will receive a notification reminding of the
importance of providing data, which will give a
more accurate estimate.
The article presented only the prototype of the
application that uses persuasive computing
principles to seek to change user behavior with the
focus on saving electricity. The main idea was to
show that only with information that is easy to
access is it possible to have a prediction of
consumption, even if it is estimated, this domain of
research allows the use of several tools to predict.
These will be developed in the future works, where
in the next version of the application the user will
not need to inform several information regarding the
energy consumption, because a neural network will
be implanted and from consumption history, number
of people in the house and average temperature of
the city will be possible to predict consumption in
the coming months, providing more assertive data
for the tests. This information will be presented so
that the user can graphically compare whether their
consumption has increased or decreased. From this
neural network it will be possible to identify
correlations between the information and identify
the consumption profile of certain groups and thus
through persuasive computation to seek changes in
behavior in order to achieve savings of electric
The authors would like to thank CAPES for partial
funding of this research and the UFSM/FATEC
through project number 041250 - 9.07.0025
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