Figure 6: Case 4. failure to receive operation schedule.
5.2.4 Case 4. Failure to Receive Operation
Fig. 6 illustrates the behavior of the system when
Lead vehicle 1 arrives at the node where the server 5 is
located after a lapse of 55 seconds. In this experiment,
Lead vehicle 1 tries to receive the operation schedule
from the server in 4 seconds immediately after arrival,
but could not receive it due to a failure of the server.
Therefore, this process is repeated five times in suc-
cession. Still, because the vehicle could not receive
the operation schedule, it moves to another certain
node in order to try to receive the operation sched-
ule from another server. As a result, it can be avoided
that the vehicle keeps waiting under the failed server,
and the operation of the vehicle can be continued.
In addition, Lead vehicle 1 arrives again at the
same node after 259 seconds, but similarly it was
unable to receive the operation schedule in the first
4 seconds, and repeatedly waited for reception five
times and moved to another node again. Also, for the
Lead vehicle 2, after arriving at the same node, it be-
haves similarly to the Lead vehicle 1 without termi-
nating the transportation service.
We proposed a fault-tolerant mechanism for the traffic
management system of a last-mile transportation ser-
vice. The basis of our mechanism is to use a primary-
backup replication technique. More precisely, one
of the node servers is selected as the central server
and the other servers periodically receive state-update
messages, thereby allowing another node server to
take over when the central server fails. In particular,
the primary-backup replication used in this study is
an optimistic version previously introduced (Hasebe
et al., 2011). This makes it possible to tolerate var-
ious patterns of failures, including the simultaneous
failure of the majority of servers and network parti-
We are currently conducting demonstration exper-
iments using golf carts to realize this transportation
system. In future work, we will investigate the trans-
portation system further to refine our implementation
in experiments.
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Fault Tolerance in the Traffic Management System of a Last-mile Transportation Service