Acceptance of a Digital Paper-based Diabetes Diary
Understanding Precursors of Acceptance of Digitally Assisted Diabetes Care
e Calero Valdez and Martina Ziefle
Human-Computer Interaction Center, RWTH Aachen University, Campus Boulevard 57, 52074 Aachen, Germany
Usability Testing, Novel Interaction Paradigms, Pen Computing, User Centered Design, Empirical Studies in
Interaction Design.
Diabetes prevalence has steadily been increasing over the last decades and is expected to continue in this
trajectory. Diary keeping is considered the central part of any successful therapy. Since paper-based diary
keeping is often poor and electronic diaries often challenging for elderly users, we developed Diabetto. Using
focus groups and interviews we analyzed the requirements for Diabetto. It uses a LiveScribe Echo pen as a
replacement for a regular pen in traditional paper-based diary keeping, while at the same time adds interactive
therapy support and access to a nutrition database through pen-input and text-to-speech. By enhancing an al-
ready familiar process we managed to achieve a high acceptance of the device. In an experimental evaluation
using an extended TAM model we analyzed the influence of user-diversity factors on the acceptance. Interest-
ingly typical predictors of acceptance, such as efficiency during use, did not influence ease of use, indicating
that the digital pen might not be perceived as computerized technology.
With the rise of the “Internet of Things” (Atzori et
al., 2010) and omni-present computing (Davis, 2002)
almost every device will allow us to connect to the In-
ternet and exchange data anytime and anywhere. The
question is, whether this will allow overcoming some
of the barriers people perceive in regard to medical
technology, with their best interest in mind.
Although some may claim that usefulness
(Scheermesser et al., 2008) is the most determin-
ing factor for pervasive medical technology, technol-
ogy acceptance is neither static nor predictable using
standardized technology acceptance modeling (Ziefle
and Wilkowska, 2010). Illnesses influence the user
over time, as does aging. Salience of technology
may lead to increased perception of barriers in users,
who already feel disconnected from modern technol-
ogy, and reject the conscious use of modern technol-
ogy. Nonetheless almost all people use ICT everyday,
when they enter elevators, drive cars, or use their tele-
phone. There’s something about visibility of technol-
ogy that influences technology acceptance. Accep-
tance of ubiquitous computing and medical assistance
increases when technology is integrated into the fa-
miliar environment of the patient (Klack et al., 2011).
This article describes an approach to digital dia-
betes management system that tries to hide technol-
ogy as a computer from the user and tries to fit com-
puting into their already existing behavioral patterns.
It puts the assistance into the pen that they use to fill
out their diabetes diary.
1.1 Obstacles in Diabetes Therapy
Diabetes, if badly treated, causes a plethora of dam-
ages to the body (e.g. neural, cardial, etc.) resulting
in extremely high treatment costs in comparison to a
well-adjusted therapy (Hien and B
ohm, 1997).
The biggest problems in diabetes therapy con-
stitute therapy adherence and customization of the
therapy especially in regard to designing an assistant
(Hien and B
ohm, 1997; Chen, 2010). In order to ad-
dress the individual aspects of each patients illness,
patients are required to keep a diabetes diary. In this
diary vital parameters such as blood glucose levels are
recorded along with insulin dosages, activity data, and
food intake. The doctor must now understand the id-
iosyncratic reactions of the patients body to medica-
tion and lifestyle and adjust therapy accordingly.
Quality of therapy is highly dependent on the
quality of the diary keeping (Hader et al., 2004).
Users often refrain from keeping their diary in a pre-
cise fashion, but often fill their diary at the end of the
day from memory (Stone et al., 2002). It is neces-
sary for a diabetic to calculate the insulin doses using
Calero Valdez, A. and Ziefle, M.
Acceptance of a Digital Paper-based Diabetes Diary.
DOI: 10.5220/0006734800740086
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2018), pages 74-86
ISBN: 978-989-758-299-8
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
cross-multiplication, as the dosage is both dependent
on current glucose levels and a correctional factor that
is individually established for different times of the
day. Also, a persisting diabetes can also lead to cog-
nitive deficits (Yeung et al., 2009; Brands et al., 2005;
Brands et al., 2007), which in turn hampers therapy.
In the following we review the literature on digital
diabetes diaries and management applications. From
the literature we see different forms of application
and input methods. Generally electronic and paper
based diaries have been investigated with differing re-
sults. We then introduce the the LiveScribe Echo Pen,
which was used in an approach to combine the best of
both worlds—a digital pen paper-based diabetes di-
ary, that provides a multitude of the features that typ-
ical electronic diaries provide.
2.1 Diabetes Management
As early as 2003 Kerkenbush conducted a study on
the efficacy of PDA-based diabetes diaries against
paper-based diabetes diaries. Kerkenbush and La-
some (2003) identified the importance of PDA based
solutions for diabetes care. They identified the impor-
tance of systematic and regular tracking in a diabetes
diary for patients health as well as the need to teach
potential users how to use a PDA based diary system.
The use of PDA based diabetes diaries is in par-
ticularly interesting as Stone et al. (2002) found a
high unwillingness to paper diaries in many diabetes
patients. This is not necessarily caused by a lack
of therapy adherence but might have been caused by
simple forgetting. An electronic device could have a
reminder function, leading to a possible increase in
diary keeping.
Broderick and Stone (2006) argue though, that
comparability in regard to the device type is not yet
possible. Reasons for compliance rates are not as-
sessable through the conducted studies and could be
conflicted by errors of self-reporting, motivation, and
lack of actual medical compliance analysis.
Nonetheless, Forjuoh et al. (2008) investigated the
medical impact of using PDA based diaries between
high and low usage of the PDA software “Diabetes Pi-
lot”. Over a course of six months high usage resulted
in an significantly better increase in vital parameters
than in low usage users. Still both groups showed im-
proved of their vital parameters.
Duke et al. (2008) developed the Intelligent Di-
abetes Assistant (IDA). IDA uses machine learning
algorithms to improve therapy by measuring lifestyle,
nutrition and glucose levels. The measurements are
instantly shared with a physician to allow shorter
feedbacks loops on the diary evaluation. A similar
solution has been developed by (Tani et al., 2010),
which was also evaluated positively.
Burke et al. (2005) investigated the differences
in monitoring food intake on a PDA after training
hemodialysis and weight-loss patients in using a digi-
tal food diary. They found a higher loss of weight and
higher self-monitoring adherence in users of a PDA
based diary than users of paper-based diaries (Burke
et al., 2011). If daily feedback was given through the
PDA improvements were even larger.
When looking at PDAs (Arning and Ziefle ,2007)
and mobile phones (Ziefle, 2002) acceptance of these
devices might depend on prior experience and in par-
ticular be important when the users are part of the tar-
get demographic—-elderly users.
In a time when the technical challenges are no
longer the largest barriers, it becomes important the
regard the users emotive, hedonic (Alag
oz et al.,
2010) and cultural needs(Alag
oz et al., 2011), espe-
cially when developing medical technology. Users
might have a preference of using paper over PDAs
or mobile phones for sheer haptic reasons (Gregory et
al., 2008). When specifically looking at diabetes de-
vices age shows a particular negative influence on us-
age performance (Calero Valdez et al., 2009). Addi-
tionally the screen size of the device increases usabil-
ity in particular for older users (Calero Valdez et al.,
2010b; Calero Valdez et al., 2011). Since some users
are not familiar with the hierarchical menu structures
of mobile phones or PDAs, other forms of navigation
through a device should be considered (Calero Valdez
et al., 2010a). This is particularly the case in mobile
devices, where screen real-estate is scarce and can not
be using excessively for user guidance.
2.2 Technology Acceptance
Since actual usage of devices depends largely on user
acceptance it is necessary to incorporate acceptance
modeling in the development process of such a de-
vice. For our case we have chosen to rely on the Tech-
nology Acceptance Model (TAM) by (Davis, 1989).
TAM based the intention to use a system on two ex-
plaining variables. The perceived ease of use (PEU)
and perceived usefulness (PU) determine largely the
behavioral intention.
Other models such as UTAUT (Venkatesh et
al., 2003), TAM2 (Venkatesh and Davis, 2000) and
TAM3 (Venkatesh and Bala, 2008) were also con-
sidered but are not used due to the amount of fac-
Acceptance of a Digital Paper-based Diabetes Diary
tors that they introduce to the method. The TAM
model has successfully been used to model the accep-
tance of medical technology in a health care setting
(Venkatesh et al., 2011).
In order to develop a Livescribe-based diabetes-
management-assistant that is both usable and ac-
cepted the user must be taken into account. To get
insights into the life of a diabetic a focus group was
conducted, the results of which are presented next.
3.1 Focus Group Results
The focus group was conducted in order to get first
insights into using a mobile device for diabetics. In
order to guarantee focus group success a list of core
questions was initially established, which were then
given to the participants. The questions were picked
with five topics in mind.
The first topic is “diabetes in general” and ques-
tions were selected with special focus on therapy and
diabetes management. The second topic is “mobile
devices”. The questions regarding this topic were se-
lected to understand the impact of the level of technol-
ogy expertise in using medical technology (i.e. mo-
bile devices for diabetics). Special focus was put on
the features of the used devices and their acceptance.
The third topic is “diabetes diaries”. Questions for
this topic were chosen to improve understanding of
how potential users keep their diary. The last two top-
ics are usage motives and barriers. Questions for these
topics were picked to assess future hurdles to prevent
when implementing a device.
Five participants contributed to this setting and
shared the following demographic information:
1. Type 1 diabetic, male 26 years, student of Com-
puter Science, athlete
2. Type 1 diabetic, female, 14 years, pupil (accom-
panied by her mother)
3. Type 1 diabetic, female, 42 years, civil servant,
4. Type 2 diabetic, male, 46 years, university degree
in Mathematics
5. Type 2 diabetic, male, 63 years, retiree,
3.1.1 Results
In the focus group five participants were asked to
elaborate on the experience with diabetes, mobile
devices, diabetes management and possible motives
and barriers for using a diabetes management as-
sistant. The participants were selected from a pro-
active group of diabetics (i.e. visitors of a diabetes
congress), they were self-selected, and had no known
secondary disorders. They were mostly well-educated
and all on insulin therapy.
Important findings that would need consideration
from this focus group are (in order of occurrence):
1. Diabetes in general
(a) Diabetes strongly influences the daily routine.
(b) Physical activity needs special attention.
(c) Willingness to adhere is high, but mood depen-
(d) Domain knowledge of diabetes is high, but
varies with severity of the disease.
(e) Informedness varies with understanding of dia-
(f) Different parameters are known differently well
depending on (perceived) domain knowledge.
(g) Important parameters are blood glucose level,
c, body-fat percentage & blood pressure.
2. Mobile devices
(a) Insulin pumps are perceived as very helpful, but
sometimes as foreign.
(b) General satisfaction with devices is high.
(c) Advanced functions are not used.
3. Diabetes diaries
(a) Paper-based diary keeping is usual but per-
ceived as cumbersome.
(b) Shortcuts are used to simplify logging.
4. Motives and barriers
(a) Therapy is cumbersome and device implemen-
tation a necessity.
(b) Operating expense (i.e. time) must be minimal.
(c) Some people prefer paper-based diaries over
digital ones.
(d) Data safety is important.
(e) Low level of perceived usefulness might be a
(f) Benefits for health are imaginable if the device
integrates well into the daily routine.
(g) Insulin-dosing calculation would be a helpful
(h) Deal-breakers are bad usability and public visi-
(i) Mobile phone integration is only attractive for
some users.
ICT4AWE 2018 - 4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
From the requirements gathered, we conceptualized a
diabetes diary using the Livescribe Echo digital pen.
The idea behind the software named Diabetto was
to let users keep their paper-based diaries but offer
interactive support using the Livescribe Echo. This
pen uses an infrared-camera to detect what is being
written with the pen and has a microphone and loud-
speaker included. Both can be used from software on
the pen. Usage feels like using a normal pen on regu-
lar paper, but with digital support.
All versions of the Livescribe Echo are based on
an ARM9 processor. The pen is larger (158x19mm)
and heavier (36g) than an average pen. Data transfer
happens using a micro-USB connector. The pen also
has a 96x18 pixel OLED-Display, an integrated mi-
crophone and and integrated loudspeaker. It also has
a headphone jack, which further allows recording of
The software Diabetto does not focus on the eval-
uation of generic diabetes diary keeping, but on as-
sisting the user by verbal feedback on diary entries.
Furthermore it should allow self-defined shortcuts the
simplify diary keeping in order to reduce barriers.
The following section introduces how the the Diabetto
software was developed, which is then evaluated in
the next section.
4.1 Diabetto A Digital Pen based
Diabetes Diary
The first essential part of Diabetto is the paper-based
diary. The diary consists of three parts. The first part
is the actual diary pages that the users uses to log his
diary entries. The second part is a set of pages that
contain a database of food items that the user can
modify as a shortcut to regularly consumed meals.
The last part is a set of general abbreviations that al-
lows the user to record and input with a self-defined
4.1.1 The Diary Pages
The first part is the actual diary (see Figure 1). The di-
ary itself consists of lined paged that are empty. Each
page refers to a certain day. Users can write on these
lines indicating what they have done on a particular
When a line starts with a time-information (e.g.
9:00) the diary assumes this to be the time of the en-
try (used when logging forgotten information). When
no time is given the current system time is used as
the time of entry. Time-information is recognized by
a regular expression detecting any four or five set of
numerical characters with a colon in between.
2IU basal.
9:30 one roll 2bu.
11:00 one hour walking.
3:00pm forest.
120 bs.
Figure 1: A sample diary page. The diary page contains a
list of entries, one per line. Entries that are striked-through
are deleted entries. Entries that have no time are recorded
using the system time.
Blood glucose readings are detected, when a line
ends with the characters “bs”. The pen then tries to
recognize the number before these characters and in-
terprets them and gives advice accordingly. When the
numbers are on the low end of health blood glucose
levels an auditory warning is issued: “Warning, your
glucose levels are low. Please verify your measure-
ment or react to this state. When levels were too high
an analogous warning was issued. This message also
included a suggestion of how much insulin to admin-
ister in order to reduce the amount of blood glucose
level to a healthy level. In the case of normal mea-
surements a confirmatory message containing the nu-
merical value written in the diary was played.
Whenever the two characters “BU” are found after
numerical characters a food consumption entry is as-
sumed. The amount of BU-units is played as auditory
feedback and then recorded.
Insulin dosages were recognized when the charac-
ters “IU” were found after numerical characters. Au-
ditory feedback on the amount of administered inter-
national units of insulin was played.
Acceptance of a Digital Paper-based Diabetes Diary
When a word is written that ends with a question
mark, the pen looks into his nutrition facts or abbrevi-
ation database. If an entry in the nutrition facts exists,
the amount of BU-units is reported to the user using
audio feedback. If the same word is written with a dot
at the end, the BU-units are recorded as a diary entry.
Found abbreviations are “unfolded” and the reinter-
The rest of the line, which is not interpreted, is
used as a commentary to the respective diary entry.
If no interpretable data is contained in a single
row, the entry is recorded as an activity (e.g. “one
hour walking”).
Entries can be deleted either by striking them
through or by clicking the X-button on the bottom of
the page immediately after input.
Furthermore every page has a help button (show-
ing a “?”) that starts a short audio-tutorial to the pen,
as well as three buttons to adjust the volume of the
pen (i.e. volume up/down/mute).
The Nutrition Facts Pages
The second part of the diary contains a table with
columns (see Figure 2). The left column is used to
enter the name of a meal or a food item that should
be stored in the diary. The right column (in the same
row) takes the amount of BU-units that are associated
with this entry. These entries can be used in the di-
ary as a shortcut. Furthermore deletion of entries is
possible by striking them through.
The Abbreviations Pages
The third and last part of the diary is very similar to
the second part. It also has two columns. The left col-
umn takes the abbreviation, while the right column
takes the expanded full text. Whenever a user writes a
word from the left column of the abbreviations pages
the text of right column of the same row is virtually
inserted and interpreted. This allows for complex ab-
breviations like “9:00 Breakfast, 2 cheese rolls, 6BU.
that may occur regularly in a users life.
4.2 The Applications
Two applications are part of Diabetto. The first appli-
cation is the penlet that runs within the pen to provide
the functionality of the diary. Since any of the fea-
tures that were described in the previous section are
actually a functionality of the pen and not the paper,
no detailed further information about the penlet ap-
plication is necessary. This already indicates that the
pen itself is not considered as the interface, but the pa-
per is, although technically the opposite applies. The
Dietary Chart
Figure 2: Example page of the Diabetto diary showing a
nutrition facts sheet. A user may write food items he con-
sumes often in the left column and its BU-units in the right
application automatically starts, when the pen is used
on Diabetto-diary paper. The second application is
desktop-application to synchronize data. This appli-
cation is not part of our evaluation here.
Classical technology acceptance using a TAM model
requires to assess the usefulness and ease of use of
a technology to estimate the behavioral intention to
use the technology. In our case we wanted further
information to be available for analysis.
We were interested in finding out whether the
auditory-feedback and the writing-based input were
usable and helpful to the patients. We assumed that
the integration into the already known process of
keeping a paper-based diary would be easier than
teaching a PDA or mobile phone application. Addi-
tionally we were interested in seeing how age, exper-
tise, domain knowledge, and computer self-efficacy
influenced the evaluation of the device, as previous
studies had shown a strong influence of these fac-
tors (Calero Valdez et al., 2009; Calero Valdez et al.,
2011) in PDA based devices. In particular the ef-
fectiveness of use has shown to be good predictor of
perceived ease of use in previous exploratory studies
ICT4AWE 2018 - 4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
(Calero Valdez et al., 2009). Under the assumption
that a pen might be less likely seen as a technological
device, influences off effectiveness during use could
differ from previous studies.
In order to understand, whether possible users would
accept a digital paper-based diary and how well they
could use such a device, a user study was conducted.
Focus of the study was to let users use the pen in a
scenario-based task, assess their performance and fur-
thermore assess their acceptance of the device.
6.1 Method
The experiments were conducted at the RWTH
Aachen in a laboratory environment. Additional ex-
periments were conducted at the office of Dr. L
in Aachen in order to remove some effect of the self-
selection that occurs when participants have to travel
to the experimental destination. Participants were di-
rectly contacted in the physician’s office or for the
control group taken from the immediate social net-
work of the author.
6.2 Experimental Procedure
The experiment was conducted in several steps. First
participants were informed about the experiment and
that their data was being recorded. In order to mea-
sure performance, videos of the experiments were
also recorded. The participant was informed that the
interaction would be recorded on video, not exposing
the face (only the diary and the hand were in frame).
Then participants had to answer a questionnaire.
In order to get accustomed to the digital pen, first
four tasks were instructed, in which the participant
would also receive assistance from the experimenter.
These tasks could also be repeated as often as de-
sired. Once a participant stated that he understood
the concept behind the digital pen, participants were
instructed to perform three performance tasks. Af-
ter finishing the task sets, a post-experimental ques-
tionnaire had to be answered. After this last ques-
tionnaire participants were instructed about how they
could contact the experimenter in case they wanted
any of the data deleted at any time afterwards.
6.3 The Questionnaire
The questionnaire was separated in two parts. Partici-
pants were asked demographic data such as age, gen-
der and work. Furthermore handedness was assessed
because handedness could influence accuracy of the
text recognition.
Additionally health status was assessed. This
means type of diabetes, diabetes duration and type of
therapy were assessed. Technical expertise was as-
sessed with both household and expertise in comput-
erized technology (ECT) as well as expertise in health
technology (EHT). For descriptive purposes coping
scales and domain knowledge scales were assessed
(i.e. DP, DCI, TDC, IFG, IFO).
Lastly the computer self-efficacy (CSE) (Beier,
2004) and behavioral intention to use the diary were
assessed. Computer self-efficacy was measured using
eight items, while behavioral intention was measured
using three items.
6.4 The Task Set
In order to assure equal conditions between partici-
pants a fixed task set was designed, which included
all features of the Diabetto diary. Instructions were
available in paper-based format (i.e. printed between
the pre- and post-questionnaire). Questions to the ex-
perimenter were allowed during the first four tasks.
The following four tasks were used as introductory
1. Opening the Help Function. Users were asked to
activate the help function. This task required them
to understand that they could “click” on buttons
on the paper, which activates behavior of the pen.
Furthermore participants were encouraged to set
the audio level output to a comfortable level.
2. Write a Simple Sentence. Users were asked
to write in a line of the diary “I am taking part
in an experiment”. To this entry the pen would
give audio feedback: An activity for <date of
experiment> was logged”. This introduced the
participant to the idea that the diary recognizes in-
put as a diary and stores the information.
3. Log a Glucose Measurement. Users were asked
to add an entry to the diary saying that they had
a blood glucose reading of 100mg/dl. The pen
would give audio feedback and comment on the
healthy value of 100. This introduced participants
to the idea that the diary could be used to record
glucose measurements, and that the pen would
comment on the value.
4. Log Insulin Dosing. Users were asked to log two
entries of insulin dosing. This introduced the par-
ticipants to how insulin dosing can be logged in
Acceptance of a Digital Paper-based Diabetes Diary
After completing the introductory tasks, the par-
ticipant was informed that the following tasks were
the actual experiment. Then the performance task sets
were presented. The task set consisted of the follow-
ing complex tasks:
5. Log a Whole Day. The user was asked to record
typical measurements and doses and activities of
a whole day in the diary.
6. Usage of Nutrition Facts. The users were asked
to retrieve the BU-unit value for an already stored
food item from the database. Furthermore they
were asked to create their own entry and retrieve
that value as well.
7. Usage of Abbreviations. Users were asked to
create an abbreviation and use it in the diary.
After the completion of these tasks, the pen was
connected to a Laptop and the Desktop application
was shown, as well as a printout of the diary entries
was handed to the participants.
In some cases participants strayed from doing the
actual task, because the data given in the task did
not coincide with their personal life. In those cases,
participants were gently reminded and asked whether
they could, after entering the own personal data, com-
plete the actual task. This behavior deemed successful
because participant’s curiosity, how the pen behaved
in their own lives was satisfied, but nonetheless all
tasks were completed.
In cases were the pen did not recognize readings,
and when it was obvious that recognition failure was
caused by the limited dictionary provided by the pro-
totype, participants were reminded of the prototypic
nature of the experiment, and asked to retry the task
using the words given in the task description. The
amount of additional help was noted for additional
6.5 Perfomance Measurment
In order to analyze performance video data is ana-
lyzed using a form sheet. The sheet has predefined
actions that when recognized in the video recording
are counted for evaluation. Approx. 14 hours of video
data was analyzed for the data.
Items that are counted are the participant’s secu-
rity in using the device (i.e. “asks for help” and “cor-
rects mistakes on his own”) and user satisfaction (i.e.
“positive mentions of the device”, “negative mentions
of the device”, “laughter”). Additionally it is recorded
whether the participant ignores visual and auditory
feedback of the device.
Furthermore it is recorded when technical prob-
lems (e.g. OCR fails) occur, what participants say
about the device and a general impression of the ex-
perimenter of the participant.
Timing is measured by entering the time-codec of
the frame when a user clearly starts reading a task,
when he starts writing, and when he finishes writing
(i.e. the pen is lifted). Furthermore it is noted whether
the task was effectively completed.
Time on task was calculated as the difference of
finishing time codec from start time codec.
As independent variables demography and health val-
ues were used. Age, gender and diabetes related fac-
tors were assessed. Furthermore expertise with tech-
nology and domain knowledge, as well as computer
self-efficacy were assessed. As intermediary variables
task performance was measures in regard to effective-
ness and efficiency. Lastly as dependent variables per-
ceived ease of use and perceived usefulness were as-
sessed in order to assess influence on behavioral in-
tention (see Figure 3).
