Generating Process Entity Hierarchies from XPDL Process Models
Hyun Ahn
, Kyoungsook Kim
and Kwanghoon Pio Kim
Department of Computer Science, Kyonggi University, Korea, Republic of
Department of Computer Engineering, Kyunghee University, Korea, Republic of
Business Process Intelligence, Hierarchical Property, Process Entity Hierarchy, Hierarchy Generator, XPDL
Business process intelligence enables us to discover a variety of deep insights about business process execu-
tion, and it provides a set of useful methods for related decision-making activities. The hierarchical infor-
mation that this paper focuses on is an important sort of information and it ought to be used in analyzing
hierarchical properties of business processes. In this paper, we present a useful hierarchy generator to make it
easier to perform analytics of hierarchical properties among business process entities. To this end, we define
an abstracted meta-model that represents hierarchical relations among entity types in XPDL process models.
According to the relational rules of the meta-model, a process entity hierarchy can be organized, analyzed,
and visualized.
Business process management (BPM) technologies
and systems have been widely adopted in the various
industries where business processes are considered as
a critical factor in determining the enterprise value.
Accordingly, the importance of intelligent methods
for effectively analyzing business process increases to
enrich the managing capabilities of process-oriented
Business process intelligence (Grigori et al.,
2004) and process mining (van der Aalst and Weijters,
2004) both are the highly active research fields with
the aim of analyzing business processes and discover-
ing valuable business process-related knowledge. In
this regard, a variety of approaches and methods are
proposed based on the fundamental aspects of the
business process, such as control-flow, data-flow, re-
source, and performance.
The hierarchical structure that this paper focuses
on is also an important kind of analytical property
pertaining to business process modeling and execu-
tion. The main purpose of the analysis of hierarchi-
cal information structure is to understand the struc-
tural characters of information elements and to eval-
uate each element by its proportion. Likewise, hier-
archical structures and analytical properties exist in
business processes and in the environment that man-
ages them (e.g., the explicit hierarchies among entity
types in business process models).
In this paper, we present a useful process entity
hierarchy generator to make it easier to perform ana-
lytics of hierarchical structures consisting of business
process entities in XPDL (XML Process Definition
Language) process models (WFMC, 2012). More
specifically, the generator is supported by the relation
rules based on the abstracted meta-model in the hier-
archy generation phase. Additionally, as a validation
step, we present a simple running example using the
sample models to generate, analyze, and visualize the
process entity hierarchy.
In this paper, we concentrate the hierarchical structure
and property implied the XPDL-based process mod-
els. In this regard, this section briefly introduces the
previous works regarding the business process model
Existing methods and techniques for business pro-
cess model analysis range from the fundamental prop-
erty analysis (van der Aalst and van Hee, 2004; Mu-
rata, 1989; Li et al., 2004) to the advanced and sophis-
ticated solutions (Dijkman et al., 2012; Khlif et al.,
2017; Awad, 2007; Kunze et al., 2011) to meet practi-
cal objectives and to achieve advantages in managing
business processes. Two prior works (van der Aalst
Ahn, H., Kim, K. and Kim, K.
Generating Process Entity Hierarchies from XPDL Process Models.
DOI: 10.5220/0006756106900695
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2018), pages 690-695
ISBN: 978-989-758-298-1
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
and van Hee, 2004; Murata, 1989) described the se-
ries of concepts and formal methods for fundamental
properties of the process model, such as reachability,
soundness, and liveness. In other hands, (Li et al.,
2004) presented the mathematical basis for measur-
ing the performance metrics including workload, and
turnaround time on the extended Petri nets.
While those prior works mentioned above con-
tributed to the foundation of modeling and verifying
business process models, more and more researchers
have been interested in developing methodologies to
efficiently manage a large collection of business pro-
cess models. (Awad, 2007) introduced the visual
language for expressing queries over a repository of
business process models. The author argues that this
language allows the reusability of business process
model without redundant efforts of modeling. Sim-
ilarly, (Kunze et al., 2011) presented the measure of
model similarity to search similar business process
models, which satisfies certain properties.
Although the other works are not included in this
paper due to the limitation of space, there is a volumi-
nous set of contributions which focus on business pro-
cess analysis. However, the hierarchical property of
business process has been considered as an insignifi-
cant feature in the literature. In only a few studies, the
hierarchy concept has been used to express subpro-
cess (van der Aalst and van Hee, 2004) and resource
models (Du and Shan, 1999; Kim et al., 2005), but
neither of them addresses the analysis with the hierar-
chical structure composed of process entities.
In order to generate and analyze process entity hierar-
chies, we formerly devised the abstracted meta-model
(Ahn et al., 2016) from the meta-model defined in the
XPDL 2.1 specification (WFMC, 2012). This section
describes the details of the abstracted meta-model and
hierarchical relations among entity types.
3.1 The XPDL Standard
XPDL is the popular one of the standards for inter-
changing business process definitions between het-
erogenous BPM products. It was introduced by the
WfMC (Workflow Management Coalition) in 1998
and is currently standardized to the version 2.2. Fig-
ure 1 shows the meta-model of XPDL 2.1 specifica-
tion representing primitive entity types and their rela-
tions. These entity types are broadly related to three
main aspects: Control-flow, resource, and data.
Figure 1: The meta-model of the XPDL 2.1 standard.
3.2 The Abstracted Meta Model and
Hierarchical Relations
To facilitate the analytics of process entity hierarchy,
we analyzed the meta-model (shown in Figure 1) and
devised the abstracted meta-model representing the
hierarchical relations between entity types.
Activity TransitionParticipant
Data Field
Figure 2: Abstracted meta-model representing hierarchical
relations (composition and directed association) between
XPDL process entity types.
The abstracted meta-model includes essential en-
tity types which satisfy a hierarchical property and are
can be used as a construct to build a process entity hi-
erarchy. The definitions of entity types are described
as follows:
Package: A package corresponds to a set of busi-
ness processes. In general, it means a grouping of
business processes in a specific business domain.
Therefore, a package is mapped to the root ele-
ment in an XPDL-formatted process model.
Generating Process Entity Hierarchies from XPDL Process Models
Workflow Process: It refers to a business process.
In an XPDL file, a <WorkflowProcess> element
is a container for the set of its activities and their
temporal ordering.
Activity: A typical activity represents a logical
unit of work in a business process. Also, the rout-
ing activities (e.g., OR split/join, AND split/join)
and events both are types of activity, but since
these types do not imply a hierarchical property or
related semantics we only take account of typical
activities in constructing a process entity hierar-
Transition: Transitions are core elements of
control-flow aspect in a workflow process. Each
transition connects from a predecessor activity to
a successor activity. In cases of transitions con-
nected from a disjunctive routing activity, a tran-
sition condition is attached to a corresponding
<Transition> element. Accordingly, the transi-
tion is activated only when the transition condi-
tion holds true.
Pool: This entity type is the top-level container
for resources allocated in a business process. In
business process modeling systems, it is used to
graphically augment the view of the resources to
a business process diagram. According to the syn-
tax of XPDL, a <Pool> element includes a set of
<Lane> elements as child nodes.
Lane: Lanes are used to describe responsibilities
of a certain set of activities in a business process.
Therefore, a lane is often relevant to a business
role (e.g., administrator and contract manager),
a system (e.g., a legacy system), a business unit
(e.g., department and project team).
Participant: A participant is a resource capable of
performing an activity. It can be not only a human
resource but also a machine resource.
Data Field: Data fields are created and consumed
within each business process execution. They
are used as variables to exchange intermediate re-
sults between activities or evaluate transition con-
Application: This entity type refers to a software
program or a service invoked from business pro-
cess enactments. They provide functionalities re-
quired to carry out tasks involved in a business
Hierarchical relations the meta-model includes are
divided into two relation types: Composition and di-
rected association. A composition (depicted as )
refers to an explicit hierarchical relationship between
a superior entity type and subordinate entity type.
These relationships are explicitly represented by hi-
erarchical XML elements in an XPDL file. For in-
stance, each <Package> element has a set of sub-
ordinate <WorkflowProcess> elements. A directed
association (depicted as ) refers to an association
relationship that is navigable in only one direction
and is interpreted as an implicit hierarchical relation-
ship, which is not explicitly represented in an XPDL
file, but it implies the semantic information related
the hierarchical properties of corresponding business
processes. For instance, an <Activity> element in-
cludes reference information about an identifier of a
<Participant> element instead of explicit element in-
According to the abstracted meta-model, we imple-
ment a prototype system for generating a process en-
tity hierarchy that is based on the relational rules of
the meta-model. This section describes the hierarchy
generation steps with the implemented system. Addi-
tionally, we present a running example to validate the
feasibility of analytics of process entity hierarchies.
4.1 Process Entity Hierarchy Generator
Data Field
Workflow Process
Figure 3: Tree representation of the hierarchical relations of
the abstracted meta-model.
The implemented generator is constrained by the rules
of hierarchical relation for the compliance with the
meta-model that we devised. Figure 3 shows the en-
tity tree representing hierarchical relations between
entity types. A hierarchy generation is implemented
by traversing the entity tree from the first selected en-
tity type to a specific entity type that is the final desti-
nation (except the root entity type). Additionally, all
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
the entity types, excluding the leaf entity types, can be
the root entity type of a generated hierarchy since the
minimum required levels of hierarchy is two levels.
By using the graphical user interface provided by
the system, users can easily and interactively organize
a new hierarchy. The graphical navigation function-
ality offers users available options of entity types in
the phase of hierarchy generation. The simple exam-
ple of organizing a hierarchy is shown in Figure 4,
and its screen capture shows the situation of the hi-
erarchy generation. The hierarchy consists of three
layered entity types (package, pool, lane), and it is
currently incomplete and has only one available en-
tity type (participant) that the user can select.
Figure 4: Screen capture of organizing a hierarchy using the
graphical user interface.
After the user completes the hierarchy generation,
the hierarchy is automatically fleshed out to the full
process entity hierarchy through the mapping of entity
information in XPDL models to the hierarchy. Figure
5 shows the generated process entity hierarchy. Con-
sequently, the user can perform analytics of hierarchi-
cal properties by applying analysis techniques to the
process entity hierarchy.
4.2 Running Example
To validate how useful the hierarchy generator is, we
demonstrate a simple running example using sample
XPDL process model.
The sample model contains one process package
(Commercial Banking) including two business pro-
cesses (Fund Transfer, Data-driven Fund Transfer),
and other entity information. From the view of re-
sources, the sample model also includes three pools,
eight lanes, and nine participants.
Figure 5: Generated process entity hierarchy
The results of visual analytics executed by the im-
plemented system with the running example is shown
in Figure 6. At first, entire entity information included
the input XPDL file is collected to the system through
the parsing phase (left side).
To analyze a hierarchy of resource en-
tity types, the process entity hierarchy
(Package–Pool–Lane–Participant) is generated
by the GUI-based hierarchy organizer and afterward
concretized with the corresponding collected entity
information (right side).
After the step of hierarchy generation is com-
pleted, the system visualizes the process entity hierar-
chy applied the pseudo-measures of work rate, which
means the portions of activity instances performed
by each participant. The visualization exploits the
treemap method (Bruls et al., 2000) and the color filter
(by each pool entity), and the node size represents the
work rate measures. Even though the visualization re-
sult is less effective to demonstrate the hierarchy and
related properties, we confirmed that the feasibility of
the process entity hierarchy generation through this
running example.
To address analytical properties of the hierarchical
structure of business processes, we proposed the
XPDL-based process entity generator in this paper.
Generating Process Entity Hierarchies from XPDL Process Models
Figure 6: Visualizations of the analysis result of the generated process entity hierarchy applied the participants work rate
(activity instance) measures with two color coding methods: The pool-based color coding (a), the lane-based color coding (b).
The generator is governed by the rules of hierarchical
relations defined in the abstracted meta-model. Con-
clusively, through the running example, we confirmed
that the generator is fruitful to easily create a process
entity hierarchy from XPDL process models.
As a future work, we are planning to devise a com-
prehensive meta-model to ensure that the hierarchy
generator is compatible with other standards, includ-
ing BPMN, BPEL, and XES. As another issue, we
are interested in an effective visualization of the pro-
cess entity hierarchy. The visualization issue is not re-
garded as the main concern in this paper, but it is also
crucial to perform business process analytics. How-
ever, the presented visualization results are limited in
effectively displaying a process entity hierarchy and
its analysis result. To overcome this shortcoming, we
will be studying new visualizations that effectively
conveys the information or knowledge of hierarchical
properties of business processes.
This research was supported by Basic Science Re-
search Program through the National Research Foun-
dation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry
of Science, ICT & Future Planning (Grant No.
2017R1A2B2010697). Also this research was par-
tially supported by the contents convergence software
research center at Kyonggi University funded by the
GRRC program (Grant No. 2017-0194) of Gyeonggi
Province, South Korea.
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Generating Process Entity Hierarchies from XPDL Process Models