Requirements Engineering Tools for Global Software Engineering
A Feature Analysis Study
Somnoup Yos and Caslon Chua
Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia
Requirements Engineering, Global Software Engineering.
The demand in Global Software Engineering (GSE) is increasing every year. GSE helps the software deve-
lopment industry reduce development cost and provide access to resources pool; however, GSE practitioners
also need to deal with numerous challenges. This impacts Requirements Engineering (RE) process in terms of
teamwork, collaboration, knowledge management, time and cultural differences. RE is considered to be one
of the important processes in the software development, and several studies have pointed out the need of a new
RE process that supports GSE environment. We acknowledged the importance of RE tools in supporting RE
process and conducted a study to discover the best way to use RE tools to solve the challenges in GSE. The
study used the Feature Analysis Screening Mode approach and generated a list of features with four categories
that would address these challenges, namely: (1) Shared Knowledge Management, (2) Workflow and Change
Management, (3) Traceability, and (4) System and Data Integration. Four RE tools on the market are selected
for investigation. We found out how these tools best support three of the categories, but have limited capabi-
lity for the first category. Some suggestions were given for future development to provide the support for RE
process in GSE environment.
Global software engineering (GSE) refers to distri-
buted software development that are located in vari-
ous geographical locations around the world (Niazi
et al., 2016b). The concept originated from Contract
Programming Outsourcing in 1970s. In 1990s, many
companies started setting up globally distributed te-
ams to low-cost countries for development (Smite
et al., 2010). GSE has become more popular in re-
cent years because it helps the software development
industry reduce cost of development, achieve flexible
development time, and gain access to global talents
and resources (Ebert et al., 2016).
The GSE trend has projected the growth rate of
10% to 20% every year, and will become a standard
engineering management method (Ebert et al., 2016).
However, along with benefits and opportunities, GSE
practitioners also need to deal with geographical, cul-
tural, and temporal challenges (Niazi et al., 2016a).
Several studies on GSE have tried to address those
challenges. The recommendations presented soluti-
ons in communication, knowledge transfer, tools, and
project management (Richardson et al., 2010).
The term virtual teams refers to the distributed te-
ams in GSE that operate in different locations. In GSE
distributed life cycle, the processes in different sta-
ges such as System Analysis, Design, Coding, and
Testing can be shared between different virtual te-
ams (Richardson et al., 2010). This distributed virtual
structure affects the Requirements Engineering pro-
cess in many ways. For this reason, GSE has cast new
challenges in RE process in team coordination, know-
ledge management, temporal differences, and cultural
differences (Zowghi, 2007).
Requirements engineering (RE) is one of the main
processes that can influence the success or failure of
software development (Li et al., 2015). When it co-
mes to working in a globally distributed environment,
RE process becomes more challenging compared to
the process done by co-located teams. Achieving
success in RE for GSE is another challenging work
(Damian, 2002). There are several studies that point
out the need for new RE process in GSE environment
(Zowghi, 2007). To cope with the increasing demand
in GSE, it is more important to look into how we can
make RE process become more effective (Damian,
Our study aims to achieve the evaluation on
RE tools that will help software development teams
Yos, S. and Chua, C.
Requirements Engineering Tools for Global Software Engineering.
DOI: 10.5220/0006760102910298
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2018), pages 291-298
ISBN: 978-989-758-300-1
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
handle RE process more effectively in GSE environ-
ment. The study is inspired by previous studies on
RE tools. Those works have produced a good un-
derstanding about RE tools capabilities which based
on the standard for evaluating RE tools ISO/IEC RE
24766:2009 (Carrillo De Gea et al., 2012). However,
all previous works focused on the study of the tools
general capabilities, and has not pointed out how tools
could address the challenges of GSE.
The objective of this study is to fill the gaps of
existing studies on RE tools more specifically on RE
tools capabilities that address GSE challenges.
The remainder of the paper is structured as fol-
lows: Section 2 discusses related works on RE and
GSE. Section 3 describes the methodology used in the
study. Section 4 presents the results derived from the
evaluation. Section 5 discusses the findings. In fi-
nally, Section 6 presents conclusion of the study and
future work.
This section presents the related works done on RE
in GSE, the study on RE Tools, and the international
standards that support our study objectives.
