Towards an Automated Flying Drones Platform
Bruno Areias
, Nuno Humberto
, Lucas Guardalben
, Jos
e Maria Fernandes
and Susana Sargento
Instituto de Telecomunicac¸
oes, Aveiro, Portugal
DETI - University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal
Automated, Flying Drones, Ground and Drones Communications.
Nowadays, some drone Flight Controllers (FCs) support basic automation (e.g., GPS waypoint, return-to-
home, path flight, take-off/landing), although it requires direct drone connectivity (e.g., radio, base station/-
Ground Control Station (GCS)) and an extensive knowledge over technical details (e.g., assembly, configura-
tion, battery maintenance, flight, etc.). This paper proposes a novel platform that offers an abstraction layer
between the end-user and the drone itself, automating most of the drone flight requirements. The platform
allows to perform high-level drones control (e.g., up, down, left, right, GPS go-to and stream follow, return
to base, etc.) through end-user communications, contributing with a highly modular event-driven control
platform, enabling development of more complex integrations between drones and other technologies. The
obtained results show that the proposed automated flying drones’ platform is able to properly abstract and
decouple the direct control, handling up to 32 drones with no significant impact on the performance. The
platform is also capable of displaying and correlating sensor metrics obtained in real-time during flight.
Drones are agile, affordable and diverse, offering an
excellent platform to carry devices around (e.g., sen-
sor arrays, cameras, small computers, etc.). They
also enable exploration and study of dangerous places
(e.g., radiation zones, wild fires, hurricanes, catas-
trophe SAR, etc.)(Erdelj et al., 2017) without threat
to human lives. Since the first appearance of a con-
trollable Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) in the First
World War (Keane and Carr, 2013), evolutions nowa-
days in technology improved range, communication
range, network bandwidth and automation (e.g., auto-
pilot, GPS go-to, etc.).
In terms of drone automation, in most cases it
still requires humans to interact or overview their op-
eration either directly (in field of view) or through
telemetry data (GCS), and for configuration in ad-
vance of the flight parameters to the auto-pilot or GPS
go-to. Therefore, this creates dependencies on human
interaction and extra hardware (radio controller trans-
mitters, computer radio adapters, etc.) for most of the
use cases. Moreover, when entering in the field of
multiple drones, each one requires at least one ded-
icated active radio, both on the ground and on the
drone, which makes the integration with other exter-
nal technologies or applications complex and unsus-
tainable, specially in multi-drone control scenarios.
possible to conclude possibility ...
I would rather write: ”Thus, delivering drones as a
a service would allow a greater abstraction level to...
Through analysis of related works, it is clear that
several interesting technologies would become pos-
sible through integration of drones with other plat-
forms. Thus, delivering drones as a service would al-
low a greater abstraction level to drone technicalities
and requirements, making them easily integrable with
external systems and scenarios, such as crop health
assessment systems, crowded outdoor event surveil-
lance, wildfire surveillance and assessment systems,
etc (Motlagh et al., 2016; Gupta et al., 2016; Chen
et al., 2014). Researching about the topic drones as
a service” clearly reveals a lack of evolution in this
Our work proposes the building of a highly mod-
ular platform to support control abstraction and direct
control decoupling, therefore effectively standardiz-
ing integration methodologies to allow drones as a
service where high level commands can be issued to
the platform, removing the complexities of actually
flying the drone itself directly.
Through the course of this work, architectural
Areias, B., Humberto, N., Guardalben, L., Fernandes, J. and Sargento, S.
Towards an Automated Flying Drones Platform.
DOI: 10.5220/0006792405290536
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transpor t Systems (VEHITS 2018), pages 529-536
ISBN: 978-989-758-293-6
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
and implementation choices to the proposed auto-
mated platform are studied, implemented, analyzed
and tested using real telemetry information gathered
from real drones. The results show that the proposed
platform is able to properly abstract and decouple the
direct control, handling up to 32 drones with no sig-
nificant impact to the observed performance. The
platform is also capable of displaying and correlating
sensor metrics obtained in real-time during flight.
The organization of this paper is divided in 5 sec-
tions: introduction, related works, automated flying
drones platform, overall integration and evaluation
setup and results.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV’s), popularly known
by drones, are already part of our everyday life,
mainly due to their attractive cost and popularization.
