Intrusion Detection and Prevention with Internet-integrated CoAP
Sensing Applications
Jorge Granjal and Artur Pedroso
CISUC/DEI, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
Internet-integrated Sensor Networks, CoAP, 6LoWPAN, IoT, Intrusion Detection.
End-to-end communications between Internet devices and Internet-integrated constrained wireless sensing
platforms promise to contribute to the enabling of many of the envisioned IoT applications. In this context,
communication technologies such as 6LoWPAN and CoAP are currently materializing this vision, and we
may fairly observe that security in the presence of such devices, and particularly in the context of end-to-end
communications with Internet-integrated WSN, will be of prime importance. Considering the constraints of
sensing devices in terms of critical resources such as energy, memory and computational capability, it is clear
that Internet-integrated WSN will need security against various types of attacks, particularly those originated
at devices without the constraints of WSN sensors (e.g. Internet hosts). Existing encryption strategies for
communications in IoT environments are unable to protect the WSN for Denial of Service (DoS) and other
intrusion attacks, particularly in what regards the usage of CoAP to enable application-layer communications.
Therefore, anomaly and intrusion detection will play a major role in the enabling of IoT applications in various
areas. In this article, we approach a framework to cope with intrusion detection and reaction in CoAP Internet-
integrated WSN, and in the context of this framework we implement and evaluate various complementary
detection and prevention mechanisms. Our proposal is evaluated experimentally and ours is, as far as our
knowledge goes, the first proposal with the above-mentioned goals.
Most of the applications envisioned for the Internet of
Things (IoT) are critical in respect to security. The
IoT will be enabled by communication and security
technologies based on the 6LoWPAN (IPv6 over Low
power WPAN) (Montenegro et al., 2007) adaptation
layer, in particular by the Constrained Application
Protocol (CoAP) (Bormann et al., 2012), which was
designed to support RESTful application-layer com-
munications with heterogeneous constrained sensing
and actuating platforms. Another relevant protocol
is RPL (IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low-Power and
Lossy Networks) (Winter, 2012), which is a routing
framework adaptable to various types of IoT appli-
cation areas. CoAP is beginning to enable transpar-
ent and pervasive web communications supporting
IoT applications, but on the other end such Internet-
integrated devices are exposed to external threats, par-
ticularly in the form of Denial of Service (DoS) at-
tacks and attacks subverting the usage rules of CoAP.
Although security mechanisms may be adopted to se-
cure CoAP communications, such as DTLS or even
IPSec, such mechanisms only protect against exter-
nal attacks, and are also not able to offer protection
against DoS threats. In fact, cryptography cannot de-
tect attackers with legal keys, either internal or exter-
nal, but behaving maliciously. Intrusion detection and
prevention will thus play a very important role in en-
abling most of the envisioned IoT applications (Palat-
tella et al., 2013), and appropriate solutions need to
be designed that ate able to protect CoAP commu-
nication environments, not only from DoS-related at-
tacks, but also from attacks design to explore vulnera-
bilities of the newly designed CoAP application-layer
protocol. Thus, unlike in isolated WSN (wireless sen-
sor networks) environments, 6LoWPAN networks use
IP and are directly connected to the untrusted Inter-
net, opening the door to new threats that must be pre-
vented and dealt with. Although there are various pro-
posals in the literature focusing on intrusion detection
in WSN environments, most of such proposals are not
fit for the IoT. Many proposals are designed without a
central manager or controller, without considering the
availability of message security and considering that
sensing devices are not capable of global communica-
Granjal, J. and Pedroso, A.
Intrusion Detection and Prevention with Internet-integrated CoAP Sensing Applications.
DOI: 10.5220/0006777901640172
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2018), pages 164-172
ISBN: 978-989-758-296-7
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
tions and identified globally (e.g. by an IP address).
