Of Guardians, Cynics, and Pragmatists
A Typology of Privacy Concerns and Behavior
Eva-Maria Schomakers, Chantal Lidynia, Luisa Vervier and Martina Ziefle
Human-Computer Interaction Center, RWTH Aachen University, Campus-Boulevard 57, Aachen, Germany
Keywords: Online Privacy, Privacy Paradox, Privacy Typology, Privacy Calculus, Privacy Cynicism, User Study,
Privacy Concern.
Abstract: Online privacy is one of the most discussed topics in the digital era. User concerns about online privacy can
be a barrier to the use of digital services. Different approaches, mostly from a social science perspective, try
to understand user concerns, attitudes, and behaviors in the online context. Especially the so-called privacy
paradox, the discrepancy between high privacy concerns and contradicting low privacy protection behavior,
has been of interest. This phenomenon has been explained in different ways: users performing a privacy
calculus, making affective decisions, or being overwhelmed, resigned by the complexity of online threats and
protective measures. Complementing these theories, we hypothesize that different user types approach privacy
differently. A survey (N=337) investigates the privacy attitudes, behaviors, and experiences of German
internet users. With a cluster analysis, three distinct types of users were identified: the “Privacy Guardians,
highly concerned and taking much privacy protective actions, the “Privacy Cynics,” concerned but feeling
powerless and unable to protect their privacy, and the “Privacy Pragmatists,” showing the least concerns
which they weigh against benefits. These user groups need different tools and guidelines for protecting their
Searching for information, chatting with friends,
customers, or colleagues, shopping, doing sports,
studying, navigating, connecting with peers, listening
to music, watching TV: These are only a few
examples of typical online activities. In 1988, Mark
Weiser first used the term “ubiquity of computing” to
describe connected computers being everywhere and
used in all areas of life. To him, it was a vision of the
future, but today, we have almost reached this point.
Especially due to the ever increasing use of connected
devices also raises the amount of data each individual
generates. Well aware, users are then faced with the
task of handling online information adequately,
knowing how to interact and also knowing about
protective measures to uphold their privacy, use these
accordingly, and ensure that their data only reaches
those they intended to have access. However, the
wish for, knowledge about, and actual application of
the available measures rarely coincides in “normal”
internet users.
There are many studies demonstrating the
discrepancy between the privacy protective behaviors
of internet users and their strong reported concerns
about their online privacy (e.g., Beresford et al., 2012;
Taddicken, 2014), corroborating the well-known gap
between behavior and attitudes (Ajzen and Fishbein,
1977). Within social science research, many attempts
to unscramble this so-called privacy paradox have
been made, e.g., by describing privacy decisions as an
individual weighing of risks and benefits, the so-
called privacy calculus (Dinev and Hart, 2006).
However, as humans normally do not act logically but
rather affectively, not all users seem to act rationally
according to the calculus.
The present study asks the question, whether users
differ in their approaches to online privacy behavior
and attitudes. Maybe some users rationally weigh
benefits and barriers, but others have a more
emotional consideration of pro- and contra-using
motives or might even follow a situational approach.
Possibly, some are not aware of the risks or do not
know how to protect their privacy online. Others
could know those privacy risks very well and still do
not protect information adequately. In this explorative
approach, we collect users’ behaviors and attitudes
regarding their online usage patterns and, using
Schomakers, E., Lidynia, C., Vervier, L. and Ziefle, M.
Of Guardians, Cynics, and Pragmatists.
DOI: 10.5220/0006774301530163
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2018), pages 153-163
ISBN: 978-989-758-296-7
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
cluster analysis, generate profiles of different user
types and their attitudes towards privacy, their
concerns, and their actual behavior regarding the
protection of their privacy.
To gain a basic understanding of the investigated
theoretical concepts, an overview of the meaning of
online privacy is presented at first. The concepts
‘privacy concern’ and ‘privacy paradox’ are then
described in more detail before existing privacy
typologies are outlined shortly.
2.1 Online Privacy
What is it we are talking about? Although privacy is
a topic in most debates and discourses about
emerging technologies, the Internet of Things, and
related policies as well as codes of conduct, the
concept itself has been proven difficult to define (cf.
Solove 2006, 2008). Many attempts have been made,
though. Warren and Brandeis (1890) began by
declaring privacy as a right, especially a right to be
left alone. With the definition of privacy as the
control over information about oneself (Westin
1968), the aspect of informational privacy is put into
focus. But this is not the only dimension of privacy.
For Burgoon (1982, 1989), for example, privacy
means the active limitation of access to one’s
physical, psychological, interactional, and informa-
tional self. As Finn et al. (2013) expand on Burgoon’s
work, they restructure the previous suggestions by
addressing the informational self as privacy of data
and image as well as privacy of communication.
Especially in the digital age, or information age, its
aspect of protecting one’s information and data is ubi-
quitous. Koops et al. (2017) propose a two-level
approach that includes eight privacy dimensions
(bodily, spatial, communicational, proprietary,
intellectual, decisional, associational, and behavioral)
and, on the second level, informational privacy as a
possible part of the other types of privacy.
2.2 Privacy Concerns and the Privacy
As Koops et al.’s (2017) two-level approach shows,
nowadays data collection in connection to the
ubiquity of connected devices can endanger privacy
in all its dimensions, as our lives are increasingly
more online. Correspondingly, users are concerned
(Baruh et al., 2017). Research has been studying
informational privacy concerns as indicator and
measurement of privacy attitudes in the past
centuries, for detailed reviews, see, for example,
Buchanan et al. (2007) or Smith et al. (2011). This
research shows quite clearly that most people are very
concerned. Nevertheless, they still generate tons of
data as they surf the web, use apps, reward cards, etc.
It could even be shown that for a little reward or
instantaneous gratification like a piece of chocolate,
they give their passwords to a stranger (Happ et al.,
2016) and, on the other hand, are unwilling to invest
1 Euro extra to ensure more privacy within an online
transaction while buying DVDs (Beresford et al.,
2012). So obviously, there is a discrepancy between
the attitude of people and their actual behavior - the
‘privacy paradox.’
To understand the privacy paradox, different
theories have been proposed by researchers. For
example, the theory of the privacy calculus postulates
that users perform a calculus between the risks for
privacy and the benefits they gain (e.g., Dinev and
Hart 2006, Xu et al., 2011). Other authors criticize
that privacy decisions are affected by bounded
rationality, meaning cognitive limitations and limited
information access, as well as cognitive biases; for
example, previous experiences and (successful)
strategies will guide behavior in new situations (e.g.,
Acquisti and Grossklags, 2005, Kehr et al., 2013).
After interviewing German internet users about their
internet use, Hoffmann et al. (2016) proposed the
term “Privacy Cynicism” as a coping strategy of
internet users for the complex online world to explain
privacy paradoxical behavior:
“Privacy cynicism allows users to take advantage of
online services without trusting providers while aware
of privacy threats by forming the conviction that
effective privacy protection is out of their hand.” (p. 7)
2.3 User Diversity
To understand motives and possible barriers to the
use of online services or technologies in general, it is
important to understand the rationale and mental
models of (potential) users when using the internet.
But as user diversity is a key feature of novel human-
computer interaction in general (Ziefle and Jakobs,
2010) and online behaviors in particular (Karim et al.,
2009; Ziefle et al., 2015), it is more than reasonable
to assume that there is no “one type of internet user.”
As manifold as the individuals are the possible
influences on their attitudes and behaviors. Individual
differences in personality traits, knowledge and
experiences, self-efficacy in privacy protection,
desire for privacy, and awareness of privacy issues, to
IoTBDS 2018 - 3rd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
name but a few, all play a part in guiding one’s
concerns and behaviors (e.g., Li, 2011).
User typologies are used to segment users with
similar characteristics into homogenous groups.
Several privacy-related typologies have been derived
by researchers. One of the first and most influential
typologies is the Privacy Segmentation Index by Alan
Westin (Sheehan, 2002) which categorizes users
according to the level of their concern as either
privacy fundamentalists (high privacy concern),
pragmatists (moderate privacy concern), or
unconcerned. In several studies, this typology has
been used to explain privacy behavior or attitudes
with varying degrees of success (Woodruff et al.,
2014; Jai and King, 2016; Sheehan, 2002; Hoofnagle
and King, 2008; Baruh and Cemalcilar, 2014).
Smit et al. (2014) also segmented internet users
based on concern. In their study, the group of highly
concerned users applied the most privacy protective
measures while showing the least knowledge about
cookies and online behavioral advertising. In
contrast, the low concern group showed the most
knowledge regarding cookies and advertising
practices but utilized the least privacy protection.
Baruh and Cemalcilar (2014) derived a typology of
social network users showing that privacy protective
measures and willingness to disclose information to
different receivers can be partly explained by
differing privacy attitudes. Lankton et al. (2017)
based their typologies of social network users on the
privacy management behavior and showed that this
corresponds to privacy concern. These findings
indicate that privacy attitudes can, in contrast to the
phenomenon of the privacy paradox, in a way
influence privacy protection behavior if one accounts
for different user types.
These approaches either used differences with
respect to privacy concerns to create the clusters and
then analyzed the relationship of these clusters to
privacy behavior, or vice versa. We hypothesize that
users do not only differ in their levels of privacy
concern and behaviors but also in the relationship
between both variables. To test this, we follow an
explorative approach towards forming a user
typology based on both privacy concerns (attitudinal
level) and reported protective behaviors (behavioral
level). We question whether the privacy paradox and
explanatory theories, like the privacy calculus, are
universal for all users or, rather, if users differ in their
approach to privacy.
The present study pursues the intention of identifying
different types of internet users regarding the
interplay of their privacy concerns and protective
behaviors. These clusters (formed by cluster analysis)
will then be examined for statistically meaningful
differences in other privacy-related attitudes,
experiences, personality traits, and demographic
To identify, evaluate, and measure these clusters,
a quantitative approach in form of an online
questionnaire was conducted. In the following, the
questionnaire will be described, followed by the
chosen statistical methods. Finally, the sample will be
3.1 The Questionnaire
The survey consisted of five parts. Starting with
demographic factors in part one (age, gender,
education level), variables regarding the person were
assessed in a second part. These included experience
with privacy violations, awareness of privacy issues,
privacy self-efficacy, and the big five personality
traits in the shortened version by Rammstedt et al.
(2012), with the personality dimensions extraversion,
agreeableness, openness, neuroticism, conscientious-
ness. Part three examined the users’ privacy attitudes:
privacy concern, trust in online, and need for privacy.
Protection behavior as well as the usage of wide-
spread online services was surveyed in part four.
Additionally, single items regarding reasons not
protect privacy were evaluated by the participants.
The items are listed in table 1.
Table 1: List of Items (items listed without source are self-
Privacy Protection Behavior
I use every option that I know to protect my online privacy (e.g.,
deleting cookies, anti-virus software).
I specifically search for more options to protect my online privacy.
I use the default settings of my devices and applications withou
changing them.
I use the default settings of my devices and applications withou
installing additional software to protect my privacy.
Privacy Concern
In general, I am concerned about my privacy when I am using the
Joinson, 2006)
I do not see risks when providing data in the internet. (
Xu et al. 2008))
With some type of information collected in the internet I do not feel
Dinev at al., 2009)
Of Guardians, Cynics, and Pragmatists
Table 1: List of Items (items listed without source are self-
developed) (cont.).
eed for Privacy
Compared to others, I am more sensitive about the way online
companies handle my personal information.
(Li, 2014)
I have nothing to hide, so I am comfortable with people knowing
ersonal information about me. (Morton 2013)
Compared to others, I see more importance in keeping personal
information private.
(Li, 2014)
Trust in Online Companies (McKnight, 2002)
I feel that most online companies would act in a customers’ best
If a customer required help, most online companies would do thei
best to help.
Most online companies are interested in customer well-
eing, no
ust their own well-being.
Experience (adapted from Li, 2014)
I believe that my online privacy was invaded by other people o
I have had bad experiences with regard to my online privacy
I experienced misuse of data from friends or family.
Privacy Self-Efficacy (adapted from Beier, 1999)
I know most privacy settings of the applications I use.
Because I have had no problems with privacy settings so far, I am
confident for future privacy tasks.
I do not read privacy policies because I do not understand them.
I always change my privacy settings when I start using a new
device or application.
I feel helpless with privacy settings and measures, so I do no
change anything.
I follow the news and developments about privacy issues an
rivacy violations. (Xu et al., 2008)
I cannot comprehend the relevance of the issue privacy because I
do not care about it.
I pay closer attention to privacy issues and privacy violations since
they have become so prominent in media.
Privacy protection does not work. Whoever wants to can still
access my data.
I feel comfortable providing data on the internet because I get
rewards (e.g., individualized advertisement, information fro
I do not have enough time to keep informed and apply privacy
Privacy protection has become so complex that I do not know how
to protect my privacy anymore.
All items had to be rated on a 5-point Likert scale
ranging from “I do not agree” (1) to “I agree” (5). The
only exception was the use of online services for
which we offered a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answering option (“I
use this kind of service” or “I do not use this kind of
To assess the reliability of the scales, Cronbach’s
α was calculated. Two scales showed moderate
reliability (Cronbach’s α between .6 and .7). As the
scales consists of only 3 items each, including
reversely coded items, and because of the exploratory
nature of this study, these were still deemed
The survey was rolled out twice. In December
2016, it was distributed online by an independent
market research company (N=200), and five months
later, more participants were acquired through
personal networks (N=145). In the second round, the
survey was conducted online as well as in paper-
pencil form to also reach people who use the internet
less often. Still, using the internet at all was a
prerequisite to be included in the sample.
No statistical differences between the two samples
could be discovered with respect to the demographic,
attitudinal, or behavioral variables. Completing the
questionnaire took about 20 minutes.
3.2 Statistical Analysis
In order to identify possible user profiles, both sample
polls were first aggregated and then a two-step cluster
approach (cf. Hair et al., 2010) was conducted to
identify clusters of internet users who differ in their
attitudes and behaviors regarding online privacy. The
scales ‘general privacy concern’ and ‘privacy
protection behavior’ were used to segment users.
First, a hierarchical cluster analysis was conducted to
identify outliers and determine the optimal number of
cluster. A three-cluster solution was then run as k-
means cluster analysis to determine the final clusters
(with randomly selected seed points). Cluster stability
was assessed by rerunning the analysis. Cross-
classification proved a very good cluster stability.
For validation and interpretation, ANOVA
procedures were used on the segmentation variables,
as well as the other attitudinal variables. Chi Square
tests were calculated for categorical variables.
3.3 Sample Description
The questionnaire was completed by N=345 German
internet users. After the exclusion of outliers, N=337
were used for analysis. Gender is equally distributed
across the sample (50.7% women). The participants
IoTBDS 2018 - 3rd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
were aged between 13 and 78 years (M = 43.5, SD =
15.2) and people with different educational
background were included (37.1% completed a
college education or higher). Age groups were
formed to be comparable to other user typologies
regarding privacy attitudes and behaviors (e.g.,
Sheehan, 2002; Woodruff et al., 2014). For a detailed
description of the demographic characteristics, see
Table 2.
Table 2: Demographic characteristics of the aggregated
sample (N=337).
Demographic characteristics
Percentage of
Age [years] mean (SD) 43.5 (15.22)
14-24 14.5%
25-34 18.1%
35-44 17.5%
45-54 21.4%
55-64 19.6%
65 + 8.9%
Gender women
men 49.3%
No college 62.9%
College or higher 37.1%
The presentation of the results begins with the
detailed description of the three identified clusters.
Findings with regard to the segmentation variables
“privacy concern” und “protection behavior” are
presented as well as findings regarding other privacy
attitudes and the agreement to reasons to not actively
protect one’s privacy. Secondly, the demographic
characteristics of the clusters are compared before
differences in personality traits as well as the usage of
online services are outlined.
The clusters differ significantly regarding the
segmentation variables (Welch’s F
216) = 366.8, p < .001; F
(2, 334) =
262.67, p < .001), validating a good distinctness
between the identified clusters. Mean values of the
segmentation variables are depicted in Figure 1. In
order to distinguish the three clusters, we labeled
them the “Privacy Guardians,” “Privacy Cynics,” and
“Privacy Pragmatists,” respectively. Detailed
descriptions of each user profiles follow in the next
Figure 2: Mean values of overall scores of privacy
protective behavior and privacy concern of the three
clusters (with 95% confidence intervals, N=337).
4.1 The Privacy Guardians
The first cluster reports the highest privacy protection
behavior (M = 4.36, SD = 0.48) as well as the highest
level of privacy concern (M = 4.49, SD = 0.45)
compared to both other groups (min = 1; max = 5, cf.
Figure 2. Apart from the high privacy concern, this
cluster shows generally strong privacy attitudes (see
Figure 1). Compared to the other clusters, members
report to have the highest need for privacy (M = 4.27,
SD = 0.74) and being the most aware of privacy issues
(M = 3.99, SD = 0.7). At the same time, they indicate
to have made the most bad experiences with privacy
violations online (M = 3.19, SD = 1.07) and show the
lowest level of trust into online companies (M = 2.47,
Figure 1: Mean values of overall scores of privacy attitudes of the clusters (with 95% confidence intervals, N=337).
Of Guardians, Cynics, and Pragmatists
SD = 0.93). Also, they report to be confident in their
abilities to protect their online privacy (M = 3.75, SD
= 0.64).
These privacy attitudes paint the clear picture of
people who value privacy highly and have a high
motivation to protect it. In addition to these privacy
attitudes, several single items regarding reasons for
not protecting privacy have been rated by the
participants (see Figure 3). Corresponding to the high
valuation of privacy, the cluster members mostly
reject these statements. Especially the statements that
“benefits repay for data collection” and that there is
“not enough time for privacy protection” are rejected
strongly (M = 1.64, SD = 0.97; and M = 1.83, SD =
0.94). Still, cluster members moderately agree that
privacy protection is too complex and may be
ineffective (M = 3.16, SD = 1.14; and M = 2.67, SD =
1.19), which seems counterintuitive as members of
this cluster report a high level of privacy self-efficacy.
This cluster has been labelled “The Privacy
Guardians” because of the strong concern and need
for privacy that result in taking effort and time for
privacy protective measures - and not accepting any
reasons for inactivity in that regard.
Figure 3: Mean agreement to reasons not to protect privacy
for all three clusters (with 95% confidence intervals,
4.2 The Privacy Cynics
The second cluster shows the lowest privacy
protection behavior compared to the others (M = 2.84,
SD = 0.46) but still reports a moderately high privacy
concern (M = 3.81, SD = 0.51). Here, the privacy
paradox is perfectly illustrated and in full effect.
Regarding the other privacy attitudes, this group
reports mostly average values that are in-between the
other two clusters: This cluster shows a moderately
high need for privacy (M = 3.55, SD = 0.71),
moderately low trust in online companies (M = 2.83,
SD = 0.8), moderate experiences with privacy
violations (M = 2.92, SD = 0.92), and moderate
awareness of privacy issues (M = 3.3, SD = 0.63). The
group stands out only with a low level of privacy self-
efficacy compared to the other clusters (M = 2.94, SD
= 0.61). Correspondingly to the low self-efficacy,
cluster 2 agrees the most to privacy protection being
ineffective, too complex, and too time-consuming.
In line with the privacy paradox phenomenon, the
low self-efficacy in terms of protecting behaviors and
the higher agreement with the statements for not
protecting privacy indicate that members of this
cluster may not feel able to protect their privacy. On
the other hand, this cluster seems to not put the most
effort into privacy protection, as privacy is important
but not that much. Also, they do not feel overly
uncomfortable with providing data on the internet
because they are rewarded with benefits like free
services (cf. the moderate agreement to “benefits
repay for data collection”).
Only moderately low trust in online companies,
moderate awareness of privacy issues, moderately
high privacy concern, and the feeling of privacy
protection being, on one hand, too complex and
therefore the own abilities not enough, and, on the
other hand, ineffective anyhow: these characteristics
match the description of privacy cynicism found in
Hoffmann et al. (2016). Hence, the cluster was named
“The Privacy Cynics.”
4.3 The Privacy Pragmatists
Cluster 3 shows the least privacy concern (M = 2.97,
SD = 0.41) but a moderately high privacy protection
behavior (M = 3.65, SD = 0.57). This is comple-
mented by a moderately high privacy self-efficacy (M
= 3.43, SD = 0.65).
In the other privacy related scales, the third cluster
shows moderate and comparatively less pronounced
attitudes: Members report the lowest need for privacy
(M = 3.27, SD = 0.76), the least bad experiences
(M = 2.35, SD = 1.01), and a moderate awareness
(M = 3.22, SD = 0.71). Trust in online companies is
the highest compared to the other clusters (M = 2.94,
SD = 0.81).
The evaluation of the reasons for not protecting
privacy can give some hints into understanding these
attitudes and behaviors. This cluster agrees
moderately to some of these reasons but does not
perceive privacy protection as that complex, time-
consuming, and ineffective as the Privacy Cynics,
confirming the reported moderately high privacy self-
The level of privacy concern of this cluster is the
lowest compared to the other clusters, but it is still
IoTBDS 2018 - 3rd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
present. Even the most unconcerned do not reject
concern completely (Min = 1.67 on a scale of 1 to 5)
and only 11.3% (rather) reject privacy concerns on
average (mean value lower than the midpoint of the
scale). Of these rejecters, 97.4% were grouped into
this cluster. This group feels somewhat comfortable
with online data collection because of the benefits for
the users; thus, weighing benefits and privacy
concern against each other. Therefore, many parallels
can be drawn to the description of privacy pragmatists
in Westin’s typology: moderate concern and
pondering privacy and benefits (Sheehan, 2002).
Accordingly, this cluster is labelled “The Privacy
4.4 Demographic Characteristics
Table 2 depicts the demographic characteristics of the
individual. The clusters are almost equal in size. The
Privacy Guardians are significantly older than the
Privacy Cynics and Privacy Pragmatists (F(2, 334) =
10.58, p < .001) and most of the participants older
than 55 years belong to this cluster (61%). 43% of the
youngest participants (< 25 years old) belong to the
Privacy Cynics cluster. More Privacy Guardians are
female than male; in contrast, more Privacy
Pragmatists are male. The Privacy Guardians tend to
be higher educated, but the differences in education
level and gender distribution are not statistically
Table 3: Demographic characteristics of the clusters
(percentage of members within the cluster).
Age [years]
14-24 8.5% 20.4% 16.2%
25-34 13.2% 26.2% 16.2%
35-44 15.5% 19.4% 18.1%
45-54 22.5% 18.5% 23.8%
55-64 21% 9.7% 15.2%
65 + 9.3% 6.8% 10.5%
women 55.8% 50.5% 44.8%
men 44.2% 49.5% 55.2%
College education or higher
no 58.9% 62.1% 68.6%
yes 41.4% 37.9% 31.4%
4.5 Differences in Personality Traits
Additionally to the privacy related attitudes,
personality traits of the participants were assessed (cf.
Figure 4). The Privacy Guardians are significantly
more open (M = 3.62, SD = 0.95, F(2, 334) = 8.04, p
< .001) and more conscientious than the other two
groups (M = 3.83, SD = 0.72, F(2, 334) = 6.03, p <
.01). Especially high conscientiousness fits into the
picture of those carefully and thoroughly guarding
their privacy. More openness to learn how to protect
privacy can be helpful in this regard, too. As the
technologies and algorithms change quickly, new
approaches to privacy protection need to be learned.
The clusters did not show any differences in the other
big five personality traits of neuroticism,
agreeableness, and extraversion.
Figure 4: Mean values of personality traits of the three
clusters (with 95% confidence intervals, N=337).
4.6 Differences in the Use of
Widespread Online Services
Online privacy cannot only be managed by applying
protective measures like installing software, using
add-ins, or adjusting privacy settings. Not using
online services that collect data is another valid
privacy management strategy. Figure 5 depicts the
usage of different online services, split by the
clusters. Surprisingly, significantly more Privacy
Guardians shop online than do Privacy Pragmatists
(2) = 11.33, p < .01). At the same time, more
Privacy Pragmatists than Privacy Guardians use
Social Media (χ
(2) = 6.57, p < .05). But those
differences are rather small and in the usage of other
online services, no differences could be revealed.
After all, most online services are widely used,
showing that this sample does not refrain from using
the beneficial services of the internet despite
moderate to high privacy concerns.
Of Guardians, Cynics, and Pragmatists
Figure 5: Percentage of participants that use various online
services divided by clusters (N=337).
Employing an explorative approach to reveal user
profiles with regard to online behaviors, users have
been segmented into clusters that differ in the
interplay of privacy concerns and protective behavior.
Three clusters could be identified in a two-step cluster
The first cluster, labelled “The Privacy
Guardians,” reported strong valuation of and
concerns for privacy as well as above average privacy
protective behavior. “The Privacy Pragmatists,” in
contrast, show moderate concerns and a moderately
high protection behavior. They reported to be
confident in their abilities to protect their privacy but
do not value privacy as high as the other clusters.
Privacy Pragmatists weigh benefits and concerns of
internet use against each other and can, thus, be
compared to the privacy pragmatist segments of
Westin’s studies (cf. Sheehan, 2002).
Hoffmann et al. (2016) coined the term “privacy
cynicism” for a coping strategy of concerned but low-
skilled internet users, who deem privacy protection as
ineffective. The described characteristics are fully
prevalent in the second cluster, therefore named the
“Privacy Cynics.” This is also the only cluster, in
which a paradoxical relationship between high
privacy concern and low privacy protection behavior
can be observed. Especially the low confidence in
their own abilities to protect their privacy is
distinctive for this group.
The evaluation of single statements regarding
reasons to not employ privacy protection are helpful
in understanding the clusters. The Privacy Cynics
seemed overwhelmed by the complexity of the
matter. Therefore, this type of user would benefit
greatly from easy-to-understand guidelines and easy-
to-use measures to aid in the protection of their
privacy without missing out on the benefits online
services. As this was also the youngest cluster in our
sample, it is necessary to provide the right education
in online etiquette and offering tools as early as
possible, perhaps already in school, together with the
means of a responsible use of online services and
digital devices, referred to as digital citizenship
(Ribble et al., 2004).
Hoffmann et al. (2016) describe privacy cynicism
as state of resignation, of feeling powerless, in order
to explain disparities between privacy concerns and
awareness of privacy threats without a corresponding
privacy protection behavior. In our present study,
privacy self-efficacy as well as privacy protection
behavior in general were assessed. For a complete
picture, knowledge about privacy protection and
concrete privacy management strategies need to be
included in the study of Privacy Cynics, to examine
whether the moderately low privacy self-efficacy
actually corresponds to a low knowledge and less
(effective) privacy protection strategies, or if the
perception of privacy protection being ineffective
leads to a disparaging of the own skills.
Similarly, the scale of privacy protection used in
this study assesses a very general “I do use privacy
protective measures” in opposite to concrete
measures taken by the participants. Previous studies
showed that there is not “the one approach” to privacy
protection but rather different privacy management
strategies (e.g., Lankton et al. 2017, Sheehan 2002).
These cannot be distinguished in this survey and may
differ between and within the clusters.
In many privacy-related typologies, one group of
users with high valuation of privacy exists, like the
Privacy Guardians in this study. In Westin’s studies,
they are called the “Privacy Fundamentalists;”
Sheehan et al. (2002) labelled this group “Alarmed
Internet Users,” Baruh and Cemalcilar (2014)
“Privacy Advocates,” and Milne et al. (2016) dubbed
them “Risk Averse.” Although these typologies are
based on different approaches to studying privacy
attitudes, they show many similarities: not only a high
concern and value for privacy but also strong
protection of their privacy with protective measures
and/or a low willingness to disclose information.
Privacy Guardians tend to be older, have a higher
level of education and reveal a higher proportion of
women than the other groups. In the present study,
these results can be confirmed.
IoTBDS 2018 - 3rd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
In spite of their high privacy self-efficacy, the
Privacy Guardians partly agree to the statement that
privacy protection is ineffective and too complex.
Hence, also this group could profit from guidelines
and easier-to-use measures, instruments, or tools to
enable protection of their online data. Because of the
high valuation of privacy and the effort and time, they
are willing to put into protection, more advanced tools
with more options, as well as more detailed guidelines
could address this user group.
The Privacy Pragmatists exhibited the lowest
privacy concern in this study, but they are still not
unconcerned. A group of unconcerned or indifferent
internet users (as in the studies of Westin
(Kumaraguru and Cranor, 2005); Sheehan (2002),
Baruh and Cemalcilar (2014), and Tsarenko and
Tojib (2009)) was not present. All groups reported to
be aware of privacy issues and to have a low trust in
online companies. The Privacy Pragmatists report to
have a high self-efficacy, thus believe that they are
able to protect their privacy when it is necessary.
An analysis of personality traits of the clusters
showed the Privacy Guardians to be more
conscientious and open to new experiences as the
Cynics or Pragmatists. Especially a higher
conscientiousness fits into the picture of the
concerned and determined Privacy Guardians.
Openness to learn new privacy protection strategies is
also needed for keeping up with the fast changing
online tools and threats. But the differences between
the groups are small and mostly not significant. It
seems that personality does barely, if at all, influence
privacy attitudes and behaviors.
The use of widespread online services and social
media does not vary much between the groups. Social
networks are used by more Privacy Pragmatists than
Privacy Guardians, whereas more Privacy Guardians
use online shopping. The latter seems paradoxical,
but the differences are small, showing that the use of
online services alone is not really predictable based
on concerns. Privacy management is always a
combination of protective measures, general use of
services, and how services are used. Not even Privacy
Guardians want to be excluded from the online world
and its tremendous benefits.
Further investigations of the identified user
groups or clusters is needed. While the sample size of
this study yielded reliable findings in terms of cluster
analyzed user groups, still, more representative
samples and more detailed questioning of the privacy
protection measures could be helpful to broaden the
picture of privacy behaviors. In addition, the role of
domain knowledge should be focused, thus exploring
the influence of knowledge of privacy threats and
possible countermeasures to contribute to educational
requirements regarding digital citizenship (Ribble et
al., 2004). Regression analyses within the user groups
to analyze the predictors of privacy behaviors and
concern could help to understand their actions. So far,
the group of privacy cynics has only been described
in German studies. However, it has been shown that
online behaviors and attitudes towards privacy are
cultured (Hargittai, 2007; Krasnova and Veltri, 2010).
It would therefore be of interest, if the identified user
profiles would reveal similar user characteristics in
different countries.
Our research aimed at examining whether internet
users differ not only in their level of privacy concern
and privacy protection behavior but also in the
combination of those variables. We could show that
three distinct user group exist: The Privacy Guardians
are very concerned, value privacy highly, and try to
protect their online privacy by every means. Privacy
Pragmatists are confident in their abilities to protect
their privacy, but they are not as concerned. The
Privacy Cynics is the only group, in which a privacy
paradoxical behavior was prevalent. This group
matched perfectly the description of privacy cynicism
as Hoffmann et al. (2016) defined it: They are
resigned, feel powerless, and are overwhelmed by the
complexity of the online world and the responsibility
to protect their online privacy.
The present research provided valuable insights to
understand different user groups and the privacy
paradox. In the world of ubiquitous computing, in
which individual users are under constant pressure to
protect their privacy, appropriate solutions for all
users have to be provided. By addressing common
denominators, obstacles can be lessened and policies
introduced to try and offer a solution that fits most
users and not just a small selected few.
The authors thank all participants for sharing their
thoughts and opinions. Furthermore, the research
support of Stefan Ahlers is highly appreciated. This
research was funded by the German Ministry of
Education and Research (BMBF) under the project
MyneData (KIS1DSD045).
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Of Guardians, Cynics, and Pragmatists