A Proposal for the Specification of Data Mining Services in Cloud
Manuel Parra-Royon and Jose M. Benitez
Dept. of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence (DECSAI), DaSCI, DiCITS, University of Granada, Spain
Cloud Computing, Data Mining, Linked Data, Services Description.
For more than a decade, languages such as WSDL, SA-WSDL, OWL-S and others have been proposed to
tackle the problem of service description. These service description languages do not take into account key
aspects of cloud computing. Inherent features such as interaction techniques between entities, service-level
agreement or pricing are necessary when defining a cloud computing service. Regarding cloud data min-
ing services, specific issues of experimentation and the execution process should be included, among others.
Following the Linked Data proposal, it is possible to design a specification for the exchange of data mining
services and achieve the highest level of interoperability. In this paper we propose a schema of definition
of data mining service in cloud computing using Linked Data and validate its operation by defining a com-
plete service. Our proposal is suitable for fully defining data mining services in a comprehensive approach,
including all aspects associated with an on-demand cloud service.
Data mining platforms such as Weka
or Knime
able data analysis from a local environment. With
the rise of cloud computing, some Internet service
providers offer data mining services, called ML-as-
a-service (Machine Learning as a Service). These
vendors, such as Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure or
Google Cloud Platform, have the capability to run
data mining algorithms as an on-demand service. One
of the advantages of using these services in the cloud
is the ability to support large datasets.
Unfortunately, each vendor offers its own cata-
logue of services with their particular specification
details. There is no standard proposal among service
providers for defining the kind of cloud services.
This means that each provider has its own defini-
tion of service that is not compatible with the others,
therefore it hampers the migration from one supplier
to another. A cloud data mining service should not
only run experiments and data analysis, but also take
into consideration critical aspects such as authentica-
tion, catalog, service-level agreement, pricing, inter-
action and service configuration. These aspects make
it even more difficult to define a service and the re-
lationship between cloud providers and cloud con-
sumers from other providers.
The modeling of such cloud services cannot be
fully addressed with SOA (Newcomer and Lomow,
2005) service definition languages such as WSDL
(Christensen et al., 2001), Universal Description Dis-
covery & Integration UDDI (Bellwood et al., 2002)
or SoaML (Elvesæter et al., 2010) among others
or the proposed OpenML (Vanschoren et al., 2014)
that does not focus on cloud data mining. Semantic
web services definition languages such as SA-WSDL
y et al., 2007), OWL-S (Martin et al., 2004)
or WSMO (Kopeck
y et al., 2009) describe all rele-
vant aspects of cloud services to automate discovery
and composition.
Linked Data(Bizer, 2009) allows to leverage in-
formation from multiple data sources, linking to other
domains and semantic terms that Semantic Webbern-
ers2001semantic offers. Links to other data enrich the
definition schema being created. With Linked Data
we can link with other vocabularies and definition
schemas to use them in the semantic definition of the
elements of our schema. A vocabulary is a collection
of terms for a purpose (healthcare, business, libraries,
etc.). A schema refers to a data model that repre-
sents the relationships between a set of concepts and
terms. Some types of schemas are relational database
schemas, taxonomies and ontologies. Linked Data
Parra-Royon, M. and Benitez, J.
A Proposal for the Specification of Data Mining Services in Cloud Computing.
DOI: 10.5220/0006776905410548
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2018), pages 541-548
ISBN: 978-989-758-295-0
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
uses the RDF (Allemang and Hendler, 2011) stan-
dards for data interchange. It allows to define services
using RDF/XML, RDFa (Adida et al., 2008), Terse
RDF Triple Language (Turtle) (Beckett et al., 2011)
and query with SPARQL (Prud et al., 2006).
In this context we have developed a proposal that
strives to provide a framework for data mining cloud
services specification and deployment. It is called
dmcc-schema and follows the recommendations of
Linked Data. Our proposal has been designed to reuse
existing vocabularies and ontologies, being able to
compose data mining services in the cloud. Vocabu-
laries such as GoodRelations (Hepp, 2008), Machine-
Learning Schema (mls) or Web API Authentication
(waa) (Maleshkova et al., 2010) among others have
been used to define cloud data mining services with
This work is organized as follows. Section 2 ex-
amines the state of the art of service definition lan-
guages at both syntactic and semantic levels and the
most recent proposals with Linked Data. Section 3
defines the schema and scope of dmcc-schema as a
tool for defining services. Our Linked Data schema
proposal for service definition is compared with the
options in section 4. Section 5 below provides an ex-
ample of how a cloud data mining service is designed;
finally section 6 the conclusions are addressed.
Within the scope of service definition languages, there
is a wide range of options to choose. More specif-
ically, in data mining service definition languages,
each provider or publisher of Internet services has its
own protocol, interface or model to enable the inter-
change of information and service demand. Nowa-
days, there is no standardisation in terms of service
definition languages, nor for cloud data mining ser-
vices. There are many different proposals on the def-
inition of services.
The aim of the WSDL standard, is to describe
technical elements of web services such as the inter-
action of interfaces and protocols. WSDL is a syntac-
tic specification for service description. This specifi-
cation is not sufficient, since the precision in exchang-
ing information between different entities requires ad-
ditional elements that allow understanding between
programming entities. WSDL for a web service con-
sists of an XML description of its interfaces, where
the methods, parameters and responses are defined.
UDDI enables the definition of services by supporting
description and discovery, and the technical interface
for accessing those services.
Not only it is necessary to have a syntactic spec-
ification at the technical and functional level of the
service, but the tendency in cloud computing services
is to complete the definition with a semantic represen-
tation of them.
The definition of services at a semantic level is
fundamental for the improvement of search and dis-
covery, composition and integration.
In order to make a cloud service consumable by
programming entities, it must be discoverable and in-
vocable as well as it can be composed, verified, and
Several proposals for semantic web-based ser-
vices description languages have been developed for
over a decade.
Initial semantic proposals such as WSMO, OWL-
S, SA-WSDL are considered the service specifica-
tion. Some variants for Representational state trans-
fer (REST) services such as hREST (Maleshkova
et al., 2009) and Web Service Modeling Ontology
(MicroWSMO) (Kopeck
y et al., 2009) have also been
taken into account. They add a light semantic defini-
tion for REST services, providing support for service
descriptions to render them processable and machine-
readable. More extensive and general ones such as
USDL (Kona et al., 2009) and Linked-USDL (Pedri-
naci et al., 2014) have allowed cloud services to be
built considering most of the overall complexity of
cloud services.
Linked-USDL creates a vocabulary to capture and
share descriptions of general cloud services in the
cloud in an open, scalable and highly automated way
using Linked Data. Linked-USDL is the most com-
plete proposal for the definition of cloud services
since it covers all the scenarios of entities involved
in the consumption and usage of cloud services, such
as billing, technical aspects, service-level agreement
(SLA), etc. It lacks a specific module for the defi-
nition of data mining services, which should be im-
plemented or linked from another vocabulary that in-
cludes it. The schema provided by Linked-USDL
offers much more than needed and adds additional
complexity to our goal of defining a more effective
cloud data mining services taking into account our ob-
jectives: pricing, authentication, service-level agree-
ment, catalogue and data mining aspects.
Another proposal is Expos
e (Vanschoren and
Soldatova, 2010), designed to describe machine
learning experiments. It is built on top of OntoDM
(Panov et al., 2008), and underlies OpenML, a collab-
oration and meta-learning platform for machine learn-
Vocabulary for dealing with Machine Learning al-
gorithms is included in MLSchema (Esteves et al.,
CLOSER 2018 - 8th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
2016). This schema can be used to represent al-
gorithms, tasks, implementation and executions, as
well as input and output data. MEX vocabulary (Es-
teves et al., 2015) also addresses the problem of shar-
ing specific information about processing Machine
Learning techniques in a lightweight way. The above
alternatives do not take into account aspects of a cloud
Data Mining service.
The semantic proposal offered by Linked Data
(Bizer, 2009), allows to link information and, in this
case, vocabulary distributed and accessible on the
Web from providers. Linked Data, enables the ex-
change and discovery of services by reusing vocab-
ularies and schemas defined by other entities. These
vocabularies can be operated by machines, where ref-
erenced information can come from different sources.
The proposals referenced to above are very
generic to cover the full spectrum of cloud services or
do not take into account specific aspects of this type
of cloud data mining services. The idea with dmcc-
schema is to safeguard the step between a generic
cloud service and data mining services, proposing a
schema and vocabulary by using Linked Data to unite
both facets.
Our dmcc-schema approach is designed to enable the
complete definition of cloud data mining service. It
supports the definition and execution of data mining
algorithms as well as all the core elements of the web
service that a service provider can offer, such as dis-
covery, composition, security, authentication, billing,
catalogue, and interoperability.
The schema provided by dmcc-schema addresses
the following aspects:
Service Catalogue. It provides a catalogue of al-
gorithms and enables the discovery of data min-
ing services. The catalogue allows algorithms to
be classified according to the type and problem
of data mining they can address, such as regres-
sion, classification, clustering, association rules
and preprocessing among others.
Authentication. Eases the management and ac-
cess of users or agents. It contains the basic fea-
tures and mechanisms to enable authentication ca-
pacities for the use of the cloud data mining ser-
Costs and Prices. Defines all the necessary enti-
ties to manage the costs associated with the use of
the service. In diverse aspects such as used CPU
time, storage, number of instances or calls to the
service among others. The execution of data min-
ing algorithms requires intensive computation and
a large amount of infrastructure resources. Such
resources must be monitored with regard to define
the pricing of the service.
Business. Aspects such as who is the provider
or consumer of the service and all its related in-
formation are essential to identify the data of the
entity that acts interacting with the service. This
data includes information such as legal aspects,
contact information, etc.
Service-level Agreement. When such services
are provided by providers where a minimum qual-
ity of service agreed between both parties, pro-
ducer and consumer, must be established.
Interaction. To use the cloud data mining ser-
vice, you have to define the points of interaction
with the service. These interaction points enable
you to access and use the service. The definition
of this interaction can be given as RESTful API,
for example.
Algorithms, Experimentation and Results.
This is one of the main features of the schema,
which contains the definition of all the elements
concerned with the execution of an algorithm by
the service. Such elements are the inputs and pa-
rameterization, experimentation, results and mod-
els, as well as the selection of the specific algo-
rithm of the service catalogue. It also supports
different implementations of the algorithms, so
that you can have several variants of the same data
mining algorithm.
The dmcc-schema is represented using the Linked
Data principles. Linked Data is gaining popularity
for knowledge modeling. In terms of integration, it
allows data to be integrated as part of the web ser-
vices. In addition, the use of RDFs (Allemang and
Hendler, 2011) in conjunction with service identifi-
cation through URIs provides a uniform interface for
data access.
The fact of using Linked Data principles facil-
itates the incorporation of new vocabulary into the
schema, so dmcc-schema has been designed for the
complete definition of an on-demand cloud data min-
ing service. Vocabularies such as GoodRelations,
DublinCore Terms (DCterms) (Weibel et al., 1998),
Machine Learning Schema (mls), MEX-algo (Esteves
et al., 2015), Simple Knowledge Organization Sys-
tem (SKOS) (Isaac and Summers, 2009), and Linked-
USDL have been used or taken into account to com-
pose the comprehensive schema of dmcc-schema.
The integration of different vocabularies within
the Linked Data proposal is very important for the
A Proposal for the Specification of Data Mining Services in Cloud Computing
definition of semantic concepts in order to define ser-
vices. Thus, the vocabulary offers the semantic glue
that allows mere data to become meaningful data.
In the proposal that offers dmcc-schema, attempts
to compose a simpler and more direct schema than
other more general proposals. Linked-USDL pro-
posal, which considers almost the entirety of a cloud
service, does not consider the data mining part explic-
itly, as it seeks to be an open proposal to accommo-
date much of the spectrum of services. dmcc-schema
combines various schemas and vocabularies to shape
a very compact service definition. Our proposal is
more concise to address the problem of defining these
cloud services as it is based on the study of how dif-
ferent Internet providers and data mining platforms
define these services with their specifications.
The Figure 1 depicts the core of dmcc-schema
that has been developed, where the boxes represent
the classes and the arrows represents properties, sub-
class relations and part-of relations. The color of
the boxes represent the source vocabulary used with
Linked Data proposal, such that green color is for the
definition of dmcc-schema, blue for GoodRelations
classes, orange for SKOS and magenta for mls. Class
SLA contains parts from Linked-USDL (usdl-sla)
The definition of a service is done using Turtle.
The schema in this formats is available for use from
our laboratory website
The aim of the cloud data mining service is to run
data mining algorithms. Any data mining or machine
learning algorithm can be included in dmcc-schema.
This is so since we have sought to make as broad a
definition as possible of the concepts of input, exper-
imentation and output algorithms. This allows a wide
range of algorithms to be supported
The approach we have developed is part of a plat-
form for data mining services in the cloud that is be-
ing developed. This dmcc definition has been created
with a cloud broker development in focus. The bro-
ker for cloud data mining requires a service definition
that allows to overcome the different parameters, al-
gorithms, input, experimentation, data, and models of
all (or most) cloud services with these characteristics.
The reliability of dmcc-schema as a definition
schema for the definition of data mining services in
cloud computing is proven by using it within a proof-
The comprehensive list of algorithms can be found
here: https://github.com/manuparra/ml dm taxonomy
of-concept platform called occml-platform
. This
platform works with all the details of a service defini-
tion built in Turtle or JSON-LD (Lanthaler and G
2012) and transforms all the definition information
into a fully usable service. This means that it is pos-
sible to run the algorithms that have been included in
the definition of the service from the cloud and use
the service in its full scope.
Service definition is processed using SPARQL
(Prud et al., 2006). This allows us to create the com-
plete service and all the details of the algorithm cata-
logue it provides.
The catalogue published is directly consumable by
agents and users who are demanding it. The platform,
for the proof of concept, generates a REST API for
interaction with the service and the selection of algo-
With dmcc-schema, the execution and results of
catalogue algorithms can be fully defined. To address
the differences that service providers have to classify
and parameterize algorithms, the decision was made
to follow the definition of the algorithms, according
to the structure of programming environments such
as R (Zhao, 2012), in terms of interfaces, datasets,
parameter setting and data output, including models
or datasets.
Part of the concepts and schemas from MEXalgo
(Esteves et al., 2015) and mls have been integrated
within the dmcc-schema, so they complement the def-
inition of the schema for service definition. MEXalgo
accurately defines a catalogue of Machine Learning
and Artificial Intelligence algorithms. In mls a more
comprehensive and general level is used for the defi-
nition of algorithms, allowing virtually any algorithm
to be included and it is not as closely linked to the
specification as MEXalgo.
Another advantage of using the proposed occml
specification is the simplicity of creating the complete
service. Creating a simple service that includes the K-
Means (see Section 5) algorithm is done in a straight-
forward form.
For illustrative purposes we will describe in this sec-
tion how some specific well-known techniques have
been defined using dmcc-schema.
We will model a data mining cloud service with
one algorithm as part of the services catalogue. Be-
cause of space considerations only part of the service
will be defined.
OCCML on DiCITS: dicits.ugr.es/occml/
CLOSER 2018 - 8th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
gr:Product or
EntityhasPart RoleshasRole
skos:Provider skos:Consumer
mls:Algorithm mls:implements
gr:Product Or
Service Model
Figure 1: Classes, relations and vocabularies for dmcc-schema.
The service description has been done using the
Turtle language. The first part to be defined cor-
responds to the class dmcc:MLService that pro-
vides the entry point for service description. A ser-
vice is created within the catalog with the name
KMeans Service, thus associating a Data Mining al-
gorithm with the service and specifying the service
attributes, in addition to listing the interaction points
provided by the service as seen in listing 1.
1 dmcc : K M ean s _Se rvi c e
2 a dm c c : MLSe r vice ;
3 dct e r ms : cr e ated " 2 0 1 7 -04 - 2 0 " ;
4 dct e r ms : cr e ator " Manu e l Par r a ";
5 dct e r ms : d e scr i ptio n
6 " Pe r f orm k- mea n s c l ust e ring " ;
7 dct e r ms : mo d ifie d "2017 -05 -04" ;
8 dct e r ms : p u blis h er " DIC I TS_M L " ;
9 [...]
10 .
Listing 1: New service definition.
In this case the new service requires authen-
tication, for which it is necessary to include
dmcc:hasAuthentication and dmcc:KMeans Auth
as indicated in the listing 2.
1 dmcc : K M ean s _Se rvi c e
2 a dm c c : MLSe r vice ;
3 d m c c : has Aut h ent ica t ion
4 d m c c : KMe a ns_A u th ;
5 d m c c : has O per a tio n
6 dmcc : K M ea n s_O p era tio n ;
7 [...]
8 .
Listing 2: New service definition for KMeans.
In addition, as it indicated in the dmcc di-
agram 1, cloud provider and consumer require
dmcc: MLServiceOffering ant it can be included
to define prices and costs of the service, dmcc:
MLServicesCatalog for the catalogue of services,
dmcc: MLApiMethod for the points of interaction
with the service and dmcc:SLA for detailing aspects
of the licensing.
For each of the data mining services that
are added, it is necessary to indicate the op-
eration involved, so dmcc:hasOperation
Operation is used as shown in
listing 2. In the listing 3 the operation it performs
includes information regarding the input parameters
(lines 10-11) of the algorithm, data set (lines 3-4),
A Proposal for the Specification of Data Mining Services in Cloud Computing
output and algorithm to be executed (lines 12-13)
the composition of the operation that requires an
1 dmcc : K M ea n s_O p era tio n
2 a dm c c : MLO p erat i on ;
3 d m c c : has Inp u tP a ram ete r s
4 d m c c : KM e ans _In put P ar a me t ers ;
5 dct e r ms : d e scr i ptio n
6 " O pera t ion pe r for m ing
7 the ser v ice ";
8 mls : e x ecut e s
9 mls : KM e ans _Im p le m en t ati on ;
10 mls : h a sInp u t
11 dmcc : K M ean s _In p ut ;
12 mls : h a sOut p ut
13 dmcc : K M ean s _Ou t put .
Listing 3: Operations for the algorithm.
The input and output data of the algorithms must
be included in the definition of the data mining op-
eration to be performed. The input of data, which
can be parameters dmcc:KMeans InputParameters
or datasets dmcc:KMeans Input.
Input parameters of the algorithm
dmcc:MLServiceInputParameters and the pa-
rameter list dmcc:parameter 01, [...] is shown
in the listing 4.
1 dmcc : K Mea n s_ I np u tPa ram ete r s
2 a dm c c : ML S erv ice Inp utP a ra m et e rs ;
3 dmcc : P a rame t ers
4 dmcc : r e spon s e_p a rame ter_ 0 1 ,
5 [...]
6 dc t e rms : d escr i pti o n
7 " Input Pa r ame t ers " ;
8 dc t e rms : tit l e " Inp u t " .
Listing 4: Input parameters definition.
Definition of dmcc:hasInputParameters
dmcc:KMeans InputParameters ; allows you to
specify the general input parameters of the algo-
rithm. For example for K-Means dcterms:title
"centers" (number of centers of the K-Means),
as well as whether dmcc:mandatory "false" ;
is mandatory and its default value, if it exists. The
listing 5 shows the definition of one of the parameters
parameter 01 . The other algorithm parameters are
defined in the same way.
1 dmcc : p a ram e ter _ 01
2 a dmcc : M LS e rv i ce I npu tPa ram e te r ;
3 dmcc : d e fau l tva l ue "3" ;
4 dmcc : ma n dato r y " true " ;
5 dc t e rms : d escr i pti o n
6 " E ither the n u m ber of clusters ,
7 or a set of in i tial c luste r
8 ce n tres " ;
9 dc t e rms : tit l e " c e nters " .
Listing 5: Example of a parameter and features.
An mls:Model model and an evaluation of the
mls:ModelEvaluation model have been considered
for specifying the results of the K-Means service ex-
ecution in mls:hasOutput dmcc:KMeans Output.
Model evaluation is the specific results if the algo-
rithm returns a value or set of values. When the ser-
vice algorithm is preprocessing the result is a dataset.
For the model you have to define for example whether
the results are PMML (Guazzelli et al., 2009) for ex-
ample dmcc:KMeans Model a dmcc:PMML Model ;
as shown in listing 6.
1 dmcc : K M ean s _Mo d el
2 a dmcc : P MML_ M ode l ;
3 dmcc : s t ora g ebu c ket
4 " d icits :// model s /" ;
5 dc t e rms : d escr i pti o n
6 "PMML model " ;
7 dc t e rms : tit l e " PMML M o del " .
Listing 6: PMML Model of the service output.
Due to the high and increasing demand and usage of
data mining services, there is a clear need of suitable
tools for data mining cloud services definition. In this
work we have introduced dmcc-schema, a schema and
vocabulary for defining data mining services in cloud
computing using a Linked Data approach.
The description of data mining services is one of
the most critical components since it is a vital element
in communication and trading with different cloud
service providers.
This enables services to be designed to execute
data mining algorithms, considering the key aspects
of a cloud service included in the schema. The defi-
nition implemented with dmcc-schema, offers the ba-
sic capabilities to define a cloud data mining service,
taking into account authentication, pricing, licensing,
catalog and interaction interfaces, among other as-
The main advantage of using dmcc-schema is that
it greatly simplifies the design of a cloud service fo-
cused on data mining. This is because it unifies two
environments: the cloud computing and services as-
pects, and the execution of data mining algorithms.
Allowing key elements of this type of services such
as the pricing of the execution, the storage costs of a
dataset, or the authentication of the service.
In addition, our schema is being deployed on an
open platform that will offer Big Data data mining
services on demand, as validated in the proof of con-
cept in the section 3.
CLOSER 2018 - 8th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
As future work, we are working on expanding
the definitions of the algorithms supported to include
methodologies that allow us to include services such
as Deep Learning techniques and time series process-
Manuel Parra-Royon holds a ”Excelencia” schol-
arship from the Regional Government of Andalu-
sia (Spain). This work was supported by the
Research Projects P12-TIC-2958, TIN2013-47210-P
and TIN2016-81113-R (Ministry of Economy, Indus-
try and Competitiveness - Government of Spain).
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CLOSER 2018 - 8th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science