Building Information Modeling for Quality Management
Ying-Mei Cheng
Department of Civil Engineering and Hazard Mitigation Design, China University of Technology,
56 Hsing-Lung Road, Section 3, Taipei, 116, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Keywords: Quality Management (QM), Quality Control (QA), Building Information Modeling (BIM), Revit Application
Programming Interface (API), Virtual Reality (VR).
Abstract: Building Information Modeling (BIM) has grown tremendously and used in each stage of construction project
life cycle. This research focus on integrating BIM with quality management for innovative development and
improve performance efficiency of the quality management system in the construction stage. First, this study
proposes an application framework for BIM in the AEC (Architecture/Engineering/Construction) filed.
Basically, this framework emphasizes the application of different BIM models with different special
requirements during different phases of the project life cycle. Second, based on this framework, a QC (Quality
Control) model system prototype is established. The QC model is utilized in the construction stage with
Autodesk Revit API (Application Programming Interface) to code the add-ins, which can record onsite quality
defects immediately and display the 3D elements of these defects. Moreover, users can also print the QC
reports with this system or use A360 to produce the panorama or stereo panorama to check the positions of
the onsite quality defects using mobile devices. The system efficiently documents construction quality defects
while improving communications regarding quality information.
Generally speaking, the nature of construction
involves lengthy construction period and multiple
interfaces. Therefore, the graphic information that
needs to be documented, revised, shared and
transmitted are vast and complex. Inadequate or
insufficient data transmission often leads to project
failure. Changes occurred or derived from the site
during construction, in particular, may lack efficiency
due to limitations of time and storage if information
is shared through paper copies only. On the other
hand, science and technology is advancing with each
passing day. To most people, Building Information
Modeling (BIM) was only a name representing a
state-of-the-art concept few years ago. Now, it is
popular and often applied in the
Architecture/Engineer/Construction (AEC) field. The
research of Singh (2017) indicates that in the US,
72% of the construction firms are believed to be using
BIM technologies for significant savings on project
costs. The NBS sixth National BIM Report 2016 from
the UK states that BIM adoption in the UK had
reached 54%, and over 80% of those surveyed by the
NBS are expected to have adopted BIM in 2017.
According to a McGraw Hill Construction Report on
BIM, 90% of project owners in Germany either often
or always demand the use of BIM. Meanwhile, 78%
of the contractors are using BIM in South Korea.
France decided in 2014 that it would develop 500,000
houses using BIM by 2017. The development of BIM
signals the presence of new possibilities for the
construction industry. BIM has countless advantages.
It detects design conflicts quickly, creates consistent
construction messages and it is compatible with 4D.
The addition of cloud and big data, and integration of
the virtual and real world are bringing tremendous
impact to the operation of the traditional construction
This study focuses on the application of BIM on
quality management. Achkar (2016) mentioned that
the core concepts of quality management include
quality control, quality assurance and communication
protocol. The communication protocols encompass 1)
Organizational structure and responsibilities of
project stakeholders; 2) Communication channels; 3)
Frequency of information exchange. Lee et al. (2014)
indicates that the Quality Assurance (QA) and
Quality Control (QC) tasks to be conducted onsite
include the review, testing, inspection, quality control
Cheng, Y.
Building Information Modeling for Quality Management.
DOI: 10.5220/0006796703510358
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2018), pages 351-358
ISBN: 978-989-758-298-1
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
documentation and record keeping in the file
management system. It is evident that construction
companies need to deal with the onsite tasks
involving certain degree of complexity in order to
reach higher quality. Hence, project efficiency can be
enhanced on site with sufficient tools and support.
Therefore, it is crucial to promote the utilization of
BIM in the construction stage, combine it with quality
management to develop innovative approaches and
improve performance efficiency of the quality
management system.
Public works in Taiwan adopts the Three-level
Quality Management System (TQMS) as a
framework for quality management. TQMS
encompasses three levels, the first is quality control
(QC), the second is quality assurance (QA), and the
third, quality audit. A more efficient application of
TQMS is also an important issue that is worth
exploring. To achieve such efficiency and improve
performance, this research proposes an application
framework for applying BIM in the AEC field,
especially in quality management. Meanwhile, a
quality control system prototype (QC model) for
Revit system is developed with a focus on the first
level of TQMS - QC for contractors.
The development of BIM is maturing in recent years.
Love et al. (2014) mentioned that BIM can improve
the quality of design information and interoperability;
reduce construction costs and tendency of changed
orders; assimilate project systems, data and teams;
and enhance whole life-cycle asset management. Lee
et al. (2014) claimed the collaboration, coordination
and communication in horizontal construction
projects may benefit from the application of model-
driven approaches to QA/QC. Quantity evaluation is
the subject of multiple studies, including Cheng,
2013; Monteiro and Martin, 2013; Wei et al., 2017.
Wang et al. (2014) developed a systematic approach
to conduct fitness review for BIM model using
predefined standards, and built a system prototype to
demonstrate the functions of flight path control. Chen
and Luo (2014) established a product, organization
and process (POP) data definition structure to explore
the advantages of using 4D BIM on quality
applications in accordance with construction codes.
Lin et al. (2016) provided a BIM-based Defect
Management (BIMDM) system by onsite quality
managers during the construction phase.
Additionally, some researchers discussed the
applications of cloud technology to address the large
exchange of information and data. Jiao et al. (2013)
presented an integrated cloud AR framework that
consists of a cloud BIM engine, a cloud BSNS
application, and an online AR system. Kivimäki and
Heikkilä (2014) proposed a new approach in which
3D design surfaces are established and kept on a
central collaboration cloud system. Ding and Xu
(2014) proposed a BIM cloud storage system, which
greatly improves collaborative work while effectively
reducing costs at the same time. Afsari et al. (2016)
provided a comparison of current cloud-based BIM
interoperability architectures. Juan and Zheng (2014)
presented a cloud service model and a cloud-based
Open BIM building information interaction
framework, and further illustrates the architecture of
cloud deployment pattern and the information
interaction process
Cloud is critical in the AEC field because of effective
and efficient exchange of information throughout the
project life cycle. Basically, cloud service is divided
into public, private, and hybrid cloud based on
security levels. There are also three additional types
of cloud services: 1) Software as a Service (SaaS):
The cloud service providers supply a cloud platform
from which users may rent or use the software
service. A typical example would be Autodesk 360.
2) Platform as a Service (PaaS): Services are
delivered by a cloud provider in the form of hardware
and software tools. The provider also hosts the
hardware and software on its own infrastructure.'s is an example of
common PaaS vendors, while Amazon Web Services
(AWS) Elastic Beanstalk, Appear IQ, Google App
Engine and Heroku are examples of PaaS platforms
for software development and management. 3)
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): The hardware,
software, servers, storage and other infrastructure
components are all hosted by a third-party provider
on behalf of its users. In addition, the provider
maintains the users' applications and handles tasks
such as system maintenance, backup and resiliency
planning (TechTarget 2017). The criteria for
determining the cloud service include corporate
resources and needs for security and reliability.
In order to thoroughly implement the concept of
BIM, the revision, exchange, and sharing of related
data should be updated immediately through the
services. The focus of this study is the
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: Application Concept of BIM in AEC.
application of BIM on quality management.
However, the model and data transfer process during
a project life cycle using BIM is discussed first to give
readers an overview about the applications in quality
Figure 1 illustrates the application framework of
BIM in AEC. Starting from the top left, BIM
engineers finish the initial BIM model (major model)
and upload it to the cloud. During the project life
cycle, the AEC participants in different phases can
download the major model for modification or
revision according to their special requirements. For
example, during the design phase, designers places
more importance on environmental analysis or
visualization, while onsite engineers focus more on
the 4D or quality management function during the
construction phase. Different considerations would
prompt the AEC participants to develop different
models (application models) based on the major
model. In order to ensure that the initial information
obtained by all AEC participants in different stage is
correct, the major model cannot be revised arbitrarily.
Hence, when the AEC participants want to share the
information on their application models, they have to
upload the model to other storage space (as shown on
the top right of Figure 1). Users and authorization to
revise within this domain would differ from that for
the major model. Of course, the AEC participants can
provide feedback on related information to the major
model in a timely manner. Major “models” referred
in Figure 1 take into account the different versions of
major models which encompass new information as
time progresses. The different versions provide
efficient tracking and review late on.
TQMS clearly delineates the responsibilities of the
owner and contractor. All project participants must
follow TQMS when performing operations public
works related tasks unless otherwise specified. It
includes three levels:
Quality control (first level): Contractors are
responsible for quality control.
Quality assurance (second level): Project
owners conduct construction quality assurance.
Quality audit (third level): Public Construction
Commission (PCC) or Government authorities
are in charge of quality audits.
Quality control is the most essential and urgent
element in TQMS. Contractors may prevent wasted
time and resources on redoing or re-inspecting the
work with proper quality management at this level.
Figure 2 shows the TQMS structure and the
performance process with BIM. The engineers in
construction companies can upload the Quality
Control Model (QC Model) to the clouds of project
owners or government authorities, who can then
check the quality and ask the contractor to submit
related reports. The following chapters provide in
depth discussions on construction quality defects, the
development of application model (QC model) during
the construction stage, and the protocol for QC
modeling with a case study.
Building Information Modeling for Quality Management
Figure 2: Application Concept of BIM in TQMS.
4.1 Construction Quality Defects
Construction Quality defects are often derived from
poor workmanship or inadequate site supervision. Be
it existing and latent, construction costs would
increase as a result due to project delay, loss of
productivity and material costs. The worst case
scenario could even threaten building safety, leading
to bodily harm and property damage. Common
construction quality defects include: 1) Poor quality
control system: The authority or supervisory agency
does not have an inspection system in place or does
not fully implement such system. There is insufficient
documentation for the supervision, audit or inspection
process and results as well as the tracking records for
improvement. The construction company does not
effectively implement quality control on a voluntary
basis or not complete the self-checklist. 2) Poor
construction quality: Such defects include inadequate
concrete mixing and rebar spacing. The focus of this
study is to apply the BIM models toward the
construction quality defects. According to the quality
inspection scoring reports from the Public
Construction Surveillance Unit of PCC, subjects
related to quality management include concrete,
rebar, steel structure, formwork, environmental and
ecological conservation, earthwork, regular
construction, onsite management, and lastly,
inspection and review system. This study focuses on
building QC models for common structural defects
found in reinforced concrete, rebar and formwork, for
instance. The defects are listed in Tables 1. The “no#”
column indicates numbers corresponding to the
original point system form.
4.2 QC Model
The QC model provides a new platform for recording
the building quality defects on site. Database
of the model incorporates the three-
Table 1: Construction Defects.
Construction Defects
Cold joints/ Honeycombs/ Pinholes/
holes/ Blowholes
5.01.02 Drying shrinkage
Finished concrete surface are non-
vertical/ horizontal variance
5.01.04 Debris are left on the concrete surface
Expansion joint/ Movement joint is
inadequately placed, constructed, not installe
5.01.06 Bursting during concrete pouring
5.01.07 Hi
h-Flow Concrete se
ation and bleedin
Sedimentation of aggregates in Self-
Compacting Concrete
5.01.99 Other construction defects
Main rebar/ Stirrups binding is non-compliant
Incorrect rebar size/ quantity/ spacing/ No
detail drawin
Inadequate lap length/ Column rebar
estion due to s
The hook has inadequate angle or length for
ht extension
Not using spacer and cushion blocks, and the
rotective covers are non-compliant
Not installing starter bars/ Not leaving
adequate length/ Spacing is too large
5.02.07 The spacing is too tight (less than 25mm)
No strengthened rebar at openings or corner/
Proportion is non-compliant
The beam-column connector anchor is not
curved beyond the center of the beam
The anchorage of beam's rebar does not exceed
15 cm
Serious corrosion/ Oil stains or concrete
residue on the surface
5.02.12 The weldin
of steel ca
e is non-com
5.02.13 The coupler is poorly installed or highly rustic
5.02.99 Other rebar defects
Overused/ Does not meet s
Not organized/ Not finished with concrete form
oil/ A
lied with
black oil
5.03.03 Leakage of concrete grout
5.03.04 Brace/Horizontal or Diagonal Lacing defects
5.03.05 Tilted formwor
Opening/Embedded conduits are not properly
5.03.07 Not cleaned/ No access o
is installe
5.03.99 Other formwork defects
schema architecture while Microsoft Access and
Visual Studio C# are used to code the API of
Autodesk Revit and to build the quality system
prototype. The three-schema architecture was
developed by the ANSI/X3/SPARC Standards
Planning and Requirements Committee in 1978. It
three levels, as shown in Figure 3
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 3: Three-schema architecture.
Figure 4: Relationship between information requirements and system requirements.
Figure 5: Data flow diagram.
Building Information Modeling for Quality Management
(Hansen, 1992), to build the information system. The
content is as follows:
External Level: Figure 4 shows the relationship
between information requirements and system
requirements. The detail of information
requirement is shown in Tables 1.
Conceptual Level: This stage focuses on
attaching quality parameters to the BIM
elements. Element ID in the BIM model is the
critical key. Table 2 shows the quality
parameters added in Revit for the QC model
with additional QC parameters added. Figure 5
shows the data flow diagram.
Internal Level: Microsoft Visual Studio C# is
used to write the API of Autodesk Revit and
this study will focus on walls to build the
system prototype.
Table 2: Quality Parameter type.
Date Strin
Quality Defects String
Picture #no Inte
4.3 Application
A case study is adopted to build the revit model and
introduce the operational environment as well as the
process of QC model. The project, CEO, is adopted
to test the QC model system prototype. CEO, a
project with 5,438 square meters of construction area
and 31,623 square meters of total floor area, is located
in Linkou, New Taipei City, Taiwan. It is a RC
structure with 4 stories underground and 12 stories
above. The construction budget is approximately
NTD $1,200,000,000 and the main structure was
completed in 2014. Figure 6 shows the Revit 3D
model for the case (major model).
When the user starts Autodesk Revit, the CEO
model appears on the center of the screen, which
shows that Quality Information on the ribbon top.
The functional structure of QC model is shown in
Figure 7. Click on Quality Information, and push
buttons for Basic Attributes, Browse, Export
appear, so does the Split push button with Concrete
construction defects, Rebar construction defects
and Formwork construction defects. When using
the system for the first time, users must start with the
Add New push button in Basic Attributes to add
attributes to the quality of an element. The attributes
will be added automatically in Properties Palette (as
Figure 6: CEO Revit 3D model.
shown in Figure 7 with green block). The user can use
the Split push button based on actual conditions to
correspond to the actual quality defects (as shown in
Figure 7 orange block). After selecting the defect, the
system will highlight the interior and exterior of the
wall in red and record the defect in the attribute of
Quality Defect. Click on the particular element,
followed by clicking the Quality Attribute push
button under Browse, and the dialogue box will
appear the quality defects of the certain element (as
shown in Figure 7 blue area block). BIM engineers
may upload this QC model to the cloud anytime
during construction and provide real-time
information to those who need it. The quality attribute
information added is tied to the Revit database, and
therefore, users can export the added quality
information with the Revit database for analysis.
Finally, users can print QC reports as shown in the
yellow block in Figure 7. The reader can refer to the
research by Cheng (2017) to gain deeper
understanding of the operation details of QC model
system prototype.
Additionally, the QC model can produce virtual
reality images through related technique to improve
communication efficiency among the engineers.
Figure 8 illustrates the process. The engineers adjust
the position to be displayed in the Revit software, and
then upload to Autodesk® A360 rendering to produce
the panorama or stereo panorama. When the image is
completed, the QR code for the linked video is
displayed with the result, which users can scan to
browse the panorama on a mobile device and to check
the positions of the quality defects.
This study proposes a framework for application for
in the AEC field. During the study, BIM is
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 7: QC Model functional structure.
Figure 8: QC Model vs. A360.
incorporated to demonstrate its ability to record and
examine construction defects for contractors. A
quality system prototype is established using
Autodesk Revit API to code the add-in, which
displays 3D elements with onsite quality defects. In
addition, engineers may upload the quality defect
models they wish to share to the cloud for those who
need the information. At the current stage, this study
only focuses on the discussion of building the quality
management system prototype for walls. Subsequent
studies may explore other elements, such as
earthwork and environmental defects, or applications
in infrastructure. With endless potential, the effective
integration of BIM with construction management
Building Information Modeling for Quality Management
such as cost, safety and so on may lead the future
efforts. With the development of VR (Virtual
Reality), AR (Augmented Reality), SR
(Substitutional Reality), and MR (Mixed Reality),
future studies may also focus on techniques that
deliver quality defect information realistically in the
virtual world.
This study was financially supported by Ministry of
Science and Technology, R.O.C. (MOST 105-2221-
E-163-001). The author would like to thank Tony
Hsu, President of ArcArtConstruction and Huan-
Chang Tseng, senior engineer with
ArcArtConstruction. Without their valuable
contributions, this research would not have been
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ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems