Teachers’ Viewpoint on Online Courses
Päivi Kinnunen
and Taina Eriksson
School of Business, Aalto University, Finland
Turku School of Economics, Finland
Keywords: Pedagogical Support, Teaching Online for the First Time, Business Studies.
Abstract: Many universities that have previously focused on offering blended learning or face to face courses are
currently starting to offer more and more also online courses. This paper takes a closer look at the background
and perceptions of eight teachers who are about to teach an online course for the first time. More specifically,
we take a look at the teachers’ perceptions of themselves as adopters of new pedagogy and new technology
as well as their perceptions of strengths and weaknesses of online courses. The preliminary results suggest
that our teachers feel rather comfortable with the new technology and especially with the new teaching
methods. Most of the teachers identified themselves as innovators or early adopters of new teaching methods.
Teachers perceived flexibility and efficiency as the most prevailing strengths of online teaching. On the other
hand, weaknesses included workload, technical challenges, and various topics that relate to the lack of face
to face interaction. We conclude by discussing what kind of pedagogical support and training the online
teachers would benefit from.
Business studies provide skills and knowledge that
are useful in many fields. For instance, management,
entrepreneurship, and marketing are skills that many
need once they enter the work life regardless of their
first field of study. Thus, the demand for business
studies among non-business university students is
significant. To better cater for this identified need of
business studies, the board of Association of Business
Schools Finland decided that business schools should
develop jointly an entire program of online courses.
The program would be targeted to non-business
students from the different faculties from all
universities with business school or faculty of
business in Finland (ABS 2017). This program of
online courses is in line with the strategic initiatives
of Finnish Ministry of Education and thus is
supported financially by the Ministry. The
universities that produce the courses get some money
to cover, for instance salaries of teachers and teaching
assistants, materials, and licence costs. The program
of online courses is free of charge for the university
In fall 2017, a new a pilot version of totally online
study module on Business studies was launched as a
collective effort of ten Finnish universities. The study
module consists of eight five credit courses (5 ECTS
equals 135 hours of student work): Management and
organization; Corporate social responsibility;
Accounting; Entrepreneurship; Marketing and sales,
Economics, Business law, and Business simulation.
Each course is taught either by one university or in a
collaboration of two to three universities. The courses
are planned to accommodate up to 1000 students.
However, on the pilot year, the number of students at
each course is limited to 250 students.
The study module is offered for all non-business
major students at most Finnish universities from fall
2017 onwards. The module is planned to provide
students a lot of flexibility. Students can take which
ever, and as many courses they want and find useful
for themselves. However, if students want to include
their studies into their degree as a business minor,
they have to take at least five courses (four of which
they can choose freely and a Business simulation
course that bridges together the other four courses).
On the pilot academic year 2017-2018, there are
altogether 18 teachers from nine universities that
produce the eight courses. In this ongoing study, we
investigate the teachers perceptions of online
teaching and learning. The overall goal of our
research project is to get an insight into the online
teachers’ pedagogical thinking and what kind of
Kinnunen, P. and Eriksson, T.
Teachers’ Viewpoint on Online Courses.
DOI: 10.5220/0006786904120417
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2018), pages 412-417
ISBN: 978-989-758-291-2
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
pedagogical and/or technical support universities
should provide to support our teachers in their work.
However, in this paper we are going to delimit our
focus on getting to know our teachers better and what
their perceptions are on the strengths and weaknesses
of online courses. Our research questions are:
RQ1: To what degree the teachers who take on the
task of creating and teaching an online course, are
forerunners in adopting new teaching methods and
RQ2: How do the teachers who are about to teach
online business courses perceive the strengths and
challenges of online courses?
The pros and cons of online courses have been
discussed by many. The identified advantages and
disadvantages relate to all actors of the instructional
process; students, teachers, and the university.
Fedynich (2013) summarizes the strengths as:
freedom of when and where to study, different
options of participating the course from asynchronous
to synchronous, possibility for various teaching
methods, and cost efficient for the university. Cook
(2007) agrees with the many of the above listed
strengths and adds to the list individualised learning
possibilities (e.g., choosing the study pace) and the
use of such teaching methods that would be difficult
or inconvenient in traditional settings (e.g. virtual
simulations). Finally, Cook (2007) and Baleni (2015)
also adds possibility of providing immediate
customized feedback and a venue for formative
assessment. Online learning platform may also serve
administrative purposes as it keeps automatically
record on, for instance, which assignments students
have submitted.
As a summary, the advantages of online courses
relate to all actors in an online course. Students, for
instance, benefit from flexible and accessible courses,
teachers have more possibilities to use new teaching
methods, and the university is thought to save money.
The identified weaknesses of online teaching, on
the other had include (Fedynich 2013; Cook 2007):
online courses require computer literacy from the
students and online access, poor instructional design,
lack of face to face time which may lead to social
isolation, teaching and feedback may not be as
individualised as one would hope for, and finally that
technology is used for the sake of technology.
As a summary, both students and teachers face
some challenges. Students may have to, for instance,
cope with feelings of isolation. Teachers have to
make a transition from the way they teach traditional
course to new way of how to design online course.
We use Roger’s innovation adoption curve (diffusion
of innovations theory) as a framework to get an
overall understanding of how eager the teachers who
we study in this research project are to adopt new
innovations. According to Roger’s theory (Rogers
2003; Hixon et al. 2011), adopters of new innovations
can be divided into five categories: innovators, early
adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards.
The distribution of people in these categories is
described to be close to the Bell’s curve. Only a very
small proportion of adopters (2,5%) are typically
innovators, who are willing to be the first ones to try
even if there is a risk of failing. Early adopters
(13,5%) are among the first ones to try new, selected
innovations. Early majority adopters’ (34%) wait
until early adopters and innovators have gained some
experiences of the innovation. Late majority (34%)
adopts the innovations later than most of their peers,
perhaps because of the peer pressure or emphasized,
new code of conduct in the community. Finally,
laggards (16%) are traditional and may adopt a new
innovation only when they become mainstream.
Roger’s innovation adoption curve has been used
in many research project to understand and analyse
the adoption of learning technology (see, e.g. Hixon
et al. 2011; Soffer 2010). In this study, the Roger’s
framework provides a guideline to understand how
the teachers as a group react to new challenges like
adopting new teaching methods and becoming a
teacher in an online course (which requires somewhat
lot of technical skills in addition to pedagogical
At the beginning of fall 2017, just before the first
online course of the module started, we sent out a
questionnaire to all eighteen teachers who produce
the eight courses. We sent two reminders to increase
the response rate. There were altogether 18 questions
in a questionnaire that related to:
background info (age, teaching experience,
work title)
Teachers’ Viewpoint on Online Courses
educational background (highest degree,
pedagogical education)
approach to adopting new pedagogical and
technological innovations (multiple choice
perceptions of pros and cons of online teaching
(open ended)
plans and experiences relating to the course one
is going to teach (open ended)
needs and expectations regarding the
pedagogical support (open ended)
The data relevant for this paper consists of the
answers to four first question types. The results are
represented mainly as descriptive statistics. The
answers for the open- ended questions we mostly
rather concise. The open-ended answers are
categorized and summarized to convey the main
aspect of the responses.
After two reminders eight teachers returned the
questionnaire. Respondents represented the teachers
of the 6/8 courses that are taught in a module. Most
teachers had a PhD in Business and two respondents
had Master’s degree in Business. Three respondents
worked as university lectures, four as researcher/post-
doctoral researchers. One respondent worked as a
development director. Respondents’ teaching
experience at the university level varied from 0 to 15
years (mean 6,9 years). There was also great variation
in the amount of pedagogical studies the teachers had
taken. Some had taken no pedagogical courses
whereas one of the teachers had studied 80 ETCS
(mean 26,4 ETCS). However, only one teacher said
that his/her university requires pedagogical studies
from the teachers in case they want to proceed in their
career at the university (e.g., get a promotion on
lecture/tenure track). One stated that no pedagogical
studies are required, and the rest of the respondents
did not know whether pedagogical studies are
required in their institutions.
5.1 Forerunners or Not?
We asked the teachers to estimate to what degree they
are the forerunners or conservative when it comes to
adopting new teaching methods. Five out of eight
teacher identified themselves as being the first
(innovator), or among the first teachers (early
adopters) in their community to try new teaching
methods. The remaining three teachers prefer to wait
until they have heard about their colleagues
experiences of the new teaching method before trying
the method themselves (early majority adopters)
(Table 1). An overall observation is that the teachers
who are teaching the online courses in our study
module are more forerunners than conservative in
adopting new teaching methods.
We also did a cross tabulation to see if we could
see some tentative relations between how
experienced teachers were (years of teaching
experience) and how they positioned themselves into
Roger’s innovation adoption curve. The data suggests
that, in general, work experience in teaching seems to
be in relation with how innovative our teachers are.
All three innovator teachers belonged to the four most
experienced teachers in our data set. The three
innovator teachers had seven to fifteen years of work
experience as a teacher at a higher education level.
The majority of teachers who identified themselves as
early adopters or early majority adopters had teaching
experience up to six years.
We observed the similar trend between teachers
pedagogical studies and how eager they were to adopt
new teaching methods. In general, the teachers who
had studied pedagogical studies were also more often
innovators or early adopters than teachers who had
not studied pedagogical studies.
Table 1: Adopting new teaching methods.