We assume that age influences computer self-
efficacy negatively (H
), similar as age should in-
fluence expertise with technology negatively (H
Both these factors, as shown in previous experiments,
should influence the efficiency during the experiment
). The effectiveness of using a diabetes diary
in general should be positively influence (H
) by ei-
ther knowing more about diabetes or being more ex-
perienced in using diabetes diaries (i.e. longer dia-
betes duration). Efficiency and Effectiveness should
both influence the perception of ease using the diary
), while perceived usefulness should also depend
on experience, our previous experiments have not
confirmed this finding (Calero Valdez et al., 2009).
Therefore this is not a formulated hypothesis. Fur-
thermore we expect to see a positive influence on be-
havioral intention using both PEU and PU (H
A set of 27 participants took part in the study. The
average age was 38 years (SD = 15.8, 22-73 years).
Eleven participants were male (41%), and 16 were fe-
male. Eight participants were diabetics. Three per-
sons were left-handed. Healthy participants were re-
cruited from announcements in a local newspaper,
and diabetics via the social network of diabetes pa-
ICT4AWE 2018 - 4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
Figure 3: Visual representation of hypotheses.
The participants were split in three groups (tertial-
split) according to their age. The young age group
showed a mean age of 25 (SD = 2.7, n = 10), the
medium age group showed a mean age of 34 years
(SD = 5.7, n = 10), and the old age group showed a
mean age of 62 (SD = 5.7, n = 7).
Diabetics showed a mean age of 49 years (SD =
17.7), while non-diabetics only showed a mean age
of 33 years (SD = 12.7). Mann-Whitney-U testing
reveals that diabetics were indeed older than non-
diabetics (U = 35.5, z = 2.157, p < .05, r = .42).
In the following sections results are presented. Re-
sults are analyzed using bi-variate correlations, uni-
variate analysis of variance (ANOVA) and multiple
linear regression analysis.
9.1 Descriptive Results
In order to get a broad overview into the results, first
descriptive statistics for the three age groups are pre-
sented. When a influence seem plausible, correlation
data is also presented. First we look into perception
of aging and technical expertise. Then diabetes scales
are presented. Lastly the various performance met-
rics, as well as a pen evaluation is presented.
9.1.1 Technical Expertise
Technical expertise seems to be highly and equally
well distributed for the ECT and EHT scale (see Fig-
ure 4). Only expertise with medical technology is
very low for all age groups. Computer self-efficacy
seems to decrease with age. Overall the sample seems
to be highly tech-savvy with the typical decrease in
self-efficacy with age.
<= 28 29-41 41+
Level of Agreement
Age Groups
Technology Expertise and Computer
Figure 4: Technical expertise and efficacy scale marginal
means over age. EHT=Expertise with household tech-
nology, ECT= Expertise with computerized technology,
CSE=Computer self-efficacy. Error bars denote standard er-
Correlational analysis confirms that age correlates
significantly with computer self-efficacy (CSE). (r =
. 457, p < .05). Interestingly the seemingly equal
technology expertise with computerized technology
(ECT) correlates highly significantly with the CSE
(r = .577, p < .01).
9.1.2 Diabetes: Coping Scales and Domain
When looking at coping scales no differentiation be-
tween age groups can be made, because of the small
sample of diabetics (n = 8). Nonetheless diabetics
seem to perceive their diabetes to be as only lightly
pervasive (DP: M = 2.4, SD = 1.3). The diabetics
seem to have a high desire for information and con-
Acceptance of a Digital Paper-based Diabetes Diary
trol (DCI: M = 4.7, SD = 0.7) as well as trust in their
doctor’s competence (TDC: M = 4.1, SD = 0.5).
Diabetics were very well informed about diabetes
and rather fairly informed about their obesity (IFG:
M = 3.9, SD = 0.3, IFO: M = 2.5, SD = 0.2). This is
not unusual because all diabetics were type-1 diabet-
Correlational analysis showed that both IFO and
IFG did not correlate with any other measures, except
with themselves (r = .824, p < .05). The duration
of diabetes only interacted also interacted with the
informedness of obesity related factors (r = .793,
p < .05). The longer a participant has had diabetes
(early onset) the less he was informed about obe-
sity, which is externally valid, since obesity related
information is of more interest to late-onset diabetes.
Furthermore we found that diabetes pervasiveness did
correlate with perceived cognitive deficits (r = .812,
p < .05). All other measures did not correlate with
coping style scales.
Further analyses of these variables are not per-
9.1.3 Task Performance
Task performance was determined by both task suc-
cess rate for effectiveness and time on task as effi-
ciency. Effectiveness seems to be very high in the
younger age group over all tasks (see Figure 5). The
older age group seems in contrast to have more prob-
lems with the later tasks. The only tasks that seems
to make no difference between age groups are task
one and task five. Correlational analysis shows that
tasks three (r = .473, p < .05) and four (r = .450,
p < .05) do correlate significantly with age. The older
a user is the less effective he is at completing these
<= 28 29-41 41+
Success Rate (%)
Age Groups
Task Effectiveness
Task 1
Task 2
Task 3
Task 4
Task 5
Task 6
Task 7
Figure 5: Marginal means of effectiveness for all tasks in
percent over age. Error bars denote standard error.
When looking at efficiency for individual task (see
Figure 6) individual task length becomes visible. Task
five seems to take the most time from all participants,
while task two seem to take the least.
As only the last three tasks are measured as a per-
formance experiment, reliability of these three task as
a scale was assess with a Cronbach’s α = .734. This
indicates that the last three tasks can be used as one
scale. Because these three individual measurements
) have different maxima and min-
ima, the geometric mean is chosen as a function to
unite these variables to a total time on task (ToT) as
ToT =
The average ToT a user takes is M = 10 seconds
(SD = 3.71s). The minimal ToT is 4.4 seconds and
the maximal ToT is 20.8 seconds.
<= 28 29-41 41+
Time on Task (s)
Age Groups
Task Efficiency
Task 1
Task 2
Task 3
Task 4
Task 5
Task 6
Task 7
Figure 6: Efficiency measure marginal means for all tasks
over age. Error bars denote standard error.
It seems necessary to incorporate the success rate
into the efficiency measurement, because users could
be faster at a task, when they simply skipped certain
elements of a task. Therefore a corrected time on task
(CTOT) is calculated using the effectiveness measure
(SR=success rate) of the last three tasks.
CToT =
This measure shows a mean of 14.4 seconds
(SD = 14) with a minimum of 4.4 seconds and a max-
imum of 62.4 seconds.
Univariate ANOVA analysis indicates that age
groups do not differ in regard to efficiency
(F(2,25) = 2.245, n.s.). Correlation analysis con-
firms this (r = .306, p = .14).
9.2 Effects on Performance
When trying to understand how performance is de-
termined multiple linear regression analyses are per-
ICT4AWE 2018 - 4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
First a model for success rate is generated using
age, diabetes duration, technical expertise and com-
puter self-efficacy as possible predictors. Interest-
ingly only a model with a single predictor remained
significant. The model used expertise in household
technology as a predictor and was able to explain
27% (adj. r
= .27) more variance than the scale
mean (F(1, 17) = 7.714, p < .05). The constant term
showed a coefficient of B = 2.185 (SEB = 0.473)
and the predictor EHT showed a coefficient of B =
0.265 (SEB = 0.09) and a standardized slope of
β = .559. This means that household technology
actually influences effective negatively.
Secondly a model of corrected time on task was
generated using the same predictors as in the last re-
gression. A model using EHT and CSE as predictors
was shown to explain 47% (adj. r
= .47) more vari-
ance than the scale mean (F(2, 15) = 8.52, p < .01).
Expertise with household technology again showed
negative influence on performance while computer
self-efficacy showed positive effects (see Table 1).
Variance inflation was negligible (V IF = 1.036). The
only downside of this model is the relatively high
standard error of the constant term. Removing the
weakest predictor from the model, did
Table 1: Linear regression table for corrected time on
task. All predictors increased the explained variance sig-
Predictor Unstand. coeff. Standardized slope
(Constant) -32.476 37.140
EHT 16.952 5.732 .531
CSE -8.508 3.711 -.412
The only downside of this model is the relatively
high standard error of the constant term. Removing
the weakest predictor (i.e. CSE) from the model, did
not decrease the standard error to a drastically more
acceptable size (SEB = 32.7), while at the same time
the explained variance decreases to 33% (adj. r
.33, F(1,16) = 9.358, p < .01).
9.3 Pen Evaluation
After the experiment was finished it was of high inter-
est to find out, how much participants liked the digital
pen-based diabetes diary. We based the assessment on
a TAM model using both perceived ease of use and
perceived usefulness as predictors for the behavioral
intention. Furthermore we wanted to investigate how
technical expertise influenced behavioral intention.
We measured perceived ease of use and usefulness
for nine features and combined them into two scales.
Reliability was analyzed using Cronbach’s α. Per-
ceived ease of use showed excellent reliability with
a Cronbach’s α = .914, similarly to perceived use-
fulness, which showed also an excellent reliability of
α = .909. The scales are calculated as the mean of the
The three behavioral intention items showed an
acceptable reliability of α = .782. The scale BI was
calculated as the mean of these items.
When looking at how the age group influences the
three scales PEU, PU, and BI (see Figure 7), differ-
ences are hard to make out. Only perceived ease of
use seems to show a difference between young and
medium aged users. Though Univariate ANOVA re-
jects this hypothesis (F(2,19) = 2.373, n.s.). In gen-
eral perceived ease of use is high (M = 5.01, SD =
0.75), perceived usefulness is very high (M = 5.44,
SD = 0.58) and behavioral intention is also very high
(M = 5.38, SD = 0.58).
<= 28 29-41 41+
Level of Agreement
Age Groups
Pen Evaluation
Figure 7: Marginal means of PEU, PU, and BI over age
groups. Error bars denote standard error.
In order to determine what factors predict the be-
havioral intention a TAM based model using both
PEU and PU as predictors was used. Additionally
diversity factors like age, gender (dummy coded), di-
abetes duration, technology-expertise, and computer
self-efficacy were used as predictors. Only the pure
TAM based model using a two predictor model with
PEU and PU as predictors was able to significantly
explain more variance than the scale mean. This
model was able to explain 86% (adj. r
= .859) more
variance than the scale mean (F(2,15) = 52.747, p <
.01). This is a very large effect. The perceived use-
fulness was about three times stronger in predicting
the behavioral intention than the perceived ease of use
(see Table 2). Both predictors had a positive influence
on the behavioral intention.
Acceptance of a Digital Paper-based Diabetes Diary
Table 2: Linear regression results for behavioral intention.
Predictor Unstand. coeff. Stand. slope
(Constant) -0.04 0.54
PEU 0.210 0.123 .244
PU 0.798 0.155 .734
During the experiments positive feedback about the
pen in general was extensive. Participants were sur-
prised that a pen was able to “understand” what they
were writing. One participant (female, 55 years) was
very reluctant to take part in the experiment because,
she “hate[s] all technology. She said:
“Stay away from me with this nonsense. All you
engineers should try to learn that normal people like
me cannot use these complicated devices.
After persuading her to take part in the experiment
and using the pen she stated that she loved the friendly
interaction with the pen, and the pen actually felt good
in her hand. She would like to have pens be as heavy
as this one, as normal pens were to tiny for her to use.
Most participants showed similar reactions. Even
the non-diabetic participants were delighted with the
pen usage and in particular with the feeling that tech-
nology could “understand” them. Some even asked
whether they could buy a pen for non-diabetic related
The results (see Figure 8) from the Diabetto user stud-
ies are interesting because some of the results are
rather unexpected, while others are very much ex-
pected. We could confirm that age does have a neg-
ative effect on computer self-efficacy and expertise
with household technology (supporting H
and H
while at the same time it has no effect on computer-
ized technology (disagreeing with H
). This could be
a sample effect. The size of the sample is rather small
and the sample is very tech savvy.
Much more interesting though is that the exper-
tise with household technology exerts a negative ef-
fect on the efficiency with the pen (disagreeing with
), while computer self-efficacy exerts a positive ef-
fect (supporting H
). A possible explanation might
be that a pen that is used by hand with no buttons
Translated from german.
or other interaction features that are typical for com-
puterized technology is more like a non-technology
object. People that tend to type more and write less
might be slower at writing with a digital pen as well.
The only troublesome finding is that computer self-
efficacy in turn does influence efficiency positively.
This could be explained in a way that people that are
more confident in using technology feel less intimi-
dated by the computerized interaction with the pen.
Influences of diabetes expertise through duration
or domain knowledge were not found in regard to ef-
fectiveness (rejecting H
). This could mean that the
diary was as easy to use for diabetics as it was for non-
diabetics. This effect could be explained by the exten-
sive help-function that explained many of the features
anytime during the experiment.
Any effect of efficiency or effectiveness on the
pen evaluation was not found (rejecting H
). These
were expected as similar findings existed in the ex-
periments described in (Calero Valdez et al., 2009).
The influence of perceived ease of use and per-
ceived usefulness on behavioral intention was simi-
larly strong as predicted by theory (supporting H
Both showed a strong influence. The weakness of
prediction of perceived ease of use could be explained
with the general high rating of perceived ease of use
for the whole sample. Looking at perceived useful-
ness though reveals a similar distribution. Usefulness
still seems to be more important than ease of use,
when ease of use is high. Ease of use could there-
fore be seen as a necessary condition for acceptance,
while usefulness poses as a sufficient condition.
This study tried to use both, qualitative and quantita-
tive methods in order to develop a deeper understand-
ing of the requirements of diabetes patients and to im-
plement the user requirements into the development
of the prototype. However, future studies will have
to validate the device performance data with a larger
sample. On the base of the present data, extrapolation
is not yet feasible.
When reviewing how effectiveness is measured
and what other effectiveness measures exist, we can
see that only effectiveness of introductory tasks corre-
lated with age. Further research could therefore look
into other tasks and learnability of these tasks as well.
Strangely trust in doctors competence played a
large role in perceived ease of use and perceived use-
fulness. This exploratory finding might be a fluke
or could indicate high agreeableness in a participant.
ICT4AWE 2018 - 4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
Figure 8: Visual representation of results, showing both correlational and linear regression data. The minus sign in front of a
value indicates the direction of the correlation, and is not result of an complex number squared. It was added after squaring.
Examining this and further personality types might be
of interest in further research.
We would like to thank Hennadiy Verkh for the de-
velopment of the software prototype. Furthermore we
would like to thank the participants for taking part in
the study and sharing their insights. We would also
like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their input
on a previous version of this article.
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ICT4AWE 2018 - 4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health