Don’t Talk to Strangers
On the Challenges of Intelligent Vehicle Authentication
Alishah Chator and Matthew Green
Computer Science Department, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, U.S.A.
Authentication, V2V Communications, Privacy.
Vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications offer an unprecedented opportunity to increase driver safety. At
the same time, the use of computer networking technologies raises new concerns around information security
and privacy. Specifically, V2V communications systems provide the opportunity for malicious individuals to
transmit false data, with unknown effects on future vehicle systems. A number of proposals have been advanced
in order to add authenticity guarantees to V2V systems using cryptographic techniques. Unfortunately, many of
these proposals have a number of side effects related to efficiency and driver privacy. In this work we discuss
these tradeoffs and explain why it is challenging to achieve all desired properties in a single system. We then
suggest alternative approaches that may be more realistic than current proposals.
Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communication technology
allows automobiles to exchange digital messages via
short-range radio. This technology promises to dra-
matically improve driver safety by providing detailed
information about nearby vehicles, including exact
position and speed. By monitoring this information,
communications-enabled cars can notify the driver of
danger or take action to avoid a crash.
V2V communication offers many potential bene-
fits. However, it also raises new concerns related to
security, privacy and driver safety. Critical among
these is the resilience of V2V systems to malicious
transmissions, including messages designed to harm
drivers or create unsafe traffic conditions. As vehicles
become more automated and thus dependent on the ac-
curacy of these transmissions, these opportunities are
likely to be exploited. Consequently, one of the major
requirements of a future V2V communication system
is a means to authenticate that each V2V transmission
originates with a legitimate transmitter.
The problem of authenticating V2V communica-
tions has been the subject of a great deal of academic
research, much of it involving the use of cryptographic
authentication technologies (Raya and Hubaux, 2005;
Yousefi et al., 2006; Papadimitratos et al., 2006; Raya
and Hubaux, 2007; Calandriello et al., 2007; Papadim-
itratos et al., 2008; Khodaei et al., 2014; Foo et al.,
2015; Hamida et al., 2015; Khodaei and Papadimi-
tratos, 2015; Khodaei and Papadimitratos, 2016). In-
deed, in the United States these technologies have been
developed to the point where they are being deployed
in current vehicles (Hehn et al., 2014; Pleskot, 2017).
However, it remains unclear whether these techniques
are sufficient or appropriate to solve the security prob-
lems raised by V2V communications.
To understand what makes this problem particu-
larly challenging, it is necessary to discuss the various
requirements that face designers of V2V systems. In
tandem with the need to authenticate messages, mod-
ern V2V systems are typically expected to satisfy two
additional requirements. First, they must address po-
tential concerns regarding driver privacy. Specifically,
many governments have mandated that V2V transmis-
sions should not allow for the tracking of vehicles.
As a second requirement, V2V systems are expected
to provide robust functionality in a challenging envi-
ronment where many vehicles have limited network
connectivity. This leads to three overall requirements,
which we refer to as authentication, privacy, and (com-
munication) robustness.
Unfortunately, as we show in this work, these re-
quirements are fundamentally at odds. Achieving all
three of these goals simultaneously requires that
receivers must be able to verify the identity of each
transmitter and reject signals from bad actors, and yet
receivers should not be able to identify a specific
transmitter, or even link different transmissions to the
same vehicle, and
this process must not rely on
Chator, A. and Green, M.
Don’t Talk to Strangers.
DOI: 10.5220/0006790205220528
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems (VEHITS 2018), pages 522-528
ISBN: 978-989-758-293-6
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
regular or even periodic updates issued from a cen-
tral authority to the vehicle fleet. While it may be
possible to achieve two of these goals simultaneously,
achieving all three appears fundamentally difficult.
The implication of this is twofold. First, we be-
lieve this should motivate designers to reconsider the
deployment of cryptographic authentication infrastruc-
ture, which can be very costly.
Secondly, we believe
that manufacturers should begin to develop alternative
techniques that filter out potentially malicious V2V
communications by examining the content of the mes-
sages, rather than by relying on authentication data.
1.1 Cryptographic Authentication for
A secure V2V communications system consists of sev-
eral components. The most important is the On Board
Equipment (OBE), a specialized computer that resides
within each vehicle. This computer is connected to a
radio transceiver and a Global Positioning System unit.
In current V2V proposals, the OBE transmits “basic
safety messages” that embed the vehicle’s exact posi-
tion and trajectory. These messages may be received
by nearby vehicles, and used to display messages to
the driver and/or (in future autonomous vehicles) assist
in making driving decisions.
Because these messages may have safety impli-
cations, it is important to provide a means by which
vehicles can distinguish authentic messages from mali-
cious transmissions sent by unauthorized transmitters.
The canonical method for cryptographic authentication
uses public key digital signatures. In this scheme, users
possess a public key and a secret key, where the former
should be shared and the latter is hidden. Users may
employ the secret key to sign arbitrary messages. The
resulting signature can be verified using the public key.
The fundamental challenge with authentication is dis-
tributing the public keys in a way that users are certain
who a public key belongs to. A common strategy is to
use certificates. A certificate is a digital credential that
contains the public key of a user, and is in turn signed
by a trusted authority known as a Certificate Authority.
Certificates have a set time period during which they
are considered valid. In some systems, there is a revo-
cation process in place to invalidate certificates so the
system can control who can send authentic messages.
The security of this approach therefore makes a
key assumption: the key material needed to generate
digital signatures will be available only to approved
OBE devices, and will not be easy for a malicious party
One proposal, called SCMS (Hehn et al., 2014), is ex-
pected to cost approximately $4 billion USD to deploy in
the United States.
to extract from an OBE and duplicate. Because this
last assumption is difficult to guarantee across millions
of vehicles, this motivates a final requirement: if the
cryptographic keys are extracted from an authorized
OBE device by a malicious party, there exists a means
to identify the invalid messages, and disable the stolen
To make this effort more challenging, modern V2V
security proposals add two additional requirements.
First, individual messages sent by vehicles should not
uniquely identify the vehicle. Moreover, it should be
challenging to link two messages sent by the same
vehicle at different locations. This requirement is in-
tended to prevent the use of V2V communications as
a means to track the location of vehicles. This pri-
vacy goal has been identified a critical requirement of
deployed V2V security systems, and accounts for a
substantial degree of the complexity of deployed pro-
posals such as the U.S. government’s proposed SCMS
system (Hehn et al., 2014).
As a final requirement, today’s V2V systems as-
sume that network connectivity (from vehicles to the
Internet, or to centralized authorities) is fundamentally
unreliable. That is, many vehicles will not be able
to connect routinely to a central authority in order to
obtain additional key material. A V2V security system
must function even without access to a reliable cellular
network. We refer to this final property as robustness.
As discussed above, an intelligent vehicular system
must satisfy several distinct requirements that may not
be easy be achieve simultaneously. We first enumerate
these requirements, which we refer to as authenticity,
privacy and robustness.
This is the property that communica-
tions between vehicles are trustworthy. Messages
received from other vehicles are from exactly who
they say they are from, and all the contents of the
messages are accurate. Vehicles that are found to
be misbehaving are detectable or removed from
the network.
The privacy requirement implies that vehi-
cles are able to communicate without revealing
information that could be used for tracking vehi-
cles. In a private system, transmissions should
not contain uniquely vehicle-identifying informa-
tion, and multiple messages from the same vehicle
should not be linkable. A common benchmark is
that the system should not allow an adversary per-
form a stronger attack on privacy than it would be
Don’t Talk to Strangers
Authenticity Privacy
Figure 1: This figure illustrates the trilemma of the proper-
ties of Privacy, Authenticity, and Robustness in Intelligent
Vehicle Authentication. At best, only two of these proper-
ties can be simultaneously offered. Consequently, as one
attempts to maximlze two of these properties it will be at
the cost of the third property. The sides
achieving Authenticity and Robustness at the expense of
Privacy, achieving Authenticity and Privacy at the expense
of Robustness, and achieving Robustness and Privacy at the
expense of Authenticity respectively.
able to in than the absence of the system.
We define Robustness as the property
that the system remains operational and secure
even in the face of low overall levels of connec-
tivity to the network. A system with low Robust-
ness requires that every vehicle has a stable fast
connection to the network in order to operate cor-
rectly. A system that achieves high Robustness is
one that can still offer all of its guarantees even
if vehicles often have sporadic, slow, or even no
connection to the network.
As a final observation, it is important to note that these
systems will have fixed hardware resources. Due to
high tolerance requirements, this hardware will gen-
erally be much less performant than consumer grade
hardware. This adds an additional bounding on the ca-
pabilities of a system, as processing power or storage
will be limiting factors. We discuss these limits further
Now let us understand why these tradeoffs exist.
