Application of Microservices for Digital Transformation of
Data-Intensive Business Processes
Jānis Grabis and Jānis Kampars
Information Technology Institute, Riga Technical University, Kalku 1, Riga, Latvia
Keywords: Business Process Redesign, Digital Transformation, Data Analysis Model, Microservices.
Abstract: Business processes are redesigned as a part of business process management lifecycle and data intensive
activities such as image processing, prediction and classification are increasingly incorporated into business
processes. Data intensive activities often involve usage of data analysis models. It is argued that successful
development and execution of data intensive business processes requires synchronization of business
process redesign and data analysis models development activities. The business process architecture
integrating core business process with data analysis model setup and updating sub-processes is developed.
Business process transformation stages for incorporating data-intensive activities are outlined. The process
redesign and execution is supported by the technical architecture based on microservices. An example of
business process redesign is discussed.
Business processes are subject to continuous
improvement not least because of new technologies
becoming available. There have been multiple cycles
of technology driven business process redesign and
the most recent cycle is frequently referred as to
digital transformation (Zimmermann et al., 2016).
This cycle is characterized by increasing usage of
solutions enabling business process execution
autonomy what is often achieved by relying on
advanced data processing capabilities (Roedder et
al., 2016). Bringing these data processing
capabilities into business processes requires a new
set of development technologies. These technologies
should support simultaneous business process
redesign, development of complex data analysis
models and process execution software as well as
establishing appropriate infrastructure. These
activities concern various domains and require
domain specific knowledge not only during the
process redesign phase but also during business
process execution.
Business process management lifecycle models
and methodologies cover various stages of business
process development (De Morais et al., 2014). They
provide process redesign patterns and guidelines.
However, they provide limited guidance concerning
data processing issues and implementation aspects
are platform dependent. Traditional implementation
platforms such as ERP systems and Business
Process Management (BPM) suites are better
equipped for transaction processing rather than
analytical processing. Additionally, data analysis
models incorporated in data-intensive business
processes have their own lifecycle and often require
extensive computational resources at their disposal.
That requires integration of core business process
activities with activities associated with data
analysis and an ability to provision the required
computational resources.
Business process architecture (Weske, 2007) is
an approach allowing integration of various
dimensions of business process redesign and
execution. Cloud-computing and service-orientation
are two key technologies providing infrastructural
services for running computationally intensive
operations (Moreno-Vozmediano et al., 2013).
The overall goal of the proposed research is to
elaborate a framework for development of data-
intensive business processes. The framework
integrates core business process activities and
activities associated with data analysis for enabling
data-intensive activities (i.e., horizontal business
process architecture integration) as well as considers
development of appropriate computational
infrastructure (i.e., vertical business process
Grabis, J. and Kampars, J.
Application of Microservices for Digital Transformation of Data-Intensive Business Processes.
DOI: 10.5220/0006805207360742
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2018), pages 736-742
ISBN: 978-989-758-298-1
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
architecture integration). It focuses on process
redesign and implementation stages of the business
process management lifecycle.
The objective of this paper is to outline the
proposed transformation approach and to introduce
key components of business process architecture for
transformation of data-intensive business processes.
The data-intensive business process is a process
requiring data of various types and from different
sources as well as analytical data transformations to
guide and automate business process execution. In
this paper, conversion of paper-based documents
(e.g., travel receipts) into meaningful business data
is considered as an example of the data intensive
business process. Optical characters recognition is
used to convert document images into characters and
neural networks are used to extract business data
from the text.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows.
Section two introduces technologies used in
elaboration of the approach. The transformation
approach is presented in Section 3. An application
example is provided in Section 4. Section 5
2.1 Business Process Redesign
Business process is a sequence of activities
performed to achieve specific business goals.
Business processes are continuously improved
through their lifecycle (Van der Aalst et al., 2003).
The improvement cycle includes activities of
process design, modeling, implementation,
monitoring and optimization (De Morais et al.,
2014). Becker et al. (2011) provide guidelines for
the design of business process. The guidelines
include As-Is modeling, analysis of As-Is models,
To-Be modeling and optimization. Process
documentation, usage of reference models and
benchmarking as well as measurement and
simulation methods are used for these purposes.
The process improvement methods rely on a set
of general principles (De Morais et al., 2014) and are
often tailored to specific needs and organizations.
Therefore, there is a large variety of methods.
Reijers and Mansar (2005) define a set of heuristic
rules for business process improvement. The
qualitative evaluation of the heuristic rules is also
provided which helps business analysts to justify
their BP improvement decisions. Barros (2007)
attempts to formalize business improvement
guidelines as reusable patterns. These patterns can
be used to construct business process from existing
best practices. Damij et al. (2008) propose a Tabular
Activities Development methodology, which
addresses both business process improvement and
implementation of information system supporting
the improved business processes. Process simulation
is used to determine the process cycle time and
related measurements are one of the key parts of the
methodology. Dumas et al. (2013) categorize
various process improvement alternative and their
potential impact on process improvement as well as
advocates usage of quantitative models in business
process design. The review of BP improvement
approaches is provided by Zellner (2011). Sidorova
and Isik (2010) present an extensive review of
business process research. They have identified
business process design and business process on-
going management and control as two of the four
cornerstones of core business process research.
Decision Model and Notation allows representing
decision-making logics in business processes (Biard
et al. 2015; Mertens et al., 2017). Although the
authors acknowledge importance of quantitative
analysis and decision-making in business process
design and execution, integration of quantitative
models into business processes is rarely explore
what is especially important since quantitative and
analysis models have their own life-cycle, which
should be synchronized with business process life-
cycle. It is also desired that models should not be
developed for every client using a particular data
intensive business processes. The models are pre-
packaged or provided as a service and only their
configuration is required for particular clients.
The business process architecture is an approach
allowing to combine various dimensions of business
process redesign (Lapouchnian et al., 2015).
Lapouchnian et al. (2017) show that business
process architecture is suitable for design of business
processes requiring cognitive capabilities. The set of
related business processes include processes for
analytical model creation, validation and business
Business processes are implemented and
executed using various technologies. ERP systems
provide monolithic business process development
environment, which is efficient for stable processes
while being difficult to modify and to implement
custom requirements. Business process management
(BPM) suites allow implementing custom processes
and jointly with service-oriented architecture create
Application of Microservices for Digital Transformation of Data-Intensive Business Processes
an environment support flexible modification of the
processes by selecting appropriate services.
However, BPM and to some extent SOA are not
well-suited for data analysis purposes, especially,
requiring integration of various data processing
technologies. Scalability is also achieved at the
expense of efficiency. Business intelligence
technologies are often used to develop data analysis
models though their integration in business
processes is often performed in off-line or ad-hoc
manner (Chou et al., 2005).
Microservices (Dragoni et al., 2017) is a
technology recently gaining prominence as self-
contained light-weight containers of business
services. They allow for high degree of modularity,
containers are created on-demand quickly and with a
little overhead as well as various data processing and
storage technologies can be utilized.
2.2 Requirements
The proposed research focuses specifically on
design and execution of data intensive business
processes. The existing research and industrial
experience suggest that the following requirements
should be considered:
Support for development and tuning of data
analysis models - business process and data
analysis models’ life-cycles should be
synchronized and model development should be
a part of the overall business process redesign
and execution;
Presentation and understanding of data analysis
models - user of data analysis model should
have utmost understanding of models used in
business process execution. That can be
achieved by explaining levers available for
controlling behavior of the models as well as by
providing facilities for experimenting with
models. The experimentation allows
identification of appropriate model usage modes
and understanding of model usage
Modification - data analysis models are subject
of frequent revision as more data become
available and models are refined. The new
models should be evaluated and integrated in
the business processes without affecting the rest
of the process;
Scalability - data analysis models often require
significant computational resources and
decisions should be made during business
process execution for potentially large number
of users. That requires both vertically and
horizontally scalable execution environment;
Flexibility - data analysis models, data used in
the models and model solving algorithms come
in different forms and the development and
execution environment should be flexible to
support usage of the most appropriate data
processing methods and technologies.
The transformation approach consists of three main
components: 1) business process architecture; 2)
transformation process; and 3) technical
architecture. The business process architecture
defines an interrelated set of sub-processes required
to design and run data-intensive business processes.
The transformation process defines steps to be
performed to redesign a traditional business process
into a data-intensive business process. The technical
architecture specifies technologies used to execute
data-intensive business processes.
3.1 Business Process Architecture
The business process architecture consists of three
sub-processes: 1) sub-process of setting up models
of data analysis; 2) actual execution of data-
intensive business process or operations; and 3) sub-
process of updating the data analysis models once
additional data are accumulated during the
operations (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Data-intensive business process architecture.
The operations sub-process is the core business
process providing the required business functions.
Many activities of this process rely on data analysis
models, which are invoked during the process
execution. These models are setup prior to their
usage. The setup sub-process might involve
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
configuration of several models for all data-intensive
activities in the business process. Assuming that a
number of data analysis models for solving the
decision-making problem are available, typical
activities of the setup process are model selection
(e.g., exponential smoothing or moving average for
forecasting purposes), selection of structural
parameters (e.g., input variables for a regression
model or layers for neural networks), estimation of
models’ parameters (e.g., estimation of regression
coefficients) and evaluation of modeling
performance. The evaluation activities are of
particular importance to ensure acceptance of data
analysis results and their adoption for business
process execution.
The setup sub-process requires training and test
data to estimate and to evaluate models,
respectively. The business process architecture
represents these as coming from data stores, which
physically could belong to different types of storage
facilities. It also uses configuration data. The
configuration data can be divided in three groups: 1)
models’ parameters; 2) performance indicators; and
3) design of experiments. The configuration data can
be manipulated by business process users. All
models’ parameters are not included in the
configuration data but specifically promoted
parameters important for experimenting, tuning and
understanding of the models. The performance
indicators set targets for both modeling and process
performance. That is important because in many
situations data analysis models can be used only if
reasonably accurate. The design of experiments is
necessary for evaluation purposes. That allows
business process users to gain understanding of
models’ behavior and implications of modeling
The operations sub-model is business problem
specific. The data analysis models are invoked
during execution of its activities. The execution
results are stored as transactional records, which
could be used for further refinement of the models.
The refinement is handled by the update sub-
process. The main issues represented in the update
process are updating conditions (i.e., when to
replace existing models with the updated ones) and
handling of model life-cycle issues (e.g., model
versioning for long-running processes).
3.2 Transformation Stages
The transformation process defines steps of process
redesign into a data intensive business process and
processes execution. The transformation process
itself is a part of the overall business process
management lifecycle though other stages of this
lifecycle are not considered in this paper.
The following steps are performed to develop a
data intensive business processes:
Define business process - representation of the
core business process model is developed
assuming that process identification has been
Identify data intensive activities - the process is
vetted to discover opportunities for automation
or improved decision-making due to data
analysis. A data intensive activity requires data
entities, which are not directly associated with
the data record currently processed by the
activity, and involves analytical
Integrate data - data sources for training data are
identified and data delivery channels are
Develop data analysis models - data analysis
models appropriate for a specific business area
are developed. The models are developed as
packaged products configured and tuned for a
particular case;
Deploy models as microservices - the models
are packaged and deployed as microservices to
achieve high scalability and modifyability;
Redesign process around data intensive
activities - introduction of data intensive
activities might result in significant changes in
the business process to achieve full benefits of
digital transformation;
Integrate models in business process - bind data
intensive business process activities with
corresponding microservices and development
of data flows;
Execute business process - the business process
is executed including invocation of the
Update data analysis models - as additional data
are accumulated as the result of business
process execution, the data analysis models are
updated to account for the latest tendencies.
Some of these steps are performed in parallel, for
example, data integration and development of data
analysis models.
3.3 Technology
The technical architecture (Figure 2) consists of four
main components: 1) operations execution
component; 2) model setup component; 3) model
execution component; 4) data storage. The
Application of Microservices for Digital Transformation of Data-Intensive Business Processes
operations execution module is a container for
running data intensive activities and invoking
microservices. It can be implemented using various
technologies suitable for developing business
processes. The model execution component is built
using microservices as lightweight containers of
executable data analysis models. The containers are
created and disposed on-demand depending on
computational requirements. The microservices are
decoupled from operation execution component by a
queue thus providing scalability and load balancing
capabilities. The model setup component also can be
implemented in various technologies. However, it is
proposed that notebooks are suitable technology
because they combine model development,
execution, experimentation and documentation thus
clearly explicating the data analysis model. The
model setup often results in a model specification
(e.g., PMML standard), which can be used to
configure the microservices. Data storage
technologies are selected depending on requirements
and include traditional relational databases, object
storages and document-oriented databases. All
components access the storage component though
isolated storage facilities usually are created for the
setup and operations purposes.
