A Comprehensive Framework for Detecting Sybils and Spammers on
Social Networks
Lixin Fu
Department of Computer Science, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC 27412, U.S.A.
Keywords: Sybil Detection, Spam Detection, Social Networks.
Abstract: Social media becomes a common platform for millions of people to communicate with one another online.
However, some accounts and computer generated robots can greatly disrupt the normal communications. For
example, the fake accounts can simultaneously "like" or "dislike" a tweet, therefore, distort the true nature of
the attitudes of real human beings. They collectively respond with similar or the same automate messages to
influence sentiment towards certain subject or a tweet. They may also generate large amounts of unwanted
spam messages including the irrelevant advertisements of products and services. Even worse, some messages
contain harmful phishing links that steal people's sensitive information. We propose a new system that can
detect these disruptive behaviours on OSNs. Our methods is to integrate several sybil detection models into
one prediction model based on the account profiles, social graph characteristics, comment content, and user
feedback reports. Specifically, we give two new detection algorithms that have better prediction accuracy than
that of the state--of-the-art systems and real time performance. In addition, a prototype system including the
software modules and real and synthetic data sets on which comprehensive experiments may confirm our
hypothesis. Currently most sybil detection algorithms are based on the structural connections such as few
connections of densely connected Sybil communities to normal nodes. Their detection accuracy is mixed and
not well. Some algorithms are based on machine learning. The different approaches are separated. We expect
our new model will more accurately detect the disruptive behaviour of fake identities with high positive rates
and low false negative rates.
Social media has gained tremendous growth in the
past years. When the Pew Research Center started
tracking in 2005, only 5% of American adults had
used at least one platform but currently about 69% use
some type of social media. Among the 1.65 billion
active monthly Facebook users, about 75% visit daily.
In 2016, Instagram added 100 million new users in
six months on top of existing 500 million. Facebook
raked in $9.16 billion advertising revenue in the
second quarter, up 84% from the same quarter last
Nowadays OSNs (Online Social Networks) has
become an essential part in our daily
communications. Most popular OSNs include
Facebook, WhatsApp, Wechat, Instagram, Tumblr,
Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, etc. By simply
providing a valid email address, one can join these
social networks. A user profile can contain many
fields (e.g. Facebook has username, name, schools
attended, work places, birth and residence locations,
birthday, relationships, events, photos, videos, etc.) or
few fields (e.g. Twitter has only name, username, Bio,
location, website, photo, birthday). The date of
account creation is recorded.
After joining the platform, one can then build
associations. A social graph G(V, E), where V is the
set of the accounts or users as nodes, and E is the set
of associations as the edges. For some platforms the
graph is undirected. For example, in Facebook, a user
can send "friend" requests to other users who can
accept or decline. Once a request is accepted then an
edge between the two nodes is added to the graph.
The association can be revoked by either side at any
time. Fig. 1. shows an example of a portion of the
The social graphs for some platforms are directed.
For example, a Twitter user can follow any other user
without the need to request and accept. Afterwards,
the user can "unfollow" or block any of her followers.
Fig. 2 shows an example digraph of Twitter.
Fu, L.
A Comprehensive Framework for Detecting Sybils and Spammers on Social Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0006800602290236
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2018), pages 229-236
ISBN: 978-989-758-298-1
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: A sample social graph of Facebook.
Figure 2: A sample social graph of Twitter.
The times of the associations (follow, request, accept)
can be recorded into the vendor's databases so that
one can research on the time patterns of these events.
Once the associations are established, the users can
post messages which will appear in the timelines of
the followers or friends. They can also appear at the
timelines of the mentioned users. Each post or twit
can be reposted, liked, commented/replied. Other
users can also report any abusive behaviour such as
spamming, harassment, discrimination, and violence.
Albeit great convenience and popularity, the
social networks are attacked by all kinds of disruptive
behaviours. DoS (Denial of Service) (Gao, 2010)
attack attempts to consume the victim's machine
resources so that the intended user is unable to
perform normal work. The attacks can be originated
from multiple sources composed of botnets. The
phishing attacks integrate masqueraded links into
posts that invite users to input log-in credentials and
intercept them. Once username and password are
obtained, they will be used to hijack or compromise
user accounts. From the compromised accounts, the
posts containing phishing or advertisement links are
further spread. In online voting, surveys, and
recommendation systems, the designed behaviour of
sybils may greatly corrupt the results. On Youtube
network, users can comment and reply to comments.
If a user repeatedly sends long comments, or a large
group of sybils send many similar comments, the
other comments would be drowned and be hard to
Social spam is unwanted content showing on
social networks. First, the commercial spams contain
large amounts of advertisements for selling products
or services that are irrelevant to current discussion of
topics. Second, fake accounts called spambots,
botnets, or sybils are created to increase the number
of followers or friends for a better credibility. It is
estimated that as many as 40% of social network
accounts are fake (Kharif, 2016). The fake accounts
often follow the celebrities and public figures. If they
follow back, the spammer will gain credibility and
influence. The fake accounts or real but compromised
accounts may launch coordinated attacks. For
example, they may twist the number of "likes" or
"dislikes." They may submit repeated comments with
the same or similar texts. They may write reviews to
products or services that are not sincere or true, thus
misleading normal customers. Third, the comments
may contain insulting aggressive languages referred
as "cyberbullying", hate speech, threats, and exposure
of personally identifiable information.
This paper is to develop new efficient, more
accurate sybil detection algorithms that can combine
the advantages of existing detection algorithms
targeting only a portion of social network data.
Various sybil detection algorithms can be categorized
into four types: profile-based (P), graph-based (G),
content-based (C), and user feedback report-based
(R). They explore the sybil patterns according to the
profile features, social graph structures, comment
content, and users' reports. Currently, these
algorithms are separated and reflect sybil
characteristics only from certain aspect. Our
rationale is that the new detection system may
integrate these otherwise unrelated technologies into
one predictive model. Our hypothesis is that by
combining the best technologies on different parts of
the social network data the new synopsis system will
have a better prediction accuracy in terms of higher
positive rate and lower negative rate. Specifically, we
propose the following:
Investigate the state-of-the-art detection
algorithms or develop new detection
algorithms that focus only on user
profiles, social graphs, contents, or user
feedback. From each category we choose
or modify a top algorithm or develop a new
one if necessary. The results of this aim
will be integrated in the next phase.
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Develop a new weighted linear model
that combines the prediction results from
the previous phase. The prediction results
of the component algorithms are
normalized into a fraction number in [0,1],
representing the likelihood of being a Sybil.
Develop a new voting mechanism to
derive a comprehensive prediction.
Our work creates a new family of algorithms that can
better predict disruptive behaviour in OSNs, thus
greatly enhancing the security of widely used social
The rest of the paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 surveys related work in the field. Section 3
provides detailed description of our disruption
detection algorithms and system, respectively.
Experiment design is presented in Section 4. In
Section 5, we conclude the work.
The sybils tend to "follow" each other to create the
feeling of that they have a few followers. Since we
are uncertain if a user is a sybil, we can assign a
probability of being a sybil to any user. They network
will form an embedded probability network as well.
The graph-based algorithms mostly use random-
walk and mixing time to detect sybils. The sybils are
false identities created by computers or software to
disrupt (Douceur, 2002). A common assumption of
these algorithms is that the normal nodes are fast
mixing and tightly connected, and the sybils tend to
be mutually connected while only few edges called
"attack edges" connect the normal region and sybil
region. Among these algorithms are SybilGuard (Yu,
2008), SybilLimit (Yu, 2010), SybilInfer (Danezis,
2009), GateKeeper (Tran, 2011), SybilShield (Shi,
2013), SybilDefender (Wei, 2013), SybilFence (Cao,
2013), SumUp (Tran, 2009).
Through random routes in social networks,
SybilGuard (Yu, 2008) exploits the small set of attack
edges to bound the number of sybil identities allowed
to be created, and the size of each sybil group so that
the malicious influence is limited. However,
SybilGuard suffers from the high false negative rates.
In comparison with SybilGuard, SybilLimit (Yu,
2010) reduced the number of sybil nodes accepted by
a factor of Θ (n
) and achieved a near optimal
guarantee. One weakness of SybilLimit is that it
relies on the length parameter w of random walk,
whose correct estimation is critical to security
SybilInfer (Danezis, 2009) uses Bayesian inference to
compute the probability of a node being a sybil node.
Different from SybilGuard and SybilLimit which are
decentralized systems, SybilInfer is a centralized
approach. The time complexity of SybilInfer is
logV), where V is the number of nodes in the
social graph. This scheme is not feasible for many
real OSNs with large sizes. SybilShield (Shi, 2013)
greatly improved the false positive rates against the
sybil attacks in OSNs with multiple communities by
using agent nodes.
As a centralized mechanism, SybilDefender
(Wei, 2013) limits the number of random walks thus
achieving better time performance and scalability.
The sybil node detection and sybil community
detection algorithms limit the number of attack edges
by relationship rating.
Based on landing probability of random walks,
SybilRank (Cao, 2012) is a sybil-likelihood ranking
scheme for an OSN user. It handles multi-
communities by applying multiple seeds. It
terminates after O (log n) steps. The time complexity
of SybilRank is O(nlogn). SybilFence (Cao, 2013)
limits the social edges on the users that have negative
Z. Yang et al (Yang, 2014) find that on RenRen,
a Chinese social network, the previous assumption of
the sybil topology is not correct. The sybils actually
do not mutually connect to a tightly-knitted
community so much. The edges among the sybils are
accidental. Instead, they develop a threshold-based
simple detector that is very effective with low false
positive rates.
Clustering and latent variables are used to detect
spammers (Yanbin, 2010, Mukherjee, 2013). Gao et. al
(Gao, 2010) give a clustering algorithm for similar
posts in Facebook and incorporate multiple validation
technologies such as URL de-obfuscation, re-
direction, blacklisting, wall post keyword search, and
URL-grouping, to detect and characterize OSN spam
campaigns. Their experiments on Facebook include a
data set that contain a sizable 187 million wall posts
from 3.5 million distinctive users. Over 70% of the
200,000 malicious attacks are phising while majority
of the 57,000 malicious accounts are compromised
ones instead of sybils. The attacks are mostly bursty.
With mixed labelled and unlabelled data, semi-
supervised learning can be used to detect sybils.
SybilBelief (Gong, 2014) relies on belief propagation
and random Markov fields.
Wang et. al (Wang, 2013) gives a click stream
model at the server side to detect sybils that may have
different clicking behaviour from that of normal
users. Measured by the distances between two
A Comprehensive Framework for Detecting Sybils and Spammers on Social Networks
different click streams, similarity weights are
calculated, and the graph is partitioned into clusters.
The experiments on data sets from RenRen and
LinkedIn validate the high detection accuracy of the
new click stream method. They use Support Vector
Machine (SVM) to learn important features that
differentiate from the click streams of Sybil and real
G. Wang et. al (Wang, 2012) employ human
assessments to develop a crowdsourcing based
detection method. They collect datasets from both
RenRen and Facebook. Their experiments show that
filters opinioned by experts as ground truth can
winnow off turkers with low accuracy.
SybilExposer (Misra, 2016) includes a
community extraction algorithm and community
ranking algorithm to detect potentially multiple sybil
communities from honest communities where the
sybil communities have much lower ratio of inter-
community degree to intra-community degree. The
time complexity of SybilExposer is O (n + c log c),
where n is the number of nodes in the social graph and
c is the total number of extracted communities. Their
experiments on selected data sets show that
SybilExposer has a higher positive rate and a lower
negative rate than SybilDefender, SybilShield, and
SybilRank have.
UNIK (Tan, 2013) is an unsupervised spam
detection algorithm that can deal with increased
levels of spam attacks. It first uses a SD2, a
community-based sybil detection algorithm to detect
spammers on the social graph, to form a whitelist of
URLs shared by non-spammers. It then trims the
matching whitelist edges in the user link graph and
treats the remaining high-degree nodes as spammers.
Based on experiments on a data set with 176-
thousand users collected within 10-month period,
UNIK has a lower false positive rate and lower false
negative rate than those of AutoRE (Xie, 2008) and
FBCluster (Gao, 2010). UNIK is suitable for
detecting heavy spam attacks of groups, forums or
blogs but not for attacks from compromised accounts.
Zeng (Zheng, 2015) gives a supervised algorithm
SVM (Support Vector Machine) to detect spammers.
Experiments on data sets with 30 thousand users and
16 million messages on Sina Weibo, a Chinese Social
Network, show that it has better accuracy than other
classifiers such as decision trees and Bayesian
network. For user features, spammers tend to have
fewer followers, more messages per day, more URLs
per messages on average, and shorter life. From
content perspective, spam messages have fewer
reposts, likes, mentions, hashtags, and comments.
Rather than detecting from only certain aspect or
source of data, we propose a comprehensive detection
algorithm that can combine the results of multiple
detectors, thus improving the prediction accuracy.
First, we need to develop the detection algorithms that
are based only on user profiles, social graphs, content,
and user feedback reports separately.
3.1 Profile-based Approach
The research problems of detection algorithms based
on profiles are:
What features are more relevant to
abnormal detection?
Which classification algorithm to use?
How to get or estimate the real normal or
abnormal labels also known as "ground
According to our related work research, we plan to
choose the following features in the profiles:
Name/username of the account. The
spammers tend to use names that are
similar to existing celebrity names who
have large number of friends or followers.
This is understandable. A familiar name or
public figure has already earned public trust
that helps to attract new friends or
followers for spamming or other fraudulent
purposes. From the social network data set,
we can either choose top k account names
with the highest node degrees in the social
graph, or choose the names of the accounts
with a degree at least d. We can measure
the name similarity between the account
name and any chosen celebrity account
name either by editing distance or if a name
is a substring of another.
Profile photo. We may use the third-party
image matching system to compare the
profile photo if any to those of the celebrity
Acceptance request ratio. Spam accounts
intend to make a lot of requests but gain
few acceptances because people hesitate to
accept strangers. A low ratio raises a red
flag. For OSNs with directed social graph
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
e.g. Twitter we can use the followers to
following ratio.
Number of friends or followers. Sybil
accounts usually have a low degree of
Account age. Spammers usually have
shorter lives because they may be detected
and blocked.
As for the classification algorithms, we plan to
compare SVM with RainForest in terms of
performance and prediction accuracy and then
choose a better one. To label the accounts as spam
or not spam, we plan to extract a random sample and
let experts manually assign classes. Alternative plan
is to treat the blocked accounts as spam accounts
and others as normal ones.
3.2 Graph-based Approach
The research problem here is how to detect sybil
communities from regular communities composed of
real users from the social graph. As we have pointed
in the second section, this type of algorithms assumes
that the sybil communities tend to have links with one
another to form an impression of having friends or
followers; regular communities also tend to have
natural intra-community connections, but there are
few attack edges between sybil nodes and normal
nodes. Fig. 3 shows an example of a social graph that
has multiple sybil and normal communities.
We plan to use a clustering algorithm
SybilExposer (Misra, 2016) to extract and rank the
Initially each node itself is a community. The
algorithm iteratively merges nearby nodes into a
larger community so that the partition modularity is
increased. The merging process continues until the
cardinality cannot further be reduced. In the second
phase, the communities are sorted according to their
probabilities of being sybil. The ratio of inter-
community to intra-community is used as ranking
index. The sybil communities have lower ratios.
3.3 Content-based Approach
OSNs allow users to post comments and reply
comments. This is the main place where the
spammers put their messages and embedded links to
achieve their disruptive purposes. The research
problem is how to detect spam messages and
underlying spam accounts according to the content of
the comments. This is related to text analysis. Spam
account often posts the same messages repeatedly or
Figure 3: Multiple sybil communities and multiple normal
the sybil accounts post the same or similar messages
in coordination to bombast the communities. They
post more frequently than normal users and the
messages often contain redirection links that lead to
other pages for product or service promotion, or pages
to phish account identities. We plan to focus on the
following features:
Number of message per day
Post times. The spam messages are often
bursty. If many messages are posted in
sleep hours, they may be spammers.
Number of URLs per message on average
Message similarity. The challenge is that
the number of messages is very large and
pair-wise comparison will take long time to
find the clusters of messages that share the
same URL link or have similar content in
the messages. We can form a content graph
where the nodes are messages and if two
messages are similar, an edge between
them is added. Once one message is found
to be spam, then we may find a community
of spam accounts.
Filtering words. Spam or harmful
messages may contain aggressive words,
abusive words, porn words, sexual assault
words, hate speech, discriminative words of
race, religion, sex orientation, etc. Such
words frequently shown in spam messages
are collected automatically or manually into
a list of filtering words.
Blacklists of URLs or URL patterns.
Other content features related to each message have
user feedback statistics:
Number of likes (or dislikes)
Number of reposts (or re-twits, shares)
A Comprehensive Framework for Detecting Sybils and Spammers on Social Networks
Number of comments
Number of mentions
These statistics also give a hint of whether a message
is spam or underlying account is sybil since a
software generated message may not attract interest
from people thus have fewer responses.
3.4 User Feedback Reports
Many OSNs such as Facebook and twitter allow users
to report problems in the following categories:
Spam content
Not interested
Sensitive image
Harmful or abusive
Discrimination against race, gender,
orientation, religion
Threat, assault, violence, suicide
Offending, disrespectful, pornography
Private information
For each message, if any, the number of times
reported in each of the problem categories given
above is recorded. For each account, the reported
sample messages are also stored and counted. The
research problem is to build a model to compute the
likelihood of being a spam message or a spam account
based on the reports.
3.5 Weighted Linear Model
From sections 3.1 to 3.4, we choose or develop the
state-of-the-art detection algorithms called Alg_P,
Alg_G, Alg_C, Alg_R based on the user profiles,
social graph, message content, and user reports
respectively. Suppose Pr_P, Pr_G, Pr_C, and Pr_R
are the corresponding Sybil probabilities from these
algorithms. We can construct a linear model to predict
the final probability Pr of being a spam or sybil
account as follows:
Pr = W
Pr_R ,
where W
, W
, W
are the weights of
corresponding probabilities. The weights reflect the
preferences to each algorithm. Fig. 4 shows the
architecture of this new detection model.
3.6 Voting Mechanism
An alternative of weighted linear model for sybil
detection is to establish a voting mechanism if the
output of the above four algorithms is a binary
decision (true or false) instead of probabilities. The
first strategy is strict: whenever any one of the four
detectors predicts true, the final verdict is true. The
advantage of this scheme is that the positive rate is
high i.e. the true sybils will be recognized. However,
this may lead to higher false alarms i.e. the normal
accounts are mistakenly labelled as sybils. The
second strategy is to use majority vote: true if at least
three detectors vote true. The architecture of this
approach is similar to Fig. 4 except that the last
module is a voting model. If the outputs of the above
four algorithms are fraction probabilities, a cut-off
(above 0.5) is regarded as true otherwise false. One of
the two strategies is then used to compute the final
Figure 4: Architecture of weighted linear detection.
4.1 Data Set and Feature Collection
Most social media platforms have a public
development API that allows users to download the
messages and various kinds of statistics. We need to
develop a web crawler to browse the social network
graph systematically to collect user profiles. We plan
to use BFS (breadth first search) algorithm to perform
graph traversal from different seeds scattered from
different geographical areas. Once the crawler has
collected the data, we organize into tables which
include total number of nodes, number of edges,
number of messages, number of clusters, etc. We also
experiment on the real data sets available in research
community as well as synthetic data sets that have
controllable parameters.
Social Network
Web Crawler
Network Data
Linear Model
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
4.2 Evaluation Criteria
The main criteria to measure the effectiveness include
precision, recall, F-measure. Suppose a is the number
of spammers correctly labelled and b is the number of
spammers mis-labelled as normal. Value c is number
of non-spammers classified as spammers (false
alarm) and d is number of non-spammers correctly
classified. Then precision p is a/(a+c) and recall r is
a/(a+b). The F-measure is 2pr/(p+r). True positive
rate measures and false negative rate are other
criteria. We also compare the runtimes of the
4.3 Automatic Generation of Sybils and
Simulation of Group Attacks
Of course, we can manually create some valid emails
and use them to join the social network platforms to
create some accounts we can control. The problem is
that the number of sybil accounts is limited and time
consuming. We need automate this procedure to
generate large number of controllable accounts. The
vendors may have restrictions or are able to detect
these events. More research is required.
In this work we have proposed and investigated a
comprehensive disruption detection technique that
can integrate the otherwise separate detection
strategies that use only part of available information.
We propose two such schemes: weighted linear
model and voting model. A system architecture that
supports the two new algorithms is also proposed.
Though the final detailed implementation and
experiments are not completed, we expect our new
exploratory algorithms and prototype will greatly
advance the disruption detection technology.
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