to a white-board, including diagrams. The latter
condition included the delivery of the same content
through multimedia videos built by employing a set
of principles from Cognitive Theory of Multimedia
Learning (Mayer, 2009). Evidence strongly suggests
how the three MWL measures are reliable when
applied to a typical third-level classroom. Results
demonstrated their moderate validity, in line with
the validity achieved in other experiments within
Ergonomics. On the contrary, their sensitivity was
very low in discriminating the two design conditions.
However, given the high reliability and modest
validity of the three MWL measures, the achieved
sensitivity might reasonably underlines the minimal
impact of the principles of Cognitive Theory of Mul-
timedia Learning for developing the second design
condition and alter the experienced mental workload
by learners. The contributions of this research are to
offer a new perspective on the application of mental
workload measures within the field of Education,
and a richer approach to support instructional design.
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of Cognitive Load Theory and its load types, as
emerged in the literature, this study conforms to the
Popperian’s view of science, this being replicable and
falsifiable. Every single test of existing methods of
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at increasing our understanding and the ways this
construct can be applied for instructional design.
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On the Reliability, Validity and Sensitivity of Three Mental Workload Assessment Techniques for the Evaluation of Instructional Designs: A
Case Study in a Third-level Course