CBIR systems are also reported in this table. Since
the average precision of our results is %95.43, our
CBIR scheme has the highest accuracy among the
other state-of-the-art CBIR systems.In fact, our
proposed CBIR system outperforms, (Chuen et al.,
2009), (Talib et al.,2013), (Yildizer et al.,2012),
(Kundu et al., 2015), (Shiv et al.,2015a) and (Shiv
et al.,2015c).
The results are depicted in Fig.6. These primary
results show that our ISE scheme has better
performance results by retrieving20 images
correctly among the flower category. On the other
hand, the results are17 images for the CBIR of ref
(Kundu et al., 2015)
According to the results assessment of an in-
depth testing that we have performed, we could
actually say that our visual content search system
succeeded in demonstrating its reliability and
accuracy. These tests enabled us to recognize
performance of the new DC descriptor, defined in
this article, and of the genetic algorithm for image
search. It can be concluded that our ISE system
succeeded, to a certain extent, in achieving our
target to improve search by visual content.
In this paper, we have validated our image search
system proposal based on the Corel test database.
We have developed an image search system called
ISE allow users to easily access the desired
images starting from image query. The innovative
features of our new ISE image search system are (i)
Defining a new descriptor "DC" and (ii) Applying
the genetic algorithm in image search. The
application of the genetic algorithm is made to
improve results returned by the DC descriptor.
Despite the results that we achieved, the existing
visual content image retrieval systems are focusing
on addressing particular issues including semantic
insufficiency during indexation and retrieval.
However, only a few works are interested in
merging visual and semantic contents. Accordingly,
developing approaches that focus on this boundary
has become necessary. We will therefore tackle this
problematic by suggesting a method of image and
video documents searching based on a multi-level
fusion of visual and semantic.
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