Turning the Tables: Authoring as an Asset Rather than a Burden
Toby Dragon
Department of Computer Science, Ithaca College, 953 Danby Rd, Ithaca, NY, U.S.A.
Keywords: Authoring Tool, Concept Map, Domain Model, Intelligent Tutoring System, Factor Analysis.
Abstract: We argue that authoring of Intelligent Tutoring Systems can be beneficial for instructors that choose to author
content, rather than a time-consuming burden as it is often seen. In order to make this a reality, the authoring
process must be easy to understand, must provide immediate benefit to the instructor doing the authoring, and
must allow for incremental development and improvement. We describe a methodology that meets all of these
needs using concept maps as a basis for authoring. The methodology creates a basis for intelligent support
that helps authors improve their course organization and content as they work on the authoring task. We also
present details of the rapid prototype being developed to apply the methodology and the initial experiences
from its use.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) have been
demonstrated to be effective, but often these systems
are limited to a specific domain and set of content.
This is due to the nature of ITS, in that most systems
necessitate some type of domain model, a formal
structure that the intelligent system can navigate to
connect specific assessment data to some greater
understanding of the domain. Customizing these
domain models to cater to different domains or to
different content can be costly and unwieldy. This
problem has been considered a major limitation of
ITS research, creating concern that although ITS
systems are effective, these systems might not scale
well. Historically, this concern has been addressed by
authoring tools that allow researchers and instructors
to create and/or modify the domain model in an
intuitive fashion, generally without programming.
Even these tools can be expensive in terms of
instructor time, although creators of authoring tools
offer innovative measures to combat this problem
(e.g., Aleven et al., 2006). Many instructors do not
have the time or do not feel the need to understand the
purpose and internal structure of domain models, and
therefore authoring tools can seem impractical.
In this narrow view, we may be considering the
wrong client and the wrong customer for our ITS
authoring process. In contrast to the over-burdened
instructor who is disinterested in this process, many
instructors are not only willing to have a hand in the
authoring of their course content, they insist upon it.
The entire field of Instructional Design (ID) is
grounded in this process of creating and honing
course content. Instructional designers work with
instructors to continually refine their class materials,
organization, and content. They seek out opportunity
to do this work. Earlier work in relating ID and ITS
development discussed the mutual benefits and
promise of integrating these activities (Capell and
Dannenberg, 1993), but our literature review reveals
little beyond these initial attempts. We also see the
topic increasing in relevance, as the motivation to
define one's own materials and organize custom
courses is growing in potential and popularity due to
the ever expanding set of mix-and-match materials
available. The Open Educational Resources (OER)
movement (Atkins, Brown, & Hammond, 2007)
exemplifies the wealth of materials available from
which instructors can pick and choose.
We argue that this type of instructor would want
to author content using an authoring tool, if that
authoring tool helps improve their course content in
addition to providing a domain model for an ITS. In
a foundational review of ITS authoring tools, Murray
recognized that one of the main challenges of
authoring tool use is the amount of scaffolding the
authoring tool can provide during the model creation
process (Murray, 2003). We argue that providing
intelligent support during the authoring process can
offer exactly that type of scaffolding, helping
instructors make their course organization and
Dragon, T.
Turning the Tables: Authoring as an Asset Rather than a Burden.
DOI: 10.5220/0006761503080315
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2018), pages 308-315
ISBN: 978-989-758-291-2
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
content better while simultaneously creating a
domain model for an ITS. Specifically, the authoring
tool can help instructors formalize their process, give
a concrete structure that can be shared, assessed and
iterated upon, and give feedback about the content of
the produced domain model. This feedback can
highlight potential issues with course content and
areas ripe for improvement. Additionally, the process
would produce an artifact (the domain model) utilized
by an ITS to support both instructors and students
while running the course.
We present a generic type of domain model that
can be used across many domains and a methodology
that can be used to create an authoring process
including feedback for the author. This methodology
provides instructors a flexible, easy-to-understand
process which can help them aggregate and organize
their course content. This same system can then
provide a basis for meaningful ITS feedback to
inform and support teachers and students. We have a
rapid prototype of this methodology and have begun
to employ it in the domain of computer science
education. We will refer to this prototype and its use
to demonstrate the power of this authoring approach.
This work combines ideas from a wide variety of
specific fields including: ITS authoring tools,
instructional design, concept mapping, factor
analysis, knowledge factor analysis, and ITS systems
that operate with similar types of domain models. We
then pull these ideas together into a coherent vision of
an authoring methodology. Due to the wide variety of
disparate related work, we generally reference related
work in the relevant section, rather than grouping it
into a unified section.
In terms of directly related work to the larger ideas
presented in this paper, we should highlight three
particular works. Kumar presents an argument for
using the same type of domain model we present,
along with arguments about the relevance of this
domain model and benefits for the students using the
ITS (Kumar, 2006). Cen, Koedinger, and Junker
present a similar technique to giving authors feedback
through factor analysis (Cen, Koedinger, and Junker,
2006). We see these works as complimentary, since
we are synthesizing ideas from both, and because
their focus is on the student benefit of a better domain
model (which we assume for this paper), while we
focus on the potential advantage for the instructor as
well. Mitrovic et al. present an authoring tool that
uses a similar approach (Mitrovic et al. 2009) and
their team demonstrates some positive outcomes for
authors (Suraweera, 2004).
We have several goals to consider when developing
the generic approach to domain models and to the
authoring process itself. First and foremost,
instructors interested in designing their own course
content do not want to be constrained by the authoring
tool. The process and model should be simple and
intuitive enough to be easily understood by
instructors. It should also be flexible, and allow for
iterative improvement and added refinement/
complexity. For these reasons, the domain model
must be easily editable and offer a wide variance in
complexity (i.e., domain models should be useful and
understandable when simple or complex). We want
instructors to create content "their way," and in their
own time. We want them to experiment with models
and refine them based on experience.
3.1 Concept Map as the Domain Model
To offer this type of intuitive domain model, we rely
on concept mapping (Plotnick, 1997). Concept maps
are composed of nodes and edges; nodes representing
concepts and edges representing relationships
between those concepts. The task given to instructors
is to identify key concepts to be taught and their
interrelations. Each of these maps could provide great
detail, or remain fairly high-level. Figures 1 and 2
show two example concept maps for a course at
different levels of detail. These maps have been
developed using our authoring process,
demonstrating the variety of maps that could be used
Figure 1: A high-level concept map for an introductory
computer science course. This type of map can be produced
quickly, and can still be useful to an ITS.
Turning the Tables: Authoring as an Asset Rather than a Burden
Figure 2: A detailed concept map for the same introductory computer science course. This map was produced through
successive revisions beyond the one presented in Figure 1. Revising and adding detail helped the instructor reconsider course
content, and the resulting map is more useful as a domain model for an ITS.
Concept mapping has been applied in many
domains as an instructional or assessment tool,
particularly natural science domains (Novak, 1990).
This process has been shown to be useful as a means
of instructional design, which is similar to the
approach we recommend (Starr & Krajcik, 1990).
These types of concept maps have been used as
domain models for ITS and the benefits noted
(Kumar, 2006).
Development of these concept maps could be
considered burdensome, particularly if the benefit
were perceived to be only for the ITS and not for the
creator of the concept map. We need an authoring
process that is immediately rewarding. We describe
our proposed process, and detail how the instructor
benefits. These benefits include intelligent feedback
we can give authors to promote their reflection on,
and improvement of, their course organization and
3.2 The Authoring Process
We believe that creating these concept maps can be
an intuitive, productive authoring process especially
if supported by an intelligent system. We now walk
through the steps to apply our methodology and
prototype in order to demonstrate that such a process
could be implemented with current technology.
There are four main steps to this process, each one
important from an instructional design perspective.
3.2.1 Identifying Concepts
First, the author must collect a set of concepts to be
included in the map. We suggest many sources of this
type of information that should be considered,
including: course syllabi, explicit student learning
objectives, table of contents of related textbooks, etc.
At least some of these sources should be available to
any instructor, and so defining the set of included
concepts should be a process to help the instructor
decide: from all the possibilities, what are the most
important concepts to be the focus of this course?
3.2.2 Relating Concepts
The next task is to relate these concepts to one
another. In the concept mapping process, relations
can be named freely as one develops their map. Since
this creates complexity for the author and challenge
of interpretation for the ITS using the domain model,
we currently consider only one type of relationship in
our concept maps. An edge pointing from one concept
to another indicates that one concept "is a part of" the
other concept. This relationship is purposely loose,
and can be considered for aggregation (e.g., Figure 2
shows that all specific data types such as integers and
floats "are a part of" understanding data types) or a
prerequisite structure (e.g., Figure 2 shows that you
need to understand Boolean expressions to
understand if statements). This simplification is for
prototyping, and the idea of introducing different
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
types of relationships and the resulting helpfulness to
instructors and to the ITS are areas for future
For our prototype, we ask instructors to draw
these graphs on whiteboard, paper, or with an online
diagramming tool (e.g., draw.io
). Our research team
takes these drawings and converts them into a JSON
format representing nodes and links. While we do not
currently have an automated process for this, the
existence of such online drawing tools and the fact
that other ITS have offered the ability to draw such
diagrams, e.g., the LASAD system (Loll & Pinkwart,
2013) demonstrates the feasibility of automating this
3.2.3 Identifying Resources
Once a tentative concept map has been established,
the next task is to identify the resources involved.
Resources represent the actual content with which
students interact. We refer to three different types of
resources: instruction, practice, and assessment. Any
given resource can be one, two, or all three of these
types. For example, a textbook or YouTube video
might be purely instruction. A homework assignment
graded and returned to students might be practice and
assessment. An online textbook with interactive
exercises might be all three. An exam not handed
back to students might be solely assessment.
Generally, an already-established course has a set
of resources defined. For our prototype, we represent
these resources with only labels, URLs, and id strings.
There are many sources from which to gather this
information. For instruction and practice, instructors
can consider their own presentations from class, the
textbook if one is used, online resources, etc. For
assessment, the spreadsheet used for grading the
course has the id information of all assessment as the
labels for columns. For this reason, our prototype can
accept grading spreadsheets to collect assessment
information. Currently the system accepts
spreadsheet output from both Sakai
and ZyBooks
Future implementations could accept any variety of
output from Learning Management Systems (LMS).
Another promising source for specific assessment
information is concept inventories, which fit well
within our system because they aim to assess specific
concepts within a domain. These concept inventories
are used often in natural sciences (Libarkin, 2008) but
are also being applied to other domains (e.g.,
Almstrum et al., 2006).
3.2.4 Relating Resources
With a tentative concept map and set of resources
established, the task is now to relate the resources to
the concepts. This is the most crucial and productive
part of the process, as the instructor needs to consider
specifically how each resource is related to a set of
concepts to be taught, and similarly, how each
concept should be explicated through a specific set of
resources. This part of the process generally causes
deep reflection for the instructor, and will
undoubtedly cause reconsideration of the structure of
the map and the included resources. It can also be the
most overwhelming part of the process, as the number
of permutations of resources to concepts is not
reasonable for a human to consider all at once. We
now discuss methods for offering intelligent feedback
during the authoring process, with particular attention
to this phase of relating resources to concepts that is
most challenging, but also most rewarding for
While the authoring process alone can help
instructors consider their course organization and
content, intelligent support for this process helps
them see immediate benefit. This type of support
comes in two forms which represent two aspects of
artificial intelligence: theory-driven approaches and
data-driven approaches. Considering theory-driven
approaches, there are certain rules or constraints
about the structure of the concept map indicate the
potential need for reflection or improvement. Data-
driven approaches allow us to use assessment
information from students to validate, question, or
explore the map created by instructors, again
highlighting areas for reflection.
4.1 Structural Feedback
The first and most obvious form of feedback on the
concept mapping task is recognition of missing
resources, or missing connections to resources.
Specifically, the system can check for concepts that
have no assessment or no related materials and alert
the instructor. Similarly, there may be assessments or
materials that are used in the course but not related to
the concept map. These may sound like obvious
mistakes, but they are very possible to make due to
the number of concepts and resources that might be
included. Additionally, the reality of the issues
Turning the Tables: Authoring as an Asset Rather than a Burden
identified and their solutions is much more subtle
than might be expected. Consider some example
scenarios that have occurred when working with our
An instructor found that a specific exam question
was not connectable to the graph. Upon inspection, it
was recognized that the question was added as a
check on a semi-related topic that was discussed in
class. However, the instructor decided that this topic
was not important enough to warrant a node in the
map. The instructor now had a few possibilities, each
representing a different instructional design choice.
They could remove the question, and even possibly
the material from class, if it is truly not important.
They could make it a part of the map, and possibly
relate other resources, if it is deemed important
enough. In this specific case, the instructor found
upon reflection that this small topic could be
presented as an example of a greater concept from the
course. This caused the instructor to change the
concept map and the resource links. The instructor
also slightly changed the way the topic was presented
to the class, and the ordering of topics presented. This
demonstrates how the automated feedback on this
authoring process yielded tangible results on the
course organization. However, we should note that no
action at all was required. The instructor could have
decided to leave the exam question, change nothing
else, and the assessment merely wouldn't be related to
anything in the concept map.
Another productive example that occurred in use
of our prototype was the recognition of large, general
assessment without any narrow, specific assessment.
This was recognized by the system as a set of low-
level concepts that had no related assessment. Upon
inspection, the instructor realized that there was a
wealth of assessment of the high-level topics that rely
on these low level topics. Again the instructor could
have left this situation alone if they thought it
sufficient, but bringing attention to the content in this
way caused reflection. If there is no assessment of
these individual, low-level skills, how could the
students themselves know whether they had the
appropriate building blocks for the high-level
concept? When the assessment of high-level concept
showed problems, what specifically should the
student study? This prompted the instructor to add
some short homework assignments that allowed
students to address the low-level concepts directly
before addressing the high-level concept for which
they were necessary.
In these scenarios, we see subtle issues that are
easily recognized by an intelligent system during the
authoring process and result in productive reflection
and course improvement.
4.2 Data-Driven Feedback
Moving beyond the structural feedback, a system can
also utilize student assessment data to either validate
the domain model or recognize areas for potential
improvement. We approach this problem using factor
analysis (Thompson, 2004). Factor analysis considers
a set of observed variables in an attempt to identify a
potentially lower number of unobserved variables
called factors. In our case, we consider the grades on
assessment resources to be our observed variables,
and the unobserved factors to be representative of our
concepts, the underlying smaller set of variables that
dictate assessment performance. Other ITS
researchers have applied factor analysis to learning
models (Gong et al., 2001; Cen et al., 2006). Cen et
al. take a similar approach to ours, applying factor
analysis for reflection on the domain model, but they
focus on working with domain experts to produce
widely-applicable, static domain models. They
highlight the model improvement for the ITS, rather
than also considering the direct benefit for instructors
and their courses as they instructors develop the
models themselves.
We want to deliver this factor analysis to
instructors, allowing them to analyze their own
concept maps to stimulate their reflection and help
them improve their map, thereby improving their
content and the resulting domain model. Our
prototype system uses the R programming language
with the Structural Equation Modeling package
perform these analyses. Two kinds of factor analysis
offer different potential uses. Confirmatory analysis
can help instructors validate their concept maps or
question certain aspects of them. Exploratory analysis
offers an overview of the relationship between
resources, allowing a semi-automated manner of
creating a map and allowing instructors to reconsider
their map as a whole.
4.2.1 Confirmatory Factor Analysis
Confirmatory analysis is performed after the concept
map has been authored and data is available for the
assessment resources. It is important to note that the
data need not be collected after the concept map has
been established. As long as the instructor has data
from the specific assessment used (e.g., exam
questions, homework, etc.), they can apply analysis to
any configuration of concept map.
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Confirmatory factor analysis will take the map
and the data set as input, and return a set of weights
for each edge in the concept graph. The instructor can
then consider those edges to decide if the data is
supportive of their concept map. Low weights on
edges indicate that the data does not show a strong
correlation between concept and resource, even if the
instructor considers there to be one.
This analysis can lead to interesting reflection and
course improvement for instructors. For example, an
instructor might link an assignment to three concepts
from the concept map, but after running confirmatory
factor analysis, discover that the weight on one edge
is very small comparatively. Upon consideration, the
instructor sees that, while the assignment does
technically relate to the third concept, the task related
to that concept is so simple that no one has answered
that portion of the assessment incorrectly due to this
concept. This causes the instructor to remove that
connection from the map. However, upon doing so,
the instructor recognizes that the concept now has no
assessment. This means that the concept basically
never had solid assessment, and therefore the
instructor re-thinks the assignment to ensure proper
assessment of the concept.
4.2.2 Exploratory Factor Analysis
Exploratory analysis offers a more general type of
information to help the instructor reflect. This
analysis takes only the assessment data as input, and
produces the best-fit set of factors and their relations
to the assessment resources. In other words,
exploratory analysis creates its own concept graph,
one layer deep, showing the underlying factors
calculated from the resources.
This information is particularly useful to an
instructor that has not yet formed a concept map.
These emergent nodes are indications from the data
of distinct high-level concepts that independently
dictate performance on individual tasks. The
instructor can review the grouped assessments to
reverse engineer and label the specific factors
identified. Similarly, instructors that have concept
maps already created can consider these
automatically-generated maps to identify the
relationship between that and their own creation. This
can potentially motivate a major reorganization of the
concept map to better fit the reality of the assessment
This functionality has only recently been added to
the prototype, and so reflection on its usefulness is
still forthcoming. Initial attempts intrigued instructors
and motivated the team to consider methods for
automatically, temporarily simplifying the concept
map to make the factor analysis results more useful.
4.2.3 Simplifying for Data-Driven Analysis
From our experience applying these techniques to real
data sets, we have found that meaningful results on
large, complex graphs such as the one presented in
Figure 1 are less likely because our theoretical model
is so fine-grained. Instructors are unlikely to have
enough assessment items at any given low-level
concept or enough data collected to find the statistical
We can still check for meaningful results within
the context of these maps by considering larger
portions of the concept map. In this way, we simplify
the model to check if it can be validated or improved
on a more course-grain level. We engage in this
process programmatically rather than manually. The
system can iteratively remove the lowest nodes in the
concept graph, and relate the resources from these
lower concepts directly to the higher-level concepts.
We can engage in this iterative simplification for as
many or as few steps as we deem productive. For
example, Figure 3 shows the concept map from
Figure 2 with three iterations of simplification.
Figure 3: The concept map from Figure 2, with three
successive iterations of simplification.
One can see that while not the same, this
automatically generated map is quite similar to the
early version of a simple map created by the author
(Figure 1). With only 15 nodes instead of 32, the data-
driven approaches have a much higher chance of
finding statistical significance to recognize hidden
factors appropriately. We are currently experimenting
with methods of simplifying the graph one step at a
time and calculating the confirmatory analysis at each
stage, potentially automatically recognizing a level of
simplification that might be most interesting for
authors to consider.
Turning the Tables: Authoring as an Asset Rather than a Burden
The focus of this paper is the methods of ensuring
value for the instructors while they author within our
system. This will ensure that domain models are
authored often and with enthusiasm. We have
demonstrated the manner which authoring itself can
benefit an instructor interested in improving their
course, both in process and through intelligent
support. However, we must also note the obvious
additional benefit: a domain model that can be shared
with students and instructors, and also used by an ITS
to provide assessment and feedback for the instructor
and for students.
First, this domain model itself is a useful artifact
for explicating the instructor's vision of a course. In
our experimentation, we have observed instructors
using the maps to communicate with other instructors
when co-teaching courses. We also note that
instructors have used the maps in class to motivate the
learning of low-level concepts that enable the
learning of high-level concepts. The visualization
offers a direct means of communicating the
importance of the concepts and their interrelation.
Of course, the initial reason to create a domain
model is to perform intelligent analysis and feedback.
While the inner-workings of an entire ITS that could
use this domain model are outside the scope of this
paper, there are many systems to consider that have
proven effective using similar types of domain
models (e.g., Dragon et al., 2006; Kumar, 2006;
Sosnovsky & Brusilovsky, 2015). We now highlight
the potential types of assessment and feedback that
are clearly enabled through such a domain model, and
are available through our system (anonymized
We can calculate estimated knowledge of each
concept by using the concept map structure and its
relation to assessment scores. This is accomplished
by aggregating scores from the related assessments to
the concepts, and recursively moving up through the
map in a post-order traversal. The result is knowledge
estimates at a conceptual level, rather than an
assignment level. This has been demonstrated to be
successful in other tutoring systems (Kumar, 2006).
We present these results directly to students and
instructors using a color-coded visualization of the
map to present this information as an Open Learner
Model (OLM), which has been demonstrated to be
effective (Bull & Kay, 2010).
Using these estimates, the system can also use the
encoded information about the instruction and
practice resources in order to offer suggestions about
where students can learn about certain concepts, and
where they can find appropriate practice problems.
The last type of intelligent support we offer based
on this domain model is group suggestion for
temporary in-class collaboration efforts. Using the
knowledge estimates for different students, teams can
be identified that need to focus on specific concepts,
or that might be helpful to one another (anonymized
We argue that the authoring process can be
productive and rewarding, rather than burdensome.
However, we need to identify the right people to do
the job (those that want to engage in ID) and give
them tools that empower them to improve their
courses while simultaneously producing a useful
artifact for ITS. Our proposed solution is a concept
mapping process to produce a domain model. This
process relies upon feedback from the structure and
factor analysis in order to produce tangible benefits
for instructors as well as better domain models. If
instructors recognize improvement in their class
organization and content when engaging in authoring,
they are more likely to spend the time necessary to
complete the task well.
The described process is also supportive of
authors in that it can be completed gradually and
iteratively, and it is useful in many contexts even
when not complete (in fact, one could argue that the
given authoring task is never complete, any more than
a course design is complete). Authors working with
our prototypes have created concept maps, but not
connected any resources (electing to connect the
resources during the semester as the resources are
used). These instructors could still use the maps as
means of communication with other instructors and
students. Other instructors chose to implement only
portions of their course in the map, selecting the most
complex portions that lead to the most confusion and
are most in need of reflection in terms of course
design. The system is then applicable and fully
functional for this portion of the course, and the
concept map can grow to include other portions of the
course in time.
Finally, we envision this process being used on a
grand scale within a department as well. The same
techniques discussed at a course level could be
applied at the curriculum level, and the related
resources and resulting knowledge estimates could
give in-depth assessment information to program
directors about the successes and challenges for a
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
given program. While we have not yet implemented
this within our current work, others have used concept
maps as a means of curriculum evaluation
(Edmondson, 1995) and we see our work as an
extension and potential drastic improvement of those
Overall, If we can make the authoring process a
reasonable investment with a clear benefit,
instructional designers will then see the value of
authoring beyond the ITS it customizes. This can in
turn create an environment where wealth of reliable,
validated domain models across different domains are
available for use in ITS. With the low barrier to entry,
obvious direct benefits, and unlimited ability to
refine, we argue that our methodology has the
potential to change the future landscape of ITS,
creating an abundance of ever-improving domain
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Turning the Tables: Authoring as an Asset Rather than a Burden