methodology. Finally, Section 6 presents the
conclusions and future work.
E-commerce optimizes and enhances the relationship
between producers, distributors, and customers.
There are a number of key factors inside and outside
organizations that affect the success of e-commerce
and, for that, it must be taken into consideration. In
(Choshin and Ghaffari, 2016), the authors proposed a
model and a framework for specifying the effective
factors on e-commerce success. For this, it was used
structural equations with Partial Least Squares (PLS-
SEM) to create the model. The results obtained from
the paper allowed the authors to conclude that the
infrastructures used, the challenge of retaining a
customer satisfaction, and the customer’s awareness
and knowledge have a significant impact on the
success of e-commerce.
In Tomljanovic, Turina, and Kurelovic (2016), the
authors try to create a site through the comparison of
selected open source tools (AbanteCart, PrestaShop,
and OsCommerce) to make a comprehensive analysis
of the possibilities offered by these tools. By creating
an electronic commerce shop, the authors concluded
that the tools AbanteCart and PrestaShop are better
than the OsCommerce. One of the common handicaps
to all the tools is the impossibility to adjust to the
user's preferences and customize sites according to
the user's preferences so that the tools can offer
similar products on the customers’ next visit
according to their preferences.
The authors in (Sin et al., 2016) intended to
analyse key factors such as relative advantage and
competitive pressure on e-commerce adoption among
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the
Northern state of Malaysia. The authors analysed the
data collected, from a total of 167 questionnaires,
using frequency analysis, reliability analysis,
descriptive analysis, correlation analysis as well as
multiple regression analysis. Based on this set of
analysis, the authors observed that the companies that
implement e-commerce will be able to increase sales,
expand market share, cut down costs, exploit new
business prospects but also will improve the
relationship with dealers and companion.
In Utami and Jamal (2017), the authors decided to
compare five web applications based on open source
Content Management System (CMS) e-commerce.
The applications tested were: Prestashop, Magento,
Woocommerce, Oscommerce, and OpenCart. To
measure software quality of these tools, the authors
used traditional software quality and CK metrics
(Chidamber & Kemerer suite parameters). CK
Metrics Suite is a metric-oriented class. Through the
application of the methodology described earlier, the
authors concluded that Prestashop tool has the best
quality in web applications, while Magento registered
the lowest score.
In Ferreira, Pedrosa and Bernardino (2017), the
authors used OSSpal methodology, which measures
quantitative and qualitative evaluations, but to
compare four of the top business intelligence tools:
BIRT, Jaspersoft, Pentaho, and SpagoBI. With the
application of the OSSpal methodology, the authors
concluded that the tool with the best score was
Pentaho, while BIRT presented a lower score, mostly
because this tool is more focused on the report
construction than on business intelligence.
From the best of our knowledge, this paper is one
of the first works to use OSSpal methodology to
evaluate open source e-commerce tools.
To apply the OSSpal methodology, it was necessary
to find the best tools. Initially, we select three e-
commerce platforms according to (10 Best Content
Management System for Ecommerce Sites, 2016), (19
Open Source Ecommerce Solutions for Your Store,
2017) and (Top 5 Open Source eCommerce Platforms
for your store, 2016).
The three platforms studied are Magento,
OpenCart, and PrestaShop. Their main advantages
and weaknesses will be presented in the next sections.
3.1 Magento
Magento is an e-commerce application based on open
source technology. Magento provides a flexible
online store with full control over the content, look,
and functionality of the shopping cart system as well
as it offers search engine optimization, robust
marketing, and catalogue management tools (Top 10
Ecommerce Platforms of 2016 Compared, 2016).
Magento provides three CMS options packages,
namely Enterprise Edition, Professional Edition and
Community Edition. Enterprise Edition including its
inherent store credit, gift cards (virtual and physical),
member-only sales, clubs, multi-store (retail &
wholesale) and support full time. Community Edition
is a free version, available to experts and web
developers (Teguh Prasandy; Eko Sediyono, 2013).
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems