A Platform for the Italian Bebras
Carlo Bellettini
, Fabrizio Carimati
, Violetta Lonati
, Riccardo Macoratti
, Dario Malchiodi
Mattia Monga
and Anna Morpurgo
Department of Computer Science, Universit
a degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Incanet s.r.l., Italy
riccardo.macoratti@studenti.unimi.it, carimati@incanet.it
Contest Management Systems, Bebras, Informatics Competitions.
The Bebras International Challenge on Informatics and Computational Thinking is a contest open to pupils of
all school levels (from primary up to upper secondary) based on tasks rooted on core informatics concepts, yet
independent of specific previous knowledge such as for instance that acquired during curricular activities. This
paper describes the design choices, the architecture, and the main features of the web-based platform used to
carry out the Italian Bebras contest. This platform includes functionalities needed by students, teachers, and
Bebras staff during the execution of the challenge, tools to support the preparation of tasks and the training
of students, instruments to evaluate the results and analyse data collected during the challenge. The platform
is online since 2015 and it has managed the participation of around 25,000 teams and a significant amount of
training sessions.
The Bebras International Challenge on Informatics
and Computational Thinking (The Bebras Commu-
nity, 2017) is a yearly contest organized in sev-
eral countries since 2004 (Dagien
e, 2010; Haberman
et al., 2011), with almost two million participants
worldwide. The contest, open to pupils of all school
levels (from primary up to upper secondary), is based
on tasks rooted on core informatics concepts, yet in-
dependent of specific previous knowledge such as for
instance that acquired during curricular activities.
The tasks are designed by the Bebras community,
which includes the representatives of more than 50
countries. The community organizes an international
workshop yearly, which is devoted to proposing a
pool of tasks to be used by national organizers in or-
der to set up the local contests. The national orga-
nizers then translate and possibly adapt the tasks to
their specific educational context or to their specific
way to propose tasks to the schools of their country.
For instance, the French edition is based on interactive
versions of the tasks, and pupils can repeatedly sub-
mit answers until they achieve a correct solution. Par-
ticipation is individual in some countries and team-
based in other ones; in some school systems the par-
ticipation to the Bebras is compulsory. In any case
tasks should stimulate an entertaining learning expe-
rience, thus they should be moderately challenging
and solvable in a relatively short time: the commu-
nity guidelines suggest three minutes on average. Un-
fortunately, however, it is not easy to predict the dif-
ficulty of tasks (van der Vegt, 2013; Bellettini et al.,
2015; Lonati et al., 2017b). The difficulty of tasks
is indeed a critical aspect of the challenge, as it is not
easy to predict, but crucial for the challenge’s success.
Research on task difficulty in general, and on Bebras
tasks in particular, is on going and data collection for
studying difficulties is one of our goals.
Besides being used during contests, Bebras tasks
are more and more used as the starting points for
educational activities carried out by single teach-
ers (Dagien
e and Sentance, 2016; Lonati et al., 2017a;
Lonati et al., 2017c). Bebras tasks were also used to
measure improvements of students’ attitude to com-
putational thinking (Straw et al., 2017).
In Italy (ALaDDIn, 2017) the Bebras Challenge is
proposed to five categories of pupils, from primary
grade and up) to secondary schools, who par-
ticipate in teams of at most four pupils. The set-
ting described in this paper has been used since 2015;
from 2009 to 2015 the Italian Bebras was managed
by a different organization who operated through a
Moodle-based system, now offline (Cartelli, 2009),
Bellettini, C., Carimati, F., Lonati, V., Macoratti, R., Malchiodi, D., Monga, M. and Morpurgo, A.
A Platform for the Italian Bebras.
DOI: 10.5220/0006775103500357
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2018), pages 350-357
ISBN: 978-989-758-291-2
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: A typical task.
and a similar contest (the “Italian Kangourou of In-
formatics”, see below) was held in parallel: the two
started to collaborate and eventually merged into the
current Bebras Challenge. The contest now takes
place in schools during the Bebras week (usually
at mid November): under the supervision of teach-
ers, teams access a web application that presents the
tasks to be solved. Differently from some of the
other countries, in Italy normally only few tasks are
based on multiple-choice questions; most of them
are sophisticated tasks, in that they present open an-
swer questions, they are interactive, or they require
complex, combined answers (Boyle and Hutchison,
2009). Consistently, sometimes partial scores are
contemplated and there are no penalties for wrong an-
An example of interactive task is presented in Fig-
ure 1. The task has buttons which represent switches
that selectively turn on or off rows or columns of a
skyscraper’s lights. The task’s request is to write a
sequence of switch operations to get the light picture
shown in the small skyscraper on the bottom left of
the task, whatever the current state of the windows,
which changes at every trial and is in fact unpre-
The 2017 edition saw the participation of 12,214
teams (about 45,000 pupils, corresponding to around
7 pupils every thousand who are attending an Italian
school, see Figure 2); the teams partook to the Bebras
during the week November 13–17, each category had
10 tasks to be solved within 45 minutes, for a total
contest time of 50 hours across the week.
Before 2015, we organized a contest similar to Be-
bras named “Italian Kangourou of Informatics” (Lis-
soni et al., 2008). It had two rounds, the first one
having the same format as the present Italian Bebras
Challenge, which in fact at first inherited some of the
tools already used for Kangourou. However, the in-
Figure 2: Bebras popularity in the Italian schools; the color
of each administrative region denotes the permillage of
pupils participating to the Bebras w.r.t. the total population
in school age (source of school data: National Institute for
Statistics (ISTAT), 2014).
creasing number of participants and the evolution of
technologies (the previous system was available as an
application based on Macromedia Flash and working
only on MS Windows) induced us to redesign and im-
plement a brand new system which supports all the
phases of the competition (before, during and after the
contest takes place) and that can be used on any plat-
form with a recent web browser; this paper describes
the design choices, its architecture, and main features
conceived to cope with Italian Bebras peculiarities.
The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2
we present the general features of the platform and its
architecture. In Section 3 we discuss in particular the
components of the system that are in use during the
contest, and the underlying design choices. Section 4
illustrates the life cycle of tasks which includes edit-
ing, administration, evaluation, and analysis of col-
lected tracking data. In Section 5 we survey tools used
to manage Bebras competitions in other countries and
finally in Section 6 we draw some conclusions.
The Italian Bebras platform supports all the phases of
the competition.
Before the contest: organizers prepare the tasks;
teachers sign up in the platform, register teams
and edit information about the school and the
team members (age, gender, optionally the
names); guests can try the tasks proposed in pre-
vious editions of the contest and get immediate
feedback about their score;
A Platform for the Italian Bebras
During the Bebras week: teams access the tasks
and submit their answers; organizers and teachers
can monitor the situation of teams;
After the contest: task answers are evaluated; col-
lected data are analyzed by organizers; teams can
display tasks together with the answers they sub-
mitted, (one of) the correct solution(s), an expla-
nation and some hints for further in-depth study
in a “It’s informatics” section, and the number of
points achieved for each task; teachers can display
the total scores of all their teams and print atten-
dance certificates containing the name of the team
and other optional information like the names of
team members, the team’s scores, the global rank-
Some aspects of the Italian situation we have to
deal with must be pointed out. The software, hard-
ware, and network ecosystem in Italian schools is
rather varied. Although we recommend to schools
to use a recent version of one of two popular web
browsers (Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome), the
devices on which our Bebras platform is used are very
different with respect to form factors (several schools
use tablets), performances, and way of administering.
For example, during the 2016 edition we saw connec-
tions from several different operating systems: MS
Windows 32bit (88.5%), GNU/Linux on Intel 32bit
(2.8%), GNU/Linux on Intel 64bit (2.4%), MS Win-
dows 64bit (2.2%), Linux on ARM (2.1%), and oth-
ers (iPad, BlackBerry, . . . ). Hardware is often old and
poorly managed: it is common to have unsynchro-
nized system clocks or misconfigured locales. More-
over, very few schools have a reliable Internet connec-
tion: we cannot assume the network is available dur-
ing the whole contest or even only when the allocated
time expires. All these issues have been considered in
the design of the Italian Bebras platform.
In the following we will use the following terms:
a taskset is an ordered collection of tasks that are
proposed to some category at some Bebras edition;
whenever a team accesses the platform and down-
loads a taskset, a test is instantiated, which gathers
all information concerning the taskset (and hence the
included tasks) and the team, together with answers
and tracking data. Hence, for each team there should
be exactly one (running or concluded) test, and for
each taskset there are as many tests as the number of
participants for the corresponding category.
Figure 3 sketches the general architecture of the
Italian Bebras platform.
The system manages different kinds of data: Tasks
and Tasksets contains all information about categories
and tasks, including texts, images, and code for ani-
mation and interaction; Correction code defines how
tasks have to be graded; Answers & Tracking Data are
collected during the contest and include both the sub-
mitted answers and other tracking data such as switch
time among tasks or editing of previously inserted an-
swers; Teacher & Team Data contain all information
about teams (e.g., members’ name, age and gender),
schools and referring teachers.
Task Sets
Team Data
Help Desk
Figure 3: The architecture of the server.
In the upper part of the figure there are the access
points designed to be used by contestants: Contest
is the main front end used by students to participate
to the contest; Teacher backend is used by teachers
to create, manage and monitor their teams; Student
training is used by students to look at and try tasks
from the previous contests.
In the lower part there are the access points de-
signed to be used by the Bebras staff: Editing is used
to collaboratively edit and code tasks, explanations
and solutions; Correction evaluates answers after sub-
mission and assigns scores accordingly; Data Analy-
sis performs statistical elaboration starting from col-
lected tracking data; Contest Help Desk is used during
the contest to monitor its evolution, detect problems
that may arise, manage teachers’ help requests.
The darker nodes in the figure are the access points
that are active during the contest; they will be dis-
cussed in the following section.
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
3.1 Contest
The Italian Bebras is delivered via HTTPS: during the
Bebras week, each team connects to a website con-
taining the HTML/CSS/Javascript for tasks (ten in the
2017 edition) and tries to solve them within a 45 min-
utes time limit.
To avoid a webpage look-and-feel and provide in-
stead a videogame-like layout, tasks are prepared so
that each of them takes up exactly the space avail-
able in the whole screen, independently of the device,
browser, or screen resolution used. A little space is
saved for the left navigation bar that allows teams to
switch among tasks, and the bottom navigation bar,
which shows the remaining time and provides buttons
to open the help page and to exit submitting the an-
swers. A screenshot of an interactive task is shown in
Figure 1.
The contest scenario, described in the previous
section, introduces several important problems to be
solved at a design level. The main problem is prob-
ably the unreliable nature of the Internet connection
available in many schools. In particular this becomes
critical when coupled to the strict time constraint for
solving the tasks. The first design choice is that all
needed resources (e.g., JSON with tasks’ definitions,
images, and so on) need to be successfully down-
loaded before the start of the test, so that the oper-
ations of browsing and solving tasks become inde-
pendent of the network. The browser’s Local Storage
mechanism (W3C, 2016) is used in order to guarantee
persistence of data not only during the normal opera-
tions of the test but also in case of computer’s crashes.
When a team finishes its test or at the expiration of the
available time, the system stops the interaction with
the tasks and tries to connect to the server in order to
send the answers. This operation has no timeout and
in general can be retried also after a switch off-on of
the computers, even in a following day. In some cases
however this solution is not feasible, because admin-
istration policies of the school labs may enforce a to-
tal reset of all caches, cookies, and local storage of
the browser at each switch on of the computers.
3.2 Help Desk
During the contest week, a phone helpline is available
to all the teachers, and Bebras staff members are con-
nected to the help desk site to monitor the advance-
ment status of tests. Due to the design restrictions
described in the previous section, the visible status
information are limited to: start of a test (with all in-
formation regarding school, referring teacher, starting
time), end of a test (with information about used time,
submitted answers and statistical data).
These simple pieces of information permit the
staff to individuate several anomalous situations:
more than one access by a single team, out-of-time
tests (e.g., time has expired but no answers have been
submitted due to network problems or errors in the
closing procedure), prematurely closed tests (espe-
cially for primary school level, some teams wrongly
terminate the tests instead of passing to the next task).
In each of these situations the help desk staff com-
piles a ticket, contacts the referring teacher, and if
needed operates on the server status to reset anoma-
lies. Teachers are guided in the operation to be ac-
complished on the client (for example resubmitting
the answers if not correctly done the first time).
3.3 Teacher Backend
Teams are enrolled to the Bebras challenge by their
teachers, who need first to sign up to the system. The
backend allows them to create teams by specifying
their name and category and by editing the data about
the team members.
During and at the end of the contest, teachers can
edit team data, for instance to rearrange teams in case
of absentees. They can also monitor their teams by
looking at a global table, and check whether their an-
swers have been correctly submitted to the Bebras
server. When something unexpected occurs (see the
cases mentioned in the section concerning Help desk),
they are notified via the backend and they can possi-
bly contact the help desk staff.
After the end of the contest week, answers are
evaluated and scores and placements appear within
the team table in the teacher backend.
Attendance certificates can be then produced as
PDF files and printed via the teacher backend. Each
certificate includes the name of the team, the school,
and the name of the supervising teacher; other data
can be optionally included team-wise, like the names
of team members, the gained score, or the overall
placement (given in terms of percentiles). Such op-
tion is given in order to not stress the competitive
aspect of the Bebras challenge: indeed teachers usu-
ally decide to make high placements public and avoid
highlighting low results. Certificates for supervising
teachers are also available.
More than a teacher from the same school may
enroll teams and, if they agree, the system allows
teachers from the same school to share information
about their teams. Not requiring a unique referring
teacher distributes the work load among several peo-
A Platform for the Italian Bebras
ple and permits to give credit to the many teachers
in a school who engage their classes in the Bebras
challenge by training teams and/or supervising them
during the contest. Thus the enrollment of teams is
fostered, which increases the overall number of par-
We illustrate the functionalities of the platform by
presenting the development phases of the tasks that
are included in the Italian contest.
1. The tasks are conceived by a member of the Be-
bras community, they are revised by other mem-
bers, and they are finalized during the annual In-
ternational Bebras Task Workshop.
2. A set of tasks is selected, adapted and translated
into Italian; in particular some kind of animation,
interaction or feedback is planned for most of the
3. Each selected task text is collaboratively edited
and inserted into the Bebras platform; the edit-
ing covers also the explanation and the “It’s in-
formatics” texts, and the coding of the interactive
component of the tasks.
4. During the contest, teams access the platform to
display the tasks and insert answers; when the
time expires, answers are submitted to the server
together with tracking data.
5. After the contest, answers are automatically eval-
uated and scores are assigned to teams; the logics
to evaluate answers and assign scores is usually
implemented before the contest.
6. After the contest week, students can look at their
score, display tasks, and compare the answers
they submitted with the proposed correct solution
and related comments.
7. Answers and tracking data are analyzed in order
to study perceived difficulties, preferred tasks, dif-
ferences among age levels, and other relevant is-
Such phases are discussed in the following sec-
tion, where the task in Figure 1 is used as leading ex-
4.1 Task Editing
The platform provides a multilanguage (BBCode,
Markdown, HTML) editor with live preview which
allows the Bebras staff to collaboratively edit and
code tasks, explanations and solutions. In particular
it enables the staff to prepare and adjust the layout of
tasks, create and edit texts, make tables, provide the
JSON code for the interactive parts and the Javascript
code to check the answers, this all directly within the
platform, so that each update on a task is immediately
available to everybody.
Figure 4 depicts the Skyscraper task in editing
mode: the layout of the task is shown and it is pos-
sible to click on each part to modify it, with respect
both to its layout and its content. In this figure the
interactive part was clicked on and the pop-up menu
shows the object type and allows one to select what
to view and edit, in this case its JSON and the code
associated with it. After selection of an option, a full
size editor window pops up, which closes after sav-
ing, uncovering the updated task.
By clicking outside the layout rectangles, a differ-
ent menu pops up with options to access and edit the
“checking program” and “explain and answer” (that
is the explanation and “It’s informatics”) parts of the
Figure 5 shows the code windows for the
skyscraper task. It is possible to modify it and to test
it on a given answer.
Each Bebras task must have an explanation about
how to solve it and an “It’s informatics” part which
illustrates the informatics concepts on which the task
is based. In the platform these two parts belong to-
gether with the task. When accessing this part, the
editor opens a two-pane window, the top pane for the
source code, the bottom pane providing a live preview
(see Figure 7).
Figure 4: A task in editing mode: the layout of the different
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 5: A task in editing mode: the answer’s checking
Figure 6: Tracking data about the accesses to the task and
modifications to the answer.
4.2 Correction
Another important component of the system is the
part devoted to the correction of the tests. The de-
sign solution takes into account several requirements:
in order to guarantee the fairness of the contest no
correction/solution hint must be available on the stu-
dent client during the contest; on the contrary dur-
ing training sessions the correction could be accom-
plished client side; the answer verification and score
attribution should potentially consider several factors
like partial solutions, category of the solver (the same
task could be offered to different categories but the
score is proportional to the relative difficulty), num-
Figure 7: A task in editing mode: the explanation and “It’s
informatics” parts.
ber of trials or time used.
The task editor makes possible (see Figure 5) to
write a Javascript function returning a pair of integers
corresponding to the actual and maximum score of
the task. The system makes the context of the task
(category, runtime and answer data) available to the
The Javascript language has been chosen as the
preferred language (the system permits to use also
Python and PHP) because of the possibility to easily
execute it on the client during offline training.
4.3 Data Analysis
In order to better understand and reason on contest
results, a significant amount of data is tracked during
the contest.
Time of events (e.g., entering and exiting a task,
clicking on buttons, changing text-area values) and
values of changed fields are directly available as raw
data (see Figure 6).
These data permit us to calculate interesting met-
rics: total time spent on a task, time dedicated to
the reading of a task before the first interaction, time
spent before deciding to skip a task, successive revi-
sion of an answer even after exploring other tasks.
Such data is processed to discover statistical
anomalies or other clues of cheating behaviours. We
recall that the contest is a non competitive challenge,
but identifying these situations is needed in order to
obtain clean and reliable statistical data.
Moreover, we use them to analyze the students be-
haviour and better understand what attracts their at-
tention and effort, by looking at how they peruse the
A Platform for the Italian Bebras
Most of the countries involved in Bebras have their
own Contest Management System, often developed
by the organizing group.
(Kristan et al., 2014) describes the Slovenian sys-
tem, used also in Serbia. It is based on Yii (a PHP web
framework, see (Yii Software LLC, 2017)) and it sup-
ports multiple choice answers and interactive tasks,
properly written in HTML/CSS/Javascript. They also
provide a task preparation system based on Django (a
Python web framework, see (Django Software Foun-
dation, 2017)) that can be used to create customized
contests. The three-tier architecture of the Slovenian
system is specially designed to be scalable and fault
tolerant: it should be able to cope with a parallel
participation of dozens of thousands of participants.
They consider several levels of administrative roles in
order to manage all the life cycle of the contest: sys-
tem, country, coordinators, and mentors. Persistence
of data is provided by MySQL databases (Oracle Cor-
poration, 2017).
France has a highly modular system (France-IOI,
2017) used both in Bebras and Algorea (an advanced
contest focused on algorithms). They have the largest
user base and their system is highly scalable on on-
demand cloud computing platforms like Amazon web
services (Amazon.com, 2017). They also provide the
review system used by the Bebras community to setup
the annual workshop. The French system is imple-
mented in PHP and tasks are to be manually written in
HTML/CSS/Javascript, possibly using their own pre-
defined libraries for common task types.
e et al., 2017a; Dagien
e et al., 2017b)
describe the Lithuanian system. This system is
also based on a three-tier architecture implemented
in MySQL, PHP and AngularJS (Google, 2017), a
Javascript web application framework. Tasks are en-
coded using HTML/CSS/Javascript and can be au-
thored with the “Bebras lodge” editor, a separate sys-
tem used also for achiving tasks. The contest man-
agement system provides the ability to export tasks in
the SCORM format (Advanced Distributed Learning,
2017), a popular standard used by many e-learning
This paper presented the web-based platform support-
ing the Italian edition of the Bebras challenge, which
is used by participants and organizers before, during
and after the contest. The platform core has been
online for the last three years, managing the partici-
pation of around 25,000 teams, as well as a signifi-
cant amount of training sessions. The platform is a
key asset for the Italian Bebras, it enables the man-
agement of a contest involving thousands of students
with a very lean operational staff: ve academics and
one professional programmer who collaborate in their
spare time, and 500 hours of helpdesk support mainly
delegated to junior collaborators.
Several features have been added during its three
years of activity, which can be summarized as fol-
lows: tasks access is web based, but the system is
quite robust since it keeps working even with poor
or intermittent Internet connections, which are quite
common in Italian schools, and allows one to re-
cover data in case of client crashes; tasks can be dis-
played from a browser running on a variety of dif-
ferent devices, spanning from computers with low-
resolution old screens to last-generation tablets and
smartphones; when rendered each task occupies ex-
actly the size of the screen, independently of the used
device, so that the contestants’ experience is more
similar to videogaming than web browsing; besides
data about team members and submitted answers,
during the contest several other data are tracked that
concern the interactions of users with the platform,
thus enabling a thorough analysis of results, also in
light of a better assessment of the difficulty of each
task (Bellettini et al., 2015; Lonati et al., 2017b);
management of teams by teachers is integrated within
the platform; help desk tools are available to moni-
tor the contest and support teachers whenever prob-
lems arise; finally, all the information related to a
given task (i.e., text, images, and code for anima-
tion/interaction/feedback and for automatic evalua-
tion) is embedded into a JSON encoding, thus allow-
ing the possibility of exporting tasks.
We plan to extend further the analyses of track-
ing data, in order to better understand how students
engage with tasks. Moreover, we want to exploit
the modularity of our platform to implement another
component of the Bebras platform, that will enable
teachers and students to make use of the tasks beyond
the contest, for instance by accessing tasks individu-
ally out of specific tasksets, exporting them in print-
able forms, or creating personal tasksets. We hope
this will foster the use of tasks in curricular activi-
ties, as educational resources to learn informatics and
computational thinking.
The authors thank the international Bebras commu-
nity and all the schools which took part in the contest.
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A Platform for the Italian Bebras