In the study of requirements engineering in glo-
bal software development, Damian (Damian, 2002)
presented several challenges in RE work in GSE envi-
ronment. The top four challenges included inadequate
communication, knowledge management, cultural di-
versity, and time difference. The study also pointed
out that despite the challenging work for RE in GSE,
it is important that more studies are conducted on RE
in regards to GSE to support the increasing demand
of GSE in the industry (Damian, 2002).
In the study of the need of a different RE process
for GSE, Zowghi addressed the importance of RE role
in software development and the impacts of GSE on
RE process (Zowghi, 2007). He claimed that GSE has
brought challenges to RE in 4 main areas: (1) Team
Coordination and Control, (2) Knowledge Manage-
ment, (3) Time differences, and (4) Cultural Differen-
ces. The suggestion was raised during the develop-
ment of a new RE process that would address these
challenges impacted by GSE with the model which
can deal with distance, communication, and collabo-
With regards to RE tools, several studies have
been done on the capabilities of the tools that sup-
port RE process in general, following the industry
standard ISO/IEC TR 24766:2009. The results of the
study on RE Tools (de Gea et al., 2011) showed that
the RE tools market are facing the increasing change
in demand to support the developments of technology
and market. However, that study only aimed to pro-
vide the information on verification when selecting
the RE tools for the development. It also stated that
parts of current RE tools need to evolve to support
GSE environment through the improvement of tools
that support distributed virtual team and collaborative
work (de Gea et al., 2011).
The work done in another study (Carrillo De Gea
et al., 2012) provided a detailed capabilities study
of RE tools that are currently available on the mar-
ket. The work started with the list of 100 RE tools
vendors with 38 respondents agreeing to participate
in the study. The classification framework used for
evaluation was based on the standard ISO/IEC TR
24766:2009 with some restructuring of categories.
The results of the study presented the scores for all the
evaluated tools in regard to all categories in the clas-
sification framework. The classification framework
presented in this study added Traceability as a new
category for the study of RE tools capabilities (Car-
rillo De Gea et al., 2012). The outcome of the study
presented a good start for us to identify tools for our
Another quantitative study of RE tools (Carrillo de
Gea et al., 2015) addressed the commonalities and
differences between RE tools and put them into three
groups. The study modified the classification in stan-
dard ISO/IEC TR 24766:2009 and added three ot-
her categories to the classification framework namely,
Modeling, Traceability, and Collaboration & GSD.
The methodology used in the study adopted the Fea-
ture Analysis method in DESMET report. The feature
analysis study, qualitative or subjective, is a good way
for us to conduct our study.
Our study is also inspired by the international
standard that manages the RE process. The standard
ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148:2011 provides the standard gui-
deline for the process and activities for RE work. One
of the 5 main processes in the standard presents the
importance of requirements management as the chan-
ges of requirements in the development life cycle are
inevitable (ISO et al., 2011). To achieve effectiveness
in requirements management in GSE, we follow the
requirements change management process from the
standard which includes change proposal, review, ap-
proval, and change notification.
Another technical guideline from the international
standard ISO/IEC TR24766:2009 is used as the foun-
dation for developing a classification framework. We
also consolidated the standard classification with the
study on the challenges in GSE in order to fill the gaps
in the standard guideline for GSE.
ENASE 2018 - 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
This section presents the design of the methodology
and procedures used in the study.
In order to achieve the objectives of our study, we
based our work on three research questions:
RQ1: What are the features of RE tools that would
address the challenges of GSE?
RQ2: To what extent do current RE tools conform
to the list of features that support GSE?
RQ3: What improvements could be made with
current RE tools in order to support RE process in
The three studies on RE Tools presented in
Section 2 formed the basis for developing our met-
hodology in evaluating RE Tools using the DESMET
report about the methodology for evaluating software
engineering methods and tools.
Our study adopted the method presented in the
DESMET report called Feature Analysis Screening
Mode approach. The advantages of this approach are
flexibility, simplicity, and quick process.
There are 6 steps included in conducting Fea-
ture Analysis Screening Mode approach (Kitchenham
et al., 1997):
Selecting candidate tools for the study
Deciding on the features list base on the objective
of the study
Designing evaluation criteria
Carry out evaluations
Analyzing and interpreting results
Presenting results.
3.1 Selected Candidate Tools
The tools selection techniques conducted in the 3 pre-
vious studies were based on the databases that contai-
ned the list of available RE tools on the market. To
simplify the process for our study, we utilized the list
of tools and their performance from the results of pre-
vious studies and selected the top 4 tools for our study
based on their performance and scoring. Moreover,
we replaced one of the 4 tools, Rational DOORS, with
the new upgraded version Rational DOORS Next Ge-
neration (RDNG).
The complete list of the 4 selected tools is presen-
ted in the below table (Table 1):
3.2 Classification Framework
The foundation of the list of features for evaluating
RE tools is based on the guideline in the standard
Table 1: Selected Candidate Tools.
Tool Vendor
T1 Cognition Cockpit
T2 Cradle-7 3SL
Rational DOORS Next
Generation (RDNG)
IBM Rational
Reqtify and Requirements
ISO/IEC TR24677:2009 which is presented as fol-
lows (ISO and IEC, 2009) (Table 2):
Table 2: Features and Categories in TR Guideline.
Category(TR) No.
Requirements elicitation 37
Requirements analysis 36
Requirements specification 16
Requirements verification and validation 34
Requirements management 17
Other capabilities 17
However, the standard ISO/IEC TR24677:2009
only focused on the general capabilities of RE tools
which does not specifically address GSE. The classi-
fication framework in our study is derived from the
list of the standard guideline combined with additio-
nal features that address the challenges in GSE, such
as Knowledge Management, Team Collaboration, and
Communication. The following 4 categories of featu-
res are identified which aim to provide support to RE
process in GSE (Table 3).
Table 3: Our Classification Framework by Category of Fe-
Category No.
CF1 Shared knowledge management 8
CF2 Workflow management 5
CF3 Traceability 4
CF4 System and data integration 4
Total 21
CF1. Shared Knowledge Management: This
category of features focuses on managing the kno-
Requirements Engineering Tools for Global Software Engineering
wledge sharing among virtual teams in distributed
software development in various locations around the
world. We address knowledge sharing and reuse in
GSE as part of our work to improve collaboration in
a distributed environment (Gea et al., 2013). This ca-
tegory also introduces the importance of shared team
knowledge in virtual teams which cover the four dif-
ferent types of knowledge in F1 to F4 (Moe et al.,
2016). The details of these features in this category
are as follows:
F1. Task-Related Knowledge: This feature allows
virtual team members to share their understanding
about tasks, how the tasks should be accomplis-
hed, and criteria used to determine if the tasks
were successfully completed.
F2. Team Related Knowledge: The feature allows
virtual team members to share the information
about the team and members’ skills, experience,
strength, weakness, and knowledge about the
F3. Process Related Knowledge: This feature al-
lows virtual team members to share the know-
ledge related to member interaction, communica-
tion process, collaboration, decision making, and
discussing work process.
F4. Goal Related Knowledge: This feature allows
virtual team members to share the goal, vision,
overall agreements of the teamwork, and under-
standing about customer needs.
F5. Architectural Knowledge Sharing: This fea-
ture provides the option to capture, share, and ma-
nage information about the architecture process,
problem domain, solution domain, and share kno-
wledge artifacts throughout the process.
F6. Knowledge Transfer: This feature provides
the ability to capture and share knowledge across
tools throughout the development life cycle.
F7. Shared Repository: This feature presents a
shared repository where it is easy for virtual team
members to have access to information.
F8. Knowledge and Requirements Reuse: This
feature provides the option of reusing the require-
ments artifacts, and requirements information.
CF2. Workflow and Change Management:
This category of features focuses on providing full
workflow and change management to support colla-
boration and teamwork in GSE environment. The
study on the awareness needed in GSE (Damian
et al., 2003) provides the recommendation for impro-
ving collaboration in virtual teams through workflow
improvement and effective communication changes.
The details of these features in this category are as
F9. Support Stakeholders Decision: This feature
provides support for decision making process
such as supporting information, recording deci-
sion, assigning responsibility, managing estima-
tion data, and impacts analysis.
F10. Decision Notification: This feature provides
notification to virtual team members with all de-
cision activities and documenting the decision for
F11. Multiple User Access: This feature provides
multiple users an access platform with real time
information update through browser-based inter-
face which improves the awareness of other mem-
bers in virtual team environment.
