On the Reliability, Validity and Sensitivity of Three Mental Workload
Assessment Techniques for the Evaluation of Instructional Designs: A
Case Study in a Third-level Course
Luca Longo
School of Computing, College of Sciences and Health, Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin, Ireland
ADAPT: The Global Centre of Excellence for Digital Content and Media Innovation, Dublin, Ireland
Human Mental Workload, Cognitive Load Theory, Instructional Design.
Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) has been conceived for instructional designers eager to create instructional
resources that are presented in a way that encourages the activities of the learners and optimise their perfor-
mance, thus their learning. Although it has been researched for many years, it has been criticised because of
its theoretical clarity and its methodological approach. In particular, one fundamental and open problem is the
measurement of its cognitive load types and the measurement of the overall cognitive load of learners during
learning tasks. This paper is aimed at investigating the reliability, validity and sensitivity of existing mental
workload assessment techniques, borrowed from the discipline of Ergonomics, when applied to the field of
Education, Teaching and Learning. In details, a primary research involved the application of three subjective
mental workload assessment techniques, namely the NASA Task Load Index, the Workload Profile and the
Rating Scale Mental Effort, in a typical third-level classroom for the evaluation of two instructional design
conditions. The Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning and its design principles have been used as the
underlying theoretical framework for the design of the two conditions. Evidence strongly suggests that the
three selected mental workload measures are highly reliable within Education and their moderate validity is in
line with results obtained in Ergonomics.
Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) (Sweller et al., 1998)
has been conceived as a form of guidance for in-
structional designers eager to create instructional
resources that are presented in a way that encourages
the activities of the learners and optimise their
performance, thus their learning (Chandler and
Sweller, 1991). Although CLT has been researched
for many years, providing a series of effects and
guidelines to create effective instructional designs, it
has been criticised because of its theoretical clarity
(Schnotz and K
urschner, 2007) and its methodologi-
cal approach (Gerjets et al., 2009). In particular, one
fundamental and open problem is the measurement
of the cognitive load of learners during learning
tasks (Paas et al., 2003). Within CLT, three types of
cognitive load have been conceptualised: intrinsic,
extraneous and germane. These are the fundamental
building blocks (the assumptions) of the theory itself.
The intrinsic load is influenced by the unfamiliarity
of the learners or the intrinsic complexity of the
learning material under use. The extraneous load
is impacted by the way the instructional material is
designed, organised and presented. The germane load
is affected by the effort devoted for the processing
of information, the construction and automation of
schemas in the brain of learners. According to the
traditional critical rationalism proposed by Popper
(2014), CLT cannot be considered a scientific theory
because its fundamental assumptions - the cognitive
load types - cannot be measured, tested empirically
and therefore they are not falsifiable (Gerjets et al.,
2009). Because of this, the scientific value of Cogni-
tive Load Theory and all the other theories built upon
the notion of cognitive load (Goldman, 1991; Gerjets
et al., 2009) still lack empirical validation. Due to
the above reasons, the main research challenge in
this area concerns the development of reliable and
valid measures of the cognitive load types and the
development of overall measures of cognitive load
that can be applied in the general field of Education
and in the specific field of Teaching and Learning.
Another domain in which cognitive load is heavily
Longo, L.
On the Reliability, Validity and Sensitivity of Three Mental Workload Assessment Techniques for the Evaluation of Instructional Designs: A Case Study in a Third-level Course.
DOI: 10.5220/0006801801660178
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2018), pages 166-178
ISBN: 978-989-758-291-2
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
researched and employed is Ergonomics (Young
et al., 2015). Here, the psychological construct of
cognitive load, mainly referred to as human Mental
Workload (MWL), has a long history with several
applications in the aviation (Hart, 2006) and automo-
tive industries (Brookhuis and de Waard, 2010). In
these domains, many measurement techniques, both
uni-dimensional and multi-dimensional have been
developed for MWL assessment (Cain, 2007; Young
et al., 2015). Similarly, various criteria for validating
these techniques have been proposed during the last
5 decades, indicating the importance of research on
MWL (Rubio et al., 2004). Generally speaking, the
main reason for assessing MWL, in Ergonomics, is to
measure the mental cost of performing a task with the
goal of predicting operator and system performance
(Cain, 2007). In Education the situation is similar:
the main reason for assessing cognitive load is to
measure the mental cost of performing a learning task
with the goal of predicting the learner’s performance
and thus learning.
This paper is an attempt to evaluate the reliability,
validity and sensitivity of existing measures of over-
all mental workload, borrowed from the discipline of
Ergonomics, for the evaluation of different instructi-
onal design conditions. Three mental workload mea-
sures have been selected: the multidimensional Nasa
Task Load Index (Hart, 2006) and Workload Profile
(Tsang and Velazquez, 1996) as well as the unidi-
mensional Rating Scale Mental Effort (Zijlstra, 1993).
A primary research study has been shaped including
the comparison of two different instructional design
conditions in a third-level master module. The first
condition includes the delivery of instructional ma-
terial in a traditional one-way (lecturer to students)
employing slides projected to a white-board and ver-
bally presented to learners. The second condition in-
cludes the conversion of the instructional material of
the first condition into multimedia videos developed
by following a set of design principles from the Cog-
nitive Theory of Multimedia Learning (Mayer, 2002).
A schematic summary of the gaps in the literature and
the solution proposed are depicted in figure 1.
Figure 1: Summary of the research design.
The rest of the paper is organised as it follows.
Section 2 introduces the theoretical frameworks, in-
cluding Cognitive Load Theory and its load types. It
then describes the limitations of cognitive load-based
theories before reviewing state-of-the-art human men-
tal workload measures in Ergonomics emphasising
their advantages and limitations. Subsequently, it fo-
cuses on a detailed description of three self-reporting
mental workload assessment techniques, these being
used in the envisioned primary research study. Simi-
larly, Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning and
its design principles are presented in order to provide
the reader with the relevant notions for the planned
case study. Section 3 focuses on the design of a pri-
mary research experiment involving human learners,
detailing the methodology and presenting the research
hypotheses. Section 4 introduces the results of the ex-
periment followed by a critical discussion in section
5. Section 6 concludes the paper highlighting the con-
tribution to the body of knowledge.
2.1 Cognitive Load Theory
Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) (Sweller et al., 1998)
has been conceived as a form of guidance for in-
structional designers eager to create resources that are
presented in a way that encourages the activities of the
learners and optimise their performance, thus their le-
arning (Chandler and Sweller, 1991). CLT is an ap-
proach that considers the limitations of the informa-
tion processing system of the human mind (Wickens,
2008). The intuitive assumption behind this theory is
that if a learner is either underloaded or overloaded,
learning is likely to be adversely affected. In detail,
the assumption of Cognitive Load Theory is that the
capabilities of the human cognitive architecture de-
voted to the processing and retention of information
are limited (Miller, 1956) and these limitations have
a straight influence on learning. Unfortunately, the
experience of mental workload is highly likely to be
different on an individual basis, changing according
to the learner’s cognitive style, the own education and
training (Paas and Van Merrienboer, 1993). As a con-
sequence, modelling and assessing cognitive load is
far from being a trivial activity. In his seminal con-
tribution, Sweller et al. (1998) have proposed three
types of cognitive load:
intrinsic load - this is influenced by the unfami-
liarity of the learners or the intrinsic complexity
of the learning material under use (Ayres, 2006;
Seufert et al., 2007);
On the Reliability, Validity and Sensitivity of Three Mental Workload Assessment Techniques for the Evaluation of Instructional Designs: A
Case Study in a Third-level Course
extraneous load - this is impacted by the way the
instructional material is designed, organised and
presented (Cierniak et al., 2009);
germane load - this is influenced by the effort
devoted for processing information, for the con-
struction and automation of schemas in the brain
of the learners (Paas and Van Merrienboer, 1993).
Intrinsic cognitive load is considered being static,
extraneous load should be minimised (Mousavi
et al., 1995) and germane load promoted (Debue and
van de Leemput, 2014). Cognitive Load Theory,
although highly relevant for instructional design and
with a plethora of theoretical material that has been
published in the last few decades, has a fundamental,
open and challenging problem: the measurement
of its three cognitive load types (De Jong, 2010;
Schnotz and K
urschner, 2007; Paas et al., 2003).
Unfortunately, there is little evidence that these three
types are highly separable (DeLeeuw and Mayer,
2008; Sweller, 2010; Cierniak et al., 2009). Similarly,
to date, there is little evidence about the ways the
three different types of load can be coherently and
robustly measured (Dixon, 1991; Paas et al., 2003).
According to the traditional critical rationalism
proposed by Karl Popper (2014), CLT cannot be con-
sidered a scientific theory because some of its funda-
mental assumptions cannot be tested empirically and
are thus not falsifiable (Gerjets et al., 2009). To be
scientific, the measurement methods about a hypot-
hesis must be sensitive to the different types of load.
CLT must provide empirical demonstrations about the
cognitive load types (its fundamental assumptions).
As a consequence, the main research challenge is the
development of a valid measure of cognitive load and
the demonstration of the scientific value of Cogni-
tive Load Theory and all the other theories built upon
it (Goldman, 1991; Gerjets et al., 2009). CLT has
mainly been developed by educational psychologists
and evolved over almost three decades of research en-
deavour in the field of education. Despite the theo-
retical evolution of this theory, and the many ah-hoc,
domain and context-specific applications based upon
it, the practical measurement of cognitive load has not
been sufficiently investigated in education. In contrast
to this, the situation is different in the field of Ergo-
nomics, where more effort has been devoted towards
the development of cognitive load assessment techni-
ques. In this discipline, cognitive load is mainly re-
ferred to as human Mental Workload (MWL), a well
known psychological construct (Cain, 2007; Wickens,
2008; Young et al., 2015).
2.2 Human Mental Workload
The concept of human Mental Workload (MWL) has
a long history in the fields of ergonomics and psycho-
logy, with several applications in the aviation and au-
tomotive industries. Although it has been studied for
the last four decades, no clear definition of MWL has
emerged that has a general validity and that is univer-
sally accepted (Cain, 2007; Longo, 2016; Rizzo et al.,
2016). The main reason for assessing MWL is to me-
asure the mental cost of performing a certain task with
the goal of predicting operator and system perfor-
mance (Cain, 2007). MWL is an important design cri-
terion: at an early system design phase not only can a
system or interface be optimised to take workload into
consideration, but MWL can also guide designers in
making appropriate structural changes (Xie and Sal-
vendy, 2000). Modern technologies such as web ap-
plications have become increasingly complex (Longo,
2012; Longo and Dondio, 2015; Longo, 2017), with
increments in the degree of MWL imposed on ope-
rators (Gwizdka, 2010; Longo, 2011). The assump-
tion in design approaches is that as the difficulty of
a task increases, perhaps due to interface complexity,
MWL also increases and performance usually decre-
ases (Cain, 2007). In turn, errors are more frequent,
there are longer response times, and fewer tasks are
completed per time unit. When task difficulty is neg-
ligible, systems can impose a low MWL on opera-
tors: this should be avoided as it leads to difficulties
in maintaining attention and increasing reaction time
(Cain, 2007). In the following sections it is shown
how MWL can be measured and the formalisms to ag-
gregate heterogeneous factors towards an overall in-
dex of mental workload. This review of current solu-
tions is aimed at identifying both reasons why a more
generally applicable measure of MWL has not yet
been developed, and the key characteristics of MWL
representation and assessment.
2.2.1 Measures of Mental Workload
The measurement of mental workload is a vast and
heterogeneous topic as the related theoretical coun-
terpart. Several assessment techniques have been pro-
posed in the last 40 years, and researchers in applied
settings have tended to prefer the use of ad hoc me-
asures or pools of measures rather than any one me-
asure. This tendency is reasonable, given the multi-
dimensional property that characterises mental wor-
kload (Longo and Barrett, 2010; Longo, 2015; Mou-
stafa et al., 2017). Various reviews attempted to orga-
nise the vast amount of knowledge behind MWL me-
asures and assessment techniques (Wilson and Egge-
meier, 2006; Cain, 2007; Young and Stanton, 2006).
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
In general, the measurement techniques of MWL can
be classified into three broad categories:
self-assessment measures including self-report
measures and subjective rating scales;
task performance measures which consider both
primary and secondary task measures;
physiological measures which are derived from
the physiology of the operator.
The class of self-report measures is often refer-
red to as subjective measures. This category relies on
the subjective perceived experience of the interaction
operator-system. Subjective measures have always
appealed many workload practitioners and resear-
chers because it is strongly believed that only the per-
son concerned with the task can provide an accurate
and precise judgement with respect to the mental wor-
kload experienced. Various dimensions and attributes
of mental workload are considered in self-report mea-
sures. These include demands, performance, effort as
well as individual differences such as the emotional
state, attitude and motivation of the operator (Brook-
huis and de Waard, 2010). The class of subjective
measures include multi-dimensional approaches such
as the NASA Task Load Index (Hart, 2006), the
Subjective Workload Assessment Technique (Reid
and Nygren, 1988), the Workload Profile (Tsang and
Velazquez, 1996) as well as uni-dimensional approa-
ches such as the Rating Scale Mental Effort (Zijlstra,
1993), the Subjective Workload Dominance Techni-
que (Vidulich and Ward Frederic G., 1991) and the
Bedford scale (Roscoe and Ellis, 1990). These mea-
sures and scales are mostly close-ended and, in case
multidimensional, they have an aggregation strategy
that combines the dimensions they are built upon to
an overall index of mental workload. The class of
task performance measures assumes that mental wor-
kload practitioners and, more generally system desig-
ners, are typically concerned with the performance of
their systems and technologies. The assumption is
that the mental workload of an operator, when inte-
racting with a system, acquires importance only if it
influences system performance. As a consequence, it
is believed that this class of techniques is the most va-
luable options for designers. According to different
reviews (Cain, 2007; Wilson and Eggemeier, 2006),
performance measures can be classified into two sub-
categories: primary task and secondary task measu-
res. In primary-task methods the performance of the
operator is monitored and analysed according to chan-
ges in primary-task demands. Examples of common
measurement parameters are response and reaction
time, accuracy and error rate, speed and signal de-
tection performance, estimation time and tapping re-
gularity. In secondary-task assessment procedures,
there are two tasks involved and the performance of
the secondary task may not have practical importance,
but rather may serves to load or to measure the men-
tal workload of the operator performing the primary
task. The class of physiological measures includes
bodily responses derived from the operator’s physio-
logy, and it relies on the assumption that they correlate
with mental workload. They are aimed at interpreting
psychological processes by analysing their effect on
the state of the body, rather than measuring task per-
formance or perceptual subjective ratings. Example
includes heart rate, pupil dilation and blinking, blood
pressure, brain activation signals as measured by elec-
troencephalograms (EEG) and muscle signals as me-
asured by electromyograms (EMG). The principal re-
ason for adopting physiological measures is because
they do not require an overt response by the opera-
tor and they can be collected continuously, within an
interval of time, representing an objective way of me-
asuring the operator state.
Subjective measures are in general easy to admi-
nister and analyse. They provide an index of overall
workload and multi-dimensional measures can deter-
mine the source of mental workload. However, the
main drawback is that they can only be administe-
red post-task, thus influencing the reliability for long
tasks. In addition, meta-cognitive limitations can di-
minish the accuracy of reporting and it is difficult
to perform comparisons among raters on an absolute
scale. However, they appear to be the most appropri-
ate types of measurement for assessing mental wor-
kload because they have demonstrated high levels of
sensitivity and diagnosticity (Rubio et al., 2004). Task
performance measures can be primary or secondary.
Primary-task measures represent a direct index of per-
formance and they are accurate in measuring long pe-
riods of mental workload. They are capable of dis-
criminating individual differences in resource com-
petition. However, the main limitation is that they
cannot distinguish performance of multiple tasks that
are executed simultaneously by an operator. If ta-
ken in isolation, they do not represent reliable mea-
sures, though if used in conjunction with other mea-
sures, such as subjective ratings, they can be useful.
Secondary task measures have the capacity of discri-
minating between tasks when no differences are de-
tected in primary performance. They are useful for
quantifying the individual’s spare attentional capacity
as well as short periods of workload. However, they
are only sensitive to large changes in mental workload
and they might be highly intrusive, influencing the be-
haviours of users while interacting with the primary
task. Physiological measures are extremely good at
On the Reliability, Validity and Sensitivity of Three Mental Workload Assessment Techniques for the Evaluation of Instructional Designs: A
Case Study in a Third-level Course
monitoring data on a continuous interval, thus having
high measurement sensitivity. They do not interfere
with the performance on the primary task. However,
the main drawback is that they can be easily confoun-
ded by external interference. Moreover, they require
equipment and tools that are often physically obtru-
sive and the analysis of data is complex, requiring
well trained experts. In the experimental study carried
out in this research, subjective mental workload mea-
sures have been adopted because they are easy to be
administered in a typical third-level classroom. Pri-
mary and secondary task measures would have been
intrusive and would have influenced the natural beha-
viour of learners in the classroom. Physiological me-
asures would have been physically obtrusive, requi-
ring expensive equipment to be attached to the body
of each learner. The next sections describe the three
MWL assessment techniques adopted in the current
study, describing their formalism to produce a quanti-
fiable score of mental workload.
2.3 Subjective Workload Techniques
The NASA Task Load Index (NASATLX) instru-
ment (Hart, 2006) belongs to the category of self-
assessment measures. It has been validated in the
aviation industry and in other contexts within Ergo-
nomics (Hart, 2006; Rubio et al., 2004) with several
applications in many socio-technical domains. It is
a combination of six factors believed to influence
MWL. Each factors is quantified with a subjective
judgement coupled with a weight computed via a pai-
red comparison procedure. Subjects are required to
decide, for each possible pair (binomial coefficient,
= 15) of the 6 factors, ‘which of the two contri-
buted the most to mental workload during the task’,
such as ‘Mental or Temporal Demand?’, and so forth.
The weights w are the number of times each dimen-
sion was selected. In this case, the range is from 0
(not relevant) to 5 (more important than any other at-
tribute). The final MWL score is computed as a weig-
hed average, considering the subjective rating of each
attribute d
and the correspondent weights w
ged here, and scaled in [1..100] for comparison
purposes - equation 1). For the NASA-TLX question-
naire we refer the reader to (Longo, 2017).
NASAT LX : [0..100] =
× w
The Workload Profile (WP) assessment procedure
(Tsang and Velazquez, 1996) is built upon the Mul-
tiple Resource Theory proposed in Wickens (2008).
In this theory, individuals are seen as having different
capacities or ‘resources’ related to:
stage of information processing percep-
tual/central processing and response se-
code of information processing – spatial/verbal;
input – visual and auditory processing;
output – manual and speech output.
Each dimension is quantified through subjective ra-
tes and subjects, after task completion, are required
to rate the proportion of attentional resources used for
performing it with a value in the range 0..1 . A ra-
ting of 0 means that the task placed no demand while
1 indicates that it required maximum attention. The
aggregation strategy is a simple sum of the 8 rates d
(averaged here, and scaled in [1..100] for com-
parison purposes - equation 2). For details about the
questionnaire associated to it we refer the reader to
(Longo, 2017).
W P : [0..100] W P =
× 100 (2)
The Rating Scale Mental Effort (RSME) is a unidi-
mensional procedure that considers the exerted sub-
ject’s effort, and subjective ratings are indicated
across a continuous line, within the interval 0 to 150
with ticks each 10 units (scale 3). Labels such as ‘ab-
solutely no effort’, ‘considerable effort’ and ‘extreme
effort’ are used along the line. The final mental wor-
kload of a subject is related to the exerted effort in-
dicated on the line by the subject, from the origin of
the scale (zero). Although the procedure is relatively
simple and quick, it has showed a good degree of sen-
sitivity. However, on the other hand, it has demonstra-
ted to have a poor diagnostic capacity (Zijlstra, 1993).
For details about the scale, its history, and develop-
ment, we refer the reader to Zijlstra (1993).
RSME : [0..150] (3)
2.4 Cognitive Theory of Multimedia
Another popular cognitivist theory of learning is the
Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning (CTML),
proposed by Prof. Mayer (2002, 2017). This theory
is strictly supported by other learning theories, inclu-
ding Sweller’s theory of Cognitive Load. CTML is
based upon three assumptions:
dual-channel - two separate channels exist for pro-
cessing information in the human brain, namely
the auditory and the visual channel; this assump-
tion has been inspired by the dual-coding appro-
ach of Paivio (1990);
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
limited processing capacity - each channel has a
finite, limited capacity; this is in line with the
assumption of Cognitive Load Theory (Sweller
et al., 1998) and aligned to Baddeley’s models of
working memory (Baddeley and Hitch, 1974);
active processing - learning is an active process
that includes the selection, the filtering, the orga-
nisation of information and the integration of this
to prior knowledge
Humans can process a finite amount of information
in each channel at a time. In details, according to
the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning, the hu-
man brain does not interpret multimedia instructions
made by words, auditory information and pictures in
a mutually exclusive way. On the contrary, all these
forms of information are firstly selected and then or-
ganised dynamically to produce mental logical repre-
sentations (schemas). These are particular cognitive
constructs able to organise information for storage in
long-term memory. In details, schemas are capable
of organising simpler elements in a way these can
subsequently act as elements in higher-order schemas.
Learning coincides with the development of complex
schema and the transferring of those procedures that
are learned from controlled processing to automated
processing. This shift frees working memory that can
be used for other cognitive processes. Mayer (2005)
suggested five ways of representing words and pictu-
res while information is processed in memory. These
are particular stages of processing information. The
first is the words and pictures in the multimedia pre-
sentation layer. The second form includes the acou-
stic (sounds) and iconic representation (images) in
sensory memory. The third form concerns the sounds
and images within working memory. The fourth form
coincides with the verbal and pictorial models, always
within working memory. The fifth form relates prior
knowledge, or schemas, stored in long-term memory.
In relation to instructional design, Mayer proposed a
set of principles for creating instructions aligned to
the above limitations of the brain and the dual-channel
paradigm of learning. Readers can obtain more in-
formation on the principles in Mayer (2009). Gene-
rally speaking, these design principles suggest to pro-
vide learners with coherent instructional material in
the form of verbal and pictorial information. Cohe-
rent information is aimed at guiding the learners to
select the relevant words and pictures therefore re-
ducing the cognitive load in each elicited channel.
CTML is strictly connected to the Cognitive Load
Theory because its twelve principles can be grou-
ped according to the three types of loads - reducing
extraneous load: coherence, signaling, redundancy,
spatial contiguity, temporal contiguity; managing in-
trinsic load - segmenting, pre-training, modality fos-
tering; germane load - multimedia, personalisation,
voice, image. These principles have emerged from
more than 100 studies conducted in the field (Mayer,
2009). In addition to these, advanced principles have
been proposed by Mayer in a number of papers, and
recently updated (Mayer, 2017). This demonstrates
how his theory is a dynamic one, suggesting how the
principles should not be taken rigidly, but rather as
a starting point for discussion and experimentation.
Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning has been
described for providing the readers with those key ele-
ments necessary for the comprehension of the primary
research experiment presented in the next section.
A primary research experiment has been designed
to investigate the reliability and the validity of the
three aforementioned subjective mental workload as-
sessment techniques (NASA, WP, RSME) as well
as their sensitivity to discriminate different design
conditions. An experiment has been conducted in
the School of Computing at the Dublin Institute of
Technology, Ireland, in the context of an MSc mo-
dule: ‘Research design and proposal writing’. This
module is usually taught both to full-time and part-
time students. The main difference between full-
timers and part-timers is the way classes are plan-
ned for them. Full-timers attend 12 classes within
an academic semester, of 2 hours each, on a day of
the week. Part-timers attend 4 classes of 6 hours,
within an academic semester. Each class is scheduled
on a Saturday and are usually separated by a period
of 3 to 4 weeks of inactivity. Full-timers have usu-
ally no break during their classes, while part-timers,
given the long day in class, have two to three bre-
aks (coffees and lunch). In this primary research, the
part-time cohort has been chosen, and only the first
class (out of four) has been selected. Four topics were
presented to part-timers during the first class (Satur-
day): ‘Science’, ‘The Scientific Method’ ‘Planning
Research’ and ‘Literature Review’. The subsequents
classes were focused on more practical and collabo-
rative activities where students had to put in practice
theoretical notions. The rationale behind the selection
of the part-time cohort and the first class are various.
The first reason is due to the nature of the taught sub-
ject: theoretical at the beginning of the semester and
more practical towards its end. This would have al-
lowed the delivery of the four topics, during the first
class, in a controlled one-way style, from the lecturer
On the Reliability, Validity and Sensitivity of Three Mental Workload Assessment Techniques for the Evaluation of Instructional Designs: A
Case Study in a Third-level Course
Table 1: Comparison of design conditions according to the principles of Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning.
Principle CLT load type Design condition (A) Design condition (B)
coherence extraneous any extraneous material was kept to minimum.
signaling extraneous cues, in the form of relevant key-
words, with a larger font size
cues (relevant keywords), popped-in in the video to
emphasise the organisation of essential material.
redundancy extraneous graphical aids and use of narrati-
most of text was removed, offloading one channel
(eyes); graphical aids and the use of narratives.
extraneous corresponding words and pictures were placed beside each other and not in different
slides or screens.
extraneous corresponding words and pictures
were presented at the same time
corresponding words (verbally transmitted) and
pictures were presented at the same time.
segmenting intrinsic the instructional material was pre-
sented in a single unit
the instructional material is presented in segments,
separated by video transitions.
pre-training intrinsic no pre-training was offered to students.
modality intrinsic printed text is kept in the slides
and verbally explained
printed text is removed, offloading one channel
(eyes) and verbally explained (ears.)
multimedia germane words and pictures.
personalisation germane words are presented using a conversational style and not a formal style
voice germane the words are spoken by the lecturer and not by an artificial machine voice.
image germane no video was used, thus no spea-
ker’s image was available
the lecturer’s image was most of the time kept in
the video, sometimes using the full space available
or using half-space, with the second half used for
important pieces of text or pictures. Other times,
the image was removed and important sentences
were textually presented in the full screen.
to the students. In other words, this would have faci-
litated the application of the three subjective mental
workload assessment techniques - the NASA-TLX,
the Workload Profile and the Rating Scale Mental Ef-
fort - at the end of the delivery of each topic, wit-
hout interruptions. The second reason lies in the ease
of manipulation of this traditional one-way delivery
method without altering the content of each topic. In
fact, by keeping the content constant, a number of de-
livery methods could have been employed, including
for instance, a verbal presentation of the content bac-
ked up with a set of slides projected on a white bo-
ard; a verbal presentation of the content with relevant
keywords written on a black-board; a verbal presenta-
tion of the content supported by diagrams; a multime-
dia presentation making use of pictorial and acoustic
material and many others. The third reason refers to
the state of mind of each individual learner during the
long class. In fact, students were expected to loose
interest during the day, with a constant reduction of
their engagement and the effort exerted towards le-
arning. All these factors along with other individual
characteristics of each learner were expected to incre-
ase the overall cognitive load towards the upper limit,
due to fatigue, or to decrease it towards the lower li-
mit, due to boredom. For experimental purposes, and
taking into account the above rationale, two design
conditions were eventually formed. These conditions
were built according to the design principles of the
Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning (CTML) -
as described in section 2.4. In detail, the differences
between the two design conditions are described in ta-
ble 1, grouped by the underpinning principles of the
CTML. Figure 2 summarises the full research design.
Figure 2: Layout of the design of the experiment.
Research Hypotheses. Informally, the research
hypotheses are that the NASA Task Load Index, the
Workload Profile and the Rating scale mental effort
are reliable and valid measures of mental workload
when applied in an educational context. If this will
be the case, then the extent to which these instru-
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 2: Criteria for the evaluation of different mental workload assessment techniques, their definition, associated statistical
tests and the expectations for this primary research.