The drones area are in constant evolution: besides the
laws and ethical issues (Wilson, 2014), drones tech-
nology are still being established, and many areas are
considering drones as an alternative to enhance the
complex tasks to reduce operating costs (Rossi and
Brunelli, 2016). A wide number of applications and
services have been proposed for many different areas,
including agriculture (Tripicchio et al., 2015), gas de-
tection and mapping (Rossi and Brunelli, 2016), de-
livering medical supplies (Thiels et al., 2015), search
and rescue activities (C
amara, 2014), surveillance
(Saska et al., 2014), humanitarian aid (Sandvik and
Lohne, 2014), pest and disease control (Amenyo
et al., 2014), to name a few.
The fast evolution on the cloud and IoT tech-
nologies created and catalyzed several ecosystems of
solutions to support distributed system and on-line
drones control and sensing solution. Cloud comput-
ing can improve the limited computational capabil-
ities of resource constrained mobile nodes and en-
hance the drones systems stability (Wang et al., 2017).
The work proposed in (Foina et al., 2015) describes a
cloud based system for city-wide unmanned air traf-
fic management to keep the city safe using a control
system for collision avoidance. However, the authors
do not clarify how the proposed cloud-based plat-
form reacts when the flight volumes increase. There-
fore, drones cloud-based systems can allow an effec-
tively deployed solution in the aftermath of a disaster
for effective disaster response and mitigation (Alex
and Vijaychandra, 2016). Communication between
drones, users and the Dronemap planner cloud solu-
tion through the MAVLink protocol is presented in
aa et al., 2017), which is supported by com-
modity drones. The delivered experimental results
show that Dronemap Planner is efficient in visualiz-
ing the access to drones over the Internet, and pro-
vides developers with appropriate APIs to easily pro-
gram drones’ applications. However, due to the asyn-
chronous behavior of Internet, the QoS of drone con-
trol over the Internet should be monitored, and the
impact of wireless communication delay and quality
of drones management over the network should be
investigated as well.
Finally, and reinforced by survey works (Motlagh
et al., 2016; Gupta et al., 2016; Chen et al., 2014), no
prior related research work has addressed the goals to-
wards a fully automated flying drone platform as pro-
posed in this paper.
The proposed platform, illustrated in Figure 1, com-
prises two major parts: Drone Systems and Ground
Figure 1: Platform overview.
Interactions between both parts are performed
through the usage of publish/subscribe design pat-
terns, ensuring a high level of decoupling, transport
layer abstraction and interaction management. This
comes even more useful by allowing drones to in-
dividually subscribe to task specific channels. The
same can be said of applications, scripts or systems
that either use or belong to the platform. In the en-
suing sections, a detailed description of the internal
components of both parts will be explored.
VEHITS 2018 - 4th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
3.1 Drone Systems
Drones are a complex aggregation of hardware equip-
ments with their own specifications, technicalities and
firmware, but all of them are controlled through a mi-
croprocessor with auxiliary sensors that can either be
built-in or external to the microprocessor board. Since
this sort of technical details are out of the scope of this
paper, further reference to these technical aspects will
be mostly mentioned through the technical term for
this piece of hardware, Flight Controller (FC).
The Drone Systems are composed by all the re-
quired flight components, each of these will play a
critical role towards its safe operation.
Figure 2: Drone Systems Architecture.
The composition of the architecture is illustrated
in Figure 2, and further details of each of the compo-
nents will follow:
The Drone Broker supports the main communi-
cation bus on board of the drone. The system
also has a relay mechanism which is responsible
to directly relay back and forth messages with the
Ground Systems.
The Flight Analyzer connect to flight telemetry
data to process and analyze the behavior of the
drone. Through pattern detection and behaviour
profiling, this system can detect anomalies to ac-
tively notify the Ground System and try to fix the
issue. As a last resort, it can activate Fail-Safe
The Fail-Safe System(s) is a mechanism that,
when triggered, tries to minimize the conse-
quences of a failure. These can be very basic like
preventing takeoff, or forcing a safe landing on the
detection of low battery levels.
The Drone Logger taps in to the required broker
channels or topic in order to create a local copy
of all the events occurred within the drone for de-
bugging and registry purposes.
Represented by a code file, the Drone Controller
acts as an adapter design pattern, translating bro-
ker command messages to messages that are read-
able by the FC, abstracting the platform from
the technical aspects required to properly interact
with the FC.
The Flight Controller (FC) has the task of con-
trolling the flying drone process and correct its be-
haviour, which properly represents the command
end-point and the internal drones’ telemetry (alti-
tude, temperatures, barometer, accelerometer, ac-
celeration, voltage and cell voltages, GPS) data
source generator.
The Drone Mapper consists on the further ex-
tension of actual geofencing functionalities of
drones. In direct communication with its other
half, Ground Mapper, it supports dynamic map
loading based on current GPS data and a given ra-
dius. Moreover, it is capable to provide richer in-
formation like obstacles and minimum/maximum
altitude restrictions, common to urban scenarios.
3.2 Ground Systems
The Ground Systems are composed of services, sys-
tems and processes that are auxiliary to flight (e.g.:
data storage, management, front ends, etc.) or can
extend flight functionalities (e.g.: support in-flight
drone exchange, automated flight plan for area pa-
trolling or aerial mapping/surveillance).
Figure 3: Ground Systems Architecture.
The ground systems’ communications are based
on brokers which play a key role through their mes-
sage routing capabilities, development and produc-
Towards an Automated Flying Drones Platform
tion instances, which co-exist side by side without the
need to build a development oriented deployment of
the entire platform. The composition of the ground
systems architecture is illustrated in Figure 3. Further
details of each of the components will be explored as
The Ground Broker, similar to the Drone Bro-
ker, supports the main communication bus to the
Ground Systems. Due to the possibility of grow-
ing (vertically scalable), it has added responsi-
bility of filtering and routing of each individual
drone message. Moreover, because of its clear
potential to be a platform bottleneck for architec-
tural purposes, it must be a cluster (horizontally
scalable) capable broker system.
The Drone Manager has the responsibility of
tracking the drones status and serve as an inter-
nal proxy between the drone controlling and the
actual controlled drone. Being a proxy, it can
reroute commands to a different drone without the
need of major reconfigurations either to the con-
troller of the drones involved.
The Data Storage is the representation of a data
storage system for later analysis or auditing pur-
poses of the platform.
The Ground Logger connect to the required bro-
ker channels or topic to create a local copy of all
the events occurred within Ground Systems for
debugging and registry purposes.
The Diagnosis Dashboard is a visual front-end
that can access performance and sensor data from
the entire platform and drones with the lowest
latency possible, allowing visual trouble diagno-
sis. Moreover, it shall be capable of review older
datasets for history purposes.
The Control Dashboard stands for a GCS like
front-end dashboard in which users may control
their active drones through high-level commands
(e.g.: up/down, left/right, etc.). Moreover, they
shall allow control for embedded-drone sensors
like video cameras, thermal cameras, etc.
The Systems Monitor is responsible for the mon-
itoring of the Ground Systems for automated de-
tection of service failures, network latency, disk
usage and alert emission to the platform adminis-
The Telemetry Stream Processor connect to
telemetry data sent by the drones, and it pro-
cesses the received data to generate new informa-
tion to feedback the platform (e.g.: compute num-
ber of packets received by drone, compute statis-
tical data for drone behavior analysis, etc.).
The Telemetry Analyzer connect to the flight
telemetry data to analyze the behavior of the drone
and detect anomalies. Through this system, the
Ground Systems can react to behaviour changes
to mitigate the issue (e.g.: parachute deployment,
emergency landing). Unlike its similar process
on board the drone due to computational capac-
ity available, it can perform complex analysis of
flight parameters potentially gaining extra knowl-
edge and awareness about the drone flight condi-
The Ground Mapper (depicted as other mod-
ules) is the concept to extend the natural geo-
fencing supported by most of the drones. It has
the responsibility to track each drone location and
actively update it for hazards, safe zones, land-
ing zones, no fly zones, etc. Using dynamic map
loading techniques, therefore saving memory and
storage in the drone also removes the need to re-
update maps and geofencing configurations, keep-
ing all the drones constantly up to date.
The Drone Coordinator (depicted as other mod-
ules) has the task of ensuring that drones in a cer-
tain area can coexist without interfering with each
other. Tapped to flight telemetry, it can detect dis-
tances between each drone, up on trespassing a
minimum safe distance can notify each of them
and even suggest safe actions on how to proceed,
like an aerial traffic controller.
This section describes the process on how to provide
a persistent means of monitoring and controlling the
Drone System and constant access to the flight con-
troller. An external single board computer is embed-
ded in the drone in order to manage the permanent
connection between the flight controller, which al-
lows not only navigation requests to be assigned, but
also the flight and internal sensor data to be acquired,
which is a requirement to establish a stable telemetry
Given that this point of access for control and in-
formation is available at the drone system, a message
structure is established for communications between
ground and drone systems.
t y p e : ” o b j r e q u e s t ” ,
name : < r e q u e s t e d o b j e c t name>
Code 1: Information request message structure.
VEHITS 2018 - 4th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
As shown in Code 1, the message follows the
JavaScript Object Notation (or JSON) format. Re-
quests for information may be assigned from the
ground system and may ask for specific sensor or
flight data. The name field indicates what is the de-
sired information (e.g. actual altitude, GPS position,
estimated flight time). Upon reception of these re-
quests, drone systems query the internal flight con-
troller for data and assemble a response message
(Code 2).
t y p e : ” o b j r e s p o n s e ” ,
name : < r e q u e s t e d o b j e c t name > ,
t i m e s t a m p : < c r e a t i o n t imest a m p > ,
” d a t a : < s e r i a l i z e d o b j e c t d a t a >
Code 2: Information response message structure.
Response messages share a similar structure but
add timestamp and data fields. The timestamp field
contains a timestamp (millisecond precision) with
the moment when the response message was assem-
bled. The requested information is stored in an object
which is generated by the flight controller, serialized
and then encapsulated in the message’s data field. In
turn, the cloud system can deserialize the data con-
tained in the data field upon response reception and
obtain its original values.
In addition to information requests, these mes-
sages can also be used for navigation purposes. The
structure specified in Code 3 details the contents of
the messages used in navigation requests
t y p e : ” n a v i g a t e ” ,
l a t : < r e q u e s t e d l a t i t u d e > ,
l o n : < r e q u e s t e d l o n g i t u d e > ,
a l t i t u d e d e l t a : < a l t i t u d e s h i f t >
Code 3: Navigation request message structure.
A navigation request may be issued by the cloud sys-
tem in a message that shall include the target geo-
graphic coordinate (latitude and longitude) and, along
with this information, an altitude delta. This consists
in the altitude difference (meters) between the drone
system’s actual position and the target position (e.g.
an altitude delta of 0 would cause the drone to main-
tain its altitude along the flight path). This functional-
ity may be particularly useful when, for example, the
drone shall get farther from the ground during take-
off, or closer to its landing spot during landing. Upon
reception of this message, the drone system will parse
the target coordinates and initiate its flight towards the
desired direction, until it reaches the given target.
Our initial requirement of the architecture is to de-
ploy a system where the drone (see Figure 4) is able
to carry payloads up to 1 kg (ex.: small sensor arrays,
cameras, communication interfaces, etc.), perform
vertical takeoff/landing, hovering capability, easy to
maintain and with an autonomy of at least 10 minutes.
From several hardware configurations explored,
a DIY (Do It Yourself) solution is settled with the
following components: 3S - 5000 mAh Li-Po bat-
tery, four 30A Simon ESC, four A2212/13T 1000KV
rotors with 22mm blades, and most importantly, a
Flame Wheel F450 ARF Kit from DJI for the frame
and wiring exposure, ease to change peripherals.
To directly control the Electronic Speed Con-
trollers (ESCs), and therefore the behavior of the
drone, an OpenPilot Revolution
is used. Due to the
fact that it does not have a built-in GPS module, an ex-
ternal GPS and magnetometer module are connected
to it.
The equipment used as payload is: single board
Raspberry Pi 2 with a 4G USB dongle, Arduino Nano
and a 5V 5000mAh Power Bank. An extra computa-
tional node is required to support the drone systems,
the Raspberry Pi 2 is picked to execute that task, and
as the underlying networking USB 4G dongle for end-
to-end communications and drone control. The Ar-
duino Nano is used for direct control abstraction pur-
poses, and the Power Bank is used to power up both
the Raspberry Pi and the Arduino.
Figure 4: Full drone setup implementation.
For all purposes, the drone battery can be used to
power all components, but in our perspective it is not
a desirable behavior. A standing-by drone would be
draining its own flight autonomy just to power the
Raspberry Pi. With a second smaller battery just for
Towards an Automated Flying Drones Platform
the payload, it can keep its flight autonomy capacity
and have the drone systems active and waiting for
5.1 Results and Discussions
Obtaining precise behaviour parameters such as the
number of transmitted messages, latencies and aver-
age packets per second is a requirement for assessing
the communications reliability of the platform. The
values for these parameters may vary depending on
the actual state of the drone and the variety of the con-
nected sensors. Additionally, both the length and the
frequency of the transmitted messages differ accord-
ing to the type of information being sent (e.g. GPS
position information is less frequent than estimated
altitude updates).
Figure 5: Data acquisition process flow.
To determine how the platform scales in the pres-
ence of an arbitrary number of drone systems, a
Python-based emulation mechanism has been devel-
oped. This emulation must take into account that,
like previously mentioned, the length and frequency
of messages may vary depending on the state and
complexity of the drone system. In an attempt of
accurately emulating the behavior of a drone system,
the preparation stage of the emulation consists in an
automated data acquisition process in which details
are obtained about every different type of information
(e.g. actual attitude, GPS position, estimated flight
time) sent by the flight controller, along with the to-
tal length and frequency of each. These details form
a model of the behavior of a specific drone system,
which is stored in a single file for later access. The
data flow of this first stage is depicted in Figure 5.
The second and final stage of the emulation con-
sists in parsing a previously created behavior model
and programmatically replicating an arbitrary number
of drone systems by replaying messages with every
different type of information present in the model, us-
ing the observed length and frequency. The flow of
this final stage is depicted in Figure 6.
Data Source
Virtual Drone Spawning
Figure 6: Drone emulation process flow.
With the emulation mechanism, platform perfor-
mance tests are conducted to determine the platform
reaction in terms of throughput and delays to a vari-
able number of drones. For periods of one hour, var-
ious tests evaluated the amount of packets and delay
of the broker based communications using powers of
two to determine the number of drones.
To abstract from networking delays and have ac-
curate timings about clock synchronization, the en-
tire experiments are conducted within the same host
with a 8 core 2.66 Ghz and 8 Gb of memory, running
Ubuntu 17.04. The emulation of the drones and the
Ground Systems are deployed on the host through the
usage of LXC container system.
Our experimentations are performed up to 32
drones, in which the communications keep stable for
the entire length of the experimentation period, deliv-
ering a median and weighted average of 1 and 1.22
milliseconds of delay respectively. As of the packet
throughput, it is kept stable at 22.8 packets per sec-
ond per drone. In Fig 8 the results show that more
than 95% of the packets are received below 5 millisec-
onds, as well as that most of the packets are received
below 5 milliseconds.
Taking the results into consideration, we can con-
clude that the platform behave better in a 32 real
drones scenario due to the possibility of concurrency,
inducing latencies and bottlenecks.
To determine if specific behaviours of the drone
are viably detectable by the platform modules, we
perform multiple experiments with real drones. One
of the most promising results is illustrated in Fig 7:
VEHITS 2018 - 4th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
Figure 7: Correlation between power consumption versus changed in altitude.
Figure 8: Packet delay analysis of one hour emulation with
32 simulated drones.
the experiment aims to understand if climbing and de-
scent behaviour is systematically detectable by only
looking into the power consumption.
The results are conclusive and show that average
power consumptions change to stable value ranges
in climbing and descent, in the Fig 7 represented by
the two horizontal dashed lines. They clearly show a
higher and lower, respectively, consumption average
in relation to power consumption while hovering or
moving horizontally. This behaviour can be used as a
triggering mechanism for the fail-safe systems.
This paper proposed an automated flying drones plat-
form, building a modular platform to support con-
trol abstraction and direct control decoupling, there-
fore effectively standardizing integration methodolo-
gies to allow drones as a service, where high level
commands can be issued to the platform, removing
the complexities of actually flying the drone itself di-
rectly. Moreover, the platform supports user-friendly
control of drones, which is an important step to-
wards integrating multiple drones and multiple types
of drones within the platform, therefor creating a
value added tool to develop and support more com-
plex tasks and use cases with usage of flying drones.
The results show that the proposed platform is able to
properly abstract and decouple the direct control, han-
dling up to 32 drones with no significant impact to the
observed performance. The platform is also capable
of displaying and correlating sensor metrics obtained
in real-time during the drones’ flight.
As future work we plan to integrate external sen-
sors and provide mechanisms for data gathering, as
well as thermal cameras for tracking objects and peo-
This work is funded by FCT/MEC through national
funds and when applicable co-funded by FEDER
PT2020 partnership agreement under the project
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VEHITS 2018 - 4th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems