Risk Perception of Migrating Legacy Systems to the Cloud
Breno G. S. Costa and Priscila Solis
Department of Computer Science, University of Bras
ılia, Bras
ılia-DF, Brazil
Cloud Computing, Legacy Systems, Migration, Reference Model, Risk Perception.
With the utilization of Cloud Computing as the way to provide Information Technology services, the organi-
zations can migrate legacy systems to the cloud in order to reach several benefits. There are in the literature
several proposals to model the critical elements of migration and many have been validated by specific case
studies. Also several reference models were defined on top of these proposals and were created with the in-
tention to consolidate different researches, trying to expand their applicability. Based on the above, this paper
selects a reference model for migrating legacy systems to the cloud and proposes a method for calculating a
score of perceived risk associated with each legacy system migration. The paper presents a proof of concept
on government domain to show the method’s applicability.
In the last years Cloud Computing (CC) changed the
way Information Technology (IT) is provided and
consumed and created a new landscape in which or-
ganizations manage their own computing infrastruc-
ture to another, where IT is consumed as a service
(ISACA, 2012).
According to (Gartner, 2017), the massive use of
public cloud services appears in the significant growth
rates of service providers such as Amazon Web Ser-
vices (AWS) (AWS, 2017) and Microsoft Azure (Mi-
crosoft, 2017), among others. The study surveyed al-
most 3000 participants and found that 21% of them
have already used public cloud services, while 56%
planned to implement the cloud by the end of 2017.
For many of these organizations, IT modernization is
almost synonymous of increasing the use of CC.
The migration to this new paradigm has a potential
cost reduction of IT infrastructure, noticed by several
authors (Armbrust et al., 2009; Armbrust et al., 2010;
Gartner, 2017), mainly when related to the use of pub-
lic cloud. According to (Pahl and Xiong, 2013), mi-
gration to the cloud is the process of deploying, in
whole or in part, the digital assets, services, IT re-
sources, or systems of an organization on the cloud.
With the use of CC, government organizations can
reduce the number of contracts and consequently re-
duce the opportunities for irregularities while improv-
ing efficiency. They can also focus on providing ser-
vices to the population by reducing the operational
effort to maintain the infrastructure and IT services
platform (Kundra, 2011).
Migration to the cloud may involve retention of
part of the infrastructure within the organization. For
example, a legacy system can be merged with a com-
plementary cloud solution, with integration over the
Internet. The trend of increased use of CC, including
on government organizations, may benefit of using a
process (guidelines and methods) to migrate legacy
systems to the public cloud.
The goal of this paper is to present an extension to
a reference model of legacy systems migration to the
cloud. The extension will be validated with a proof of
concept in government domain. This paper makes the
following contributions:
based on a review of related work, proposes a
method for calculating a score of perceived risks
associated with the legacy migration to the cloud;
describes a proof of concept showing the applica-
bility of the method for the government domain.
The remainder of this article is divided into four sec-
tions. Section 2 presents the theoretical concepts
and related work and also describes the motivation of
evaluating the risk perception of applying the refer-
ence model. Section 3 presents the proposed evalua-
tion method. Section 4 describes the proof of concept.
Finally, Section 5 presents the conclusions and future
work of this research.
Costa, B. and Solis, P.
Risk Perception of Migrating Legacy Systems to the Cloud.
DOI: 10.5220/0006801706340642
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2018), pages 634-642
ISBN: 978-989-758-295-0
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.1 Migration Methods and Strategies
Software migration is the process of moving (or
adapting) a system from one operating environment
to another (ISO/IEC, 2006). Software migration can
be seen as part of a broader context that is software
maintenance and reuse (Ionita, 2013). Migration to
the cloud is the effort to adapt legacy systems running
locally on the organization’s infrastructure to trans-
port them to the cloud (Jamshidi et al., 2013).
To take advantage of CC benefits and protect ex-
isting investment in a legacy system, organizations
tend to migrate their legacy systems to the cloud grad-
ually when feasible (Zhao and Zhou, 2014; Gartner,
2017; Ionita, 2013). As discussed in (Pahl and Xiong,
2013), the migration process requires careful consid-
eration, planning, and execution to ensure system se-
curity and integrity after migration, and to remain
compliant with the organization’s requirements.
According to (Babar and Chauhan, 2011), unsuc-
cessful cloud migration can cause business processes
to fail, increase security incidents, and increase main-
tenance costs. In addition to these considerations,
the work of (Zhao and Zhou, 2014) discusses migra-
tion strategies and methods. For them, different mi-
gration strategies should consider different migration
processes, with their subdivisions into specific tasks.
In the study of (Binz et al., 2011), the authors propose
an application migration framework for the cloud and
between cloud providers.
One alternative point of view regarding migration
to the cloud is the use of adaptation, addressed by
(Andrikopoulos et al., 2013). The authors identify
four types of legacy systems migration. In (Zhao and
Zhou, 2014), the authors analyze and compare the two
migration definitions cited in (Binz et al., 2011) and
(Andrikopoulos et al., 2013), among other definitions
and categorized migration to the cloud into three ma-
jor areas: migration to Infrastructure as a Service, mi-
gration to Platform as a Service and migration to Soft-
ware as a Service.
One of the main benefits of using CC is the po-
tential cost reduction of IT infrastructure investments
(Armbrust et al., 2009; Armbrust et al., 2010; Gart-
ner, 2017). However, according to (Sun and Li, 2013),
this benefit typically only considers the cost of cloud
services after migration. The authors developed a
method to estimate the cost of the migration process
from legacy systems to cloud. The method consid-
ers that, although described sequentially, the execu-
tion flow of the migration tasks iterates in a way in
which errors in the execution of a task can cause the
repetition of previous tasks. Thus, according to the
size and complexity of the legacy system and also to
the maturity of the team responsible for the migration,
the cost of the migration process can be calculated us-
ing the method they have defined.
2.2 Characterization Model
Many publications address how to structure the mi-
gration of legacy systems to the cloud. The Cloud-
RMM model (Jamshidi et al., 2013) categorizes
twenty-three studies on the migration of legacy sys-
tems to the cloud and serves as a guide to the analy-
sis of these studies. The model is composed of four
processes and each process is a group of tasks.In the
model, there is also an indication of the artifacts gen-
erated at the end of each process.
In this model, there is only a consolidation of pro-
cesses, tasks and artifacts, found in the twenty-three
studies analyzed in the systematic literature review
undertaken by (Jamshidi et al., 2013). There is no dis-
cussion about the need and relevance of each process
and task.
2.3 Evaluation Model
The work of (Gholami et al., 2016) provides a detailed
assessment of existing CC migration approaches from
the perspective of process modeling and software de-
velopment methodologies. The authors propose an
evaluation model to compare existing approaches,
highlighting their resources, similarities and differ-
ences. The approach used by the authors differs from
other related works because it focuses on the aspect
of the cloud migration process to understand which
core activities and concerns are involved during this
transition. According to their analysis, none of the
reviewed studies provides an in-depth discussion of
proposed migration features and activities and also
did not bring useful experience of applying those ap-
proaches in practice. In addition, the article provides
a meticulous analysis of existing approaches through
an evaluation model which encompasses twenty-eight
criteria classified into two dimensions. That is, eleven
generic criteria and seventeen specific criteria for
cloud computing. The proposed framework was de-
rived from a literature review and validated through
a web-based questionnaire survey of 104 academics
and experts in the field of cloud computing (Gholami
et al., 2016).
As challenges for future work, (Gholami et al.,
2016) acknowledge that there is a large amount of
research on cloud migration, which is currently dis-
Risk Perception of Migrating Legacy Systems to the Cloud
persed and fragmented, and suggest that a generic ref-
erence model must be defined with the goal of consol-
idating the existing literature.
2.4 Reference Model
According to (Fettke and Loos, 2003), a reference
model is a conceptual framework that can be used
as the model for information systems development.
Reference models are also called universal models,
generic models, or standard models. To use reference
models, they must be tailored to the requirements of a
specific domain. The study presents several perspec-
tives for the evaluation of reference models. Among
them, the empirical perspective, from which we men-
tion two approaches that relate to the object of this
research: case study and survey.
In a more recent study, (Gholami et al., 2017) re-
sponded to the challenge proposed in (Gholami et al.,
2016) and worked to find out the critical activities, ar-
tifacts, concerns and key recommendations regarding
the migration of legacy systems to the cloud. Results
were validated empirically, through the collection of
experts perceptions to increase the reliability.
Based on an intensive qualitative analysis of ex-
isting constructs in the literature, the authors cre-
ated a migration to the cloud reference model. The
relevance and robustness of the model was further
confirmed using quantitative research and qualitative
feedback from domain experts. Figure 3 shows a sum-
mary of the resulting reference model. To simplify
the view, the summary shows only the model’s key
elements, without the subdivisions of activities into
smaller tasks and without the flow of information be-
tween them. The detailed view of phases Plan and
Design will be better described in Section 4.
Although this reference model has been created
from the literature and evaluated using survey with
CC experts, the authors do not claim its general appli-
cability. In the opposite sense, they assert that there
is no universally superior or applicable method for
Figure 1: Project life cycle as defined on PMBOK (PMI,
all cloud migration scenarios and therefore, methods
must be tailored to the specific characteristics of the
application domain.
2.5 Legacy Systems Migration Viewed
as an IT Project
Each legacy system migration to the cloud can be
viewed as a different project, following what is out-
lined in the Project Management Body Of Knowledge
(PMBOK)(PMI, 2013): it is a temporary endeavor
and creates a unique product: the legacy system mi-
grated to the cloud. PMBOK defines the life cycle
of a project as being the series of phases, usually se-
quentially linked, that a project goes through. Figure
1 shows the generic structure of a project life cycle
and the level of costs and personnel required at each
stage of the life cycle.
According to the PMBOK, the generic structure
of the life cycle presents, among others, the following
The personnel and cost levels are low at the be-
ginning, they reach a maximum value while the
project is running, and fall quickly as the project
is finalized. Figure 1 illustrates this pattern.
The risks and uncertainties are greater at the be-
ginning of the project. These factors decrease
over the life of the project as decisions are made
and deliveries are accepted, as shown in Figure 2.
The ability to influence the final characteristics of
the project’s product, without significant impact
on costs, is higher at the beginning of the project
and decreases as the project progresses to its end.
Figure 2 illustrates the idea that change costs and
bug fixes generally increase significantly as the
project nears completion.
Figure 2: Project risks and cost of changes through the time
(PMI, 2013).
CLOSER 2018 - 8th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Figure 3: Key elements of Legacy to Cloud migration Reference Model proposed by (Gholami et al., 2017).
The previous section presented some definitions and
classifications of migration models and analyzed
three of them: a characterization model that grouped
processes, activities and artifacts referenced in 23 mi-
gration proposals published between 2010 and 2013;
an evaluation model that, based on 28 relevant cri-
teria, evaluated 43 articles published between 2009
and 2015; and a reference model (Gholami et al.,
2017), selected as the basis for this study, defined
from the consolidation of 78 proposals published be-
tween 2008 and 2015. The selected reference model
is divided into three phases: Plan, Design and En-
able as shown on Figure 3. The Plan phase is re-
sponsible for collecting relevant information about
the system to be migrated (technical information, or-
ganizational context) and, in accordance to migration
requirements, for creating an appropriate migration
plan. The Design phase uses the knowledge and ar-
tifacts generated in Plan phase and is responsible for
choosing one or more CC providers and also for defin-
ing the new architecture that the legacy system will
have on the cloud. The Enable phase represents the
actual migration. It comprehends the implementation
of legacy system code adaptations, the build of inte-
grators when appropriate, the configuration of the CC
services defined in Design phase, testing and go live
of migrated system.
As shown in Figure 1, the effort required to ex-
ecute the third phase is potentially bigger than what
will be spent in the two initial phases. This is due to
the fact that first phases have mostly analytical work,
while the third, mostly implementation work. Imple-
mentation in this context means both the development
related to the adaptations and new integrations, when
necessary, and cloud services configuration.
Thus, it is important to have an early assessment
of migration risks before Enable phase. The assess-
ment may indicate an increased risk perception (mi-
gration additional cost and time, for instance) for a
given system when compared to the others, and thus
provide an objective measure of comparison. It is pos-
sible to rank the systems that will be migrated and set
up an order of execution that prioritizes the systems
with less perceived risk, thus increasing the success
rate and organization’s confidence on the migration
As a way to provide an objective and early assess-
ment of perceived risks of migration of each legacy
system to the cloud using the Reference Model, we
defined the following procedure: in each of the two
initial phases (Plan and Design), one must select the
tasks that together better represent the critical points
of each legacy system migration to the cloud. Some
tasks have a job of merely collecting and aggregating
information, while others implement constraints, de-
cisions or characteristics that are intrinsic to the sys-
tem and the organization and thus have the potential
Risk Perception of Migrating Legacy Systems to the Cloud
to impact the rest of the migration. One should choose
between tasks in the second category. It is important
to realize that different application domains may have
different sets of tasks that better evaluate the risk per-
ception of migrating legacy systems to the cloud on
that domain.
After choosing the set of evaluation tasks, it is nec-
essary to define the weights that each task will have
in relation to the other tasks on the set. The weight
of tasks is related to the importance of that task in the
domain of application. For instance, on government
domain the task related to procurement is perceived
as being more risky than the one related to training,
due to legal and regulation rules.
The evaluation function defined here has the fol-
lowing format:
EvF(Pl, De) =
Pl + De
Pl =
De =
Pl – Plan Phase Evaluation Indicator.
De – Design Phase Evaluation Indicator.
Risk perception rate for task i of the Plan Phase
evaluation set.
– Weight of task i in Plan Phase evaluation set.
Risk perception rate for task j of Design Phase
evaluation set.
Weight of task j in Design Phase evaluation
The function defined in (1) considers that both
phases have the same relative importance on calcu-
lating the the score of perceived migration risks. But
specific circumstances could be considered on an-
other evaluation function that balance the phases dif-
After selecting the set of evaluation tasks in each
phase and the weight of each of them, they must be
evaluated. Note that the work required on each task
must be performed as defined in the Reference Model.
At the end of the execution of each phase, and conse-
quently at the end of the execution of all tasks of that
phase, is when the evaluation method is performed.
This is an important consideration because it is nec-
essary to know each system in an appropriate level of
detail to do a more accurate evaluation and this can
Table 1: Plan Phase evaluation task set.
Task Weight
Analyze migration cost 3
Identify dependencies 3
Select migration scenario 1
not be done by executing only the tasks on the eval-
uation set. So, after the end of each phase’s work, it
is necessary to evaluate each task that is part of the
evaluation set. The proposal is to use a scale of 5 val-
ues for perceived risk, whose meaning could be 1
High risk, 2 Moderate risk, 3 Average risk, 4
Somewhat risk and 5 - Low risk. For each task, the
5 levels of the scale can also be defined textually, in
order to facilitate the choice and evaluation of each
system. This must be done only once and only for the
tasks that are part of the evaluation set.
Once the scale is defined and the Plan Phase is
finished, the evaluation can start by defining, for each
task in the evaluation set, the rating of perceived risk
associated with that task’s subject in relation to legacy
migration and calculating the evaluation indicator of
the Plan Phase, Pl, as described in (2). The same
should be done to Design Phase by calculating the
evaluation indicator for the Design Phase, De, de-
scribed in (3). After calculating the two indicators,
one can calculate the perceived risk score of migrat-
ing the legacy system to the cloud, EvF(Pl, De), as
described in (1).
After calculating the evaluation function for each
system that will be migrated, a ranking can be estab-
lished that indicates, among other things, which sys-
tems should be migrated first, which will be the sys-
tems with higher evaluation values (higher perceived
risk scores). This strategy is reinforced by (Reza Bazi
et al., 2017) who states that it is better to select a pilot
project at first, when performing migration process.
Systems with lower evaluation values may receive ad-
ditional analysis to identify whether work modifica-
tions to the evaluation tasks that are causing low eval-
uation are feasible. Even when could not be possible
to change something in systems with low evaluation
values, knowing that there is an increased risk percep-
tion is of great value. In addition, when using evalua-
tion function values to rank systems, one can also use
them to categorize systems on a previously defined
risk scale. For this purpose, evaluation thresholds can
be defined. For example, one can define that evalua-
tion function results that are below or equal to a cer-
tain threshold T 1 mean that the system should have
its migration decision reanalyzed. Another example
is when the value calculated by evaluation function is
above the threshold T 1, but the value of one of the
CLOSER 2018 - 8th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
indicators (Pl or De) is below a given threshold T 2.
The threshold values can be defined by using a
certain value of the Likert scale used, but can also
be defined by the history of evaluations already done
and considering the result of these migrations. While
there is no history of assessments, it is suggested to
use the central value of the scale as the threshold T 1
and T 2 and adjust them as soon as new values have
been calculated from actual migrations.
The proof of concept in this section presents an anal-
ysis of the selected activities and defines weights that
best support a risk perception evaluation for the mi-
gration of legacy systems in the government domain.
4.1 Plan Phase
For the Plan phase, we selected the tasks and define
the weights shown in the Table 1. The reasons why
the tasks were selected are the following:
Analyze migration cost - This activity results in
an estimate of migration cost. Cost is associated with
the effort required to migrate the legacy to cloud as
well as the cost of running the application after mi-
gration. As cost of migrating a system increases, also
increases the risk perception for the entire migration
process. On the other hand, a low-cost migration sys-
tem can be a good candidate to validate the migration
process and to gain experience with both the process
and the provider to which the system will be migrated.
If the cost of the migration added to the cost of
running the system in the cloud provider does not rep-
resent an economy relative to the current cost, this
may indicate a system that will not benefit from the
cloud if there is no value aggregation by other means,
such as the use of intrinsic cloud characteristics (self-
scalability, higher availability, for example) (Gholami
et al., 2017). According to (Gholami et al., 2017), the
objectives of Analyze Context activity (which is an
aggregate of Analyze migration cost and other tasks)
are cost estimate and risk mitigation.
Identify dependencies - This activity has the ef-
fect of identifying which other local systems and
components the system being analyzed depends on to
function properly on the cloud after migration. With
this task, it is possible to identify which other systems
would have to be previously migrated to the cloud.
Or, in the case of a hybrid cloud and if the dependen-
cies are not migrated yet, one will need to evaluate
and consider the network latency between the local
infrastructure and the cloud. According to (Reza Bazi
Table 2: Design phase evaluation task set.
Task Weight
Negotiate with cloud provider 3
Train 1
Identify incompatibilities 1
et al., 2017), this is a critical factor to be consid-
ered, since legacy systems were developed on older
platforms than the current version supported by cloud
providers. The objective of Recover Legacy applica-
tion knowledge (activity which aggregates Identify-
ing dependencies task) is Understand legacy system
dependencies (Gholami et al., 2017).
Select migration scenario - According to the
characteristics of the legacy system and also accord-
ing to the amount of effort that is intended to be spent
in the migration, one may choose the migration type
among five options (Andrikopoulos et al., 2013; Gho-
lami et al., 2016). Migration type V, for instance, is
a type associated to a low risk of failure when com-
pared with other types, since it is based on moving the
whole system stack to the cloud. Thus, the choice of
the scenario may be directly related to the risk inten-
sity that is accepted. This is not the same to say that a
scenario of low risk is also the option that will bring
the greatest benefit (cost reduction, increased avail-
ability), because scenario V, for instance, could make
costly the implementation of elasticity (Andrikopou-
los et al., 2013). The objectives of Define Plan (ac-
tivity that aggregates Select migration scenario task)
are Project management and Risk mitigation (Gho-
lami et al., 2017).
4.2 Design Phase
For the Design phase, we selected the tasks and define
the weights shown in the Table 2.
Negotiate with cloud provider - This task is criti-
cal because only after its execution one or more cloud
providers are available to provide the cloud services
that will support migrated systems. If one have not
still hired the provider at migration time of a partic-
ular legacy system, this may delay the migration or
cause rework. Note that even after a provider has al-
ready been hired and some legacy systems have been
migrated to the cloud, it is possible that the contract
could be reaching its end, or even that the provision
of the service is not satisfactory and that the organiza-
tion has decided to replace the provider, even before
the end of the contract.
Training - This task is responsible for acquiring
and maintaining the necessary knowledge to prop-
erly design, operate and monitor the CC services. A
Risk Perception of Migrating Legacy Systems to the Cloud
Figure 4: Reference Model’s Plan phase with visual indicative of task evaluation set.
Figure 5: Reference Model’s Design phase with visual indicative of task evaluation set.
higher need for training may indicate a higher risk in
managing the migration project of a given legacy sys-
tem. According to (Reza Bazi et al., 2017) organiza-
tions must extend their cloud knowledge as a way to
guarantee a successful start. The objective of Choose
Cloud Provider (activity that aggregates both Negoti-
ate with the cloud provider and Train tasks) is to find
the best providers that meet migration requirements
(Gholami et al., 2017).
Identifying incompatibilities - This task is re-
sponsible to find the incompatibilities between the
legacy system and the set of CC services defined in
the design phase as being required to run the system
after migration to the cloud. These incompatibilities
will require specific effort to be solved. The objec-
tive of the activity Identifying incompatibilities is to
estimate effort and cost to resolve incompatibilities
(Gholami et al., 2017).
The above explanations of what motivated task se-
lection for the government domain are illustrated in a
CLOSER 2018 - 8th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Table 3: Rating of risk perception associated with tasks on evaluation set (shaded lines:Plan phase; white lines:Design phase).
Task Weight Rate Reason
Analyze migration cost 3 5 Low complexity system and low estimated migration cost.
Identify dependencies 3 4 System that has almost no dependency.
Select migration scenario 1 4 Scenario type V, lift and shift.
Negotiate with cloud provider 3 4 Providers selected.
Train 1 2 High necessity of training. No experience on CC.
Identify incompatibilities 1 5 No incompatibilities found.
detailed view of Reference Model phases with a vi-
sual identification of the tasks in Figures 4 and 5. The
figures show how each key element is associated to
the others. Each key element has been associated with
a color, which covers the tasks that compound that
key element. In addition, there is a specific indication
(three colored smileys) in the tasks that are part of the
evaluation set.
4.3 Use Case
To show the method’s applicability, we chose a legacy
system in use by a government body that decided
to migrate its legacy systems to the cloud. The
legacy system is called Civic Cloud and exposes,
on the Internet, updated data about educational and
health institutions around the country and data about
medicines that are authorized by the proper govern-
ment agency. Although the system has cloud on its
name, it runs on local infrastructure.
The system is composed by a set of loosely cou-
pled web services that can be used by developers and
companies to add value to their applications. For in-
stance, one can develop and publish a mobile appli-
cation that automatically captures user location and
suggests the health institution that is closer to the
user. The system was developed using Java language
with the support of Spring MVC framework. It is
running on application server JBOSS EAP, sharing
computational resources with other legacy systems.
The database management system is Oracle (Oracle,
As the system is publicly available, any developer
can build an application that makes calls to its ser-
vices and uses the provided data. If one of these ap-
plications becomes a killer application, with hundreds
or thousands of transactions by hour, there is a chance
that the computing infrastructure becomes inadequate
due to the lack of elasticity.
We worked with the team responsible by the sys-
tem in order to apply the reference model for migra-
tion to the cloud. After doing the work prescribed
on initial phases, Plan and Design, we applied the
method described on the Section 3, using the tasks
and weights defined on the Section 4.
The team shared their perception that the system
was a good choice to be the first legacy to be migrated
by this government body. This is explained due to the
low number of integrations with other legacy systems
and to the low complexity and size of system code.
The team then rated the risk perception for each
task on the evaluation set of both phases. The values
can be viewed on table 3, along with the main reason
that justified the rating.
Using the weights defined on tables 1 and 2, the
rates given by the team (table 3) and applying equa-
tions (2), (3) and (1), we have: Pl = 4.43, De = 3.80
and EvF = 4.11. The calculated value of EvF is
the score of risk perception to migrate legacy system
Civic Cloud to the cloud with the use of Reference
Model. As suggested on Section 3, T 1 and T 2 are de-
fined to be 3.0. Since EvF, Pl and De are higher than
these thresholds, this indicates a low risk perception
for this system migration.
This paper presented a review of software migration
strategies, compared three conceptual migration mod-
els and selected a reference model as a basis for
legacy systems migration to the cloud. Based on
the concepts, we proposed a method for calculating
a score of perceived risk to the systems that will be
migrated to the cloud. Method’s steps are described
along with a proof of concept in the government do-
main. The proposed method can be used to rank the
systems to be migrated to the cloud, offering an op-
portunity to assess migration risk perception before
migration execution.
The future work of this research aims to apply the
method on other government systems and collect the
results in different scenarios. Also, these results could
be validated with a survey, applied over different gov-
ernment organizations, to improve and verify the pro-
posed method.
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