Criteria Definition Associated
Reliability the consistency or stability of a MWL measurement Cronbach’s Alpha high
the extent to which a MWL measurement is subjectively viewed as
covering the construct of MWL itself
Pearson/ Spear-
man correlation
positive &
the degree to which two measures of MWL, expected to be theoreti-
cally related, are in fact related
Pearson/ Spear-
man correlation
positive &
Sensitivity the extent to which a MWL measurement is able to detect changes
in instructional design condition
ANOVA + T-test/
Wilcoxon test
ments can discriminate the two design conditions will
be investigated by computing a measure of their sen-
sitivity. Table 2 formally presents the hypotheses,
listing the criteria for evaluating the selected men-
tal workload measures, their definition, the associated
statistical test and the expected outcome. Note that
both forms of validity are expected to be moderate.
A high degree of face validity would imply that par-
ticipants could subjectively and precisely assess the
construct of mental workload as good as the selected
mental workload measures. Therefore these measu-
res would not have reason to exist as participants coul
precisely assess mental workload autonomously. Si-
milarly, a high degree of convergent validity would
imply that two different measures assess the construct
of mental workload exactly in the same way, but given
the known difficulties in measuring this construct, the
chances that this occurs are low. As a consequence a
positive moderate correlation is expected for both the
forms of validity, underlying a reasonable relationship
of the selected mental workload measures.
3.1 Participants and Procedure
Two different groups of part-time students participa-
ted in the experimental study and attended the long-
day of the MSc module ‘Research design and pro-
posal writing’ in two different semesters. Both the
groups attended the four topics listed in figure 2 in the
same order (T1-T4). The first group received the first
design condition (DC1) while the second group recei-
ved the second design condition (DC2). At the end of
each topic, students were asked to fill questionnaires
in, aimed at quantifying the mental workload expe-
rienced during the class. The NASA-TLX and the WP
are multi-dimensional and thus require participants to
answer a number of questions. To facilitate the com-
pletion of each questionnaire and not to overload stu-
dents with many questions, two subgroups were for-
med, one receiving the NASA-TLX and one the WP.
Eventually, both the groups received the RSME que-
stionnaire. The rationale was that, being RSME uni-
dimensional, adding one further question to the previ-
ous questionnaires was deemed reasonable. In sum-
mary, the two subgroups are:
sub-group A: the NASA-TLX + the RSME
sub-group B: the WP + the RSME
Students were instructed about the study and were re-
quired to sign a consent form. This documentation
was approved by the ethics committee of the Dublin
Institute of Technology. Students had the right to wit-
hdrawn at any time during the experiment and col-
lection of data. The formation of the two subgroups
was random for each topic, therefore students could
receive any questionnaire at any given time. Table
3 summarises the groups and sub-groups formed, ag-
gregated by topic and the design condition received. It
also lists the number of students who participated, and
the length of each topic. Note that some of the stu-
dent who took part in the experimental study did not
fully complete the administered questionnaires, there-
fore associated data was discarded. Additionally, due
to the fact that each class was rather long (7 hours),
some student left the classroom at some stage. As a
consequence, the number of people who attended a
topic within the day was not the same across topics.
Table 4 presents the descriptive statistics of each sub-
group introduced in table 3. In details, it shows the
average (avg), the standard deviation (std), the median
(med) and the Shapiro-Wilk test (W) of normality of
the distributions, along its p-value (p-val), of the men-
tal workload scores obtained across the different to-
pics and the mental workload assessment techniques
(NASA, WP, RSME), grouped by design condition
(DC1, DC2) and topic (T1-T4). As it is possible to
On the Reliability, Validity and Sensitivity of Three Mental Workload Assessment Techniques for the Evaluation of Instructional Designs: A
Case Study in a Third-level Course
Table 3: Descriptions of topics, design condition, groups, workload instruments received and number of students per group.
sub-groups (# of students)
Length (mins)
(group) A (RSME+NASA) B (RSME+WP)
T1 - Science DC1 8 11 62.00
T2 - The scientific method DC1 10 13 46.00
T3 - Planning research DC1 11 9 54.00
T4 - Literature Review DC1 11 9 41.00
T1 - Science DC2 13 13 17.24
T2 - The scientific method DC2 12 12 27.50
T3 - Planning research DC2 11 11 10.34
T4 - Literature Review DC2 13 11 18.14
Table 4: Descriptions of topics, design condition received, mental workload questionnaires administered and descriptive
statistics for each subgroup (average, standard deviation, median, Shapiro-Wilk test (W) of normality with p-value and 95%
confidence level).
Mental Workload assessment technique
Topic Condition
avg std med W/p-val avg std med W/p-val avg std med W/p-val
T1 DC1 45.0 09.0 45.0 0.95 / 0.69 55.9 20.6 53.1 0.94 / 0.54 45.6 23.9 40.0 0.88 / 0.03
T2 DC1 54.3 11.6 54.0 0.94 / 0.54 51.0 16.5 51.8 0.95 / 0.54 59.7 25.9 60.0 0.96 / 0.57
T3 DC1 50.2 12.8 53.6 0.90 / 0.25 50.2 15.9 53.1 0.91 / 0.29 54.9 20.8 51.5 0.90 / 0.04
T4 DC1 46.0 13.6 49.6 0.96 / 0.78 52.1 5.60 53.7 0.91 / 0.30 56.7 21.2 55.0 0.95 / 0.30
T1 DC2 40.8 17.1 37.3 0.89 / 0.11 42.4 14.9 38.7 0.94 / 0.44 43.6 19 .0 40.0 0.90 / 0.01
T2 DC2 49.4 10.4 48.1 0.98 / 0.99 55.0 09.5 54.0 0.93 / 0.35 61.4 19.0 62.5 0.93 / 0.09
T3 DC2 47.3 13.0 50.0 0.97 / 0.90 43.5 13.7 43.1 0.98 / 0.94 47.9 18.3 47.5 0.93 / 0.14
T4 DC2 52.2 16.4 48.3 0.96 / 0.74 45.5 19.2 44.3 0.90 / 0.17 59.0 19.0 52.5 0.91 / 0.04
assess from table 4, most of the p-values (p-val) or
the Shapiro-Wilk test (W) are greater than the cho-
sen alpha level (α = 0.05), thus for most of the sub-
groups, the null hypothesis that the data came from
a normally distributed population cannot be rejected
(is accepted). As a consequence, most of the MWL
scores across the topics follow a normal distribution.
Reliability. To assess the reliability of the selected
mental workload instruments, Cronbach’s Alpha has
been employed. It measures the internal consistency
of the items of a multi-dimensional instrument, that
means, how closely related these items are as a group.
For this reason, the Rating Scale Mental Effort is not
subject to reliability analysis as it is uni-dimensinal.
Table 5 shows the Cronbach’s Alpha coefficients of
the other two selected multidimensional mental wor-
kload assessment instruments, namely the NASA-
TLX and the Workload Profile, obtained by conside-
ring all the answers of students across all the topics
and design conditions. In most sciences, a reliability
coefficient of .70 or higher is considered acceptable
to infer that a scale is a consistent measure of a con-
struct. Therefore, both the Nasa Task Load Index and
the Workload Profile can be considered reliable mea-
sures of mental workload, as assessed with the data
collected in this primary research. To confirm the
obtained high reliability, Cronbach’s Alpha has been
computed also for each topic and design condition.
Table 6 demonstrates how the reliability scores are
mostly above 0.7 across the topics and design condi-
tions. Therefore there is a strong evidence suggesting
how the NASA-TLX and Workload Profile might be
reliably applied in educational contexts.
Table 5: Reliability of the multidimensional mental wor-
kload scales with sample size, related number of items in
the scales and associated Cronbach’s Alpha.
Instrument Sample size # of items Cronbach’s α
NASA 89 6 0.75
WP 89 8 0.87
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 6: Reliability of the multidimensional mental wor-
kload scales, namely the Nasa Task Load Index and the
Workload Profile, grouped by topic.
Mental Workload Instruments
(group) Size C’s α Size C’s α
T1 DC1 8 0.72 11 0.94
T2 DC1 10 0.68 13 0.89
T3 DC1 11 0.59 9 0.93
T4 DC1 11 0.86 9 0.23
T1 DC2 13 0.85 13 0.82
T2 DC2 12 0.45 12 0.6
T3 DC2 11 0.76 11 0.83
T4 DC2 13 0.81 11 0.92
How much mental workload the teaching session im-
posed on you?
optimal load
Figure 3: Question for face validity detection.
Validity. To assess the validity of the three selected
MWL assessment instruments, two sub-forms of vali-
dity were selected, namely face and convergent vali-
dity. The former measures the extent to which a MWL
measurement is subjectively viewed as covering the
construct of MWL itself while the latter measures the
degree to which two measures of MWL, expected to
be theoretically related, are in fact related. To assess
face validity, a question of overall MWL has been as-
ked to students after the completion of each topic (fi-
gure 3) and before the completion of the MWL questi-
onnaires (NASA/WP). Answers to this new question
have been correlated to the MWL scores of the ot-
her MWL techniques (NASA/WP/RSME). To assess
convergent validity, the MWL scores produced by
the multidimensional NASA-TLX and the WP instru-
ments have been correlated against the MWL scores
produced by the unidimensional RSME instrument.
Note that this was possible because a participant filled
in the questionnaire associated to the NASA-TLX or
WP and the RSME. Correlation between the NASA-
TLX and WP cannot be computed because no parti-
cipant received both the questionnaires associated to
these instruments at the same time. Both the Pear-
son and the Spearman’s Rank correlation coefficients
have been employed for computing validity. Tables 7,
8 respectively shows the correlations for face validity
and convergent validity.
Table 7: Face validity of the mental workload assessment
instruments, sample size, Pearson and Spearman correlation
Instrument Sample size Pearson r Spearman ρ
NASA 89 0.57 0.61
WP 89 0.51 0.56
RSME 178 0.44 0.42
Table 8: Convergent validity of the mental workload as-
sessment instruments, sample size, Pearson and Spearman
correlation coefficients.
Instrument size Pearson r Spearman ρ
NASA-TLX vs RSME 89 0.45 0.43
WP vs RSME 89 0.40 0.48
Sensitivity. The sensitivity of the selected MWL in-
struments has been calculated performing and analy-
sis of the variance of their MWL fscores. A formal
comparison has been carried out to check whether
the distributions of the MWL scores for each topic
are statistically significant different across the two de-
sign conditions (table 9). Independent two-sample T-
Tests (t) have been adopted in most of the cases, when
the two underlying distributions are normal, while the
Wilcoxon signed-rank test (V ) when distributions are
not normal. In table 9, all the p-values associated to
the T -tests are greater than 0.05, therefore it is possi-
ble to conclude that the means of the two groups under
comparison are significantly similar. Similarly, since
the p-values associated to the V -tests are greater than
0.05, it is possible to conclude that the means have
remained essentially unchanged. These findings con-
firm that there is no difference between the first design
condition and the second design condition across the
four topics in terms of mental workload variation.
Two multidimensional and a unidimensional sub-
jective mental workload (MWL) assessment techni-
que, borrowed from the discipline of Ergonomics,
have been employed in a novel primary research ex-
periment within Education. The former are the Nasa
Task Load Index (Hart, 2006) and the Workload Pro-
file (Tsang and Velazquez, 1996) while the latter is
the Rating Scale Mental Effort (Zijlstra, 1993). These
instruments have been applied in a typical third-level
classroom in the context of a module taught in the
School of Computing, to part-time master students,
On the Reliability, Validity and Sensitivity of Three Mental Workload Assessment Techniques for the Evaluation of Instructional Designs: A
Case Study in a Third-level Course
Table 9: Comparison of distributions of the workload scores using t-test and Wilcoxon-test at 95% confidence level.
t p-val V p-val t p-val V p-val t p-val V p-val
T1 0.64 0.53 69 0.22 1.86 0.08 104 0.06 0.32 0.75 252.5 0.9
T2 1.04 0.31 74 0.36 -0.74 0.47 61.5 0.37 -0.26 0.8 271 0.91
T3 0.52 0.61 69.5 0.55 1 0.33 64 0.29 1.15 0.26 263 0.27
T4 -0.99 0.33 55.5 0.35 0.99 0.34 66.5 0.2 -0.38 0.71 223 0.69
at the Dublin Institute of Technology. The experi-
ment involved the quantification of the experienced
mental workload of two groups of part-time students
who were exposed to two different design conditions
of the same topics. The former condition included
the delivery of four topics by employing a traditio-
nal lecturer-students delivery of instructional material
employing slides projected to a white-board built with
text, pictures and diagrams. The latter condition in-
cluded the delivery of the same four topics through
multimedia video presentations built by following a
set of principles of the Cognitive Theory of Multi-
media Learning Mayer (2009). An analysis of the
reliability of the two multidimensional MWL asses-
sment techniques has been conducted through a me-
asure of their internal consistency. In details, Cron-
bach’s Alpha has been employed to assess the rela-
tion of the items associated to each technique. An
obtained alpha value of 0.75 for the NASA task Load
Index suggested that all its items share high covari-
ance and probably measure the underlying construct
(mental workload). The situation is similar for the
Workload Profile with an even higher alpha of 0.87.
Although the standards for what can be considered
a ‘good’ alpha coefficient are entirely arbitrary and
depend on the theoretical knowledge of the scales in
question, results are in line with what literature re-
commends: a minimum coefficient between 0.65 and
0.8 is required for reliability. Having reliable multidi-
mensional measures of mental workload, an analysis
of their validity has been subsequently performed. In
detail, two forms of validity were assessed: face and
convergent validity. The former validity indicates the
extent to which the three employed MWL measures -
the Nasa Task Load Index, the Workload Profile and
the Rating Scale Mental Effort - are subjectively vie-
wed as covering the construct of MWL itself by sub-
jects. The latter validity indicates the degree to which
the two multidimensional measures of MWL are the-
oretically related to the unidimensional measure. The
obtained Pearson and Spearman coefficients suggest
how the three MWL measures are moderately corre-
lated to the indication of overall MWL self-reported
by subjects, thus demonstrating moderate face vali-
dity. Similarly, correlation coefficients show the mo-
derate relationship that exist between the two multi-
dimensional MWL measures and the unidimensional
MWL measure, thus demonstrating moderate conver-
gent validity. Eventually, with the expected moderate
validity, the sensitivity of the three measures of MWL
was subsequently computed. Sensitivity referred to
the extent to which a MWL measure was able to de-
tect changes in instructional design conditions. In de-
tail, sensitivity was assessed through an analysis of
the variance of the MWL scores associated to the four
topics across the two design conditions with a formal
comparison of their distributions using the T-test or
the Wilcoxon test. Evidence strongly suggests how
the two design conditions imposed on average simi-
lar mental workload to students as computed by the
three MWL assessment techniques. Eventually, given
the strong reliability and moderate validity achieved
by these techniques, a reasonable conclusion is that
the design principles from the Cognitive Theory of
Multimedia Learning (CTML)- used to design the se-
cond condition - were, in this primary research, as not
as effective as expected. Future work might include
the application of more advanced principles of CTML
(Mayer, 2005) to develop additional design conditi-
ons. This might include the application of the naviga-
tion principle by which humans learn better in envi-
ronments where appropriate navigational aids are pro-
vided or the collaborative principle by which people
learn better when involved in collaborative activities.
This study attempted to investigate the impact of
three mental workload (MWL) assessment techni-
ques, namely the NASA Task Load Index, the
Workload Profile and the Rating Scale Mental
Effort, for the evaluation of different instructional
design conditions. A primary research study has
been performed in a typical third-level classroom
and a case study involved the consideration of two
design conditions. The former condition included
the delivery of four topics by employing a traditional
lecturer-students delivery of instructional material
employing textual and pictorial slides projected
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
to a white-board, including diagrams. The latter
condition included the delivery of the same content
through multimedia videos built by employing a set
of principles from Cognitive Theory of Multimedia
Learning (Mayer, 2009). Evidence strongly suggests
how the three MWL measures are reliable when
applied to a typical third-level classroom. Results
demonstrated their moderate validity, in line with
the validity achieved in other experiments within
Ergonomics. On the contrary, their sensitivity was
very low in discriminating the two design conditions.
However, given the high reliability and modest
validity of the three MWL measures, the achieved
sensitivity might reasonably underlines the minimal
impact of the principles of Cognitive Theory of Mul-
timedia Learning for developing the second design
condition and alter the experienced mental workload
by learners. The contributions of this research are to
offer a new perspective on the application of mental
workload measures within the field of Education,
and a richer approach to support instructional design.
Additionally, contrarily to the lack of falsifiability
of Cognitive Load Theory and its load types, as
emerged in the literature, this study conforms to the
Popperian’s view of science, this being replicable and
falsifiable. Every single test of existing methods of
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at increasing our understanding and the ways this
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toral thesis, Delft University, The Netherlands.
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education