Cultural Influences on Requirements Engineering Process
in the Context of Saudi Arabia
Tawfeeq Alsanoosy, Maria Spichkova and James Harland
School of Science, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
Requirement Engineering, Software Engineering, Software Development Process, Cultural Aspects.
Software development requires intensive communication between the requirements engineers and software
stakeholders, particularly during the Requirements Engineering (RE) phase. Therefore, the individuals’ culture
might influence both the RE process and the result. Our aims are to investigate the extend of cultural influences
on the RE process, and to analyze how the RE process can be adapted to take into account cultural aspects.
The model we present is based on Hofstede’s cultural theory. The model was applied on a pilot case study in
the context of the conservative Saudi Arabian culture. The results reveal 6 RE aspects and 10 cultural factors
that have a large impact on the RE practice.
Requirements Engineering (RE) is one of the key
phases of the software development life cycle. RE
refers to the process of identifying and documenting
the stakeholder’s requirements. It was initially intro-
duced for use within Western culture before the ex-
pected benefits began attracting the RE practitioners
in various other cultures, to adopt the RE process. The
RE process has a critical impact on software qual-
ity. It requires an intensive communication between
the requirements engineers and software stakehold-
ers, in order to elicit, validate, and refine the require-
ments. This requires comprehensive communication
skills, and an understanding of the individuals’ behav-
ior and culture (Thanasankit, 2002; Hanisch and Cor-
bitt, 2007).
Culture has a great influence on how individu-
als and companies operate and how they adopt tech-
niques, methods, and practices to achieve their goals.
Culture shapes the way in which people think, com-
municate, understand, and select what is important
(Hofstede et al., 2010). Cultures have distinctive
beliefs, customs, and approaches to communication.
This diversity is influenced by the behavior practice
within these cultures. Hanisch et al. (2001) argued
that the social and cultural aspects of RE affect the
success of software development and it cannot be ig-
nored. The objectives of our research are to iden-
tify the cultural influences on the RE processes and
practices, and to analyze how the RE process can be
adapted to take into account cultural aspects.
But what do we usually understand under the term
culture? There are several definitions for it, specified
from the social psychology view. Hofstede, whose
work has been cited 70,392 times
, defines culture as
“collective programming of the mind which distin-
guishes members of one human group from another”,
cf. (Hofstede et al., 2010). We take this approach as
a background for our research not only because Hof-
stede conducted one of the most inclusive studies on
the influence of cultural values on the workplace, but
also because this is the most SE-related social psy-
chology study. Hofstede conducted the research with
employees working for IBM, covering more than 50
countries. This theory is widely accepted and adopted
in software engineering cultural studies (Borchers,
2003; Lim et al., 2015; Ayed et al., 2017).
Contributions: The RE process is originated
from Western culture and hence most of the standard
RE practices are driven by the United States. Suc-
cessfully applying such process/practice within dif-
ferent cultural context would, therefore considering
the cultural differences. This study investigates the
impact of the Saudi national culture on the practice of
RE process. We collected data, through interviewing
6 software practitioners and 2 software engineering
researchers, about the RE practices that were less or
more successfully adapted within the Saudi Arabian
culture. We then identified a model designed to il-
According to the Google Scholar, retrieved 3/11/2017
Alsanoosy, T., Spichkova, M. and Harland, J.
Cultural Influences on Requirements Engineering Process in the Context of Saudi Arabia.
DOI: 10.5220/0006770701590168
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2018), pages 159-168
ISBN: 978-989-758-300-1
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
lustrate the interplay between the core of the RE pro-
cess and the Hofstede cultural dimensions, within the
Saudi culture. The results demonstrated the feasibil-
ity of our hypothesis as well as allowed us to identify
a missing hypothesis, which we added to the refined
model. The current results of this study might be use-
ful for improving the RE process within the Saudi cul-
ture and any culture that has similar national cultural
Outline: This paper is structured as follows. Sec-
tion 2 introduces the background of our research, fo-
cusing on RE processes and Hofstede’s cultural the-
ory. Our conceptual Model and hypotheses are pre-
sented in Section 3. Section 4 describes the research
methodology. The results of the case study are pre-
sented in Section 5. Section 6 introduces the pro-
posed framework. In Section 7, the related work is
discussed. Section 8 summarizes the paper.
2.1 Requirements Engineering Process
Zave (1997) defines RE as “the branch of software en-
gineering that is concerned with the real-world goals
for, functions of, and constraints on software systems.
It is also concerned with the relationship of these fac-
tors to precise specifications of software behavior, and
to their evolution over time and across software fam-
ilies”. As highlighted by (Nuseibeh and Easterbrook,
2000), the above definition features three important
aspects of RE: (1) RE is concerned with real-world
goals, (2) its aim is to provide precise specifications
of the requirements, and (3) the definition emphasizes
the reality of the rapid change of user’s needs. Thus,
requirements specification serves as a basis for the
development of the system, its design and architec-
ture, cf. Spichkova (2011). In this paper, the term re-
quirements engineer is used to refer to the practitioner
who works on specifying, analyzing, and document-
ing users’ requirements.
The RE process is usually described as the follow-
ing five core (sub-)processes/activities, cf. also Som-
merville and Lenarcic (2011); Abran et al. (2004);
Pandey et al. (2010):
Requirements elicitation: The process of gath-
ering, identifying, extracting, and exposing the
stakeholders’ needs;
Requirements analysis: The process of refin-
ing stakeholders’ requirements and constraints by
defining the procedure, input/ output data and ob-
ject of the required system;
Requirements specification: The process of cre-
ating a written description of stakeholders re-
quirements, needs and constraints in a complete,
accurate, understandable and consistent format;
Requirements validation: The activity to ensure
that the requirement specification is consistent,
clear and capture users’ needs and constraints;
Requirements management: The process of
tracing changes to the requirements over the time
of system development and, in some cases, appli-
cation as well.
2.2 Hofstede’s Cultural Theory
Hofstede et al. (2010) proposed to focus on the fol-
lowing six dimensions of a national culture:
Power Distance Index (PDI): The degree to
which the lesser authority individual accepts and
expects that power is distributed unequally;
Individualism versus collectivism (IDV): The
degree to which people within a society collab-
orate with each other; Thus, in highly individu-
alistic societies would encourage individual au-
thority, achievement, and give the power to make
Masculinity versus Femininity (MAS): The de-
gree to how the social gender roles are distinct;
Uncertainty Avoidance Index (UAI): The extent
of society members to feel either uncomfortable
or comfortable in chaotic or confused situations;
Long- vs. Short-term Orientation (LTO): The
degree to which people within a society are linked
to its own past while dealing with the present and
the future challenges; and
Indulgence versus Impulses (IND): The degree
to which people within a society have fun and en-
joy life without restrictions and regulations.
In this theory, each country has a numerical score
within the above dimensions to define the society of
this country. The score runs from 0-100 with 50 as an
average. The Hofstede’s rule for the score is that if a
score is above the average, the culture relatively high
on that dimension. For example, the Saudi Arab score
of the uncertainty avoidance index dimension is (80)
and it is considered high.
As this research used the Saudi Arabian context
for the pilot study, let us present an example of scores
for this country as per Hofstede et al. (2010). The
score of power distance is very high (95), which
means that Saudi people accept authority’s decisions
without any justifications and expect to be told what
ENASE 2018 - 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
to do. With a score of 25, Saudi Arabia is con-
sidered a collective society where people belong to
group that takes care of them. For the masculinity
dimension, a score of 60 indicates that conflicts are
resolved by letting the strong win and high authori-
ties are supposed to be decisive. Saudi Arabia scores
80 for uncertainty avoidance which means that Saudi
people prefer avoiding uncertainty situations. The
low score (36) of long-term indicates that establish-
ing truth is the main concern as well as respect for
traditions. Lastly, Saudi Arabia with a score of 52
does not clearly show any preference of indulgent or
As our study argues that most of the RE standards
are driven by the United States culture and the adap-
tation of the RE process requires considering the cul-
tural differences, let us present a brief comparison be-
tween Saudi Arabia and the United States as per Hof-
stede’s score (see Figure 1). In short, Saudi Arabia
is remarkably different from the United States within
three dimensions: PDI, IDV, and UAI. For the PDI,
Saudi Arabia score is much higher than the United
States (40). This may indicate that high authority in
Saudi Arabia may have more privileges over the sub-
ordinates. In contrast, the United State’s scores very
high (90) on the IND dimension, which indicates that
the United States society is more individualist than
Saudi Arabia. Finally, the score of UAI in Saudi Ara-
bia is high, which may express the difficulties of cop-
ing with unexpected situations.
Figure 1: Hofstede’s Culture Scores for Saudi Arabia and
the United States.
Table 1 presents our conceptual model. Each “?” in
the table means that the corresponding cultural di-
mension might have a major influence on the corre-
sponding RE activity, whereas each “X” means that
the corresponding cultural dimensions might have
less/no influence on the corresponding RE activity.
Referring to the Hofstede’s scores, we believe that
three of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions (PDI, IDV,
and UAI) have major impacts on the practice of RE
process in Saudi Arabia, while the other dimensions
might have a minor impact. Therefore, we formulated
the following hypotheses (H):
H1: The high value/score of PDI in Saudi Arabia
significantly impacts on the RE activities.
H2: The high value/score of IDV in Saudi Arabia
significantly impacts on the RE activities.
H3: The high value/score of UAI in Saudi Arabia
significantly impacts on the RE activities.
H4: The slightly low value/score of MAS in Saudi
Arabia may impact on the RE activities.
H5: The slightly high value/score of LTO in Saudi
Arabia may impacts on the RE activities.
H6: The IND dimension has no impact on the RE
activities in Saudi Arabia.
Table 1: Influence of Cultural Dimensions on RE Activities.
RE Activity
Cultural Dimensions
Elicitation ? ? ? ? ? X
Analysis ? ? ? ? ? X
Specification X X X ? ? X
Validation ? ? ? X ? X
Management ? ? X X X X
We conducted a qualitative study through a pilot case
study with interviewing Saudi software practitioners
and academics. Qualitative research is used to inves-
tigate a social behavior from the view of the study
participants with attempting to achieve a holistic un-
derstanding of the situation. The study was con-
ducted following the process suggested by Runeson
et al. (2012), where the process contains the follow-
ing steps: First, we defined the research questions and
contracted the study design. Then, we developed the
case study procedure and protocol for data collection.
Next, the first author conducted in-depth interviews
in Saudi Arabia. Finally, the data analysis procedure
was applied to the data.
The pilot case studies provide a powerful mech-
anism to study the aspects that support or prevent
innovative behavior in software engineering practice
(Monteiro et al., 2016). Here, we used a pilot case
study to understanding the Saudi cultural influence
on RE process.The following research questions were
Cultural Influences on Requirements Engineering Process in the Context of Saudi Arabia
RQ1: What requirements engineering activities
are adopted by the Saudi requirements engineers?
RQ2: What cultural aspects and traditions in-
fluence the requirements engineering practice in
Saudi Arabia?
4.1 Data Collection
To collect the data, we interviewed eight participants:
six software practitioners, one senior academic, and
one lecturer in a Saudi university. The snowballing
technique was used to recruit the participants. Partici-
pants were asked to propose other persons who could
probably contribute to the study. Neuman (2002) sug-
gests that snowballing sampling is often used if the
sample size is small or if there is a preference to se-
lect well-informed participants. In addition, the snow-
ball recruiting technique was beneficial for this study
because social networking, in a collectivist society, is
the main source of information Hofstede et al. (2010).
The practitioners interviewees were selected
based the following criteria:
The participants had to be involved in the RE pro-
cess during systems development;
Working in a Saudi software company;
Be employed in a medium- to a large-sized orga-
nization; and
Engaged in eliciting the requirements from Stake-
The academics interviewees were selected based
the following criteria:
The participants had to be involved in the RE pro-
cess during systems development; and
Working in a Saudi university.
The social nature of this study leaded us to
adopt semi-structured interviews. The questions were
mixed of open-ended and close-ended types includ-
ing 30 questions, focusing on the RE process adopted
in Saudi Arabia and the cultural factors influence the
RE process from Saudi Arabian context. When the
participants accepted the invitation to participate, the
following documents were sent to them one day be-
fore the face-to-face interview: the interview ques-
tions, the explanatory statement and the consent form.
The average duration of the interviews was about 90
minutes. Some interviews held in Arabic where other
in English, based on the interviewees’ preferences.
4.2 Data Analysis
A thematic analysis method was used to analyze data
from the interview transcripts, following the guide-
lines described by Braun and Clarke (2006). As per
Marks and Yardley (2003), the benefit of thematic
analysis is that it allows to combine analysis of the
frequency of codes with analysis of their meaning in
context, to overcome the major criticisms of content
analysis. The process of thematic data analysis goes
through six phases:
1. Familiarization with data;
2. Generating initial codes;
3. Searching for themes;
4. Reviewing themes;
5. Defining and naming themes; and
6. Producing a report.
All interviews were transcribed, and the interviews
conducted in Arabic were also translated to English.
All recordings were reviewed and coded manually
using coding and pattern matching techniques Miles
et al. (1984). Codes that emerged in each interview
were compared. Next, we analyzed the interview data
to identify common points and ideas. Finally, we
grouped the emerged 16 themes into two main groups:
RE aspects and cultural aspects.
4.3 Validity and Reliability
Validity and reliability of research aim to ensure
the trustworthiness of a study. We considered the
three validity aspects of exploratory research recom-
mended by Yin (2013): First, we constructed this
study through in-depth reviewing of the literature.
Second, we reviewed some of the participants’ soft-
ware documentation that obtained during the inter-
view as a second source of evidence. Finally, we es-
tablished a chain of evidence from the beginning of
the search through selecting the study interviewees,
using interview process and transcribing and inter-
preting the data. External validity achieved by using
Braun’s guidelines for coding and analyzing the data
Huberman and Miles (1985). The reliability achieved
by documenting a rich description of the research
method and the interview protocol (Neuman, 2002).
ENASE 2018 - 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
5.1 Requirement Engineering Process
To collect the responses to the first research question,
the interviewees were asked to describe the RE pro-
cesses performed in all software development projects
they conducted. From the participants’ responses, we
identified core aspects that describe the state of RE
practice in the Saudi context, related to the 5 RE ac-
tivities (see Section 2.1).
5.1.1 Requirements Elicitation
Requirements elicitation was named by all partici-
pants as an important part of the process. The inter-
viewees generally elicit requirements (1) either from
software stakeholders directly, or (2) by searching
about the problem domains, or (3) by asking stake-
holders for examples of similar systems. Four re-
quirement elicitation techniques were noted: inter-
views, focus groups, observations and prototypes.
The interviewees believed that it was important
to understand the vision of the top managers or soft-
ware owner before eliciting the requirements from the
end users, especially for a new system. The goals,
scope, objectives and main issues from high authority
people were used as guidelines to develop software
that meets the company’s vision, where the end users’
needs are less important.
Almost 80% of the interviewees agreed that a
face-to-face interview was the best method used for
eliciting customers’ requirements. Adopting inter-
view as an elicitation method assisted the study par-
ticipants to
acquire a comprehensive knowledge about users’
verify the requirements during the session;
help clients to express their needs freely;
minimize the time to establish a trust; and
build a good relationship with the customers.
One participant reported one serious problem in
implementing software sponsored by the government:
requirements were identified by representative stake-
holders from the government and no end users partic-
ipated the elicitation session.
5.1.2 Requirement Analysis
Another RE activity reported by almost all partici-
pants was requirements analysis. The main objective
of this activity is to (1) detect and resolve conflicts
and (2) to know how the requirements should be im-
The participants expressed that analyzing the re-
quirements not only involve examining the software
functionality, but also the technical, business and cul-
tural aspects. As an example of the business aspect
was that an end user may request to delete records
in the business sheet, whereas according the interna-
tional financial and accounting standard, such records
cannot be removed. An example of technical as-
pects was that an end user might request a feature that
threatens the company’s security. For cultural aspects,
an end user might ask for changing the interface lan-
guage. To analyze the requirements, two interviewees
used a scenario-based analysis method, which is a de-
scription of the steps needed to complete a given task.
5.1.3 Requirement Validation
As indicated by interviewees, requirements validation
was not an independent phase, as validation activi-
ties are either embedded in the requirement analysis
phase, or not conducted at all.
5.1.4 Requirement Documentation
All participants from industry did not adopt any rec-
ommended requirements documentation standard and
did not follow any guidelines in constructing the doc-
umentation template. Instead, the requirements doc-
umentation was structured based on the requirement
engineer’s experience or following a documentation
template used for some previous projects. The partic-
ipants gave the following three reasons for not adopt-
ing any requirements documentation standards:
The requirement engineer and the client are satis-
fied with the current requirements documentation;
None of the existing documentation standards has
been released in an Arabic requirements docu-
mentation version; translating or using English
documentation standards was not convenient.
The software teams are highly qualified (by their
own definition) and, therefore, there is no need for
a high level description of the process.
However, from the point of view of academic par-
ticipants, following the international documentation
standards (e.g., IEEE) with a customization to the
company standard is seen as a more preferable so-
lution than structuring the software documentation
based on the requirement engineer’s experience.
Cultural Influences on Requirements Engineering Process in the Context of Saudi Arabia
5.1.5 Requirement Change Management
Interestingly, the participants did not perceived re-
quirements change management as a part of the RE
process. 2 out of 5 participants from the industry
adopted tools or techniques for tracking requirements
changes. This demonstrates that adaptation of the
good practices and standards of RE within software
development is still in progress in Saudi Arabia. The
findings concur with Alnafjan (2012).
5.2 Cultural Influences
While analyzing the collected data, we identified 10
cultural aspects influencing the RE practices:
1. Deference to elderly people and to high authori-
2. Autocratic decision-making;
3. Limited trust;
4. Belief in expertise;
5. Relationships;
6. Empathy with client;
7. Letting the strongest win;
8. Gender segregation;
9. Dress code; and
10. Using English for requirements documentation.
We grouped these points into 5 cultural categories:
We cover 4 out of 6 Hofstede’s dimensions (power
distance, uncertainty avoidance, collectivism, mas-
culinity) and introducing a new category to present
specific cultural factors that cannot fit the Hofstede’s
dimensions. Based on the results of the conducted
interviews, Table 2 illustrates the influence of Saudi
Arabia national culture on the core activities within
the RE process. Each Xin the Table 2 means that the
corresponding RE activity is influenced by the corre-
sponding cultural dimension. In this model, we ex-
cluded two of the Hofstede’s cultural dimensions and
added a specific cultural factors. we excluded the LTO
dimension because of our data did not explore any
influences or dependencies of this dimension on the
Saudi RE process and we excluded the indulgence di-
mension because it does not have any connection with
the RE process. Also, we added the specific cultural
factors as it emerged during analyzing the study par-
ticipants’ interviews. We named it specific because it
is exclusively distinct to the Saudi culture.
Table 2: Influence of Saudi culture on RE Activities.
RE Activity
Cultural Dimensions
Elicitation X X X X
Analysis X X X
Specification X X
Validation X X
Management X X
5.2.1 Power Distance Index
As mentioned in Section 2.2, the score of power dis-
tance index (PDI) in Saudi Arabia is defined as 95
(very high). The following three points fit this dimen-
sion: deference to elderly people and to high authori-
ties, autocratic decision-making, and lack of trust.
Deference to elderly people and to high author-
ities: As per (Hofstede et al., 2010), in the countries
with a high PDI, showing respect for parents and older
people is a basic and lifelong virtue. The data collec-
tion highlighted the fact that due to the Saudi Arabian
culture, demonstrating respect was habitually prac-
ticed. A total of ve participants reported that defer-
ence of customers, especially elderly and high author-
ities, is seen by them as a standard practice. One of
the participants stated that ‘most of the time, I cannot
argue with elderly or high authority employees’.
Autocratic decision-making: Hofstede et al.
(2010) stated that “power distance will affect the de-
gree of centralization of the control and decision-
making structure and the importance of the status of
the negotiators’. In that context, the analysis of the
collected data demonstrated that the decision-making
was significantly consultative and autocratic rather
than democratic. The reason for this is a centralized
decision-making in Saudi Arabia, i.e., all decisions
are taken by high authorities.
Three participants believed that ‘The manager will
agree on what he thinks it is beneficial to the business.
All about business. If it is beneficial, he will accept
it’. and therefore the study participants accept and
agree one what is decided by the top managers. How-
ever, one participant claimed a critical drawback to
the centralized decision as ‘If he [decision maker] is
satisfied, we do not care about the end users’ needs’.
Limited trust: According to Hofstede et al.
(2010), high PDI cultures suffer from lack of trust. A
total of five participants mentioned that lack of trust in
both Saudi and non-Saudi requirements engineer was
a problematic issue. During the elicitation session,
clients tended to not openly discuss the main core of
the business issues, instead, clients may ask the re-
quirements engineer about: the number of projects he
was involved in, years of experience, race, the educa-
ENASE 2018 - 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
tion and technique background, etc. Surprisingly, the
level of trust is normally established based on the re-
quirements engineering’s nationality or based on the
strength of the relationship that built during the RE
phase. One participant commented that some nation-
alities were highly trusted just because Saudi people
believe in them. Also, three participants agreed that
establishing a good relationship with customers sig-
nificantly increased the trust level. However, if the
level of trust is not maintained on the early stage of
the software development life cycle, the RE process
might end up with an absolute failure to achieve its
5.2.2 Uncertainty Avoidance
The score of uncertainty avoidance in Saudi Arabia is
defined as 80 (very high), cf. Section 2.2. According
to Hofstede, in high uncertainty cultures, strong belief
in expertise and their knowledge is common Hofstede
et al. (2010).
The professional informers assume that Saudi cus-
tomers accept their recommendations and suggestions
not because they are experts in the field, but because
these recommendations are important and valuable.
According to the interviewees, presenting facts about
the best way to solve the problem can change software
stockholders’ mind easily. However, this expresses
only the view point and self-estimates of requirements
engineers rather than provides a complete real picture,
where the belief in expertise (including the belief in
one’s own expertise) plays a large role.
5.2.3 Collectivism
Saudi Arabia is considered a collective society (score
25, cf. Section 2.2), where two following points play
an important role: building a relationship and empa-
thy with users.
Building a relationship: In a collectivism cul-
tures, building a relationship in workplaces is very
important, similar to family relationships. Interviews,
as a face-to-face method to elicit the requirements,
permit the software engineers to create an emotional
relationship with the client, which was indicated as a
positive culture aspect. Six participants highlighted
that building a good relationship means having an in-
depth understanding of users’ problem domain as well
as establishing a certain level of trust. For example,
during the requirements elicitation building a relation-
ship with the clients can be used as facilitator to over-
come barriers (e.g, lack of user involvement) or chal-
lenges in general such as project over-budget.
Empathy with users: Achieving user satisfaction
was continually mentioned as the reason to accept
new changes, which can be explained in terms of feel-
ing empathy with the client to fulfill his needs. Four
participants agreed that ‘He is a client. We cannot
make him unhappy. The client should be satisfied’.
5.2.4 Masculinity
Solving conflicts by letting the strongest win was of-
ten mentioned in the transcript. As per Hofstede’ the-
ory, the resolution of conflicts in a masculine society
(Saudi Arabia is considered a masculine society with
score 60) is solved by letting the strongest win Hofst-
ede et al. (2010).
In Saudi context, autocratic behavior was indi-
cated when the interviewee spoke about solving con-
flicts between end users and high authorities. The
findings showed that most of the conflicts were re-
solved by agreeing with the top managers’ prefer-
ences rather than giving end users an opportunity to
justify this need. Moreover, we find that this cultural
aspect is highly related to the PDI dimension. In high
PDI dimension, such as Saudi Arabia, the decision is
made based on the higher authorities’ opinion.
5.2.5 Specific Cultural Factors
The study identified three points that are very for
Saudi culture: gender segregation, dress code, and
English language, where the first two can also be seen
as a very special application of masculinity dimen-
Gender segregation: A total of five participants
asserted that communicating with Saudi women dur-
ing the RE process, even during the elicitation ac-
tivity, was not an issue. The study participants ap-
proached the female end users in their workplace.
Even though the workplace is separated into male
and female sections, the professionals’ participants
elicited the requirements through either face-to-face
meetings or using communication applications such
skype or e-mail. However, only one participant re-
ported that gathering the requirements from female
was difficult due to shyness and self-respect of the
Saudi women.
Dress code: Some participants highlighted that
wearing a suit for meeting with clients is very impor-
tant. They perceived this rule as a cultural aspect.
English language: Even though the official writ-
ten language in Saudi Arabia is Arabic, all partici-
pants indicated that software documentation is usu-
ally written in English, especially for government
businesses. Since Saudi people have diverse levels
of the speaking and writing English language skills,
adopting English language to communicate and docu-
ment the requirements might introduce miscommuni-
Cultural Influences on Requirements Engineering Process in the Context of Saudi Arabia
cation and misunderstanding between the clients and
requirements engineers and, therefore, it might affect
the overall RE process.
Based on the expert participants’ overview, we de-
signed a framework of the national cultural influence
on the practice of RE process as presented in Figure 2.
We are planning to replicate the study and compare
the results with several cultures, in order to propose
a generalized framework that identifies the influence
of national culture on the practices of RE process.
For this purposes, we extended and refined the initial
model (presented in Table 1) to explore the influence
of the cultural background on the RE process within
other country/culture context, as presented in Table 3.
Thus, based on the Hofstede’s country/culture score
for a particular dimension, we can explore (1) what
RE activities have to be adapted and (2) which of the
culture factors might have an influence on the RE pro-
Table 3: Influence of Cultural Dimensions on RE Activities.
RE Activity
Cultural Dimensions
Elicitation ? ? ? ? X X ?
Analysis ? ? ? ? ? X ?
Specification X ? X ? ? X ?
Validation ? ? ? X ? X ?
Management ? ? X X X X ?
Based on the initial results, we formulated a num-
ber of new hypotheses for our future work:
H1: The high PDI has an impact on the practice
of RE activities.
H2: The low IDV has an impact on the practice
of RE activities.
H3: The high UAI has an impact on the practice
of RE activities.
H4: The high/low MAS has an impact on the
practice of RE activities.
H5: The high LOT cultural dimension has an im-
pact on the practice of RE activities.
H6: The IND dimension has no impact in the
practice of RE activities.
H7: There are specific cultural values impact
the practice of RE activities, within each coun-
try/culture context.
To analyze cultural aspects, many social psycholo-
gists propose theoretical frameworks that illustrate the
key cultural factors that distinguish one culture from
another, cf. e.g., Hofstede et al. (2010), Trompenaars
and Hampden-Turner (2011), and Hall (1989). How-
ever, from our best knowledge, our work is the first
one focusing on the cultural aspects within the RE
process in Arabian culture. In our earlier works, we
analyzed individual and social requirement aspect of
software development, cf. Alharthi and Spichkova
(2016); Alharthi et al. (2015), as well as requirements
for global product development, focusing on the di-
versity, which comes from the differences in the regu-
lations, laws and cultural aspects for different coun-
tries or organizations, cf. Spichkova et al. (2015);
Spichkova and Schmidt (2015). In our current work,
we went further and investigated cultural aspects in
details, focusing on the Arab culture.
Several studies have investigated the impact of
culture and cultural differences on RE processes. For
example, Damian and Zowghi (2003) analyzed the
challenges faced by stakeholders during the RE pro-
cess in distributed multi-site organizations. By con-
ducting in-depth interviews, the study showed that
culture and cultural differences have negative impacts
on RE activities. However, the existing studies do not
propose any solution that can be generalized and ap-
plied in the future. The goal of our work is to solve
this problem.
Thanasankit (2002) conducted a study on whether
the specifics of Thai culture might have influences on
the RE process, in particulate, the concept of power
distance. According to the authors, the communica-
tion and decision-making process in Thailand is influ-
enced by the unequal power distribution and the level
of uncertainty. Based on Thai cultural aspects, the
researchers suggested some strategies to improve RE
practices. These strategies focus on Thai culture only
and cannot be generalized. However, the results of the
study concur with our hypothesis that the cultural in-
fluence on the RE process might be significant and it
should be taken into account to improve the RE prac-
tices. In contrast to Thanasankit (2002), our research
adopted the six dimensions of the Hofstede’s cultural
theory on the RE process and the results of the pi-
lot case study demonstrated the feasibility of our ap-
Isabirye and Flowerday (2008) evaluated the
existing requirements elicitation techniques and
methodologies in the context of rural culture in South
Africa, coming to the conclusion that the stakehold-
ers’ culture plays a significant role in undertaking
ENASE 2018 - 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Figure 2: Framework of RE process in a cultural context.
the RE process, which concurs with our hypotheses.
Borchers (2003) analyzed the impact of culture on
the software engineering techniques in Japan, India,
and the United States. The study also demonstrated
that cultural differences have a great influence on soft-
ware engineering process. In our work, we go further
and focusing on the development of the correspond-
ing framework.
RE process is highly sensitive to cultural aspect and
requires extensive communication skills. Several
studies have recognized that a success RE process
does not only depend on the technique or method used
but also depends on understanding the individuals’
behavior and culture. In this paper, we investigate the
influence of cultural background on performing the
RE process from a conservative culture, Saudi Ara-
We conducted interviews with software practition-
ers and software engineering researchers in Saudi
Arabia. Using thematic analysing technique with
eight participants, this study identifies 10 cultural fac-
tors play a role on the RE practice and 5 RE aspects
from the Saudi context. As a result, we introduce a
model of RE processes with a cultural context. In this
model, we map the Hofstede’s cultural theory to the
core parts of the RE process to investigate the possible
dependencies and influences.
Hofstede’s culture dimension allows us to find rel-
evant correlation regarding the impact of the cultural
background on RE practice. The result of this study,
therefore, would help the Saudi RE practitioners and
other RE practitioners, having the similar national
cultural profile, to identify in advance the potential
cultural implications that might be faced.
Future work: As the next steps, we are going
to expand the scope of the study (1) to cover other
countries, (2) to gather the information on the soft-
ware stakeholders’ view points, as they are a very
important actors within the RE process, (3) to cover
not only small-to-medium companies but also a large
ones, as this might provide additional aspects. We
are planning to extend this work to a large number of
participants and comparing the impact within several
We would like to thank participants for kindly accept-
ing to participate in this research project. We appreci-
ate their cooperation and engagement.
The first author is supported by a scholarship from
Taibah University in Saudi Arabia.
Cultural Influences on Requirements Engineering Process in the Context of Saudi Arabia
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