lack of concise documentation and a specific method-
ology that guides teachers and learners about the re-
sources available in the tool. Among the resources,
the possibility of interaction between the teacher and
the learner in situations where the learner incurs an er-
ror during the resolution of an exercise is highlighted.
In order to provide the best possible use of the re-
sources based on the social-interactionism proposed
by FARMA-ALG, a study was carried out on the ac-
tivities of the teacher when using the platform and,
based on this information, a methodology was pro-
posed that promotes the interaction .
A computer based environment that promotes me-
diation through error will only have its goals fully
achieved if teachers and learners effectively utilize
the interaction features offered by the tool. No mat-
ter how efficient the mechanism of sending comments
and messages, if the teachers does not use them,
the social interactionist intention of the tool becomes
null. Seen in this terms, its use becomes restricted
only to the functional aspects of creating and making
available specific learning objects for teaching algo-
rithms. Even if the teacher have the resources to vi-
sualize and manipulate the answers through the Simi-
larity Graph, the real interaction with his learners will
only happen if there are messages and comments.
According to (Hannafin, 1992), there is a lack of
a guiding structure on how the teacher should use
digital technology tools to achieve improvements in
the teaching-learning process. In the specific case of
FARMA-ALG use, there is no method or guide that
helps guiding teachers to make use of mediation fea-
ture that the tool provides. There is a need, therefore,
to propose and describe a sequence of structured pro-
cesses aimed to the teaching practice with the purpose
of guiding the teacher in order to achieve effectively
3.1 Methodology of the Study
To support the development of an effective method,
it was necessary to define some objectives, practical
studies and analyzes. For the development of the re-
search, the following actions were foreseen:
• define the universe of research;
• perform critical analysis of interaction messages;
• perform statistical analysis of comments.
Data from answers of 229 students who submitted
8,887 responses, collected between 2015 and 2016
from seven classes of Algorithms and Data Struc-
ture I, from two universities, were analyzed. Three
groups were from the year 2015, totaling 118 students
from two universities who submitted 4,854 answers
to questions applied by two teachers. Four classes
were from the year 2016, with 105 students from
a single university, which generated 4,033 answers
to questions applied by four teachers. All classes
whose answers were collected are from the initial
phase of the computer science courses. The objective
was to evaluate the greatest possible number of an-
swers and interactions between teachers and students
who used FARMA-ALG. Relationships as percent-
ages of correct and incorrect answers, answers that re-
ceived interventions through teachers comments, stu-
dent scores and number of attempts were analyzed .
Through this analysis, the objective is to detect be-
haviors that can show how and at what level the use
of FARMA-ALG influences the results. Based on this
evaluation, enough information was obtained to ana-
lyze the effectiveness of FARMA-ALG as a tool to
support teaching practice in algorithm teaching.
Was tried to find out, for example, in what types
of questions students find greater or lesser degree of
difficulty and what are the most common mistakes.
An important item was the analysis of the relationship
between the answers that received some kind of in-
tervention by the teacher and the number of attempts
submitted by question. The interaction between stu-
dents and teachers was verified in only 82 answers
(1.93%) that received comments from the teacher, a
fact that may indicate a lack of time for teacher fol-
low up and send comments to all students who made
mistakes in their answers. Another explanation for
the low level of interaction was the nonexistence of
a method that guides both teacher and student during
the use of FARMA-ALG.
The answers that received most comments from
the teacher were those that presented some logic er-
ror, which totaled 27 answers, or 35.53 % of the to-
tal. Next, the questions that contained user dialogues
(unspoken in the statement) and output errors, with
18 answers (23.68%). Problems with syntax appear
in nine answers, representing 11.84% and as a con-
sequence, some of them caused five compilation er-
rors (6.58%). Some students submitted seven answers
(9.21%) whose solution was based on trial and error
mechanisms, with no guarantee that the answer would
be correct.
From the total of 82 answers to which the teacher
made some intervention, 71 were incorrect and 10
were correct. In 46 of them (64.78%) the students
made advances, being able to identify and correct the
errors. On the other hand, 25 responses (35.22%) re-
mained incorrect even with the teacher intervention.
Although the number of questions that were not com-
pleted was high – even with the teacher help – it is
noticeable the improvement in the performance of the
students who got help. From the 25 answers for which
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education