
mainly to accommodate the Twitter Search API
restrictions. The Streaming API prototype us-
ing Docker/ELB has proven successful, the five
American cities can be ported to this architecture
with minimal difficulty.
This work has built on previous investigations, fur-
ther exploring temporal implications of population es-
timations from social media data. A new architecture
was deployed, new data from Lisbon, Portugal was
attained, and a modern bot detection algorithm was
explored. Using removal techniques from previous
work, experiments were run on different time peri-
ods, in multiple cities, to create a baseline minimum
amount of time that collection code would have to run
(6-8 weeks), before a population estimation with rea-
sonable confidence can be obtained. This is pertinent
when a new geographic area is being investigated, or
a new social media feed is being implemented for an
existing area. Having a minimum viable time period
can bring a greater confidence to the end user when
leveraging this method for population estimation.
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GISTAM 2018 - 4th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management