Software Architecture Evaluation: A Systematic Mapping Study
Sofia Ouhbi
TIC Lab, FIL, International University of Rabat, Rabat, Morocco
Systematic Mapping Study, Software Architecture, Evaluation, Assessment.
Software architecture provides the big picture of software systems, hence the need to evaluate its quality before
further software engineering work. In this paper, a systematic mapping study was performed to summarize the
existing software architecture evaluation approaches in literature and to organize the selected studies according
to six classification criteria: research types, empirical types, contribution types, software quality models,
quality attributes and software architecture models. Publication channels and trends were also identified. 60
studies were selected from digital libraries.
Software architecture (SA) started to emerge as a dis-
cipline during the mid nineties due to the increasing
complexity of software systems which led to increa-
sed challenges for software industry (iso, 2011). SA
is defined as “the set of structures needed to reason
about the system, which comprise software elements,
relations among them, and properties of both” (Cle-
ments et al., 2002). The SA highlights early design
decisions that will have a tremendous impact on all
software engineering work that follows (Bass, 2007).
There is therefore a need for SA evaluation (SAE) ap-
proaches to minimize the negative impact of low qua-
lity SA on software implementation.
This paper presents the results of a systematic
mapping study which was performed to obtain an up-
dated overview of the current approaches used in SAE
research. Many reviews have been conducted in this
area (Babar et al., 2004; Ionita et al., 2002; Maurya,
2010; Bass and Nord, 2012), but to the best of our
knowledge, no systematic mapping study of SAE ap-
proaches has been published to date. Eight mapping
questions (MQs) are answered in this study and the
papers which were selected after the search process
are classified according to six criteria: research types,
empirical types, contribution types, software quality
(SQ) models, quality attributes and SA models, in ad-
dition to the main publication channels and trends.
The structure of this paper is as follows: Section 2
presents the research methodology. Section 3 reports
the results. Section 4 discusses the findings. The con-
clusions and future work are presented in Section 5.
The systematic mapping study principal goal is to
provide an overview of a research area, and identify
the quantity and type of research and results availa-
ble within it. A mapping process consists of three
activities: the search for relevant publications, the de-
finition of a classification scheme and the mapping of
publications (Petersen et al., 2008). A mapping study
differs from a systematic literature review (SLR) as
the articles are not studied in sufficient detail.
2.1 Mapping Questions
This study aims to gain insight into the existing SAE
approaches. The systematic mapping study therefore
addresses eight MQs. The MQs with the rationale
motivating the importance of these questions are pre-
sented in Table 1. The search strategy and paper se-
lection criteria were defined on the basis of them.
2.2 Search Strategy
The papers were identified by consulting the follo-
wing sources: IEEE Digital Library, ACM Digital
Library, Science Direct and SpringLink. Google
scholar was also used to seek literature in the field.
The search was done in January 2018. The following
search string was applied in the title, abstract and ke-
ywords of the papers investigated to reduce the search
results. “Software architecture” AND (evaluat* OR
measur* OR assess*) AND (technique* OR appro-
Ouhbi, S.
Software Architecture Evaluation: A Systematic Mapping Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0006808604470454
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2018), pages 447-454
ISBN: 978-989-758-300-1
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Table 1: Mapping questions.
ID Mapping question Rationale
MQ1 Which publication channels are the main targets for
SAE research?
To identify where SAE research can be found as well as the
good targets for publication of future studies
MQ2 How has the frequency of approaches related to SAE
changed over time?
To identify the publication trends over time of SAE research
MQ3 What are the research types of SAE studies? To explore the different types of research reported in the li-
terature concerning SAE
MQ4 Are SAE studies empirically validated? To discover whether research on SAE has been validated
through empirical studies
MQ5 What are the evaluation approaches that were reported
in SA research?
To discover the existing SAE approaches reported in the ex-
isting SAE literature
MQ6 Were SAE approaches reported in literature based on
SQ model?
To discover if researchers take into consideration SQ models
in SAE approaches design
MQ7 Which quality attributes were used to evaluate SA? To identify the quality attributes used to evaluate SA in lite-
MQ8 What are the models that were used in SAE literature? To identify the models used in the SAE literature
ach* OR method* OR model* OR framework*
OR tool*).
2.3 Paper Selection Criteria
Each paper was retrieved by the author and the infor-
mation about it was filed in an excel file. The first
step after the application of the search string was to
eliminate duplicate titles, and titles clearly not rela-
ted to the review. The inclusion criteria were limited
to the studies that address evaluation, measurement
or assessment of the SA in overall or through quality
attributes. The studies that met at least one of the fol-
lowing exclusion criteria (EC) were excluded:
EC1 Papers that focus on software design.
EC2 Papers whose subject was one or many quality
characteristics which were not used for SAE.
In total, 217 papers were identified after the re-
moval of duplicates. When the same paper appeared
in more than one source, it was considered only once
according to our search order. Thereafter, 158 studies
were excluded based on the inclusion and exclusion
criteria leaving for the final result 60 selected studies.
2.4 Data Extraction Strategy
The publication source and channel of the papers se-
lected respond to MQ1, while the publication year re-
sponds to MQ2. A research type (MQ3) can be clas-
sified in the following categories (Ouhbi et al., 2015):
(1) evaluation research: existing SAE approaches are
implemented in practice and an evaluation of them is
conducted; (2) solution proposal: an SAE solution is
proposed. This solution may be a new SAE appro-
ach or a significant extension of an existing approach.
The potential benefits and the applicability of the so-
lution could be shown with an empirical study or a
good argumentation; or (3) other, e.g. experience pa-
per, review. The empirical type of the selected study
can be classified for MQ4 as a (Ouhbi et al., 2013):
(1) case study: an empirical inquiry that investigates
an SAE approach within its real-life context; (2) sur-
vey: a method for collecting quantitative information
concerning an SAE approach, e.g. a questionnaire;
(3) experiment: an empirical method applied under
controlled conditions to evaluate a SAE approach; or
(4) theory: non-empirical research approaches or the-
oretical evaluation of an SAE approach. An appro-
ach (MQ5) can be classified as (Ouhbi et al., 2014):
process, method, tool-based technique, model, frame-
work, data mining technique, or other, e.g. guidelines.
A SQ model (MQ6) can be classified as (Ortega
et al., 2003): McCall model (Company et al., 1977),
Boehm model (Boehm et al., 1978), Dromey model
(Dromey, 1996), ISO/IEC 9126 standard (ISO/IEC-
9126-1, 2001), ISO/IEC 25010 standard (ISO, 2011),
or other. A quality attribute (MQ7) can be classified
into one of the internal and external quality characte-
ristics proposed by ISO/IEC 25010: Functional suit-
ability, reliability, usability, performance efficiency,
maintainability, portability, compatibility, security or
other. A SA model (MQ8) can be classified as (Vogel
et al., 2011): UML, 4+1 view model, an architectural
description language (ADL), or other.
This section describes results presented in Table 2.
ENASE 2018 - 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Table 2: Classification Acronyms: SP: Solution proposal, ER: Evaluation research, EP: Experience paper, M: Maintainability,
S: Security, Pe: Performance, Po: Portability, U: Usability, C: Compatibility, R: Reliability, F: Functional suitability.
Ref. & Year Channel Res. T. Emp. Res. Contr. T. SQ Model Quality attributes Model
(Abowd et al., 1997) Other SP Theory Framework - F., Pe., other. -
(Barbacci et al., 1997) Other SP Theory Method Boehm, Other R., other -
nas et al., 1998) Workshop SP Theory Model ISO/IEC 9126 All ADL, UML
(Bergey et al., 1999) Other SP Theory Process Others. -
(Kazman et al., 2000) Other SP Theory Method - Pe., S., others -
(Van Gurp and Bosch, 2000) Conference SP Case study DataMining McCall M.,R., U., Pe., others -
(Bosch and Bengtsson, 2001) Conference SP Case study Method - M. -
(Ionita et al., 2002) Workshop Other Theory Method - Po., F.,M., U., Pe., others UML, 4+1 view
(Choi and Yeom, 2002) Conference SP Other Method - Pe., R., others All
(Tvedt et al., 2002b) Conference SP Case study Process - S., R., M., others -
(Tvedt et al., 2002a) Conference SP Case study Process - M. -
(Clements, 2002) Other ER Case study Method - Pe., S., R., M., Po., others -
(Lindvall et al., 2003) Journal ER Case study Process - M. -
(Clements et al., 2003) Other SP Theory Method - Pe., R., S., Po., F., others -
(Folmer et al., 2003) Workshop SP Theory Method ISO/IEC 9126 U. 4+1 view
(Barbacci et al., 2003) Other ER Case study Method - Pe., S., R., M., Po., others 4+1 view
(Bahsoon and Emmerich, 2003) Conference Other Theory Method - Others ADL
(Babar et al., 2004) Conference Other Theory Framework McCall M., others ADL
(Zhu et al., 2004) Conference SP Other Process McCall, ISO/IEC 9126 - -
(Subramanian and Chung, 2004) Conference SP Theory Framework - Other -
(Bashroush et al., 2004) Conference SP Theory Tool - - ADLARS
(Maheshwari and Teoh, 2005) Journal SP Theory Tool - S., other -
(Liu and Wang, 2005) Conference SP Theory Method ISO/IEC 9126 Other -
(Gorton and Zhu, 2005) Conference EP Experiment Tool - Others UML
(Graaf et al., 2005) Conference ER Case study Method - M. UML, 4+1 view
(Mattsson et al., 2006) Conference Other Theory Method Other Pe., M., Po., other -
(Babar et al., 2006) Conference SP Experiment Framework - - -
artensson, 2006) Other SP Case study Method - Pe., M., Po., other UML
(Babar et al., 2007) Conference ER Other Other - M., U., Pe., S. -
(Kim et al., 2007) Conference SP Experiment Other - Pe., R., U., other -
(Jin-hua, 2007) Journal SP Theory Method - others UML
(Svahnberg and M
artensson, 2007) Journal EP Experiment Method ISO/IEC 9126 - -
(Babar et al., 2008) Journal ER Experiment Framework - R., M., Pe., other -
(Erfanian and Shams Aliee, 2008) Conference SP Case study Method - Pe., S., U., others UML
(Salger et al., 2008) Conference SP Case study Framework ISO/IEC 9126 U., R. -
(Roy and Graham, 2008) Other Other Theory Method ISO/IEC 9126, McCall, Boehm All All
(Ali Babar, 2008) Conference ER Experiment Framework - S. -
(Lee et al., 2009) Journal SP Case study Method - Pe., U., others -
(Duszynski et al., 2009) Conference SP Theory Tool - - -
(Babar, 2009) Conference SP Experiment Framework - M., others -
(Salger, 2009) Workshop EP Theory Framework - - -
(Bergey, 2009) Other SP Other Plan - Pe., S., others -
(Alkussayer and Allen, 2010) Conference SP Theory Framework - S. -
(Maurya, 2010) Journal Other Theory Method - M.,Pe., others -
(Reijonen et al., 2010) Conference ER Experiment Method ISO/IEC 9126 All -
(Martens et al., 2011) Journal ER Experiment Method - Pe. UML
(Shanmugapriya and Suresh, 2012) Journal Other Theory Method - - 4+1 view
(Bass and Nord, 2012) Conference Other Theory Framework - - -
(Akinnuwesi et al., 2012) Journal SP Theory DataMining - Pe., others -
(Sharafi, 2012) Journal SP Other Method - R., Pe., other UML
(Bouwers, 2013) Other SP Survey Model ISO/IEC 25010 M. UML
(Akinnuwesi et al., 2013) Journal SP Experiment DataMining - Pe. -
(Zalewski and Kijas, 2013) Journal SP Case study Method ISO/IEC 9126 M., U., Pe., R., S., others -
alez-Huerta et al., 2013) Conference Other Experiment Method ISO/IEC 25000 - -
(Knodel and Naab, 2014) Conference EP Case study Method - Pe. UML
(Santos et al., 2014) Workshop Other Theory Method - Pe., R., C., others ADLARS
(Patidar and Suman, 2015) Conference Other Theory Method - - -
(Gonzalez-Huerta et al., 2015) Journal ER Experiment Model ISO/IEC 25000 R., Pe. UML
(Upadhyay, 2016) Journal SP Other Framework - M., others -
ao and Insfran, 2017) Conference ER Experiment Method - R., Pe. -
3.1 MQ1. Publication Channels
48.3% of the selected papers were presented at con-
ferences, 25% were published in journals, 11.7%
were published as technical reports, 8.3% appeared
in workshops, 3.3% are books and 3.3% are PhD the-
sis. 10% of the selected papers were published by
Software Engineering Institute as technical reports.
3.2 MQ2. Publication Trend
Fig. 1 presents the number of articles published per
year from 1997 to 2017.
Figure 1: Number of articles published per year.
3.3 MQ3. Research Types
Fig. 2 shows the research type of the selected papers.
Around 57% of the selected papers were solution pro-
posal studies, 18% of the selected papers were under-
Software Architecture Evaluation: A Systematic Mapping Study
Figure 2: RQ3, RQ4 and RQ5 results.
taken to evaluate SAE existing approaches, 7% were
reporting the authors’ experience with SAE and the
remaining papers were classified as others. Among
the other types that we have identified: 8 reviews, 2
position papers (Bahsoon and Emmerich, 2003; San-
tos et al., 2014) and one replication study (Gonz
Huerta et al., 2013). This result shows that the main
concern of researchers in the SAE domain is to pro-
pose and develop approaches to enhance SAE. Fig. 2
shows also that 44% of solution proposals were not
empirically validated and that 38% of the suggested
solutions are methods.
3.4 MQ4. Empirically Types
Fig. 2 shows if the selected studies were empirically
validated and presents the empirical types used in the
validation of SAE approaches. A percentage of 43%
of the selected studies were not evaluated empirically.
23% of the selected papers undertook case studies
to evaluate SAE approaches and 22% were evaluated
with experiments. One paper (Bouwers, 2013) has
used a survey and another paper (Babar et al., 2007)
used focus group to evaluate SAE approaches while
the remaining papers used illustration examples to de-
monstrate the applicability of their approaches.
3.5 MQ5. Contribution Types
Fig. 2 presents the SAE approaches extracted from the
selected papers. The approaches most frequently re-
ported are methods (50% of the selected papers) fol-
lowed by frameworks (20%). Processes, tool-based
techniques, models, and data mining techniques were
also identified in the selected studies. Other techni-
ques in this study were also identified, such as a AHP
technique (Kim et al., 2007).
3.6 MQ6. SQ Models
The results shown in Fig. 3 reveal that around 69%
of SAE papers do not cite any well-known SQ mo-
del. The principal model cited in the selected studies
was the ISO/IEC 9126 standard. McCall model and
Boehm model were also cited. Note that only one pa-
per (Bouwers, 2013) has cited ISO/IEC 25010 but it
has been insinuated in two papers (Gonzalez-Huerta
et al., 2015; Gonz
alez-Huerta et al., 2013) as they
have mentioned ISO/IEC 25000. Some papers cited
different models and standards that helped them in
the design of SAE techniques, such as: IEEE 610.12-
1990 cited by (Mattsson et al., 2006) and IEEE 1061
cited by (Barbacci et al., 1997).
3.7 MQ7. Quality Attributes
15% of SAE papers did not mention any quality attri-
bute. Fig. 4 shows how often a quality attribute has
been mentioned in SAE literature. It is worth men-
tioning that some papers dealt with the evaluation of
SA through only a unique quality attribute. Table 3
presents these characteristics.
3.8 MQ8. SA Description Models
Around 65% of the studies selected didn’t specify any
SA model. Fig. 5 presents how often the SA models
have been reported in the remaining 21 studies.
ENASE 2018 - 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Figure 3: SQ models in SEA literature.
Figure 4: Quality attributes in SEA literature.
The interest on SAE began after the publication of
technical reports by the Software Engineering Insti-
tutes in 1997. This interest was at it most during the
last decade where many researchers have based their
research on the outcomes of these technical reports
mainly on the Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method
(ATAM). However, this interest started to fade since
2014, which indicates that there is a need for novel
SAE techniques, particularly with the emerging new
technologies such as the IoT and the Big Data (Krco
Table 3: Papers which have focus on one quality attributes.
Quality attrib. Ref. Total
Maintainability (Bosch and Bengtsson, 2001) (Bouwers, 2013)
(Graaf et al., 2005) (Lindvall et al., 2003) (Tvedt
et al., 2002a)
Performance (Akinnuwesi et al., 2013) (Knodel and Naab, 2014)
(Martens et al., 2011) (Reijonen et al., 2010)
Security (Ali Babar, 2008) (Alkussayer and Allen, 2010) 2
Usability (Folmer et al., 2003) 1
Adaptability (Liu and Wang, 2005) 1
Changeability (Subramanian and Chung, 2004) 1
Figure 5: SA models reported in 21 studies.
et al., 2014; Gorton and Klein, 2015). The majority
of the papers were evaluated using case studies, it is
easier to evaluate SA of existing systems rather than
developing a system only for the purpose to evaluate
its architecture. In fact, SA requires an early soft-
ware engineering activity which is the specification of
stakeholders needs, also known as requirements engi-
neering (Ouhbi et al., 2013). This step is critical to
identify the quality attributes that will influence SA
design and description. Working with case study re-
duce the effort required to specify requirements and
quality attributes. Around half of SAE selected stu-
dies present methods to evaluate SA. The majority of
these methods are based on ATAM and few resear-
chers (Clements, 2002; Svahnberg and M
2007; Graaf et al., 2005) based their methods on the
Software architecture analysis method (SAAM) (Kaz-
man et al., 1994). SAAM is a method for analyzing
the properties of SA and not for SAE, for this reason
the study by (Kazman et al., 1994) was not included
in this mapping study.
Few researchers based their solutions on SQ mo-
dels. ISO/IEC 9126 standard was the most used due to
the fact that it is the most well-known SQ model du-
ring the last decade before it was replaced by ISO/IEC
25010 in 2011. Recent studies have used the ISO/IEC
25010 to analyze SQ requirements and to specify qua-
lity attributes. Implementing quality attributes makes
it is easier for the software architect to evaluate the
quality of SA (Witt et al., 1993). The most quality
attribute cited in SAE literature is Performance. This
could be explained by the fact that this attribute af-
fects runtime behavior and overall user experience.
The main SA model used to describe and evaluate
SA is UML, due to the fact that UML is a standar-
dized and popular modeling language know by the
software development community. 4+1 view model
and ADLs were also cited in few papers, more pre-
cisely ADLARS in (Bashroush et al., 2004; Santos
et al., 2014) which is a relational ADL for software
Software Architecture Evaluation: A Systematic Mapping Study
families (Brown et al., 2003). All these models are
related. In fact, UML is considered as an ADL as
it serves to describe SA. Moreover, 4+1 view model
uses UML diagrams to describe the logical, process,
development, physical and scenario views of a SA.
The overall goal of this study is to conduct a thema-
tic analysis and identify publication fora as regards
SAE approaches. The findings of this systematic
map have implications for researchers and practitio-
ners who work in the SA domain, since this study will
allow them to discover the existing SAE approaches
and techniques in the literature. The presented empi-
rical studies may also provide an overview of the effi-
ciency of each approach. For future work, we intend
to conduct an SLR of empirical evidence on SAE.
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ENASE 2018 - 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering