From ETL Conceptual Design to ETL Physical Sketching
using Patterns
Bruno Oliveira
and Orlando Belo
CIICESI, School of Management and Technology, Porto Polytechnic, Felgueiras, Portugal
ALGORITMI R&D Centre, University of Minho, Campus de Gualtar, Braga, Portugal
Keywords: ETL Sketching, Patterns, Pattern-oriented Approach, Conceptual Design, BPMN, Logical Design, ETL
Physical Implementation.
Abstract: The ETL systems development has been the focus of many research works, addressing the complexity and
effort required for their implementation and maintenance, and proposing several techniques that represent
valuable contributions to improve the ETL final quality. In the last few years, we presented a pattern-oriented
approach for developing these systems based on patterns that encapsulate well-known design techniques.
Basically, patterns embed common practices using abstract components that can be configured for enabling
its instantiation according to each pattern rule. However, each ETL system is unique, dealing with very
specific data structures and decision-making requirements. Thus, several operational requirements need to be
considered and system correctness is hard to validate, which can result in several implementation problems.
In this paper, we present a conceptual approach based on patterns covering the main ETL phases, ranging
from the conceptual design to its enrichment at logical phases that can be used for the generation of executable
Design methodologies are used across software
development areas for improving software quality,
covering specific domain requirements and different
design steps. Complex software pieces are usually
supported by structured development processes
approaching all development stages, from
requirements identification to the implementation and
maintenance phases. Data Warehouse Systems
(DWS) projects represent a huge job involving
personnel with different knowledge domains. The
business users are the target customer since they will
use DWS for exploring data and planing next tactical
and strategic decisions. However, they have an
important role in the development of a data
warehouse since they know how the business works
and together with IT/DWS professionals and
consultors, represent an important entity to share and
communicate in order to best assure the system
quality and adequacy. The evaluation of a DWS
highly depends on the data stored in a Data
Warehouse (DW) repository. The importance of this
aspect cannot be ignored by the development team. A
DW is a centralized repository that provides the
unified vision over company data, and for that reason
data should be carefully managed in order to avoid
mistakes that can compromise system usability.
Additionally, the data sources involved differ in
several aspects that contribute to disparities not only
at structural level but also at the instance level.
Legacy systems, specific business processes variants
in company’s department or even bad practices when
dealing with operation systems (sometimes even the
business managers do not know these problems),
represent huge challenges to an ETL (Extract,
Transform and Load) team, assuring that all the data
involved in re represented in the same structure, but
also for guaranteeing that the data involved is
consistent and valid according to business rules.
In this paper, we present a methodology for ETL
conceptual modelling, the necessary means for
mapping produced conceptual models to logical
models, and consequently to correspondent physical
primitives, with the possibility to be executed directly
in a commercial tool. The paper is organized as
follows: section 2 presents a brief related work for
providing some important findings that contributed to
the development of the presented approach; section 3
presents an introduction to the pattern-oriented
Oliveira, B. and Belo, O.
From ETL Conceptual Design to ETL Physical Sketching using Patterns.
DOI: 10.5220/0006807702620269
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2018), pages 262-269
ISBN: 978-989-758-298-1
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
approach we developed and the established
conceptual models based on ETL patterns following
a simple case study; section 4 highlights the approach
idealized in order to allow the construction of logical
and physical models based on the developed
conceptual representation. Finally, section 5 presents
some conclusions and findings about the work done.
The general idea of using software patterns to build
ETL processes was first explored by ppen
(Kppen et al., 2011) that proposed a pattern-oriented
approach for supporting ETL development. A general
description for a set of patterns such as aggregator,
history and duplicate elimination was provided then
along with important aspects related to the
composition and relationship between properties,
describing constraints applied to the use of each
pattern. The patterns were presented only at the
conceptual level, lacking to support patterns
instantiation for execution primitives. However, since
ETL processes support very specific needs related to
DWS requirements, they can be handled in several
ways. The pattern-oriented approach presented here
differs from the work presented by Köppen since a set
of configurable components that can be configured
and used in different ETL development phases are
provided, covering initial design phases for producing
skeletons that can be enriched to allow its mapping to
execution primitives, which we may refer as ETL
physical sketching. Fine-grained tasks are
encapsulated and generated inside these components,
resulting in a new ETL development level, defined
using an abstraction layer that simplifies and carries
the acquired knowledge between projects.
We idealized the development process using three
layers: the conceptual phase describing which
patterns are being used and the workflow constraints
applied to their usage, the logical phase describing
additional properties to enrich the previous
conceptual models with detail that can be used at the
physical model for generating an initial skeleton of
the ETL implementation, at least.
For conceptual representation we choosed the
BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation), a
notation that was first explored by Akkaoui and
Zimanyi (2009) for ETL conceptual modelling,
covering also its mapping and execution through the
use of BPEL language. Later, they reinforced their
original ideas proposing to model ETL generic
processes, independently from their potential support
platforms (Akkaoui et al., 2011). Their approach
revealed a considerable potential, particularly in what
was concerned with the mapping of conceptual
models in a set of execution primitives.
The findings presented by Akkaoui et al. (2011)
revealed that conceptual model specification is quite
appropriate since BPMN can represent with accuracy
the most common ETL tasks. We explored BPMN to
create several ETL layers using the “sub process”
activities, coordinated with particular BPMN
elements that are very powerful and well known by
many companies and professionals of today. BPMN
was developed for supporting process execution with
constructs (essentially in its 2.0 version), allowing for
the representation of workflows at the physical level
with the ability to support its execution. Using a very
practical way, these authors show how the BPMN
notation, originally designed for modelling business
processes, could be successfully adopted for ETL
systems modelling and interpreted by computers
using the interchangeable formats available to
support BPMN representation. However, one of their
main flaws is related, precisely, with their
expressiveness that results in several ways for
representing the same scenario, resulting in
ambiguous processes that are difficult to map to a set
of execution primitives. In fact, this was analysed and
discussed by several authors (Dijkman et al., 2008;
Ou-Yang and Lin, 2008).
The construction freedom that BPMN provides
generates also some problems related to business
processes reliability, which can result from an
inconsistent identification of business requirements,
mainly due to the methods or model validations that
are typically manual and error-prone. We believe we
can minimize these problems using ETL patterns not
only for conceptual representation but also for logical
representations using configurable properties
expressed with a specific language that can be
embedded in the BPMN modelling.
The use of software patterns is a reuse-based
technique often applied in software developing on a
lot of different domains (Gamma et al., 1994),
supporting component reuse techniques and sharing
the acquired knowledge across applications. Thus,
not only the time and costs needed for software
development can be reduced, but also the use of well-
proven techniques is guaranteed, contributing to final
system quality. Creating these reconfigurable
From ETL Conceptual Design to ETL Physical Sketching using Patterns
Figure 1: ETL elementary tasks (a) and extraction phase representation (b).
components, avoid the need to rewrite some of the
most repetitive tasks that are used regularly. Several
tasks, such as surrogate key process generation, data
quality enhancement procedures or slowly changing
dimensions are just some few examples of usual
procedures that are considered standard to deal with
specific ETL tasks. This way, users can focus on more
general requirements, leaving the complexity of its
implementation to others development steps.
Consequently, ETL designers only need to provide
configuration metadata to enable pattern instantiation
for its physical implementation.
The concept of a pattern was idealized as “core”
that encapsulates a set of pattern rules for supporting,
namely, specific operational requirements and the
logic behind it, the input and output interfaces to
communicate both with ETL workflow and data layer
to produce specific instances, and the communication
layer with other patterns. Each pattern provides the
construction rules to sustain well-formed ETL
workflows based on a specific configuration. The
“throwable” and “log” pattern components represent
additional ETL metadata that is used to support the
error and log strategies for handling errors and pattern
unexpected events. Using the communication layer,
the “throwable” pattern component uses the input
configuration to handle error or exception scenarios
through the application of specific pre-configured
strategies for each pattern. The unexpected scenarios
that cause critical failure scenarios can be configured
to use specific procedures to maintain data
consistency. For example, the process can be aborted
and use a rollback strategy, the performed tasks are
reverted to maintain data in a consistent state. The
“log” pattern component can be used together with
“throwable” component to store the events related to
unexpected scenarios, or used for specific support
tasks related to the identification of data lineage,
bottlenecks or errors. Thus, the ETL process can be
analyzed and, for example, specific error trends can
be found and specific strategies to minimize them can
be followed for reducing the ETL resources needed
for subsequent loads, eventually. Log structures can
vary in granularity and scope and its entries can be
triggered by conditions associated with pattern
internal behavior or by more general conditions (such
as achieved milestones).
For an initial ETL planning, we idealize the same
constructs that can be used for ETL pattern-oriented
development, using patterns such as:
Changing Data Capture, representing the
extraction procedures to carry source data to
Data Staging Area.
Data Quality Enhancement, representing a set
of data transformations required for cleaning,
conforming and standardizing data,
considering the target repository constraints.
Data Conciliation and Integration, representing
the conciliation and integration logic needed to
obtain an integrate view of the data gathered
from heterogenic sources.
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Intensive Data Loading, representing efficient
strategies to load data from data staging area to
the target data warehouse repository
The use of conceptual models represents a crucial
step for software lifecycle development, providing an
abstract view that simplifies the problem
representation, helping designers to better understand
processes and at the same time to provide a
framework to discuss the system to develop. As
already discussed, several contributions concerning
the ETL development simplification were presented
so far, with some of them proposing the use of well-
known modelling languages such as the use of BPMN
(El Akkaoui and Zimanyi, 2009) for ETL conceptual
To better understand how these aspects can be
linked together, let us consider a solid urban waste
collection process realized in a city (Belo et al.,
2015b). This process represents a significant impact
in any city daily life and entities responsible for urban
zones are more worry about the effectiveness of their
waste collection processes implementation, to
maximize the adopted solutions they adopted. To
cover some of the most relevant information needs
that managers usually have on waste collection
management, a business intelligence system
especially oriented to monitor, control and predict
waste management services is planned.
The company we simulate uses a set of
spreadsheet files to store all the data related to the
collection activities. The “Picking” spreadsheet
contains the year and the reference of the containers
that were collected in a specific month/day, the
“RecycleCentreResume” spreadsheet identifies the
recycle centres data and the related containers
associated. Both spreadsheets are related based on
recycle centre address.The Picking spreadsheet
structure is composed of a set of garbage picking
activities performed every day for a specific city in
each month. After the month and day identification
(first two rows), for each type of garbage collected:
‘P’ - Plastic, ‘C’- Cardboard, and ‘G’ Glass (third
row), the container reference placed in the remaining
rows identifies the container that was collected. The
“RecycleCentreResume” spreadsheet stores the
relationship between containers and recycling centres
for each city. Basically, each recycle centre contains
at least three containers for the garbage types
described before (Plastic, Cardboard, and Glass). The
company uses several recycling centres composed of
the three types of containers and spread across several
locations. According to a set of routes, the company
picks the containers of each recycling centre, storing
each garbage pickup activity using the described
To simplify ETL development, a task clustering
technique to group the set of finer grain tasks into a
collection of tasks, flows and control primitives is
presented, providing a method to organize ETL tasks
using abstraction layers to serve specific stakeholders
in different project phases. The conceptual
representation can be organized using several layers
with different detail levels based on the project needs.
To support different abstraction levels, the BPMN
“collapsed sub processes” can be used to provide
process conceptualization to describe complex
constructs using distinct levels. This is very helpful
for high-level users when presenting, discussing and
understanding process concepts.
For showing how BPMN can be customized for
designing ETL processes, following the pattern-
oriented approach presented, a subset of BPMN
constructs were selected to compose the conceptual
palette of constructs considered for the development
of ETL conceptual models. To describe ETL
activities, atomic and composite tasks are represented
using “Task” and “Sub process” elements,
respectively. Both can be enriched using specific
markers (following the same combination restrictions
imposed by BPMN specification) to describe specific
operational requirements. For example, the “Standard
Loop” can be used to describe a row-by-row data
processing, the “multi-instance” marker to describe
multiple activity instances that handle specific sets of
data, and “Compensation” to represent compensation
processes responsible to undone/compensate the
actions performed by some activity. Additionally, sub
processes can be used to express a hierarchical
workflow structure, encapsulating several ETL
logical parts inside specific containers, helping to
represent processes in a more readable way. The ETL
patterns are represented using sub processes, more
specifically using the “Transaction” sub process type,
grouping a set of activities that constitute a logical
unit of work that must be executed atomically. To
distinguish between ordinary BPMN sub processes
from ETL patterns, two approaches can be followed
to identify each pattern: Text annotations can be
used not only to identify patterns but also to provide
a pattern general description. Influenced by the work
presented by (El Akkaoui and Zimanyi, 2009), we use
the BPMN “Text Annotation” artefacts to enrich
conceptual model, exposing specific semantic
concepts to describe pattern details following a
specific structure. The BPMN “Events”, “Gateways”,
“Flow Objects”, “Message Flow”, “Data” and
“Artefacts” have the same semantic when are used in
From ETL Conceptual Design to ETL Physical Sketching using Patterns
Figure 2: ETL Conceptual model representation using BPMN.
traditional BPMN processes: The BPMN “Pools” and
“Lanes” are used to represent process levels that
describe different views and roles involved in the
modelled process. These perspectives allow for the
representation of several ETL layers useful to support
different development stages. While BPMN pools are
used to represent different process views, the use of
“Lanes” allows for the representation of different
entities that can be used for the representation of
specific data sources and process variants. The
“Collapsed pools” are also used to hide process logic
and for the representation of the exchanged messages
between pools.
To show how these BPMN artefacts can be used
for ETL conceptual modelling - Figure 1 presents a
simple example. The most generic layer - “Layer 1”
(Figure 1a) represents the most abstract level that can
be derived from the three main ETL phases (Extract,
Transform and Load). The ETL extraction and
transformation processes are presented at Layer 2
(Figure 1b), representing the extraction procedures
applied to the source data. Two BPMN “parallel
gateways” are used to indicate that tasks belonging to
the flow comprised by the parallel gateways don’t
have any dependency. The ETL extraction processes
“Layer 2(Figure 1b) begins with data extraction
tasks applied over the spreadsheet files (“Spreadsheet
Extraction” sub process) and a relational database
(“Relational Extraction” sub process). These are the
two types of data storage approaches used by
company branches. To described this, we used a
BPMN pool with two internal lanes, representing
each one a different role related to the data source
nature (relational or spreadsheet). Each BPMN sub
process is composed of several finer grain tasks
grouped together that can be described in more
detailed layers. Additionally, BPMN artefacts (“Data
Object” and “Data Store”) were used to describe the
nature of each data repository (structured data for data
stores artefacts and semi-structured data for data
objects artefacts) for each sub process with BPMN
“Data association” artefacts describing the
relationship directionality: from sub processes to
Data Artefacts indicating the output data flow and
from data artefacts to sub processes, indicating input
data flows.
After data extraction to the DSA, the
transformation/normalization processes take place.
The Figure 2, presents the “Layer 3” (with patterns
instantiation) for the “Transformation” sub process
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 3: DSL excerpt for a Differential extraction pattern configuration.
from Figure 1a. Several pattern instances are used for
aligning source data structures with the target DW
schema requirements with each pool representing
data transformation procedures applied to the
“Recycling centre”, “Container” and “Picking
entities for data previously extracted. To deal with
the “Recycle centre” data, we used three DQE
patterns instances for transforming data from each
Recycle centre: “#DQE# - DataValidation”, “#DQE#
- StateStandardization” and “#DQE# -
BatteryStandardization”, which are used for data
instances validation. For each container, the several
DQE patterns instances are applied. The “#DQE# -
Data Transform JOIN” used to map the containers
data catalogue with the containers used for the
picking activities processed, the “#DQE# - Duplicate
Elimination” used to remove duplicate containers
(because the same container can be collected several
times), and the “#DQE# - DataValidation” used to
check containers reference values, ensuring the
consistency of their code with their type.
For the data related to picking activities, we need
to transform the original schema to get the data
according to the structure of a typical relational table.
Data is decomposed using the “#DQE# -
SchemaTransform” pattern instance from the
“Picking Fact” pool, generating distinct rows based
on each garbage picking activity. Next, when the
pattern instances from the other pools are executed
(the convergent BPMN gateway ensures that) and
having the data about recycle centres and containers
normalized, we can proceed to the mapping between
containers, recycle centres and picking activities to
identify the correct correspondences between them.
For that reason, we should develop supplementary
efforts for identifying the associated containers for
each recycle centre (“#DQE# - DataTransform
JOIN”) Any record without correspondence or having
conflicts can be managed through the definition of a
specific exception handler policy for managing
unexpected situations and ensuring the process
consistency (not included in the BPMN
The ETL modelling activity should reflect different
control flows and data between the represented tasks.
Using BPMN for the ETL specification allows the use
of expressive notation and orchestration mechanisms
that can be used for subsequent development stages.
The use of BPMN in this type of modelling allows the
From ETL Conceptual Design to ETL Physical Sketching using Patterns
control flow representation between the ETL process
activities, as well as the characterization and
description of the activities to implement. The real
challenge relates to the combination of these two
types of flows in one single representation model and,
therefore, in a single tool (Wilkinson et al., 2010).
While BPMN conceptual models can be used to
produce (at least) a first version of the target system a
domain-specific language (DSL) can be used to
express each pattern behaviour to reduce ambiguities
associated to BPMN conceptual models. The DSL is
used for pattern configuration to produce logical
models with the ability to describe in more detail the
logic behind each pattern. The developed DSL covers
the general requirements for each pattern category,
providing a powerful way to configure each pattern
The Figure 3 shows an example of the syntax rules
applied to the language we are being developed (Belo
et al., 2015a; Oliveira and Belo, 2015), with a
correspondent example of its instantiation to support
containers data load. The Source” and “Target
blocks describe input and output metadata, while the
data and type properties describe the name and type
of each data object used. These blocks can be derived
from the annotations used in the conceptual model
specification. The “FieldMapping block describes
the field association between the source and target
data objects. For input block, a spreadsheet file is
used for data extraction based on a specific sheet
included in the Picking spreadsheet. The Sheet
property is used to identify the specific sheet and the
StartColumnproperty to indicate in which column
the process uses for data extraction (since two
properties are described, a composite statement is
used). The Output block is composed of single
statements describing the name (data) and the type
(type) from target repository. Details such as the
database name or server were omitted since they can
be configured in further steps. The fields mapping is
described using Source or Target prefixes to
identify the source for each field (especially relevant
when a field name is ambiguous). After fields
identification, the keyword: OPTIONS is used to
specify each pattern parameter. In this case, for
avoiding the first file row and ignoring the rows
without data.
Before proceeding to the physical model
generation, some guarantees must be assured by
earlier modelling process phases to enable physical
generation models that can be executed properly and
without flaws. The transformation process relies on a
converter (a program written in Java programming
language) to take the BPMN models, parse respective
DSL and construct the final system. Later, the
resulted piece of software will be imported to the ETL
tool environment selected: the Pentaho Data
Integration (Bouman and Dongen, 2009). The
conceptual specification described using BPMN is
used to identify the patterns to support data
transformation processes, its sequence, and control
flow constraints that allow for the identification of
execution specificities applied to patterns execution.
The ETL organization tree can be directly described
in BPMN conceptual representation or be inferred
based on the patterns nature through the identification
and organization of each pattern hierarchy in layers.
The ETL conceptual model development is clearly a
great advantage in a DWS project, however, not
always the efforts spent on ETL system modelling are
rewarded since they are frequently discarded in
favour of a more detailed logical model. Based on
BPMN and on a set of ETL patterns, a specific ETL
development process that enhances the importance of
building ETL conceptual models to establish a first
executable version of the system an ETL skeleton,
was designed and implemented. Since the ETL
processes execution parameters differ in some aspects
from traditional business processes execution
platform, the conceptual approach presented do not
intend to describe how the patterns will be executed,
but rather the patterns that are used and how they are
coordinated by the coordination mechanisms
provided by BPMN specification. With the domain-
level view provided by BPMN, the use of patterns
enhances the separation of workflow orchestration
and data transformation patterns. A specific DSL
especially oriented to describe the behaviour of an
ETL pattern when integrated into an ETL conceptual
model can be followed to mitigate the major
drawback between conceptual and practical models:
ambiguities that naturally exists due to each
representation purposes. The physical model's
generation processes mainly depend on the tool
methodology and architecture used, which means that
a tool expert should be engaged in this job. The parser
is responsible for physical model’s generation, using
the conceptual and logical specifications to extract all
operational requirements needed to meet the target
tool architecture requirements.
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