed out that an ontology consists of a
finite list of terms. Furthermore, the relationship
between these terms, which defines important
concepts, is formed by the classes and objects of the
Many approaches have been developed to allow
agents to use ontologies as a knowledge base.
Dikenelli et al. (2005), Moreira et al. (2006),
Klapiscak and Bordini (2009), Mascardi et al.
Demarchi, F., Santos, E. and Silveira, R.
Integration Between Agents and Remote Ontologies for the Use of Content on the Semantic Web.
DOI: 10.5220/0006718701250132
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2018) - Volume 1, pages 125-132
ISBN: 978-989-758-275-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(2011), Campos (2014) and Freitas et al. (2015) all
formed proposals that allow the integration between
agents and ontologies as a knowledge base.
However, these proposals seek to present the agent’s
integration with local ontologies, not exploring the
possibility of accessing remote ontologies available
on the Semantic Web.
In view of this, the current research presents the
integration of a consolidated BDI agent structure,
named Jason, with remote ontologies made available
from databases such as DBPedia. As validation, a
case study is presented that consists of an
educational quiz related to geography topics, which
will use the proposed agent model to define the
questions and answers from searches of these
knowledge bases available on the Web.
This paper is organized as follows. Related
studies are described in Section 2. Section 3 presents
the changes applied to the Jason interpreter. In
Section 4, a case study is described that validates the
proposed model. Finally, Section 5 presents the
conclusions and future work.
In this section, we present the notable studies that
perform an integration between agents and
ontologies, and focus on those that use ontologies as
the agents’ knowledge base.
Dikenelli, Erdur and Gumus (2005) propose the
SEAGENT, a model that allows agents to have a
local ontology as internal knowledge, allowing the
communication between these agents. Since the
agents can have heterogeneous ontologies as a
knowledge base, it used ontology matching between
the ontologies of the two agents, allowing agents
with heterogeneous ontologies to communicate with
each other.
Moreira et al. (2006) presented a theoretical
model of a BDI agent-oriented programming
language called AgentSpeak-DL, an extension using
descriptive logic and ontologies of the AgentSpeak
language, which uses predicate logic. To do this, it
incorporated ontological knowledge with the agent,
presenting the necessary changes in language
semantics to allow execution based on these
Klapiscak and Bordini (2009) describe JASDL
(Jason AgentSpeak-DescriptionLogic). This study
used the Jason interpreter to implement the
theoretical proposal presented by Moreira et al.
(2006), demonstrating the changes made to allow
Jason to use ontological reasoning to update his
belief base and retrieve relevant plans.
Mascardi et al. (2011) presented CooL-
AgentSpeak, an extension of the AgentSpeak-DL
language that allows alignment between the local
heterogeneous ontologies present in different agents.
It makes use of an agent with the alignment
capability called Ontology Agent, which is consulted
whenever it is necessary to perform an alignment
between the ontologies of two agents.
Campos (2014) introduced PySA, a Phyton BDI
agent implementation that defines URIs (Uniform
Resource Identifiers) as agent beliefs that point to
online data available on the Semantic Web, more
specifically in DBPedia.
Freitas et al. (2015) proposed an approach that
allows the interaction of agents and ontologies using
a coded layer based on CArtAgO. In this approach,
any agent-oriented language with support for this
artifact can use this implementation to perform the
integration between agents and local ontologies. One
of the main contributions of this work is to allow an
agent to have access to more than one ontology as a
knowledge base.
In analysing the above-mentioned works, it is
clear that much effort is being applied to research
concerning the integration between agents and
ontologies, with the aim of contributing to the
research related to the Semantic Web. Although,
many research finding can support the use of
ontologies as the agents’ knowledge base, as well as,
in some cases, support the communication among
the agents working in multi-agent systems, among
the related works found, the work of Campos (2014)
is the only one that integrates the agents’ knowledge
base and a remotely available ontology. But this
model is presented through a proper ad hoc
implementation of the agent. That is, without
applying any consolidated or well-known framework
for BDI Agents.
In order to apply the concepts of the Semantic Web
to a consolidated agent model, we chose to use the
architecture and the reasoning cycle of the Jason
According to Bornidi et al. (2007), this
interpreter uses ten steps for the execution of the
reasoning cycle of an agent. The first four
correspond to obtaining information for the belief
base, which can happen from communication with
ICAART 2018 - 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
other agents or based on the perception of the
The other steps work with the selection of events
and plans that allow them to reach the objectives of
the agent and initially consists of the selection of an
event. All relevant plans are retrieved for this event
and the applicable plans defined. Finally, one of
these plans is selected and one of its intentions is
This work proposes changes in the
implementation of the Jason interpreter, in order to
allow him to use existing knowledge in the Semantic
Web to feed his belief base. However, no
modification was performed on the model structure,
as the execution of the reasoning cycles were
maintained exactly as proposed by Bordini et al.
In the sequence, we present the modifications
made to the implementation of the Jason interpreter.
They consist of the class responsible for allowing
the execution of queries to remote ontologies and the
creation of three internal events that allow the agents
to make use of these queries.
In order to prepare a case study that involves
creating an educational quiz related to geography
topics, the definitions of some internal events are
directed towards this end. However, the Jason
Interpreter allows the creation of new internal
events, thus allowing other definitions to be
3.1 Queries to Remote Knowledge
In order to allow the Jason interpreter to support
queries to remotely available knowledge bases
through the SPARQL query language (i.e.
DBPedia), a class called SparqlSearch was added to
the implementation, which is solely responsible for
performing these queries. To enable this support, the
Jena framework was used.
This class consists of the definition of the
searchDbpedia method, which receives a
SparqlObject parameter and returns a list of objects.
SparqlObject was an object created only to represent
a triple, having the attributes called URI, Predicate
and Object. The return consists of a list of type
Object by the fact that the query can return resources
or literals.
There are two options for creating the SPARQL
query. The first one is based on a URI and a
predicate to find the corresponding objects, while
the second is based on the predicate and the object to
obtain the corresponding URI. Therefore, taking the
predicate and the URI, or the object, it is possible to
query DBPedia using this class. Figure 1 shows the
part of the code responsible for defining the
SPARQL query.
Figure 1: Code demonstrating the SPARQL query.
In the query variable definition, the PREFIXES
constant contains all the prefixes required to perform
a SPARQL query on DBPedia. The return of the
query brings a list of results, for which it would
check whether there are resources or literals to add
to the method’s return list.
3.2 Searchdbpedia Internal Event
To allow a Jason agent to check the validity of a
predicate and a URI or Object, an internal event
named searchdbpedia was added to the
This event receives two terms as arguments to
check whether it is a valid query or not. This is
necessary because you can request a query based on
a URI or Object and a predicate that are not related,
or based on an incorrect URI, so this internal event
is necessary to perform this validation. With this, the
agent can define rules for which event or plan to
execute based on the return of the execution of this
internal event. As an example, the definition of
contexts using this internal event is presented below.
+!search : .searchdbpedia(
“dbo:country”) <- ...
+!search : not .searchdbpedia(
“dbo:country”) <- ...
In this example, if the internal searchdbpedia
event returns some SPARQL query result using the
Integration Between Agents and Remote Ontologies for the Use of Content on the Semantic Web
URI for Brazil next to the dbo:country predicate,
then the first event will be selected for execution,
otherwise it will be the second.
The implementation of the execute method of
this internal event gets the terms passed as
arguments, in this case the URI and the predicate.
They are converted to the type String and perform
the query using the class SparqlSearch. Figure 2
shows the part of the code referring to this step.
Figure 2: The code related to the internal searchdbpedia
After validating that a URI and a predicate have
been defined for the query, a list of results is
obtained from the execution of the SPARQL query
to be performed using the SparqlSearch class. If any
result is obtained, it returns true, otherwise it returns
3.3 Checkuri Internal Event
When performing SPARQL queries, it is necessary
to allow the agent to use the values obtained from
the query to feed its belief base. For this, the
checkuri internal event was defined, which aims to
verify if the query returned is a resource. If true, it
will allow the agent to add this resource to its belief
For the implementation of this internal event, the
SPARQL query is performed as previously shown,
checking if the object obtained from the URI and the
predicate informed match a URI that points to
another DBPedia entity. Figure 3 demonstrates the
implementation responsible for this event.
Figure 3: The code related to the checkuri internal event.
This event receives three terms as arguments.
The first two refer to the URI and the predicate,
whereas the third consists of a term to be unified
with the URI received as a result of the query. In this
implementation, if the query returns more than one
URI as a result, only the first one will be unified
with the argument. Below is an example of using
this internal event from a Jason agent.
+!check : .checkuri(
olis>”, “dbo:country”, X ) <- ...
In this example, the internal event receives the
URI referring to the city of Florianópolis and the
dbo:country predicate for the SPARQL query. With
this, the result will be the URI referring to the entity
Brazil, which will be unified with the variable X.
3.4 Checkanswer Internal Event
The first two internal events presented,
searchdbpedia and checkuri, correspond to the
definition of an event pattern necessary for agent
integration with remote ontologies. The
checkanswer internal event was defined to fit the
context of the case study used by this work, which
consists of an educational quiz. However, it also
emphasized the fact that by inserting the
SparqlSearch class into the Jason interpreter, internal
events can be added to the Jason project in order to
address specific situations.
For the context of the case study, it is necessary
to verify if the response given by the student
matches the result obtained from the SPARQL
query. In this case, if the result is a literal, it is
converted to its respective data type and the
comparison is performed. If it is a resource, it will
be necessary to perform a new query to obtain the
name for this resource and for this, a query is
performed using the foaf:name predicate.
This internal event receives three terms as
arguments, where the first refers to the response sent
by the student and the last two refer to the URI and
the predicate needed to conduct the query. Figure 4
shows the code referring to the case where the result
obtained is a resource. In this way, a new query is
performed to obtain a literal referring to the name of
the resource in order to perform the validation of the
Based on the result obtained in the second query,
it is observed if the answer matches the name
referring to this resource.
ICAART 2018 - 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 4: The code related to the response case being a
resource in the checkanswer internal event.
If the result of the query is a literal, then the
second query is not required. Only the conversion of
the literal to its specific data type is required in order
to allow comparison with the response, as shown in
Figure 5.
Figure 5: The code related to the response case being a
resource in the checkanswer internal event.
In this case, it is initially necessary to convert the
literal to its specific data type and then perform the
comparison. As a return, it will be obtained true or
false, referencing whether the answer given by the
student is correct or not. The call to this event from a
Jason agent is shown below.
+!answer : .checkanswer( “Brazil”,
olis>”, “dbo:country”) <- ...
+!answer : not .checkanswer( “Brazil”,
olis>”, “dbo:country”) <- ...
The first case concerns the student providing the
correct answer, while the second concerns the
student’s misunderstanding.
To exemplify the execution of agents with the ability
to access data available in the Semantic Web, a case
study will be demonstrated consisting of a quiz
related to geography subjects.
To do so, it will be necessary to work with two
agents: (1) the question agent (QA) that is
responsible for formulating the questions and (2) the
answer agent (AA) that is responsible for receiving
the questions and sending the response.
The QA agent will begin its process with a belief
called uri, which corresponds to a list that will
initially contain only the resource of DBPedia about
the city of Florianópolis, and the number of
questions that will be responsible for managing the
questions to be asked based on each URI. In
addition, it will initially have the objective of
running the event called generatedQuestions, which
is responsible for formulating the questions. The
initial state of the agent is represented as follows:
ianópolis”>]) .
num_of_questions(0) .
!generateQuestions .
As predicates were used for the realization of the
questions, some relationships identified in the
entities were pre-established, which can be observed
in Figure 6. In this case, some predicates result in an
empty value, while others point to literals or other
resources. These will be analysed based on the
internal events added to the Jason interpreter.
The generateQuestions event that is executed
initially is responsible for initializing the generation
Integration Between Agents and Remote Ontologies for the Use of Content on the Semantic Web
of the questions. Several plans are defined that unify
with this event, having as a definition the number of
the question verified in the context to define which
of the plans will be applicable.
Figure 6: Properties related to the URI that reference
To exemplify the step for the generateQuestions
event, three of the possible plans for this event are as
+!generateQuestions : num_of_questions(
X ) & X = 0 <- !question(“where”,
“dbo:country”, “located”); -
+!generateQuestions : num_of_questions(
X ) & X = 1 <- !question(“when”,
“dbo:founding”, “located”); -
+!generateQuestions : num_of_questions(
X ) & X = 2 <- !removeUri; -
The first two check whether the value
corresponding to the belief num_of_questions
corresponds to a predetermined value to then
execute the event called question, and increment the
value referring to the belief num_of_questions by 1.
The last event checks whether a question has been
reached for a given URI. When this occurs, the event
named removeUri, executes and sets the value
corresponding to the belief num_of_questions to
zero. The generateQuestions event is called again,
which will begin to formulate questions to a new
For the event called removeUri, the agent
separates the list of URIs that has as belief in Head
and Tail. This belief is redefined with the value
referring to Tail, that is, without the first element for
which they have already been performed questions.
The event called question validate if the relation
of a URI with the predicate informed as argument
corresponds to a SPARQL query valid to DBPedia.
This should occur if the result of the query is not
empty. To do so, the searchdbpedia internal event is
used, and two question events are defined for the
agent. For one case the query is possible and for the
other case it is not, as presented in the following
+!question(Type, Predicate, Word) :
uri(L) & L = [H|T] & .searchdbpedia(H,
Predicate) <- .send(answerAgent,
achieve, question(H, Type, Predicate,
+!question(Type, Predicate, Word) :
uri(L) & L = [H|T] & not .searchdbpedia
(H, Predicate) & num_of_questions(X) <-
!generateQuestions .
In the first situation, where the return of the
search dbpedia internal event is true, you get the first
element of the uri belief list. Then sends this
information to the AnswerAgent agent, triggering
your event.
In the second case, if there is no query return for
the URI and the predicate in question, one is added
to the num_of_questions belief of the agent and the
generateQuestions event is executed again.
Agent AA has the event named question, which
in this example checks whether this event was
triggered from the QA agent. If so, the question is
presented and response is returned to the QA agent,
triggering the answer event. The response is sent
with the URI and the predicate in question, so the
QA agent can perform the query to validate the
response, as shown in the following code.
+!question(Uri, Type, Predicate, Word)
[source(questionAgent)] <- .print(Type,
“ is “, Uri, “ “, Word); .send(
questionAgent, achieve,
answer(“Brazil”, Uri, Predicate).
ICAART 2018 - 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
After this step, agent QA will execute the answer
event, which has two definitions - one in case the
answer is correct and another in case it is incorrect.
To perform the validation of the response, it uses the
internal event created called checkanswer, which
will return true or false.
+!answer(Answer, Uri, Predicate) :
.checkanswer(Answer, Uri, Predicate) <-
.print(“Congratulations”); !verifyUri(
Uri, Predicate, Answer);
+!answer(Answer, Uri, Predicate) :
.checkanswer(Answer, Uri, Predicate) <-
.print(“Wrong answer!”);
If the response is incorrect, only a message is
displayed and the process for generating a new
question is initiated. If correct, a congratulatory
message is displayed and the verifyUri event is
+!verifyUri(Uri, Predicate) :
.checkuri(Uri, Predicate, X) <-
!addUri(X) .
This event is responsible for verifying that the
result obtained from the combination of the URI and
the predicate corresponds to a URI that points to
another DBPedia entity. To do this, it uses the
internal event added to Jason called checkuri, which
performs this verification, and if it identifies that it
corresponds to a URI, it then unifies this value to
variable X. In the sequence, the event named addUri
is executed, which adds the URI obtained at the end
of the list of URIs that the agent has as belief for
later formulation of questions.
Thus, during the execution of a cycle of
formulating questions based on a given URI, new
URIs were obtained and added as agent beliefs,
which maintained a relation referring to the content
addressed by the initial URI.
This research addressed the use of the concept of
Semantic Web together with the implementation of
the Jason interpreter. The principles of a
consolidated BDI agent model were maintained,
enabling agents implemented from this tool to have
the ability to access data available in remote
ontologies for the production and updating of
In order to do so, the creation and modification
of internal events of the Jason interpreter were
proposed. The implementation of a class to be used
to intermediate the SPARQL queries to remote
bases, more specifically DBPedia, were also
proposed. Thus, from a URI that the agent has as a
belief, it is possible to expand its knowledge based
on the relations obtained from this URI and from
predicates, always maintaining content coherence.
In order to validate the proposed model, a case
study was presented for the creation of an
educational quiz about geography, in which the
agents exclusively use information available in
remote ontologies to determine the questions related
to the context. With this, it was possible to observe
that from an initial belief, the agent manages to
produce and expand the bank of questions based on
entities that relate to the initial belief, maintaining
the coherence of the content.
The main contribution of this study was to
provide modifications in a well-known BDI agent
model, in this case the Jason interpreter, allowing
agents to integrate with ontologies available on the
Web. It is important to point out that some of the
internal events presented in this work refer to the
context of a virtual learning environment, for the
production of an educational quiz. Following the
same context, and using the main class of the
proposal, called SearchDbpedia, it is possible to
define new internal events in order to meet other
About the related works described above, it is
possible to observe that the sequence of research
presented by Moreira et al. (2011), Klapiscak and
Bordini (2009), Mascardi et al. (2011) and Freitas et
al. (2015) propose changes in consolidated BDI
architectures in order to allow access to ontologies,
however, do not define the possibility of access to
remote ontologies and, in some cases, they use
ontology matching algorithms to allow the
communication between agents. By proposing a
model in which the agents have the capability to
update their beliefs based on remote ontologies, we
claim that is possible that the group of agents has a
common-sense knowledge base. In this case, the
case study uses DBPedia, which eliminates the need
for ontology matching algorithms.
The research work proposed by Campos (2014),
presents an agent model that supports beliefs
revision according to the knowledge obtained from
remote ontologies. This model uses an ad hoc
implementation to perform the validation of the
Integration Between Agents and Remote Ontologies for the Use of Content on the Semantic Web
proposed schema. Therefore the model not
completely matches the basic principles of a BDI
architecture. Based on this, we have chosen to use
the Jason interpreter, which is a consolidated BDI
agent model, without changing its reasoning cycle,
but just working with internal events that allow
agents access to remote ontologies. Thus our model
implementation can be used for purposes other than
the case study used to validate the proposal.
For future work, we proposed allowing an agent
to perform SPARQL queries on more than one web-
based knowledge base, such as Wikidata and
GeoNames. In addition, better standardization of
internal events that adapt to more generic situations
can be established.
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ICAART 2018 - 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence