Figure 5: UML model to specify the simulation structure.
connects them. Figure 5 highlights such a specifica-
tion. It instantiates the classes from Figure 3 and in-
terconnects them. With such a specification, the con-
figuration file is generated and the simulation is ex-
ecuted. The example shows the structural specifica-
tion of the previous example with a head unit an inter-
nal CAN (Body-CAN) and a public CAN (Comfort-
CAN). Both are interconnected via a gateway that is
the target of the analysed attack.
In this paper, we outlined our ambition towards the
modeling of security concepts in the context of VP-
based security analyses. Modeling is applied for the
specification of the attack surface, protection goals
and further documentation. With this comprehensive
information base, different security analysis based on
VPs are executed, such as a dynamic data propagation
analysis or virtual penetration testing. Currently the
available analyses are largely manual tasks e.g., the
interpretation of the data propagation analysis to see
if the attack surface is linked to the protection goals,
without security measures. In the future, we will try
to automate the tasks and reduce the manual overhead
for the user. The presented modeling approach al-
ready provides various steps of automation, but these
mainly support the user to generate the VP and plan
the attack scenarios.
The work was partially funded by the Baden-
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Model-guided Security Analysis of Interconnected Embedded Systems