Ensuring Privacy Properties. Our approach, being
based on Idris, allows for proofs of certain safety pro-
perties (that entail security and privacy properties) to
be passed as arguments to operators that are part of
correctly built queries. For instance, if we try to wa-
termark a genetic data that is already encrypted, type
checking will not pass because of the proof p1 of the
wat operator that verifies data has not been transfor-
med yet. Similarly, trying to detect a watermark from
data that has not been decrypted yet will give rise to a
type checking error, see Fig. 12.
In this paper we have pointed to the lack of program-
ming support for privacy-preserving applications that
manipulate shared genetic data. We have presented
two contributions: (i) new cloud-based architectu-
res for such applications that are motivated by con-
crete requirements from researchers in genetics and
(ii) a model and corresponding security- and privacy-
enhancing techniques for the development of such ap-
plications, notably using watermarking for the preser-
vation of ownership and integrity properties.
As future work, we are striving for the integra-
tion of other privacy-enhancing techniques, an effi-
cient implementation of a general Java library for bi-
omedical analyses using shared genetic data, and its
application to real-world genetic analyses.
We thank our partners from the PRIVGEN project
, in
particular, D. Niyitegeka, G. Coatrieux and E. Genin,
for valuable discussions on watermarking and genetic
data sharing.
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