process which is adaptive. The changes in users
behaviour are osculated.
Regarding risk in ACP, few authors are
concerned. (Celikel et al., 2008) deal with the risk
management in the access control policy, notably the
RBAC in distributed databases. They think that
user's queries are risky especially when there is a
misapplication of the rules established in the access
control policy. Thus, in (Celikel et al., 2008) the
user's queries are the main elements observed and
considered while assessing risk. Some authors also
sort out non-compliance defaults that occur in a role-
based ACP during its lifecycle and evaluate the risk
associated to the identified attacks and alterations
that corrupt the ACP. They intended to ensure a high
surety to that ACP.
In AC as well as in ACP, authors do not worry
about the correlation that can exist between the
anomalies detected. To the best of our knowledge,
none of these works evokes the notion of correlation
in attacks analysis. In addition to the in-depth study
of the threats in ACP, we plan to explore the
correlation between these threats.
Many authors already adopted machine learning
techniques for the automatization of procedures of
detection of anomalies and intrusions in IS and
precisely in DBMS. So, authors in (Costante et al.,
2013) for example, developed a machine-learning-
based system that automatically acquires knowledge
related to the normal behaviour of users during the
database activities. Their system compares the user's
sql queries exchanged with the database server and
also it evaluates the sensitivity of the manipulated
data in order to avoid the data leakage in DBMS. In
(Darwish, 2016) the author proposes to detect
anomalies using the correlation among queries in
DBMS transactions with log-records. We do not use
machine learning for the anomalies detection as
authors in (Grushka-Cohen, 2016) do. But there
exist a difference between our work and theirs.
Indeed, they use detected anomalies and produce a
ranking alerts system that enables to prioritize
anomalies according to their importance. While we
use identified anomalies and study the correlation
existing between these anomalies in order to identify
sophisticated scenarios and be able to adjust the risk
factors when preventing ACP expression from
Over its life cycle, an access control policy faces
some irregularities or anomalies in its expression.
This is source of vulnerabilities for information
systems (IS), especially for database management
systems (DBMS).
In the current paper, we presented the
CORrelated threats Management SYStem
(CORMSYS) that takes into consideration the
critical anomalies that threatens the ACP and
analyses the correlation between these anomalies.
Our contribution aims to enhance the proper
functioning of ACP by considering a wide range of
anomalies for which the correlation is identified and
handle for the purpose. To the best of our
knowledge, the analysis of such correlations has
never been carried out. We are convinced that the
handling of these correlations and that of the
induced effects can (1) reveal some subtle scenarios
during the exploitation of data in DBMS, (2) leads to
the supervision of the illegal behaviour of some
DBMS users and (3) contributes to overcome
anomalies that undermine the integrity of access
control policies in DBMS. In a nearest future, we
intend to develop the CORMSYS by explicitly
formalizing each subsystem in order to produce,
upstream, the necessary inputs for a new risk
management approach.
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