In the context of the IoT, the global Internet archi-
tecture is starting to encompass sensing devices, and
in consequence 6LBR (6LoWPAN border routers) are
assumed to be always accessible, end-to-end message
security is required and devices are globally identified
by IPv6 addresses (Palattella et al., 2013). Consid-
ering such goals, we consider a set of representative
attacks against devices using CoAP, which we eval-
uate in the context of a framework for application-
layer (CoAP) intrusion detection and reaction. The
article is structured as follows. We begin by dis-
cussing intrusion detection prevention in the IoT in
the next Section, and in Section III we discuss our
framework, together with its main components and
the messaging format employed for security-related
management procedures. In Section IV we focus on
intrusion detection and reaction mechanisms imple-
mented and evaluated later in the article, in Section V.
Finally, in Section VI we conclude our discussion.
In classic approaches on intrusion detection and
prevention in the Internet three complementary ap-
proaches are normally considered: signature-based,
anomaly-based and specification-based systems. A
signature or misuse-based IDS first defines patterns of
the known attacks and checks the traffic against such
known attacks. Mechanisms in this class are usually
characterized by low-false alarm rates, although they
need to store large data sets (signatures and also the
data to be analyzed) and are limited in detecting new
attacks. In anomaly-based intrusion detection, normal
network behaviors are first classified, and compared
with monitored operations and communications, in
order to detect anomalous activities. This class of sys-
tems possess the ability to detect new attacks but can
be characterized by a high false-alarm rate. Finally,
specification-based systems are a variant of anomaly-
based systems, and work by specifying normal net-
work operations in detail and monitoring any break-
ing of that specification. Such system decrease the
false detection rate but on the other hand the opera-
tion patterns must be usually created by specialists.
The current trend in IDS research in the context of
the IoT is to combine these before mentioned meth-
ods, in order to jointly benefit from the qualities of
the various approaches. Other useful characteriza-
tion of intrusion detection and prevention is in what
respects the topology of the employed architecture,
which may be either distributed, centralized or hybrid.
In the former, the role of detection and reaction to at-
tacks may be supported by various devices in the net-
work, while in distributed systems one single system
is responsible for such tasks. A hybrid system com-
bines distributed intrusion detection supported by de-
vices in the network with a central manager, usually
responsible for more complex analysis and decisions
operations. In this article, we consider the imple-
mentation of a hybrid intrusion detection and preven-
tion architecture employing signature-based, as well
as DoS detection. Looking at recent (less than five
years) research proposals dealing with intrusion de-
tection and prevention in 6LoWPAN and CoAP envi-
ronments, we find proposals mostly focused on pro-
tecting against attacks on routing using RPL in 6LoW-
PAN environments. A first approach towards IDS in
IoT environments is presented in (Raza et al., 2013),
in the form of SVELTE, a system designed to protect
WSN from attacks against routing operations, in par-
ticular spoofed or altered information, sinkhole and
selective-forwarding. Attacks are detected by main-
taining a dedicated routing information in the 6LBR,
which is constructed from RPL information and also
from information reported by the various sensors, for
the purpose of detecting inconsistencies in the rout-
ing tree. SVELTE is mostly focused on RPL-based
6LoWPAN networks, and this proposal doesnt ad-
dress security against attacks at the network and upper
layers, neither DoS or other types of attacks. In (Le
et al., 2012) the authors focus again on threats against
RPL, and propose a two-layer IDS architecture de-
signed to detect internal attacks on routing operations,
based on three components: an RPL specification-
based monitor, an anomaly-based used in cooperation
with the specification-based to monitor the node per-
formance and a statistical-based component to reveal
the attacker source. Although this work performs a
good job in discussing the applicability of WSN IDS
systems to IoT 6LoWPAN environments, it is mostly
focused on internal attacks against RPL. Also, the de-
scribed system model is also not materialized in the
form of concrete detection and reaction mechanisms.
In (Lee et al., 2014) the authors propose an intrusion
detection method based on evaluating over time the
energy consumption of sensing devices. The authors
classify sensing devices with irregular energy con-
sumptions as malicious attackers, by considering en-
ergy consumption models built for communications
in a 6LoWPAN network, in both the mesh-under and
route-over operation modes of IEEE 802.15.4. From
simulation, the authors state that this strategy may al-
low to detect misbehaving nodes and that such nodes
may thus be excluded from operations in the network.
One limitation of this approach is that IoT applica-
Intrusion Detection and Prevention with Internet-integrated CoAP Sensing Applications
tions may not always present a homogeneous energy
consumption profile over time, and other is that in this
work the focus is not on attacks at the network or ap-
plication layers. In (Rghioui et al., 2014) the authors
also focus on discussing DoS attacks against RPL op-
erations. Despite their discussion on various type of
attacks against the routing layer, as well as various
recommendations on aspects such as the placement
of IDS system, as well as on the types of systems to
employ and the parameters to consider in various sce-
narios, the article does not propose nor evaluate any
particular mechanisms. In (Kasinathan et al., 2013)
the authors propose a DoS architecture for 6LoW-
PAN, designed to integrate with the network frame-
work developed within the EU FP7 project ebbits.
This framework is focused on critical network en-
vironments, and the proposed architecture has been
designed and evaluated for industrial environments.
A preliminary implementation is also discussed and
evaluated using a penetration testing system. The pro-
posed system is focused on jamming attacks, but is
dependent on information modules available on the
eebits architecture, and security-related notifications
are dependent on the usage of a dedicated commu-
nications medium for security-related data. The au-
thors in (Surendar and Umamakeswari, 2016) pro-
pose an improvement to SVELTE when dealing on
attacks against routing, particularly focused on sink-
hole attacks. The proposal is evaluated through sim-
ulation while, again, this proposal focuses on attacks
against a particular class of attacks against routing in
6LoWPAN environments. In (Shreenivas et al., 2017)
SVELTE is again improved by adding a new parame-
ter, in the form of a link reliability metric which helps
in preventing the 6LBR and neighbouring nodes to
actively engage with malicious intruders. The imple-
mentation and evaluation are based on Contiki and
COOJA is used for simulations, and the authors claim
that their proposal improves the true positive rate of
SVELTE. In (Rghioui et al., 2015) the authors ad-
dress the design of a system based on detecting mis-
behaving nodes in a 6LoWPAN networks, with the
assumption that neighbour nodes in such a network
behave similarly (in terms of communications) dur-
ing the lifetime of the application. The proposal is
evaluated against its performance (true positives and
false positives) and found to perform better, the same
applying to energy. We note that this work is fo-
cused again on attacks against routing operations in
a 6LoWPAN network, in this case considering that
all nodes in a given DODAG are supposed to operate
similarly. From the previous analysis, we may ob-
serve that, on the one hand, intrusion detection and
prevention in 6LoWPAN environments is very recent.
On the other hand, most of the existing proposal fo-
cus on attacks against routing using the RPL frame-
work. If it is true that some proposals deal with at-
tacks (DoS attacks) disrupting 6LoWPAN operations,
we have found no proposals considering the conju-
gation of DoS attacks with attacks perpetrated at the
We now proceed by presenting the proposed frame-
work for intrusion detection and prevention in CoAP
Internet-integrated sensing environments. With this
goal in mind, we start by identifying the system and
security requirements, and proceed to discuss the op-
eration of the various modules that constitute our
framework. We also address security-related manage-
ment and later in the article the intrusion detection
techniques implemented.
3.1 System and Security Requirements
As previously discussed, IoT applications are being
envisioned and implemented in areas as diverse as
smart cities, surveillance and smart energy, among
others, that will require fundamental security assur-
ances from the infrastructure, and this certainly ap-
plies also to the capability to detect and react timely
to attacks against the availability of such devices and
of the IoT application. As we have previously ana-
lyzed, there is currently a lack of systems and mecha-
nisms designed to enable intrusion detection in CoAP
networks, and therefore this motivates us towards the
proposal of a framework with the following goals:
Cross-layer attack detection: being able to de-
tect attacks at the network (6LoWPAN), transport
(RPL) and application (CoAP) layers.
Detect attacks originated at external (namely, In-
ternet hosts) and internal devices (e.g. other sens-
ing devices, either in the same or in a separate
WSN domain).
Intrusion prevention and filtering: be able to react
(timely) to attacks by blocking attackers.
Extensibility: support intrusion and prevention
mechanisms at the various layers, according to the
requirements of the IoT application at hand.
Configurability: support reconfigurable detection
and reaction policies, during the lifetime of the
IoTBDS 2018 - 3rd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Taking into consideration the previously identi-
fied atributes, we proceed by describing our proposed
framework for intrusion detection and prevention in
IoT CoAP environments.
3.2 Intrusion Detection and Prevention
For an intrusion detection and prevention system to
be feasible in most Internet-integrated WSN environ-
ments, it must cope with the resource constraints of
sensing and actuating platforms, while on the other
hand being able to adapt and benefit to devices with
less constraints, as is usually the case with 6LoWPAN
Border Routers (6LBR). As previously discussed, for
this reason, we adopt a hybrid approach to the support
of intrusion and detection functionalities. Figure 1 il-
lustrates the system model for the proposed system.
Figure 1: System architecture for intrusion detection and
prevention in CoAP Internet-integrated networks.
It is also important to identify the trust model as-
sumed in the definition and usage of our framework.
We consider that devices assuming the role of intru-
sion detection, prevention and filtering of commu-
nications are trusted, and this applies to both con-
strained sensing devices and gateways (6LBR enti-
ties). Thus, we focus on security against external at-
tackers, from the point of view of the communications
and also of the devices participating in normal opera-
tions. We also assume that more intensive processing
is performed by the 6LBR, thus allowing us to bene-
fit from the resouces available in this platform, while
the various sensors in the WSN domains also coop-
erate in the task of detecting and reacting to attacks
against the security of the network. As illustrated in
Figure 1, attackers may be internal for a given WSN
domain but also external (e.g. an Internet host). Thus,
the cooperation of the various devices in the role of
attack detection and blocking is fundamental in or-
der to timely stop attacks, either at the end device
being attacked or, if necessary, by blocking commu-
nications between the Internet and WSN domains (at
the 6LBR). Thus, the hybrid approach allows for the
rapid detection of attacks and the timely distributed
reaction to such attacks, also with the help of border
routers. For example, if certain conditions arise, the
6LBR may block communications between WSN do-
mains, or originated at the Internet, and also to in-
struct the various sensing devices in the WSN to start
blocking communications from a particular origin de-
vice. We proceed by identifying the modules that ma-
terialize our intrusion detection and reaction system,
in the context of the sensing device in Figure 2 and of
the 6LBR in Figure 3.
Figure 2: IDS and firewall in the stack (sensing device).
Adaptation layer
MAC (IEEE 802.15.4, IEEE
IDS and Firewall
PHY (IEEE 802.15.4, IEEE
MAC (IEEE 802.3, 802.11,
802.16, LTE)
PHY (IEEE 802.3, 802.11,
802.16, LTE)
Figure 3: IDS and firewall in the stack (6LBR).
We note that encryption can be enabled either at
the physical and data-link layers in the WSN, through
IEEE 802.15.4 encryption, or by using DTLS or
IPSec. As illustrated in Figures 2 and 3, we enable
detection of attacks by analyzing traffic at various lay-
ers of the communications stack, in particular from
the 6LoWPAN adaptation layer up. The framework
also supports a firewall to filter out undesired com-
munications at the various stages (layers) of process-
Intrusion Detection and Prevention with Internet-integrated CoAP Sensing Applications
ing in the context of the 6LoWPAN/CoAP network-
ing stack. Thus, a given message may be blocked, if
conditions arise, at the network, routing or application
(CoAP) layers.
3.3 Security Management
As previously discussed, the security module in sens-
ing devices and in the 6LBR assumes the role of gen-
erating, receiving and processing security manage-
ment messages. Such messages allow us to transmit
critical information regarding attacks that are detected
and on how the various devices may act in order to
coordinately stop such attacks. As we focus on intru-
sion detection and prevention on CoAP IoT networks,
security management messages are transported in the
payload of CoAP confirmable messages, as such be-
ing inherently protected from packet lost (Bormann
et al., 2012). In Figure 4 we illustrates the format for
security management messages exchanges between
devices in the context of our framework and we also
assume that communications in this context may be
protected via encryption either at the neywork layer
using IPSec or at the transport layer using DTLS. In
this figure, at the top we illustrate the format for se-
curity messages originated at a sensing device, and at
the bottom security messages originated at the 6LBR.
Index_request num_requests
CoAP headers
CoAP headers
Figure 4: Format of security notification messages.
In the ip index we store a position in a vector
storing structures storing an IP address, the number
of distinct requests received in the sensor from that
source IP address and a flag indicating weather mes-
sages from that address are already blocked or not.
The index request indicates the type of request re-
ceived by the constrained device (and that has subse-
quently motivated the generation of this security no-
tification message). Finally, in the num requests field
we transport the number of requests received so far
by the sensor, of type index request, from the IP ad-
dress stored in the position ip index of the vector. As
for messages originated at the 6LBR, ip to block is
used again as an index to a position in a vector main-
tained in the destination sensing device, containing
the information about the blocked origin device. We
may also note that the vector maintaining information
about each entity know in the network, together with
the counter of requests received from the that entity
and blocking information, must be maintained in the
various devices of the system in a synchronized fash-
ion. This information, together with the identification
of the type of request, allows for the exchange and
updating of the information required for the security
management modules to detect and act upon received
6LoWPAN and CoAP communications.
We proceed by discussing the implementation of the
proposed framework in the Contiki operating system
(Dunkels et al., 2004), starting with the mechanisms
that allow us to internally integrate security with the
processing of 6LoWPAN and CoAP communications.
4.1 Counters and Thresholds for Attack
As previously noted, the proposed framework is ex-
tensible, and extensibility here is in fact two dimen-
sional. On the one hand, filtering and analysis mech-
anisms can be integrated in the framework, as illus-
trated in Figure 2, at the network, routing and applica-
tion layers. On the other hand, such mechanisms may
be designed to distinguish between different types of
requests at such layers. The combination of both
types of analysis and filtering lays the ground for the
support of various intrusion detection strategies. We
start by noting that it is fundamental to be able to de-
tect and prevent resource exhaustion attacks at CoAP
networks, particularly because the network conges-
tion control in CoAP is not controlled by the server,
in fact being implemented via transmission parame-
ters in CoAP messages sent by client (Le et al., 2012).
With such aspect in mind, we consider the detection
of the number of requests that a constrained device re-
ceived in a specific period (in a minute), above which
the security and the stability of the WSN environment
(and thus of the IoT application) may be at risk, and
also attacks employing other types of messages, as
well as those subverting the usage rules of the CoAP
protocol. Overall, we maintain, in each sensing de-
vice, separate counters for the following types of mes-
sages received by the system during a previous time
Number of valid CoAP requests to resources (sen-
sors and actuators) available and published by the
Number of invalid CoAP requests, thus mal-
formed requests or requests to resources (sensors
and actuators) that are not available in the device;
Number of messages not intended for CoAP pro-
cessing, such as ICMP, TCP and others;
IoTBDS 2018 - 3rd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
The previous counters, as well as thresholds that
may be activated for each type of attack, allow us to
detect and react to attacks using the security manager
and firewall modules, respectively.
