Security Tests for Smart Toys
Luciano Gonc¸alves de Carvalho
and Marcelo Medeiros Eler
School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities, University of S
ao Paulo, Brazil
FATEC Mogi das Cruzes, S
ao Paulo State Technological College, Brazil
Smart Toys, Toy Computing, Security, Security Tests, Security Analysis.
Smart toys are becoming more and more common in many homes. As smart toys can gather data on the
context of the user’s activities (e.g., voice, walking, photo, etc.) through camera, microphone, GPS and various
sensors and store personalized and confidential information (e.g., location, biography information, activities
pattern, etc.), security measures are required to assure their reliability, specially because they are mainly used
by vulnerable users, children. In fact, several security flaws have been reported on smart toys available in
the market. Security incidents include information leakage, toys used as spies and outsiders interacting with
children via unauthorized connections. Some researchers have investigated smart toys vulnerabilities and risks
when it comes to security issues, many of them have studied how to assure privacy policies compliance, and
one researcher proposed general security requirements for smart toys. However, no work has proposed general
security analysis and tests to assure security requirements have been met. In this context, this paper discusses
security issues, threats and requirements in the context of smart toys and presents general security analysis
and tests for smart toys, all identified based on the Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle (SDL) process.
We believe this work contributes to this field by providing manufacturers, developers and researchers with a
general guideline on how to handle security aspects when designing and developing smart toys.
Recently, the toy market has been provided with a
new type of product: smart toys. A smart toy is a com-
bination of three components: a conventional physical
toy, such a stuffed pet or a robot, for instance, equip-
ped with sensors and electronic components to ena-
ble network communication and collect data; a mobile
device that connects with the physical toy to provide
mobile services; and a mobile application to interact
with the physical toy. Such a combination of compo-
nents are intended to provide users with more pleasant
and personalized experiences.
This special association between the physical toy
and a mobile device has been called toy compu-
ting (Rafferty and Hung, 2015). To avoid any misun-
derstanding, in this paper we consider smart toys
those that fall in the field of toy computing, which
has an association between a physical toy and a mo-
bile device and application. We don’t refer to toys
that are intended to help children to become smarter
(e.g. puzzles) or toys with electronic parts that reacts
to environment stimuli and even learn patterns based
on user data and interaction (electronic toys).
Smart toys are examples of real-world objects that
can be part of an Internet of Things (IoT) network,
which is a pervasive and ubiquitous network that al-
low the interconnectivity of real-world objects. IoT
networks create a suitable environment to allow the
integration of physical objects into computer-based
systems aiming at improving efficiency, accuracy and
reduced human intervention in several domains. As
computer-based systems can control and retrieve in-
formation from physical objects, information security
has become one of the key concerns in IoT networks,
specially when confidential data is involved.
As such, the security of smart toys has been a rai-
sing concern for users and parents, specially because
they are mostly used by children (Carr, 2017), which
are considered vulnerable in most countries and
cultures. In fact, many countries and communities
have created their own set of rules or regulations that
address data protection when it comes to children
interacting with online services, such as the COPPA
(Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act) from the
USA, the PIPEDA (Personal Information Protection
and Electronic Documentation Act) from CANADA,
and the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)
Gonçalves de Carvalho, L. and Medeiros Eler, M.
Security Tests for Smar t Toys.
DOI: 10.5220/0006776101110120
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2018), pages 111-120
ISBN: 978-989-758-298-1
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
from the European Parliament and the Council
of the European Union. Unfortunately, few policies
have been disclosed regarding security policies for
smart toys so far.
Given that the IoT market represents a huge re-
venue for several companies, security solutions have
been proposed such as the Industrial Security Appli-
ances (ISA) and Cisco ASA from CISCO Systems,
for example. However, they are very expensive soluti-
ons and aim at more complex infrastructures. Policies
and requirements have been also proposed to assure
the security of mobile services and applications (Bis-
was, 2012; Zapata et al., 2014; Nagappan and Shihab,
2016). Nonetheless, defining such policies and requi-
rements for smart toys requires a separate investiga-
tion since they usually run in a less secure environ-
ment, e.g. with few security controls.
A smart toy is a more vulnerable device than a
mobile application because smart toys have an actual
physical toy (a simpler device than a smartphone or a
tablet, controlled by the mobile application) that may
also collect, manipulate and store information. Mo-
reover, it has network features to communicate with
the mobile device and other computational systems,
which increases the attack surface. As most smart
toys are manufactured by well known and establis-
hed companies, parents tend to believe their children
are safe around these products. However, according to
the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) of the USA,
parents should be worried since ”security safeguards
for these toys can be overlooked in the rush to market
them and to make them easy to use” (FBI, 2017).
In fact, there have been several public reports on
security flaws presented by best seller smart toys (Ba-
raniuk., 2016; Hackett, 2016; Newman, 2015; Cut-
hbertson, 2017; Franceschi-Bicchierai, 2016; Poulter,
2017; Jones and Meurer, 2016). Security issues in-
clude, for example, information leakages (biography
information, photos), toys used as spies, and outsiders
interacting with children via a smart toy. Such flaws
may be a threat even to the children safety since they
can provide confidential information (e.g. location),
and children can even unrestrictedly follow instructi-
ons given by the toy.
Such security issues motivated the FBI in the USA
to raise an alert for families on the risks such toys
can bring (FBI, 2017). According to them, many toys
sporting cloud-backed features such as speech recog-
nition or online content hosting ”could put the privacy
and safety of children at risk due to the large amount
of personal information that may be unwittingly dis-
In this context, it is crucial that specific measu-
res are taken towards assuring that smart toys are safe
for their users. Consequently, researchers have been
working in this specific subject (Ng et al., 2015; Raf-
ferty and Hung, 2015; Hung et al., 2016; Rafferty
et al., 2017a; Yankson et al., 2017). However, they
have only addressed security issues restricted to pri-
vacy and confidentiality problems that, while very im-
portant, are not the only ones. Parental control me-
chanisms can mitigate relevant privacy issues, howe-
ver they cannot avoid attacks that compromise other
security properties.
In special, regarding general proposals for secu-
rity issues, we have previously identified 12 issues,
15 threats and 20 security requirements for a typical
toy computing scenario (de Carvalho and Eler, 2017).
This work was based on the Requirements and Design
phases of the Microsoft Security Development Life-
cycle (SDL) process, the STRIDE (Spoofing, Tampe-
ring, Repudiation, Information disclosure, Denial of
service and Elevation of privilege) approach, and the
COPPA and PIPPEDA regulation. However, we have
not discussed how the remaining phases of SDL pro-
cess Implementation, Verification and Release can
be useful to verify and test smart toys to assure the se-
curity requirements have been met.
Therefore, this paper contributes to this particular
field as follows:
it extends our previous work by revising the is-
sues, threats and security requirements identified
for smart toys (de Carvalho and Eler, 2017), but
considering the GDPR from the European Union;
it shows how the Implementation, Verification and
Release phases of the SDL process can help defi-
ning security analysis and tests for smart toys to
assure the security requirements have been met;
it presents how smart toys available in the mar-
ket could have benefited from the security issues,
threats, requirements, analysis and tests presented
and discussed in this work.
We believe our work can contribute not only with
well known smart toys manufacturers, which, in the-
ory, have resources to invest in a specialized team
to assure their products are reliable, but also with
researchers and developers that wants to create re-
liable smart toys to be used for several purposes.
For instance, researchers have designed a smart toy
called EDUCERE, stackable cubes with a data col-
lector module, as a resource to automatically de-
tect delays in psychomotor development in child-
ren (Guti
errez Garc
ıa et al., 2017). Another example
is StoryTech, a smart storytelling toy that encourages
children to produce their own stories by contributing
to narrative activities to make a positive impact on
their creativity (Kara et al., 2013).
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2
shows the background. Section 3 discusses related
work. Section 4 presents issues, threats and require-
ments for a typical toy computing environment, while
Section 5 shows the proposed security analysis and
tests for smart toys. Section 6 shows how some smart
toys currently available in the market could have been
benefited from our work. Finally, concluding remarks
and future directions are presented in Section 7.
This section introduces basic concepts behind smart
toys and the security process used in this work.
2.1 Smart Toys
Recently, the growing interest for technological gad-
gets from people of all ages has promoted the deve-
lopment of high tech toys, also known as smart toys.
A smart toy is a device consisting of a physical toy
component that connects to one or more toy com-
puting services to facilitate game-play in the Cloud
through networking and sensory technologies to en-
hance the functionality of a traditional toy (Rafferty
and Hung, 2015).
A smart toy can also use camera, microphone and
various other sensors to capture voice, record videos
and photos, track location and to store personalized
information (Rafferty and Hung, 2015). A smart toy
can be considered an Internet of Thing object which
can collect contextual data on the context of the user
(e.g., time of day, location, weather, etc.) and provide
personalized services to enhance user’s experience.
Smart toys are in general composed of three parts:
a conventional physical toy (such as a car or a doll)
equipped with electronic components, sensors, and
software which enable wireless communication with
other computational systems via Wi-Fi, Bluetooth,
Near Field Communication (NFC); a mobile device
that provides the smart toys with mobile services to
enhance their functionalities; and a mobile applica-
tion that interacts with the physical toy. Figure 1
shows an illustration of this environment including
the user. Rafferty and Hung (2015) refer to this field
of study as toy computing, which associates the phy-
sical computation (embed systems and sensors in a
traditional toy) with mobile services.
2.2 The Microsoft SDL Process
Microsoft SDL (Lipner, 2004; Microsoft, 2010)
stands for security software development, and aims
Smart toy
Figure 1: Toy computing environment.
at assuring the security of systems during the whole
development process. It has the following main pha-
1. Requirements: security requirements esta-
blishment, quality gates and bug bars definition
and documentation (set security and privacy
minimum levels), and security and privacy risk
2. Design: design requirements establishment, at-
tack surface analysis and threat modeling;
3. Implementation: approved tools utilization, inse-
cure functions disable and static analysis execu-
4. Verification: dynamic analysis and fuzzing tests
execution, and attack surface review;
5. Release: incident response plan elaboration, fi-
nal security review execution and software rele-
ase. The SDL foresees its use in conjunction with
both conventional and agile software development
processes (Microsoft, 2011).
Requirements identification is performed in Re-
quirements and Design phases. In the first phase, mi-
nimum security and privacy quality levels are esta-
blished through quality gates and bug bars whereas,
in the design phase, security and privacy design spe-
cification is built, which describe the security and pri-
vacy features that will be exposed directly to the user.
The security tests are identified based on the remai-
ning phases: Implementation, Verification and Rele-
In the Implementation phase, static analysis is per-
formed aiming at finding security flaws on the source
code. In general, the source code is automatically
analyzed by tools known as Static Application Secu-
rity Testing (SAST). In the Verification phase, dyna-
mic analysis and fuzz testing are performed. Dynamic
analysis simulates attacks and monitors the software
aiming at finding vulnerabilities such as memory cor-
ruption and user privileges failures. Fuzz testing aims
at finding general flaws in the system under test. In
the Release phase, penetration tests are performed to
find all sort of vulnerabilities, either when no internal
information is available or when they are.
Security Tests for Smart Toys
Researchers have been working in security aspects
of smart toys since they emerged. They have been
paying special attention to privacy aspects. Rese-
archers have also investigated smart toys examples
aiming at identifying risks, security flaws and vul-
nerabilities (Rafferty et al., 2017b; Dobbins, 2015),
or simply performing general analysis of smart toys
mentioning how vulnerable they are given their cha-
racteristics or how parents feel around such pro-
ducts (Taylor and Michael, 2016; McReynolds et al.,
Rafferty and her colleagues used a formal privacy
threat model to investigate privacy requirements for
toy computing (Rafferty and Hung, 2015). As a re-
sult, they have compiled six (6) privacy rights (pri-
vacy requirements). In a related project, they have
also proposed a privacy rule conceptual model where
parents/legal guardians are the owners of their child’s
data and provide consent to share the data collected
through access rules (Rafferty et al., 2017a).
Some researchers have discussed the seriousness
of privacy implication for smart toys and surveyed
related work on privacy issues within this dom-
ain (Yankson et al., 2017). They also discuss glo-
bal perspectives regarding legislation on such devices
and propose common best practices for parents and
manufactures to assure child safety. In the same to-
pic, Hung and his colleagues discuss related privacy
requirements for smart toys in a toy computing envi-
ronment with a case study on a commercial smart toy
called Hello Barbie from Mattel (Hung et al., 2016).
Although many work has been done in this area,
most of them focus on privacy and not in general se-
curity aspects. Moreover, most of them reports con-
cerns about smart toys vulnerabilities but do not pre-
sent any security requirements and how to ensure they
have been implemented. In that sense, we previously
presented a list of security issues, threats and require-
ments on a typical architecture of smart toys (de Car-
valho and Eler, 2017). However, we do not discuss
in this work how security analysis and tests should
be carried out in order to check whether the security
requirements have been met. Therefore, there is still
room for contributions in this area.
We have previously identified 12 issues, 15 threats
and 20 security requirements based on the Require-
ments and Design phases of the Microsoft SDL pro-
cess, the STRIDE approach and regulations such as
PIPEDA and COPPA (de Carvalho and Eler, 2017).
We have revisited and extended our previous work
by considering an additional regulation: the GDPR,
from the European Union. Such regulation provided
us with more knowledge into how to strengthen and
unify data protection for all individuals, but, in the
case of our investigation, children’s data. As a result,
we have identified four more issues (I13 to I16) and
two more security requirements (SR21 and SR22).
The whole set of security issues that should be ad-
dressed regarding smart toys according to the afore-
mentioned regulations and standards are presented as
I1 Provide notice about information collection,
use and disclosure practices.
I2 Obtain parental consent for personal informa-
tion collecting, using and disclosing.
I3 Not promote unnecessary personal informa-
tion disclosure.
I4 Protect personal information confidentiality,
integrity and availability.
I5 Provide the same protection level for third
party information processing.
I6 Implement procedures to protect personal in-
I7 Document the purposes for which personal in-
formation is collected.
I8 Obtain individual consent for the personal in-
formation collection, use or disclosure.
I9 Specify the type of personal information col-
I10 Retain personal information only as long as
I11 Maintain personal information accurate, com-
plete and up-to-date as is necessary.
I12 Protect personal information against loss
or theft, unauthorized access, disclosure,
copying, use, or modification.
I13 The request for consent must be given in an
intelligible and easily accessible form.
I14 Breach notification is mandatory and data pro-
cessor are required to notify their customers.
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
I15 Data erasure of personal data, cease the further
dissemination of the data and halt processing
of the data for third parties.
I16 Inclusion of data protection from the onset of
the designing of systems.
The whole set of threats concerning smart toys are
presented as follows:
T1 Spoofing:
T1.1 The children is not playing, but the at-
tacker (insider), who wants to discover
confidential information.
T1.2 An attacker is using another mobile de-
vice to control the toy (Bluetooth paral-
T1.3 The mobile service provider is fake.
T2 Tampering:
T2.1 Unauthorized modification of the confi-
guration file of the mobile device (loads
a configuration file not suitable for the
T2.2 Unauthorized modification of the in-
formation exchanged through network
communication between the compo-
nents (physical toy x mobile device x
access point/router).
T2.3 Unauthorized modification of the data-
base in the mobile device (changes the
game points, user’s actions history, etc).
T3 Repudiation:
T3.1 User denies purchases of services,
accessories etc.
T4 Information disclosure:
T4.1 Disclosure of personal information sto-
red in the database.
T4.2 Disclosure of information used to re-
quest mobile services (localization, con-
text data etc).
T4.3 Disclosure of information stored in the
mobile device (photos, video, text mes-
sages etc).
T5 Denial of Service:
T5.1 A service inserts enough information in
the database to reach the full capacity of
the mobile device storage system.
T5.2 More than one device sends commands
to the physical toy making it not able to
provide the correct answer.
T5.3 An attacker denies access to mobile ser-
vices through the access point.
T6 Elevation of privilege:
T6.1 An attacker watches the data exchan-
ged by the network communication bet-
ween the mobile device and the toy, then
changes it to access the toy.
T6.2 An attacker watches the data exchanged
by the network communication between
the mobile device and the mobile servi-
ces, then changes it to access the mobile
The whole set of security requirements identified
for a typical smart toy environment are the following:
SR01 The smart toy app must provide notice of
what information it collects and the further
use and disclosure practices.
SR02 The smart toy app must provide an specific
interface in order to identify user age and
obtain user consent before the personal in-
formation collection and manipulation; in
the case of child user, obtain verifiable pa-
rental consent and parental consent review.
SR03 The smart toy app must not ask for more
personal information in order to continue its
SR04 The smart toy app must authenticate users.
SR05 Communication between physical toy and
mobile device must use a protocol that al-
low authentication and authorization me-
SR06 Mobile services providers must own digital
certificates allowing identity verification.
SR07 Configuration file integrity must be main-
tained and verified in every mobile app play
SR08 Every communication in toy computing en-
vironment must use cryptographic mecha-
SR09 The Database Management Systems
(DBMS) must provide user authentication.
SR10 The DBMS must provide security mecha-
nisms against to external modification of
stored data.
SR11 The smart toy app must request authenti-
cation renew before every financial tran-
SR12 The DBMS must provide data encryption
feature or allow data encryption by third-
party tools.
Security Tests for Smart Toys
SR13 The smart toy app must encrypt personal in-
formation accessed from others apps inside
the same mobile device.
SR14 The mobile app must not access unneces-
sary files from others mobile apps inside the
same mobile device.
SR15 The mobile app must monitor and limit da-
tabase growth.
SR16 The physical toy must not accept com-
mands from mobile devices outside the cur-
rent play session.
SR17 Every communication must use secure pro-
tocol with cryptographic mechanisms.
SR18 The smart toy app must show the privacy
police when required.
SR19 The smart toy must delete every personal
information collected that is no longer use-
SR20 The smart toy must maintain personal infor-
mation accurate, complete and up-to-date
as is necessary.
SR21 The smart toy app must notify users about
security breach and enable updates.
SR22 The smart toy development and updates
must consider well-known security princi-
Following the SDL process, we have identified tests
and analysis required to meet security issues and re-
quirements identified in the previous section based on
the Implementation, Verification and Release phases.
As a consequence, we expect such measures to miti-
gate the threats we identified.
5.1 Implementation
During this phase, SAST (Static Application Security
Testing) tools are used to identify security flaws in the
source code. Such tools can identify when best practi-
ces for security control are not implemented. For the
Android O.S., for instance, the tools QARK, Andro-
bugs and JAADAS are commonly used in this task,
for they are able to identify security flaws regarding
the following classes and areas (OWASP, 2017):
Data validation.
Session management.
Error and exception handling.
Login procedures.
Security configurations.
Network architecture.
Accordingly, we have identified the security requi-
rements that can be verified by means of a static ana-
lysis tools. Table 1 shows the security requirements
and the corresponding security failure class it is rela-
ted to.
Table 1: Security Requirements and related security failures
Sec. Req. Security failure class
SR04 Authentication
SR05 Authentication and
SR08 Criptography
SR09 Authentication
SR13 Criptography
SR17 Criptography
SR22 All classes
5.2 Verification
In the Verification phase, more specialized tests are
required to assure that the application meets the esta-
blished requirements. Therefore, each security requi-
rement which has not been verified yet is classified,
when applicable, according to one of the security test
classes (OWASP, 2013):
Configuration and Deployment management.
Identity Management.
Session Management.
Input Validation.
Error Handling.
Weak Cryptography.
Business logic.
Client Side.
Although the presented security tests classes have
not been created for mobile applications, they are ge-
neric enough to be useful in this context. Therefore,
Table 2 shows each security requirement associate
with a corresponding test class.
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 2: Security Requirements and corresponding security
test classes.
Sec. Req. Test class
SR06 Weak Cryptography
SR07 Business Logic
SR10 Business Logic
SR12 Weak Cryptography
SR14 Configuration and Deployment
SR15 Configuration and Deployment
SR19 Configuration and Deployment
Once each security test has been associated to a
security test class, it is possible to define more specific
and suitable security tests required to check whether
the application meet the security requirements. Follo-
wing we present the general security tests applicable
to this phase considering each security requirements
presented at Table 2.
Security Requirement: RS06
Test: Security tests in protocols with crypto-
Check whether the certifier authority is trust-
Check whether the certificate is valid.
Check whether the website name is the same as
the certified one.
Security Requirement: SR07, SR10
Test: Integrity verifications test
Checks whether the application does not allow
users to destroy the integrity of any part of the
system or its data.
Security Requirement: SR12
Test: Cryptography test
Check whether the files stored at the database
are ciphered.
Security Requirement: SR14, SR19
Test: Application platform configuration test
Check the configuration of each element of the
application architecture.
Security Requirement: SR15
Test: Application platform configuration test
Checks the database configuration
5.3 Release
In the Release phase it is possible to verify, by means
of alpha and beta tests, all security requirements that
depends on a functional prototype or version of the
smart toy. Alpha tests are able to check the following
security requirements: SR1, SR2, SR3, SR11, SR16
and SR18, while the beta tests are able to check the
following security requirements: SR20 and SR21.
In the absence of alpha and beta tests, it is re-
commended that penetration tests to be used, as used
in the Hcon Security Testing Framework (HconSTF),
Samurai Web Testing Framework (SamuraiWTF) and
Samurai Project’s Security Testing Framework for
Utilities (SamuraiSTFU), for instance, but tailored
to the toy computing environment. Showing how to
tailor such tests to the toy computing environment is
not at the scope of this work.
We present an overview of a few smart toys available
in the market aiming at providing illustration of the
smart toys capabilities and specially how vulnerable
they can become. Most of the smart toys uses came-
ras, microphone and different sensors to collect, ob-
serve or infer personal information to provide custo-
mers with more personalized game experiences. The
data collected by the physical part of the smart toy are
sent to a mobile device and/or a server through a wi-
reless network. The mobile application of the smart
toy running in the mobile device, in turn, gets mobile
services provided by Internet servers.
Data collection may be a problem when appro-
priate security controls are missing because private
information could be exposed in a data leakage.
A quick search over the Internet for security is-
sues in smart toys will reveal security flaws such
as private information leakages and outsiders inte-
racting with children via a smart toy (Baraniuk., 2016;
Hackett, 2016; Newman, 2015; Cuthbertson, 2017;
Franceschi-Bicchierai, 2016; Poulter, 2017; Jones
and Meurer, 2016).
We believe the 22 security requirements previ-
ously presented address many of the general secu-
rity issues related to the smart toys currently availa-
ble in the market. Following we present a description
of some smart toys, some publicly disclosed security
flaws and some suggested requirements and test cases
that could have helped prevented the reported issues.
Security Tests for Smart Toys
Here, we have no intention of exhaustively explo-
ring all security requirements and possible tests for
smart toys available in the market since they have
many features. The purpose is to show that many
of the flaws found in such toys could have been ad-
dressed if security measures have been made since
the Requirements elicitation phase of the develop-
ment process. Moreover, suggested tests are generic
since specific tests depends on specific architectures,
programming languages, libraries, APIs, which we do
not have access because they are not publicly availa-
ble. A summary of the tests and analysis performed
in each phase and associate requirements is presented
in Tables 3, 4 and 5.
6.1 CloudPets
A CloudPet is a stuffed pet with built in capabilities
and associated mobile services. Parents, relatives or
friends can record and send messages using an app
from anywhere in the world. A parent or guardian
gets the message on their CloudPet App and then ap-
proves it and delivers it wirelessly to the CloudPet.
Children can also record a message which can be de-
livered to a contact network anywhere in the world.
Spiral Toys, the CloudPets manufacturer, left cus-
tomer data of its CloudPets brand on a database that
wasn’t behind a firewall or password-protected. The
exposed database contained data on 821,396 registe-
red users, 371,970 friend records (profile and email)
and 2,182,337 voice messages. The voice messages
were not in the database, but they were stored in an
Amazon S3 bucket that doesn’t require authentica-
tion. Moreover, customers used weak passwords ma-
king it trivial to log into their accounts and listen to
the saved messages. One of the biggest concern in this
context is that someone may be able to use disclosed
information to send inappropriate messages to child-
ren and to gather information on families, friends,
which may put children safety in risk.
According to our analysis, in the case of this smart
toy, meeting requirements SR09 (the DBMS must
provide user authentication) and SR12 (the DBMS
must provide data encryption feature) would have pre-
vented the security issues in which personal were
accessed by attackers due to security flaws related to
database access.
Following the SDL process, in the Implementa-
tion phase, SAST tools could be used to check requi-
rement SR09. In the Verification phase, Cryptography
test is suggested to check SR12. In the Release phase,
no test is applicable to the security requirements we
are considering in this example.
6.2 Smart Toy Bear
This Mattel Fisher-Price interactive learning smart
toy with voice and image recognition features are ca-
pable to collect data to adapt to create personalized
playing. Through the mobile app and a Wi-Fi con-
nection, the smart toy gets updates and the parents
can unlock bonus activities.
Some Internet servers may fail to authenticate
users and expose data and profiles. The Smart Toy
Bear vulnerability in the backend systems enabled at-
tackers to access private information
In the case of the Smart toy bear, implementing se-
curity requirements SR04, SR05, SR06, SR07, SR08,
SR12, SR16 e SR17 would have prevented security
issues caused by insecure APIs, which allowed attac-
kers to access personal information and to send com-
mands to the physical toy.
Table 3: Security requirements addressed by SAST tools at
the Implementation phase.
Smart toy Sec. Req. Sec. Test
CloudPets SR09
Toy bear SR04, SR05,
SR08, SR17 SAST Tool
Hello Barbie SR05, SR17
Cayla SR04, SR05
I-QUE SR04, SR05
Table 4: Security Requirements addressed by security tests
during the Verification phase.
Smart toy Sec. Req. Sec. Test
CloudPets SR12 Cryptography tests
SR06 Security tests
in protocols
with cryptography
Toy bear SR07 Integrity verification
SR12 Cryptography tests
SR06 Security tests
in protocols
with cryptography
Hello Barbie SR07 Integrity verification
SR12 Cryptography tests
Cayla - Not applicable
I-QUE - Not applicable
Considering the SDL process, SAST tools can
check security requirements SR04, SR05, SR08 and
SR17 during Implementation phase. In the Verifi-
cation phase, security tests in protocols with cryp-
tography can check SR06 while integrity verifica-
tion tests can check SR07 and cryptography tests the
SR12. In the Release phase, an alpha test in which
a user sends commands to the physical toy during a
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 5: Security Requirements addressed during the Release phase.
Smart toy Sec. Req. Sec. Test Description
CloudPets - Not applicable Not applicable
Toy bear SR16 alpha User sends commands to the physical toy during the game
session from another user.
Hello Barbie - Not applicable Not applicable
Cayla SR03 alpha User uses all resources of the toy without providing any
additional personal information.
I-QUE SR03 alpha User uses all resources of the toy without providing any
additional personal information.
game session from another user can help checking
6.3 Hello Barbie
Another Mattel smart toy, the Hello Barbie is a doll
equipped with a microphone, speaker and a speech
recognition feature, allowing a two-way conversation
when connected to a Wi-Fi network. A mobile app is
required for account set up and allow parents to listen
child’s conversation with the toy. To improve conver-
sation, the toy store conversations and sent them to a
server in the Internet. Hello Barbie doll app, for ex-
ample, can automatically connect to unsecured Wi-Fi
networks and reveal confidential information.
In this specific smart toy, satisfying security re-
quirements SR05, SR06, SR07, SR12 e SR17 would
have avoided the exploitation of several vulnerabili-
ties of communication interception, personal informa-
tion disclosure and insecure Wi-Fi connections.
During the Implementation phase of the SDL,
SAST tools can check SR05, SR17. In the Verifi-
cation phase, security tests in protocols with cryp-
tography can check SR06 while integrity verifica-
tion tests can check SR07 and cryptography tests the
SR12. In the release phase, no test is applicable in to
the security requirements we are considering in this
6.4 Cayla and I-QUE Intelligent Robot
They are both smart toys from Genesis Toys that are
able to answer several questions and, to improve user
experience, connects to the Internet through a mo-
bile device. Genesis Toys was accused by consumer
groups in the US, among other things, of collecting
children’s personal data (Baraniuk., 2016). It was
possible to connect to the toys from any mobile de-
vice through Bluetooth. The data exchange between
physical toy and mobile device can be easily intercep-
In the case of these two smart toys, fulfilling se-
curity requirements SR03, SR04 e SR05 would have
prevented, among other security issues, that attachers
requested personal information from children through
non-authorized connections via Bluetooth, simply by
using any mobile device nearby the smart toy.
Considering the phases of the SDL, SAST tools
can check SR04 and SR05 for both toys. Tests of the
Verification phase are not applicable, but in the Rele-
ase phase both smart toys can benefit from using al-
pha tests in which a user uses all resources of the toy
but providing no additional information. Such test is
useful to check SR03.
In this paper, we presented a contribution to the smart
toys field in three ways. First, we revisited our previ-
ous work (de Carvalho and Eler, 2017) to include four
(4) security issues and two (2) security requirements.
Next, we presented general security analysis and tests
for smart toys based on the Implementation, Verifica-
tion and Release phases of the SDL process, and on
related security issues, threats and requirements. Fi-
nally, we presented an analysis of smart toys available
in the market in which we discuss some of their secu-
rity flaws publicly reported and how the security and
test requirements identified in this work could have
prevented some of the related flaws.
The proposed security requirements, the analysis
and tests are generic and can be related to most smart
toys that fits in the toy computing field, in which there
is an association between a physical toy and a mo-
bile device and application. Concrete tests depends on
programming languages, specific architectures, libra-
ries and access to the smart toys, so the contribution
of this work is theoretical and general.
Even though wealthy and well known manufac-
turers have plenty of resources to perform a careful
security analysis to identify threats and implement se-
curity features, the security flaws we discussed in this
paper are presented by these manufacturers. As stated
by the FBI (FBI, 2017), “security safeguards for these
Security Tests for Smart Toys
toys can be overlooked in the rush to market them and
to make them easy to use”. In fact, many of the repor-
ted flaws could have been avoided by fulfilling simple
requirements and following a process to test each se-
curity requirement.
Therefore, however theoretical, we believe the se-
curity requirements presented in this work along with
the security analysis and tests might be useful not
only for well known manufacturers, but also for re-
searchers and developers who aim at creating reliable
smart toys for many purposes, such as the case of the
EDUCERE, the smart toy designed to help detecting
delays in children’s psychomotor development.
As future work, we intend to build a prototype of a
smart toy to concretely implement all tests proposed
for this context. Moreover, we plan to identify spe-
cific security patterns and flaws that arises from toy
computing architectures.
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