Each of the sides of our triangle represents an extreme
case where two properties are highly satisfied, but the
For example, an attack than involves physically
surveilling a specific car is acceptable, as even without this
system it would result in a loss of privacy for that car. Simi-
larly, the underlying basic safety messages might themselves
leak identifying data; our goal should be that the authentica-
tion system does not offer further degradation.
third property is lacking.
This represents a system with a high level of
Authenticity and Robustness. Thus, this system
can guarantee Authenticity even if vehicles often
cannot interact with the network. In practice, an
important feature of Authenticity is the exclusion
of misbehaving vehicles. This requires updates
from the network regarding which vehicles should
not be trusted. In this situation, this list of revoked
vehicle identities needs to be small and easy to
process. However, introducing Privacy into the
system will require more identities per vehicle or
larger, more complex identities, both of which will
dramatically increase the size or complexity of the
revocation list.
In a system that provides strong Authenticity and
Privacy, valid messages can be considered trust-
worthy and communication does not jeopardize
a vehicle’s privacy. This results vehicles with a
large number of or complex identities, which in
turn means that the list of revoked vehicles can
grow to be quite large or hard to process. This can
only work in a highly connected network where ve-
hicles can perform quick lookups on demand and
only need to hold entries pertaining to a smaller
time interval. In this setting Robustness is difficult
to achieve.
This side represents a system with Robust-
ness and Privacy. Even under low connectivity
guarantees, communications would not reveal sig-
nificant information about vehicles or their driv-
ing behaviors. Clearly, Authenticity is difficult
to achieve in this scenario. High privacy would
require large revocation lists which could not be
distributed effectively with the assumed network
limitations. Thus, it would be difficult to inform
vehicles about misbehaving parties and thus there
would be little Authenticity.
To further clarify these tradeoffs, we will offer some
examples of cryptographic vehicular authentication
3.1 Shared Key Authentication
Perhaps the most na
ıve implementation of vehicle au-
thentication is to use a single cryptographic secret key
that is shared across the entire vehicle fleet. Every
vehicle would have the same identical key hardcoded
into their onboard equipment. All messages signed
VEHITS 2018 - 4th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
by this key would be assumed to be authentic and
This scheme offers a great deal of privacy, since
there is effectively no difference between messages
sent by any vehicle. Indeed, as all messages are signed
by the same key, it is impossible to link a message to
a vehicle without the benefit of some auxiliary infor-
mation. It also achieves Robustness as there is only
one key, so there is little need for updates from the
network. However, the tradeoff here is a very fragile
Authenticity guarantee. Should a malicious individ-
ual obtain the key (perhaps by reverse-engineering the
OBE), there is no way to renew security – effectively
all vehicle transmissions become suspect.
3.2 Unique Key Authentication
An alternative approach would instead hardcode a sin-
gle distinct (signing) key in each vehicle. This ap-
proach could provides both Authenticity and Robust-
ness. However, it reduces Privacy, as vehicles are
simple to differentiate. However, this means that the
system is now able to identify misbehaving vehicles,
and updates (revoking specific vehicles) from the net-
work are feasible provided that keys are reasonably
3.3 Rotating Key Authentication
Some proposals, including the Security Credential
Management System (SCMS) a proposed U.S.
system for authentication in vehicle to vehicle net-
works (Hehn et al., 2014) provision each vehicle
with many distinct keys, which can be rotated as the
vehicle proceeds. Provided the number of keys is suffi-
cient, this reduces the probability that a single vehicle
will be identifiable from the key or authentication data.
(Effectively, each distinct key appears as a separate
vehicle.) This way vehicles can be distinguished, but
still difficult to track.
At present, the only proposals that are close to de-
ployment (e.g., SCMS) use the rotating key approach.
In the next section we discuss one of these proposals
in detail, and illustrate the limitations of this approach.
In most PKI implementations, each user only has
one certificate, which it sends with every message.
Since the same certificate will be included in all mes-
sages with a specific party, this leads to a privacy con-
cern: these messages can easily be linked together. Un-
fortunately, in V2V communications this risks that dis-
tributed radio receivers could link messages together
and thus reconstruct the path of individual vehicles as
they move around a city.
SCMS uses a PKI infrastructure to authenticate mes-
sages transmitted by vehicles. However, the system
incorporates several mechanisms to enhance the sys-
tem’s privacy guarantees. We summarize these below:
Using many certificates for each vehicle. Rather than
assigning one long-term certificate to each vehicle,
SCMS provisions each transmitter with several thou-
sand distinct and unlinkable certificates. Vehicles are
expected to “rotate” certificates periodically, ensuring
that the same certificate (and public key) is not used
for a long time. Certificate rotation changes the iden-
tifying information associated with the transmission,
and makes it difficult to link different sightings of the
same vehicle.
Ensuring certificates cannot be linked by insiders.
While using multiple certificates improves the privacy
of the system against outside parties, it leaves open the
possibility of tracking by the authorities who issue the
certificates. Consequently, SCMS breaks the public
key infrastructure into two distinct authorities in the
SCMS backend, the Pseudonym Certificate Authority
and the Registration Authority. Pseudonym Certificate
Authority will only know that a vehicle is requesting
certificates, but not what those certificates look like.
Registration Authority knows what the individual cer-
tificates look like, but has no idea which certificates
belong to which vehicle. Assuming the two authorities
do not collaborate or share information, the resulting
design protects users even against tracking by insiders.
Adversarial or unexpected behavior can be controlled.
In a normal PKI system, controlling undesired behav-
ior is handled by publishing the certificate of the of-
fending user in a public “revocation list”. However,
due to SCMS’s privacy properties, each user has thou-
sands of certificates that must be revoked. Moreover,
the privacy requirements of SCMS require that these
certificates do not reveal the vehicle identity. To ad-
dress this concern, SCMS provides two additional ca-
1. Tracing.
When vehicles detect suspicious mes-
sages, it can report the behavior to a special back-
end entity called the Misbehavior Authority. Then,
the SCMS entities collaborate to perform a tracing
procedure to find the vehicle that sent the offend-
ing message. These entities can also obtain a ‘seed
value’ that can link all of the certificates of this
2. Revocation.
Once the Misbehavior Authority
identifies an offending vehicle, SCMS can revoke
Don’t Talk to Strangers
SCMS Certificate Authority
3. Shued request
5. Certificates
1. Certificate request
4. Responses
6. Signed
Revocation list
Figure 2: Overview of the SCMS Architecture.
this vehicle by blacklisting it from obtaining new
certificates and notifying other vehicles not to trust
communications from this vehicle. To achieve
the latter, each V2V participant must be able to
identify all of the certificates of every revoked ve-
hicles. The process of revoking a vehicle reduces
to broadcasting a list of expandable seed values for
all revoked vehicles. Every car in the system can
now examine incoming certificates to see if they
contain one of the revoked serial numbers.
By only requiring one seed value per vehicle, the
system hopes to provide Authenticity even with a weak
connection to the network. Thus, it would also provide
However, we will now discuss how in the design-
ers’ effort to provide all of Privacy, Authenticity, and
Robustness SCMS resulted in weak amounts of each.
Weak Privacy.
In order to limit the size of the revo-
cation list, each vehicle only has about 20 valid cer-
tificates per week. Assuming certificates are rotated
while driving to avoid tracing, this will lead to certifi-
cate reuse. Given that the typical U.S. driving pattern
involves repeatedly traversing the same road segments
(e.g., while commuting) this certificate re-use can be
used for linking certificates back to a vehicle and ex-
tracting information about driving behavior. The tech-
nology used for broadcasting Basic Safety Messages
(BSM) is also relatively easy to eavesdrop (Reyzin
et al., 2017), as it is relatively inexpensive to capture
all BSMs sent by vehicles within a significant radius.
This would allow a few malicious parties to amass
a significant body of data about vehicles in a given
geographical area, which could be further processed
to de-anonymize drivers and identify individual com-
muter paths. Additionally, there does not seem to be
any real method to prevent collusion of the various
insider entities to trace vehicles. Thus, the system
structure offers little benefit in return for its complex-
Weak Authenticity.
The revocation list is specified
to have a fixed upper limit of about 10,000 vehicles.
This means only 0.004% of the vehicles on the road
can be revoked. This seems to be a drastic underesti-
mation, and once this limit is reached Authenticity is
completely lost.
Weak Robustness. The system requires vehicles to
replenish their set of certificates approximately every
three years. This will be a serious issue for regions
that have weak or no connection to the network. A
separate issue is with the revocation of certificates. If
SCMS relies of user reporting for identifying misbe-
having transmitters, then areas with low connectivity
will have potentially long delays before misbehavior
reports are filed. Similarly, vehicles may not receive
up to date lists of revoked vehicles. The result being
that misbehaving units pose a much more serious risk
to users in low connectivity areas.
Further Hardware Limitations.
Additionally, the
limited hardware resources available to vehicles in the
SCMS further bound the achievable amount of these
properties. By increasing the number of certificates de-
livered to a vehicle, one could improve the privacy of
the resulting system. At the same time, a larger number
of certificates results in higher resource requirements
at all vehicles (for both certificate storage and revoca-
tion data), and reduces the number of vehicles that may
feasibly be revoked. Many of these hardware limita-
tions result from the requirement that all vehicles will
be mandated to be part of SCMS. Thus, the equipment
must be cost effective to be included in the full range
of vehicles.
We now discuss some alternative approaches that take
different positions on the tradeoff between Privacy,
Robustness, and Authentication.
Europe has proposed an alternative to
SCMS called C2C-CC (Schoch, 2012). The key differ-
ence is that there is no mandate. The service is opt-in,
and likely will support only high-end vehicles that al-
ready have cellular communications built in. This frees
the specification from having its hands tied supporting
a broad range of hardware limits. By sacrificing Ro-
bustness in this way, the European version avoids the
Authenticity and Privacy pitfalls faced by SCMS, and
achieves better amounts of both.
VEHITS 2018 - 4th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
Advanced Cryptographic Techniques.
There are
existing cryptographic techniques that solve many of
SCMS’s issues. Anonymous Credentials (Camenisch
and Lysyanskaya, 2003) allow for authentication with-
out having to reveal the entire certificate. Thus a single
certificate can be used repeatedly without risk of link-
age. Group signatures (Boneh et al., 2004) allow any
member of a group (i.e. vehicles participating in V2V)
to prove group membership without revealing which
member is actually doing the signing. Both of the
above technologies support having a trusted party able
to trace and revoke users. Unfortunately, usage of
these tools requires generous hardware resources and
still require occasional network connectivity.
Content-based Filtering.
An alternative to crypto-
graphic authentication is to instead filter incoming
messages by examining their content, and comparing
this to other data received directly at the vehicle’s
sensors. One could consider this approach as apply-
ing a form of spam filtering to incoming messages.
In this paradigm, messages would be given a score
ranking them by credibility, and then actions would
be taken based on this score. This approach could
complement an existing authentication system, with
authentication data passed to the scoring system as one
form of input. In practice, this approach is likely to
prove necessary even if cryptographic authentication
is widely deployed. We believe that automakers and
researchers should focus on designing these systems.
5.1 Summary of Schemes
Figure 3 offers a illustrated summary of the tradeoffs
made by the discussed authentication systems.
By examining various methods to provide vehicle au-
thentication, it is clear that there is an unavoidable set
of tradeoffs. Thus, we must accept that no proposed
system will be perfect. It is our opinion that Privacy
cannot be compromised on, as Intelligent Vehicle sys-
tems have the potential to expose a dramatic amount
of personal information for all citizens. It is very likely
that resulting systems will then have to compromise
on Authenticity.
Our fundamental takeaway is that regardless of
which cryptographic system we choose, intelligent ve-
hicles will have to carefully weigh the trustworthiness
of messages that they receive and not depend heavily
on the authentication data. More succinctly, the only
data that can be trusted safely is that which comes
Authenticity Privacy
Shared KeySingle Key
Figure 3: This figure visualizes how the different classes of
systems we discussed sacrifice one property to maximize the
other two, SCMS notably attempts to attain all 3 properties,
but this hurts its ability to offer any of the properties. We did
not include a
Group Signature
Anonymous Credential
based system on this diagram as it is potentially able to
achieve high amounts of all 3 properties, but requires signifi-
cantly more hardware resources.
from a vehicles own sensors. Trusted agencies may be
able to pin certificates into vehicle equipment in order
to provide some credible external information to these
Given these conclusions, we believe that the cur-
rent directions in Intelligent Vehicle Communication
and Authentication have serious issues. Given the high
cost of these deployments and the potential risk of
relying on them, we believe that widespread deploy-
ment of cryptographic authentication systems needs
to postponed until more thought is given to what a
reasonable model for what communication looks like.
In fact, designers of these systems should operate with
the assumption that authentication may not be pro-
vided. While the immediate deployment of systems
such as SCMS seem to be on hold at the moment (Eg-
gerton, 2017), it is still concerning that these prob-
lematic technologies are on the cusp of widespread
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VEHITS 2018 - 4th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems