As experiences and lessons learned with the
development of this project, the following challenges
related to the implementation are highlighted:
Interaction of the two programs - the
implementation of this project required the
communication between two distinct programs
(ABAP and GnuPG) to address the hashing and the
encryption/decryption of files, which implied the
addressing of several issues, from security, to the
implementation of the functionalities so as to provide
a good experience to the end user.
The management of the executed requests was
made with ABAP, while the answers were given by a
program that is not integrated in ABAP (GnuPG); the
requests had to be fulfilled and responded to
effectively, in order to provide a satisfactory
experience to the end user. To that end, ABAP was
integrated with GnuPG, so that the former could
execute certain GPG commands through the
operating system on which the SAP server runs; in
turn, it was necessary to configure them in the SAP
program itself so that they could be called/executed
using ABAP.
The SAP program has a transaction called
“sm69”, which allows to run external commands at
the level of the operating system in which the
program is located. By executing these commands,
with GPG installed on the server and setting the
correct parameters, GPG program operations may be
executed, without forcing the user to have a direct
interaction with the GPG console. This was the
solution found for the implementation of encryption.
GPG Commands - GnuPG may not be
considered a hard program to use; however, it is only
user-friendly when the console is in front of the user
and the user knows the syntax of the commands and
which commands to use to implement the desired
action. This was what was intended to be avoided in
the implementation of CryptoSafe, that is, commands
were developed, fixed and tested several times, in
order to find out which commands the ABAP
application should execute.
Overwrite and adding suffixes - Another
problem of the program was that, when saving the
files on the server, the file explorer on the server side
did not allow the insertion of a new name and only
assumed the name of files that already existed, that is,
these would be replaced when the process would be
carried out. In order to avoid this situation, a “fail
safe” system was developed that allows the addition
of suffixes at the end of the file, preventing accidental
replacement. If the process included saving files on
the client, then when executed more than once
without changing the destination, it also replaced the
file with the suffix; thus, an algorithm was developed
that verifies the existence of the final file with a
suffix; if that happens, it adds a number to the file and
saves it, without replacing the file with the suffix.
Interface / Interactivity - Another issue that had
to be considered was the tuning between the user and
the application. The layout and its behavior were
carefully studied in order to guarantee the user the
most feasible usability. By using prototypes and
screen layouts, the designed interfaces were tested by
potential users, so as to ensure that their development
took the end user to a proper course. In some way, a
graphical user interface has been developed for the
end user, thus avoiding direct interaction with
Finally, although the CryptoSafe application has
already been targeted by a series of tests, it is not yet
in operation in the Client Company, since there are
other add-ons (e.g. human resource management
improvements) and system upgrades that need to be
approved in order to be implemented in conjunction
with CryptoSafe.
At the time of the implementation, the Client
Company and the banks, besides having a VPN
connection between their private networks, will need
to have the CryptoSafe application integrated in their
SAP business models. Therefore, the security of the
connection is reinforced with the implementation of
security guarantees (confidentiality and integrity) of
the SEPA files sent.
It is worth noticing that the commercialization of
the CryptoSafe application is foreseen for other
companies interested in acquiring the software to
improve the security of the organization in the
transmission of data.
This research contribution was supported by SBX
Consulting company and Portucalense University.
We thank, in particular, Luis Fontes from SBX
Consulting (Luisfontes101@gmail.com) for his
assistance in the field of encryption and IT Security
along with his comments that greatly improved the