the road infrastructure (V2I/ I2V). Two types of com-
ponents will be used for the Lisbon Pilot C-ITS de-
ployment. The first one is a vehicle based hardware
while the second one is a non-vehicle based hardware,
that is an equipment located along roadside, on board
units (OBUs) and roadside units (RSUs), respectively.
Infrastructure to vehicle (I2V) and vehicle to in-
frastructure (V2I) communication will be evaluated
through wireless communication over IEEE 802.11p
(ITS-G5). Those communication systems require
components located in vehicles (OBUs) and along ro-
adways (RSUs) to enable complete system operation.
Thus, two OBUs equipped with 2 radios, one GPS
receiver and a processor unit will be installed on con-
ventional vehicles, as well as on AVs, and connected
with an Human Machine Interface (App for tablet).
As non-vehicle based hardwares, six georeferen-
cing RSUs, making use of ITS-G5 communications
technology, will be embedded on several roadside
cabinets, namely at 7+530, 6+300, 4+410, 3+700,
2+400, 1+600 kilometers. Those RSUs will broad-
cast messages, needed to support V2I/I2V applicati-
ons, through the ITS central platform, specified and
develop by A-to-Be (a technology company, part of
BRISA’s Group), making use of hybrid communicati-
ons, such as ITS-G5 (5.9 GHz) plus 3G cellular net-
works, either to the vehicles or to traffic management
center (TMC).
This paper presents the expected scenarios, test-cases
and technology involved in one of the pilots to be de-
ployed in the AUTOCITS project: the Lisbon Pilot.
Some general and key technical aspects of the Lisbon
Pilot have been covered in this paper, with a parti-
cular focus on the expected scenarios (motorway and
urban-node), vehicles’ technology, C-ITS infrastruc-
ture, the test-cases that will be carried out, and also
the current regulation for the adoption of automated
and/or driverless vehicles in Portugal.
The AUTOCITS project is currently under way
and its technical and technological aspects are at a
very advanced stage. More details and up-to-date in-
formation is available at www.autocits.eu.
This work has been supported by “AUTOCITS - Re-
gulation Study for Interoperability in the Adoption
of Autonomous Driving in European Urban Nodes” -
Action number 2015-EU-TM-0243-S, co-financed by
the European Union Innovation and Networks Exe-
cutive Agency - Connecting Europe Facility (INEA-
CEF). We also thank Prof. Vitor Santos (Univ. of
Aveiro) and the Institute of Systems and Robotics
(ISR-UC) Team for their collaboration in the project.
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VEHITS 2018 - 4th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems