An Architecture to Enhance a Reference Management System with
Recommendations from Open Linked Data
María Hallo
and Sergio Luján-Mora
Department of Informatics and Computer Science, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Quito, Ecuador
Department of Software and Computing Systems, University of Alicante, Alicante, Spain
Keywords: Content-based Recommender Systems, Open Linked Data, Reference Management Software.
Abstract: Reference management software helps students and researchers to store and to cite publications in different
citing formats. Common features of reference management software include advanced searching, reference
libraries and generation of citations. Some implementations help users to be connected to digital libraries to
get the article metadata of interest. Some researchers need to manage references of publications from open
access journals because of the elimination of barriers such as the price to get publications. However, the
number of publications grows each year and the researchers devote so much time to the retrieval, analysis and
management of bibliographic information. To solve this problem, in this work, we present a framework to
support the search, download and management of bibliographic information. A content-based recommender
module based on Open Linked Data is included into the framework. The metadata of the research publications
and the corresponding PDF files links are extracted using the recommender module and the Application
Program Interface from the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). The results are presented to the user
for the selection process. The metadata of the selected publications are stored in a local database integrated in
a bibliographic management system. A prototype was developed and was tested with information from open
access journals managed by the DOAJ.
Reference management is a hard task for researchers.
At present, the researchers have access to more
information than they can consume and most of the
retrieved publications are not so relevant. The search
for related work is a hard consuming task for
researchers. The number of publications grows each
year and the open access initiative helps to have better
diffusion to some of those publications.
Some programs have been used to collect research
literature helping to organize communities for sharing
research literature (Ayers & Priedhorsky, 2011), such
as: Wikindx, Zotero, Mendeley, Reworks,
Referencer, JabRef, Kbibtex, EndNote, Readcube,
etc. (Kaur & Dhindsa, 2016). However, most of these
tools do not have an associated recommender system.
Recommender systems for research publications
are useful applications to help researchers to know the
state of the research in a specific topic. A good
recommender system is one that recommends the
most relevant items considering the user preferences
and goals (Beel, Langer & Genzmehr, 2013).
There are several types of recommender systems.
Content-based filtering has been used in several
recommender systems for reference management
such as: Dblib, Rec4LRW and TechLens (Torres et
al, 2004). Mendeley Suggest combine content based
recommendation with collaborative filtering (Jack et
al, 2016). The main problem in those solutions is
matching domain specific schemas. In collaborative
recommendations the main problem is the lack of
standards for data portability to integrate data from
different sources (Passant & Vojta, 2010).
Generally, recommender systems have been built
based on user preferences, interactions and resource
descriptions. A new approach of recommender
systems based on interlinked data has been reported
in several studies, enabling better integration of
resources between applications (Peska, 2013). The
common representation formats for Linked data,
typically is Resource Description Framework (RDF),
a language to represent machine-readable statements
in the form of triples <subject> <predicate> <object>.
The common semantics of this data is represented
using ontologies and related languages, i.e. RDFS
Hallo, M. and Luján-Mora, S.
An Architecture to Enhance a Reference Management System with Recommendations from Open Linked Data.
DOI: 10.5220/0006804104890496
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2018), pages 489-496
ISBN: 978-989-758-291-2
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(W3C, 2014), OWL (W3C, 2004); and SPARQL
(W3C, 2008). Some research has been reported using
Linked Data on content-based recommender systems
(Di Noia, 2012). Linked Data is a set of best practices
to publish an interlinked data on the Web, and it is the
basis of an interconnected global data space where
data providers publish their content publicly
(Berners-Lee, 2006).
According to (Figueroa et al, 2015) the main
research contributions in content-based recommender
systems using Linked Data are resumed on: a) the
definition or extension of a similarity measures, b) the
definition or extension of an ontology, c) the
definition or extension of recommender algorithms,
d) the information enrichment.
In this paper we present a framework for a
reference management system including a content-
based filtering recommender approach based on Open
Linked Data for open access to scientific
publications. Using this proposed framework, a
prototype system has been developed. This system
has been tested with information from the Directory
of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) for the initial search
combined with information from ACM publication
metadata for the recommendations.
The rest of the paper is structured as follow: In
Section 2, we introduce related work. In Section 3, we
present the architecture of the proposed solution. In
Section 4, the results of a system implementation
using the proposed framework is described. Finally,
in Section 5, we show the conclusions and future
Recommender systems are used to increase the user
satisfaction and precision of the retrieved
information. They help users to find their items of
interest (Ricci, 2011). There are several
classifications of recommender systems, one of them
De Gemmis & Semeraro, 2011) presents three
groups of recommender systems: Content-based,
collaborative filtering and knowledge-based
recommender systems.
Content-based recommender systems match up
the attributes of a user profile, constructed by user’s
past interest, with the information extracted from the
item in order to recommend to the user new
interesting items. Collaborative filtering (CF)
recommender systems makes recommendations to a
user based on items that other users liked in the past
(Goldberg et al, 1999). The main problem is to obtain
sufficient number of ratings to have a useful system.
Knowledge recommender systems are based on
specific domain knowledge about item features and
their corresponding matching with user preferences
(Ricci et al, 2011). Ontologies and Linked Data can
be used to improve the search based on domain
concepts and open data structure as Linked Data
(Hallo et al, 2016). There are also hybrid
recommender systems which use the combination of
the advantages of the previous cited techniques based
on the better features of each one. Additional methods
such as citation analysis (Vellino, 2015), taxonomic
topic expansion (Zarrinkalam & Kahani, 2012), query
expansion (Lüke et al, 2012) or term recommender
(Lüke et al, 2013) were also studied to enhance CF
There are reported recommender systems for
reference management enabling researchers to
control their research paper metadata, annotations and
PDF files. A Research Paper Recommender System
(RPRS) suggests research papers to the users
according to their personal preferences.
Most of the RPRS use content-based
recommender systems; few of them use collaborative
filtering or knowledge-based recommendations (Pohl
et al, 2007). Open Linked Data has been proposed to
improve the relevance of the retrieved items.
In Linked Open Data cloud there are millions of
RDF triples distributed in several datasets (Yang,
2010). This data, in RDF format, could be used to
enhance research paper recommender systems.
Following, we describe some of the studies related to
Linked Data-enable recommender systems, dataset
used and algorithms to produce recommendations.
In 2017, a SKOS Recommender Prototype which
produce scalable recommendations through
SPARQL-like query from Linked Data repositories
was proposed (Wenige & Rughland, 2017). This
system offers a combination of similar resource
retrieval and graph pattern matching. In other study.
Ammami et al (2016) developed a Latent Dirichlet
allocation (LDA)-based approach to scientific paper
recommendation. In this proposal the core idea is to
exploit the topics related to the authored articles to
formally define the author’s profile using topic
modelling and language modelling to represent the
recommender papers. The recommendation
technique is based on the closeness of the language
used in the research papers and the one used in the
recommender papers. This proposal alleviates the
cold start problem typical of collaborative filtering
techniques. In other study, Meymandpour et al (2013)
report a hybrid recommender system based on Linked
Open Data which could be also used for scientific
paper recommendation. In this study the
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
recommendation method is based on the measure of
the semantic similarity of the resources combined
with user ratings. The features of each item are
extracted based on the relations with their neighbours.
Each link has a weight which could be assigned by
the experts. This system also work in absence of
ratings for items.
Beel et al. (2013) recommend to consider the
impact of the labelling in research paper
recommendations. In that work the nature of the
recommendation was analysed finding that the
institutional recommendations have better acceptance
than the sponsored recommendations. For all the
proposals it was necessary to have open RDF data sets
to improve the recommendations.
There are some bibliographic data sets available
on the Linked Open Data. RKBexplorer is a Semantic
Web application containing information from several
sources such as: DBLP, ACM, IEEE, Citeseer.
(Glaser et al, 2007). The datasets are available
through an SQL endpoints and resolvable
URIs. Semantic Web Dog Food is other large
structured dataset that focuses on the publications
from the Semantic Web community (Hu et al, 2015).
For the recommendations, Passant (2010) propo-
sed a semantic distance measure and collaborative
filtering approach based on Linked Data.
In relation to similarity measures, the studies
selected applied a variety of similarity measures
(Cheniki et al, 2016). These include pairwise cosine
function for vector similarity computation between
items, feature-based similarity to evaluate semantic
distance on different datasets, rating-based similarity
to compute the popularity of items among users.
Semantic similarity is also used based on diverse
relationships that can be found between concepts of
Linked Data datasets. Such relationships can be paths,
links or shared topics among a set of items. In
addition topic-based similarity has been used
capturing the relatedness between items based on the
categories they belong to (Figueroa et al., 2015).
Recommendations of a document x are based on the
most related to x in descending order (Hajra et al,
In this section we describe the proposed technical
architecture to integrate the open source reference
management system Wikindex with a recommender
module based on Open Linked Data. Open Linked
Data from ACM metadata has been used for the test.
In the Figure 1, we present the technical architecture,
where each component and the information flow
between them are shown. Following, we describe the
components of the architecture: Integration Module,
Extraction Module, Reference Management Module,
and Recommender Module.
3.1 Integration Module
The integration module receives the query terms
(keywords, title, abstract or author) from the user and
it calls the extraction module to get the searched
publications. This module also presents the retrieved
publications to the user.
Figure 1: Technical Architecture.
An Architecture to Enhance a Reference Management System with Recommendations from Open Linked Data
3.2 Extraction Module
This module extracts the searched publications from
DOAJ database. The retrieved publications are
selected to be stored in a Wikindx local database. The
user could also add notes and additional files.
3.3 Recommender Module
An Open Linked Data content-based recommender
module is used to retrieve the article metadata that
better fits the search keywords from the DOAJ
selected publications. A scientific research paper
dataset in RDF is used to get the recommendations.
This module, adapted from the proposal of
Meymandpour (2013), has two components: semantic
information retrieval, and resource ranking.
3.3.1 Semantic Information Retrieval
In this step, facts and relations related to the selected
resources are extracted from several open linked data
sources after checking the quality of them. In our
proposal we consider for the recommendation the
elements: Resource (R), Category (C) and the
relations between them: R - R, R - C, C - C. (Figueroa
et al., 2105).
a) R-R are relations between resources based on
similar features. i.e. similar shared authors or
key-words. We considered that two articles are
similar in an RDF graph if they are the subjects
of two RDF triples having the same property and
the same object. (i.e. objects from the same
b) R-C are relationships between a resource and a
category represented by the RDF property
rdf:type and the SKOS properties skos:subject ,
skos:isSubjectOf or dcterms:subject from the
Dublin Core vocabulary.
c) C-C are hierarchical relationships between
categories. They can be represented by using
RDFS property rdfs:subClassOf or the SKOS
property skos:narrower or skos:broader.
Thesaurus terms are linked with each other with
semantic relations such as “broader”, “narrower” or
“related”. The Thesaurus is an instrument to index
and retrieve subject-specific information.
Given an initial resource (or a set of initial ones)
a set of candidate resources linked to them located at
a predefined distance are generated. The resources are
retrieved based on the links R-R, R-C and C-C.
Following we present some SPARQL queries
used to find the resources for recommendation.
Find categories (?catRURI) of the resource
PREFIX dcterms:
<RURI> dcterms:subject ?catRURI}.
Find candidate resources (?cRURI) of the same
category <catRURI>:
PREFIX dcterms : <http ://
/dc/ terms />
?cRURI dcterms : subject <catRURI
>} .
Find candidate resources ?cr1URI linked to the
resource < RURI>.
#output links
{<RURI> ?link ?cr1URI.}
#input links
{?cr1URI ?link <RURI>.}
3.3.2 Resources Ranking
For ranking the candidate resources, Passant propose
to calculate the Linked Data semantic distance
(LDSD) based on the number of direct input and
output links between two resources. In this proposal
the links came from a specific domain (Passant,
The SPARQL query that counts input and output
direct links between an initial resource (<inUrI>) and
a resource (<cRURI>) from the set of candidate
resources is:
# output links
{ <inURI > ?links <cRURI >. }
# input links
{ <cRURI > ?links <inURI >.}
The similarity of two resources (r1, r2) is
measured by:
LDSD (r1, r2) =1/(1+Cdout +Cdin) (1)
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Cdout is the number of direct output links (from r1 to
r2), Cdin is the number of direct input links. Using
these SPARQL queries, the ranking algorithm
calculates the LDSD for each pair of resources
composed of an initial resource and each of the
resources obtained from the previous step. The same
author test also another measure of similarity
considering direct and indirect links but the results are
not so much different.
3.4 Reference Management Module
Wikindx has been selected to be integrated with the
extraction and the recommender modules. Wikindx is
a free open source bibliographic management system.
Its main characteristics are (
Mucnjak, D. 2008):.
The system allows editing or creating
bibliographic styles through a graphical
The articles can be reformatted to another
citation style.
The user can import and export other
bibliographic formats including BibTeX or
Endnote format.
The users can export the bibliography in various
bibliographic styles (APA, Chicago, IEEE).
The system can be used by one or multiple users
in a networked web server for a collaborative
The controller manages the commands for the
model or view.
A system prototype based on the proposed framework
is been developed.
The user interface is developed applying the
model, view, controller (MVC) software architecture
pattern. It divides the application in three
The model stores data to be presented in views.
The view generates outputs to the user.
The sails.js framework and the Bootstrap library
are used for the interface development. Sails.js is a
framework used to easily build web applications.
Bootstrap is an open source toolkit containing HTML
and CCS design templates to develop front end
interfaces. For the metadata extraction, an API from
DOAJ was used to get the search metadata
publications. The metadata were retrieved in a JSON
file. Ajax and JQuery have been used to process the
JSON metadata displaying them on the webpage.
The recommender module is developed based on
information from Open Linked Data and tested with
an ACM scientific research paper dataset, in RDF
format, stored in RKBexplorer. The publication
metadata obtained for the retrieval publications from
DOAJ’s database are title, journal, abstract,
keywords, publisher, category and authors. The users
could record the metadata from the selected
publications in their own local system.
Following we present some SPARQL query tests to
get publications for recommendation:
To find links to a publication.
To find the authors of a publication.
To find other publications of the same authors.
To find other publications of the same area of
Figure 2: Prefix for SPARQL queries.
All the queries use the prefix shown in the Figure 2
and the selected publication identified by the URI
To find links to a publication.
In the Figure 3, we show the results of the indicated
SPARQL query execution to present some links to
the selected publication:
Some properties are found such as rdf:type, akt:has-
title, akt:has-author, akt:addresses-generic-area-of-
33> ?links ?o} Limit 20
PREFIX rdfs:
An Architecture to Enhance a Reference Management System with Recommendations from Open Linked Data
Figure 3: Links to a publication.
To find the authors of a publication.
In the Figure 4, we show the results of the execution
of the indicated SPARQL query to present the names
of the authors of the selected publication and the
results of the execution. The properties used in the
query are akt:has-author and akt:full-name. Different
names for the same author in the publications are also
3> akt:has-author ?a.?a akt:full-
name ?name}
Figure 4: Authors of a publication.
To find other publications of the same authors.
In the Figure 5, we show the results of the indicated
SPARQL query execution to present the titles of the
publications from the same authors of the selected
publication. The properties used in the query are
akt:has-author and akt:has-title.
33> akt:has-author ?a. ?p akt:has-
author ?a. ?p akt:has-title ?t}
Figure 5: Publications from the same author.
To find other publications of the same area of
In the Figure 6, we show the results of the execution
of the SPARQL query to display the titles of the
publications from the same area of interest of the
selected publication. The properties used in the query
are akt:addresses-generic-area-of-interest and
{?p akt:addresses-generic-area-of-
interest ?o.
3> akt:addresses-generic-area-of-
interest ?o. ?p akt:has-title
?t}Limit 20
Figure 6: Publications of the same area of interest.
We demonstrated how Linked Open Data can be used
to get research publications for recommendations.
The proposal architecture has been used to build a
new recommender systems that can operate for a
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
particular domain data. We carried out a preliminary
evaluation using the data and categories from Open
ACM Linked Data resources. It is important to link
the resources of different datasets considering that
each one use different URIs for the resources i.e.
publications or authors. In the future we will make
relevance tests for the rankings and we will also study
the possibilities to scale this solution to manage big
quantities of information. Finally, we will work in:
analyzing a term based recommender module,
integrating other scientific databases and developing
a method to control de quality of the data. We need
also to define criteria for the final system evaluation
of the recommender system.
This publication comes from research conducted in
the project PII-16-06, with the financial support of
Escuela Politécnica Nacional from Quito, Ecuador.
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