A Game of Wants and Needs
The Playful, User-centered Assessment of AAL Technology Acceptance
Eva-Maria Schomakers, Julia van Heek and Martina Ziefle
Human-Computer Interaction Center, RWTH Aachen University, Campus-Boulevard 57, Aachen, Germany
Keywords: Ambient Assisted Living, Technology Acceptance, Qualitative User Study Approach, Age, Playful Approach.
Abstract: The use of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) technologies presents one option to face the challenges of recent
and rising care needs due to demographic change. User acceptance of those technologies plays a major role
for a successful rollout and sustainable technology usage. Empirical research approaches (e.g., online
questionnaires) in this area are often impersonal and abstract for the participants. In contrast, the current study
aimed for a playful qualitative user study approach in which people empathize with different necessities of
support and evaluate desired technologies and respective usage motives as well as barriers. The paper presents
first research results of the new undertaken research approach, which was tested with six older participants
(aged between 50 and 81 years of age). The results show that the playful approach enables a personal
assessment of different assistive technologies and technology-related usage motives and barriers when a
prototype testing is not feasible.
Demographic change causes high burdens for the care
sector as more and more older people are in need of
care (Walker & Maltby, 2012). As the majority of
older adults prefers to age in place and live
independently as long as possible (e.g., Wiles et al.,
2011), more and more technological solutions are
developed aiming for support and assistance of older
people and people in need of care in their everyday
lifes. The term, Ambient Assisted Living (AAL)
refers to the use of technologies to assist an older
person in aging-in-place, supporting living
independently, staying active, remaining socially
active and mobile (Blackman et al. 2016). Industry
and research institutions are currently working on
different types of AAL technologies as well as
holistic AAL systems. Prominent use cases are smart
home functions (e.g., sensors for control of lighting,
heating, doors, and windows) and the support of
communication with friends, family and caregivers,
fall detection, and other health care applications like
medication reminders.
The number of available AAL systems and
research projects is high (Memon et al., 2014).
Although these technologies have the potential to
facilitate everyday life and quality of life of older
adults, they are not yet widely used. One of the crucial
barriers against adoption of AAL technologies is the
technology acceptance of the potential users (Merkel,
Research on technology acceptance in various
contexts has been mostly dominated by the
Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) (Davis et al.,
1989) and its derivatives. These models might explain
technology adoption sufficiently in a variety of
contexts. Regarding assistive technologies for older
adults, studies have shown that additional motives
and barriers play a significant role (e.g., Jaschinski &
Allouch, 2015, Peek et al., 2014). Potential users see
the advantages and necessity of assistive
technologies, but are at the same time concerned (e.g.,
regarding privacy violations, feelings of isolation).
Thus, it might not be sufficient to evaluate the ease of
using a system and the perceived usefulness, as
traditional models suggest. For the decision to use an
AAL system, the trade-off between the perceived
barriers and benefits in the individual context is
decisive (van Heek et al., 2017).
Much of the published research regarding
technology acceptance of AAL uses qualitative
methodologies like interviews and focus groups
(Peek et al., 2014). In these studies, the participants
typically evaluate one system that is described via a
presentation or scenario, or the participants can
interact with (a prototype of) that system. These
Schomakers, E., van Heek, J. and Ziefle, M.
A Game of Wants and Needs.
DOI: 10.5220/0006729901260133
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2018), pages 126-133
ISBN: 978-989-758-299-8
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
studies have identified a vast amount of motives and
barriers for older adults to use assistive technology.
Most prevailing barriers against AAL technologies
are general concerns regarding privacy intrusion, a
low usability of the system, and high purchase and
maintenance costs as well as the lack of perceived
benefits (Jaschinski & Allouch, 2015; Peek et al.,
2014). Perceived benefits include the increased
safety, independence, and the release of burden to
family and caregivers.
Wilkowska et al. (2015) conducted a comparison
of methodological approaches to measure privacy
concerns in an assistive environment. In a hands-on
experiment, the importance of privacy aspects
decreased in comparison to questionnaire studies and
focus groups. Thus, the method does considerably
influence the results and the evaluation of benefits
and barriers of a novel technology.
In this publication, we report a new qualitative
research approach. In a real-life situation, older adults
need not only choose whether to use a technology.
With more and more technologies on the market
(Merkel, 2016), they also have to choose between
different technology options (and non-technological
alternatives). Our hypothesis is, that confronting
participants with the choice between technology
options can reveal additional insights into older
adults’ decision-making processes, trade-offs, and
their evaluation criteria in choosing a technology. It
is a more realistic decision situation than evaluating
one system without knowing the technological
alternatives. Just like the differences in relative
importance between the questionnaire study, focus
groups, and hands-on-experiment in Wilkowska et al.
(2015)’s design, the importance of barriers and
benefits may shift with choice between technology
options. This is done in this study with a game-based
interview approach, in which details are visualized
and printed onto playing cards as a memory aid.
The development of the method was led by the goal
to identify barriers and benefits of AAL technologies
that hinder usage in practice. Our hypothesis is, that
the reasons to (a) decide whether to use technology at
all for one use case differ from the reasons why (b) a
specific technology is chosen from alternatives. An
additional research question is, whether the criteria
for technology choice deviate between scenarios of
different necessity of support.
The interviews were audiotaped and transcribed
verbatim. The theoretical foundation of the analysis
was the qualitative content analysis by Mayring
(2010). Three coders viewed the whole material. The
study was carried out in German. For the publication,
selected quotes were translated to English.
Figure 1: Example of the interview procedure.
2.1 The Interview Procedure
After a short introduction, the interviews started with
questions about attitudes towards aging, the desire to
age in place, and attitudes towards technology (e.g.,
“What does quality of life mean to you?”, Do you
like to be supported by technology in your everyday
life?”). The goal of these questions was to let the
interviewees put themselves into the situation of
aging and to relate to technologies that already
support their everyday life at present. Short questions
regarding prior knowledge of and experience with
AAL and smart home technologies followed.
In the main part (see Figure 1), two rounds of “the
game” were played, each round with the precondition
of a different scenario of the participant in older age.
The written and visualized scenario was laid on the
table as a memory aid. After introducing the scenario,
a first use case and the matching technology options
were explained (see Figure 2). To be more realistic
and to support memory, images of the technologies
were printed as playing cards with a description of the
technology’s characteristics on the back. The
participants were then questioned “Which of the
technologies would you prefer to use in the given
scenario?” and were asked to explain their reasoning
to the interviewer. A sketch of an apartment was
acting as the game board, to which the interviewees
could put those technologies that they wanted to use.
Additionally, the participants were asked to indicate
the most decisive reason for acceptance from nine
cards. This forced choice for one main benefit should
provoke a more active discussion about the reasons
for acceptance. In a second step, the interviewees
chose the most rejected technology in a similar
A Game of Wants and Needs
manner. This approach was repeated with each of the
six different use cases and their corresponding
technologies. The order of the use cases was
randomized between the interviews. As the scenarios
built on each other, their order was not changed.
After introducing the second scenario, the
participants were asked to depict potential changes in
technology choices as well as reasoning for
acceptance and rejection.
At the end of the interview, the participants were
asked to summarize their attitudes towards the
presented AAL technologies and to indicate motives
and barriers or conditions for acceptance that are most
important. After the interview, a short questionnaire
was applied assessing demographic data, experience
with ICT and AAL, as well as technical self-efficacy
(using an abridged scale by Beier (1999)).
2.1.1 The Scenarios
Two scenarios were presented to the participants. The
first scenario “moderate need for support” asks the
participants to imagine themselves as 71 years old,
living alone with small health problems, feeling
“somewhat overtaxed with the daily chores”. The
second scenario “higher need for support” premises
upon this, as 10 years have passed and the participant
is now in need for domestic part-time care. In both
scenarios, the family is described as not able to
support the participants enough, and details of health
and age-related problems are given.
The scenarios were chosen to appeal to most older
adults as no specific disease was chosen but a general,
age-related frailness and forgetfulness. The scenarios
were visualized with the drawing of an older adult
with the gender matching that of the interviewee.
2.1.2 The Use Cases
The applied use cases (see Figure 2) were conceptua-
lized to differ in their application frequency
(emergency cases vs. daily use), severity of conse-
quences (emergencies vs. facilitation of everyday
activities), and context (medical vs. non-medical).
Further, use cases were chosen that are not bound to
specific diseases, and thus, were applicable within the
scenarios. In order not to overwhelm the participants,
two use cases per application area were chosen in
which the technology examples stayed the same.
2.1.3 The Technology Examples
The technology examples (see Figure 2) were chosen
to be easily comprehensible and familiar to the
participants. The technology options were described
abstract enough to be widely applicable and familiar
to the participants (e.g., “a camera system”), but to
differ in important characteristics, e.g., perceived
privacy invasion, reliability, and performance in the
given use case.
2.2 The Sample
For this first stage of method-development, we
conducted six interviews with adults between 50 and
81 years who were recruited from the social network
of the interviewer. The participants’ mean age was
Figure 2: Overview of use case and technology descriptions (technology options do not presume to be complete).
ICT4AWE 2018 - 4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
59.3 years (SD = 13.0; Median = 52.5), four
participants were female, and two were male.
Education level, (previous) occupation, and living
circumstances (living alone or with family/spouses)
varied between the participants. All participants use
some common ICT technologies at least daily, and the
reported levels of technical self-efficacy differed
between low (1.5) and very high (4) (min=1, max=4,
M=2.5, SD=0.9). Knowledge and hands-on
experience with AAL technologies was very low
(n=1). Further, the sample consisted of predominantly
healthy older adults as only two out of six participants
indicated to suffer from a chronic disease. Contrary to
expectations, this was not true for the two oldest
participants. All participants were German native
speakers and no compensation was given for
In the following, we first focus on the barriers and
benefits in the first scenario, before addressing the
change in motives when the necessity of technology
use changes with the introduction of the second
scenario, thus, when voluntary use of the technology
changes into a vital use of the technology. Finally, we
examine the methodological implications of this
3.1 Barriers and Benefits in a Scenario
of “Moderate Need of Support”
Figure 3 depicts the benefits and barriers that were
addressed by the participants. In the scenario of
“moderate need for support” the perceived
effectiveness and usefulness of the technologies was
the most important benefit (and if missing, barrier).
For example, in the case of emergency reaction,
increased security is most important, and those
technologies are rejected that are perceived to be
ineffective in raising an alarm:
“If I fall, it would surely not be exactly next to the alarm
button. So, it is no use.” (w50)
“The wearable alarm button, I would probably forget to
wear it” (m53)
Additionally, the participants did not always perceive
the technologies as useful, e.g., the oldest participant
does not want to be found after a fall, successfully
uses alternatives, and perceives too much support as
not helpful in old age:
“Only to live 3 weeks longer? I don’t need technology for
that. […] These technologies do not make life longer,
they just lengthen dying. […] You have to rely on God.
God will arrange that. If you die, it shall be.” (w81)
„I have a pocket diary that I use frequently. Everything
important is in there. And for my medicine, I have this
box with one compartment for every weekday. I use that
all the time, and I never have problems.” (w81)
“I like to still use my brain. Too much support isn’t
good.” (w81)
In the case of emergency reaction technologies,
privacy implications are the greatest barrier and a
trade-off between privacy and usefulness could be
observed. The participants chose the technology that
they deem as most effective (in detecting the fall or
Figure 3: Number of mentions of the different topics in scenario “moderate need for support” (left) and scenario “higher need
for support” (right).
A Game of Wants and Needs
raising the alarm, respectively) and which they can
still tolerate in its privacy violations.
„It is a trade-off between privacy implications, loss of
control, and so on, and whether it is safer and more
effective.” (w50)
“I would never use a camera system, because I would feel
watched, under surveillance. […] And because of the
security of my data, that you never know who can get
access to the videos.” (w52)
Being less privacy invasive than cameras emerged as
benefit of other fall detection technologies. Cameras
were rejected by all participants in this scenario as too
privacy invasive. Concerns about privacy and data
security were also mentioned for the other technology
areas, as well as missing trust in the reliability of
technologies, dependence on technology, and loss of
“Misuse of data, data security, that you are online, you
can never be sure that it has not been hacked by
someone.” (m53)
“Automation is out of the question for me. It would be a
loss of control, too much dependence on the technology.
What happens when the automation does not work
correctly?” (w52)
“The audio assistant, I would not trust it to work well.
Probably I just talk to someone and the temperature
changes all the time without me controlling it.” (w50)
As a very important theme in the context of smart
home and everyday life technologies, (im)practicality
issues emerged, e.g. to have the technologies handy,
to already own compatible devices, or to be used to
the devices. The perception of practicality of the
different technologies varied very much between the
participants, depending on their individual habits and
preferences. Familiarity is often related to the
perception of practicality, and routines should not be
disturbed by new technologies:
“Because I already use a smartphone and I also enter
reminders in there today. I would just do the same in
older age. I wouldn’t need a device, TV or tablet, that
would be turned off anyway in the moment I need it. It
[the new device] would then need to be running all the
time. That is annoying.” (m53)
Also, practicality is related to effectiveness for the
desired function:
“Better than the other devices because it has the largest
display. And then the personal interaction is foreground,
it is the most important thing.” (w50)
Mobile use is another benefit or rather condition
related to impracticality.
“I would not use my laptop or smart TV, because, on the
one hand, I do not sit in front of the TV all the time or use
the laptop, and on the other hand, I can’t take it with me.
I want to be reminded wherever I am, if it is important.”
Comfort is also a relevant benefit of some
technologies, even for fall detection, but the
perception of what is comfortable is very individual.
One results of the comparison of different
technological areas in one interview, is the
recognition of multifunctionality as key benefit of
integrated systems. It is not handy for older adults to
use many different technology, but they rather want
one system for many purposes:
“I would choose the technology that offers the most
functions so that I don’t need to switch technologies that
often.” (w52)
Another often addressed theme is the ease of use of
technologies, that is connected to being familiar with
technologies and feeling competent in interacting
with them.
I would use the laptop. Maybe because I already feel
safe with it, I know how to use it and I am used to it. Other
people use it to. It is just familiar.” (w52)
“I could think about using an app or audio assistant, but
only if they are easy to use.” (w52)
Only twice costs were mentioned as barrier. Both
times, they were weighted against the usefulness of
the technology:
“To install this in the last years of your life. That’s not
worth the money. I would rather do something else with
the money.” (w81)
3.2 The Scenario with Higher Need for
In the second part of the game, the scenario with the
increased necessity of medical technology (“higher
need for support”) was introduced and the
participants were asked to state any changes in choice
of technology and their reasoning. Only one
participant stated that nothing would change.
Especially in the case of fall detection and alarm
response, privacy concerns were overridden by the
desire for safety and help.
“I would now choose the safest system, for example the
motion detectors, if someone told me that it is sufficient.
It depends on the effectiveness of the system. If someone
ICT4AWE 2018 - 4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
told me, the motion detector is not that reliant, I would
choose a combination of microphones and motion
detectors. And if the camera system is the only safe and
effective option, and it is really necessary because I
experienced some falls, then I would be okay with
cameras.” (w52)
“Now I would take everything. Cameras, microphones,
motion detectors. I would take whatever makes me feel
safest, where the probability is highest to help me in case
of emergency.” (w52)
“Then, data security, protection of privacy and so on
wouldn’t be as important any more as survival.” (w52)
For the other two application areas, the ease of use
becomes the central argument for technology choice.
“I would now choose the automation, then I am on the
safe side. With the other systems, I could forget how to
use it or forget to activate them or so. The interaction
would be too complex and I couldn’t trust myself to
control them.” (w52)
In figure 3, the topics that the participants addressed
are depicted in comparison of the two scenarios. In
scenario “higher need for support”, the participants
included fewer factors in their reasoning than in
scenario “moderate need for support”. This can, on
the one hand, be explained by the order of the
scenarios and that they had already made up their
mind for the most decisive reasons. On the other
hand, the relevance of the factors seemed to shift.
Being found after a fall in the scenario “higher need
for support”, was much more important than privacy
implications. In contrast in the scenario “moderate
need for support”, privacy implications overrode the
increase in effectiveness. Comfort or loss of control
may just not be important anymore in this scenario,
or not enough important to be addressed.
3.3 Methodological Results
Only two participants commented directly on the
game-based interview. A 52-year-old woman found
the game-based approach “a very good idea for older
people with these playing cards to support their
memory”, and another 52-year-old woman said that it
was “all in all, very diverting, interesting, and felt to
be very short”. Even the oldest participants did not
appear to forget details or to be overtaxed by the
length of the interview. All participants participated
actively and showed interest.
The wording the participants used is one indicator
that the participants really put themselves into the
scenarios and evaluated the technologies for their
own lives. Most statements were phrased in the first
person, as in the following example and the quotes
above: “If I fall, I can’t reach it [the button].” (m71)
Moreover, the reasoning was larded with references
to personal habits and the participant’s own homes
and lifestyles.
“I won’t be watching TV all the time. I will be in my
garden very often just like now.” (w52)
“I just am a person that needs a button to touch, for
haptics and the feeling of it.” (w52)
The barriers and benefits for using and choosing a
technology differed depending on the application
areas and the scenarios, amongst other factors.
Therefore, a comparison to previous studies is
difficult. Moreover, qualitative studies do not aim at
weighting or quantifying the relevance of the
identified factors. This preliminary study with only
six participants does not presume to be representative.
Still, whether factors are included into the reasoning
of the participants indicates at least whether they are
influencing factors in the individual case.
Peek et al. (2014) conducted a literature review of
studies to summarize the factors influencing
acceptance of technologies for aging in place. They
also provided a count of the number of articles that
mentioned each factor. High costs and privacy
implications are the most often addressed concerns.
Ease of use, ineffectiveness and impracticality of the
medical technology factors that were decisive in this
study only appeared in two of 16 previous studies.
The participants in this study identified many details
we put into the category labelled (im)practicality”.
These are situations, in which the technologies
oppose routines or cannot exploit their full potential
because of the habits or domestic situations of the
participants. Additionally, issues of ease of use,
familiarity with the devices, and comfort were often
named by the participants. This shows that the
participants in this game-based approach imagined
the presented technologies in their own homes and
lives and under the conditions of their own routines
and preferences.
Another result was that the absence of one barrier
became a benefit and the other way around. For
example, in the case of fall detection it is a benefit for
motion detectors to be less privacy-invasive than
microphones and cameras. The participants, thus,
chose the best of the given alternatives.
This paper presented a new game-based interview
method for the assessment of AAL acceptance
A Game of Wants and Needs
criteria. This qualitative approach aimed at
identifying barriers and benefits in comparison of
several AAL technologies, the comparison of
different use cases, and situations of differing
perceived necessity for care. Visualizations, personal
scenarios, and the task to choose between technology
alternatives led to a situation more comparable to real
decision or purchase situations than evaluating one
system alone. The results of the first interviews with
six older adults (aged 50 to 81 years) show that this
playful approach empowers the participants to fully
empathize with high-maintenance situations in older
life and to evaluate technology use in these situations.
4.1 Acceptance Criteria
The acceptance criteria addressed by our participants
have been reported in previous studies (e.g., Peek et
al. 2014). However, the empathic, playful approach
and to let participants choose between technology
alternatives identified a shift of relevance of known
barriers and benefits and a new angle to them.
Practicality and effectiveness were the key benefits,
or barriers respectively, in this study together with
privacy implications. Ease of use and comfort also
gained more importance than in previous reports. At
the same time, the comparison between technologies
leads to new benefits in a way that being less privacy-
invasive or more comfortable than other alternatives
become perceived benefits and barriers. Abstract
motives for the decision to use technology at all in a
use case, like increased security, quality of life, were
mostly not named directly by the participants in this
study. The focus lay on the benefits and barriers of
the technology options in comparison to each other.
Still, those higher-level motives and barriers could be
derived from the arguments of the participants. For
example, one of the decisive categories in this study
was labelled (in)effectiveness, which shows that the
perceived usefulness is still foreground. But if the
users trust all technologies to fulfill their main
function, other characteristics are important for the
choice between technology.
Here, the results indicated, that AAL systems and
products should put a greater focus on the
practicability and match for the users everyday life.
Nowadays, many ICT devices exists also in older
people’s households. Still, the ease of use is a critical
factor. Thus, developing AAL technologies, that
work on or similar to familiar devices can be a key
issue for market success.
In the context of the two scenarios, the weighting
between barriers and benefits as a basis for
technology choice becomes plain. While privacy
implications hindered technology acceptance in a
scenario of moderate need for support, in the scenario
of higher need for support the increased effectiveness,
and hence increased security, was the most important
factor which outweighed privacy implications. This
cost-benefit calculation has been labelled privacy
calculus and has been extensively studied in other
contexts (e.g., Laufer & Wolfe, 1977; Dinev & Hart,
2006). The privacy calculus theory could provide a
good framework for further analysis of this privacy/
usefulness trade-off in AAL acceptance
4.2 Method Evaluation
The new game-based approach proved useful in
providing a more realistic evaluation situation. On the
one hand, the approach gets the participants to be
deeper involved in the evaluation in comparison to
more abstract interviews. On the other hand, the
approach does not overwhelm the participants but
brings them to empathize with the proposed scenarios
and different necessities of support. The participants
relate the technology evaluation to their own
preferences, habits hobbies, routines, and domestic
situations. This can not only be seen in their wording,
but also in the shift towards practicality issues as
important assessment criteria.
Our approach puts a different focus than common
system evaluations that has been missing in AAL
research until now: the distinction between benefits
and barriers that lead to technology use at all and
those that lead to one technology being preferred over
alternatives. As the market for AAL technologies is
constantly growing and hence the range of products
increases, this new focus is important.
In this paper, the first results with the new game-
based method were presented. The approach offers
the possibility to be converted to a digital game or to
be adapted to a new questionnaire approach, to
quantify the results. We saw that the participants
differed in their emphasis of different benefits and
barriers. This raises the question, if user factors shape
the perception of the factors. Also, the influence of
the individuals attitudes towards aging could
contribute to understand older adults choices and
acceptance patterns.
4.3 Limitations and Future Research
The applied playful qualitative approach was a
preliminary study to evaluate the method. It proved
useful in getting the participants to empathize with
high-maintenance situations and different necessities
of support, but its representativeness is
methodologically limited.
Content analysis is a useful tool for summarizing
and categorizing interview data, but is influenced by
ICT4AWE 2018 - 4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
the individual coders. By engaging three coders who
viewed the whole material, intercoder reliability was
aimed for. Additionally, initial categories were based
on the literature review, but needed to be
supplemented and adapted to the context and the
participants’ arguments. It would be useful for future
studies to expand the game structure to other
technologies and use cases in order to enable direct
comparisons between technologies and use cases.
Additionally, it would also be possible to incorporate
the characteristics of our playful approach into
quantitative research, e.g., by using similar
instructions, scenarios, and introductory questions
within a digital version of the game.
As it was a preliminary study, the sample size was
very small: future studies should aim for a replication
of the playful interview approach addressing a larger
sample. As previous qualitative and quantitative
studies showed, that the acceptance of assisting
technologies is shaped by individual characteristics of
diverse user groups (Wilkowska et al., 2012; van
Heek et al., 2017), a replication with a larger sample
would also enable a detailed investigation of user
diversity influences on a personal evaluation of
technologies and motives as well as barriers to use
specific technologies. As a last sample-related aspect,
the present study was conducted in a single country:
Germany. For future studies, this study’s approach
should be applied in other countries in order to
compare personal evaluations of assisting
technologies depending on different cultures,
backgrounds, and their specific healthcare systems.
The authors thank all participants for their patience
and openness to share their opinions. Furthermore,
the authors want to thank Nils Plettenberg and
Jennifer Kirstgen for research assistance.
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A Game of Wants and Needs