Figure 2: Main components used to create technical
The proposed approach is illustrated using the travel
management processes as an example. Business
travelers are required to report their expenses after
returning from the trip what includes filling out
expense forms and submitting travel receipts (Figure
3.a). The current business process captures images
of travel receipts without much of valuable use of
these data and requires manual filling of the expense
report. Apparently, there are at least two data-
intensive activities in the current process, namely,
Gather receipts and Fill expense report. The images
captured during the Gather receipts activity can be
transformed into text making them available for
further processing. The text extracted from the
images can be analyzed to fill the expense report
automatically. The redesigned process is shown in
Figure 3.b. Character recognition (OCR) is used to
extract text. Neural networks are used to recognize
type of travel expenses, date and amount. The
training data needed for these purposes are a data set
containing images of travel receipts and actual
expenses associated with these images. The
extracted expenses still need to be verified by a
human to ensure correctness.
The setup sub-process starts with preparation of
input data including training and test data. These
data are either previously accumulated images of
travel receipts with known (manually filled) expense
data items or specifically generated data sets.
Assuming that neural networks are used to identify
expense data items, a structure of the neural network
is defined and training of the model is performed.
The final activity is evaluation of the accuracy of
expense data identification. The automated
identification is enabled only if this accuracy is
satisfactory as defined by performance indicators.
Every new enterprise using the travel expenses
reporting business process requires tailoring of the
model and the setup sub-process provides clear
Figure 3: Travel expenses reporting: a) original process; and b) operations sub-process of the redesigned process.
Capture travel
receipts images
Fill out travel
expenses form
Attach images
to the travel
Submit the
Capture travel
receipts images
and do OCR
Extract expenses from
the receipts and prefill
the report
Review the
Submit the
Data intensiveData intensive
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 4: Technical architecture (the numbers indicate the sequence of interactions).
guidance for that. The configuration parameters and
the design of experiments are of particular
importance because they allow for understanding of
the model and its behavior. In this case, the
estimated expenses extraction accuracy threshold is
one of the configuration parameters. If the estimated
accuracy is below the threshold then the extracted
data are not used and manual entry is requested.
Another configuration parameter for travel receipt
capture is the number of images taken of the single
receipt to improve OCR precision.
At the infrastructure level, the redesign process
is supported by a scalable data analysis solution
(Figure 4). The image capture activity creates an
image processing job and places it in the queue
(implement using RabbitMQ
). The images captured
are also stored in object storage implemented using
. The image to text conversion is realized as a
microservice using the Tesseract
library. Incoming
image conversion messages are pulled from the
queue by microservice instances and the instances
read image data from the object storage. The
recognized text is stored in the document-oriented
database (implemented using MongoDB
) and the
queue is notified that the text is available for further
processing. That triggers the expense data extraction
using neural networks (realized using TensorFlow
and dedicated neural networks (NN) are created for
each expense item). The neural network was trained
in the model setup component and production neural
networks are again implemented as microservices.
The extraction results are stored in the document-
oriented database and the data intensive activity
captures events indicating that extraction results are
available for verification.
Following the business process architecture
allows to redesign the business process as well as to
establish supporting processes for model setup and
update. The technical solution is highly scalable and
the components are decoupled one from another.
That allows to modify the components, to use
specialized technological components as necessary
and to integrate the solution in the enterprise’s
existing technological landscape. In this case, the
expense data extraction algorithm is regularly
modified to achieve better accuracy. Once the new
version of the algorithm is approved for application
it is deployed as a microservice without a delay.
The paper proposes a framework for design
execution of data-intensive business processes.
Integration of setup, operations and update sub-
processes allows to implement data intensive
business processes as one package rather than
implementing the key process and its supporting
processes separately as it is often a case. At the
current stage of the proposed research, a proof-of-
Process engine
Capture travel
receipts and
do OCR
expenses and
prefill the
Review the
Queue (RabbitMQ)
Object storage
Application of Microservices for Digital Transformation of Data-Intensive Business Processes
concept has been developed and the further
elaboration of framework is required.
The example described is currently implemented
as a prototype and experiments are conducted with
this prototype to tune data analysis models and to
evaluate efficiency of the redesigned processes.
Performance of the technical solution is also being
evaluated with focus on scalability.
The paper has proposed the business process
architecture intended for data intensive business
processes. The further formalization of this
architecture is required. That includes elaboration of
transition from the setup sub-process to the
operations sub-process both at the business process
and infrastructure levels. From the transformation
process perspective, guidance on identification of
data intensive activities should be provided.
Additionally, redesign around data-intensive
activities often results in substantial changes in other
business process activities. These changes are
similar across business processes depending of data
analysis technique used and patterns for process
redesign could be formulated.
The prototype developed relies on the
microservice architecture and described
technological choices. These design decisions are
also subject of further investigation.
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ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems