Predicting Cognitive Impairments with a Mobile Application
Elif Eyig¨oz, Guillermo Cecchi and Ravi Tejwani
IBM Research, Yorktown Heights, NY, 10598, U.S.A.
Automatic Prediction of MMSE, Syntactic Complexity, Cognitive Impairments.
Assessment of cognitive impairments is of social and clinical importance for vulnerable populations, such as
elderly, athletes and soldiers, who are prone to falling victim to cognitive impairments. This paper presents
ongoing work for developing an application that predicts the neurological state of users with the state-of-
the art performance through analyzing the structural complexity of users’ utterances. We present a novel
method that estimates the neurological state of users with Pearson correlation of 0.66 with respect to the
Mini-mental state exam score. Unlike previous work, our method does not depend on assumptions of relating
linguistics representations to human language-processing capabilities, but discovers the discriminative patterns
In this p aper, we present ongoing work on develop-
ment of a mobile application that estimates the degree
of cognitive im pairment of a user with state-of-the-
art performance, upon co llec ting a speech sample by
prompting the user with a picture description task. We
expect a large portio n of our users to be people with
cognitive impairments due to aging related neurode-
generative disorders, and people with traumatic brain
Dementia is a growing social and clinical pro-
blem, as three percent of people between the ages
of 65 and 74, 19% between 75 an d 84, and nearly
half of those over 85 have the condition (Umphred,
2007). Early detection of the disorder, coupled with
access to care planning leads to better outcomes for
both patients and their caregivers (Bradford et al.,
2009). The true prevalence of missed and de la yed
diagnoses of dementia is unkn own but seems to be
very high (Bradford et al., 2009). Diagnosis of de-
mentia is prone to be delayed, because it is dependent
on suspicion and concern based on patients symp-
toms. A major factor for delayed diagnosis is lack of
access to affordable healthcare, as patients in lower
strata tend to go undiagnosed at a higher rate (Ma-
estre, 2012). Accordingly, economic issues are also
critical for control and management of dementia af-
ter diagnosis. Therefore, cost-effective, easy-to-use
and naturalistic tools for routine dementia-screening
and disease-progression monitoring c ould provide pa-
tients and medical profe ssionals with the oppo rtunity
to engage in efficient tr eatment planning.
Our tool is going to be useful for assessing not
only slow-developing cognitive impairments like de-
mentia, but also for sudden changes in cognitive ca-
pabilities, for example due to a traumatic brain in-
jury (TBI), or a stroke. In 2013, about 2.8 m illion
TBI-related emergen cy department visits, hospitaliza-
tions, and deaths oc curred in the United States (Sosin
et al., 19 96). Mem bers of certain professions, such as
athletes and c ombat soldiers, are more prone to falling
victim to TBI (Cole et al., 2017). Currently, there are
several computerize d neuroc ognitive assessment tests
used for TBI that engage various cognitive domains,
such as m emory, attention, motor speed, processing
speed etc. (Cole et al., 2017). However, none of these
tests perform language analysis using NLP techno-
logy with linguistic sophistication that can quantify
structural complexity of a speakers utterances. There-
fore, o ur to ol is going to be a significant contribution
to the existing battery of computerized neurocognitive
assessment tools used for TBI.
In this paper, we present a novel method for esti-
mating the degree o f cognitive imp a irment, and also
describe our efforts o n building a prototype. We vali-
date our method by p erforming regression to predict
the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) score.
MMSE is a neuropsycholog ic al test that is used exten-
sively in clinical resear ch to estimate the severity a nd
progression of cognitive impairment (Folstein et al.,
Eyigöz, E., Cecchi, G. and Tejwani, R.
Predicting Cognitive Impairments with a Mobile Application.
DOI: 10.5220/0006734006830692
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2018) - Volume 2, pages 683-692
ISBN: 978-989-758-275-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
1975; Pangman et al., 2000). I t is the best studied
and the most commonly used test for the diagnosis
and longitudinal assessment of Alzheimer’s Disease -
the most common type of dementia (Burns and Iliffe,
2009). MMSE is also considered as an effective way
to document an individual’s respo nse to treatment
(Pangman et al., 2000). MMSE is also used for eva-
luating cognitive o utcome in patients with TBI, both
immediately following an inju ry and in the follow-up
period, although its sensitivity de pends on the site of
injury (Lee et al., 2015; De Guise et al. , 2013).
We u se NLP techniques, in particular syntactic
analysis of constituent pa rse trees for feature ex-
traction. To validate our method, we used data
from the Pitt Corpus, whic h is part of the publicly
available DementiaBank corpus (Macwhinney et al.,
2011). Our method can successfully estimate the cog-
nitive impairment of subjects in the DementiaBank
study with Pearson correlation of 0.66 with respect
to MMSE, which is currently the state-of-the art in
predicting MMSE.
The outline of the paper is as follows: We first
summarize related work in Sectio n 1.1; we then pro-
vide necessary background for presenting our f eature-
extraction method in Section 2, present th e feature-
extraction method for predicting MMSE in Section 3,
and the feature-selection method in Section 4; we dis-
cuss the per formanc e of our method in Section 6, and
describe the current status of our implemen ta tion and
future development plans in Section 7.
1.1 Related Work
There is growing number of papers in the recent ye-
ars using the DementiaBank corpus, predominantly
doing classification of patients vs hea lth controls (Fr a-
ser and Hirst, 2016; Fraser et al., 2016; Orimaye et al.,
2014, 2017). Fraser et al. (2016) use syntactic, se-
mantic, lexical and acoustic features to classify Alz-
heimer’s disease patients vs healthy controls in De-
mentiaBank. They used context free gr a mmar (CFG)
rule rates and proportions in sample interviews as fe-
atures, in addition to average length of the r ight hand
side of CFG rules, only for noun phrases (NP), verb
phrases (VP), and prepositional phrases (PP). They
obtained 81 percent classification accuracy, how ever
the results they re ported were obtained with featu-
res that were selected using the entire data set. Ori-
maye et al. (2014) and Orimaye et al. (2017) also
used syntactic f eatures for classification of Alzhei-
mer’s disease patients vs healthy controls in Demen-
tiaBank. They used syn ta ctic features involving sen-
tence embeddedness, in particular they focused on
POS tags indicating coordinated, subordinated, and
reduced sentences ( CC, S, VBG, V BN). They also
used counts of unique CFG rules, the valency of
verbs, lexical features involving repetition. Their re-
sults were also obtained using features that were se-
lected using the e ntire data set.
To the best of our knowledge, the only study that
predicted MMSE scores using linguistic features is
Ya ncheva et al. (2 015), where they modele d longitu-
dinal progression of MMSE scores using su bjects that
have more than o ne sample in DementiaBank. They
reported a mean-a bsolute-err or (MAE) of 2.91 in pre -
dicting MMSE , significantly below the within-subject
inter-rater standard deviation of 3.9 to 4.8 (Molloy
et al., 1991). However, the lowest MAE they obtained
with a method generalizable to unseen data was 7.31,
as they also reported results obtained with using fea-
tures that were selected using the entire data set. They
did not report the correlation between the scores their
method predicted and the actual MMSE scores.
Our work differs from m ost psycho linguistics and
neuroscience studies on linguistic aspects of neurolo-
gical disorders in multiple ways: First and foremost,
our method is not intended f or theore tical understan-
ding of h uman language production and processing
capabilities, but for practical application s.
Second, we present results that are g eneralizable
to unseen data. We perform feature-selection in each
cross-validation (CV) fold separately without obser-
ving the entire data set, and use all f eatures selected
in the folds of CV, as opposed to related work that re-
port results obtained with features selected using the
entire data set.
Finally, a major difference between related work
and our method is that out method does not depend
on assumptions relating linguistics representations to
human-language-processing capabilities. Prior stu-
dies all use hand written rules involving node labels
(e.g. NP, VP, S), naturally supported by the psycholo-
gists literature, for feature extraction. Our method, on
the other hand, do es not depend on the actual syntax-
tree labels. For example, the tree in Figu re 1(a) has
node lab els that a re commonly used in language stu-
dies, however the trees in Figure 1(b) have node labels
that are variables. Our method can be used on either
types of trees, and thus can b e applied to trees of any
syntactic theory, as long as we can obtain parse trees
of utterances for training and testing. A major advan-
tage of this approach is that we can, an d do, apply our
method to la nguages other than E nglish, which do not
use familiar node labels.
NLPinAI 2018 - Special Session on Natural Language Processing in Artificial Intelligence
(a) (b)
Figure 1: Example syntax trees.
2.1 Syntax Trees
We model the stru ctural complexity of users’ utteran-
ces through syntactic analysis. In particular, we ana-
lyze constituency parse of the utterances, which are
obtained by a statistical p arser. In this section, we de-
fine basic syntactic tre e relations in order to provide a
backgr ound for our feature extraction meth od.
Figure 1(a) shows a constituency parse for the sen-
tence All linguists draw a diagram”. As shown in Fi-
gure 1(a), parse trees are graphs that are made up of
nodes (e.g. NP, VP), and edges that connect the nod es.
Nodes have labels, such a s NP for a noun phrase, VP
for a verb phrase etc. The node labels in this study fol-
low the convention of constituent tags in Penn Tr e e-
bank (Marcus et al., 1993), as we used a statistical
parser trained on Penn Tree bank to parse our data.
However, our method does not depend on having prior
knowledge of actual node la bels, as we could have
used some other method, and obtained trees with a
different label set, for example if we apply our met-
hod to another langua ge.
Nodes NP
and NP
have the same label, NP, as
the subscripts are not parts of the node labels. We use
the subscripts, e. g. NP
, on the labels in Figure 1(a)
for disambiguation between the nodes with the same
label. Branch out o f a tre e node is conveyed in a con-
text free grammar (CFG) rule, for example as NP
DT N’, whic h is instantiated twice in Figure 1(a): NP
that branches to DT
and N
, and NP
that branches
to DT
and N
. A CFG rule covers all and only the
nodes that branch out of a sing le no de. Our work dif-
fers from related work using syntax, in that they mos-
tly use CFG rules, but not sm aller or larger subtree
In the definition s of this paper, we assume trees
have only directed edges, in that the nod e s can be tra-
versed throu gh the edges only in a top down fashion.
For example, there exists a path to all nodes in the tree
from node S, however there is no path that can re a ch
node S, as it is at the top of the tree and nodes can be
traversed only in a top down fashion. For this reason,
node S is called the root of the tree, and syntax trees
have a single root node. Th e tree under the root node
covers the entire sentence, whereas trees under other
nodes span subparts of the sentence. Fo r example, the
tree u nder the node with label VP spans “draw a dia-
gram”. The subspan covered by a node is called the
yield of that node. In Figure 1(a), there are two NPs,
one has the yield “all linguists”, and the other has the
yield “a diagram”. Some nodes have yields that are
only single words. For example, the no de with label
yields only the word “diagram”.
2.2 Relations between Nodes
In this section, we define tr ee relations that span smal-
ler and larger subtr ees than CFG rules. The most pri-
mitive relations between nodes in a tree are mother,
sister, dominance r elations. Node a dominates node
b, if and only if (iff ) there is a path betwee n the root
node and b which passes through a. For example, NP
dominates DT
, and VP dominates N
. Node a is th e
mother of nod e b, iff a dominates b, and there is an
edge between a and b. For example, node NP
is th e
mother of node DT
. Node a is a sister of node b, iff
they have the same mother. For example, node DT
and node N
are sisters.
The root node S in Figure 1(a) dominates DT
and the path be twe en them has three edges. There-
fore, the domina nce relation can have a larger scope
than CFG rules, which can only represent relatio ns of
depth one. For feature extraction, we use dominance
relations between nodes that are two edges apart.
Predicting Cognitive Impairments with a Mobile Application
In addition, we make use of tre e relations with
larger scope than CFG rules that were first defined
within the Chomskyan tradition. The first rule is c-
command (Haegeman, 1994) . Within the sco pe of this
paper, c-command b etween two nodes could be des-
cribed informally a s an aunt relation, if we contin ue
with the analogy of sisterhood and motherhood as re-
lations b etween nodes. Formally, c-command is defi-
ned as follows: node a c-commands node b, iff a does
not dominate b, b does not dominate a, and the lo-
west branchin g nod e c tha t dominates a dominates b.
For example in Figure 1(a), node V c-commands N
-i.e. V is the aunt of N
- because V does not domi-
nate N
, N
does not dominate V, and VP is the mot-
her of V, which dominates N
. The formally-defined
c-command r elation can span nodes of arbitrary dis-
tance. However, we limit our feature-extrac tion met-
hod to consider only the most local c-command re-
lations, which c a n informally be defined as aunt re-
lations. According to the formal definition, sister re-
lation is also a c-command-relation. Howeve r, we do
not consider sister relations as c-command relations in
this paper, as we alread y use sister relations for fea-
ture extraction, and want to keep c-command and sis-
ter relations mutually exclusive for feature extraction.
Next, w e define a terna ry version of the c-
command relation: c-command is defined between
two nodes, a and b, whereas c-command-via-node
is defined not only between a and b, but also in-
cludes c, where node c could be defined informally
as the grandmother of node b. Formally, node a c-
commands b via c, iff a does not dominate b, b does
not dominate a, an d the lowest branching n ode c that
dominates a dominate s b. For example in Figure 1(a),
node V c-commands N
via VP. Within the scope of
this paper, this relation is constrained to cover only
ternary relations that exists between a nod e, the no-
des aunt, and the nodes gra ndmoth e r, as defined in-
Finally, we also use a ternary dominate-via-node
relation, that includes a node , the nodes mother, and
the nodes grandmother, w here a node is dominated
by its g randmo ther via its mother. To summ arize,
we use the following relations for f e ature extraction:
sister, dominate, c-command, c-command- via-nod e,
dominate-via-node, and the nod e labels.
3.1 Subtree Patterns
We illustrate our metho d of feature extraction with the
example trees in Figu re 1(b ). There are multiple trees
in Figure 1(b), as most samples consist of multiple
utterances. In the example, the node labels are not
from the Penn-Treebank constituent tag set. Instead,
we used variables for node labels in the example, first
to empha size that our method do es no t dep end on the
actual node labels, but their relations in the trees, as
defined in Section 2. Second, because it is common to
use variables for node labels for generalizability, and
also for easy-readability.
Table 1 lists instances of node labels, sister rela-
tions, and c-command-via-node relations observed in
the trees in Figure 1(b), and their counts. Let us first
look at the examples of node labels in the first column
in Table 1. Tota l number of nodes in the trees in Fi-
gure 1(b) is given in the last row. We divide the count
of a node label by the total count of nodes. For ex-
ample in Figure 1(b), there are three nodes labeled as
B, and the total count of nodes is 13. Thus th e rate of
nodes labeled B is 3 /13.
In the second column in Table 1, we show counts
of sister relations in the trees in Figure 1(b). We ob-
serve node B and C as sisters three times, C and D as
sisters two times, B and D as sisters only once . For
each sister relation instance, w e divide the count of
that instance by the total number of sister relations.
For example in Figur e 1(b), the count of sister(B,C)
is three , the total count of sister relation s is six. Thus,
the rate of sister(B,C) is 3/6. Th e counts of all sister
relation instanc es, and the total count of sister relati-
ons are shown in Table 1. In sum, a rate is obtained
for each instance of the sister relation by dividing the
count of that instance by the sum of the counts of all
instances of the sister re la tion.
Similarly, the rates of instances of the c-
command-via-node relation are co mputed in the same
manner, as shown in Table 1. For all relations menti-
oned in the previous section, we obtain a rate for each
instance of the relation by dividing the count of that
instance by the sum of the coun ts of all instances of
that relation. We use logarithm of the rates as featu-
res, and use 10e-7 as floor in order to avoid computing
the logarithm of zero.
Finally, we also use features involving CFG rules:
We normalize the counts of instance s of CFG rules
by the total number of CFG rules in a sample. For
example, the CFG rule A B C occu rs only onc e in
Figure 1(b), and there are total ve CFG rules in Fi-
gure 1(b), thus the rate of A B C is 1/5. We also use
statistics over the le ngth of CFG rules -as the num-
ber of nodes at the right side of CFG rules- in a sam-
ple. We compute minimum, maximum, mean, stan-
dard deviation and percentiles over the length of CFG
rules as features.
NLPinAI 2018 - Special Session on Natural Language Processing in Artificial Intelligence
Table 1: Example counts of subtree patterns.
Unary Binary Ternary
Node-label Count Rate Sister Count Rate C-command-via-node Count Rate
A 3 3/13 Sister(B,C) 3 3/6 Comm-max(B,B,D) 1 1/5
B 3 3/13 Sister(C,D) 2 2/6 Comm-max(B,C,D) 1 1/5
C 4 4/13 Sister(B,D) 1 1/6 Comm-max(C,B,D) 1 1/5
D 3 3/13 Comm-max(C,C,D) 1 1/5
Comm-max(C,A,A) 1 1/5
Node total 13 Sister total 6 Comm-max total 5
3.2 Node Scores
Statistical parsing algorithms compute a score bet-
ween 0 and 1 for each node, indicating how gram-
matical the yield of a node is within the context o f
the entire sentence. We obtain the node scores from
the statistical parsers data structures. For each node
label, we compute statistics over the scores assign e d
to the nodes with that label in the sample. We com-
pute maximum, minimum, standa rd deviation, skew-
ness and kurtosis over the node scores for each label,
and use them as features.
As we do not assume prior knowledge of what node
labels o r subtr ee patterns indicate in terms of syn-
tactic comp lexity with respect to human language
processing, we generate a large number of features
for all observed subtree patterns in the samples. As
a res==ult, eliminating features of low quality is es-
sential to th e performance of our method. We re-
sorted to an experimental method for e liminating low
quality features within a leave-one-subject-out cross-
validation setting (LOOCV). We split the data to folds
of train-test sets. Within each fold, we performed
feature-selection as exp la ined below, and predicted
the scores of the samples from the left-out-subject
using the selected features.
Univariate Feature Selection. As initial filtering,
we used univariate feature selection methods. We
obtained a p-value for each feature by computing
Pearson r between the feature and the MMSE sco-
res. We eliminated features with p-value greater than
0.01. Then, we performed an ANOVA-F test, and mo-
deled the decreasing p-values as an exponential-decay
curve. We used curve fitting to obtain the τ parameter
for the decay curve. We learned a multiplier a for the
τ parameter with cross-validation, w here α· τ is u sed
as a thresh old to eliminate features that are at the tail
of the exponential-d ecay curve.
Stability-selection. We followed univar ia te
selection methods with stability-selection (Meins-
hausen and B¨uhlmann, 2010). We used the
implementation of Randomized
Lasso, which returns a score for each feature.
We modeled the decreasing feature scores as an
exponential-decay curve. We used curve fitting to
obtain the τ parameter, and learned a multiplier a for
the τ par ameter with cross-validation, where α · τ is
used as a threshold to eliminate features that are at
the tail of the exponential-de cay curve.
Recursive-feature-elimination. Next, we used re-
cursive feature elimination (RFE). Given an estima-
tor, RFE selects features by recursively consider ing
smaller and smaller sets of features. First, the estima-
tor is trained on the initial set of features and weig-
hts are assigned to each one of them. Then, featu-
res whose absolute weights are smallest are pruned
from the curr ent set features. This procedure is recur-
sively perfor med on the pruned set until the features
are exhausted.
in the
package performs
RFE in a cross-validation loop to find the optimal
set of features.
requires an estimator to obtain
weights for the features, for which we used Linear Re-
gression. As
returns an optimal set of features,
we rer un
using the optimal set returned by the
previous run, until it no longer retur ned a smaller set.
In other words, we repe ated
until it conve rged.
Feature-selection in LOOCV. Within each fold of
LOOCV, we started with univariate f eature-selection
Predicting Cognitive Impairments with a Mobile Application
methods, as they can quickly eliminate a large number
of features of low statistical significance. Eliminating
large numb er of fe atures is critical for subsequent fea-
ture selection methods, namely stability-selection an d
recursive-feature-elimination, as they can be a lot slo-
wer than the univariate feature-selection methods.
Recursive-feature-elimination, unlike stability-
selection, can be unstable across folds in terms of
the number of features it eliminates. For that rea-
son, we perform stability-selection before recursive-
feature-elimination. Performing recursive-feature-
elimination as the last step of feature-selection ensu-
res that it evaluates only a small number of features
in each fold, thus the instability of the method can be
relatively constrained.
Finally, the selected fea tures in each fold were
used for training, and the scores of the test sam ples
were predicted using the fitted estimato rs.
We validated the f e ature extraction method explain ed
in the previous section for prediction of MM SE using
the publicly available DementiaBank corpus (Macw-
hinney et al., 2011). Patients of various types of
dementia were included in the study, in addition to
age and education matched healthy controls. Demo-
graphics of DementiaBank can be found in Table 2.
All subjects were given the Cookie Theft picture
description task from the Boston Diagnostic Aphasia
Examination (Kaplan, 1983). Th is task was chosen,
because it is considered an e cologically valid approx-
imation to spontaneous discourse. We used each nar-
rative for the description a s a sample, and parsed the
utterances using the Stanford Parser (Klein and Man-
ning, 2003). All subjects were associated with a pro-
fessionally administered MMSE score on a scale of
0 (greatest cognitive impairment) to 30 (no co gnitive
Table 2: DementiaBank Demographics.
Dementia Control
Number of sample s 278 182
Number of subjects 192 96
Age (years) 72 (8.66 ) 64 (7.48 )
Gender (male/female) 101/177 66/115
MMSE 20 (5.7) 29 (1.1)
Table 3: Feature-selection results for the baseline model,
which uses only features involving CFG rules, and the best
performing model, which uses all subtree patterns. The
second column shows t he median number of features se-
lected across folds by the method given in t he first column.
The feature-selection methods are listed sequentially with
respect to their application.
(a) CFG Rule s
Total # Features 978 Pearson r MAE
1 Pearson r <0.01 65 0.60 4.08
2 ANOVA f-test 20 0.61 3.94
3 Stability 18 0.61 3.93
4 RFE 16 0.60 3.95
(b) Subtree patterns.
Total # Features 4297 Pearson r M A E
1 Pearson r <0.01 468 0.62 3.97
2 ANOVA f-test 99 0.66 3.86
3 Stability 35 0.64 3.91
4 RFE 35 0.64 3.91
Features involving CFG rules were comm only used
in previous work for classification of patien ts vs con-
trols in DementiaBank . Th e refore, we use features
involving CFG rules as a baseline model. Please note
that we used all CFG rule s observed in the interviews,
not only CFG rules involving a pre-determined set of
node labels. We have in total three experimental con-
Baseline: CFG features
All subtree patterns: CFG features plus features
involving other subtree pa tterns, e.g. sister, domi-
nance, and c-command relations, as explained in
Section 3.1.
Node scores: As explained in Section 3.2.
Table 3 shows the results obtained after each
feature-selection step for e ach experimental condi-
tion. We do not report these detailed feature-selection
results for the node scores experiment, as it was the
worst performing experimental condition, as shown
in Ta ble 4. It shows the sequential decrease in the
number of features after each feature-selection step.
In both experiment conditions, the largest decrease
in the number of features was obtained by the first
feature-selection step, and the smallest decrease in the
NLPinAI 2018 - Special Session on Natural Language Processing in Artificial Intelligence
Table 4: The best estimators.
Subtree patterns CFG rules Node scores
# Features 35 16 34
Pearson r 0.64 0.60 0.56
Estimator Lasso CD All Ridge CD
MAE 3.91 3.95 4.29
Estimator Ridge / Elastic Net eSVR Linear Regression
number of features was obtained by the last feature-
selection step . In Table 3, we report results obtained
with the selected feature s in terms of Pearson r cor-
relation between th e predicted scores, and the actual
MMSE scores. In addition, we report mean-absolute-
error (MAE) between the predicted scores and the
actual MMSE scor es. Although MAE is a scale-
dependent measu re, we have to report results with this
metric, as previous results on predicting MMSE sco-
res both au tomatically and manually have be e n repor-
ted in terms of MAE.
Table 4 shows the best perfor ming estimators on
the sm allest number o f fea tures after all feature-
selection steps had been applied. In Tab le 4, the
first row shows the experimental conditions, the se-
cond row shows the median number of features se-
lected across folds per experimental condition. The
row for Pearson r shows the correlation b e tween the
predicted MMSE scores and the ac tual MMSE sco-
res. The next row shows the estimator that obtained
the Pear son r performance. The MAE row shows the
mean-ab solute-erro r between the predicted MMSE
scores and the actual M MSE scores. The row under
the MAE row shows the estimators that obtained the
MAE perform ance. The com plete list of estimators
we ex perimented with, along with their initialization
and grid search parameters can be found in the Ap-
pendix. In Ta ble 4, All” stands for all estimators gi-
ven in the Appendix.
6.1 Discussion
The highest correlation for pre diction of MMSE was
obtained by using all subtree pattern s, with Pearson r
of 0.66, as shown in Table 3(b). The improvement in
Pearson r over the baseline, as shown in in Table 3(a),
was five percent. Therefore, using subtree patterns
that have smaller scope than CFG ru les, such as sister
relations, and subtree patterns that have larger scope
than CFG rules, such as c-command relations, impro-
ved performance.
Table 3(b) shows that, the performance was op-
timal after using only the first two feature-selection
steps: using a p -value threshold and the ANOVA f-
test. Howeve r, stability-selection resulted in a large
drop in the number of features with a minor decre-
ase in pe rformance. On the other hand, RFE resulted
in a minor dec rease in the number of features, and
performance, in both experiment conditions. Follo-
wing the Occam ’s razor principle, we decided to use
the settings with the smallest number o f fea tures, and
the estimators that perf ormed best with the smallest
number of features, as seen in the second column of
Table 4, in our application, despite the minor decr ease
in performance on our data.
Using only node scor es provides 0.56 Pearson r
correlation, which shows that no de scores, compu-
ted by a statistical parser solely for algorithmic pur-
poses can convey informatio n with cognitive signifi-
cance. These results a re in line with the interpretation
of node scores as indicating grammaticality of consti-
tuents. However, we observed that comb ining node
scores with subtree patter ns did not improve perfor-
mance over using only subtree patterns.
Our best mean-absolute -error (MAE) score is
3.86, which is comparable to within -subject inter-
rater standard deviation of 3.9 to 4.8 (Molloy et al.,
1991). Yancheva et al. (2015) reported a MAE of
2.91, however the lowest MAE they obtained with a
method generalizable to unseen data is 7.31. They
used the entire data set to learn a hype r-parameter:
the optimal feature-set size for best performa nce on
the entire data set. Thus, although they used leave-
one-sub je ct-out cross-validation, the test-sets in the ir
LOOCV folds effectively became validation sets for
learning this hyper-parameter. As a result, their re-
sults are not generalizable to unseen data. On the ot-
her hand, we perform ed feature-selection within the
training set of each fold, not using the samples in the
test-sets of LOOCV.
6.1.1 Selected-features
An examination of the features that have survived
the feature-selection process in each fold shows that
our m ethod made use of features that have com-
Predicting Cognitive Impairments with a Mobile Application
monly been suggested as relating to human-language-
processing capabilities, and have been used in prior
work. These features fall in four categories:
Subtre e patterns involving predicate a rgument
structure. For example, sister relations involving
modifiers, e.g. adjectives and adverbs.
Subtre e patterns involving sentence embedded-
Ungrammatical parses, due to disfluencies. For
example, double determ iners for “the the”.
Statistics over CFG rule length.
Our method had the advantage that we d id not have to
hand-c ode rules involving the node labels, but rather
use machin e-learning techniques discover the features
among thousands of features generated using only a
few subtree patterns.
We have also observed that patterns that have
smaller scope than CFG ru le s are m ore useful than
patterns that have larger scope than CFG rules. It
seems that factoring o ut CFG rules into even smaller
tree relation s allows us to extract mo re fine grained fe-
atures, which in turn improve learning performance.
Initial deployment of the mobile ap plication will be
for end- users that are the diag nosed patients of agin g-
related neurodegenerative disorders enrolled in a cli-
nical study aimed at assessing drug effectiveness. The
scores predicted by the system will be provided to me-
dical professiona ls for evaluation.
Upon authentication, the app will prompt the user
with a pic ture description task, a nd request the user
to complete a short questionnaire. The questionnaire
will include a few questions to control for confoun-
ding factors such as genera l status of health, stress le-
vel, alcohol consumption etc., to be used for elimina-
tion of samples that were r e corded under unfavorable
The initial release of the tool to the medical pro-
fessionals will include the cookie-theft description
task, not only because we validated ou r method on
this task, but also it is the most-commonly used task
for eliciting syntactically c omplex utterances (Spreen
and Risser, 2003). Further deployments will include
other picture description task s that have been accep-
ted and used by the scientific community as valid
tasks for eliciting syntactically complex utterances.
The tool will be deployed on IBM Bluemix plat-
form, wh ic h offers the following services: speech-
to-text fo r transcribing spe ech samples to text, NLP
analysis tools for ob taining parse trees and node sco-
res from transcribed text, HIPAA (U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services, 2003) compliant and
scalable data service s. We have alrea dy developed a
test system that has speech-to-text and NLP analy-
sis capabilities. We plan to deploy a test system for
internal-use for the whole pipeline described in this
paper w ithin a year.
We reported ongoing work on developing a tool that
estimates the degree of cognitive impairment of a user
with state-of-the-art performance com parable to hu-
man inter annotator reliability scores. We presented
a novel feature extraction method fo r prediction of
MMSE, and also a feature-selection m e thodolo gy that
discovers useful f e atures in a way that is g e neralizable
to unseen data.
A major advantage of our metho d over prior work
is that it does not rely on human determined set of
syntactic pa tterns, but discovers th e discriminative
patterns automatically among all observed syntactic
patterns. As a result, it can be applied to trees gene-
rated under different syntactic assumptions, such as
trees of different languages, without any supervision
from linguists or su bject-matter experts.
We estimate and hope that our mobile application
will have wide practical applicability in both clinical
and in-home use.
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Initialization parameters of the estimators:
from skl e arn . lin e ar_ m ode l import
ElasticNet , Lasso , Ridge ,
Li n e ar R e gr e s si o n
from lig h tni n g . r egr e ssi o n import
CDRegresso r , L i nea r SVR
from skl e arn . svm im port SVR , Nu SVR
" L i nea r Reg r ess i on ":
Li n e ar R e gr e s si o n ()
" Ela s tic _ Net ": E las t icN e t ( ma x _ it e r
= int (1 e3 ) )
" Rid g e_C D ": C D R eg r e ss o r ( m a x_i t er
=200 , tol =1 e -3 , loss = squared ,
pe n a lt y = l2 )
" Las s o_C D ": C D R eg r e ss o r ( m a x_i t er
=200 , tol =1 e -3 , loss = squared ,
pe n a lt y = l1 , d eb i a si n g = Tru e )
" Lasso ": Lasso ()
" Ridge ": Ridge ()
" eSVR ": S VR ( k ernel = l ine ar )
" NuSVR ": NuSVR ( kernel = linear )
" lig h tSV R ": L i n ea r S VR ()
Grid search parameters of the estimators:
" L i nea r Reg r ess i on ":{" n orm a liz e ":[
False , Tr ue ], " fit _ int e rce p t ":[
True , False ]}
" Ela s tic _ Net ": {" alpha ": np .
lo g s pa c e ( -2 , 4 , 5) , " l 1_r a tio ":
10** np . array ([ -3 , -2 , -1, np .
log10 ( .5) , np . log 10 (.9) ]) }
" Rid g e_C D ": {" a lph a ": np . lo g spa c e
( -2 , 2 , 5) }
Predicting Cognitive Impairments with a Mobile Application
" Las s o_C D ": {" alpha ": np . log s pac e
( -2 , 2 , 5) }
" Lasso ": {" alpha ": np . l o gsp a ce ( -2 ,
2, 5) }
" Ridge ": {" alpha ": np . l o gsp a ce ( -2 ,
2, 5) }
" eSVR ": {" C ": np . array ([1 , .1 ,
.01 , .001]) , " ep s i lo n ": np .
array ([.1 , 1, 5, 10 , 2 0]) }
" NuSVR ": {" C ": np . array ([1 , .1 ,
.01 , .001]) ," nu ": np . ar ray ([.1 ,
.3 , . 5]) }
" lig h tSV R ": {" C ": np . array ([1 , .1 ,
.01 , .00 1]) , " ep s ilo n ": np .
array ([.1 , 1, 5, 10 , 2 0]) }
NLPinAI 2018 - Special Session on Natural Language Processing in Artificial Intelligence