Data Harvesting, Curation and Fusion Model to Support Public
Service Recommendations for e-Governments
Gayane Sedrakyan
, Laurens De Vocht
, Juncal Alonso
, Marisa Escalante
, Leire Orue-Echevarria
and Erik Mannens
IMEC / IDLab, University of Ghent, Belgium
Fundacion TECNALIA Research & Innovation, ICT European Software Institute Division, Derio, Spain
Keywords: Architectural Model, Recommendation Generation, Public Administration, Public Services, Data
Harvesting, Data Curation, Data Fusion, Linked Data, E-Government.
Abstract: This work reports on early results from CITADEL project that aims at creating an ecosystem of best
practices, tools, and recommendations to transform Public Administrations with more efficient, inclusive
and citizen-centric services. The goal of the recommendations is to support Governments to find out why
citizens stop using public services, and use this information to re-adjust provision to bring these citizens
back in. Furthermore, it will help identifying why citizens are not using a given public service (due to
affordability, accessibility, lack of knowledge, embarrassment, lack of interest, etc.) and, where appropriate,
use this information to make public services more attractive, so they start using the services. While
recommender systems can enhance experiences by providing targeted information, the entry barriers in
terms of data acquisition are very high, often limiting recommender solutions to closed systems of
user/context models. The main focus of this work is to provide an architectural model that allows harvesting
data from various sources, curating datasets that originate from a multitude of formats and fusing them into
semantically enhanced data that contain key performance indicators for the utility of e-Government
services. The output can be further processed by analytics and/or recommender engines to suggest public
service improvement needs.
This work reports on early results from the
CITADEL, a H2020 European project (CITADEL
Consortium, 2017) that aims to create an ecosystem
of best practices, tools, and recommendations to
transform Public Administrations (PAs) with more
efficient, inclusive and citizen-centric services. The
CITADEL ecosystem aims to improve the processes
and policies of the PAs using what they already
know plus new data to implement what really
matters to citizens in order to shape and co-create
more efficient and inclusive public services. The
innovative ecosystem that builds on the best
practices innovates by using ICTs to find out why
citizens stop using public services, and use this
information to re-adjust provision to bring them
back in. Also, it identifies why citizens are not using
a given public service (due to affordability,
accessibility, lack of knowledge, embarrassment,
lack of interest, etc.) and, where appropriate, use this
information to make public services more attractive,
so they start using the services.
In this work we extend The DataTank (Vander
Sande, 2012), to provide the Data
Harvesting/Curation/Fusion (DHCF) component of
the platform based on which recommendations for
the utility and improvements of public services as
well as suggestions for specific services will be
generated to PAs. The DataTank provides an open
source, open data platform which not only allows
publishing datasets according to standardised
DCAT-AP guidelines and taxonomies promoted by
Open Data Support (, but
also transforms the data into a variety of reusable
formats. This allows PAs to publish data in an
almost effortless manner, with maximum impact in
terms of visibility. Using this platform civil servants
will see their open datasets automatically being
crawled by other aggregation portals (a.o., the EU
open data portal) because of the DCAT-AP
compliance. The extension will include an intelligent
Sedrakyan, G., Vocht, L., Alonso, J., Escalante, M., Orue-Echevarria, L. and Mannens, E.
Data Harvesting, Curation and Fusion Model to Support Public Service Recommendations for e-Governments.
DOI: 10.5220/0006728206910698
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD 2018), pages 691-698
ISBN: 978-989-758-283-7
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
way of harvesting and fusion of different (big) data
sources using semantics and Linked Data
technologies. In the context of CITADEL the new
DHCF component will enable the visualization and
analysis of trends for the usage of public services in
European cities, playing a key role in in terms of
suggesting improvements to the current suite of
public services.
This will allow rising the PAs’ knowledge regarding
their progress across various e-government Key
Performance Indicators (KPIs) to improve and make
more specific and evidence based on their e-
government investment plans (see KPI examples in
the section on architectural design). In long term it
would have a positive impact on more efficient and
effective e-government investment strategies of
public institutions.
While the approach that will be followed in
CITADEL for the big data analysis is not novel, the
CITADEL solution regarding big data algorithms
innovation lies on 1) the domain (public sector) in
which it will be applied, 2) the purpose for what is
created, that is, the creation of KPI reports
containing business intelligence that will be used as
input to derivate generic (semi-)automatic
recommendations to improve the processes and
policies of the PAs. The focus of this work is to
provide an architecture that will allow collecting
data from various sources in different formats (e.g.
e-Government portals, offline data, other online
sources such as social media) and fuse them into a
semantically enhanced dataset in order to facilitate
more efficient and inclusive analytics and
recommendation processes for PAs.
Recent R&D topics show increased interest in the
use of recommender systems for e-Government to
assist with customized suggestions for the use of
public services. While recommender systems can
enhance the user experiences by providing targeted
information, the entry barriers in terms of data
acquisition are very high (Heitmann, Hayes, 2010).
To our knowledge scientific publications describing
research-based approaches and methods for
harvesting data from multiple sources, curating and
combining different datasets as basis for
recommendations in public service domain are
largely lacking. Often, the scope of
recommendations is also limited to user models and
context variables that need to be constantly updated
by human interpreter to consider new variables and
maintain the semantics between different model
variables. To the best of our knowledge, only one
recommendation approach has been presented that
focuses on the e-Government service
recommendations that relies on semantic knowledge
using semantic ontologies. Yet, the focus of the
recommendations is limited to one specific are for
tourism (Al-Hassan et al., 2015). In this paper we
posit that harvesting of context variables and KPIs
for visualizations for e-Government service
recommendations can be extended to rely on open
data that may exist beyond such models, e.g.
anywhere from web (e.g. social media discussions)
or European portal, which may be collected and
transformed into unified dataset that is ready to be
processed by recommender engines. We posit that
linked data technologies will allow fulfilling this
task in an automated way by also maintaining the
semantics from different sources and formats.
The Semantic Web provides technologies for
knowledge representation, which can deliver Linked
Data created by multiple parties at Web scale. For
any given entity in a recommendation database, the
open world assumption means that we can harvest
more contextual information by looking up data on
the Web through link following. Because
identification of concepts happens through universal
identifiers - as opposed to local database IDs - other
parties can attach additional metadata to any concept
in order to improve recommendations.
The KPI visualization and Report generation
component of the CITADEL ecosystem will
generate a report based on filtered KPIs. The report
will be presented as visualizations to support
recommendations to PAs. The data will be checked
for privacy sensitivity and anonymized if needed.
The process flow and possible UI mockup for some
KPI definitions/filters are shown in Figure 1 and
Figure 2 (CITADEL Consortium, 2017)
subsequently. Examples of possible KPIs include:
KPIs to co-create: Number of users and trends
General KPIs for improving the usage of the
current digital services in general as well as for
a specific service:
o Number of users/non users per service/per
AMARETTO 2018 - Special Session on domAin specific Model-based AppRoaches to vErificaTion and validaTiOn
o Data/information of citizens who (do not)
use the digital services (or one concrete
digital service): i.e. demographics such as
age, gender, education and computer skills,
internet access, devices used and frequencies
of using digital devices, other methods and
causes contacting governments (e.g. offline
visits, phone calls), etc.
o Built-in feedback (rating) per service/ per
type of service/ per year (e.g. problems
using services, satisfaction, etc.)
These are the possible KPIs envisioned by now. The
list of possible KPIs might be extended to include
further input from CITADEL co-creation
methodology and its subsequent component.
The Data Harvesting, Curation and Fusion
component (DHCF) in the context of KPI
visualizations will collect, store, fuse and provide
data related to the specified KPIs. The main
functionalities of this component are:
Harvesting/loading structured file based
resources in different formats (like CSV, XLS,
JSON, XML, SQL, RDF…) but also databases
through SQL or indexes like Elasticsearch and
publishing data in different formats (like CSV,
Filtering resources based on their metadata, for
example based on keyword or resource type.
Linking and fusing data sources by adding
semantic context.
User management: set the visibility of resources
for certain resources according to user/groups.
The architecture of the DHCF component
consists of three subcomponents: The DataTank
(Vander Sande et al., 2012), RML Mapper (Dimou
et al., 2014) and RDF Store (W3C, 2014). There are
two main parts, which are able to work
Part one focuses on loading, harvesting,
managing, curating and (re)publishing structured
data sources (mainly files) in different formats. Part
two focuses on fusing the loaded/harvested sources
As it can be seen in the Figure 3 there is a central
component the Resource Description Framework
(W3C, 2014) (RDF) Store that it is shared by the
two parts. The RDF Store allows storing and
querying semantically linked graphs.
Introducing semantics to structured data is important
because it allows explicitly indicating the context of
the different data sources being combined. In RDF,
The figure below gives an overview of the
components of the proposed architecture. The main
component for data collecting is the DataTank. The
DataTank allows to harvest, load and manage (or
curate) different structured data sources. It has built-
in a SPARQL (W3C, 2013) templating mechanism
to access linked data residing in an RDF Store,
which is necessary for publishing combinations and
fusions of the data sources. The main component for
fusion relies on RML Mapper (Dimou et al., 2014),
the objective of which is to convert separate sources,
that may have different structures or be in a different
format to linked data. By converting data sources to
linked data, the main component RML Mapper, is to
some extent also fusing the data or at least preparing
the data in a linked format (RDF) so that they can be
fused later, for example through a SPARQL query.
The data sources are accessed through the HTTP
interface that is provided by the DataTank. The
process followed by these components supports
three main steps:
1. Adding a data source and publishing it through
2. Combining data, with a SPARQL query to the
RDF Store, and adding it as a combined ‘fused’
data source.
3. Mapping one or more data sources to linked
data after they are exposed in the source
interface and loading them into the RDF store.
Figure 1: KPI visualization components in CITADEL.
Data Harvesting, Curation and Fusion Model to Support Public Service Recommendations for e-Governments
Figure 2: Sample UI for KPI definitions.
In addition to these steps, the component will
have two different behaviours:
Creating new resources. There are different
ways to create new resources:
o Creating a new dataset from a single
resource using SPARQL query. The user
triggers the retrieval of the data source
through the Web UI. The DataTank will
create a reference to the data source and
expose the data source via a HTTP interface.
o Creating a new dataset from a combined
resource using SPARQL query (manual
query). The user triggers the execution of a
SPARQL query after configuring the
SPARQL query manually (currently
supported) or via selecting the properties
and original data sources to combine (to be
implemented). Like with a single data
source, the DataTank will create a reference
to the data source and expose the data source
via a HTTP interface.
o Creating a new dataset from a single
resource using SPARQL query (mapping
semantics). Mapping/linking data sources is
currently done through a mapping
o Creating a new dataset from a single
resource using SPARQL query (alternative
automated solution).
The output path will follow the data naming
convention specified in the DataTank
documentation: path": "/definitions/{identifier},
where: {identifier} consists of 1 or more collection
identifiers, followed by a final resource name. (e.g.
world/demography/2013/seniors). The convention
will also support the searchability of resources.
Furthermore, the DataTank allows to categorize
resources under the following naming convention:{category}/{resourcename}. The
metadata will be described in DCAT-AP format,
profiting from the functionality provided by the
Retrieving resources. There is a distinction
between retrieving a single data source and a
combined data source.
o Single: A request to retrieve a single data
source is parsed through the DataTank’s
HTTP interface and results in processing the
requested data source in the requested
format and returning it to the application
where the request originated from.
o Combined: When retrieving a combined
data source, the incoming request is
translated to the configured SPARQL
Query. It is the RDFStore that contains the
linked data of all data sources that have been
mapped. So retrieving a combined data
source is only possible after mapping the
data sources that need to be combined and
specifying a SPARQL query (template)
needed for the combination of data sources.
Finally, data can as well be destroyed as required.
The harvesting and curation component will be an
internal sub-component of the KPI visualization
component. This sub-component will interact with
KPI visualization and report generation component
to receive the request of the data, with the Security
Management to request the anonymization /
encryption of certain data and with external data
sources to get the data (Figure 1).
When adding a combined resource, the DataTank
generates an RML mapping document involving the
selected data sources. The generated mapping
document maps the source files according to the
chosen and mapped properties in the data sources.
The DataTank also generates a SPARQL query that
selects the chosen output properties for this resource.
The resulting combined data source will appear in
the list of available resources. It will behave similar
to a SPARQL resource. The main difference is that
the creation of the mapping document and the
SPARQL query will be hidden from the user.
Currently the mapping documents and SPARQL
queries need to be manually configured. Figure 4
AMARETTO 2018 - Special Session on domAin specific Model-based AppRoaches to vErificaTion and validaTiOn
Figure 3: Harvesting/curation/fusion component architecture.
shows an example of such mapping document. The
SPARQL queries in the DataTank and the mapping
documents are on a mounted local file system or file
server. In the future, it will be possible to select data
sources as well as the properties to fuse them on and
also the target properties to map the source
properties on. It is very common that a similar
property might use a different column name to
depict the same.
Figure 4: Mapping and filtering example with manual
configuration file in JSON format.
To add a combined resource, it is necessary to
formulate a SPARQL query. RML enables reusing
mapping definitions/configurations to be used with
different formats (Figure 5).
Figure 5: Fusing different sources using RML mapping
definitions (Dimou et al., 2014).
Furthermore, RML provides a solution to model
domain-level knowledge in a scalable, integrable
and interoperable fashion by semantically
representing data derived from multiple
heterogeneous sources using the RDF framework.
RML uses uniform mapping definitions that are
independent of the references to the input data. RML
mapping definitions (Dimou et al., 2014) are 1)
reusable across different sources; 2) interoperable
across different implementations for different source
formats which allows reusing them at reduced
implementation and learning costs; 3) scalable and
extendable allowing to reference to the data extracts
and the mapping definitions in a distinct fashion by
the use of generic way of definitions for what can be
used for all possible different input sources and
scales over what cannot.
To avoid compatibility issues as well as to facilitate
versioning upgrades, the initial version of the DHCF
will rely on an interface that will link functionalities
from the DataTank and RMLMapper using REST
services. Figures 6-10 show examples of the user
Data Harvesting, Curation and Fusion Model to Support Public Service Recommendations for e-Governments
interfaces for the initial version of the DHCF
component. Figure 6 shows the harvesting interface
mockup that will allow easy loading of datasets from
sources such as local files, files residing on web,
database tables as queried data. Figure 7 shows the
content panel interface where the loaded resources
can be explored and altered.
Figure 6: Harvesting UI mockup.
Figure 7: Harvested resources UI mockup.
Figure 8 shows an example a search feature of the
DataTank that will be used in the DHCF initial
version. Figure 9 shows the default curation
interface which will allow adapting loaded resources
formats, e.g. converting the selected resources into
csv, xls, json, xml, … formats.
The DHCF component will have three fusion
options. By default if no semantics is defined the
resources will be fused based on header similarity.
Figure 8: Findability UI example from the DataTank.
Figure 9: Default curation UI mockup with predefined
formats using automated curation (e.g. based on header
The second option will allow fusing files using a
mapping configuration file and/or RML mapping
definitions (Figure 4, 5).
A more advanced version will allow graphical
interface to facilitate the mapping process using
RMLMapper. An example of defining semantic
mapping is showing in Figure 10.
The unified dataset will ultimately serve an input to
KPI visualization engine to support
recommendations for the improvements of services
in general or allowing zooming into a specific
service/user context.
AMARETTO 2018 - Special Session on domAin specific Model-based AppRoaches to vErificaTion and validaTiOn
Figure 10: Example of a graphical interface for mapping
with RML editor (Dimou et al., 2014).
With respect to the mapping methodologies the
proposed method will benefit from the quality
assurance mechanism based on semantic linked data
technologies. In the case of the tool RML, the
quality assessment process that will be followed is
the one done for Linked Data so as data owners do
not to need to maintain and learn multiple tools.
RML has achieved that by extending RDFunit
(AKSW, «RDFUnit») which is (one of) the pioneer
tools for this job. RDFUnit (and consequently the
mapping rules that generate the Linked Data
assessment approach) mainly focuses on semantic
annotations quality assessment rather than on data
With respect to data management the DHCF
component in the context of CITADEL ecosystem
will follow the principles of FAIR (FAIR Data
Management, 2016) data to enable open access,
searchability, interoperability and re-usability of the
data resources.
With respect to evaluation of the architecture for
recommendation purposes an empirical approach
will be followed to test the approach in the context
of several use cases using national, regional and
local e-Government portals described in CITADEL
project. The implemented solution will offer built-in
evaluation mechanisms considering constructs from
commonly accepted technology acceptance models
that would also allow to keep track of user
perceptions and preferences.
In this work we presented an approach to support
recommendations for the utility and improvement
needs for public service. We achieve this by
facilitating the process of collection, curation and
fusion of data originating from various sources in
different formats that may provide broader access to
KPIs relevant for public service improvement needs.
Thanks to the use of linked data technologies the
semantics between different sources and formats can
be maintained. The fused output will be ready to be
processed by analytics and visualization engines to
produce suggestions at different levels (e.g. national,
regional, local).
The approach also demonstrates a potential for the
use of personalized recommendations based on
individual profiling, for instance collecting user
variables from various sources and matching with
existing service catalogues, as well as suggesting
issues, improvements needs in the procedures, as
well as opportunities for new services, e.g. based on
collected data on user feedback, social media
activities, information on offline visits/inquiries.
Among the potential limitations of the work can be
listed the fact that the architecture does provide
immediate mechanism for addressing privacy,
ethical and legal aspects related to data collected
from sources other than open public data
repositories, which constitutes further research area.
In the more advanced version of the model this will
be covered by the privacy and security components
of the CITADEL ecosystem that will among others
deal with anonymization, data encryption/
decryption mechanisms. Yet another concern that
suggests further research is potential conflicts
between different licence policies that may arise
from the use of datasets originating from various
sources. While in principle, CITADEL fosters CC0
open data licensing scheme, use of third party data
may need further approaches to be researched. In
addition this work does not report on the specifics of
the implementation of the proposed architecture
such as scalability and performance aspects, capture
of changes in data over time, etc. While the
components and related technologies used in the
proposed architecture in principle enable these
dimensions, these specific topics remain beyond the
scope of this paper. These will however be covered
in the extended version of the work.
Another direction for future work as already
mentioned above includes empirical studies for
evaluations of the usability aspects of the component
as well as the impact of recommendations that can
Data Harvesting, Curation and Fusion Model to Support Public Service Recommendations for e-Governments
be achieved by exploiting the proposed architecture
in the context of a recommender system.
The more mature version of the design proposed in
this work should also consider built-in mechanisms
for capturing end-user perceptions as user
acceptance can be important to ensure the
effectiveness and continuous refinements needs and
ultimately determine its intended utility.
Furthermore, not many studies can be found in the
domain of feedback automation (Sedrakyan 2016;
Sedrakyan, Snoeck, 2016). Thus methodologies and
frameworks to extend recommendations beyond
visualization techniques by the use of automated
textual feedback targeting both facilitation of
interpretability of data visualizations as well as
procedural suggestions (Sedrakyan, Snoeck, 2017)
will constitute further research direction.
Although the focus of CITADEL project is limited
to PAs and public services, the approach can be also
inspirational beyond the domain of e-government for
the generic context of recommender systems.
This work has been supported by EC funds from
CITADEL project - Empowering Citizens To
Transform European Public Administrations
(H2020-SC6-CULT-COOP-2016-2017, EC Grant
Agreement 726755).
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AMARETTO 2018 - Special Session on domAin specific Model-based AppRoaches to vErificaTion and validaTiOn