4.2 Intrusion Detection and Prevention
We now describe the intrusion detection and reaction
policy considered for the purpose of evaluating the
impact of the proposed mechanisms, that we discuss
later in the article. In both the sensing devices and
the 6LBR the rules in the policy are implemented as a
set of pre-configured rules in memory, which describe
the conditions triggering particular actions, with the
help of the previously discussed counters. We also
note that the framework is generic, in the sense that
it allows for the activation of different detection and
blocking policies, in line with the particular require-
ments of the IoT application at hand. Next we de-
scribe the security policy considered in the context of
our experimental evaluation of the proposed mecha-
nisms, that we have implemented in the constrained
sensing devices. As can be seen, the security policy
is defined as a set of rules that identify the conditions
upon which intrusion detection and prevention takes
# For requests to resource CoAP1 received from a device with source
# IP address orig1, communications are immediately blocked
If IP=orig1 and res=CoAP1 then block
# Notify the 6LBR if more than 5 requests are received for the CoAP
# resource CoAP2, irrespective of the source IP address
If IP=* and res=CoAP2 and NReqMin>=5 then notify
# Enable security against attackers sending undesired and malformed
# CoAP requests
If IP=* and res=malformed and NReqMin>=1 then notify
If IP=* and res=malformed and NReqMin>=3 then block and notify
# Establish a threshold to control the acceptable number of messages
# that can be accepted and processed in the device
If IP=* and res=* and NReqMin>=5 then notify
We start by considering requests that are already
blocked, as well as requests to a particular resource
that, above a particular threshold, trigger a notifica-
tion to be sent to the 6LBR. We also enable security
against undesired or malformed CoAP requests, by
notifying and blocking further communications enter-
ing the device. Finally, we enable DoS protection via
a limit of requests per minute above which we notify
the 6LBR. Next we describe the same security policy,
now as enforced by the 6LBR.
# Block external (e.g. from the Internet) requests to resource CoAP2
# on sensor1, if a notification is received from that device and
# when the number requests per minute is above 5
If NotifSource=sensor1 and IP=external and res=CoAP2 and NReqMin>=5
then blockdst=sensor1
# Notify all sensors in the WSN about a device making requests to
# resource CoAP2, when at least two sensing devices have sent alerts
If NotifSource=* and NNotif>=2 and IP=internal and res=CoAP2
then notifyblock=all
# Block malformed messages received from an internal sensing device
# and notify other internal devices also block such communications
If NotifSource=* and NNotif>=3 and res=malformed and IP=*
then notifyblock=all and blockdst=all
# Notify internal devices about all communications exceeding 7
# messages per minute, irrespective of their origin, type and CoAP
# resource requested
If NotifSource=* and NNotif>=2 and res=* and IP=* and NReqMin>=7
then notifyblock=all
From the policy considered for the 6LBR we may
observe that the gateway is able to control and block
the forwarding of 6LoWPAN and CoAP communi-
cations according to security warnings received from
devices in the WSN domain, while also sending to
devices in the WSN domain notifications instructing
such devices on how to act on communications re-
ceived from the (suspect) IP origin address.
The proposed intrusion detection and prevention
framework has been implemented and experimentally
evaluated, with the goal of determining the effective-
ness (in regard of its capability of detecting and re-
acting to attacks in a timely fashion) of the proposed
mechanisms, as well as its impact in the critical re-
sources available in constrained sensing platform, in
particular memory, computational power and energy.
We start our discussion by describing our experimen-
tal evaluation setup.
5.1 Experimental Evaluation Setup and
As previously discussed, we have implemented and
experimentally evaluated the proposed framework
and security mechanisms. In Figure 5 we illustrate
the experimental evaluation scenario. As illustrated,
CoAP requests, as well as other types of messages
targeting a constrained sensing device, may be origi-
nated either at another WSN device or at an external
(Internet) host.
(Internet) host
(sensing device)
(sensing device)
Attack / CoAP messages
Attack /
CoAP messages
WSN Internet
Figure 5: Experimental evaluation setup.
We have modified the source code of the Contiki
operating system (Dunkels et al., 2004), with the goal
Intrusion Detection and Prevention with Internet-integrated CoAP Sensing Applications
of implementing and experimentally evaluating the
proposed intrusion detection and prevention mecha-
nisms, using a MTM-CM5000MSP TelosB. As for
the support of the 6LBR, we employ a Raspberry Pi
model B device running Linux (Raspbian) to support
forwarding of communications, as well as security
management and filtering. In this setup we send dif-
ferent types of request messages to a CoAP sensing
device and at different rates, with the goal of evaluat-
ing the effectiveness of the implemented mechanisms
in dealing with DoS, as well as attacks against CoAP.
Our main goal is to experimentally evaluate the im-
pact of intrusion detection and prevention on the re-
sources of constrained devices and on the operations
of IoT applications employing 6LoWPAN and CoAP,
in particular via the following strategy:
Evaluate the impact of security on the memory of
the sensing device. Memory is a scarce resource
on such devices, and as such this is important in
order to ascertain on the effectiveness of our pro-
Evaluate the energy consumption on the con-
strained sensing device in the presence of attacks,
in comparison with normal operations, as this di-
rectly influences the achievable lifetime of IoT ap-
With the previous goals in mind, we proceed by
discussing the three considered experimental evalua-
tion scenarios.
5.2 Evaluation Scenarios
We have considered the following complementary ex-
perimental evaluation scenarios, with the following
Scenario E1 - Filtered CoAP external requests: in
this scenario the sensing device is already block-
ing requests to resource coap1, originated at a
known external (in the Internet) device.
Scenario E2 - Notify and block at the 6LBR (ex-
ternal attacker): in this scenario we consider a
known device in the Internet sending CoAP re-
quests to resource coap2 on the constrained sens-
ing device. According to the previously discussed
security policy, the sensing device is configured to
notify the 6LBR when a given IP address trans-
mits 5 or more requests per minute to a given
CoAP resource. Upon receiving such notifica-
tions, 6LBR blocks further forwarding of commu-
Scenario E3 - Notify and block (internal attacker):
in this scenario, we consider a known internal
attacker (in the same WSN as the attacked de-
vice), sending requests to the resource coap2. The
attacked sensing device is configured to notify
the 6LBR when receiving 5 or more requests per
minute directed to that resource, and upon receiv-
ing such notifications the 6LBR is configured to
notify the devices in the WSN to block further re-
quests received from the attacker.
Other than the three previous scenarios, we also
consider the existence of a CoAP device fully exposed
to internal and external communications. In this sce-
nario, CoAP requests to resource coap1 are received
from an unknown external device, and the sensor tries
to honor (receive and process) all such requests, thus
being fully exposed to DoS and attacks against CoAP.
This scenario may thus provide us with a baseline for
comparing with the aforementioned evaluation sce-
narios with security.
5.3 Impact on Memory
In Figure 6 we illustrate the impact of the proposed in-
trusion detection and reaction mechanisms, when im-
plemented in Contiki, in the memory available in the
sensing device. The implementation of CoAP with
security (IDS) supports the previously discussed in-
trusion detection and prevention mechanisms. The
impact of our IDS implementation on Contiki is of
10.6% in the case of RAM (6830 bytes are used with
IDS, against 6173 without security), and of 5.6% in
the case of ROM (for the program code, requiring
44926 bytes with security against 42528 bytes with-
out security).
Figure 6: Impact of the proposed framework on the memory
available on the sensing device.
Regarding the previously discussed measure-
ments, we may safely consider that intrusion detec-
tion and prevention (together with the firewall and
security management modules) demands an accept-
able overhead on the memory available on the sens-
ing device, thus not compromising the employment
IoTBDS 2018 - 3rd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
of the previously discussed security functionalities on
devices with the characteristics of the TelosB.
5.4 Impact on Energy
Energy is a critical resource on IoT environments,
considering that many constrained sensing platforms
still depend on batteries. Therefore, the communica-
tions and security protocols must be efficient in terms
of the required energy, in order not to compromise
the lifetime of the IoT application at hand. With the
purpose of measuring the energy consumption of in-
trusion detection and prevention, we have employed
Powertrace (Dunkels et al., 2011) with Energest to
profile power consumption in Contiki. This tool is
characterized by around 94% of reported accuracy in
its energy measurements. Using Energest, we are able
to measure the CPU and radio cycles spent by the
sensing device, when receiving communications and
processing security, measured at each 20 seconds, for
a period of at least 80 seconds. In each experience, we
start making requests to a sensing device in the begin-
ning of the second period of 20 seconds and refuse the
measures taken by Energest in the first period. Thus,
we collect the next three 20 second periods measured
by Energest, and calculate the average cycles per sec-
ond used by the sensing device in a 60 second period.
Energest reports the CPU, LPM, Tx and RX measure-
ments, from which are may analytically obtain the
power usage. We consider 3V as standard voltage for
our calculations, and that a node is in low power mode
(LPM) when the radio is off and the MCU (micro con-
troller unit) is idle. We calculate the CPU time when
the MCU is on. In Figure 7 we illustrate the power re-
quired (in mW) to process different number of CoAP
requests, considering the previously discussed config-
urations (with and without security).
Figure 7: Power required to process CoAP requests (with
and without IDS).
As can be observed in the previous Figure, the im-
pact of the implement security mechanisms provides
evident energy savings, if compared with the corre-
spondent experimental evaluation scenarios where the
sensor is exposed to attacks and thus without intru-
sion detection and reaction mechanisms. For exam-
ple, in the scenario E3 without security the device
is attacked by an internal attacker and up to 0,079
mW are required to process 480 CoAP requests in a
minute, while security in this case (scenario E3 with
IDS) lowers this requirement to 0,026mW, or aproxi-
matelly 32% of the original value.
5.5 Lifetime of Sensing Applications
Another useful evaluation is on the impact of security
on the lifetime of IoT applications. Thus, considering
our previous measurements on the energy required in
the various evaluation scenarios, and the availability
of two new AA-type batteries in the sensing device,
we are able to analytically derive the expected life-
time of IoT applications, that we illustrate in Figure
Figure 8: Lifetime (analytical) of CoAP applications (with
and without IDS).
It is important to note that the previously illus-
trated results consider only the energy required for
processing communications and security, thus not ac-
counting the impact of other operations related with
the IoT application at hand. Nevertheless, it allows us
to ascertain on weather intrusion detection and pre-
vention may compromise the goals of the application,
in what respects the lifetime of sensing devices run-
ning on batteries. The effectiveness of the proposed
security mechanisms is again visible in this evalua-
tion. In the worst scenario (E3 for 480 CoAP requests
per minute), security still provides approximatively
71700 hours of lifetime, in contrast with only ap-
proximately 24060 without security. Also, if we con-
sider the baseline measurements (E1 without secu-
rity), for 480 requests per minute the achievable life-
time (21900 hours) is less than one third of the coun-
terpart with security (approximately 72240 hours).
Intrusion Detection and Prevention with Internet-integrated CoAP Sensing Applications
In this article we propose an architecture for dis-
tributed intrusion detection and reaction in Internet-
integrated CoAP sensing environments, and evalu-
ate its effectiveness in detecting and reacting to at-
tacks, as well as the impact of the proposed secu-
rity mechanisms on the memory and energy of con-
strained wireless sensing devices. As we have ob-
served, the proposed framework is flexible and exten-
sible, so that other attacks (which can also be detected
at the network, routing and application layers) can be
supported in the future. As future work, we plan to
extend the detection and filtering capabilities of the
framework to detect new types of application attacks
against the CoAP protocol.
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IoTBDS 2018 - 3rd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security