In a similar manner, we asked the teachers to think
to what degree they are among the first adopters of
new technology. Only one teacher identified
him/herself as being the innovator/the first adopter of
new technology among peers. Three teachers
identified themselves as early adopters, and four
teachers said they usually adopt new technology only
after they have heard reviews from others (Table 2).
Even though the profile of the answers is slightly
more conservative in general compared to the
adoption of new teaching methods, our respondents
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
could still be described as either early adopters or
early majority adopters rather than late adopters.
Table 2: Adopting new technology.
We again did a cross tabulation to see if there were
some tentative relations between the teaching
experience and pedagogical studies and how teachers
positioned themselves as adopters of technology.
However, the answers were scattered and we could
not observe any coherent trend in the data.
Since our data pool in this pilot study is small we
could not make any statistical tests to the data.
Therefore, we treat observations as preliminary
results that provide hypothesis for the later stages of
our study.
5.2 Strengths and Weaknesses of
Online Courses
Respondents elaborated on their perceptions of the
pros and cons of online teaching and learning in two
open ended questions. Teachers were asked to write
about the strengths and weaknesses from the
viewpoint of students, teachers, and the university. In
this study we are not interested directly in pros and
cons of online courses. Instead, we are interested in
teachers’ perceptions of pros and cons of teaching
and learning in an online course.
5.2.1 Teachers’ Perceptions of Strengths of
Online Courses
Based on the teachers’ reflections, the most
prevailing strength of online courses from all three
viewpoints (students, teachers’, university) was
flexibility. The possibility to study without time or
location related limitations was seen to cater
especially well adult learners, part time students, and
students who study the topic as their minor. In
addition, flexibility was also understood as an
opportunity review the learning material several
times if needed. For instance, a student can watch a
teaching video as many times as he wants. Finally, the
online courses offer an opportunity for faster study
pace for those students who are willing to do so.
Faster study phase transfers to shorter study times in
general, which in turn are perceived as [financially]
beneficial for the universities.
Another strength of online courses that was
prevailing in the data was efficiency. Online courses
were seen an efficient especially from the viewpoints
of teachers and university. From the teachers’
viewpoint efficiency related to the possibility of
reusing the teaching material. One the hand, looking
efficiency from the viewpoint of the university,
online courses were perceived as a cost-efficient way
of teaching. For instance, online courses do not
require physical classrooms.
Both flexibility and efficiency were mentioned in
the data by several respondents. Other strengths that
were mentioned only by one or two respondents
included aspects such as conveying modern image of
the university and attracting new students to the
We also looked at whether respondents’ status as
an innovator, early adopter, or early majority adopter
had any effect on how many strengths teachers
mentioned. However, the data suggest that there were
no big differences between the teachers. In average,
teachers mentioned three to four strengths regarding
online courses.
5.2.2 Teachers’ Perceptions of Weaknesses of
Online Courses
The most often mentioned weakness of online courses
from the students’ viewpoint related to the workload.
The teachers thought that some students might have a
false image that online courses are easier because
there is no face to face teaching sessions. Thus, some
students might not reserve enough time for studying.
In addition, online courses require good study skills
from students, such as an ability to study
independently and time management skills.
The workload was also seen as a challenge for the
teachers. The amount of preparation that is needed
before the online course starts is great. Transforming
existing teaching material from a face to face course
to online material takes a lot of time. On the other
hand, teachers perceived that there is a misconception
at the university level that online courses do not need
additional resources. This is in a clear contradiction
with the view that creating and teaching an online
course take a lot of teachers’ time.
The possible technical problems were also
mentioned often in the data. Both students and
Teachers’ Viewpoint on Online Courses
teachers have to deal with technical challenges
relating to the learning management system and other
technology that is used in the course.
The root cause of the third perceived weakness of
online courses is the lack of face to face interaction in
online courses. This poses several challenges both to
students and teachers. If the online course does not
encourage interaction between students, some
students might feel lonely and they do not have the
benefit of peer support. On the other hand, if online
courses require group work, online groups might be
difficult to manage.
For the teachers, totally online course poses also
several challenges. First, teachers find it difficult to
convey their own enthusiasm towards the topic of the
course in an online course. Second, some teachers
anticipated that it might be more difficult to identify
students who have difficulties understanding the
topic. Third, teachers find it more challenging to find
ways to assess to what degree the intended learning
outcomes are achieved in the online course. Finally,
since all the assignments and possible exams are done
online, teachers find that they cannot be 100% sure
who has actually done the assignments.
The perceived challenges of online teaching relate
also to teachers’ and universities’ set ways of thinking
and organizing teaching. For some teachers,
transferring own teaching from face to face teaching
model to an online teaching, is a big change. It
challenges teachers’ old ways of thinking and
organizing courses. In addition, online courses pose a
similar kind of challenge to the university as an
organization. The existing way how teaching related
[administrative] processes are organized is not
catering the needs of the online minor that is
organized as a joint effort of several universities.
Teachers who identified themselves as innovative
when it comes to adopting or creating new teaching
methods suggested in average 5,7 weaknesses of
online teaching. In contrary, teachers who were early
adopters or early majority adopters identified in
average 3,3 weaknesses. Innovators thus seem to be
slightly more aware of/have thought of more about
the challenges the online teaching poses to students,
teachers and the university.
Taking on the responsibility of planning and teaching
an online course as a part of a larger, national online
business minor initiative requires courage, technical
skills and online pedagogical skills from the teachers.
We conducted this pilot study to learn from this
process and be better informed about what kind of
support our online teachers might need in the future.
We posed two research questions for this first
ongoing research project: 1) To what degree the
teachers who take on the task of creating and teaching
an online course, are forerunners in adopting new
teaching methods and technology? And 2) How do
the teachers who are about to teach online business
courses perceive the strengths and weaknesses of
online courses?
The size of the data pool in this pilot study is small
and thus the results and the conclusions in this paper
should be treated as tentative. However, for sake of
the following phases of the bigger research project, it
was essential that we were able to get at least some
data before the teachers actually teach the courses.
This data gives us some ideas for what kind of
pedagogical and technical support and training novice
online teachers might benefit from.
Based on the preliminary analysis, the majority of
the eight teachers who answered the questionnaire
were either innovators, early adopters or early
majority adopters of new teaching methods. On the
contrary, the teachers were slightly more conservative
when it came to adopting new technology in general.
However, none of the teachers belonged to late
majority or laggards group. Based on the small data
set, the teaching experience and pedagogical studies
seem to be in relation to teachers’ eagerness to adopt
new teaching methods. In general, the more teaching
experience and pedagogical studies the teachers had
more often they were innovators or early adopters of
new teaching methods. Experience and pedagogical
studies have perhaps given teachers the confidence to
try new teaching methods.
Teachers identified several strengths and
weaknesses in online courses. Many of these
corroborate the pros and cons identified by others too
(Cook 2007; Fedynich 2013). For instance, different
embodiments of flexibility of teaching and studying
in online courses is often mentioned in the literature
and it was also the most often mentioned strength of
online courses in our data. Teachers identified also
weaknesses, such as a possibility for social isolation
and technical issues that are mentioned in the
However, some of the challenges that were not
mentioned in the literature but came up in our data
were: 1) There is a need for a change in teacher’s own
way of thinking about teaching and learning.
Teaching online challenges old perceptions that are
based on face to face teaching. 2) The rigidness of
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
universities organization and the way administration
is organized. However, this latter challenge is related
perhaps more to the fact that several universities
provide the courses rather than the actual online
6.1 Support for the Novice Online
The results provide some ideas for what kind of
pedagogical and technical support teachers would
benefit from. Pedagogical support and training are
needed to scaffold the change in how teachers think
about teaching and learning. The existing thoughts
are based on classroom teaching and learning and
now the online courses challenge the thoughts.
Changing one’s way of thinking is a process where
both pedagogical training, peer support and first-hand
experience of online teaching are essential.
On a practical level, the teachers would likely
benefit from training modules on topics, such as:
How instructional designs can help
students to manage their time and learn
efficient study skills.
Different pedagogical and technical ways
how to detect struggling students early in
an online course.
The role of assessment and different kinds
of assessment possibilities.
The ways to convey teachers’ presence and
own enthusiasm towards the topic of the
How to create a sense of community and
facilitate group work in an online course.
Since learning technology often offers some
solutions for above mentioned challenges, we suggest
that the training modules combine the pedagogical
and technological training in one. When the
pedagogical challenge is identified and pedagogically
sound solutions have been designed, teachers should
get the technical tools and skills to realize the solution
in practices.
The need for both pedagogical and technical
support and training units is also recognised among
experienced online teachers even though the
emphasis and content of the support might change as
teachers get more experience in online teaching (Orr
2009). This is something that we need to keep in mind
in the future as we organize training and support for
our teachers. We need to be sensitive for our online
teachers’ evolving needs and expectations relating to
the nature and content of the support.
6.2 Future Work
In the future, we continue studying our online
teachers’ experiences and perceptions on teaching.
The development of teachers technological
pedagogical content knowledge is one of the specific
topics we would like to investigate further. We would
also like to expand our studies to students’
experiences and perceptions of the content and
implementations of the online courses. Finally,
universities’ viewpoint and experiences of this kind
of jointly organized larger teaching modules would be
interesting to study in more detail.
We thank all the teachers who kindly answered our
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Teachers’ Viewpoint on Online Courses