F12. Collaborative Life Cycle Management: This
feature provides real-time update about the deve-
lopment life cycle of all virtual team members
to ensure awareness of all process updates across
project life cycle.
F13. Global Stakeholders Collaboration: This
feature provides the management of all sta-
keholders based on their role and permission
to access the information. This is to support
collaborative workflow between all stakeholders
and the awareness of requirements and needs of
the customers.
CF3. Traceability: This category of features fo-
cuses on having full information about the life cycle
of the requirements which link information sources
that can support effective communication of require-
ments in globally distributed teams (Carrillo De Gea
et al., 2012).
F14. Traceability: This feature provides the ma-
nagement of requirements and documentation
source, where the role and responsibility of sta-
keholders involved can be trace across the tools.
F15. Flexible Tracing: This feature provides vari-
ous types of tracing, such as one-to-one, one-to-
many, or many-to-one tracing with the option of
tracing of text or graphics.
F16. Bi-directional Tracing: This feature provi-
des the tracing between customer needs, require-
ments, source information, and element on finis-
hed product.
F17. Traceability Analysis: This feature provides
analysis matrices, reporting, and exporting the
report of the requirements changes and require-
ments development throughout the life cycle.
CF4. System and Data Integration: This cate-
gory of features focuses on providing full integration
of data and system with the tools. In the standard gui-
deline of RE tools capability, the system and data in-
ENASE 2018 - 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
tegration is considered an important part of the tools
as it can help with the collaboration across different
parts of an organization that uses different tools and
technology (Carrillo De Gea et al., 2012). The detail
of the features in this category is as follows:
F18. Data Import: This feature provides support
for importing data in different formats from other
tools or software.
F19. Data Export: This feature provides support
for exporting data into different formats.
F20. Tool Integration Vithin Vendor: This feature
provides the ability to integrate with other tools
provided by the same vendor.
F21. Tool Integration Across Vendors: This fea-
ture provides the ability to integrate with the tools
provided by other vendors.
3.3 Evaluation Criteria
The evaluation scoring for the features included in our
classification framework is based on the presence or
absence of the feature. We give the Yes/No value to
the feature represent by:
YES: circle with green tick
NO: empty white circle
The total value of each tools in each category re-
presents the supporting scale for the tools in the par-
ticular category.
Each value for the feature determines the availabi-
lity of the feature for particular tools.
3.4 Investigation Method
We adopted the Feature Analysis Screening Mode ap-
proach that is presented in DESMET report which
provides a quick and easy assessment of the tools eva-
luation. The investigation process is based entirely on
documentation provided by the vendors and then re-
cord into the list (Kitchenham et al., 1997).
The list of the accumulated values for the features
supported by each tool is done through the investiga-
tion of three types of documentation, namely: techni-
cal paper, data sheet, and product documents. These
documents are supplied by the vendors.
The study on all documentation from the vendor
was done alongside with the classification of feature
categories. The value ”Yes” or ”No” is given to the
feature of each tool when the information on the do-
cuments provides support for the feature.
This section presents the results of the investigation
on all the tool documentation retrieved from the ven-
dor’s website. The findings are presented in four ta-
bles according to the categories of features in our clas-
sification and a figure showing how each of the tools
performs in the features evaluation.
4.1 Shared Knowledge Management
Shared Knowledge Management is a new concept that
we introduce into tools capability in order to address
the challenges in GSE on knowledge management
(Table 4). 5 of the 8 features in these categories are
not available in the current tools. Team knowledge
sharing and architectural knowledge sharing (F1 to
F5) are also not supported in any of the 4 tools we
investigated based on available technical documenta-
Knowledge transfer and requirements reuse (F6
and F8) are still not emphasized by the tools with only
one tool, T3, supporting these two features.
Table 4: Supported Features for Shared Knowledge Mana-
gement (CF1).
CF1 T1 T2 T3
4.2 Workflow and Change Management
The features in this category show good support from
all tools with most features supported by at least 2 out
of 4 tools in our study based on the documentation.
All the tools fully support decision notification using
dashboard or email (F10), and provide full life cycle
management (F12) (Table 5).
3 out of 4 tools provide web access to support
multiple users access from different locations (F11).
However there are still limitations for the tools in the
Requirements Engineering Tools for Global Software Engineering
area of supporting stakeholder’s decision making (F9)
and providing global collaboration for all stakehol-
ders (F13).
Table 5: Supported Features for Workflow and Change Ma-
nagement (CF2).
CF2 T1 T2 T3 T4
4.3 Traceability
Traceability is presented as fully supported by all RE
tools in our study (Table 6). Documentation shows
full traceability option (F14, F15, F16) and provides
a full analysis feature for traceability reports (F17).
Table 6: Supported Features for Traceability (CF3).
CF3 T1 T2 T3 T4
4.4 System and Data Integration
The integration of system and data in the tools de-
monstrate full support for data integration (F18 and
F19) and good integration of the system within the
vendor applications (F20). The integration of the sy-
stem across to other vendors are supported by 2 of the
4 tools, with T2 and T4, showing some limitation on
this feature (Table 7).
4.5 Tools Evaluation
The total score of each tool presents the performance
in conformance to the features selected in our study
(Figure 1). T3 has the highest aggregate score in the
study which is 14/21, and the outstanding score is in
Shared Knowledge Management (CF1).
All tools have a total score between 11 to 14 out
of the maximum total score of 21. This shows that
Table 7: Supported Features for System and Data Integra-
CF4 T1 T2 T3 T4
just above half of the features are present. The gaps
between each tools are small with just 1 or 2 points.
T1 has the highest score in CF1, while T2 and T4 have
the highest score in CF4.
This section discusses how this study answers the
three research questions.
RQ1: What are the features of RE tools that would
address the challenges of GSE?
The list presented in section 3.2 identified 21 fe-
atures that address the challenges of the RE process
in GSE. The features are classified into 4 categories
based on the reviews of studies related to best practi-
ces in RE and GSE. The list of features used in this
study focused on the challenges with knowledge ma-
nagement, teamwork and collaboration, while future
work will look into temporal and cultural challenges
in GSE.
RQ2: To what extent do current RE tools conform
to the list of features that support GSE?
According to the summarized evaluation results in
section 4, it shows that among the 8 features in Shared
Knowledge Management, only 3 features (F6, F7, F8)
are supported by current RE tools. For Traceability
features, all tools provide full support to all the 4 fea-
tures (F14, F15, F16, F17). The tools also sufficiently
support the other 2 categories of features with at le-
ast half of the tools supporting each of the features in
these 2 categories.
The evaluations of the tools are conducted using
documentations provided by the vendors which con-
sist of features description from technical papers, data
sheets, and product documents. Future work will fo-
cus on looking at a more effective evaluation appro-
ach to improve accuracy.
RQ3: What improvements could be made with
current RE tools in order to support RE process in
The results of the study suggested that RE tools
need to be able to provide features for Share Know-
ENASE 2018 - 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Figure 1: RE Tools Aggregated Score for All Categories.
ledge Management. 8 features in CF1 described in
section 3.2 could serve as the initial suggestions for
the tools. The result also suggested improving sy-
stem integration feature that allows RE tools to in-
tegrate with Knowledge Management System within
the same vendor or across different vendors.
We propose the use of recommended practices
from studies of Knowledge Sharing in GSE. (Zahedi
et al., 2016). These practices include the use of group-
ware, knowledge repository, wiki, discussion forum,
shared repository, and blog in the virtual teams envi-
This paper presents the outcomes of investigating RE
tools using Feature Analysis Screening Mode appro-
ach. The first outcome is the list of features iden-
tified from studies conducted by researchers addres-
sing the challenges in GSE. The second outcome is
the result of examining four RE tools and how these
tools conformed to the list of identified features. The
result shows that all tools fully support features un-
der Traceability, and unsoundly support features in
Shared Knowledge Management. With the gaps iden-
tified, the third outcome suggests giving more atten-
tion in putting knowledge sharing and system integra-
tion into future development to improve current RE
Our future work aims to address the limitations
of the current study. As Feature Analysis Screening
Mode approach depends entirely on the documenta-
tion provided by vendors, future work will involve
comprehensive evaluation, using case study approach
that will focus on sharing knowledge in RE process
among globally distributed teams. It will also address
limitations of subjective evaluations. Finally, it will
study RE practices that look into temporal and cultu-
ral challenges of GSE.
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ENASE 2018 - 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering