An Overview of Renewable Smart District Heating and Cooling
Applications with Thermal Storage in Europe
Fivos Galatoulas
, Marc Frere
, Christos S. Ioakimidis
ERA Chair (*Holder) 'Net-Zero Energy Efficiency on City Districts, NZED' Unit, Research Institute for Energy,
University of Mons, 56 Rue de l’Epargne, Mons, Belgium
Research Institute for Energy, Boulevard Dolez 31, Mons 7000, Belgium
Keywords: Case Study, District Heating and Cooling, Renewable Energy, Thermal Storage.
Abstract: A series of transformations in heat and cold distribution systems is undergoing with the introduction of 4
generation District Heating and Cooling (DHC) technologies. At the center of this process is the integration
of renewable technologies, such as solar heating, geothermal systems with large heat pumps and cooling from
natural water formations. In this context, smart DHC systems are designed and early prototype
implementations are demonstrated in sites across the world. The purpose of this paper is to trace the latest
advancements in existing DHC networks and to identify early smart city technologies incorporated. A
summary of basic components and characteristics is attempted with focus on thermal storage technologies
coupled with renewable heating and cooling.
The process of supplying district end users, for
instance residential and commercial buildings, with
thermal energy in order to cover heating and cooling
demand, is in the scope of district heating and cooling
networks (DHC) involving efficient heat distribution
designs. Since their dawn, DHC network systems
exploited a variety of energy resources, namely,
geothermal, fossil fuel, waste and biomass
incarceration. In the context of development,
combinations of heat production methods and
resources employed in DHC, underwent a series of
transformations (Lund et al., 2014) with the latest,
driven by the impact of climate change and fossil fuel
shortage towards abundant solutions, pointing
specifically to renewable energy resources. Table 1
summarizes the main DHC technologies generations
along with distinguishing characteristics.
Historically, DHC technologies have been
adopted in parts of Europe, North America and Asia.
Only in Europe it accounts for 12% coverage of total
heat demand (Euroheat & Power, 2015), with leading
adopters Scandinavian, Central and Eastern European
countries, which since the second half of the 20
century invest in large scale heat distribution
infrastructure. Specifically, DHC infrastructure has
Table 1: Generations of district heating technologies and
primary resources.
Timespan Production Primary
CHP and
Heat Boilers
Coal and
waste and
e Sources
claimed a principal role in thermal energy supply for
urban areas in these countries. The setting in Western
Europe appears more moderate, where countries such
as Germany and Switzerland receive a stable
contribution from these systems.
District cooling covers space cooling needs in
residential and commercial instalments. In any case,
location induced constraints towards the applicability
of the technology can be surpassed, with working
examples demonstrated in cities spanning from
Sweden to United Arab Emirates.
This paper aims to provide an overview of
innovative realizations of Smart district heating and
cooling supply, with focus on projects combining
Galatoulas, F., Frere, M. and Ioakimidis, C.
An Overview of Renewable Smart District Heating and Cooling Applications with Thermal Storage in Europe.
DOI: 10.5220/0006785703110319
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems (SMARTGREENS 2018), pages 311-319
ISBN: 978-989-758-292-9
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
distribution with thermal storage under a wide range
of conditions. The second section describes the
concept of smart DHC networks and related
regulatory framework in Europe. Section III
summarizes the available technologies according to
early smart DHC networks with thermal storage
deployed across Europe. A recently delivered case
study at Rotterdam concentrating elements of a smart
thermal grid, is presented in the fourth section.
Finally, technology limitations and future prospects
conclude the paper in section V.
2.1 Smart District Heating and Cooling
DHC covers the generation and distribution of
thermal energy in districts. In the case of heating, the
design consists of a pipe network, filled with hot
water, and heat sources (centralized heat production
plant). Hot water circulates in the piping network
aided by pumps, from the heating plant to end-users
and backwards (Wiltshire, 2015). The heat hub relies
on heat exchangers placed at every end-user building,
in order to transfer heat from network to residential
node heating and hot water systems. Remaining water
from heat exchangers returns through the pipe
network and is pumped back to the heating plant,
where it is processed in a new heating cycle.
District cooling follows similar principles as
district heating. Indoor envelope temperatures can be
decreased with cold water, which is distributed in the
pipe network to end-user ventilation systems. Water
temperature ranges can start from approximately 6
at cooling site and return with approximately 16
Common methods developed for district cooling
supply comprise of free cooling (cold water from
lakes, seas or other waterways), absorption cooling
(uses a heat source to produce cold) and heat pumps
(produce heat and cold at the same time).
The vast majority of DHC networks operating
nowadays provide heat and cold generated from
centralized units (central plants) and are obliged to
comply with air pollution regulations, via the
enforcement of emission control methods, while,
efficiency and generation output volume differ
depending on the type of plant and energy resource
utilized (Wang et al., 2015). Undesirable fluctuations
in supply such as over-generation or under-generation
may result in energy waste or unsatisfied demand,
respectively. To this end, optimal management of the
generation units is required to ensure sufficient
energy distribution to end-users with maximized
efficiency, cost and minimum emissions.
Smart DHC introduces innovative solutions in the
domain of thermal energy management therefore
aiming to improve the performance of systems
(Mathiesen et al., 2015). Key technologies for this
transition are expected to be a) heat metering (smart
heat load meters, Gustafsson et al., 2016), b)
monitoring and automated control of heat exchangers,
triggering research in domains such as, Internet of
Things, thermal energy modelling and optimization
and power electronics and c) thermal storage with
complementary control systems (Wong et al., 2017,
Monti et al., 2016). Cogeneration and residual heat
usage, enable improved allocation of network energy
resources. From the end-user perspective, an upgrade
in radiator control through variable speed radiator
pumps is opted in order to facilitate network-
balancing issues without thermal discomfort side
effects. In a similar manner with smart power grids,
smart thermal grids can be designed, as heat load
consumers also contribute to heat production by
installing generation or storage components, where
besides participating solely in demand, they appear as
suppliers in a hybrid demand supply driven network
(van den Ende et al., 2015, Brand et al., 2014).
It is evident that major challenge for this
transition is to tackle efficiency drawbacks sourcing
from heat losses present in previous generation DHC
networks and low energy performance buildings. In
fact, when building refurbishment is considered as a
parameter in sizing of DHC systems, results indicate
additional economic and environmental benefits
(Pavičević et al., 2017). Increase in building energy
efficiency results in reduced heat demand, thus lower
performances are required for supply. At the same
time, heat losses in distribution pipes decrease in low
temperature district heating systems.
2.2 Legislative Framework
According to directive 2012/27 of the European
parliament, a common framework of actions has been
adopted regionally targeting efficient district heating
and cooling with high renewable energy shares for
2020’. The European directive defines efficient DHC
systems as those using at least 50 % renewable
energy, 50 % waste heat, 75 % cogenerated heat or
50 % of a combination of such energy and heat
(European Parliament, 2012). In Fig. 1 and Fig. 2,
current renewable heating shares and 2020
projections for European countries are illustrated
(REN21, 2017).
SMARTGREENS 2018 - 7th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
Figure 1: European heating and cooling from renewable
sources shares in 2015.
Figure 2: European Heating and Cooling from renewable
sources projections for 2020.
It is important to mention that percentages
mapped in the figures refer to renewable sources
feeding all types of heating, not strictly DHC. It can
be observed that, Scandinavian, Baltic and Central
European countries have already achieved their 2020
targets, in contrast, Southern European countries,
UK, France and Germany maintain low renewable
penetration percentages for heating supply.
In national legislation level, Denmark and
Germany present the most comprehensive policies
related to DHC, providing details on federal support,
clean energy targets, connection obligations (appears
also in Poland) and end-user protection. In addition,
support policies may include low interest loans
(Japan), resource assessment subsidies (Switzerland),
tax incentives (US), and explicit targets (UAE,
2.3 Potential Benefits
The widespread of renewable DHC systems is linked
with a number of potential benefits that can be
categorised into environmental, systemic, synergies
with urban environment and increased energy
security (IRENA, 2017).
In the first category, the following can be
recognized; a) achievement of clean energy targets,
higher renewable fractions are pursued, hence,
ensuring sustainability of the developed infrastruc-
tures, b) improvement of urban air quality, as carbon
dependent solutions lead to a series of negative exter-
nalities, especially in cities with dense populations
where air pollution evidently has diminished, c) rapid
and inexpensive green house gas emission reductions
and d) water consumption abatement, relevant to the
fact that natural water resources can be exploited for
example in cooling applications.
In the context of systemic benefits, at first, the
combination of technologies provides cross-sectoral
benefits, for instance, CHP can be coupled with
surplus from geothermal heat stating smart thermal
grids flexible, capable of handling variations present
in supply and demand, in short-, medium-, and long-
term; load profile is smoothened thereby relieving the
electricity grid. Moreover, utilization of local
resources in biomass or waste to heat systems creates
value in the financial chain and generates multi-scale
business schemes.
As urbanisation is rapidly progressing, integration
of renewable heat and cooling networks could free
construction space that would be necessary in
decentralized facilities (natural cooling). As a result,
visual impact is reduced and land-use can be
dedicated adaptively.
In countries recording major imports of fossil
fuels, local renewable sources ensure availability and
price securities. Similarly, using a mix of resources
secures the resilience of the energy system and can
achieve stable prices throughout operation.
In this section main renewable technologies
integrated in DHC applications are described.
Depending on network size and complexity of the
network, the distribution system per se can function
as thermal storage or seasonal storage units may be
required (Lake et al., 2017). In Table 2, notable
renewable DHC applications across Europe are listed,
according to integrated technology (SDH, 2017,
An Overview of Renewable Smart District Heating and Cooling Applications with Thermal Storage in Europe
GeoDH, 2017, Perez-Mora et al., 2017, Bailer et al.,
2006, RES Chains, 2012, SIG, 2016)
3.1 Solar District Heating
Solar thermal systems transform solar radiation into
heat. Their efficiency is negatively influenced by low
irradiation and high temperature difference between
output hot water and outdoor ambient, leading to poor
efficiency during wintertime. Ensuring efficient use
in DHC requires them to be coupled to a seasonal heat
storage (to cope with the delay between efficient
production and heat demand) or to an absorption
chiller for cooling needs (alignment of efficient
production and needs). During wintertime, when low
temperature heat may be produced, they can be
connected to technologies that will upgrade the
temperature level (compression or sorption heat
pumps), (Hennaut et al., 2014).
Although, solar collectors have been used for
water heating in individual buildings, solar district
heating applications are recently rising as a
supplement for cogeneration (Joly et al., 2017). These
systems consist of large-scale flat plate solar
collectors deployed on landfill sites or on building
roofs paired with seasonal storage methods.
Specifically, large volume hot water storage tanks
store the heating medium during summer for use in
winter. Instead of tank thermal storage, underground
stores can be employed as either underground pit
thermal storage, gravel water underground storage or
last borehole storage. Exceptionally, aquifer thermal
storage is utilized, however, installation is more
complex and it is the least preferred method in solar
district heating systems. In borehole realizations,
secondary tanks can serve as a temporary node in the
3.2 Geothermal District Heating
Geothermal district heating systems drain heat from
natural formations (geothermic wells) with high
underground temperatures and inject it to the
distribution network via injection pumps and heat
exchangers. A cool sink functions as a terminal for
the cooled fluid, thus completing the heating loop.
Surface features or shallow wells with temperatures
between 40°C and 150°C (Nielsen et al., 2016) are
suitable for hot water circulating in DHC systems,
whereas higher temperatures are ideal for electricity
generation. In shallow geothermal energy systems,
recovery of thermal energy (low or medium
temperature) is possible when paired with UTES
methods, such as borehole or aquifer storage.
Extraction of geothermal heat has low spatial
requirements. Nevertheless, installation works are
challenging in urban settings. In some occasions,
geothermal cooling has been demonstrated in
conjunction with absorption chillers.
3.3 Heat Pumps
Compression and sorption heat pumps use low
temperature heat sources in order to transform them
into useable heat. Actual renewable contribution
depends on their seasonal performance factor and/or
on the way, the driving energy (electricity for
compression HP and high temperature heat for
sorption HP) is produced. Their seasonal performance
is positively affected if heat is delivered at low
temperature (low energy buildings equipped with low
temperature heat emission systems) and if the low
temperature heat source is at “high temperature”.
Preheating the low temperature heat source with solar
thermal panels is a way of boosting the seasonal
performance factor. High temperature heat source for
driving sorption heat pumps may be produced by
biomass boilers, CHP or from medium to high
enthalpy geothermal fluid.
3.4 Biomass District Heating
Biomass-fired heat-only boilers replace traditional
fossil fuel combustion in CHP plants and
simultaneously provide an efficient measure of
cutting greenhouse gas emissions.
A wide variety of biomass fuels exist, dominated
by wood fuels, mainly consisting of wood chips and
sawdust. Biomass comprises a relatively reachable
alternative, suitable for use within the present heating
infrastructure, although heating capacities of biofuels
are lower, raising the amount of required resources
(Lund et al., 2014).
3.5 Solar District Cooling
The operation principle of solar cooling systems
relies on passing the heat output of panels used in
solar thermal systems to an absorption chiller for
cooling. Absorption chillers are used in applications
driven from excess heat from industrial processes or
waste incineration plants. Usually, heat can be
collected in plants and later on distributed to smaller
units closer to end users (Perez-Mora et al., 2017).
Compared to solar heating systems, solar
irradiation trend follows and contributes to cooling
peak loads.
SMARTGREENS 2018 - 7th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
3.6 Natural Water Cooling
Water in low temperatures, originating from district
water sources, such as rivers, the sea or lakes can be
utilized for cooling purposes. In general, the former
function as either the heat sink or a heat exchange for
generating chilled water. Cold water is drained from
the water source with an inlet pipe structure and, via
plate heat exchangers, chilled water is generated and
circulated to buildings at a higher temperature. There,
the cold water is either injected directly into the
district cooling system or coupled to a closed loop
network via heat exchangers (Wiltshire, 2015).
Table 2: Demonstration sites for renewable DHC
technologies in Europe.
Technology Site Capacity Ren Frac
80 000
4 Heat
64,000 m
Poste, FR
12 MWth 30 Aquifer
Katri Vala,
Helsinki, FI
60 MWh 32
11,500 m
Biomass Växjö, SE 90 MW 60
Hot water
Mallorca, ES
2 Cold
100 m
Geneva, CH
30 Aquifer
Even though large-scale smart DHC networks have
not been completed at the moment (Lund et al., 2014),
a case study concentrating DHC technologies with
seasonal storage and attributes in the domain of smart
thermal grids has been selected in the context of this
paper. Mainly, detailed information was retrieved
from EU Smart Cities Information System
As a demonstration site for the EU funded
CELSIUS project, Rotterdam participated on two
interventions: a) development of an energy system
supplying with under-floor heating and cooling in De
Rotterdam (Rotterdam Vertical City), a mixed-use
building with housing, commercial and recreational
functionalities, containing a total floor area of 160
000 m
; b) the creation of a heat hub aiming to
increase the efficiency of the waste heat distribution
in Warmtebedrijf, Rotterdam. Importantly, energy
system planning in Rotterdam follows an Energy
Approach Planning called REAP described in
(Lenhart et al., 2015).
4.1 Waste Heat Distribution System
Residual heat is produced by a waste incinerator
facility located in the Port of Rotterdam, thereby
distributed to Rotterdam. Furthermore, the plant has
a thermal exit capacity of 105 MW and the piping
network consists of a double pipeline system (total
length 26 km) connecting the plant with previous
district heating infrastructure. The developed heat
hub, started operation on the 4
quarter of 2013, was
installed near the waste heat transportation
infrastructure and the district heating system.
Tank thermal storage has been incorporated with
the use of a well-insulated buffering tank. The
capacity of the buffer is 185 MWh and the discharge
capacity is 30 MWth. Instead of placing the tank in
the surroundings of the waste incinerator facility, a
central area of the distribution network was selected,
aiming to increase buffering capacity efficiency, due
to the fact that heat is delivered in close proximity to
the end-user. Moreover, air quality is positively
affected by substituting gas-fired boilers in the
handling of peak load.
Optimal operation of the deployed infrastructure
assists in increasing the total heat supply without
investing in extra heat resources or upgrades in
network resources (buffers, pumping). To this end,
Smart technologies incorporated, include, buffering,
heat balancing, automated control and forecasting.
These elements offer more flexible control of the
energy system, mitigating possible malfunctions or
heating price volatility.
4.2 Renewable Energy System for De
De Rotterdam is one of the tallest buildings in the
Netherlands (Zeiler, 2017). The major part of the heat
demand is supplied from a 16 km-long pipeline
connected to a waste-to-energy plant set on the island
of Rozenburg. A CHP plant, located at Capelseweg,
can serve as a reserve supply source in below zero
A small CHP (capacity of 250 kW), running on
biodiesel, was built-in the building, for renewable
generation of heat and power. However, due to high
An Overview of Renewable Smart District Heating and Cooling Applications with Thermal Storage in Europe
fuel cost and difficulties in transportation, it is not
preferred for frequent use.
High-temperature hot water supply is provisioned
for residential sections and for a hotel based in one of
the towers. According to Dutch water quality
regulations, hot water systems for residential use
must satisfy a minimum of 70 °C. Conversely, the
office towers can be supplied with water of lower
temperature. This difference in temperature demand
was essential for designing a system, which reduces
the temperature of the return line in the district
heating loop, eventually connecting the offices to the
return line (Fig. 3).
Figure 3: Layout of De Rotterdam’s energy system with
building typology.
Taking advantage of De Rotterdam’s location, on
the banks of river Maas, which maintains a low
temperature during the year, a natural water cooling
system was developed, as in the case of the
Maastoren, a skyscraper also located on the peninsula
(Molenaar, 2011). This centralized cooling facility
generates cold, pumping water through intake pipes
concluding in the river and passing it through three
water-cooled compression chillers (Fig.4).
River water filters are necessary for ensuring
water quality, supported by a compressed air system.
Piping is extended for the distribution loop and end-
users are provided through a metered connection,
meanwhile thermostats enable control of interior
temperature in rooms. Heat-reflective double-glazing
and windows to let fresh air inside reduce the cooling
Ambient temperatures are low throughout the
year; therefore, cooling demand is low in general. In
summer, where cooling demand rises, river
temperatures are between 15 and 25 °C, stating it
unsuitable for district cooling. Nevertheless, river
water is injected directly to the condensers (through
copper-nickel alloy pipes for anti-corrosion), where it
can be utilized for extracting heat from the ventilators
of the air conditioners, as lower condensation
temperatures, reduce air resistance in the condensers
and the amount of energy required for the cooling
compressor. Thermal storage is available via an
aquifer storage in the form of underground wells
under the sand layers of the soil.
Figure 4: Design and functionalities of the deployed Maas
river water cooling system in De Rotterdam.
The resulting system has a total cooling capacity
of 6 MW, leading to 50% savings of energy for
cooling. It functions in a modular way depending on
river water temperature illustrated in Fig, 5, where: a)
when the river water temperature is under 9
C: the
buildings are cooled with free cooling only; b)
between 9
C -15
C, a combination of free cooling
supplemented with compression chillers is used; c)
river temperatures over 15
C, only compression
chillers are used to cover the cooling demand of the
Figure 5: Modes of operation according to river water
SMARTGREENS 2018 - 7th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
Finally, the cooling system is installed in a
spacious room, offering potential extension with
more water-cooled chillers when demand rises, as
further construction work is opted on the Maas
peninsula. This will ensure that the systems built into
The Rotterdam, such as the Maas water system, can
be deployed as efficiently as possible while also
saving space in the new buildings. Sustainability of
the project may be enforced with the integration of
solar panels, urban wind turbines, aquifer thermal
energy storage (already widely available in the
district heating system and used in the Maastoren
energy system), extraction of thermal energy from the
sewage water and more.
This paper presented an overview of options in
implementing smart district heating and cooling
systems in Europe with integrated thermal storage
components. In this stage of DHC system design,
main objective is to deliver efficient networks,
utilizing renewable resources and technologies.
Renewable energy-based heat production
technologies offer a wide variety of coupling aiming
at maximizing the system efficiency. These coupling
may lead to complex system architectures appealing
for smart management based on energy efficiency
(mainly maximizing the renewable contribution), cost
effectiveness and comfort.
Adding heat storage capacities offers degrees of
freedom in managing such systems. Heat storage
technologies may be envisaged for the following
reasons: (i) technical operation (e.g. Biomass boiler)
often need a heat storage to prevent from too many
on-off when the heat demand is low compared to the
installed thermal power, (ii) rising the solar
contribution to heat demand, (iii) forcing the heat
production of a unit when it offers good performances
(e.g. compression air to water heat pump have better
performances when outside air temperature is high),
(iv) storing heat for dealing with variable electricity
tariff and or maximizing green electricity use (when
heat the production technology uses electricity
(compression HP) or uses it (CHP)
Up to now storage technologies that were used in
heating city districts are mainly based on the sensible
heat storage principle (storage process results from a
temperature lift of the storage material) whereas
latent heat storage systems (storage process results
from phase change of the storage material) and
sorption heat storage systems (storage process results
from a physical or chemical sorption of a vapour in a
solid or a liquid) are still at the demonstration or R&D
However, current technologies demonstrate
limitations in applicability and aiming in satisfying
100% of heating demand from renewable energy
systems remains a major challenge.
Concerning solar district heating, drawbacks
include, space limitations in urban environments, and
even with large storage tanks, compensating seasonal
demand requires the use of cogeneration to serve the
baseload. Moreover, solar irradiation is inversely
correlated with heating demand peaks. Hence, the
efficient performance of the system is heavily
dependent on location. In Scandinavian countries
where the heating season has a longer duration, it is
possible to divert solar generated heat directly to end
users. More energy will be fed into the system if the
temperature difference between the collector input
and output is maximised. In established systems, the
high return temperatures create a barrier to the
integration of solar heat
In the case of geothermal district heating,
similarly with solar heating, greater amount of heat
can be extracted due to lower water temperature in the
network return line. Thus, produced heat is fittest for
baseload satisfaction. A significant cost for design is
the assessment of geothermal resources, which
requires highly specialized personnel. Access to land,
mineral and water rights accompanying geothermal
projects involves complex administrative procedures.
Biomass adoption supports the conversion of coal
power plants to biomass fuel combustion, depending
on technologies, fuel availability and cost. This
presents the advantage of utilizing existing
infrastructure and procedures, as well as efficiently
allocating space in dense urban environments.
The case study of Rotterdam exhibits how existing
DHC infrastructure can benefit from the introduction
of renewable technologies and thermal storage. Early
attempts to integrate smart techno-logies in the energy
system for balancing heating loads and optimising
buffers, pumping and new nodes will ensure
sustainability with high efficiency. Possible revenues
from the operation of the more efficient and energy
system can be returned to tenants and property owners.
For new buildings connected to the district cooling
system, an upgraded Energy Performance label is
issued, whereas existing buildings lack an economic
drive for replacing their existing compression chillers,
as it is not cost efficient. This is a promising example,
as more smart thermal grid realizations in Europe are
expected in the coming years with countries adapting
their regulatory frameworks in order to support the
operation of such schemes.
An Overview of Renewable Smart District Heating and Cooling Applications with Thermal Storage in Europe
This research was funded by the EC under the FP7
RE-SIZED 621408 (Research Excellence for
Solutions and Implementation of Net-Zero Energy
City Districts) project.
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