Gathering and Combining Semantic Concepts
from Multiple Knowledge Bases
Alexander Paulus, Andr
e Pomp, Lucian Poth, Johannes Lipp and Tobias Meisen
Institute of Information Management in Mechanical Engineering, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
Semantic Computing, Semantic Model, Knowledge Graph, Ontologies, Semantic Similarity.
In the context of the Industrial Internet of Things, annotating data sets with semantic models enables the auto-
matic interpretability and processing of data values and their context. However, finding meaningful semantic
concepts for data attributes cannot be done fully automated as background information, such as expert knowl-
edge, is often required. In this paper, we propose a novel modular recommendation framework for semantic
concepts. To identify the best fitting concepts for a given set of labels, our approach queries, weights and
aggregates the results of arbitrary pluggable knowledge bases. The framework design is based on an intensive
review of labels that were used in real-world data sets. We evaluate our current approach regarding correctness
and speed as well as stating the problems we found.
Enabling semantics in data processing allows data
users to understand data sets without detailed sys-
tem knowledge and extensive research. It also mit-
igates interpretation errors or missing units of mea-
surement and enables systems to store meta informa-
tion alongside the original data set. Semantics are
usually expressed using annotations to one or more
data attributes of a data set containing an arbitrary
but homogeneous number of data points. These an-
notations set each label of the data set into a semantic
context to create a domain specific meaning. With-
out those additional information, the user (e.g., data
analyst or broker) has to interpret the meaning of cer-
tain attributes only by the attribute name, the actual
values of such attributes, or by using a possibly ex-
isting documentation. Unfortunately, most data sets
are created by persons who assume implicit domain
knowledge or use identifiers which only they can un-
derstand, e.g., names or identifiers which have been
agreed upon on company site, but which are otherwise
not as easy to understand. Furthermore, if the used
format does not allow any hierarchy, such as in CSV
files, relations between attributes are not expressed.
In the context of the Industrial Internet of Things
and Big Data approaches in todays companies, this
leads to unforeseen problems when data sets from
multiple sites are combined, e.g., while using a data
lake. Analysts mostly do not possess sufficient de-
tailed domain knowledge of each site and each pro-
cess to fully understand implicit conventions in nam-
ing or interpreting cryptic data attribute names such
as ’a24d7ff-2’. In the wake of big data technolo-
gies, data is gathered from all available sources with-
out considering the compatibility and usability of ran-
dom collected data sets from different branches, sub-
companies, production sites and countries.
Using semantic annotations allows data providers
(persons who own/create data) to annotate their data
sets such that other persons can understand the data
without the provider’s explicit knowledge. By addi-
tionally defining relations between the concepts, one
can describe the data set in more detail. This is called
semantic modeling. Figure 1 shows an example data
set in raw format and with its semantic model. In
the annotated version, meta concepts (i.e., concepts
without any data attached to them), such as ’motor
vehicle’ can also be added to indicate the linkage of
two or more attributes. Semantic models usually also
provide information about units of measurement, re-
lations to other attributes or domain information that
helps to understand the context of the acquired data.
The semantic model is not limited and depends on the
provider’s view of the world to fully understand the
information contained in the data set. Usually, se-
mantic models are based on an underlying ontology
describing all possible or valid relations and entities.
When a data set is about to be shared, the provider
has to create such a semantic model. Therefore, the
Paulus, A., Pomp, A., Poth, L., Lipp, J. and Meisen, T.
Gathering and Combining Semantic Concepts from Multiple Knowledge Bases.
DOI: 10.5220/0006800700690080
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2018), pages 69-80
ISBN: 978-989-758-298-1
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(a) Data model (b) Semantic model
Figure 1: Exemplary data set before and after semantic modeling. During the process, each attribute has been assigned a
semantic concept which describes the attribute. In addition, relations allow to refine the meaning of the used concepts.
provider annotates each data attribute of the data set
with an entity that is available in the ontology. In ad-
dition, he can define relations between the defined en-
tities. As manually selecting and creating concepts
for each attribute can be a time consuming task, our
goal is to automate this step as far as possible.
In this paper, we present our approach of a con-
cept recommendation framework, which generates a
selection of possible semantic concepts from which
the user can choose. Our framework provides an ab-
straction layer for external sources, such as BabelNet,
WordNet or specific domain ontologies. This layer
enables users to also add additional knowledge bases,
such as Wikipedia, to the recommendation process.
Results from all sources are combined to form a single
list of recommendations, relieving the user of search-
ing for concepts and allowing an automated annota-
tion in the best case. The framework design is based
on an intensive review of the labels observed in real-
world data sets that are either available on Open Data
platforms or were obtained from local companies. We
implemented and evaluated the framework in the con-
text of the semantic data platform ESKAPE (Pomp
et al., 2017a), (Pomp et al., 2017b). Hence, ES-
KAPE’s knowledge graph will be one of the knowl-
edge bases used by our recommendation framework.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows: Section 2 motivates the necessity to develop a
generic framework for gathering semantic concepts.
Afterwards, Section 3 provides an overview of related
approaches and Section 4 defines the problem classes
which we identified when reviewing real-world data
sets. Based on these classes, we present our approach
in Section 5 consisting of querying, weighting and
aggregating results from multiple knowledge bases.
Section 6 gives an evaluation of our approach before
we conclude the paper with a summary and a short
outlook in Section 7.
In this section, we provide a motivating example illus-
trating the necessity for annotating data with seman-
tic models and supporting the modeling process with
a framework that enables semantic concept gathering
from multiple knowledge bases.
The scenario consists of a simplified production
process of a large global enterprise with multiple sites
in different countries. The enterprise is specializing
in manufacturing products that need to be deformed
and painted. Example products may be bicycles or
cars. On the production sites, different versions of the
good are produced in multiple steps by using different
production lines and machines.
During the production process, different parts of
the involved systems generate different kinds of data.
As a global strategy for improving the manufacturing
process based on data science, the enterprise decided
to collect all these data in a centralized data lake. This
lake collects all kinds of batch and streaming data pro-
duced by any production line and machine. To ad-
ditionally support the process of finding exactly the
data required by the data analysts, the management
decided to set up an enterprise ontology with the help
of two external experts. Based on this ontology, the
employees who are responsible for a data source (e.g.,
the data produced by the sensors of one machine) have
to create semantic models. We consider these em-
ployees to be domain experts knowing the meaning
(semantics) of the data, calling them data providers.
For example, the data provider DP
creates the se-
mantic model for the data set illustrated in Table 1.
Please note that this is just an example data set. In-
dustrial real-world data sets usually contain hundreds
of columns. For defining the semantic model, DP
forced to use all the entities and relations (vocabulary)
that are available in the enterprise ontology. Figure 2
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: Exemplary semantic model for the data set provided in Table 1. The concepts used in the semantic model are
obtained from the underlying ontology of the enterprise.
Table 1: Exemplary data set for which DP
has to create a
semantic model.
Time Pressure E-Power Temp ID
1476835200 0.50 1400 312 4
1476845200 0.49 1350 311 5
1476855200 0.50 1445 314 6
... ... ... ... ...
illustrates the example semantic model that was cre-
ated by DP
. Assuming that all data sets of the enter-
prise are annotated with semantic models, a data sci-
entist DS
can now search for data sets using the vo-
cabulary defined in the enterprise’s ontology. In addi-
tion, the provided semantic model helps the data sci-
entist to understand the meaning of each data value.
When examining this scenario, we identify differ-
ent drawbacks of the common solution for the current
process of data providing as well as data consuming.
First, both the data provider DP
and the data scientist
are limited to the vocabulary provided by the un-
derlying ontology. Terms such as synonyms, that are
not present in the ontology but may refer to the same
entity cannot be used for creating semantic models
or searching data sources. As ontologies can become
very large and unhandy, it will be challenging for both
parties to get an overview about the available vocab-
ulary. Hence, a system which is capable of using a
more advanced vocabulary without adjusting the en-
terprise’s ontology would be desirable.
Another drawback of the current scenario is that
data providers have to create the semantic models
manually. To support a user in creating semantic mod-
els, it will be necessary for a system to automatically
identify the concepts that map best to a specific col-
umn. This is especially important if we consider large
data sets containing hundreds of columns. However,
comparing the data labels with the concepts available
in the enterprise’s ontology will also lead to differ-
ent challenges. In the example illustrated above we
mapped the concept Temperature to the column Temp.
Here, a simple comparison of the label Temp with the
concept Temperature will not yield any result. As data
labels in the real-world are very heterogeneous and
are rarely annotated with meaningful terms (cf. Sec-
tion 4), a simple comparison against an enterprise on-
tology would fail.
Finally, when using an enterprise ontology de-
signed by experts, the ontology would need to cover
any concept and relation that will be available in data
sets that are added in the future. Otherwise, the data
publisher could not map any concept from the ontol-
ogy to the new data attribute. While defining a com-
prehensive ontology may be realizable in a closed and
controllable environment (e.g., inside a single depart-
ment of a company), it is very unrealistic for a global
company with multiple sites in different countries or
in an open scenario where data sources are added over
a long time period by multiple independent actors,
such as local companies, city administration or pri-
vate end users.
Hence, it would be desirable to develop a sys-
tem that is capable of combining the knowledge of an
enterprise ontology with additional external knowl-
edge bases and pre-processing steps to identify ex-
actly those concepts that are relevant for creating or
querying semantic models.
Gathering and Combining Semantic Concepts from Multiple Knowledge Bases
The problem of finding a correct or at least meaning-
ful semantic concept for a given label or search term
is well-known in research areas like ontology match-
ing and alignment, schema matching, semantic tag-
ging, semantic annotation or semantic modeling. Re-
searchers working in these areas came up with dif-
ferent solutions for generating meaningful labels that
help them to solve their problem.
In the areas of schema matching as well as on-
tology matching and alignment, the goal is to align
a given ontology A to another ontology B that dif-
fer in number and kind of used relations or entity
labels. To target the problem of finding the correct
label in ontology B for a given entity of ontology
A, approaches like structure-based, instance-based or
lexical-based methods are frequently used strategies
(M. H. Khan et al., 2015). For lexical-based as well
as structure-based methods, the use of upper ontolo-
gies (cf. (Mascardi et al., 2010)) or external sources,
such as Wikipedia, DBPedia or WordNet is very com-
mon (cf. (M. H. Khan et al., 2015), (Smirnov et al.,
2011), (Maedche et al., 2002)).
Compared to ontology matching, the research area
of semantic annotation targets the problem of finding
an appropriate semantic concept for a given label of
a data attribute (e.g., the label of a column in a table)
(Goel et al., 2012), (Ramnandan et al., 2015). The
field of semantic modeling goes one step further by
additionally generating meaningful semantic relations
and more abstract concepts (e.g., combining the con-
cepts name, age and hair color to the abstract concept
of a person) (Taheriyan et al., 2016), (Taheriyan et al.,
2015). To perform the task of semantic annotation,
Goel et al. (Goel et al., 2012) use the data provided by
previous data sets to train a machine learning model
that learns the representation of the data enabling to
suggest semantic concepts without considering the la-
bel. As opposed to this, approaches like (Syed et al.,
2010) or (Wang et al., 2012) use external knowledge
bases, such as WordNet, Wikipedia or Probase to sug-
gest concepts based on the present data labels. To
create full-fledged semantic models, Taheriyan et al.
(Taheriyan et al., 2016), (Taheriyan et al., 2015) addi-
tionally use specific domain ontologies and frequently
occurring relations in Linked Data sources.
Beside the presented research fields, the area of
semantic tagging focuses on either automatically gen-
erating or suggesting accurate tags for unstructured
and binary data, such as documents, images and audio
or video files (Du H et al., 2012). Proposed solutions
use tag ontologies (e.g., MOAT and SCOT) (Kim
et al., 2008), search engines such as Google (Sing-
hal and Srivastava, 2014) or external knowledge bases
such as WordNet, DBPedia, OpenCyc or Wikipedia
(Du H et al., 2012), (M. Kalender et al., 2010), (Hong
et al., 2015). Beside the already mentioned external
knowledge bases WordNet, Wikipedia, OpenCyc or
DBPedia, we identified additional useful sources. Ba-
belNet (Navigli and Ponzetto, 2012) is a fully auto-
matic generated multilingual semantic network com-
bining knowledge from multiple other sources (e.g.,
WordNet, DBPedia or Wikipedia). However, Ba-
belNet lacks the possibility to be extended by third-
parties, which results in, e.g., missing domain knowl-
edge. In addition, the automatic gathering of the ex-
isting knowledge bases may lead to inconsistencies.
Another external knowledge base is Wolfram Alpha
(Wolfram Alpha, 2017), a search engine that allows
to retrieve knowledge about topics, such as physics,
materials or people and history. Hence, this knowl-
edge base covers very specific knowledge which may
be missing in the other knowledge bases.
The developed approaches of the discussed re-
search areas use different strategies to solve their
problems. Here, most of the presented solutions rely
on the use of one or more preset external knowledge
bases to find the best matching concept. Hence, com-
pared to the presented approaches, our work focuses
on developing a single semantic search framework,
which is capable of returning a set of best matching
concepts. Instead of predefining a set of possible ex-
ternal knowledge bases, our work offers the user the
possibility to add more knowledge bases and priori-
tize them. In comparison to BabelNet, our approach
does not store the results of the connected sources. It
queries, merges and sorts the results on-demand. Fur-
thermore, it enables enterprises to connect their own
external knowledge bases (e.g., a unified company-
wide ontology) without leaking this internal knowl-
edge to the public.
Compared to the discussed broader research
fields, domain specific approaches like the NCBO
Ontology (Jonquet et al., 2010) are a first attempt
in recommending the best fitting ontology for a pre-
defined use case. Therefore, users can enter keywords
or a full-text and the recommender identifies the best
fitting ontologies. However, compared to our work,
the Ontology recommender aims in identifying the
best fitting ontology whereas the goal of our approach
is not to identify the best fitting knowledge base. In-
stead, our approach tries to identify the best fitting
concept based on all concepts that are available in the
connected knowledge bases. The underlying system
can then add this concept to its ontology or knowl-
edge graph if it is not present yet.
To identify the most fitting concept, semantic re-
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
latedness is a prominent measure to use. It helps iden-
tifying clusters of possible candidates by comparing
the semantic concepts to each other and computes a
measure of how likely those elements are. (Banerjee
and Pedersen, 2003) propose the use of gloss overlaps
to compute the measure. However, we extend and re-
fine this approach by extracting keywords from the
text first, thus generalizing the approach and releas-
ing it from WordNet relations to allow general com-
parisons between concepts.
Before we started to design and implement our search
framework, we performed an intensive research on
the way people label columns and data attributes in
real-world data sets. We collected the data from mul-
tiple Open Data platforms such as San Francisco,
New York, Los Angeles, Berlin, Aachen, Munich
and multiple other cities as well as from OpenGov,
mCloud and from multiple local partner companies.
We limited our review to five common structured data
formats (CSV, XML, XLSX, JSON and GJSON) and
collected a total of 272 files. Afterwards, we manu-
ally reviewed each data set to identify problems that
will occur when trying to identify a label for the cor-
responding column or data attribute. We used the
gained insights to formulate problem classes for data
labels as well as data sets. A label can belong to none,
exactly one or multiple problem classes. However,
some of the problems may occur together whereas
other problems directly exclude others. Depending on
the classes a label or a data set belongs to, it will be
more or less difficult to identify the correct semantic
concept. Altogether, we identified the following ten
problem classes for labels:
Abbreviations: Instead of writing the complete
label, people tend to abbreviate labels. Prominent
examples we found are lat, lon, www, etc.
Different Languages: Depending on the source
of the data, labels may be in different languages.
Moreover, it may occur that languages are mixed
within data sets.
Natural Language: Instead of labeling data with
a concrete concept or a single word, people tend
to describe data attributes in more detail. One ex-
ample is ’Number of accidents where persons got
Time Labels: Depending on the data, people tend
to label columns or data attributes with points in
time or time spans (e.g., Monday, 1-2PM, etc.).
Misspelling: The person who labeled the data
made a simple mistake. Examples are Acess Point,
Telehphone Number, etc.
Splitting Characters: Beside white spaces in
labels, some labels contained special characters
(e.g., or ’-’) to split words. One example we
found is telephone number.
Camel Case Input: Similar to splitting charac-
ters, some persons tend to split words using the
camel case syntax (e.g., StreetNumber).
Additional Information: In a few data sets, we
identified labels that contained additional valuable
semantic knowledge that can be used to specify
the semantic concept in more detail (e.g., temper-
ature in
Plural: In multiple data sets, people labeled
columns using the plural instead of the singular
(e.g., names vs. name or street vs. streets).
Random Labels: Labels which do not follow any
meaning and are just random generated strings,
such as hash codes or increasing numbers. Ex-
amples are 1, 2, 8321b319b1781, etc.
Beside the challenges that we identified for single
labels, we also identified a problem class for a com-
plete data set. We observed that identifying the cor-
rect concept for humans becomes much simpler and
unambiguous if the labels within the data set belong
to the same domain. Hence, we created the class do-
main context.
Domain Context: The labels within data sets can
either belong to the same domain or they may be-
long to different domains.
Depending on the classes a label belongs to, find-
ing appropriate concepts that specify the information
that is present in the data set can be more or less chal-
lenging. While classes like Abbreviations, Different
Languages, Misspelling, Splitting Characters, Camel
Case Input and Plural can be tackled by suitable pre-
processing steps, classes like Natural Language, Time
Labels and Additional Information or Random Labels
require more sophisticated strategies. For instance,
one will never be capable of identifying appropriate
concepts for labels that belong to the Random La-
bel class by just considering labels. Here, we require
strategies that consider the data within the column to
achieve appropriate results. On the other hand, the
class of Additional Information requires the search
framework to consider and model the additional in-
formation. Hence, the result for a label can be more
than a single concept. It can also be a small graph
describing the semantics of the label.
Gathering and Combining Semantic Concepts from Multiple Knowledge Bases
In this section, we describe the main concept and pro-
totype of our recommendation framework mainly fo-
cusing on the Domain Context problem class. We give
necessary background information on semantic net-
works and present the main approach afterwards.
5.1 Semantic Networks
Semantic networks help modeling information by
defining concepts (e.g., engine, boat) and relations
(e.g., has, isA, partOf ) to represent knowledge that is
available in the world, similar to an ontology. Those
networks exist to help machines gain meta informa-
tion to their data by modeling this knowledge in
a standardized way. Semantic networks can either
model domain specific or general purpose knowledge.
Most of them are available online with a public API,
which can have metered access in some cases.
However, when receiving a result from a semantic
network, those replies may contain multiple similar
concept suggestions, usually from different domains.
Identifying the one concept that can be aligned with
concepts found for other labels in the data set can be
a challenging task. Some semantic networks offer a
way of querying multiple concepts at the same time,
yielding a combined result for all labels (e.g., the pub-
licly available Babelfy).
For example, Table 2 shows the first resulting con-
cept from BabelNet for the search term ’car’. In ad-
dition to the main label ’car’, several synonyms are
given in combination with a short glossary descrip-
tion of the concept. This glossary can help to distin-
guish between multiple similar concepts from differ-
ent domains. The result also contains meta informa-
tion like other related concepts (e.g., car isA motor
vehicle). All elements obtained from a source also
have a unique identifier which helps identifying equal
concepts, thus allowing us to combine several search
results from the same data source.
When receiving a response from a semantic net-
work, multiple possible concepts can be included,
e.g., IP address or postal address for the label ’ad-
dress’. Hence, the resulting challenge is the selection
of the most fitting concepts for our queried label. By
additionally considering the concepts obtained for the
other labels (context) and by querying multiple se-
mantic networks for the complete set of labels, the
challenge is getting bigger. However, not all seman-
tic networks may return a concept for a queried label.
Hence, the concepts returned for other labels might
originate from other semantic networks thus not al-
lowing a comparison based on relations available in a
single semantic network. In the following, we present
our semantic concept recommendation framework to
mitigate this problem.
5.2 Concept
Detecting suitable semantic concepts for data at-
tributes is a multi-layered task. First, a set of pos-
sible matches has to be gathered for each label, fol-
lowed by an evaluation of those candidates. From all
possible candidates, the best candidates have to be se-
lected for presentation to the user. However, those
recommendations can vary heavily if we consider dif-
ferent domains in which our semantic model is built.
A single label can have multiple meanings in different
domains or in rare cases even in the same domain if
combined with specific other concepts of that domain.
This implies that, in order to present a matching can-
didate, the recommendation framework has to detect
the domain and consider not only the expression but
also parent or sibling elements. The framework’s task
is to provide as many suitable matches for semantic
concepts as possible for each input label.
To achieve this goal, our framework is comprised
of different parts. Before the knowledge bases are
queried, the label is pre-processed in multiple steps
to tackle the defined problem classes (e.g., Differ-
ent Languages, Misspelling etc.) and prepare it for
the connectors. Next, the communication to semantic
sources is realized using connectors, which are proxy
modules helping to retrieve a standardized result from
the different and independent knowledge bases. All
connectors provide their results to the recommenda-
tion module which computes the most likely matches
from all candidates and returns the result to the user.
5.2.1 Querying Semantic Networks
As a first step, using the connectors, a query is sent
to selected semantic networks (cf. Section 5.1) which
return a list of possible concepts for this expression.
New semantic networks can be added by implement-
ing connectors for those sources and registering them
in our framework. A schematic view of a connec-
tor for a data source is given in Figure 3. The la-
bel is prepared for each connector such that it closely
matches the naming structure of the connected source.
Next, each connector runs the query and transforms
the result to a homogeneous representation which can
be handled by the framework. Based on the type of
network queried, the returned set of concepts might
include unique IDs, glossaries and additional linked
concepts like hyper- and hyponyms. Those additional
linked concepts can range from zero or a few entries
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 2: Example query result for ’car’ from BabelNet. Linked concepts are underlined.
Field Content
Label automobile, car, auto, machine, motorcar
Glossary A motor vehicle with four wheels; usually propelled by an internal combustion engine
Is A motor vehicle
Category Automobiles, Wheeled vehicles
Figure 3: Querying a semantic source by pre-processing the
input, pre-selecting a fixed amount of resulting concepts and
returning the result to the recommendation module.
Figure 4: Comparing all semantic concepts to candidate
concepts for other labels. Each similarity boosts this con-
cept’s score.
to more than a thousand. Therefore, all queries are
filtered by a set of considered relations (e.g., isA or
partOf ) to reduce the complexity of the following
steps. As our framework can currently only consider
a limited amount of five relations, all source-specific
relation types have to be mapped to a set of preset
relations or be dropped during the implementation of
the connector.
5.2.2 Intra Source Selection
Beside the mapping of relations, a pre-selection of
concepts is done inside the connector. The metric
which determines the candidates selected is currently
chosen by the connector’s developer, but could be
configurable later. Depending on the connector, re-
sults can be filtered and sorted by specified metrics
(e.g., sort the concepts by the number of edges they
have to others and take the first n). However, any
other metric is possible. To reduce the implementa-
tion overhead for each connector, the pre-selection on
the concepts is solely done for one label. The rela-
tions between the queried label and the other avail-
able labels are not considered at this point. This is
currently done in the Inter Source Scoring step (cf.
Section 5.2.3).
After all query results have been obtained and pre-
selected, all candidates from different sources for a
given label are combined to a single list (cf. Figure
4). Duplicates that are obtained from the same data
source are eliminated per list (e.g., BabelNet return-
ing WordNet concepts).
Hence, formally, we have a set K of m knowledge
bases and a data set with n labels. For each label l
where i {1...n}, we query each knowledge base K
where j {1...m} and receive a set of concepts C
Finally, we combine all results from all knowledge
bases K
and for the same label l
into a single set C
5.2.3 Inter Source Scoring
In this process, we compare the set of concepts C
each label l
with the set of concepts C
for each label
where j {1...n}, j 6= i to select the most fitting
concepts for each label. Therefore, all concepts are
scored based on their coherence with concepts found
for other labels. Assuming that multiple sources yield
results from different domains, we want to identify
the most prominent domain or combination of labels.
As we do not have any valid relations between con-
cepts from different semantic networks, we can only
consider the concept’s name and the description pro-
vided by the network as well as possible linked con-
cepts (from the same source).
Scoring is done by comparing keywords from con-
cept labels, glossary and related concept labels. For
two concepts c
and c
the coherence score is com-
puted using five partial scores s. We assume that each
concept c
consists of a set of main labels ml
, a glos-
sary g
and a set of related concept labels r
. As
glossaries mostly contain natural language, a keyword
extraction algorithm KE is used to extract keywords
from the text.
= (ml
, g
, r
, c
) =
) KE(g
)|, |KE(g
, c
) = |ml
, c
) = |ml
, c
) = |r
, c
) = |ml
Currently, we use
Gathering and Combining Semantic Concepts from Multiple Knowledge Bases
Figure 5: Example comparison of concepts ’train’ and ’rail-
road’ obtained from BabelNet and reduced for simplicity.
Each match on one of the given scores adds the assigned
weighting ω to the total score.
Equation (1) shows the definition of a semantic con-
cept c
for the algorithm and the aforementioned five
partial scores.
weights the matches from glossary keywords
by comparing all found keywords for both con-
cepts and scoring matches against the total num-
ber of possible matches which is equal to the num-
ber of elements in the smaller keyword set.
yields scores if concept labels match to key-
words in the second concept’s glossary.
scores the number of concept c
labels match-
ing labels in c
s related concepts (e.g., parent-
child relations). From related concepts, only the
labels are checked, not the glossary or even more
related concepts.
increases if matches of both concepts’ related
entities exist (e.g., sibling relation indicated by
same parent element).
compares the labels of both concepts and in-
creases if there is a direct match.
With C
being the set of concepts for each label l
we define C
as the set of concepts for all
labels. Let c
be a concept for which we want
to calculate the coherence score. The total score S for
the concept c
is defined as:
) =
× s
, c
) (2)
Each score is weighted by ω to allow fine tuning of
the results for each comparison. The resulting com-
parison can be seen in Figure 5. Here, each match on
one score yields the mentioned ω value, and thus in-
creases the score. By performing this calculation for
each concept c
and each C
we receive a
coherence score S for each concept of each label.
5.2.4 Sorting and return
After weighting and comparing, the initial user pref-
erence as given in the request is applied. This user
preference contains which sources shall get a higher
priority when merging the results. Therefore, we mul-
tiply the retrieved scores for all concepts with a factor
given for their original data source. This enables the
algorithm to, e.g., prioritize domain-specific sources
before common networks. The candidate list of each
node is then sorted in descending order and the top
n elements of each list are selected and returned to
the user. This way, the framework yields a number of
ranked candidate concepts, including their description
and possible other meta information as well as linked
5.3 Implementation
For evaluating our approach, we implemented the
concept as a Java application available via REST in-
terface. The application expects a JSON Object con-
taining the labels of the data set that should be an-
notated and a weighting for each knowledge base
enabling the user to easily prioritize those knowl-
edge bases from which he expects better results (e.g.,
those containing domain knowledge). Connectors for
WordNet, BabelNet and the internal smart city knowl-
edge graph available via ESKAPE have been imple-
mented as proof of concepts. The Google Knowledge
Graph was also connected in earlier stages but did
only perform well on named entities, which are less
common in data set labels. It was therefore skipped
for the evaluation.
Before labels of a data set are sent to the different
semantic networks, they are pre-processed to improve
the result’s quality and comparability. For example, to
tackle the mentioned problem classes, the labels are
converted to lowercase, translated to English and all
special characters, such as ’-’ or ’, are removed. In
addition, the camel case labels are split into multiple
words. Further pre-processing steps, such as resolv-
ing labels for abbreviations, are not implemented yet.
After pre-processing the labels, the framework
queries the semantic networks for concept sugges-
tions for all labels. To narrow down the number of
results from the semantic networks, only concepts are
added to the list of suggestions. Named entities are
currently not considered in the framework as they
rarely appear as labels in data sets. The connectors
are set to return up to n = 5 elements to the engine.
As described in Section 5.2, the returned elements are
filtered for duplicates and rated according to the de-
fined steps. As the amount of comparisons between
the different suggestions grows quickly with a larger
data set, multi-threading is used for the rating process.
Thereafter, for each label, the suggestions are sorted
by their rating and the top five entries are returned.
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The weighting inside the algorithm is currently
undergoing constant evaluation with different factors
while keeping the initial order ω
. Our initial setting, which is also used during
evaluation initializes ω
with 1, ω
with 2 and so
forth. We disabled all source filtering and weighted
all sources equally.
We evaluated our approach by annotating different
publicly available data sets using results from Word-
Net (WN), BabelNet (BN) and a small knowledge
graph (KG) covering the domain of smart city and
transportation. Table 3 shows the results of an an-
notation of the crime data set from the public domain
of Vancouver
. For all contained labels, we measured
the number of returned concepts (# column) and, if
a suitable concept has been found, how high it was
ranked in the returned list (c column). We observed
that general concepts like ’month’, ’year’, ’hour’,
’minute’ and ’neighborhood’ are easily detected as
they are quite unique and can hardly be interpreted for
something else. The label ’hundred block’ returned,
although normalized, no results. This is mostly due to
the fact that we currently cannot safely handle multi
word labels. In addition, our framework also lacks
public semantic networks of this very specific term
from the domain of rural addressing or law enforce-
ment (which is also not covered by the smart city KG).
However, due to the design of ESKAPE’s knowledge
graph, ESKAPE is capable of learning this concept
(cf. (Pomp et al., 2017b)). The ’x’ and ’y’ labels,
which represent coordinates in this model could not
be identified, and although they were added to the
KG by another source and therefore recognized, they
were ranked low (rank three and four) in the process
as we did not boost the KG ratings as a domain spe-
cific source. This lead to a higher ranking for more
general concepts like ’X [24th letter of Roman alpha-
bet]’. The total processing time for this request was
on average 2.18 seconds, including queries.
The results from all evaluation sets can be seen in
Table 4. For this evaluation, we chose another data set
from the public domain of Vancouver
, two from the
San Francisco transportation domain
and one from
the European Data Portal
. The total number of labels
for each data set is written in brackets, with the posi-
tion columns indicating how many most fitting labels
were found on that position in the returned lists. For
most of the labels, we could find suitable matches,
although not always in prime positions. This shows
that our basic idea of presenting the top n results in-
stead of the best ranked result will lead to better rec-
ommendations in a production system. As in the case
of the crime data set, missing concepts were mostly
caused by sources that did not offer any concepts at
all for specific labels which we could trace back to
some of our defined problem classes (cf. Section 4)
like ’Applied Color Rule’, ’Object ID’, which is far
too generic, or ’CULTURAL SPACE NAME’ which
could not be identified altogether. However, the ef-
fect of adding a possibly proprietary semantic source
is clearly visible as multiple concepts, e.g., from the
clearance data set, could be resolved by using a source
containing smart city domain knowledge. Multiple of
those sources could be attached to improve the results.
We also compared our approach to Babelfy, an on-
line algorithm dealing with the context aware seman-
tic annotation of sentences, keywords or labels. Those
keywords can be inserted at the same time, allowing
Babelfy to consider relations of the underlying Ba-
belNet network when building the reply. We tested a
general set of labels which would completely rule out
the smart city knowledge graph as the labels belong to
the domain IT infrastructure. Thus, both algorithms
operate solely on the WordNet/BabelNet networks.
For labels, we chose a common combination on a list
of network participants: ’computer’, ’lan’, ’network’,
subnet’, ’address’ ’port’. This combination has mul-
tiple domain specific meanings (e.g., ’address’ can ei-
ther be IP or MAC address or postal address) to test
the detection of the right domain. The results can be
seen in Table 5. Both algorithms managed to clearly
identify unambiguous labels like ’computer’ or the
acronym ’lan’ ’network’ was interpreted differently
in both cases and no superior concept could be identi-
fied between both suggestions. However, considering
the ambiguous labels subnet’, ’address’ and ’port’,
our framework performed better than Babelfy, which
in all cases returned the most common concepts when
querying for the label without any context and in case
of subnet’ even chose the sub par second concept
for a mathematic topology. Although we cannot state
that our approach will be performing well on all label
combinations, it has been shown that even the base-
line algorithm can improve the recommendation of
semantic concepts for labels.
Gathering and Combining Semantic Concepts from Multiple Knowledge Bases
Table 3: Results for the crime data set for sources Wordnet (WN), WordNet and BabelNet (WN/BN), Knowledge Graph (KG)
and all sources combined. The # column indicates the considered number of results from a source, c indicates the position of
the (subjectively) most matching concept in the suggestion list.
Sources WN WN/BN KG All
Numbers # c # c # c c
hundred block
month 2 1 4 1 1
year 4 1 5 1 1
neighborhood 2 1 5 1 1
hour 4 3 5 1 1 1 1
x 3 5 1 1 3
y 2 5 1 1 4
minute 5 2 5 1 1
type 5 5 1 1 3
day 5 3 5 1 1
Table 4: Summary of results from WordNet (WN), WordNet and BabelNet (WN/BN) and our smart city knowledge graph
(KG) on publicly available data sets (numbers in brackets indicate total number of labels). Position indicates the position of
the (subjectively) most fitting concept in the suggestion list.
Sources WN WN/BN KG All
Position 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
Data set
crimeData(10) 3 1 2 6 0 0 3 0 0 6 0 2
culturalSpaces(11) 4 2 0 5 1 1 0 0 0 6 1 0
recycling(7) 4 0 1 4 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 1
clearance(6) 1 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 0 2 2 0
schedules(12) 1 1 0 1 0 1 5 0 0 5 0 1
Table 5: Comparison of Babelfy results to top concepts found by our framework. Text in brackets indicates a description to
distinguish different concepts of the same name. Semantic source of both results was BabelNet only. Bold markings indicate
(subjectively) better matching results.
label Babelfy result Framework result
computer computer computer
lan local area network local area network
network [interconnection of things or people] Internet
subnet subnet [mathematic topology] subnetwork [IP]
address address [postal] IP address
port port [sea port] interface [computing]
In this paper, we presented the current state of a
framework for combining multiple semantic networks
to suggest semantic concepts for multiple labels. Re-
sults form different semantic sources are combined
solely by comparing (main) labels, glossary and la-
bels of related concepts as no valid relations exist be-
tween concepts of separate networks. We have shown
that our framework is able to use knowledge from
public sources as well as proprietary sources undis-
closed to the public (e.g., company networks). Using
a modular approach, our framework can be extended
using connectors to attach new semantic sources. The
scoring of single concepts is retrieved by comparing
its attributes to those of possibly related concepts in
pursuit of identifying the correct domain.
We achieved acceptable results when applying our
approach to data sets from public sources. We could
assign matching concepts to labels, especially when
domain-specific labels were annotated. This shows
that the strength of our framework is strongly based
on the sources connected, as some entries could not
be found in any data source and therefore remained
unassigned at all. It has to be tested, whether our ap-
proach is capable of handling results from more than
three sources and if the domain identification, e.g. as
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
shown in the computer network example, still per-
forms as strong as it did in our current evaluation. It
could be seen that the weighting of different sources
is important, as multiple sources providing different
definitions of a label contest against each other and
more general concepts like ’X’ as a letter sometimes
get higher scores in direct comparison. However, as
no domain has been declared during a first matching
run, this has to be done manually or with the help of
multiple runs.
For future work, we are planning to improve the
framework by establishing a more iterative ranking
procedure. Instead of ranking all single concepts
against all other available concepts, we will establish
a ranking system which iteratively combines concepts
to larger tuples. This way, the framework would not
return a list of possible concepts for each label, but a
combination of probable concepts which harmonize
best. In addition, we are planning to increase the
flexibility of the connectors to allow for more rela-
tions to be considered which could help to improve
intra-source selection of fitting labels. Implementing
a subgraph matching similar to the one used by Ba-
belfy could be a further possibility in the future. This
would allow the framework to select only the most
context fitting concepts before the comparison algo-
rithm runs, thus keeping the runtime low. Altogether,
we try to improve our algorithm to perform better on
the identified problem classes. Here, we especially
want to focus on the problem class of Random La-
bels by examining and comparing presented data with
already captured data. Finally, we are planning to
extend the framework to identify and return concept
subgraphs for labels that contain more than a single
semantic information.
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