A Structured Approach to Support Collaborative Design, Specification
and Documentation of Communication Protocols
Fabian Ohler
, Markus C. Beutel
, Sevket G
Christian Samsel
and Karl-Heinz Krempels
Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology FIT, Aachen, Germany
Information Systems, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
Collaboration, Documentation, Protocols, Requirements Engineering, Specification, Tool Support.
Especially in complex software development projects, involving various actors and communication interde-
pendencies, the design of communication protocols is crucially important. In this work, a structured approach
to support the design, specification and documentation of communication protocol standards is presented. To
do so, we refer to a complex use case, dealing with the integration of multiple mobility services on a sin-
gle platform. This endeavor requires the development of a large number of independently usable protocol
standards which adhere to a multitude of quality aspects. A structured approach is required to speed up and
simplify development and also to enable synergies between these protocols. Our requirements analysis metho-
dology consists of interviewing domain experts to identify important aspects and shortcomings of the current
development process and to elicit potential improvements. These intermediate results are prioritized and in-
corporated into a requirements specification for a standardized communication protocol development process.
Furthermore, we assess existing software solutions in terms of their applicability.
An intermodal personal mobility platform allows tra-
velers to query, book, use and pay any combination of
mobility services (Beutel et al., 2016). This might
include, but is not limited to public transportation,
vehicle rental services, vehicles sharing services, par-
king, charging (of electric vehicles), ride sharing, etc.
To simplify taking part on such a platform and foster
innovation, open and standardized access is required
(Beutel et al., 2014). This can be achieved by sup-
plying formal and comprehensive design documents,
specifications and documentation for the respective
communication protocols and application program in-
terfaces (APIs). As a large number of such artifacts
is required, we ought to simplify and speed up the
creation process by providing integrated support to
all involved stakeholders. As a first step, interviews
with domain experts to understand the current process
for developing communication protocols, e.g., which
phases it is composed of, which tools are used and
so on, have been conducted. Furthermore, we try to
identify both benefits and shortcomings to elicit po-
tential areas of improvement.
The rest of this work is organized as follows: The re-
quirements analysis, including methodology, results
and analysis is presented in Section 2. Moreover,
Section 3 comprises a survey of current support tools.
Related work is listed in Section 4. In Section 5, we
critically discuss the experiences so far and give an
outlook of the next steps.
In this section, we present our approach to identify
issues in the development process of communication
protocols and the respective results.
2.1 Methodology
To better understand the workflow of protocol deve-
lopment projects and identify the problems that arose
in this context in the past, the first step of the ana-
lysis phase comprised interviewing domain experts.
Instead of providing relatively strict response catego-
ries in a classical questionnaire, during an interview,
experts are able express their ideas and answers freely
using their own professional terminology (Mieg and
Ohler, F., Beutel, M., Gökay, S., Samsel, C. and Krempels, K.
A Structured Approach to Support Collaborative Design, Specification and Documentation of Communication Protocols.
DOI: 10.5220/0006787503670375
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2018), pages 367-375
ISBN: 978-989-758-300-1
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
af, 2005). We used the semi-structured approach
(Fylan, 2005) to be able to delve into topics of inte-
rest, to find out more about the why on the one hand
and to be able to compare the results between the
experts on the other hand. Before the actual inter-
views, we prepared an interview guide and evaluated
it in a pre-test with a senior software engineer with
a couple of years of experience in the field of inte-
rest. The structure of the interviews contained a ge-
neral introduction, collecting demographic data and
the participants’ experience as a starting point. To le-
arn more about the general processes and approaches
employed, the experts were asked to identify deve-
lopment phases in past projects. For each of the po-
tentially mentioned phases, general questions regar-
ding activities and their corresponding outcomes were
prepared. Furthermore, the supporting software tools
utilized for specification, documentation and commu-
nication were investigated. In particular, the experts
were to identify the weaknesses and deficiencies of
the tools employed. An additional goal of the inter-
views was to determine how the results during the dif-
ferent phases were formalized. We also asked about
the responsibility assignment considering tasks and
roles during the protocol specification process. Since
we expected the experts to identify phases akin to the
phases in a classic software development process, the
interview guide contained further phase-specific que-
stions to be asked in case the expert identified that
particular phase.
Our interview aimed at being systematizing
contrast to exploratory or theory-generating inter-
views, cf. (Bogner and Menz, 2009)). We were able
to interview five experts, of which we consider four
to be elite according to the remarks in (Littig, 2009),
where the author distinguishes between the elite, cha-
racterized by formative power, and the experts, cha-
racterized by interpretative power, with both groups
overlapping strongly. According to other research,
this quantity seems acceptable for qualitative studies
(van Heek et al., 2017; Karlsson et al., 2002; Neu-
feldt et al., 1996). Since the experts were spread all
over Germany, we performed the interviews mostly
by phone and tape-recorded all of them. The dura-
tion of the interviews varied between about 35 to 75
“Semi-structured interviews are simply conversations
in which you know what you want to find out about and
so have a set of questions to ask and a good idea of what
topics will be covered – but the conversation is free to vary,
and is likely to change substantially between participants.
(Fylan, 2005)
“This kind of expert interview is an attempt to obtain
systematic and complete information. The expert enlightens
the researcher on objective matters. (Bogner and Menz,
An overview over the participants is presented in
Table 1. All participants have experience in protocol
specification and standardization. Participants B and
C also have taken part in international standardization
bodies for communication protocols.
In a second step, the unified results of the inter-
views where presented to a larger group of experts
(n = 15) for a focused discussion. After the presen-
tation of the results, the group was asked to order the
identified issues, based on their severity. While not
being fully validated, this prioritization of most pres-
sing issues guides the decision process for the further
development and forms the assessment metrics for the
survey of existing tools (Section 3).
2.2 Qualitative Results
In this section, the results of the aforementioned in-
terviews including the phases distinguished by the ex-
perts and the corresponding tasks and artifacts are pre-
sented. Furthermore, an overview over the issues ex-
perienced and finally derived requirements for ade-
quate tool support is given.
Table 3 at the end of this work lists a selection of
key statements by the interviewees that we reference
using S01. . . S13.
Development Phases
The experts identified the following tasks and phases,
which resemble a consolidation of steps mentioned in
(Nuseibeh and Easterbrook, 2000):
1. Analysis: In this phase, a catalog of the roles, per-
sonas, scenarios, use cases, and a glossary is cre-
ated. The results are filed in the form of text and
2. Architecture design: In this phase, sequence,
component, and deployment diagrams are crea-
ted. The results are (usually) filed in the form of
text and UML (Unified Modeling Language) do-
3. Protocol design: In this phase, data types, interfa-
ces and data flows are specified. The results are
(usually) filed in the form of text and XML (Ex-
tensible Markup Language) documents.
4. Validation: In this phase, reviews, functional and
integration tests in a sandbox environment and de-
monstrations are conducted.
Issues Identified
For these phases, the experts identified the following
problems (the solution approaches additionally speci-
ENASE 2018 - 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Table 1: Interview participant overview.
Interviewee Age Sex Position Area Experience
A 62 f Manager Electronic Ticketing 39y
B 46 m Division head Real-time Passenger Information 15y
C 55 m Department head Public Transport Information Systems 15y
D 32 f Research fellow Media Production 4y
E 45 m Department head Public Transport Information Systems 22y
fied were partially already mentioned by the experts
during the interviews):
Analysis. The distributed nature of the collaborative
work on documents caused problems, which were
particularly mentioned by interviewees A and D,
cf. S01 to S05 in Table 3. The exchange of docu-
ments (mostly via e-mail) was cumbersome and
often led to conflicts while merging the changes.
These problems can be mitigated by using a cen-
tral document storage and management. They
could further be solved by enabling to collabora-
tively work on documents. Additionally, the ex-
perts found a weak degree of formalization of the
results to be problematic, especially interviewees
B and D, cf. S09. This could be improved by em-
ploying suitable tools and well-established tem-
plates for use cases, personas, etc.
Architecture and protocol design. The separated
documentation in the form of text and UML
/ XML documents using different tools led to
duplicate maintenance, thus to additional effort
and frequently to inconsistencies (stressed by
interviewees B and C, cf. S07). By integrating
the formal specification and the corresponding
documentation in a single tool, editing can be
eased significantly (this was already employed
in projects of E, but changes made were hard to
merge after parallel work, cf. S04).
Validation. The poor tool support for testing and va-
lidation was identified to be the main problem
in this phase. An automated mechanism to test
implementations for specification conformity was
lacking. Using the sequence diagrams specified in
the previous phase, test templates could be gene-
rated. In addition, the diagrams could be augmen-
ted in such a way, that actual test cases could be
generated from them. Interviewees C and E found
this to be an important aspect. Generally spea-
king, the earlier phases should be adjusted such
that the artifacts created there are furnished with
as much additional information as possible to be
able to use these for testing and validation. Furt-
hermore, the experts noted, that a certification (in
terms of a confirmation of a correct protocol im-
plementation), if offered at all, was perceived as
very expensive and that there were no options for
a self-certification. By means of tools for con-
formity checks, such a self-certification might be
Across the phases, the following additional problems
were addressed:
The deficient documentation of decisions lead to
insufficient traceability of these in the course of
the projects (S13). By intensifying the documen-
tation using suitable methods such as issue trac-
kers this can be counteracted.
The documents edited were versioned often only
by convention. By integrating the version control
into the tools, suitable software support could be
A history of the documents providing transpa-
rency over which changes were made by whom
was mostly non-existent (interviewee A). Integra-
ted version control in the tools could also help
The fact that the working groups mostly docu-
mented their results in German whereas the im-
plementation is typically in English again led to
duplicate maintenance and the corresponding pro-
blems. A multilingual documentation thus seems
Furthermore, interviewee C (cf. Table 1) remarked
that cloud-based tools often could not be used due
to regulations and only solutions under the complete
control of projects partners could be used. He would
also like the tool support to be easy to use (without
naming tangible metrics such as training time), even
for occasional users (S10). Interviewee B emphasized
the aspect of reviews in the last development phase,
especially in standardization projects. Additionally,
E mentioned that, during protocol design, it would
be nice to provide for a way to test a server running
an implementation w.r.t. whether it is fully functio-
nal (i.e. all necessary functional components are re-
ady and working) and not only whether it responds to
A Structured Approach to Support Collaborative Design, Specification and Documentation of Communication Protocols
Issue Prioritization
Since the described problems entail an extremely high
amount of work to address them, they were prioritized
with respect to the protocol development process to-
gether with experts after the results of the interviews
were processed. This prioritization was used by us
to plan the next steps regarding how to improve an
upcoming development process. Not all of the inter-
viewed experts were present, but other software engi-
neers with experience in the field attended leading to
an even higher participation. This different set of par-
ticipants may explain the low rating of the testing and
validation support below. Here, priority values from
P1 (very low) to P5 (very high) were used:
P5 Separated documentation in form of text, UML
and XSD (XML Schema Definition) documents
P4 Lacking central availability / management of
Problems while merging documents after paral-
lel editing
Absence of glossary (including early agreement
on definitions between project partners, avoi-
ding to elongate the usage of imprecise terms)
P3 Lack of decision documentation / traceability
P2 Lack of templates for use cases, personas, etc.
Lack of tools for testing
P1 Lack of conformity checks (self-certification)
The problems contemplated, especially those with
high priority, stem from a low support for collabo-
ration in the different tools employed and the lack of
integration between the different tools. We think, that
the best way to tackle these problems is to start with a
tool supporting collaborative work and to integrate as
many aspects of the protocol development process as
Derived Requirements
We derived the following mainly functional requi-
rements for the protocol development tool support
from the interviews and the problems discussed above
(with order not implying priority):
General requirements regarding the development
process workflow:
R1.1 Integrated tool support: The fact that informa-
tion was more or less unrelated and scattered
over different tools was seen as an important
problem (see S07 and S08 in Table 3 and the
top priority problem above)
R1.2 Cooperative and parallel editing: To miti-
gate problems arising from parallel work, e.g.,
merge conflicts (see S01 to S04 and the first two
problems with priority 4).
R1.3 Displaying active users with their work focus:
Best practice in tools supporting cooperative
editing (see S03).
R1.4 A history of changes: Being able to see what
changed between versions was perceived as im-
portant, see 3rd additionally identified problem.
R1.5 Decision documentation refers to documenting
how decisions, e.g., for a specific technology,
have been made throughout the development.
Based on S13, we assume that not only the out-
come of a decision is to be documented, but also
the initial problem and potential alternatives.
R1.6 Commenting the elements: Important in review
phase and to discuss issues, see S08.
R1.7 Creating snapshots for setting milestones or re-
leases: Carrying over the versioning concepts
to the project scope, cf. second additional pro-
R1.8 Tool support should be easy to learn (within a
few hours): Statement S10 emphasizes that tool
support should also be easy to learn and use for
occasional users. This has to be refined to a me-
tric usable for validation.
Requirements regarding the documentation scope:
R2.1 Multilingualism: As mentioned in S12 as well
as via the 4th additional problem, protocols of-
ten have to be documented in more than one
language (e.g. VDV 301-2-13
R2.2 Templates, styles, etc. for personas, scenarios,
requirements, etc.: Integrating well established
templates for the analysis phase artifacts may
help mitigate the problems mentioned in S09
and the first problem with priority 2.
R2.3 Glossary for the domain terms used (including
a blacklist): Maintaining a glossary for the re-
levant domain terms is critical for unambiguous
communication (cf. third problem with priority
4, S05 and S06).
R2.4 Glossary for the concepts used (e.g. use case,
role, persona): Maintaining a glossary for the
relevant concepts helps clarify tasks and results
(cf. third problem with priority 4, S05 and S06).
Requirements regarding the documentation functio-
ENASE 2018 - 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
R3.1 Import functionality for resources such as figu-
res, logos, etc.: This requirement was derived
from outcomes of previous standardization pro-
R3.2 Rich text editing including enumerations, ta-
bles, comments, and figures: This requirement
was derived from outcomes of previous standar-
dization projects.
R3.3 UML diagrams (at least a subset including use
case and sequence diagrams): This requirement
was mentioned as an artifact.
R3.4 An export functionality of the documentation in
Microsoft Word format: This requirement was
mentioned as an artifact and as a prerequisite
for standardization bodies, cf. S07.
Technical requirements regarding the implementation
R4.1 XML / XSD to specify data types: This requi-
rement was mentioned as an artifact.
R4.2 Importing existing schema definitions (e.g.,
from previous projects or in case a project con-
sists of sub-projects): This requirement was de-
rived from outcomes of previous standardiza-
tion projects.
By means of the requirements derived above, we eva-
luated several existing open source tools (such as
and UML Designer
, which are based on
Eclipse Modeling Framework) and commercial tools
(in particular those tools that came up in the expert
interviews: Microsoft Word
, Sparx Systems Enter-
prise Architect
, Altova XMLSpy
). An overview
over these products is given in Table 2.
Across all of them, the following commonalities
can be observed:
All of them are desktop applications.
There is no support for multilingual documenta-
The user experience could be improved as using
the tools is non-intuitive or the usability suffers
from the great functional extent.
Collaborative editing of documents is only possi-
ble using additional systems or support for coope-
rative development is very limited.
The functional coverage with respect to testing
and validation is insufficient.
Additionally, the tools with the highest requirements
coverage are commercial products and can thus not
be modified or extended beyond their current features
set. On the other hand, the requirements coverage of
the open source tools is relatively low – especially in
the context of the high priority of cooperative editing
of documents, which is tackled by none of the tools in
a sufficient way. While Microsoft Word has a high de-
gree of collaborative support, the near-real time colla-
boration relies on a proprietary cloud-based solution,
which is often in conflict with (company) regulations
and thus cannot be taken advantage of.
Most software engineering projects include highly
collaborative tasks during all project phases from re-
quirements analysis to validation. Therefore, tools
supporting such projects should facilitate collabora-
tive work in an adequate way, i.a. through the use of
social media (Storey et al., 2010). In this paper, we
focused on framework, library and protocol develop-
ment, where the target audience needs to be supplied
with a formal specification of the API / protocol and
a documentation, e.g., of the data types, the interre-
lationships, and the big picture. Thus, maintaining
the documentation in accordance with changes in the
specification is of particular importance and poses ad-
ditional challenges (Dagenais and Robillard, 2010).
Yet, over the years, collaboration found its way
into many aspects of professional life. Therefore, ge-
neral purpose collaborative tool support (often refer-
red to as groupware) such as BSCW (Bentley et al.,
1997), supporting, e.g., file exchange, version control
and project management tasks, has been around for
some time now.
With special focus on collaborative software deve-
lopment, various tools emerged over time supporting
different aspects of the development process. Exam-
ples include version control systems, issue trackers,
or collaborative development environments (such as
). An overview over the broad spectrum in
this area is given by (Lanubile et al., 2010). Com-
plementing these tools with a new approach to com-
munication are team communication platforms (such
A Structured Approach to Support Collaborative Design, Specification and Documentation of Communication Protocols
Table 2: Overview over the tools and their support for specific aspects of protocol development projects.
Sparx Systems
1. Analysis
Personas, scenarios, use cases yes yes no yes no yes
Requirements yes no no yes no yes
Glossary no no no yes no no
2. Architecture Design
Architecture, component, de-
ployment diagrams
yes yes no yes no yes
Sequence diagrams yes yes no yes no yes
3. Protocol Design
Function and protocol definition yes yes no yes yes yes
Data type definition yes yes no yes yes yes
4. Validation
Generating documentation no no no yes yes yes
Reviews no no yes yes no no
Functional and integration tes-
yes no no yes no no
Across the phases
Decision documentation no no no no no no
Multilingual documentation no no no no no no
Cooperative work support
File format compatible with ex-
ternal version control
yes yes no no no no
Conflict resolution and merging
no no yes yes yes yes
Traceability of changes no no yes yes yes yes
Near-real time collaboration no no yes no no no
as Slack
). The potential benefits and use cases of
platforms like these are evaluated in (Anders, 2016).
Moreover, there are scientific approaches with a
more top level focus on tool support for collabora-
tive design. Examples here include the approach pre-
sented in (Thomas and Scheer, 2006) for the area
of computer-aided management of reference models
in business engineering projects or for the collabora-
tive construction of ontologies (Farquhar et al., 1997).
Currently, works in the field of cooperative tool sup-
port take that concept to the next level incorpora-
ting support for shared near-real time editing not only
of text, but of models. The Community Application
Editor presented in (de Lange et al., 2017) supports
model-driven web engineering in a collaborative man-
ner. In (Nicolaescu et al., 2016), users are presen-
ted as being able to collaboratively design a meta-
model used to generate collaboration-enabled editors
for model instances.
This work describes initial and fundamental steps on
a path towards a structured approach for collabora-
tive design, specification and documentation of proto-
col standards. By the help of systematized expert in-
terviews, we characterized the protocol development
process. Moreover, core requirements for a software
tool, that supports such collaborative processes, were
identified and existing solutions in the area of interest
were analyzed.
According to the importance of suitable proto-
col specifications in software development, a structu-
red collaborative approach, consisting of a process as
well as tool support, seems valuable in various areas.
An approach that considers the requirements presen-
ENASE 2018 - 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
ted beforehand, might foster efficient and high-quality
protocol design and specification, not only in the area
of personal mobility. In particular, the collaborative
design aspect plays a major role in, but not limited to,
complex development projects and offers interesting
potentials. Considering information interdependen-
cies and exchanges among system boundaries, col-
laboration support seems very fruitful. In the same
step with fostering collaboration, progress and results
become more transparent to participants. This crea-
tes comprehensibility that might be beneficial or even
adversely in specific cases.
Some of the above identified requirements seem
demanding towards a tool implementation. Hence,
there is a need to strike a balance between adequate
functionality and contemporary realization. Given
the fact, that there are also individual best practi-
ces and tools, the willingness to use a collaborative
tool across organization boundaries might be an ob-
stacle in the future. Another drawback might be, that
the sustainability of newly developed tool support is
unknown and potentially inferior to established com-
mercial products.
While the focus of this paper is on the develop-
ment processes for communication protocols, many
aspect might also be valid for general software de-
velopment projects. Even though many organizati-
ons already use tools like GitHub and Google Docs
there are still a lot of companies that do not rely on
services hosted by third parties for various reasons in-
cluding data privacy concerns, sustainability doubts,
or to avoid being dependent on third party decisi-
ons. Self-hosted solutions are used to fill some of the
blanks, but are then often only available for internal
use and can not be employed in inter-organizational
endeavors such as the protocol development projects
considered here for security and administrative rea-
sons. We are thus looking forward to enable the stan-
dardization bodies to provide projects aiming at sub-
mitting drafts with a collaborative development plat-
form by making the tool envisioned by us available to
Current Work and Outlook
Based on our findings, we concluded that currently
available tools only inadequately support our recom-
mended workflow and its phases. According to our
set requirements and prioritization, we started de-
veloping a dedicated tool set to support the design,
specification and documentation of communication
protocols. Special attention is given to improve
inter-organizational collaboration, as this requirement
promises a large improvement over current soluti-
ons. We surveyed current existing libraries and soft-
ware components for the cooperative editing of docu-
ments. Most of these are based on web technologies
(XHTML, CSS, JavaScript), which lead us to decide
that a web-based tool is the best option. Furthermore,
existing JavaScript libraries were examined w.r.t. re-
quirements coverage, which could be integrated into
the targeted tool support, in the areas of UML, XML
and rich text editors. These existing libraries and soft-
ware components were evaluated w.r.t. their compati-
bility with the shared near real-time editing approach.
In doing so, we identified a set of libraries as starting
point for the actual development of our tool.
As soon as the to-be-developed tool reaches a usa-
ble state, we aim to apply it in our project to improve
the development process. Based on potential feed-
back of future users, we will iteratively change and
evaluate both the development process as well as the
supporting tool. We will apply both qualitative, e.g.
more interviews, as well as quantitative methods, e.g.
a usability study, to do so.
This work was partially funded by the German Fe-
deral Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure
(BMVI) for the project “Digitalisierte Mobilit
at – die
Offene Mobilit
atsplattform” (19E16007B). The aut-
hors want to thank Felix Schwinger and Andreas Heu-
vels for their support in conducting the interviews.
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ENASE 2018 - 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Table 3: A selection of key statements made by the interviewees.
No. Interviewee Statement
S01 D “I consider cooperative activities as the greatest shortcoming of both tools we used.
S02 D “In our case [in the context of parallel work], there were a lot of single documents, which
needed to be merged in a relatively time-consuming way.
S03 D “It would make sense to have an exchange platform which everyone can consistently access
at all times and where you can work on documents together, to transparently give everyone
insight into the current activities, to give everyone the possibility to inspect the results and
to enable parallel work on the documents.
S04 E “When several people worked collaboratively on the same, common ontology
, we had no
way of merging that.
S05 E “We found out that we repeatedly interviewed [domain] experts, where we used the same
wording, but meant different things. We write down, what we understood. As soon as this
goes back to him [the expert], he sees and clarifies it. [. . . ] [cooperative tool support] would
allow us to invite several domain experts to work on a record [of an interview].
S06 B “Even when you only leave your own system vendor and talk to other partners, you often
use a different terminology. As soon as you start using a foreign language, it becomes hard
for the partners involved to be precise in the terminology such that everyone understands
exactly what others mean.
S07 B “Currently, there is a duplicate maintenance in the tools, e.g., in Enterprise Architect and in
the Word documentation. If you would manage to do both with one tool, the documentation
as well as the actual specification activities [. . . ] that would be a goal.
S08 D “One could definitely improve the structured reviews of the architecture design since the
links between the architecture and the requirements were rather scattered. For there were
two completely separated – let’s say worlds in terms of documentation, I personally saw
this as a major obstacle that needed to be overcome.
S09 B A more consistent format would definitely be desirable. Such a more formal approach
would generally help to guarantee portability of the results, but also to ensure that all aspects
of a use case were considered and nothing was forgotten.
S10 C Another problem here is not just maintenance of the tools, but also keeping the know-how.
At least for us that was the case, as when you work with it very rarely, the usage it is rather
S11 A “[The tools] still produce documents one has to rework; which don’t have the form one
imagined. At this point there is still a lot to do, I think.
S12 C “Keep in mind that various documentations need to be bilingual.
S13 A “Many things were discussed that were discarded over the time. One should have docu-
mented this even more.
a set of concepts and categories in a subject area or domain that shows their properties and the relations between them.
A Structured Approach to Support Collaborative Design, Specification and Documentation of Communication Protocols