An Evaluation Method for the Performance Measurement of an
Opinion Mining System
Manuela Angioni, Andrea Devola, Mario Locci, Francesca Mura,
Franco Tuveri and Mirella Varchetta
Center for Research and Scientific Studies in Sardinia, Bld. 1, Piscina Manna, Pula, Cagliari, Italy
Keywords: Opinion Mining, User Profiling, Natural Language Processing.
Abstract: This paper proposes an evaluation method for the performance measurement of an Opinion Mining system,
parameterized according to the reviewer's point of view. The work aims to highlight and resolve some
issues resulting from previous activities in evaluating the goodness of the results obtained by the analysis of
the reviews. The evaluation method is based on a model of Opinion Mining system able to identify and
assess the aspects included in a collection of reviews and the weighted importance of such aspects for their
authors. A user profiling system will work together with the Opinion Mining system, providing the set of
parameters to associate with the aspects and allowing the Opinion Mining system to configure itself
according to the user preferences. For the preliminary experiments, a narrower sub-set of Yelp dataset
limited to restaurants has been used.
In previous works (Angioni et al., 2015, Angioni et
al., 2016) we have faced some problems related to
the integration of Opinion Mining systems with
recommendation systems.
In Angioni et al. (2016), we have proposed an
ensemble of aspect-based Opinion Mining
algorithms, using a lexicon-based approach, with a
Matrix Factorization to improve the prediction of
results in a recommendation system. In this context,
the Opinion Mining system has been used to work
on the textual reviews about restaurants extracted
from the Yelp dataset (available at producing
a set of ratings about the business activities to be
compared with the Yelp ratings.
Beyond the recommendation systems, the present
paper aims to highlight the objective difficulty
encountered in evaluating the goodness of the results
obtained by the analysis of the reviews through the
Opinion Mining system.
In the mentioned works, the performance of the
system has been carried out by two researchers that
have manually evaluated a collection of 200 reviews
to check the validity of the related ratings, using a
common evaluation method
. The comparison with
the ratings manually assigned by the researchers
allowed, also, the evaluation of the performance of
the Opinion Mining methodology.
The observation of the rate associated by the
Yelp users to their reviews pointed out that the
assignment of the final rating is not always
consistent with the content of the review. Moreover,
the inconsistencies occurred frequently during the
manual analysis of the reviews, sometimes
evidencing strong differences between the rates
assigned by Yelp users and the manual evaluation
provided by evaluators.
Initially, it was thought to be a mistake in the
allocation of the rate with respect to the content of
the review. A more detailed examination highlighted
that the assignment of the final rate is correct and
simply reflects the user's preferences, other than
those of the evaluators.
Instead, the aspect to point out is the differences
of "taste" between the two Italian evaluators and the
US American authors of the Yelp reviews, i.e.
differences in food culture, “culture” in the broader
sense, economic opportunities, and competences.
The influence of the cultural differences is
particularly true in some cases, such as the choice of
the food, less in others. However, the particular
needs of each person affect the opinions expressed
and the preferences in the choice of products and
services. These differences definitely affect the
assessments of products and services.
Angioni, M., Devola, A., Locci, M., Mura, F., Tuveri, F. and Varchetta, M.
An Evaluation Method for the Performance Measurement of an Opinion Mining System.
DOI: 10.5220/0006767404480455
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2018), pages 448-455
ISBN: 978-989-758-298-1
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
These remarks have been found to be
fundamental for a reasoning behind Opinion Mining
systems, particularly as regards the performance
evaluation of these systems.
In order to achieve this result, the Opinion
Mining system, as well as the evaluator of the
reviews, should be as similar as the user who writes
the review. So, we are planning to adopt a user
profiling system, applied to the user-related data, able
to avoid the differences expressed by the evaluators
and the reviewers in the evaluation of the reviews and
in the rating expressed. It is thus more likely that
evaluators and reviewers having similar profiles
express similar ratings about the same reviews.
For this purpose, the paper describes an
evaluation method for Opinion Mining systems,
applied to an Opinion Mining model,
parameterizable according to the reviewer profile.
The method is based on a model of Opinion
Mining system able to identify and assess the aspects
included in a collection of reviews and the weighted
importance of such aspects for their authors. The
considerations made in the previous works regard the
definition of a method that is as objective as possible
and able to provide the two evaluators with the most
stringent criteria for evaluating the opinions expressed
in the analyzed reviews. The defined criteria led to the
definition of a set of 12 aspects related to the Yelp
reviews about Restaurants, on which the evaluations
were focused. Analyzing these aspects, we realized
that the semantic analysis system we implemented is
able to detect and effectively exploit 8 of these 12
aspects that will be considered in this paper. What we
are interested in understanding in this phase of work
is how much the customization of the Opinion Mining
system based on the user profiling allows to improve
its performance.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows.
Section 2 presents the state of the art about Opinion
Mining systems. The Section 3 introduces the
proposed method, describing the analysis of textual
resources and the tools involved to perform the chunk
analysis, the feature evaluation and the identification
of the users’ profiles. Section 4 proposes some
considerations about the work done and, finally,
Section 5 discusses the conclusions and the future
Most websites, like Yelp, allow their customers to
better explain their opinion of the product by more
detailed textual reviews.
Some Opinion Mining systems are based only on
users' overall ratings about items, but do not
consider and do not work on the opinions expressed
by the users about the different aspects of an item.
As a result, the rate associated to a review does not
wholly summarize the opinion of the users, maybe
ignoring important information.
Most recommender systems do not use textual
information to generate recommendations. The
extraction of textual opinions is a signicant
extension. Some authors (Snyder and Barzilay,
2007) analyzed restaurants reviews to deduce the
author’s sentiments regarding some aspects related
to the domain, as food and service. They were
among the rst to consider faceted opinions instead
of the overall opinions. More recently (Homoceanu
et al., 2011) extracted valuable information by
means of faceted Opinion Mining able to help
cluster reviews and to improve decision support.
Jakob et al. (2009) obtained marginal improvements
by adding opinions about predened topics to star
Over the last few years some studies have been
proposed in order to assess how the use of Opinion
Mining systems together with the user profiling is
useful to improve the performance of the
recommendation systems.
Musal et al. (2017), with a view similar to of
(Hariri et al., 2011), believe that the topics,
mentioned in the reviews, are the most important
information available in order to model a
recommendation able to produce personalized
profile rakings, by means of user interest profiles.
From the point of view of the Opinion Mining
the most recent studies focus on detailing such
information in order to gain knowledge more closely
reflecting the complexity of businesses, products and
services contexts.
As Pang and Lee affirm in (Pang and Lee, 2008)
at least one related set of studies claims that “the text
of the reviews contains information that influences
the behaviour of the consumers, and that the numeric
ratings alone cannot capture the information in the
text” (Ghose and Ipeirotis, 2007).
A common problem to the user-generated
reviews is usually related to the inconsistency in
terms of length, content, treated aspects and
usefulness because not every user writes about all
the relevant aspects, which characterize a business
activity. For this reason relevant information would
be disregarded, causing a lack of useful data in the
input of an Opinion Mining algorithm.
Considering the Opinion Mining lexicon-based
approach, most available opinion lexicons list words
An Evaluation Method for the Performance Measurement of an Opinion Mining System
with their values, i.e. with a positive, negative or
neutral polarity. Hence, the evaluation of the
sentences has to be composed according to the
different values of its words.
Several studies (Choi and Cardie, 2008),
(Klenner et al., 2009), (Liu and Seneff, 2009)
(Moilanen and Pulman, 2007), (Thet et al., 2010)
have been carried out in recent years regarding the
evaluation of the opinions, composed by the single
words of the sentences.
