Top management is often unaware of the value of
UX practices, which makes it harder to invest in
human resources, physical space as a test lab, and
acquisition of tools.
Interviewees report that the improvements in the
inclusion of practices usually happen when the
project leader or a practitioner experienced in the
methods can, from opportunities that arise in some
projects, show the team the results obtained
regarding satisfaction of the user.
Respondents also say that processes are difficult
to establish in a top-down and immediate way, it
takes time for maturation, understanding by every
team of the practices and contexts in which they
apply. Especially if we think of the diversity that is
the ecosystem of applications, tools, and techniques
in information technology.
As for training, in many ways, they have also
been carried out ad-hoc.
UX-related metrics are not defined and managed
in respondent organizations, with few exceptions.
Some have testified that the creation of interview
templates, personas, test scripts is carried out by
them, but that is still a not frequent practice. While
realizing the importance, the overload of the
designer's tasks prevents him from engaging in this
However, they do not consider it simple to adopt
strategies for gaining maturity in user experience
design practices. Among the reasons for complexity,
they highlight essential factors recommended in the
literature, such as the importance of the support of
the high executive levels, awareness of the
importance of UX practices, and their strategic value
in making business-related decisions.
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