Wogenstein et al. (2013) are among the few
authors to propose a study about the evaluation of an
aspect-based Opinion-Mining system, based on a
lexicon approach. They used a phrase-based opinion
lexicon for the German language, which directly
includes negation and valence shifting in the phrases
and applied a distance-based algorithm for linking
the opinion phrases to the aspects related to the
insurances, their products and services. Two
persons, not involved in the project and not aware of
the algorithm used for the opinion mining,
performed the evaluation of the accuracy of the
algorithm manually, tagging strong opinions
expressed about aspects of insurances.
Opinion Mining systems continue to be of great
interest, but we believe that it is necessary to start
talking about the evaluation of their performances
according to the reviewer's point of view and to
evaluate the different approaches.
The performance of the systems working on textual
resources is strongly linked to the expressive forms
used in the sentences analyzed.
An opinion can be expressed in a sentence,
through a verb, e.g., I like it, an indirect expression,
an idiomatic expression, with irony, or even
emphasizing some words with capital letters.
Currently is a success even just to be able to
deliver acceptable performance in analyzing the just
mentioned examples. Building an Opinion Mining
system that works on reviews, able to autonomously
identify the individual aspects and the resulting
views, is for now a very difficult goal to reach for
any workgroup.
The idea we outline in this paper is that, in order
to evaluate a system of Opinion Mining, it is
necessary to structure it so that it would be
parameterized according to the reviewer's point of
The problem is twofold. On the one hand there is
the difficulty in implementing a good Opinion
Mining system, on the other hand there is an obvious
problem in its objective performance evaluation.
We therefore propose an evaluation method
based on a model of an Opinion Mining system,
shown in Figure 1, able to identify and evaluate the
aspects present in a collection of reviews and the
weighted importance of such aspects for the authors.
The evaluation method exploits the specific structure
of the Opinion Mining system appraising how the
parameters associated to the aspects can change the
performances of the proposed model.
Figure 1: The model of the Opinion Mining system
conditioned by the user profiling system.
User profiling, needed to identify the
characteristics of the authors, is constructed taking
into account the aspects discussed by the author in
his reviews. For each profile, the weight associated
with each aspect, derived from an evaluation of all a
user's reviews, will modify the Opinion Mining
system parameters and the results.
In this phase of study of the model we are
developing two different methods for the aspects
detection. In the first case we use a set of terms,
extracted with a term frequency function (TF),
mapped on the set of aspects we are interest in. In
the second case a Machine Learning method, based
on the sentence classification by means of binary
classifiers, has been developed. The set of aspects
and terms extracted with the first method will allow
also the validation of the equivalent set extracted
with the second method. The two methods for the
aspects detection work together in the rating
evaluation of the reviews, as depicted in Figure 1
that describes the model of Opinion Mining system
conditioned by the user profiling system.
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Further reviews can be easily inserted because
the Machine Learning method is able to analyze
them according to the aspects, profiling the user.
In order to accomplish the text analysis and the
profiling of users and reviewers, a description of the
tools and technologies used will be provided in the
following sections.
3.1 Chunk Analysis
The text analysis is a key element of the whole
process and is made through several tools, some of
which has been specifically constructed. The applied
linguistic approach is based on the use of the
TreeTagger Chunker (TTC) (Schmid, 1994), a
syntactic parser that analyzes the text and returns a
chunk sequence.
An example of chunks subdivision for the phrase
"The dog barks" is shown below:
Sentence: The dog barks
The DT the
dog NN dog
barks VBZ bark
where the <NC> and the <VC> tags identify a
noun chunk and a verb chunk, respectively.
The TreeTagger Chunker provides as input a
text, in form of chunk sequences, to ANTLR
(Another Tool for Language Recognition), which
through a lexer and a parser performs a chunk
analysis by returning a parse tree of the original text.
ANTLR ( is a parser
generator for reading, processing, executing, or
translating structured text or binary files, that allows
to define grammars in both ANTLR syntax (similar
to EBNF and YACC) and in a special abstract
syntax for Abstract Syntax Tree (AST).
A grammar, defined through the set of lexer
rules, determines exactly which character sequences
are considered valid. Each character or group of
characters collected in such a way is called token.
The tokens, in our case, are text portions identified
by keywords.
The parser organizes the received tokens in
acceptable sequences, according to the rules defined
by the grammar. The parser will thus be able to
recognize the patterns that make up specific
structures of the speech and to group them
appropriately. If the parser encounters a token
sequence that does not match any of the allowed
sequences, it will raise an error.
The rules are defined by a EBNF-like (Extended
Backus-Naur Form) notation, and outline the desired
token patterns, exploiting the position of individual
chunks and their contents.
A brief list of some of the defined rules is shown
below as example. As usual
+ means 1 or more, * 1
or more time and
? once or not at all.
The rule
document identifies the whole
document as a concatenation of sentences:
document: sentence+ (EOF) # start;
The rule sentence identifies the chunks inside
a sentence:
nva rule identifies the adjectives referring to
a noun i.e.,
n_chunk identifies a nominal chunk,
v_chunk a verbal one, and adjc_chunk an
adjective chunk:
nva: n_chunk v_chunk adjc_chunk+;
The rules
n_chunk, v_chunk and
adjc_chunk are defined in the following way:
n_chunk: NC (content)+ NC_END
v_chunk: VC (content)+ VC_END
adjc_chunk: ADJC (content)+ ADJC_END
The couple of symbols NC and NC_END, VC and
VC_END, and ADJC and ADJC_END identifies the
opening and the closure of the tags.
The rule
adjjr_chunk permits to identify the
comparative adjectives in a sentence:
The list further includes over a dozen rules able
to identify the various chunks or specializations of
them, further nineteen rules to identify super
patterns, including the above
nva rule. Other support
rules have been also defined to identify valid terms,
the set of conjunctions, the set of POS tags and to
identifies some lemmas that the TreeTagger
Chunker can not solve.
An Evaluation Method for the Performance Measurement of an Opinion Mining System
The layer that deals with the parsing of the text
in input is automatically generated by ANTLR
starting from the defined grammar. It then generates
tokens files, containing the key-value references
of the individual token generated by the lexer, and a
set of java classes that identify the parser and the
The rules allow identifying how nouns, verbs,
adjectives and adverbs are related in a sentence. So,
for each noun detected by a given pattern, even if
repeated, it is possible to collect adjectives, adverbs,
verbs, or combinations related to it.
By providing the system with the ability to
syntactically and semantically recognize sentences
in natural language, it is possible to support the
collection of subjective opinions related to the target
nouns, that are the nouns we are interested in, with
their relative polarity.
In the chunk analysis phase, the text of a review
is pre-processed by the TTC. A listener developed in
Java, interacting with the parse tree, identifies the
patterns defined by the rules, and hence the
sentences potentially expressing a polarity.
The sentences to work on are a subset of the total
set of sentences composing the corpus of the
reviews. Initially an analysis of the most commonly
used terms is performed through a Term Frequency
(TF) function.
The dataset chosen for the study is made
available by the Yelp social network. An important
feature of this particular data set is that it provides
not only the star ratings (from 1 to 5 stars) assigned
by the users, but also a textual review. The
Restaurant category was chosen, because is the most
representative in the dataset. Have been considered
only the users giving a number of reviews greater
than 9, as more reliable.
Targeting the Restaurants category, 67.451
reviews have been extracted.
The identification of the features for the Yelp
reviews has been performed evaluating the nouns
frequency in the text through a word counter. We
first removed the stop words and then the cleaned
text was tokenized obtaining as a result a collection
of about 4000 words, including individual and
compound words.
We condensed this set by only considering
words with a frequency greater than 100, in order to
test the potential of the proposed approach, to be
extended in a future work. Finally, we identified 935
nouns as candidate features. The features were then
manually validated and classified into eight aspects
based on their topic: Ambience, Beverage, Dessert,
Food, Food Variety, Price, Service, and Staff.
The use of a TF function on the corpus of the
reviews has certainly resulted in a proliferation of
features (Dong and Smyth, 2017) but their 8-aspects
pooling provides us with two benefits.
The first is that fine-grained opinions about
specific features of an item provide better
information compared to the overall opinion. The
second is that the amount of the identified nouns in
the reviews provides a more accurate measure of the
relevance of the aspects, which are part of the
information useful to the user profiling system,
currently under development.
3.2 Feature Evaluation
The previously described chunk analysis allows
associating terms, identified as features, with
attributes, adjectives, adverbs, and verbs.
Through the values that SentiWordNet
(Baccianella et al., 2010) associates with each
adjective and adverb linked to each of the features,
the polarity value is obtained for each of them.
For each review, the polarity values for each of
the (eight) aspects considered will be identified,
based on the existing feature-aspect mapping.
The overall assessment of the importance of the
single aspect is finally calculated for each reviewer.
3.3 User Profiling
The introduction of the eight weighted aspects,
while certainly help to improve the method of
analysis of the reviews, does not solve alone the
cited discrepancies because it does not take into
account the priorities and the preferences expressed
by the reviewers according to their profiles.
As anticipated, the join of a user profiling system
with the Opinion Mining system composes the
The user profiling system provides the set of
parameters to associate with the aspects and it will
allow the Opinion Mining system to configure itself
according to the user preferences.
The analysis of the reviews has highlighted that
users base theirs criticism on few aspects. In
addition, different users focus on particular aspects
rather than others. In our opinion, when a user is
interested to a specific aspect spends more sentences
to describe it. It is thus possible to capture the
interest of a user by weighting their interests through
the aspects he is talking about.
The profiles are obtained considering the
reviews written in the past by the author.
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
We proposed a method based on a term-based
approach built on sentence classification. The
referred categories are the cited set Λ composed by
eight aspects: Ambience, Beverage, Dessert, Food,
Food Variety, Price, Service, and Staff.
3.3.1 Aspect Classification
The sentences of a review can include one, but
usually two or three, different aspects, which means
that more than a label could be associated to a single
phrase. This problem can be considered a typical
multi-label and multi-class classification task.
A commonly used approach to the multi-label
classification is to break down the problem into one
or more single label problems. In this way, a single-
label classifier can be used to make single-label
classifications. The output of each single classifier is
codified to have a multi-label representation. The
most widely used transformation method is based on
a binary classifier. A multi-label problem has been
transformed into a binary problem for each label.
The classifier was therefore built as an ensemble
of specialized binary classifiers b
one for each
aspect A
, as shown in Figure 2. This was
possible because the correlation between the aspects
was not significant.
Figure 2: The Multi-Label Classifier System.
3.3.2 Binary Classifier
Naive Bayes, SVM and Decision Tree have been
proven to be text classifiers with excellent
performance. Related to the bag-of-words (bow)
methods there are several problems, like the wide
range of features or the loss of the position of the
words. In fact, the bow ignores the context and the
order of the words without fully capturing the
semantics of the words.
The high-order n-gram model has been studied
to capture contextual information. Low ranking
accuracy has been due to the data sparsity (Post and
Bergsma, 2013).
Recent studies in the field of the ANN (Artificial
Neural Networks) have produced satisfactory results
as RNN (Recurrent Neural Networks) and CNN
(Convolutional Neural Networks) models that
exploit the sequential nature of the text. In
particular, the CNN model (Kim, 2014), using pre-
trained word vectors for sentence-level classification
tasks, has produced excellent results.
Considerable improvements have been made
with a model based on RNNs and CNNs for
sequential short-text classification (Lee and
Dernoncourt, 2016).
In order to classify sentences, binary classifiers
for the short-text classification have been used. In
particular, LSTM (Long Short Term Memory), a
recurrent neural network (RNN), has been used,
according to the model proposed by Hochreiter and
Schmidhuber (1997). LSTM is a specific RNN that
models temporal sequences with long-range
Figure 3 shows the proposed neural network
model. The LSTM is unrolled for a time window T
to process a sequence of vectors h
, h
,…, h
. The
words w
are one-shot coded. An embedded layer M
is the input from which
is passed to the
LSTM network at each time step. The output
sequence is multiplied by the matrix Ο on which the
softmax activation function is performed.
Figure 3: Model of the binary classifier.
The content of each review is classified and
scored by relevance. Reviews are analyzed and split
in phrases in order to identify the aspects, limited to
the specific set Λ. To identify the relevance of an
aspect into a review the algorithm calculates the
amount of phrases about it.
The relevance r
of the aspect Λ, related to
the review i, is defined as:
where n
is the number of phrases,
is a binary
classifier for the aspect a and p
the -th phrase.
An Evaluation Method for the Performance Measurement of an Opinion Mining System
3.3.3 Set-up
For the experiments, a narrower sub-set of Yelp
dataset limited to restaurants has been used.
A subset of the reviews included in the dataset
has been manually tagged to build the training set.
The reviews have been subdivided into sentences
and analyzed using Lucene StandardTokenizer
Each sentence has been associated with the
aspects detected, with up to 3 aspects per sentence.
In such a way a multi-label and multi-class training
set was built. Later, from the built-in dataset,
training-sets were built for every aspect.
The generic training set Ω
of the aspect Λ, is
composed by the phrases extracted from a subset of
the reviews. The phrases labelled with a are defined
as positive examples, the other are the negative ones.
The obtained sets were balanced by the over-
sampling method.
The set-up parameters of each binary classifier
and the learning parameters are shown in Table 1.
The ADAM stochastic optimization method was
used to optimize the network.
Table 1: The set-up parameters of binary classifiers.
Max sequence length 50
Number of units LSTM cell 20
Embedding size 300
Learning rate 0.001
The work presented in this paper will carry on
through the integration of the two components: the
text analysis module, composed by the Chunk
Analysis and the Feature Evaluation, with the
parameterization of results based on user profiles.
We are working on the integration of the software
modules that will lead to a test and to the evaluation
of the results.
The evaluation phase involves the analysis of a
collection of about 200 reviews according to the
eight aspects mentioned before. The obtained results
will be: the evaluation of each single aspect
contained in the review, and the overall evaluation
of the review on a discrete rating value between 1
and 5 stars.
The model assessment will be implemented
taking into account the following conditions:
Evaluation of reviews written by authors with a
profile similar to the human evaluator. The rates
produced by the model, parameterized on the
profile of the review author, will be compared
to those provided by the evaluator and the rate
provided by the review author.
Evaluation of reviews with a different profile
from the human evaluator. The model is set
with parameters based on the profile of the
human evaluator. The resulting rates provided
by the model will be compared to those
provided by the evaluator and those of the
review author.
Evaluation of the collection of reviews used in
the paper (Angioni et al., 2016). For each
review of the collection, the model will be set
on the profile of its author. The results will be
compared to the results obtained in the previous
The provided average rating will be evaluated in
terms of precision, recall, and F1-score and will be
discussed in a next paper.
In this paper a method to evaluate the results of an
Opinion Mining system parameterized according to
the reviewer's point of view through a user profiling
system, applied to the user-related data has been
In our expectations such method will be able to
avoid the differences expressed by the human
evaluators and the reviewers in the evaluation of the
reviews and in the rating expressed.
Future work will address the interaction between
the weights, associated with the eight aspects,
calculated through the profiling system, and the
evaluation of reviews. The rating calculated by the
Opinion Mining model, applied to the same reviews,
will therefore vary from profile to profile.
These further activities will permits us to
validate the idea behind what has been so far
presented also providing an assessment of the
performance of the method used.
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